Vocabulary List 1 – Useful Words 1. ambiguous – adjective Definition: 1. open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; 2. of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend. Synonyms: equivocal, enigmatic, cryptic Antonyms: explicit, certain, clear, precise, unambiguous Example Sentence: They were disappointed: the president’s choices - and his intentions - remain frustratingly ambiguous. 2. amiable – adjective Definition: 1. having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; 2. agreeable; willing to accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of another. Synonyms: affable, friendly, sociable, gracious, amicable Antonyms: rude, unfriendly, hostile Example Sentence: The governor’s kind, amiable personality is still conveyed, even if you don’t agree with his politics. 3. articulate – verb Definition: 1. uttered clearly in distinct syllables; 2. capable of speech; not speechless; 3. using language easily and fluently; having facility with words; 4. expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness; 5. made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts. Synonyms: expressive Antonyms: inarticulate, unintelligible Example Sentence: President Obama’s speeches are inspiring and emotional, yet remain articulate, clear, and on point. 4. assessment – noun Definition: the act of estimating or judging the value, character, etc. of something Synonyms: appraisal, evaluation Example Sentence: The doctors compiled an assessment of the effects of mental illness on the patient’s families. 5. attribute – verb Definition: 1. to regard as resulting from a specified cause; 2. to consider as a quality or characteristic of the person, thing, group, etc. Synonyms: associate Example Sentence: 1. She attributed his bad temper to ill health. 2. He attributed intelligence to his colleagues. 6. comprehensive – adjective Definition: of a large or broad scope of content; covering or involving much; Synonyms: inclusive, broad, wide, extensive, full Example Sentence: We offer a high-quality, comprehensive program of benefits, which represent an important component of total compensation. 7. consumer – noun Definition: a person or organization that uses a commodity or service Synonyms: buyer, customer, user, purchaser, shopper Antonyms: producer, marketer, merchandiser Example Sentence: Even as consumer spending increases modestly, those dollars are buying fewer goods and services. 8. defective – adjective Definition: having a flaw Synonyms: faulty, imperfect, incomplete, deficient Antonyms: perfect, complete Example Sentence: The customer service representative told me my phone was defective and that of course it was not the network. 9. digress – verb Definition: 1. to deviate or wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing; 2. depart from the principal line of argument, plot, study, etc. Synonyms: ramble, stray, deviate Example Sentence: Let me digress into a short technical discussion of how this incredible error took place. 10. domestic – adjective Definition: 1. of or pertaining to one’s own or a particular country as apart from other countries; 2. indigenous to or produced or made within one’s own country Synonyms: local, municipal, national, public, interior Antonyms: foreign Example Sentence: Companies, both foreign and domestic, employ tax professional and devote considerable resources to managing their tax affairs. 11. efficiency – noun Definition: 1. the state of functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; competency in performance; 2. accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort Synonyms: adequacy, competency, proficiency Antonyms: inability, incompetence, ineffectiveness Example Sentence: With unlimited government money, there is no need for efficiency. 12. exceptional – adjective Definition: 1. forming an exception or rare instance; 2. having much more than average intelligence, ability, or skill. Synonyms: exceeding, prodigious, surpassing, especial, olympian, uncommon, singular, strange, unnatural, aberrant, anomalous Antonyms: average Example Sentence: 1. This ancient jewelry is of exceptional charm and sophistication. 2. The student’s exceptional math skills surpass those of his teacher. 13. feasible – adjective Definition: capable of being done, effected, or accomplished; a feasible plan Synonyms: possible, appropriate Example Sentence: Raising cash from their investments through initial public offerings is no longer a feasible exit route. 14. formulate – verb Definition: To express in precise form; to devise or develop, as a method to express in a formula. Synonyms: articulate, frame, compose, define, specify Example Sentence: 1. The committee will outline a situation and ask you to formulate a plan that deals with the problem. 2. Students gain the information necessary to formulate their own opinions on oceanrelated environmental issues. 15. illustrate – verb Definition: 1. to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, elucidation, or adornment; 2. to make clear or intelligible, as by examples or analogies; exemplify. Synonyms: illuminate, delineate, emphasize Example Sentence: 1. Equally important, it also served to illustrate that the effect of staring-eyes carries across a range of social behaviors. 2. The point is that jokes can illustrate humor but not explain it. 16. incentive – noun Definition: something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity Synonyms: encouragement, incitement, allurement Antonyms: hindrance, block, Example Sentence: They have comfortable conditions at work and see no incentive to get another job. 17. inconsistent – adjective Definition: 1. lacking agreement as one thing with another or two or more thing in relation to each other; 2. lacking harmony between different parts or elements Synonyms: at odds, contrary, incompatible, Antonyms: consistent, consonant, regular, steady, unchanging Example Sentence: The financial report is inconsistent with previously stated facts. 18. inflation – noun Definition: a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency Synonyms: gain, rise, boom Antonyms: deflation Example Sentence: Some investors are using commodities like gold to hedge against higher than expected inflation. 19. jeopardize – verb Definition: to put at risk Synonyms: imperil, endanger, chance, risk Antonyms: secure, guard, protect Example Sentence: She hoped this fact wouldn’t jeopardize my interest in the job offer. 20. pragmatic – adjective Definition: pertaining to a practical point of view or usable considerations. Synonyms: efficient, practical, realistic Example Sentence: 1. Our politicians have to be pragmatic and vote for what is good for their sponsors, rather than what is needed for the electorate. 2. Instead, it was a pragmatic acknowledgement of the reality of the impact healthcare has on human beings. 21. precaution – noun Definition: 1. disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved; 2. inclined to keep one’s thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself Synonyms: reluctant or restrained, taciturn, quiet, uncommunicative Antonyms: talkative, voluble Example Sentence: Public policy makers are slow or reticent to create policies that reduce or eliminate smoking in public places. 22. prestige – noun Definition: reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes. Synonyms: weight, importance Antonyms: disrepute Example Sentence: It’s sad to learn that people just work for the money and prestige. 23. prohibit – verb Definition: 1. to forbid an action, activity, etc. by authority or law; 2. to prevent, hinder, or forbid the action of a person. Synonyms: interdict, forbid, obstruct Antonyms: permit Example Sentence: The drug is still manufactured and distributed where laws do not prohibit it. 24. prudent – adjective Definition: 1. wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober. 2. careful in providing for the future. Synonyms: sensible, economical, thrifty, frugal Antonyms: careless, imprudent, unwise Example Sentence: Moderate rationing might be a prudent way to control costs. 25. speculate – verb Definition: 1. to engage in any business transaction involving considerable risk or the chance of large gains, especially to buy and sell commodities, stocks, etc. in the expectation of a quick or very large profit; 2. to engage in thought or reflection Synonyms: conjecture, guess, surmise, supposed, theorize Antonyms: ignore, neglect; doubt Example Sentence: They had spent years lending stocks to hedge funds so they could speculate against overvalued companies.