Model Exam 4 - RMS

Name: ________________
Model Exam: Unit (4)
Grade: 6
A. Listening (12 marks)
1) Listen and circle: (6 marks)
1. A. She talked to Ahmed El- Sakka.
B. I can't wait.
2. A. I'm sorry. I don't know.
B. He is outside.
3. A. What did he visit?
B. What's he going?
4. A. What's your telephone number?
B. What's your favourite subject?
2) Listen and complete: (6 marks)
A: Hello?
B: Hello. May I (1) ...................... to Ahmed, please?
A: He's not in right now.
B: What (2) ........................ will he be back?
A: I'm sorry. I don't know.
B: Can you (3) ........................... a message?
A: Sure. Who's (4).....................................?
B: This is Slawa Kamel. I'm going to be late for lunch today. I'll see him at 1:00.
B. Vocabulary & Structure (4 marks)
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Actors always …………………… autographs.
a. take
b. talk
c. sing
d. sign
2. Noha is a famous film ..........................
a. school
English Department
b. star
c. library
d. park
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Name: ________________
Model Exam: Unit (4)
Grade: 6
3. I never put ............................ make-up.
a. for
b. of
c. on
d. of
c. ever
d. never
4. I hardly ............................ wear a wig.
a. always
b. often
5. She always talks on the .............................
b. box
c. phone
d. car
6. I never accident.
a. takes
b. does
c. has
d. have
c. take
d. falls
7. I'll ......................... him your message.
a. gets
b. give
8. ........................... you ever listen to music?
a. Has
b. Is
c. Do
d. Does
Reading (10 marks)
4) Circle the odd word, and then replace it with a correct one:
(4 marks)
1. friend – father – mother - sister
2. library – studio – Qaitbay Citadel – film
3. get a suntan – put on make up – have an accident - Alexandria
4. car – train – sport – taxi
English Department
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Name: ________________
Model Exam: Unit (4)
Grade: 6
5) Read the passage and answer the questions. (6 marks)
Aya is a student in our school. She is thirteen years old. She gets up at
six o'clock. She walks to school everday because her house is near the school.
At school, she learns many subjects. Her teachers like her because she gets
high marks. Aya comes back home at two o'clock. She studies her lessons and
goes to bed at ten o'clock.
A- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Aya goes to school .......................
a) by car
b) on foot
c) by bus
d) by taxi
2. Aya is a ......................
a) teacher
b) doctor
c) student
d) nurse
B- Read the question and write the answer:
3. When does Aya go to bed?
4. Who likes Aya at school?
English Department
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Name: ________________
Model Exam: Unit (4)
Grade: 6
D. Writing (14 marks)
6) Write a letter of Four sentences: (6 marks)
Write a letter to your friend Kamel to tell him about your visit to Alexandria
beach. Your name is Moustafa and you live at 10 Ramsis Street, Cairo.
7) Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. always – have – I – breakfast – in – morning – the.
2. Ali – take – Can – a message?
3. went – Mona – the – to - cinema
4. will – back – be – What time - he?
8) Punctuate the following sentences: (4 marks)
1. it s seven o clock right now
2. heba wants to visit quitbay citadel
English Department
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