CH -

1. Who were the northern Christian humanists, and who was the most famous of this group? What did he
emphasize in his "philosophy of Christ? " In the The Praise of Folly? (280)
2. Describe the role of relics and indulgences in the popular religion in the Late Middle Ages. p. 281
3. Which mystical movement downplayed dogma and emphasized following Jesus' teachings.
4. Explain how Luther's religious crisis came to a head over good works. (282-283)
5. What was the Ninety-Five Theses, and who authored it? (282-283)
6. What was the only source of truth, other than justification, for Luther? (282)
7. What event precipitated Luther's break with the church? (282-283)
8. What was the focus of Luther's pamphlet, “The Babylonian Captivity of the Church”? (283)
9. What were the central beliefs of Lutheranism? And what was the the Edict of Worms? (284)
10. What was the main method for the spread of Luther's ideas? (284)
11. What was Luther’s reaction to the Peasants' War of 1524-1525? (285)
12. What was Luther's view of the sacraments of the Catholic Church? (285)
13. With which group of people did the Reformation originate in Germany? (285)
14. Who protected Luther despite being condemned as criminal at the Diet of Worms? (285)
15. Who was Charles V's chief enemy in during his reign? Which state was Charles V biggest threat in
the eastern part of his empire? What happened in Vienna in 1528? (286)
16. What development ended to the religious warfare plaguing Germany in the mid-16th century? (287)
17. How did the religious Peace of Augsburg settle the Lutheran problem? (287)
18. In which areas were Luther's ideas most readily accepted? (North of Germany?) (285)
19. Describe the government of 16th century Switzerland. (287)
20. How did Zwingli's interpretation of the Lord's Supper differ from that of Luther? (288)
21. Who was the Swiss religious reformer who established the Protestant Reformation in Zurich? (287)
22. Describe the beliefs of the Anabaptists?
23. What triggered the Reformation in England under Henry VIII? (290)
24. Which pope delayed acting on Henry's request for an annulment, and why did he delay? (290)
25. Which parliamentary action marked England's official break with the Roman church? (290)
26. Who succeeded Henry VIII after his death? (290)
27. Which group did Mary I Tudor persecute, earning her the nickname "bloody Mary"? (290)
28. Describe Queen Elizabeth I's religious affiliation? (298-299)
29. Describe the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement? (291)
30. What did leading a godly life demonstrate according to Calvin's theology? (291)
31. What did Calvinists implement in Geneva? (291)
32. How did the Reformation alter conceptions of the family? (292)
33. How did the Reformation impact the conception of women's roles? (291-292)
34. What was not successfully abolished Europe's Protestant communities during the Reformation? (293)
35. Which religious order was founded by Ignatius Loyola? (293)
36. Who was the Jesuit missionary who propagated Christianity in India, Malacca and the Moluccas, and
Japan, and who died just before reaching China? (293-294)
37. How did the Roman Inquisition and the creation of the Index exemplify the church's ultimate refusal
to compromise with Protestantism during the Catholic Reformation? (295-296)
38. What did the Council of Trent achieve? (296)
39. Which group was the Protestant minority in France? Did they tend to be rich or poor? What was the
Edict of Nantes? (297)
40. Who were the politiques in France? (297)
41. What ruler was the greatest advocate of militant Catholicism? (297-8) Which state was he unable to
defeat? (298)
42. What was a catalyst for the revolt of the Netherlands against Philip II and Spain? (298)
43. Which state achieved victory over the Spanish Armada at the end of the 16th century? (301)