SAN PABLO COLLEGES COLLEGE OF EDUCATION PACUCOA LEVEL III Re-accredited Status SemiDetailed Lesson Plan School: San Jose INHS Teacher: Ellaine C. Tabinas Learning Area: Teaching Date: February 20, 2024 Quarter: Teaching Time: Grade Level: 7 Health 2nd No. of Day/s: I. Objectives A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of mental health as a dimension of holistic health for a healthy life. B. Performance Standard Consistently demonstrates skills that promote mental health. C. Learning Competencies (MELC) Explains the factors that affect the promotion of good mental health; and Differentiates eustress from distress; and Identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress. H7PH-llla-b-29,H7PH-llla-b-30, H7PH-llla-c-31 II.Subject Matter: A.Topic: STRESS B. References: C. Materials: MATERIALS Laptop & Television ENGAGE Laptop, Television,Paper and Pen EXPLORE Laptop & Television EXPLAIN Laptop & Television ELABORATE Paper and Pen EVALUATE III. Methodology A. Learning Procedures a. b. c. d. Prayer Greetings Classroom management Checking the Attendance Activity “We will have a short activity called WIKA RAMBULAN” Analysis Based on the pictures shown the teacher will ask the following. So far, what do you think is our topic today? anyone from the class? Why do you think we need to take care our Mental Health The teacher will tell the lesson objectives: Abstraction The teacher will discuss the following: Stress Stressor Eustress & Distress Common Stressors Application The teacher will ask the students to find the words in the Word Search Box to know what are the Common Stressors and answer the following questions. Draw a Smiley Face if it is a Source of Eustress, draw Sad Face it is a Source of Distress. Evaluation Assignment