Worldwide coverage of the Church's role over clerical Child Abuse in printed and electronic media 1. TEXAS FAITH THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS, February 15, 2014 Saturday, METRO; Pg. B07, 779 words 2. The backflip on Vatican embassy is a masterpiece in political dishonesty Irish Independent, February 15, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; OPINION, COLUMNS; Pg. 31, 852 words, Liz O'Donnell 3. February 15-21, 2014 The Lancet, February 15, 2014 - February 21, 2014, Pg. i, 754 words 4. UN report blasts Vatican's record on child protection. National Catholic Reporter, February 14, 2014, Pg. 15(1), 1385 words, Roeve, BrianCM Vatican Radio Reports 5. Cardinal Donald Wuerl hits U.N. report on Catholic sex abuse scandal The Washington Times, February 14, 2014 Friday, UNFILED, 1341 words, By Meredith Somers, THE WASHINGTON TIMES 6. Editorial Roundup: Excerpts from recent editorials Associated Press International, February 13, 2014 Thursday 1:08 AM GMT, BUSINESS NEWS; DOMESTIC NEWS, 2743 words, The Associated Press 7. 'Beaten, spat at, harassed and mocked'; 77 DAYS Corkman (Ireland), February 13, 2014, NEWS; Pg. 19, 1017 words, BILL BROWNE 8. United Nations scolds Catholic Church The Flyer News: University of Dayton, February 12, 2014 Wednesday, OPINION; Pg. 1, 501 words 9. Vatican missteps and U.N. blunders International New York Times, February 12, 2014 Wednesday, EDIT; Pg. 6, 994 words, PAUL VALLELY 10. The anti-Christian United Nations; Journeyers on the moral path must bear blows from the unbelievers The Washington Times, February 12, 2014 Wednesday, COMMENTARY, 738 words, By Michael P. Orsi 11. Texas Faith: Did United Nations report on Catholic Church go too far? The Dallas Morning News: Blogs, February 11, 2014 Tuesday, RELIGION, 3553 words, Rudolph Bush 12. Vatican missteps and UN blunders, February 11, 2014 Tuesday, OPINION, 964 words 13. U.N.'s Attack On Vatican Is A Laughable Hypocrisy Investor's Business Daily, February 11, 2014 Tuesday, ISSUES & INSIGHTS; IBD EDITORIALS; Pg. A13, 631 words 14. Magdalenes fail to contribute to redress; Minister writes on third occasion to four orders seeking contribution to scheme The Irish Times, February 11, 2014 Tuesday, IRELAND; Pg. 6, 400 words, Patsy McGarry 15. UN: Caring for children or for culture warriors? The News-Item (Shamokin, Pennsylvania), February 11, 2014 Tuesday, A; Pg. 4, 503 words, SISTER MARY ANN WALSH 16. No excuses for priestly child abuse The Boston Globe, February 10, 2014 Monday, EDITORIAL OPINION; Opinion; Pg. A,9,5, 820 words, By James Carroll, Globe Columnist 17. editorial; VATICAN WOULD BE WELL-SERVED FOLLOWING ARCHDIOCESE'S LEAD Chicago Sun-Times, February 10, 2014 Monday, COMMENTARY PAGE; Pg. 15, 607 words, EDITORIALS 18. UN-forgivable Daily News (New York), February 10, 2014 Monday, EDITORIAL; Pg. 22, 297 words, NLVL 19. A radical Pope would attack the abuse scandal The Globe and Mail (Canada), February 10, 2014 Monday, COMMENT COLUMN; ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH; Pg. A11, 724 words, ELIZABETH RENZETTI 20. Catholic Church must open way to transparency Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), February 10, 2014 Monday, OPINION; Opinion; Pg. 18, 790 words, Dr Cathy Kezelman is the president of Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA) 21. Pope softening tone, not stance, O'Malley says; But Francis' stress on mercy and simplicity having huge impact, he believes The Boston Globe, February 9, 2014 Sunday, NEWS; Metro; Pg. A,1,1, 1760 words, By John L. Allen Jr. and Lisa Wangsness, Globe Staff 22. Malicious U.N. report on Vatican La Prensa, February 9, 2014, RELIGI”N; Pg. 5B, 1145 words, Donohue, Bill 23. UN names church for what it is: a rogue state; When you look at it minus the emotional baggage, your blood runs cold, writes Brendan O'Connor Sunday Independent, February 9, 2014, NEWS; OPINION, COLUMNS; Pg. 22, 1261 words, Brendan O'Connor 24. Making the Pope's case The Toronto Star, February 9, 2014 Sunday, EDITORIAL; Pg. A10, 615 words 25. U.N. scolds Vatican The Boston Herald, February 8, 2014 Saturday, OPINION; Editorials; Pg. 10, 333 words 26. Vatican to defuse U.N. on child abuse report Grand Forks Herald (includes Agweek) (North Dakota), February 8, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; Pg. A5, 378 words 27. Vatican eases up on UN The Independent on Saturday (South Africa), February 08, 2014, Pg. 4, 95 words 28. Vatican must now put children's welfare first; LETTERS to the EDITOR Irish Independent, February 8, 2014 Saturday, LETTERS; Pg. 28, 299 words 29. Vatican hits back at UN child sex abuse report Irish Examiner, February 8, 2014 Saturday, WORLD, 535 words 30. Vatican rejects conclusions of child protection report The Irish Times, February 8, 2014 Saturday, WORLD; Pg. 13, 522 words, Paddy Agnew 31. Responsibility and the Vatican The Irish Times, February 8, 2014 Saturday, OPINION; Pg. 17, 467 words 32. Vatican hits back at UN committee for abuse report The New Zealand Herald, February 8, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; World, 633 words 33. Double standards be damned Weekend Australian, February 8, 2014 Saturday, FEATURES; Pg. 14, 932 words, GERARD HENDERSON 34. FEAR OF FRANCIS PHENOMENON Weekend Australian, February 8, 2014 Saturday, FEATURES; Pg. 20, 892 words, ANGELA SHANAHAN 35. UN denounces church The Advertiser (Australia), February 7, 2014 Friday, WORLD; Pg. 40, 441 words, ELLA IDE VATICAN CITY 36. Vatican says 'grave limits' in UN sex abuse report Agence France Presse -- English, February 7, 2014 Friday 1:36 PM GMT, 307 words 37. >>>ANSA/ Pope says Church mustn't shun divorcees +rpt; (refiling, corrects typo in 8th 'graf) ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 7:36 PM CET, 841 words 38. UN defends report on Vatican child sex abuse; 'Holy See treated objectively, like other states' ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 5:35 PM CET, 132 words 39. UN defends report on Vatican child sex abuse ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 5:31 PM CET, 59 words 40. Vatican accuses UN of prejudice in child sex abuse report; 'Committee misunderstood nature of Holy See' ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 1:16 PM CET, 482 words 41. UN 'overstepped the mark' on Church ethical doctrine; 'Interference on contraception, abortion' says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 12:19 PM CET, 71 words 42. UN 'overstepped the mark on Church doctrine'; 'Interference on contraception, abortion' says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 12:18 PM CET, 58 words 43. UN 'bowed to anti-Vatican NGOs' claims Vatican; 'Insistence' on particular cases shows 'prejudice' says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 12:06 PM CET, 77 words 44. UN 'listened to anti-Vatican NGOs' claims Vatican; 'Insistence' on special cases shows 'prejudice' says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 12:03 PM CET, 58 words 45. UN child-abuse report 'misunderstands' Vatican 'nature'; 'Grave limits' in paedophile priest survey says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 11:56 AM CET, 85 words 46. UN child-abuse report 'misunderstands' Vatican role; 'Grave limits' in paedophile priest survey says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 11:53 AM CET, 48 words 47. 'No clash' between UN, Vatican over sex-abuse report; Body wants 'positive dialogue' with Holy See says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 11:47 AM CET, 135 words 48. No clash between UN, Vatican over sex-abuse report; Body wants 'positive dialogue' with Holy See says Lombardi ANSA English Media Service, February 7, 2014 Friday 11:43 AM CET, 59 words 49. UN blasts Vatican for abuse `code of silence' The Australian, February 7, 2014 Friday, WORLD; Pg. 9, 360 words 50. Vatican under global scrutiny after UN sex abuse report Bangladesh Government News, February 7, 2014 Friday, 702 words 51. Portuguese report says UN concerned about negative impact of austerity BBC Monitoring Europe - Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring, February 7, 2014 Friday, 1104 words 52. UN blasts Vatican on abuse policy; Landmark report urges church to immediately remove offenders Canberra Times (Australia), February 7, 2014 Friday, A; Pg. A010, 917 words, Laurie Goodstein; in New York 53. Cihan News Agency Diary Cihan News Agency (CNA), February 7, 2014 Friday, 920 words 54. The UN's damning report on the Vatican's handling of The Daily Advertiser, February 7, 2014 Friday, TELEVISION; Pg. 51, 345 words 55. Render unto Caesar; A UN report on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church makes clear the urgent need for the Vatican to refer all such cases to the legal authorities DNA, February 7, 2014 Friday, 554 words, Edit 56. Vatican rejects UN report Free Press Journal (India), February 7, 2014, 313 words 57. UN inquiry slams Church Hobart Mercury (Australia), February 7, 2014 Friday, WORLD; Pg. 19, 279 words 58. Plain message in 'zero-tolerance' Illawarra Mercury (Australia), February 7, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 14, 537 words 59. The U.N. confronts the Vatican International New York Times, February 7, 2014 Friday, EDIT; Pg. 6, 456 words 60. UN slams Vatican over child sex abuse Iranian Government News, February 7, 2014 Friday, 325 words 61. UN report on how Vatican handled sex abuse welcomed by child watchdog The Irish Times, February 7, 2014 Friday, IRELAND; Pg. 7, 585 words, Patsy McGarry 62. UN watchdog slams Vatican's child abuse record Kashmir Monitor (India), February 7, 2014 Friday, 295 words 63. Church in Malta 'committed to effective child protection policy' Malta Today, February 7, 2014 Friday, 325 words 64. Roman Catholic Church faces first abuse lawsuit in Poland Malta Today, February 7, 2014 Friday, 308 words 65. Vatican under scrutiny after UN sex-abuse report The Nation (Thailand), February 7, 2014 Friday, 500 words, The Nation 66. Rectifying errors The Nation (AsiaNet), February 7, 2014 Friday, EDITORIAL, 300 words 67. Vatican under global scrutiny after UN abuse report Pretoria News (South Africa), February 07, 2014 Friday, Pg. 6, 194 words 68. Vatican hits back at UN committee for abuse report; Vatican has struck back at a UN human rights committee that issued a scathing report on sex abuse by priests, accusing it of straying beyond its mandate and discrediting the UN as a whole, February 7, 2014 Friday 2:51 PM GMT, NEWS, 486 words, AFP 69. Polish Catholic Church faces first child abuse lawsuit UPI, February 7, 2014 Friday 4:07 PM EST, 525 words 70. Vatican spokesman: U.N. committee tries to impose its own views UPI, February 7, 2014 Friday 1:07 PM EST, 172 words 71. Theologians at the United Nations The Washington Times, February 7, 2014 Friday, COMMENTARY, 766 words, By Wesley Pruden, THE WASHINGTON TIMES 72. UN report blasts Catholic Church for policies allowing abuse of children ABC Transcripts (Australia), February 6, 2014 Thursday, 488 words 73. UN slams Vatican policies that allowed child sex abuse Afternoon Voice (India), February 6, 2014 Thursday, 331 words 74. Vatican envoy rejects UN report on child sex abuse by clerics Asian News International (ANI), February 6, 2014 Thursday, 257 words, ANI 75. Quotations in the News The Associated Press, February 6, 2014 Thursday 8:02 AM GMT, DOMESTIC NEWS; Quotes in the News, 174 words, The Associated Press 76. Pope pressured to act on abuse after UN rebuke Associated Press Online, February 6, 2014 Thursday 12:14 AM GMT, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 1079 words, NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press 77. Can the UN Change the Church's Views on Abortion and Gay Rights? Atlantic Online, February 6, 2014 Thursday, 853 words, Emma Green 78. U.N. panel rips Vatican response to sex abuse The Baltimore Sun, February 6, 2014 Thursday, TELEGRAPH; Pg. 6A, 570 words, By Tom Kington, Special to Tribune Newspapers 79. Report: Holy See maintained 'code of silence'; SPOTLIGHT CHURCH SEX ABUSE U.N.: Vatican systematically adopted policies that allowed priests to rape children Beaver County Times (Pennsylvania), February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. A4, 706 words, NICOLE WINFIELD S, THE ASSOCIATED PRES 80. UN call to Pope over abuse in laundries Belfast Telegraph Online, February 6, 2014 Thursday 4:24 AM GMT, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND, 259 words, By Brian Hutton 81. UN panel assails Vatican on abuse; Says policies left priests unchecked The Boston Globe, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Metro; Pg. A,1,1, 1531 words, By Michael Rezendes and Lisa Wangsness, Globe Staff 82. Risk arises of muddying the message The Boston Globe, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Metro; Pg. A,1,1, 1091 words, By John L. Allen Jr., Globe staff 83. Experts say U.N. went overboard The Boston Herald, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Local; Pg. 9, 316 words, BOB McGOVERN 84. U.N. panel blasts Vatican on sex abuse, abortion Bozeman Daily Chronicle, February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD; Pg. A.5, 681 words 85. Expert blasts UN's child sex abuse report The Calgary Herald (Alberta), February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD; Pg. A16, 584 words, Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press 86. un takes vatican to task over child abuse; Church officials accused of imposing 'code of silence' on clerics Cape Argus (South Africa), February 06, 2014 Thursday, Pg. 18, 377 words 87. Media director for U.S. Bishops says UN child protection report 'a lost opportunity' Catholic Standard (Washington DC), February 6, 2014, NEWS, 765 words, Special to the Standard 88. Vatican representative says UN report shows 'negative approach' to Catholic Church's child protection Catholic Standard (Washington DC), February 6, 2014, NEWS, 1480 words, Special to the Standard 89. U.N. committee criticizes Vatican on child abuse, some Church teaching Catholic Standard (Washington DC), February 6, 2014, NEWS, 1055 words, Cindy Wooden 90. Vatican slammed by UN human rights committee over sex abuse Central Asian News Service (English language), February 6, 2014 Thursday, 392 words 91. UN slams Vatican's child abuse record China Daily European Edition, February 6, 2014 Thursday, EUROPE, 409 words 92. UN accuses Vatican for adopting policies that allow sexually abuse of children Cihan News Agency (CNA), February 6, 2014 Thursday, 837 words 93. Vatican blasts U.N. report on child abuse The Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky), February 6, 2014 Thursday, USA TODAY; Pg. B2, 347 words, By, Eric J. Lyman 94. U.N. panel rips Vatican on sex abuse Courier-Post (Cherry Hill, New Jersey), February 6, 2014 Thursday, A; Pg. 1, 955 words, By, Nicole Winfield 95. Vatican adopted policies that allowed priests to rape and molest children over decades, UN report claims; THE report, by a UN human rights committee, insisted the Vatican should review their policies to ensure children's rights and their access to healthcare are guaranteed., February 6, 2014 Thursday 8:52 AM GMT, NEWS,UK & WORLD, 169 words, By dailyrecord 96. U.N. rebukes Vatican; News_ Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), February 6, 2014, 562 words 97. Vatican still protecting paedophiles, claims UN The Daily Telegraph (London), February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 14, 766 words, Nick Squires 98. UN urges Vatican to remove child abusers; Call for action in perv cover-up Daily Mirror, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 18, 398 words, JAMES WARD 99. CALL FOR ABUSE PROBE AS U.N. SLAMS VATICAN; Stormont chiefs face inquiry plea Daily Mirror, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 23, 296 words, VICTORIA McMAHON 100. UN attack Vatican over child abuse Daily Record & Sunday Mail, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 10, 173 words 101. Pressure on pope grows Daily News (South Africa), February 6, 2014 Thursday, 476 words 102. U.N. COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO VATICAN Dayton Daily News (Ohio), February 6, 2014 Thursday, MAIN; Pg. A3, 186 words 103. UN 'playing politics' with scathing report; Detracted from clergy child abuse: expert Edmonton Journal (Alberta), February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD; Pg. A14, 445 words, Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press 104. Vatican calls UN child abuse report 'distorted' and 'unfair' EuroNews - English Version, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS, 213 words 105. UN watchdog slams Vatican's child abuse record Free Press Journal (India), February 6, 2014, 549 words, FPJ Bureau 106. Expert says UN overstepped in Vatican criticism; Should have focused on sex abuse, not doctrine The Gazette (Montreal), February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. A13, 293 words, MIKE BLANCHFIELD, The Canadian Press 107. Global Broadcast Database - English February 6, 2014 Thursday, 44 words 108. U.N. report demands Vatican act against child sex abuse Grand Forks Herald (includes Agweek) (North Dakota), February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. A5, 787 words, Stephanie Nebehay; Philip Pullella; Reuters 109. Vatican hits back after damning report on sex abuse: Church accused of failure to act to protect children: Findings branded unfair, ideological and out of date The Guardian - Final Edition, February 6, 2014 Thursday, GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL PAGES; Pg. 22, 1140 words, Lizzy Davies in Rome and Henry McDonald 110. UN urges Vatican action The Herald (Glasgow), February 6, 2014 Thursday, HS - NEWS; Pg. 12, 549 words, Stephanie Nebehay VATICAN CITY 111. UN report condemns Church's 'code of silence' over child sexual abuse; VATICAN i-Independent Print Ltd, February 6, 2014, NEWS; Pg. 23, 435 words, Michael Day IN ROME 112. UN concerned over sexual abuse, forced recruitment of children IBNS, February 6, 2014 Thursday 6:30 AM EST, 1163 words, India Blooms News Service 113. U.N. panel pressures Vatican over sexual abuse; Report calls on church to take tough action against perpetrators International New York Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 1, 1079 words, LAURIE GOODSTEIN, JIM YARDLEY and NICK CUMMING-BRUCE 114. UN Demands Opening of Catholic Church Archives on Child Sex Abuse, Criticises Church Teaching on Gays; VIDEOS. International Business Times - US ed., February 6, 2014, 467 words 115. Call for abuse probe as UN slams Vatican; Stormont leaders face inquiry plea after scathing report, February 6, 2014 Thursday 4:23 PM GMT, NEWS,IRISH NEWS,POLITICS, 290 words, By Victoria McMahon-IM 116. UN report slams Vatican for 'policies that allowed abuse' The Irish News, February 6, 2014 Thursday, Pg. 12, 644 words 117. UN singles out Magdalene scandal in abuse report; UN singles out scandal of Magdalenes in abuse report ; Four orders are urged to compensate the victims Irish Independent, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS: FRONT PAGE; Pg. 1,16, 753 words, Jerome Reilly 118. State must force orders to apologise Irish Independent, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; OPINION, COLUMNS; Pg. 16, 589 words, Katherine O'Donnell 119. Vatican enabled rape and abuse, says UN Irish Examiner, February 6, 2014 Thursday, IRELAND, 468 words 120. UN seeks Vatican probe of Magdalene laundries abuse Irish Examiner, February 6, 2014 Thursday, IRELAND, 349 words 121. Pope must help the Magdalene victims, says UN Irish Daily Mail, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 22, 633 words, Padraic Halpin 122. Vatican rebuked in scathing UN report; Holy See fiercely criticised over handling of child sex abuse The Irish Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD; Pg. 11, 751 words, Paddy Agnew 123. Victims groups welcome UN s abuse findings The Irish Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD; Pg. 11, 471 words, Paddy Agnew 124. THE WORLD; Vatican shields abusers, U.N. says; A panel calls for the defrocking of predator priests. Pope's envoy criticizes the report. Los Angeles Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, MAIN NEWS; Foreign Desk; Part A; Pg. 3, 696 words, Tom Kington 125. UN body lashes Vatican The Mercury (South Africa), February 06, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 6, 384 words, Geneva 126. Un demands Pope investigates abuse of girls at laundries Metro Herald (Ireland), February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 10, 241 words, BRIAN HUTTON 127. U.N. Panel Criticizes the Vatican Over Abuse The New York Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; Pg. 6, 1109 words, By LAURIE GOODSTEIN, NICK CUMMING-BRUCE and JIM YARDLEY; Laurie Goodstein reported from New York, Nick Cumming-Bruce from Geneva and Jim Yardley from Rome. 128. UN panel"s recommendations to Vatican The New Zealand Herald, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; World, 504 words 129. British Broadcasting Corporation: Vatican 'must immediately remove' child abusers - UN News Bites - Private Companies, February 6, 2014 Thursday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1797 words 130. British Broadcasting Corporation: Iraq violence: Baghdad bomb blasts kill 33 News Bites - Private Companies, February 6, 2014 Thursday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 963 words 131. British Broadcasting Corporation: Spanish firm Sacyr denies halting work on Panama Canal News Bites - Private Companies, February 6, 2014 Thursday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1163 words 132. British Broadcasting Corporation: Central African Republic soldiers 'lynch Seleka rebel' News Bites - Private Companies, February 6, 2014 Thursday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1283 words 133. British Broadcasting Corporation: Snowden leaks: GCHQ 'attacked Anonymous' hackers News Bites - Private Companies, February 6, 2014 Thursday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1751 words 134. British Broadcasting Corporation: Google to make 'significant' changes to avoid EU fine News Bites - Private Companies, February 6, 2014 Thursday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1217 words 135. UN slams Vatican's child abuse record PACNEWS, February 6, 2014 Thursday, 1231 words 136. United Nations slams Vatican over priests' abuse of children Philippines News Agency, February 6, 2014 Thursday, 151 words 137. Kelly McParland: UN says Vatican is all prayer, no action on child abuse Postmedia Breaking News, February 6, 2014 Thursday, FULL COMMENT, 883 words 138. U.N. panel rips Vatican over sexual abuse Record-Journal (Meriden, Connecticut), February 6, 2014 Thursday, MAIN; Pg. A02, 392 words 139. Give up priests who abused tens of thousands of children, UN tells Pope The Scotsman, February 6, 2014, Thursday, Pg. 10, 597 words, Tom Kington and Stephen McGinty 140. U.N. panel to Vatican: Turn in abusers The Seattle Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, Pg. A5, 697 words, JOHN ZAROCOSTAS, McClatchy foreign staff 141. ARCHBISHOP TOMASI: THE HOLY SEE WILL RESPOND TO THE CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS OF THE U.N. COMMITTEE FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD States News Service, February 6, 2014 Thursday, 820 words, States News Service 142. Star-News (Wilmington, NC) February 6, 2014 Thursday, Pg. 3A, 287 words, McClatchy Foreign Staff 143. UN challenges church on child abusers The Star (South Africa), February 06, 2014 Thursday, Pg. 11, 180 words 144. Report was 'bolt from the blue' for Vatican The Star (South Africa), February 06, 2014 Thursday, Pg. 11, 313 words 145. Today's quote: St. Albans Messenger (Vermont), February 6, 2014 Thursday, OPINIONS; Pg. 4A, 61 words 146. The United Nations has turned a noble report on child abuse into an assault on Catholic theology, February 6, 2014 Thursday 4:04 PM GMT, BLOG, 591 words, By Tim Stanley 147. Italy/United Nations: Vatican Defends Itself Against UN Report Thai News Service, February 6, 2014 Thursday, GENERAL NEWS, 406 words 148. United Nations: UN Committee to Issue Report on Pedophile Priests Thai News Service, February 6, 2014 Thursday, GENERAL NEWS, 420 words 149. U.N. panel faults Vatican on handling of sex abuse cases The Times of Trenton (New Jersey), February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD/NATION; Pg. A07, 1008 words, John Zarocostas, McClatchy Foreign Staff 150. Vatican blasts U.N. report on clergy sex abuse USA TODAY, February 6, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 6A, 351 words, Eric J. Lyman 151. U.N. panel assails Vatican over sexual abuse by priests The Virginian-Pilot(Norfolk, VA.), February 6, 2014 Thursday, FRONT; Pg. A4, 723 words 152. Vatican blasted by U.N. on abuse The Washington Post, February 6, 2014 Thursday, A-SECTION; Pg. A01, 1208 words, Anthony Faiola;Michelle Boorstein 153. Catholics outraged over U.N. report on sex abuse The Washington Times, February 6, 2014 Thursday, WORLD, 663 words, By Meredith Somers, THE WASHINGTON TIMES 154. UN watchdog slams Vatican's child abuse record Agence France Presse -- English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 5:26 PM GMT, 827 words 155. Vatican accuses UN of 'distorting' facts in child abuse report Agence France Presse -- English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:12 PM GMT, 250 words 156. Vatican slams UN 'interference' in Church teaching Agence France Presse -- English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 1:42 PM GMT, 361 words 157. Victims urge action after UN report on paedophile priests Agence France Presse -- English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 12:51 PM GMT, 361 words 158. Vatican violating UN child rights convention: watchdog head Agence France Presse -- English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:56 AM GMT, 121 words 159. Vatican must turn all child abusers over to police: UN watchdog Agence France Presse -- English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 10:54 AM GMT, 333 words 160. U.N. condemns Vatican child sex abuse cover up, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 262 words 161. UN says Vatican complicit in sex scandals, demands inquiry Alliance News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:03 PM GMT, 710 words 162. >>>ANSA/ UN accuses Vatican of allowing child sex abuse; Holy See says report went too far including gay rights, abortion ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 8:09 PM CET, 865 words 163. Vatican Secretary of State says Holy See to work with UN; Comments on moral issues a 'surprise' says Parolin ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 7:09 PM CET, 172 words 164. Vatican sources say UN report on children went too far; Comments on moral issues 'beyond the call of duty' ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 6:33 PM CET, 223 words 165. Vatican spokesman says need for greater 'transparency'; Plan for more transparent Church coming within weeks ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 4:20 PM CET, 232 words 166. Vatican official says UN report based on ideology; Findings of human rights committee pre-determined, says Holy See ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:48 PM CET, 329 words 167. UN says Vatican ban on birth control, sex ed harms teens; 'Sex ed, HIV prevention should be mandatory in Catholic schools' ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:27 PM CET, 212 words 168. Vatican policies allowed sex abuse of children, says UN; Human rights committee raises issues from gay rights to abortion ANSAmed - English, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:22 PM CET, 608 words 169. Vatican broke convention on rights of child, says UN; Sandberg expects Church to 'follow up on recommendations' ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 2:29 PM CET, 158 words 170. UN urges Vatican to use 'moral authority' to protect gays; Human rights group asks Church to fight laws against homosexuals ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 2:25 PM CET, 246 words 171. 'Review Vatican abortion veto if mother's life at risk' - UN; 'Deepest concern' over sanctions in Brazil rape girl case ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 2:21 PM CET, 179 words 172. Holy See accuses UN of 'attempting to interfere with Church'; Says 'exercise of religious freedom' threatened ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 2:18 PM CET, 129 words 173. Holy See accuses UN of 'interfering with Church' ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 1:59 PM CET, 54 words 174. 'Review Vatican abortion veto if mother's life at risk' - UN; 'Deepest concern' over sanctions in Brazil rape girl case ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 1:27 PM CET, 277 words 175. Vatican policies allowed sex abuse on children, says UN; Rights of the Child committee publishes scathing report ANSA English Media Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 12:16 PM CET, 152 words 176. U.N. committee issues report on global priest sex abuse scandal AP Planner, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS; Children; Top Stories, 175 words 177. U.N. committee presses Vatican on some church teaching Arlington Catholic Herald (Virginia), February 5, 2014, NEWS, 918 words, Cindy Wooden, CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE 178. AP News in Brief at 5:58 a.m. EST The Associated Press, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:00 AM GMT, DOMESTIC NEWS, 2290 words 179. Pope pressured to act on abuse after UN rebuke The Associated Press, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:01 PM GMT, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 1079 words, NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press 180. UN panel's recommendations to Vatican The Associated Press, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:10 PM GMT, DOMESTIC NEWS, 504 words, The Associated Press 181. UN demands Pope investigates abuse Belfast Telegraph Online, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 5:22 PM GMT, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND, 807 words 182. Pope urged to launch abuse probe Belfast Telegraph Online, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:57 PM GMT, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND, 630 words 183. UN slams Vatican on child sex abuse Belfast Telegraph Online, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 2:37 PM GMT, WORLD, 989 words 184. UN denounces Vatican on sex abuse Belfast Telegraph Online, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:12 AM GMT, WORLD, 427 words 185. UN denounces Vatican on sex abuse Belfast Telegraph Online, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 10:52 AM GMT, WORLD, 119 words 186. Vatican 'must immediately remove' child abusers, states UN report Big News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 731 words 187. UN panel overstepped Vatican report on clergy child abuse: Canadian expert; UN panel overstepped Vatican report: expert Canadian Press, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 05:31 PM EST, NATIONAL, 825 mots, Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press 188. UN slams Vatican's cover-up of sex abusers, posing dilemma for Pope Francis; A UN committee of experts urged the Catholic Church to turn over pedophile priests. Pope Francis's papacy could be tested by the fallout from a scathing report. The Christian Science Monitor, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, World, 885 words, Nick Squires Correspondent 189. News in brief U.N. rips sex abuse coverups The Chronicle (Willimantic, Connecticut), February 5, 2014 Wednesday, CHRONICLE; Pg. 07_, 1131 words 190. Kick out those who sexually abuse children, U.N. panel tells Vatican CNN Wire, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 8:57 PM GMT, 661 words, By Mariano Castillo and Richard Allen Greene, CNN 191. Mexican Drug Cartels, Vigilante Groups, Mexican Authorities Clash In Bloody Violence CNN INTERNATIONAL, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 7122 words, Kristie Lu Stout, Guillermo Galdos, Rafael Romo, Isa Soares 192. Pedophile Priests in the Catholic Church CTV Television, Inc., February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 333 words 193. Scathing UN report demands Vatican act against child sex abuse Cyprus Mail, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 440 words 194. 2ND LEAD: Vatican clashes with UN after critical child abuse report Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 5:28 PM EST, 912 words 195. LEAD: UN says Vatican complicit in sex scandals, demands inquiry Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:00 PM EST, 800 words 196. EXTRA: Vatican accuses UN of interfering with church teaching Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 1:24 PM EST, 129 words 197. UN panel demands public investigation of Catholic sex crimes Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 10:32 AM EST, 226 words 198. The wrong rebuke; The Vatican and child abuse Economist.Com, February 05, 2014 Wednesday, THE ECONOMIST ONLINE, 78 words 199. Suffering or insufferable; Polish church Economist.Com, February 05, 2014 Wednesday, THE ECONOMIST ONLINE, 510 words 200. UN report urges Vatican to act over child sex abuse EuroNews - English Version, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS, 329 words 201. Vatican told to 'expose and remove' child abusers in the Catholic Church by United Nations Express Online, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 12:37 PM GMT, 303 words, Emily Fox 202. UN - VATICAN - UN calls on Vatican to turn sex abuse suspects over to police FRANCE 24 (English), February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 893 words, FRANCE 24 203. UN tells Vatican to remove all paedophile clergy, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 5:44 PM GMT, 561 words, Giulia Segreti in Rome 204. Vatican blasts U.N. report on clergy sex abuse Gannett News Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, Pg. ARC, 859 words, Eric J. Lyman, Special for USA TODAY 205. Global Broadcast Database - English February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 412 words 206. Vatican 'kept code of silence' on paedophile priests, claims UN report; Children's rights experts have lambasted the church for allowing clerical abuse to go on unchecked for decades, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 6:08 PM GMT, FRONTPAGE, 546 words, Michael Day 207. UN demands Vatican 'removes' all known or suspected paedophiles in scathing report; Devastating report on child sex abuse criticises Vatican's code of silence, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 2:41 PM GMT, FRONTPAGE, 443 words, Maria Tadeo 208. UN demands Vatican 'removes' all known or suspected paedophiles in scathing report accusing Holy See of 'adopting policies' that allowed sexual abuse; Devastating report on child sex abuse criticises Vatican's code of silence and lack of action, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 1:28 PM GMT, FRONTPAGE, 322 words, Maria Tadeo 209. UN urges Vatican to remove child abusers; Call for action in perv cover-up, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 8:20 PM GMT, NEWS,IRISH NEWS, 517 words, By James Ward 210. United Nations slams Vatican over priests' abuse of children Japan Economic Newswire, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 4:54 PM GMT, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 115 words 211. UN denounces Vatican on sex abuse, abortion Lowell Sun (Massachusetts), February 5, 2014 Wednesday, BREAKING, 793 words, The Lowell Sun 212. AP News in Brief at 5:58 p.m. EST MailOnline, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:01 PM GMT, AP, 2059 words, ASSOCIATED PRESS 213. UN demands the Vatican 'removes' all known or suspected paedophiles and hand over its archives on abuse so culprits can be held to account MailOnline, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 5:17 PM GMT, NEWS, 695 words, JILL REILLY 214. UN slams Vatican for protecting priests over child abuse Malta Today, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 296 words 215. Vatican Says U.N. Goes Too Far In Devastating Report National Public Radio, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 1460 words 216. UN Report Raises Scathing Criticisms Of Vatican National Public Radio, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 638 words 217. Tonight a scathing report by United Nations Human Rights group has slammed the Vatican and the hierarchy of the Catholic Church NBC News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS; International, 430 words, ANN CURRY, MIKE TAIBBI 218. PBS NewsHour for February 5, 2014 PBS NewsHour (formerly The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer), February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS; International, 8910 words, Jeffrey Brown, Cat Wise, Judy Woodruff, Gwen Ifill 219. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette February 5, 2014 Wednesday, WORLD; WORLD; Pg. A-3, 1004 words 220. Vatican must remove child abusers, UN demands in scathing report that says Church adopted policies that allowed sex assaults Postmedia Breaking News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, HOLY POST, 547 words 221. Vatican systematically adopted policies that allowed priests to rape children: UN committee Postmedia Breaking News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, ONLINE, 1249 words 222. Sexual abuse, early marriage, forced recruitment among concerns highlighted by UN child rights body Premium Official News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 1186 words 223. UN calls for Magdalene laundries investigation RTE News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 9:42 PM GMT, NEWS, 168 words 224. Give up priests who abused children, UN tells Pope Scotsman, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 630 words, Tom Kington In Rome And Stephen Mcginty 225. Vatican Policies 'Allowed Priests To Rape' Sky News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:12 AM GMT, TOP STORIES, 134 words, Harriet Hadfield, at the UN in Geneva 226. PRESS RELEASE ON OBSERVATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD States News Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 243 words, States News Service 227. UN CHILDREN'S BODY SLATES VATICAN OVER CHILD ABUSE States News Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 797 words, States News Service 228. Vatican 'must immediately remove' child abusers - UN Sudan News Agency (SUNA), February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 517 words 229. U.N. Expresses 'Deepest Concern' Over Widespread Sexual Abuse by Clergy, Finding Vatican Failed to Protect Children Targeted News Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 9:58 PM EST, 721 words, Targeted News Service 230. Pope Francis: Act Now on Child Abuse Targeted News Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 9:52 PM EST, 139 words, Targeted News Service 231. UN accuses Vatican of adopting policies that allowed priests to rape children; UN has demanded that the Vatican 'immediately remove' all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers and turn them over to police, in an unprecedented and scathing report, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 3:23 PM GMT, NEWS, 809 words, By Nick Squires Rome 232. UN accuses Vatican of adopting policies that allowed priests to rape children; UN has demanded that the Vatican 'immediately remove' all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers and turn them over to police, in an unprecedented and scathing report, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 12:08 PM GMT, NEWS, 555 words, By Nick Squires Rome 233. UN accuses Vatican of adopting policies that allowed priests to rape children; UN has demanded that the Vatican 'immediately remove' all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers and turn them over to police, in an unprecedented and scathing report, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:44 AM GMT, NEWS, 572 words, By Nick Squires Rome 234. UN accuses Vatican of policies allowing priests to rape children, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS, 432 words 235. UN panel assails Vatican over sexual assault by priests, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS, 879 words 236. Vatican says plan for transparency in sex abuse cases is forthcoming UPI, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 1:49 PM EST, 553 words 237. United Nations Tells Vatican to Remove Child Abusers, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, NEWS; Newsgram, 397 words, Katherine Beard 238. UN Calls on Vatican to Remove Abusive Clergy Voice of America News, February 5, 2014, VOA ENGLISH SERVICE, 258 words 239. Scathing UN Report Demands Vatican Act Against Sex Abuse Voice of America News, February 5, 2014, VOA ENGLISH SERVICE, 612 words, VOA News 240. UN report slams Vatican's child abuse record Xinhua General News Service, February 5, 2014 Wednesday 11:40 AM EST, WORLD NEWS; Political, 423 words 241. Vatican blasts back at UN report on pedophile priests, abortion Yerepouni Daily News, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 730 words 242. UN blasts Vatican over child sex abuse Yorkshire Post, February 5, 2014 Wednesday, 591 words 243. REGULAR PRESS BRIEFING BY THE INFORMATION SERVICE Premium Official News, February 4, 2014 Tuesday, 3474 words 244. COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD CONCLUDES SIXTY-FIFTH SESSION Premium Official News, February 4, 2014 Tuesday, 470 words 245. REGULAR PRESS BRIEFING BY THE INFORMATION SERVICE Premium Official News, February 4, 2014 Tuesday, 3072 words 246. UN Committee to Issue Report on Pedophile Priests Voice of America News, February 4, 2014, VOA ENGLISH SERVICE, 501 words, Jerome Socolovsky 247. : Vatican Policy on Abuse Charges Scrutinized by U.N. Committee; PROTECTING CHILDREN; U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child America, February 3, 2014, Pg. 8(2), 629 words 248. U.N. GRILLING; THE VATICAN SHOULD STEP UP ACTION AGAINST ABUSE Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 3, 2014 Monday, EDITORIAL; Pg. B-6, 301 words 249. The AFP news calendar Agence France Presse -- English, January 31, 2014 Friday 12:13 PM GMT, 1987 words 250. Pope may link child protection arm to Doctrine of the Faith; 'Their safety is key' Francis tells Congregation plenary ANSA English Media Service, January 31, 2014 Friday 1:55 PM CET, 295 words 251. National Catholic Reporter January 31, 2014, Pg. 1(2), 1302 words, Allen, John L. 252. UN, Radhika Coomaraswamy and the abuse of children Daily News (Sri Lanka), January 23, 2014 Thursday, 2025 words 253. WRIGHT WAY: Governments turning on religion? Cleveland Daily Banner (Tennessee), January 22, 2014, LIFESTYLES_COLUMNS, 844 words 254. Bias by omission; in reporting news North Port Sun (Florida), January 21, 2014 Tuesday, OUR TOWN - B SECTION; Pg. 8, 209 words 255. Pope defrocked 384 clergy over sex abuse The Irish Times, January 20, 2014 Monday, WORLD; Pg. 9, 149 words, Paddy Agnew 256. British Broadcasting Corporation: The last place on Earth without human noise News Bites - Private Companies, January 20, 2014 Monday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1833 words 257. Archbishop given Trotsky treatment in Vatican photo after abuse claims; Disgraced Polish Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski was removed from an official photograph after being put under investigation for alleged child abuse in the Dominican Republic, January 20, 2014 Monday 4:22 PM GMT, NEWS, 366 words, By Nick Squires 258. New terror video came out today from men claiming to be suicide bombers threatening Russia; A New Jersey mayor is leveling claims against governor Chris Christie's office that directly tie the governor to threats of retaliation; Vatican officials were grilled on child sex abuse scandals by U.N. panel CNN, January 19, 2014 Sunday, NEWS; International, 3949 words, martin Savidge; Sunlen Serfaty; Lz Granderson; Amy Holmes; Alexandra Field; Robert Baer; Miguel Marquez; 259. New Video Raises More Security Concerns In Russia; New Jersey Mayor Leveling Claims Against Chris Christie's Office; Controversial MLK Event Cancelled; SUV Driver Beaten By Swarm Of Bikers Plans To Sue NYC; Vatican Officials Grilled On Child Sex Abuse Scandals By U.N. Panel CNN, January 19, 2014 Sunday, NEWS; International, 7327 words, Fredricka Whitfield; Sunlen Serfaty; Phil Black; Paul Steinhauser; Alexandra Field; Candy Crowley; Sanjay Gupta; Tory Dunnan; 260. Worst clerical sex abuse cases over, says Vatican's ex prosecutor Deutsche Presse-Agentur, January 19, 2014 Sunday 11:36 AM EST, 297 words 261. CYMI: What's happening in world news The Depaulia: DePaul University, January 19, 2014 Sunday, NATIONWORLD; Pg. 1, 850 words 262. Child sex scandal: 400 priests defrocked Sunday Herald, January 19, 2014 Sunday, HS - NEWS; Pg. 39, 299 words, By Jody Harrison 263. UN grills Vatican over child sex abuse; VICTIM ANGER The Age (Melbourne, Australia), January 18, 2014 Saturday, WORLD; Pg. 11, 123 words 264. Pope Benedict XVI defrocked nearly 400 priests for child abuse Asian News International (ANI), January 18, 2014 Saturday, 164 words, ANI 265. The church must fix this, and it will The Boston Herald, January 18, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; Local; Pg. 4, 413 words, RAYMOND L. FLYNN 266. Papal silence on abuse speaks volumes The Boston Herald, January 18, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; Local; Pg. 5, 448 words, MARGERY EAGAN 267. Catholic officials vow to end clergy sexual abuse The Courier Mail (Australia), January 18, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; Pg. 34, 148 words 268. Vatican defrocked 384 priests for paedophile charges in 2011-2012 Deutsche Presse-Agentur, January 18, 2014 Saturday 12:49 PM EST, 230 words 269. Vatican grilled over scale of child sex abuse Grand Forks Herald (includes Agweek) (North Dakota), January 18, 2014 Saturday, NEWS; Pg. B4, 702 words, Stephanie Nebehay; Reuters 270. Pope defrocks 400 priests for child abuse in 2 years Mehr News Agency (MNA), January 18, 2014 Saturday, 813 words 271. REGULAR PRESS BRIEFING BY THE INFORMATION SERVICE Premium Official News, January 18, 2014 Saturday, 4000 words 272. No cover-up of abuse, Vatican tells international inquiry.; WORLD TOUR - UNITED NATIONS Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), January 18, 2014 Saturday, WORLD; Pg. 16, 130 words 273. UN pushes Vatican for action on child abuse Weekend Australian, January 18, 2014 Saturday, WORLD; Pg. 9, 464 words 274. NSW:Australians welcome UN Vatican scrutiny AAP Newsfeed, January 17, 2014 Friday 5:18 PM AEST, DOMESTIC NEWS, 433 words, Annette Blackwell 275. UN slams Vatican for 'cover up' of pedophile priests in sex abuse scandal Asian News International (ANI), January 17, 2014 Friday, 207 words, ANI 276. AP News in Brief at 10:58 p.m. EST The Associated Press, January 17, 2014 Friday 4:00 AM GMT, DOMESTIC NEWS, 1956 words 277. Vatican comes under sharp criticism for sex abuse Associated Press Online, January 17, 2014 Friday 1:01 AM GMT, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 1249 words, JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press; NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press 278. U.N. committee grills Vatican on abusive priests The Baltimore Sun, January 17, 2014 Friday, TELEGRAPH; Pg. 5A, 442 words, By Tom Kington, Special to Tribune Newspapers 279. Pope feels 'shame' of scandals; Vatican grilled on abuse Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise (Oklahoma), January 17, 2014 Friday, LIVINGLIVING, 634 words, Albert Otti and Alvise Armellini Deutsche PresseAgentur (MCT) 280. Pope feels 'shame' of scandals; Vatican grilled on abuse Birmingham News (Alabama), January 17, 2014 Friday, A; Pg. 09A, 406 words, McClatchy-Tribune 281. Vatican comes under sharp criticism for sex abuse Bozeman Daily Chronicle, January 17, 2014 Friday, WORLD; Pg. A.9, 578 words 282. Cape Times (South Africa) January 17, 2014 Friday, Pg. 2, 362 words 283. Cape Times (South Africa) January 17, 2014 Friday, Pg. 2, 353 words 284. Storm over Sugar Loaf The Coeur d'Alene Press (Idaho), January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. A3, 835 words 285. Pedophile Priests Defrocked CTV Television, Inc., January 17, 2014 Friday, 377 words 286. UN questions Vatican over child abuse The Daily Telegraph (London), January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 18, 549 words, Nick Squires 287. Vatican comes under sharp criticism for sex abuse cases The Daily Leader (Pontiac, Illinois), January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. A7, 410 words 288. Pope decries scandals The Daily Herald (Columbia, Tennessee), January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWSNEWS, 435 words 289. Catholic sex abuse: UN blasts Vatican for failing to protect children from paedophile priests, January 17, 2014 Friday 6:34 AM GMT, FRONTPAGE, 619 words, Michael Day 290. Vatican censured by UN for failing to tackle child abuse The Independent (London), January 17, 2014 Friday, WORLD; Pg. 30, 527 words, MICHAEL DAY IN ROME 291. WORLD Investor's Business Daily, January 17, 2014 Friday, TO THE POINT; WORLD; Pg. A02, 156 words 292. UN hits out at Vatican over abuse - Remarkable scenes as packed audience hears Holy See grilled by human rights committee The Irish News, January 17, 2014 Friday, Pg. 12, 616 words 293. UN hits out at Vatican over abuse scandals Irish Independent, January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 28, 392 words, Michael Day 294. UN grills Vatican on clerical sex abuse scandal Irish Examiner, January 17, 2014 Friday, WORLD, 514 words 295. Vatican grilled over clerical sex abuse Irish Daily Mail, January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 2, 314 words, Mail Foreign Service 296. Church slow to respond, abuse hearing told; Many questions left unanswered as Holy See appears before UN committee The Irish Times, January 17, 2014 Friday, WORLD; Pg. 11, 445 words, Paddy Agnew 297. Abuse is church's 'shame' Manawatu Standard (New Zealand), January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; NATIONAL; Pg. 7, 110 words 298. U.N. Panel Questions Vatican on Handling of Clergy Sexual Abuse The New York Times, January 17, 2014 Friday, Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; Pg. 4, 807 words, By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE and LAURIE GOODSTEIN; Nick Cumming-Bruce reported from Geneva, and Laurie Goodstein from New York. 299. Vatican comes under sharp criticism for sex abuse The New Zealand Herald, January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; World, 1335 words 300. A look at UN Committee on the Rights of the Child The New Zealand Herald, January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; World, 312 words 301. British Broadcasting Corporation: UN panel confronts Vatican on child sex abuse by clergy News Bites - Private Companies, January 17, 2014 Friday, ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1452 words 302. Vatican comes under tough grilling by UN rights committee Postmedia Breaking News, January 17, 2014 Friday, ONLINE, 348 words 303. VATICAN HIT OVER SEX ABUSE The Press Enterprise, January 17, 2014, Friday, MAINNEWS; Pg. A15, 443 words, JOHN HEILPRIN AND NICOLE WINFIELD ASSOCIATED PRESS 304. Vatican criticized for sexual abuse Record-Journal (Meriden, Connecticut), January 17, 2014 Friday, MAIN; Pg. A02, 440 words, John Heilprin and Nicole Winfield 305. Vatican Questioned Over Sex Abuse Scandal Sky News, January 17, 2014 Friday 01:13 AM GMT, TOP STORIES, 416 words 306. REGULAR PRESS BRIEFING BY THE INFORMATION SERVICE JANUARY 17, 2014 States News Service, January 17, 2014 Friday, 4019 words, States News Service 307. Star-News (Wilmington, NC) January 17, 2014 Friday, Pg. 3A, 490 words 308. U.N. committee grills Vatican on abusive priests Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 6A {ZONE} PN, 441 words, Tom Kington, Special to Tribune Newspapers 309. UN rights committee slams Vatican The Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick), January 17, 2014 Friday, A; Pg. A8, 491 words 310. Vatican grilled over scale of child sex abuse TradeArabia (Bahrain), January 17, 2014 Friday, 723 words, Geneva/United Nations 311. Pope Benedict XVI Defrocked Nearly 400 Priests in 2 Years for Molesting Children, January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS, 394 words, Lauren Fox 312. U.N. panel questions Vatican officials on child sex abuse The Virginian-Pilot(Norfolk, VA.), January 17, 2014 Friday, FRONT; Pg. A3, 247 words 313. World Digest: Jan. 16, 2014 The Washington Post, January 17, 2014 Friday, A-SECTION; Pg. A06, 727 words 314. UN criticises Vatican over sex-abuse scandal The Western Mail, January 17, 2014 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 8, 338 words 315. Vatican faces UN panel on child sex abuse cases Yerepouni Daily News, January 17, 2014 Friday, 376 words 316. Vatican grilled on child abuse by UN watchdog Agence France Presse -- English, January 16, 2014 Thursday 6:46 PM GMT, 852 words 317. AFPTV Advisory 1000 GMT Agence France Presse -- English, January 16, 2014 Thursday 10:47 AM GMT, 959 words 318. AFPTV Advisory 0400 GMT Agence France Presse -- English, January 16, 2014 Thursday 4:00 AM GMT, 1163 words 319. >>>ANSA/ Vatican confronted by U.N. on child sex abuse; Holy See official says crimes against children 'never' right ANSA English Media Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday 6:42 PM CET, 560 words 320. Vatican questioned by U.N. on global priest sex abuse scandal AP Planner, January 16, 2014 Thursday, LIFESTYLE; Major Events; Religion & Ethics, 159 words 321. Vatican comes under sharp criticism for sex abuse The Associated Press, January 16, 2014 Thursday 11:48 PM GMT, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 1249 words, JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press; NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press 322. AP News in Brief at 5:58 a.m. EST The Associated Press, January 16, 2014 Thursday 11:00 AM GMT, DOMESTIC NEWS, 2278 words 323. A look at UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Associated Press International, January 16, 2014 Thursday 9:31 PM GMT, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 313 words, Associated Press 324. AP Weekly News Calendar Associated Press International, January 16, 2014 Thursday 6:57 AM GMT, BUSINESS NEWS; DOMESTIC NEWS; ENTERTAINMENT NEWS, 1149 words, The Associated Press 325. No excuse for child abuse: Vatican Belfast Telegraph Online, January 16, 2014 Thursday 10:49 AM GMT, WORLD, 135 words 326. UN panel confronts Vatican on child sex abuse by clergy Big News, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 648 words 327. 'No excuse' for child abuse, Vatican admits at UN hearing, January 16, 2014 Thursday 10:36 AM GMT, WORLD NEWS, 135 words 328. Vatican taken to task by UN on child abuse. Will the church change?; Victims' rights advocates say that they hope today's unprecedented grilling in Geneva of Vatican officials could be a turning point for the church's handling of abuse. The Christian Science Monitor, January 16, 2014 Thursday, World, 980 words, Nick Squires Correspondent 329. U.N. committee on sexual abuse grills Vatican officials CNN Wire, January 16, 2014 Thursday 7:12 PM GMT, 1452 words, By Laura Smith-Spark and Ed Payne, CNN 330. Vatican officials face U.N. committee on sexual abuse CNN Wire, January 16, 2014 Thursday 1:03 PM GMT, 727 words, By Laura Smith-Spark and Ed Payne, CNN 331. Iraqis Who Aided Americans Seek U.S. Asylum; Man-Eating Indian Tiger Kills Again; Christie Talks Sandy Recovery, Travels to Florida; Vatican Officials Face U.N. Committee on Child Sex-Abuse; Oscar Nominations; Dangerous Smog CNN, January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; International, 3505 words, Michael Holmes, Suzanne Malveaux, Anna Coren, Wolf Blitzer, John Allen, John Allen, Nischelle Turner, Chad Myers 332. Pope's candor continues to be refreshing Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (Georgia), January 16, 2014 Thursday, 463 words, Columbus Ledger Enquirer 333. Vatican facing showdown at U.N; News_ Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), January 16, 2014, Pg. 8SH News agencies, 1106 words 334. Vatican comes under sharp criticism from U.N. for sex abuse Daily Town Talk (Alexandria, Louisiana), January 16, 2014 Thursday, LOCAL NEWS, 1344 words, By, John Heilprin and Nicole Winfield 335. Vatican comes under sharp criticism from U.N. for sex abuse Daily Town Talk (Alexandria, Louisiana), January 16, 2014 Thursday, LOCAL NEWS, 1344 words, By, John Heilprin and Nicole Winfield 336. NEWS BRIEFS The Daily Item (Lynn, Massachusetts), January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. A2, 322 words 337. UN panel confronts Vatican on child sex abuse by clergy The Daily Monitor, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 766 words, Agencies -1 338. 3RD LEAD: Pope feels "shame" of scandals amid UN grilling on abuse Deutsche Presse-Agentur, January 16, 2014 Thursday 4:50 PM EST, 923 words 339. LEAD: UN demands truth and consequences from Vatican on sex abuse Deutsche Presse-Agentur, January 16, 2014 Thursday 10:56 AM EST, 594 words 340. Holy See faces UN panel on child sex abuse cases Deutsche Presse-Agentur, January 16, 2014 Thursday 9:21 AM EST, 202 words 341. Vatican quizzed in public for the first time over child sex abuse EuroNews - English Version, January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS, 235 words 342. Vatican officials grilled over child abuse; world in brief The Evening Standard (London), January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 24, 67 words 343. VATICAN - Vatican to face UN grilling over child sex abuse claims FRANCE 24 (English), January 16, 2014 Thursday, 878 words, FRANCE 24 344. VATICAN - UN slams Vatican over handling of child sex abuse FRANCE 24 (English), January 16, 2014 Thursday, 716 words, FRANCE 24 345. Vatican quizzed by U.N. on global priest sex abuse scandal Future News - Media Planner, January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS, 155 words 346. UN panel presses Catholic hierarchy on handling of child sex abuse by priests, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 1059 words, Lizzy 347. United Nations blasts Vatican for failing to protect children from paedophile priests, January 16, 2014 Thursday 5:28 PM GMT, FRONTPAGE, 619 words, Michael Day 348. Vatican faces UN grilling on child sex abuse Irish Examiner, January 16, 2014 Thursday, IRELAND, 445 words 349. Vatican faces grilling from UN over child abuse scandal Irish Daily Mail, January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 10, 292 words, Irish Daily Mail 350. Vatican to face UN committee on child rights; Officials may be asked about allegations of abuse made against former nuncio The Irish Times, January 16, 2014 Thursday, WORLD; Pg. 11, 412 words, Paddy Agnew 351. UN panel to hear Vatican over child sex abuse Malta Today, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 392 words 352. Vatican comes under sharp criticism for sex abuse; Holy See 'gets it' - Mgr Scicluna The Malta Independent, January 16, 2014, 1342 words 353. Vatican acknowledges "no excuse" for child abuse The New Zealand Herald, January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; World, 131 words 354. Video From U.N. Panel Grilling Vatican Officials on Abuse of Children The New York Times Blogs (The Lede), January 16, 2014 Thursday, 435 words 355. Vatican grilled on abuse by UN, Pope feels 'shame' The Recorder (Greenfield, Massachusetts), January 16, 2014 Thursday, NATION / WORLD, 596 words, DPA 356. Vatican has policies to eliminate abuse, UN told RTE News, January 16, 2014 Thursday 10:58 PM GMT, NEWS, 99 words 357. South China Morning Post January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Nws_Day_by_Day; Talking Points Our Editors Will Be Looking Ahead Today To These Developing Stories ...; Pg.2, 482 words 358. CATHOLIC CHURCH FACES QUESTION FROM UN OVER HANDLING OF CHILD ABUSE States News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 359 words, States News Service 359. VATICAN FACES UN PANEL ON SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN States News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 398 words, States News Service 360. ARCHBISHOP TOMASI BEFORE COMMITTEE OF CHILD RIGHTS: HOLY SEE AND ITS INSTITUTIONS ARE COMMITTED TO DEFENCE OF INVIOLABLE DIGNITY OF EACH CHILD States News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 894 words, States News Service 361. VATICAN CHALLENGED BY UN OVER ITS HANDLING OF CHILD ABUSE States News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday, 850 words, States News Service 362. U.N. Asks Vatican Hard Questions on Widespread Sexual Violence Against Children Targeted News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday 11:57 PM EST, 523 words, Targeted News Service 363. U.N. Panel Probes Holy See Targeted News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday 11:55 PM EST, 344 words, Targeted News Service 364. Holy See's Role in Exposing Children to Clergy Sexual Abuse Called Into Question at UN Targeted News Service, January 16, 2014 Thursday 11:48 PM EST, 388 words, Targeted News Service 365. Vatican tells UN hearing 'no excuse' for child abuse; Vatican has acknowledged there can be "no excuse" for child abuse, confronted for the first time at length and in public over the global priest sex abuse scandal, January 16, 2014 Thursday 7:10 PM GMT, NEWS, 623 words, By Nick Squires 366. Vatican tells UN hearing 'no excuse' for child abuse; Vatican has acknowledged there can be "no excuse" for child abuse, confronted for the first time at length and in public over the global priest sex abuse scandal, January 16, 2014 Thursday 2:42 PM GMT, NEWS, 789 words, AP 367. Vatican grilled by UN rights committee for its handling of child sex abuse, January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS, 1344 words 368. Vatican officials quizzed by U.N. panel looking into child sex abuse UPI, January 16, 2014 Thursday 8:06 AM EST, 338 words 369. Vatican Comes Under Sharp Criticism For Sex Abuse Waycross Journal-Herald (Georgia), January 16, 2014 Thursday, NEWS; Pg. 16, 887 words