LEAGUE RULES You must bring a copy of your army roster, which you should keep with you when you are playing. The roster must include all of the models in your army, their point’s value, the point’s value of any upgrades, and must specify which model is carrying any special wargear that you decide to take. lt is also important to remember that when you use a points limit in Warhammer 40K you can only spend up to the limit agreed - this means that in a 1,500 point game you must spend 1,500 points or less. Remember, if you make a mistake you will lose points, even if the mistake was a completely honest one. WARHAMMER 40K LEAGUE LIMITATIONS 1. No more than the specified number of points may be spent on the army. 2. All players shall have one 1000 point army and one 1500 point army, which must be of the same type. 3. The standard Force Organization chart will be used. 4. The army lists in the Warhammer 40K rules and any published Codex army lists may be used. 5. The army may not have more than one ‘detachment’. No allies are allowed. (Detachments are described on page 131 of the rulebook). 6. Rules and options published in White Dwarf may be used. 7. Special Characters area allowed, provided that all rules for them are enforced, including any minimum army size requirements. 8. All clarifications in the 2001 Grand Tournament rules will be used except where those rules directly conflict with those in this document. 9. Any modifications desired can be made to any army during weeks 1-4 of the league. During weeks 5-10, up to two units may be modified between games, and after week 10, no modifications can be made. Two units means that two slots on the force organization chart may undergo changes. If one predator is dropped in favor of two land speeders, this counts as two force org slot changes IF the land speeders are separate squadrons. These changes are made to the most previously played army list. 10. Vehicle Design Rules (VDR) will be allowed, though the proposed design must be voted upon by the rest of the league and win by majority vote (for fairness). The new vehicle must be painted and WYSIWYG. VDR clarifications on the GW site will be used. CHAPTER APPROVED The following Chapter Approved articles will be used (as per the 2001 GT). SPACE MARINES WD 228 Legion of the Damned WD 232 Smoke and Blind Grenades WD 234 Grey Knights Rules WD 236 Legion of the Damned army List WD 238 Forced March WD 246 Emperor’s Champion WD 248 Land Raider Crusader WD 250 Crux Terminatus WD 252 Transport Rules CHAOS SPACE MARINES WD 230 Chaos Cult Terminators WD 234 Putting the Tzap into Tzeentch WD 238 Forced March WD 238 Chaos Cultists WD 252 Transport Rules IMPERIAL GUARD WD 232 Smoke and Blind Grenades WD 238 Forced March WD 252 Transport Rules TYRANIDS WD 238 Forced March ELDAR WD 232 Smoke and Blind Grenades WD 238 Forced March WD 250 Codex: Eldar Q&A WD 252 Transport Rules DARK ELDAR WD 238 Forced March WD 250 Vehicle Uprgrades WD 252 Transport Rules ORKS WD 232 Smoke and Blind Grenades WD 238 Forced March WD 251 Codex: Orks Q&A WD 252 Transport Rules NECRONS WD 230 Necron Rules WD 238 Forced March WD 239 Necron Army List Rules and Updates SISTERS OF BATTLE WD 232 Sacred Rights WD 235 War Gear & Armory WD 238 Forced March WD 252 Transport Rules Preview Army Lists: Any army list that comes out in White Dwarf as a preview army list shall be tested in three games against three different armies to determine its balance and to decide whether or not it should be allowed in league play before the official version is released. This will be determined by a league vote. Current Preview Lists: Imperial Guard Armored Company LEAGUE LENGTH The league will last for a total of 16 weeks, and all players are required to play a minimum of 8 games in that time to be considered in the placing. PLAYING GAMES All players must play against every other player at least once before playing against any given player a third time. It continues that a player must play everyone twice before playing an individual player a fourth time, etc. Any games above this total will not be counted for a player’s average. All game results should be turned in to the league coordinator within 48 hours of the game ending. LEAGUE POINTS The following system is used to work out how many league points you score in your game. Further points can be added for things like how well painted your army is, etc. At the end of the league the player with the highest point average is the winner. Win Game: 14 Points Draw Game: 10 Points Lose Game: 6 Points Note: A game won by victory points is a technical draw unless the point difference is greater than 200 points for 1500 point games, and 150 points for 1000 point games. +1 if your opponent has a higher point average in the league (not including this game). This bonus is not applicable until week 5 (once averages are established). +1 if the most expensive opposing HQ character is killed. (Characters with a command squad or other form of bodyguard are worth +1 point if slain, even if the bodyguard survives). +1 if the enemy unit (not character) with the highest points value in the opposing army was dead, falling back or had left the table at the end of the game. If there are several units that tie for 'most expensive unit', then you earn +1 point if one or more of them are dead, falling back or fled. +1 if you have units in the opponent's deployment zone at the end of the game, and they have none in yours (units falling back, immobilized vehicles, and characters don't count). -1 if no enemy unit has been reduced to half strength or less, or is falling back or has left the table, at the end of the game. -1 if your army includes more Elite choices than it includes Troop choices. -1 if your army includes more Fast Attack choices than it includes Troop choices. -1 if your army includes more Heavy Support choices than it includes Troop choices. -1 if, in the opinion of an umpire, you act in an manner likely to bring the honor of the hobby or the race of your army into disrepute, when playing a game on one of the top ten tables. This includes things like arguing with the umpire about the rules or being rude to an opponent, and also doing things like hiding your Khorne Berzerkers behind a wood for the entire battle so your army can't be broken. Don't worry, you'll get at least one warning about such behavior first, so you'll have a chance to mend your ways! Example: It's the fourth round and you win by breaking the opposing army (killing the army commander in the process), against an opponent with a better win~loss record than your own. You score 14 (win) +1 (broke enemy army) +1 (opposing character killed) +1 (tougher opponent) = 17 points. COURTESY RULES Always declare why you are rolling the dice before you roll them. With the exception of determining if you can Assault, you should NEVER pre-measure for ANYTHING. Always allow your opponent to clearly see the results of a roll. Fire and declare any guess weapons you have first. If you have more than one guess weapon declare all the targets and ranges before firing any. If your army is not completely WYSIWYG, bring an extra (clearly readable) copy of your army list to the game for your opponent. Also explain clearly any deviancies from WYSIWYG. Modifications to armies should be done for the sake of increasing the army’s overall effectiveness, not to get an edge over the next particular opponent. Clarifications: Biovores & Pinning: Spore mines fired from Biovores do NOT cause a pin check if they wound a unit, even if they explode at the time they land. Holding Quadrants: (Here is what can hold quadrants when it matters) Any infantry, cavalry, or bike unit that is above 50% of its original size (even if the unit is only one model). A vehicle that is not immobilized. A Monstrous sized creature (and wraithlords) that has more than 50% of its original wounds. Individuals (e.g. Assassins) and independent characters CAN NOT hold a quadrant, regardless of their size. Tyranid Note: Two Zoanthropes or Two Biovores may also occupy a quarter, but a combination of any of these two may not. Units Less than 50% can’t rally (except Marines): This is correctly printed in the rulebook, but incorrectly on the reference card. Note that this means units AT 50% can still attempt to rally. Declaring Rapid Fire: A squad armed with rapid-fire weapons must only declare that they are remaining stationary before measuring range to their target. Any models within 12” can fire twice, while models outside of 12” will fire once (assuming the weapon has a range longer than 12”) If a unit/model remains stationary for ANY shooting advantage, it may not assault. Hive Node is not Fearless: Synapse Creatures asses the battle field and report the situation back to the Hive Mind. However, they are strengthened by the presence of other hive node connections. Because of this, the DO gain the automatically passed moral check ability for being within 12” of a Synapse Creature. They do not however, confer this ability upon themselves or any squad they may be attached to. Example: A Hive Tyrant is attached to a squad of 10 Termigaunts. If 5 Termigaunts are shot dead, the squad must pass a break test on the Tyrant’s leadership (10). Fear leads to Suffering: If it arises that there are some models in a unit that are fearless, and some that are not, then the whole unit CAN break (including the fearless model(s)). Adding fearless models to a non-fearless unit does not share the ability unless specifically stated in the rules. Who can ride in transports: Transports purchased with a unit may only transport the unit it was purchased with. During deployment, the unit does not have to start in the transport, but they must be deployed within 6” of each other. Heavy Transports (Land Raiders, Falcons, etc.) can transport any units indicated in the army list, however never more than a single unit at a time. Cover from Ordinance and Guess Weapons: To determine cover or armor facing from ordinance or guess weapons, use the center of the blast, not the direction of the shot. Note that if the center of the blast lands in the woods, and some models are outside the wood, they still get a save, since there are trees between the blast and the victim. Independent Characters Attaching Before Combat: To attach a character to a squad before the battle you must be able to deploy them within 2" of each other. You may not attach characters that are in reserve, however if a character and a unit roll to come on in the same turn, they may come onto the board attached. (E.g. A farseer, Banshee squad, and Falcon are all in reserve. In turn 3 the player rolls and all 3 are able to come on. The Eldar player can opt to attach the farseer to the Banshees, put the whole thing in the tank, and have them fly on at once). Vehicles & LOS: Infantry does not block LOS to vehicles. A vehicle can only be screened by other vehicles and/or terrain features. Also note that vehicles do not block twice their height. For example, a razorback could shoot over a rhino. Pintol Mounted Storm Bolter: The Pintol mounted storm bolter can only be fired if the vehicle has moved 6" or less. It may not be fired if the vehicle moves over 6" or if the vehicle has fired ordnance. Charging Clarification: Note that you do NOT have to charge the closest enemy unit, unless you are attempting to assault more than one unit. Determine Mission Mission Table Roll 2 D6, the first die is the 10's and the second die is the ones. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 Cleanse (WH40K pg. 139) Cleanse (WH40K pg. 139) Night Fight (WH40K pg. 140) Night Fight (WH40K pg. 140) Dawn Assault (See Battle List) Dawn Assault (See Battle List) Cleanse (WH40K pg. 139) Cleanse (WH40K pg. 139) Night Fight (WH40K pg. 140) Night Fight (WH40K pg. 140) Dawn Assault (See Battle List) Dawn Assault (See Battle List) All or Nothing (See Battle List) All or Nothing (See Battle List) All or Nothing (See Battle List) Suicide Squad (See Battle List) Suicide Squad (See Battle List) Suicide Squad (See Battle List) Clear & Consolidate (See Battle List) Clear & Consolidate (See Battle List) Clear & Consolidate (See Battle List) Recon (WH40K pg. 142) Recon (WH40K pg. 142) Recon (WH40K pg. 142) Hold that Objective (See Battle List) 52 53 54 55 56 61* 62* 63* Hold that Objective (See Battle List) Across Enemy Lines (See Battle List) Across Enemy Lines (See Battle List) The Messengers (See Battle List) Advance & Secure (See Battle List) Rearguard (WH40K Rulebook) Rearguard (WH40K Rulebook) If BA then Frontal Assault (BA Codex), else Rearguard 64* If BA then Frontal Assault (BA Codex), else Rearguard 65* Suicide (See Battle List) 66* Suicide (See Battle List) Missions marked with an asterisk (*) are attacker/defender missions. If you roll one of these and a Dark Eldar army is involved, roll a D6. On a 4+ play Slave Raid (DE Codex) instead. Note that in all these missions the Dark Eldar is always the attacker. If Dark Eldar are not involved, or if both sides are Dark Eldar, then simply have each player roll a D6, high roll is attacker. NEW MISSIONS: Across Enemy Lines Overview (Author: Baltimore GT 2000) Both armies have a clear mission – completely overwhelm their opponents with a massive display of offensive power along the front lines. Scenario Special Rules Both sides use the rules for Infiltrators & Deepstrike. Set-Up 1. Each player rolls a D6, the player with the highest score choosing a long table edge for deployment 2. Both players roll a D6, the player with the lowest score deploying a unit first. Players take turns to place units within 12" of their table edge. (Heavy, Troops, Elite, HQ, Fast Attack). Infiltrating units deploy last, anywhere not within 18” of the enemy. If both players have infiltrators, roll a die to see whom sets up first. 3. Players roll a D6 to see whom goes first. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. Mission Objective Both players are attempting to make their way past enemy defenses and take control of their ground. The player with the most squads of 5 or more models in their opponent’s deployment zone is the winner. Game Length The game lasts 6 turns unless otherwise noted by event organizer. Line of Retreat Troops that are forced to fall back do so towards their own table edge. Advance & Secure Overview Two armies are ordered to secure a communications point before mounting a cleanse operation to wipe out their opponents. Scenario Special Rules Deep Strike and Reserves are used. Each player divides his or her army into a main force (up to 2/3 of the total points) and a reserve force. [Alternatively, the forces chosen become the main force and players may choose an additional reserve force worth half the points cost of the main force - it is up to players to agree which method to use.] Set-Up 1. Place a central feature on the board. This can be a building, wood or simply a clearly defined area. Place all other scenery as normal. 2. Players roll D6s to see who chooses a board edge. That player must place a unit first. Players then take turns to deploy their main forces within their respective deployment zones (Heavy Support, Troops, Elite, HQ, and Fast Attack). The deployment zones are 24" apart along the long table edges. 3. Roll D6s to see who gets the first turn. Mission Objective It is important that players keep track of the turn number. The player with the most Mission Points at the end of the game wins. Mission Points are gained as follows: · PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Players gain one Mission Point per board quarter they control at the end of the game. (See the Cleanse Mission Objectives in the 40K book for more details). · SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: The player in control of the central feature at the end of turn three gains one Mission Point. (See the Take and Hold Mission Objectives in the 40K book for more details). Game Length The game lasts a total of 7 turns. Determine the secondary objective at the end of turn 3. Bring on reserve forces at the start of turn 4. Line of Retreat The game lasts a total of 7 turns. Determine the secondary objective at the end of turn 3. Bring on reserve forces at the start of turn 4. Reserves Reserve forces are brought on at the start of turn four. These troops may enter via a player’s own board edge, or up to half the length of each adjacent board edge. Deep Striking units enter on the start of turn four as well, using the Deep Strike rules. All or Nothing! Overview (Games Workshop Baltimore GT 2000) All of your forces have been committed to the front line in an all out attack against the enemy. Additional units are moving to reinforce your position. Your orders are simple: annihilate the enemy force, crush them entirely. Scenario Special Rules Infiltrators The first infantry unit to be entirely destroyed on each side will be brought back into the game as reinforcements on the owning player’s next movement phase. These reinforcements must move on from the table edge in the player’s deployment zone. Characters and vehicles may not return. This includes character upgrades to squads and squad transports. Set-Up 1. Each player rolls a D6, the player with the highest score choosing a long table edge for deployment. 2. Both players roll a D6, the player with the lowest score deploying a unit first. Players take turns to place units within 12" of their table edge. (Heavy, Troop, Elite, HQ, Fast Attack). Units that can infiltrate may deploy anywhere on the table, at least 18” from the enemy. If both players have infiltrators, roll a die to see whom sets up first. 3. Roll for who gets the first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. Mission Objective Both players must attempt to eliminate as much of the enemy before the battle is through. Quite simply, the army responsible for the greatest amount of carnage is the victor! Determine victory points using the rules found on page 137 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Game Length Game lasts for 6 turns Line of Retreat Armies fall back towards their own table edge. Clear & Consolidate Overview Both Armies are trying to gain territory without enduring too many causalities Scenario Special Rules Infiltrators, Deep Strike, and Victory Points. Set-Up 1. Both players roll a die; the winner picks deployment zone. Units will be placed up to 12" along the long table edge. The opponent gets the opposite table edge. 2. Both players roll a die again; the loser deploys his units first. Both players take turns deploying their units in order of Heavy Support, Troops, Elite, HQ and Fast Attack. Any units that can Deep Strike may be held in reserve to deploy under the Deep Strike rules. 3. Infiltrators are deployed after all other units have been deployed. If both sides have infiltrators roll off to see who deploys theirs first. 4. Both players roll a dice, the player who rolls the highest chooses whether to go first or second. Mission Objective Both players are seeking to clear the area of all enemy models while keeping as many of his units alive as possible. At the end of the battle divide the table into quarters. To control a quarter there must be no enemy units of troops, bikes or cavalry over half strength or mobile vehicles in the area. You must have a mobile vehicle or at least one unit of troops, bikes or cavalry with more than half their original number of models in the area. Characters do not count as units so they may not control areas. Point values For each quarter controlled +100 points Use standard victory point rules for surviving units (vehicles, troops, HQs, etc.) Note you only receive victory points for what is left in your own army. You do NOT gain points for killing enemy units. Game Length The game lasts for 6 turns. Line of Retreat Troops that are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal fall back rules. Dawn Assault Overview (Chapter Approved; WD 227) Opposing forces encounter each other just before dawn, with the battlefield still shrouded in darkness. Scenario Special Rules Dawn Attack uses the Deep Strike, Infiltrators and Random Game Length scenario special rules. The Night Fight scenario special rule is used for the first game turn only, with the sun rising after that. The Night Fight scenario special rule is used for the first game turn only (i.e. the sun comes up at the end of the first turn). Set-Up 1. Divide the board into four quarters. Both players roll a dice, the player with the highest score may pick which quarter to deploy in. The other player’s deployment zone is the opposite quarter. 2. The player that scored lowest deploys one unit in his quarter of the board. His opponent then deploys a unit in his deployment zone. The players take it in turns deploying a unit at a time until the whole of both their forces is on the table. No unit can be deployed within 18" of the enemy at the start of the game. The players must deploy their units in the following order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elite, HQ, and Fast Attack. Units that can infiltrate may deploy after all other units, anywhere on the table, at least 18" from the enemy. If both players have infiltrators, roll a dice to see who sets up first. 3. Roll for who gets the first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. Mission Objective Both forces are seeking to clear the area of all enemy forces, securing ground as they go. The player that occupies the most quarters of the board at the end of the game wins. To occupy a table quarter there must be no enemy units of troops, bikes or cavalry over half strength or mobile vehicles in the area, whilst you must have at least one unit of troops, bikes or cavalry over half strength or a mobile vehicle in the area. Game Length The game lasts for a random amount of turns. Line of Retreat Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal fall back rules. Hold That Objective! Overview (Author: Russ Wakelin, inspired by rumors of a similar mission at GT ‘99) There it is, right out in the open! We must secure it before the enemy can. Scenario Special Rules Hold That Objective uses the Deep Strike special rules. Set-Up 1. Set up terrain on the table. 2. Have an impartial person (arbitrator if available) place a small object (barrel, crate, etc.) down along the long centerline of the table. This object should be placed on the most open area available, and not in terrain if it can be avoided. The object is the "objective". The object is considered "Impassible" terrain. (note: Skimmers may not “park” on the objective) 3. Both players roll dice, the player with the highest score chooses a long table edge. His opponent gets the other long edge. The deployment zones are 6" from the long table edge. 4. Both players rolls dice again, the player with the lowest die roll must deploy a unit. Then his opponent deploys a unit and both players alternate until all units are deployed. The players must deploy their units in the following order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elite, HQ and then Fast Attack. 5. Units that can Deep Strike may be held in reserve and deep strike later as per the Deep Strike rules. 6. Roll for who gets the first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. Mission Objective Both forces are seeking to secure the “objective." At the end of the game whichever side has the closest model to the objective within 6 inches is the victor. If no models are within 6" then it is a draw. Note that any model counts for this purpose as long as it is not dead or destroyed. Game Length The game lasts for a 6 turns. Line of Retreat Troops which are forced to fall back will do so in a straight line toward their deployment zone board edge, using the normal fall back rules. The Messengers Overview (Games Workshop Baltimore GT 2000) Electromagnetic interference is preventing your army from communicating with its superiors. Messengers have been sent to inform the superior officers that contact has been made and reinforcements should be sent. Scenario Special Rules Before the battle begins, both sides must nominate three models to be their messengers. These models must be Troop selections from three different units. The messengers are removed from their units and are treated as independent characters for the rest of the game. Note that the following profile is in effect for all messenger models. M-8, WS-4, BS-4, S-4, T-4, W-2, I-4, A-2, LD-9, and Save 4+, Invulnerable. Messengers may always ignore terrain penalties. In addition, they will automatically pass any Morale checks they have to take, even if faced with a situation that would normally cause them to automatically fail (that’s why they’ve been chosen to be messengers). Your messengers must try to escape the battlefield via any table edge but your own (that’s where your fourth messenger went!) Each messenger is duty bound to go in a different direction, so each one must leave the table via a different table edge. Escaping on the side edges: The messengers may escape on the side edges in the 12” furthest away from your deployment zone (see the set up map). Set-Up 1. Each player rolls a D6, the player with the highest score choosing a long table edge for deployment. 2. Both players roll a D6, the player with the lowest score deploying a unit first. Players take turns to place units within 16" of their table edge. (Heavy, Troop, Elite, HQ, Fast Attack). 3. Roll for who gets the first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. Mission Objective Use victory points to determine the winner of this scenario. Each messenger which successfully escapes off the table is worth 200 victory points. Game Length The game lasts 6 turns, unless otherwise indicated by the event coordinator. Line of Retreat Troops that are forced to fall back do so towards their own table edge. Suicide Mission Designed by: Frank McCann & Drew Riggio Play testers: John Wakelin, Russ Vickery, Preston Hickok, Tim Lanza, Michael Kiser Overview Attacker: You’ve lost many scouts searching for the enemy, but you’ve finally located the entrance to their secret underground base. It must be destroyed at all costs. Simply destroying the entrance won’t be sufficient. A specially designed charge must detonate over the opening to cause a chain reaction that will destroy the instillation. Defender: Alert! Alert! Incoming enemies. We believe our location has been compromised. Prevent the destruction of this base. Scenario Special Rules Attacker and Defender: Deep Strike, Infiltrators, and Victory points. Defender: One bunker. Attacker: One HED (Highly Explosive Device) Set-Up 1. Both players roll a die. Winner chooses to be defender or attacker. Defending player picks deployment zone: long board edge 18 inches from the long table edge. Attacker gets opposite board edge 12 inches from the long table edge. Defender also sets up one bunker in his deployment zone at least 6 inches from any board edges. 2. Before deployment the attacker secretly writes down which Character or Individual has the HED (Highly Explosive Device). As long as the HED is not dropped or passed (see below) to another model, he does not have to reveal which model is carrying it. Once the HED location is known, use some sort of marker to indicate where it is which model is carrying it. After the LAST assault phase of the game is over center the LARGE blast marker over the HED or the model carrying it. Anything touched by the template is hit by a str. 10 AP 1 attack. After this is resolved take break checks as normal. 3. The two players each roll a die. Winner decides to deploy a unit first or second. Players alternate placing units one at a time starting with Heavy, Troops, Elite, HQ and finally Fast Attack. Units that infiltrate are deployed after both sides have set up anywhere not within 18 inches of an enemy unit. If both sides have infiltrators, each roll a die, winner places all his infiltrators first then his opponent places their infiltrators. 4. Attacker gets first turn. Carrying the Highly Explosive Device If the model carrying the HED is killed or is forced to Fall Back then the HED is dropped and remains on the board (use a marker it indicate its position). Any model that ends its move in contact with it may pick it up. The model carrying the HED may pass it to another model by moving into base contact. Neither model may move after they have come into contact until their next turn, and the HED can only be handed off once per turn. Any model carrying the HED can opt to drop it. Simple place a marker to represent the HED in base to base with the model that was carrying it when it ends its movement. Note that with the exception of Walkers, vehicles (anything with an armor facing) may not pick up or carry the HED. Models carrying the HED may board transports, however. Also note that vehicles may not end their movement on top of the HED (although they may pass over it during movement). Mission Objective The attacker scores a bonus +200 victory points if the defender’s bunker is destroyed and was hit by the HED large blast marker after the last assault phase of the game. The defender scores a bonus +200 victory points if his bunker has not been destroyed at the end of the game. Note that if the bunker is destroyed before turn six leave it on the table. The attacker must still manage to get the HED to detonate on it to achieve his objective. Game Length The game lasts 6 turns. Line of Retreat Troops that are forced to fall back will do so towards the long board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal Fall Back rules. Suicide Squad Overview (Games Workshop Baltimore GT 2000) A fierce series of battles have been raging for generations and finally the time has come to make a decisive counter-attack to conquer the planet. Scenario Special Rules Suicide Squad uses the Infiltrators and Victory Points special rules from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Some units have their orders to literally destroy the enemy at all costs and will stop at nothing to see the destruction of the enemy. Choose one infantry squad from your Elite or Troop selections and inform your opponent that they are your suicide squad. This squad hates the enemy and will always strike the enemy in hand to hand combat on a 3+. In addition, they will automatically pass any Morale checks they have to take, even in a situation that would normally cause them to automatically fail. (They will NEVER FALL BACK because they are too much crazed. e.g. they won’t run from an Inferno Cannon, however they CAN be pinned.) Independent Characters may NOT attach to a suicide squad, as they are just too crazy. Set-Up 1. Each player rolls a D6, the player with the highest score choosing a long table edge for deployment. 2. Both players roll a D6, the player with the lowest score deploying a unit first. Players take turns to place units within 12" of their table edge. (Heavy, Troop, Elite, HQ, Fast Attack). Units that can infiltrate may deploy anywhere on the table, at least 18” from the enemy. If both players have infiltrators, roll a die to see who sets up first. 3. Roll for who gets the first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. Mission Objective As the special rules dictate, the winner is the player who accumulates the most victory points throughout the course of the game. Units killed by the suicide squad in hand-to-hand combat are worth double points. If your suicide squad is entirely wiped out then you receive an additional 100 points. If you have at least one model in the squad at the end of the game, then your opponent receives an additional 100 points. They are the suicide squad after all! Game Length The game lasts 6 turns, unless otherwise indicated by the event coordinator. Line of Retreat Troops that are forced to fall back do so towards their own table edge. Carnage (WD# 251) Attacker’s Overview: Your mission is to get to the centre of the board, claim the objective and stay on it at all costs. Whoever has the closest model to the objective when the game finishes is the victor. Scenario Special Rules Carnage uses the Night Fight special rule, but only for each player’s first turn. It also uses the Infiltrators and Random Game Length special rules. Set-Up 1. All players roll a dice (yes, this is how WD worded it). The player that scores highest chooses which deployment zone he prefers, then the player who scored the next highest chooses a deployment zone, and so on. 2. Each player’s deployment zone is indicated n the map to the right. He must set up all his forces in his chosen deployment zone. (Since I’m not including the map, I’ll explain. Each player’s deployment zone is 24” x12”, and set in one of the board corners. The 24” is set on the long edge, and the 12” is set on the short edge. My board is 6’x4’, so each army will start a minimum of 24” away from any other army. ) 3. The player who won the dice roll to choose their deployment zone now deploys one unit in his chosen zone. Next, the player who rolled second highest deploys a unit and so on. The players take it in turns deploying a unit at a time until their entire forces are on the table. The players must deploy their units in the following order: Heavy Support first, followed by Troops, Elites, HQ and finally Fast Attack units. 4. If any player has Infiltrators in his force, then they may be deployed after all other forces have been set up. However, they are not restricted by the deployment zones, and may set up anywhere on the battlefield which is more than 18” from an enemy unit. 5. Roll for who gets the first turn. The player that rolls highest takes his turn first, followed by the player to the left of him, and so on. Mission Objective All players have the same objective: to have the closest model to the objective when the game ends. If there is a combat where it is unclear as to which models are nearest, the player with the most models in close proximity (let’s say 3”?) to the objective wins. Thus, if there was an assault surrounding the objective, the player with the most surviving models nearest to the objective when the game draws to a close is declared the winner. However, if there is an unengaged model closer to the objective, the player controlling the closest model wins outright. Reserves None. Game Length The game lasts for a variable number of turns. Line of Retreat Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards their nearest deployment zone board edge by the shortest route, using the normal Fall Back rules. LEGION OF THE DAMNED There are tales of the Legion of the Damned from all across the galaxy. Just who they are, and where their true loyalty lies, is a matter of much speculation. Some even doubt they exist at all, but the heaps of corpses left in the wake of their awesome, implacable advance cannot be disputed. A Space Marine army may include a single Legion of the Damned squad as an Elites choice. 0-1 SQUAD: LEGION OF THE DAMNED Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Marine 20 5 4 4 4 1 5 1 8 3+ Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Legion of the Damned Space Marines. Weapons: Bolters. Any model may replace their boltgun with a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no extra points cost. Options: One model in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: heavy bolter at +5 points; missile launcher at +10 points; or a lascannon at +15 points. In addition one Space Marine in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +6 pts; meltagun at +10 points; plasma gun at +6 points. The entire squad may be given frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 point per model and krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 points per model. SPECIAL RULES Apparitions: The Legion of the Damned appear from nowhere, completely unheralded. In every battle they use the special Deep Strike deployment rules, even if the mission does not normally allow troops to Deep Strike. At the end of every Space Marine turn after the Legion of Damned arrive, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, the Legion of the Damned disappear as eerily as they came remove the models from the table immediately - victory points are earned according to their strength when they disappear (if only half of them are left, your opponent scores halt the unit's points value in victory points, etc). The Legion of the Damned may not be joined by an independent character, they always fight alone. Fearless: It is debatable whether the Legion of the Damned are truly alive and have any real minds. Legion of the Damned automatically pass any Leadership-based tests, including Morale checks, that they are required to make. Terrifying: Any unit which loses an assault whilst fighting the Legion of the Damned suffers an additional -1 modifier to its Leadership for the subsequent Morale check. UNDER-STRENGTH SQUADS It is standard practice in the Imperial Guard to try to keep squads at full strength and this is achieved by joining together units from the same platoon which have suffered casualties to form full strength squads. Of course there will be times when it's impossible to form full strength squads without having 'leftovers'. In such cases the extra men will be used to form an under-strength squad and will be fielded as long as it has at least 6 men. The following rule can be used to represent this. Under-strength Squads: One squad in each Imperial Guard infantry platoon can be fielded with less than ten men, down to a minimum of six models. Reduce the cost of the squad by 5 points for each man less than ten in the squad. In scenarios where it’s important to know if a unit has been reduced to half strength or less, the squad counts as if it started with its full ten men, even though this wasn’t actually the case. Up to one Storm Trooper squad, one Heavy Weapons squad and one Armoured Fist squad can also be fielded as under-strength units in an army. The same rules apply, except that Heavy Weapons squads can be reduced to a minimum of four models rather than the minimum of six on other units. Designer’s Note: The rebate you get for models left out of a squad is less than their actual cost (ie, you waste points). This is deliberately to balance out the increased flexibility that having reduced sized squads allows a player. LICTORS 0-1 lictors W L Points/Model BS S T WI A Save S D Lictor 65 6 - 6 4 3 6 3 10 5+ Weapons: Claws and flesh hooks. Special Rules Scything Claws: The powerful, mantis-like claws of a Lictor can easily cut a man in half with a single sweep. Therefore, any of the Lictor’s attacks which roll a 6 to hit will inflict a wound automatically and ignore armour saves just like a power weapon. Other attacks which hit on a roll other than 6 must roll to wound as normal and the victim receives their normal saving throw. Flesh Hooks: The Lictor’s flesh hooks mean it counts as being equipped with frag grenades in close combat. In addition, due to these special adaptations, a Lictor effectively has built-in grappling hooks, hence a Lictor treats ‘vertical impassable’ terrain such as cliff, high walls etc, as difficult terrain instead. Secret Deployment: Before either side deploys their armies at the start of a battle, the Tyranid player may deploy any of their Lictors secretly to represent them creeping into position. A Lictor may only be secretly deployed in cover which is outside the enemy’s deployment zone. Record the position of the hidden Lictors by writing down coordinates for each one. For example - “Lictor 1 is hidden 28” from my right-hand table edge and 22” from the near table edge”. The Tyranid player can reveal the location of a Lictor at the start of any Tyranid assault phase and place the model on the tabletop. It can (and probably will!) charge into close combat on the turn it is revealed. Once the Lictor has been placed on the tabletop it is allowed to move and fight normally in future turns. Independent Character: You may include between 1 and 3 Lictors in your army as a single Elites choice. Lictors operate independently and so follow the rules for independent characters given on page 74 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. However, Lictors can never join another unit and they always fight individually. Note that for the purposes of mission objectives, Lictors cannot capture table quarters, hold objectives or count as surviving troops in a Meat Grinder battle. Stealth: The Lictor’s chameleonic scale make it an extremely difficult target. A Lictor always counts as being in cover against shooting and consequently always receives a 5+ cover save. If the Lictor is actually in cover, its cover saving throw is improved by +2, so for example it would receive a 3+ cover save in woods or jungles instead of the usual 5+ save. A Lictor gains no benefits from its stealth while in close combat, reverting to its natural 5+ armour save for its chitinous armour. Sentries killed by a Lictor in close combat will only raise the alarm on a D6 roll of 6 instead of a 4 or more. Fearless: Lictors are driven by the implacable alien will of the hive mind. A Lictor never has to fall back and is assumed to automatically pass any Morale checks it is required to make, even against attacks which normally force their target to fall back with no test taken. Lictors cannot be pinned. Fearsome Charge: If a Lictor wins an assault in the same turn it charges, its opponents automatically fall back without a morale check being taken. Opponents that never fall back or ignore Morale checks ignore this effect and will not fall back. Hit and Run: Lictors may choose to leave close combat. Declare this at the end of any close combat phase, after all Morale checks have been taken. The Lictor immediately falls back 3D6” and regroups at the end of its move. Enemy models may not pursue the Lictor but may consolidate.