
China Soong Ching Ling [oder China Song Qingling] Foundation (CSCLF)
In May 1982, the Soong Ching Ling Foundation (SCLF) was established in commemoration
of Soong Ching Ling, the late Honorary President of the People's Republic of China.
Approved by its Fifth Council, the SCLF was renamed "China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
(CSCLF)" in September 2005.
The mission of CSCLF is to promote friendly international relations and safeguard world
peace; to strengthen exchanges across Taiwan Straits and advance reunification of
Motherland; to show concerns for the future of the nation and develop children's work.
Chairman HU Qili (胡启立)
Seit 1998 ist er Vorsitzender der Song Qingling-Stiftung, der chinesischen Wohlfahrtsstiftung.
Hu Qilin, geb. 1929 in Yulin (Provinz Shaanxi), ist ein chinesischer kommunistischer Politiker
und ehemaliges Mitglied des Ständigen Ausschusses des Politbüros der KPCh.
1977 wurde er Vizepräsident der Tsinghua-Universität von Beijing. 1980 erfolgte seine Wahl
zum Bürgermeister der regierungsunmittelbaren Stadt Tianjin. Auf dem 12. Parteitag der
KPCh wurde er 1982 zum Leiter der Hauptabteilung des ZK gewählt. Zugleich wurde er
Mitglied des Zentralkomitees sowie 1985 des Politbüros und des Sekretariats der KPCh. Auf
dem 13. Parteitag der KPCh 1987 wurde er zusätzlich zum Mitglied des Ständigen
Ausschusses des Politbüros der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas gewählt. Damit stieg er in
den engsten Führungskreis der Staats- und Parteiführung auf. Nach dem Tode des früheren
reformorientierten Generalsekretärs der KPCh Hu Yaobang am 15. April 1989 und dem Sturz
von dessen ebenfalls als Reformer geltenden Nachfolger Zhao Ziyang verlor Hu Qili jedoch
diese einflussreichen Ämter aufgrund seiner gleichfalls offenen Haltung gegenüber der
Studentenbewegung des Tian'anmen-Massakers vom Juni 1989.
Nach dem 14. Parteitag der KPCh 1992 gehörte anschließend Hu Qili nicht einmal mehr dem
ZK der Kommunistischen Partei an. Stattdessen wurde er noch 1991 Vizeminister für
Elektroindustrie. 1993 erfolgte seine Ernennung zum Minister für Elektroindustrie sowie
zugleich zum Sekretär des Parteikomitees des Ministeriums. Zwischen 1996 und 1998 war
er zusätzlich Stellvertretender Leiter der Staatlichen Führungsgruppe für Information.
1998 wurde er Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Politischen Konsultativkonferenz des
chinesischen Volkes (PKKCV). In diesem Amt war er bis 2003 einer der Vertreter von Li
Heute ist er Vorsitzender des chinesischen Wohlfahrtsinstitutes der Song Qingling-Stiftung.
Vice Chairpersons:
LIANG Baohua (梁保华)
Member, 17th CPC, Central Committee; Deputy Director, 11th Financial and Economic
Committee of the NPC; Director, Provincial People's Congress, Standing Committee, Jiangsu
Liang Baohua, Han nationality, was born in 1945 and is a native of Yichun City, Jiangxi
Province. He joined the CPC in 1965, entered the work force in 1968, and graduated from
Fudan University in 1968. He was an alternate member of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
He also served as governor of Jiangsu Province from 2003 - 2007.
From 2007 - 2010, he was Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee. He is
currently a Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee. In 2010, he became Deputy
Director of the 11th NPC Financial and Economic Committee.
YOU Lantian (F.), (尤兰田)
Deputy Director, CPC, Central Committee, United Front Work Department
Biography Highlight
You Lantian, female, Han Nationality, was born in 1951 and is a native of Tianjin. She
received and On-the-job Master Degree of Economic Management from the Party School of
the CPC Central Committee. She began to work in 1967 and joined the CPC in 1970. Now
she is Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee.
CHANG Rongjun (Executive), (常荣军)
Secretary-General of the Central United Front Work Department UFWD (top official on
Tibetan issues) and director of its General Office.
BAO Peide, (鲍培德)
Bao Peide, male, Han nationality, spent most of his career at the Chinese Civil Aviation
Bureau, where he was director of the general office until 1993, and deputy commissioner
until 2002. In 2002 he served as vice-chairman of the China Transportation Association and
in the following year he was appointed vice-chairman of the Song Qingling Foundation.
Bao Peide was a member of the 10th CPPCC.
JI Peiding, (吉佩定)
Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NPC
Biography Highlight
Ji Peiding, male, Han nationality, is a native of Jiangsu province. He was born in 1942, and
graduated from university. He served as vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until
2003, and he was in charge of West Asia, Africa and protocol affairs. He was appointed as
vice-chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the NPC in 2003.
TANG Wensheng (F.), (唐闻生)
Alternate Member, 11th CPC Central Committee
Tang Wensheng, Chinese-English translator/interpreter, Vice-Chairperson of the All-China
Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.
She is former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily, former Director-General of the
Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Railways.
SHE Jing (F.), (佘靖)
2000-2007 Vice Minister of Health, Commissioner of the State Administration of Traditional
Chinese Medicine.
YANG Shaoming,( 杨绍明)
Biography Highlight
Yang Shaoming, male, Han nationality, graduated from Beijing University with a specialty in
history. During the Cultural Revolution he was sent to the PLA for re-education. He held the
post of middle school teacher. Subsequently, Yang was rehabilitated. Yang's major works
include "Mao Zedong in Beidaihe", "Zhou Enlai Studies Swimming", "Mao Zedong And Liu
Shaoqi", "Zhu De And Kang Keqing", and "Deng Xiaoping in Hainan Island Overseas
Chinese Farm". In 1988 he edited the picture album entitled "Deng Xiaoping".
QI Mingqiu, (齐鸣秋)
Vice-Chairman and President of Jitong Corporation
Biography Highlight
Qi Mingqiu, male, Han nationality, is a former employee of the Beijing Railway Bureau. He
has also been affiliated with the State Economic and Trade Commission, State Development
and Planning Commission, and the China Electromechanical Bidding Center. Since 1994, he
has served in a series of executive positions for the Jitong Corporation, among them general
manager, vice-chairman, and president.
CHI Liqun (F.) (叱利群)
Biography Highlight
CHI Liqun, female, Han nationality, began her career in Sichuan province, where she served
as deputy secretary of the CPC committee of An county. Zha held leading posts in the
Chinese Overseas Fraternity Routine and the Song Qingling Foundation, where she was
elected a vice-chairman in 2004.
Career Data
Vice-Chairman, Song Qingling Foundation
Member, Song Qingling Foundation CPC, Leading Party Group
Deputy Secretary, Chinese Overseas Fraternity CPC, Leading Party Group
Deputy Secretary-General, Chinese Overseas Fraternity
Assistant Commissioner, CPC, Central Committee, United Front Work Department
Vice-Mayor, People's GovernmentLiaoning Province, Hulutao City
Vice-Minister, National Student Federation, Youth Corps Central Committee
Vice-Mayor, People's GovernmentLiaoning Province, Wafangdian City
Clerk, CYLC, Central Committee, Propaganda Department
Deputy Secretary, CPC, County CommitteeSichuan Province, An County
Clerk, CPC, County CommitteeSichuan Province, An County
LI Ning (李宁)
Secretary-General of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
1981-1982: Deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League of Capital Iron Machinery
1984-1987:Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Industrial Propaganda Department
1994-1999: Deputy Secretary-General of China Youth Development Foundation
Former President of China Peace Publishing House
LI Xikui (李希奎)
Deputy Secretary-General of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
1999-2000: Head of Department of Beijing Suburb Communist Youth League
QIAO Jian (乔健)
Deputy Secretary-General of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
1976-1998: Air force division pilot, squadron leader, Captain, head of teachers
1998-1998: Bureau-level cadre of the General Office of the United Front Work Department of
the CPC Central Committee
2003-2009: Deputy secretary of Party Committee of the Central United Front Work
2006-2009: Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Central United Front Work
Special Advisors:
MA Wanqi 马万祺
Vice-Chairman, 11th CPPCC, National Committee
Ma Man Kei, male, Han nationality, is a native of Nanhai County, Guangdong Province. He
was born in 1919.
Ma Man Kei was one of Macao's leading industrialists. He was actively involved in drafting
the Basic Law for the Macao Special Administrative Region and in the preparations leading
up to the Macao handover. He currently serves as chairman of the China Products Co. Ltd.
and the Macao Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
Ma was vice-chairman of the 8th, 9th and 10th CPPCC National Committees. He is now
Vice-Chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee.
LIU Yandong 刘延东
Member, 17th CPC, Central Committee, Politburo; State Councilor, State Council
Liu Yandong, female, Han nationality, is a native of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. She was
born in 1945, joined the CPC in 1964 and joined the work force in 1970. Liu graduated from
Tsinghua University in 1970.
Liu was President of the 6th and 7th Councils of the All-China Youth Federation, and
member of the Secretariat of the 11th and 12th CYLC Central Committees. Since 1982, she
has been a member of the 21st Century Sino-Japanese Friendship Committee and
Secretary-General of the Youth Ideological Education Research Center.
Liu was an alternate member of the 15th CPC Central Committee and a member of the 16th
CPC Central Committee. From 2002-2007 she served as Head of the CPC Central
Committee's United Front Work Department and from 2003-2008 she was a Vice-Chairman
of the 10th CPPCC National Committee.
She is currently a member of the Politburo of the 17th CPC Central Committee, a member of
the 17th CPC Central Committee and State Councilor of the State Council.
HE Luli (何鲁丽)
Vice Chairman, 10th NPC Standing Committee
He Luli, female, Han nationality, was born in Jinan, Shandong Province. She was born in
1934 and graduated from Beijing Medical College.
She spent over 30 years practicing medicine. She later became vice-mayor of Beijing. Over
the years she was actively in involved in the leadership of the RCCK. In 1993, she became
vice-president of the All-China Women's Federation.
She was a standing committee member of the 7th and 8th CPPCC National Committees.
She was also vice-chairman of the 8th CPPCC National Committee and vice-chairman of the
9th NPC Standing Committee.
GU Xiulian (顾秀莲)
Vice-Chairman, 10th Standing Committee of the NPC
Biography Highlight
Gu Xiulian, female, Han nationality, is a native of Nantong, Jiangsu Province. She was born
in 1936.
In the mid-1960s, Gu was assigned to work in the Ministry of Textile Industry because of her
experiences with grassroots units. In 1973, at the age of 36, she was elevated to the position
of vice-minister of the State Planning Commission. The year before, she was appointed the
vice-minister of the State Family Planning Commission.
In 1982, Gu became the secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee. The following
year, she was elected the governor of Jiangsu Province. In assuming the governorship, Gu
became the first female provincial governor. Four years later, she was re-elected governor of
the province. Her growing status led her to become a member of the CPC Central Committee
at the Party's 13th National Congress.
Gu Xiulian was a member of the All-China Women's Federation since the late 1990s. She
was appointed president in 2003, and she served as vice-chairman of the 10th NPC standing
committee in that same year.
NI Zhifu (倪志福)
President of China Association of Inventions, member of the 9th to 15th CPC Central
Committees, member of the Politiburo of the 11th and 12th CPC Central Committees,
President of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
Ni Zhifu, male, Han nationality, is a native of Shanghai. He has attended several institutions
of higher learning, and joined the CPC in l958.
Ni began his career in industry as an apprentice in 1950, and has worked his way into
steadily more responsible positions throughout his career. He was won technical awards in
China and from abroad for his inventions. He has also served in responsible positions in the
Party and in government at the national level.
Executive Director:
MA Mingzhe(马明哲)
President and Chief Executive Officer of China Ping An Insurance Corporation
Ma Mingzhe, male, Han nationality. Ma received his doctorate and is a member of the CPC.
Ma has worked in the insurance industry for his entire career. He served as deputy general
manager of the Social Insurance Group of China Merchants Group before joining China Ping An
Insurance Corporation in 1988. Ma worked at Ping An for several years before becoming president
of Ching Ping An Insurance Co. Ltd.
LIU Qilin (刘启林)
Former General Secretary, CASS, Ethicist
Former vice chairman of the Song Qing Ling Foundation
Ms. HE Jiesheng (何界生)
Former Vice Minister of Health, former Chairwoman of Association of female doctors, Dean
of the Institute of Science and Technology and Tourism Research Institute of Hainan
Mr.HU Zhanfan(胡占凡)
President, China Central Television (CCTV)
Born: 1953
Birthplace: Heilongjiang Province, Mulan County
Biography Highlight
Hu Zhanfan, male, Han nationality, is a native of Mulan County, Heilongjiang Province. He was born
in 1953, entered the work force in 1970, and joined the CPC in 1975. From 2001 to 2011, he was
Deputy Director of the State Administration of Radio Film and Television. Since November 2011, he
is President of China Central Television (CCTV).
Schauspieler, Sänger
ZHANG Ziyi (章子怡)
XIE Jun (谢军)
HAN Hong (韩红)