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Foreign Policy, World War II, and Cold War Beginnings
Foreign Policy in the 1930’s
Cordell Hull
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Nazi party
Rome-Berlin axis
Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact
Francisco Franco
Spanish Civil War
Winston Churchill
Charles Lindbergh
London Economic Conference
Good Neighbor policy
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
Nye committee
Neutrality Acts
China incident
“Quarantine” speech
America First Committee
Lend-Lease Act (HB 1776)
Atlantic Charter
World War II
A. Philip Randolph
Douglas MacArthur
Chester W. Nimitz
Dwight D. Eisenhower
George S. Patton
Thomas E. Dewey
Harry S. Truman
Albert Einstein
Robert Oppenheimer
Manhattan Project
War Production Board
Office of Price Administration
War Labor Board
Smith-Connally Act
Fair Employment Practices Commission
Casablanca Conference
Teheran Conference
Potsdam Conference
Pearl Harbor
Island hopping
D Day
V-E Day
V-J Day
Beginnings of the Cold War/Truman Administration
Yalta Conference
George F. Kennan
iron curtain
Berlin airlift
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
National Security Act
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
United Nations
Joseph McCarthy
Richard M. Nixon
House Committee on Un-American Activities
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Benjamin Spock
J. Strom Thurmond
Henry Wallace
Thomas Dewey
Adlai Stevenson
Nuremberg trials
Taft-Hartley Act
McCarran Act
Point Four program
Fair Deal
Douglas MacArthur
thirty-eighth parallel
Inchon landing
white flight