Grade 4 Practice Passages

Name ______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Grade 4 Practice Passages A
Reading Passage 1 – Author’s Purpose, Main Idea, Supporting Detail
Do you remember when Mom, Dad, you, and I used to gather around the radio after dinner? That was the best. We would
listen to all those great shows with our favorite superheroes. We'd sing along to the theme songs we used to know by
heart--in fact, I still know most of them. Then there were the science-fiction shows, with all their marvelous sound effects
and crazy situations. The comedy shows were always Dad's favorite. He would laugh enormously at every joke, and get
the whole family laughing, too.
What is the author’s purpose?
a. to tell you a good story
b. to convince you to listen to the
c. to share a memory
What is the main idea?
a. the whole family enjoyed
listening to the radio together
b. the whole family sang along with
the radio
c. Dad loved the comedy shows
What is the supporting detail?
a. they gathered around the radio
before dinner
b. they gathered around the radio
after dinner
c. they gathered around radio after
the dishes were washed
Reading Passage 2 – Using Context Clues, Synonyms and Antonyms
Before the sun had even risen, I bundled up for a walk on a brisk winter morning. I put on my
warm boots, heavy jacket, and fur hat. It was refreshing to get up early and be outside in the crisp
mountain air. I always felt so happy and alive during those early morning walks where I could
appreciate nature all by myself.
In the first sentence, the word brisk
means _____.
a. hot
b. warm
c. cold
d. rainy
Which word is an antonym for crisp?
In this passage, what does the word
appreciate mean?
a. be grateful for
b. walk
c. build
d. destroy
Reading Passage 3 – Summary, Text Organization, Text Purpose
Erin and her mother were busy making sugar cookies for a party. Erin's mother was focused on
mixing ingredients, while Erin was carefully cutting out various shapes in the rolled-out dough. Once
Erin's mother had finished mixing the second batch, she put the cookies in the oven, as Erin once
again cut shapes into the cream-colored dough. They smiled at each other. There was nothing Erin
loved more than cooking with her mother.
Choose the sentence that best
summarizes what happens in the
a. Erin and her mother bake cookies.
b. Cookies are great at parties.
c. Erin and her mother get ready for
d. Family activities are important.
How is this text organized?
What is the purpose of this text?
a. to make you hungry for cookies
b. to explain how to bake with your
c. to tell a story
d. to persuade
problem and solution
steps in order
cause and effect
Reading Passage 4 – Theme, Main Idea, Author’s Purpose
Everyone knows the story of the fisherman who one day pulled a magic fish from the river. Not
only was the fish huge, but it could also talk. It said in a small voice, "Fisherman, throw me back
into the river, and I'll grant you three wishes."
"I don't need any wishes," the man said. "My life is great just the way it is." And he threw the fish
back into the river.
The next day another fisherman came along. Again, the magic fish was caught. "Fisherman," said the huge fish in a small
voice, "throw me back into the river and I'll grant you three wishes."
"Hmm, let's see," said the man. "How about some lunch, fresh bait for my hook, and a new pair of boots without holes in
them?" The fish granted the man his wishes and leapt back into the river.
The next day yet another fisherman came along. News of the magic fish had spread throughout the village. All day he
fished, and he caught lots of huge fish to feed his hungry family. But not a single one of them could talk.
After a while, he started getting hungry too. Finally, he decided not to wait any longer. He would just have to choose -- eat
well tonight or go hungry wishing for things he didn't have? When he thought about it that way, he decided to go home to
his family.
What is the main theme of this
a. A magic fish tries to find the river
where it came from.
b. A kind fisherman helps a magic
c. Three men get wishes.
d. A fisherman learns the value of
what he already has.
Choose the best title for this story.
What is the author’s purpose?
A New Pair of Boots
The Three Fishermen
The Man Who Waited So Long
The Magic Fish, the Three
Fishermen, and The One Who
Went Home
to persuade you to go fishing
to give an opinion
to tell a story that has a message
to give you facts about fishing
Reading Passage 5 – Genre, Figurative Language, Inference
Princess Mysoon sighed as she stroked the fur of Pax, her unicorn. The animal was as white
as snow, with a single horn reaching skyward from the space between his forgiving eyes. He
sensed Mysoon's fear.
Lately a wicked troll had been kidnapping the beautiful unicorns from the forest, and Mysoon
was sure that her unicorn was in danger. There must be some way to save him from the
terrible fate that awaited him. Though she loved the animal dearly, she knew that if Pax
stayed here with her, he might be hurt. So Mysoon decided to send Pax far away. The kind
princess would miss him, but at least her much-loved pet would be safe.
What details show that this passage is
a fantasy?
a. The unicorn and troll are fantasy
b. Mysoon and Pax are common
names in fantasy stories.
c. It is unrealistic that Mysoon wants
to send her pet away.
d. Princesses do not exist in real life.
Which phrase is an example of
figurative language?
a. single horn reaching skyward
b. beautiful unicorns from the forest
c. he sensed Mysoon’s fear
d. as white as snow
What kind of figurative language is
What can you infer about Mysoon?
a. She will become a Queen.
b. She will go to see her pet again
after the troll is gone.
c. She will capture the troll.
d. She admires trolls.
Name ______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Grade 4 Practice Passages B
Reading Passage 1 – Inference, Sequence
It was late one night when I was walking home from seeing my grandfather. It was almost nine, and I
knew Mom was going to be mad. Even though it was summer, she didn't like me staying out past
dark. And I was going to be in even more trouble because after practice, I was so hungry that I spent
my allowance on a sandwich.
Just as I was reaching the corner of Maple Avenue, I heard a little squeak. It was a gray kitten tottering toward me. He
must have been about five weeks old because he could walk and his eyes were open, but he was still pretty small.
I really wanted to take him home, but I could already hear Mom saying that we couldn't afford to keep another cat. We
already had three, and Tiger was getting old. Last week we had to take him to the vet.
I didn't know what to do exactly, so I took my sandwich out of the bag and set it on the sidewalk. The kitten ran away
when I unwrapped it, so I just left it there for him, hoping that he would come back and eat the meat.
All night long I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about the kitten. I felt bad because I should have done more to help
him. The next morning on the way to school I went past the corner where I'd seen him, but he wasn't there. I just hope
someone is keeping him safe. Yesterday I found out about this neighborhood group that helps rescue wild cats. I think I'm
going to ask Mom whether I can volunteer.
Why didn't the narrator take the kitten
a. He was worried about its health.
b. He didn’t know whether he could
keep it.
c. He felt sorry for his mom.
d. He wasn’t sure he liked it.
What can you infer about Tiger?
What happened after the narrator took
the sandwich out of the bag?
a. The kitten came up to get a bite.
b. He thought about what his mom
would say.
c. He asked his mom if he could
volunteer to help wild cats.
d. He put the sandwich on the
Reading Passage 2 – Main Idea, Text Organization, Sequence
Last summer, Alphonse worked at a bakery. He had to get up early in the morning,
before sunrise, and walk to the bakery when the streets were still empty. His job was
to help bake rolls and pastries. After Alphonse and the baker put the large metal trays
in the oven, the rich smell of rolls baking would fill the shop and make them hungry.
Then they would eat their breakfast together. The baker was a kind man, and the
pastries Alphonse learned to make were delicious!
What would be a good title for this
a. My Summer with Alphonse
b. Working at Night
c. Alphonse’s Job Last Summer
d. Making Rolls and Pastries
How is this text organized?
Cause and effect
Problem and Solution
What happened right after they put the
trays of rolls in the oven?
Reading Passage 3 – Theme, Type of Writing, Antonyms
One day, a lion caught a mouse and was about to eat it. Just when the huge teeth were
closing over the little mouse, the mouse squeaked, "Wait! If you allow me to live, I will one
day do you a great favor."
The lion laughed at the thought that a weak little mouse could ever aid the king of beasts.
But since the lion was not too hungry, and since the mouse's suggestion amused him, the
lion smiled and let his dinner go.
Several days later, the lion was trapped in a great net laid down by hunters to trap him. The lion roared and struggled, but
could not escape. Even his might could not break the bonds that held him.
The mouse heard the lion's cries and ran to help. He gnawed at the net's ropes until they parted and the lion was free. As
the lion stepped away from the broken net, he thought to himself that even a small mouse could do a big favor.
What did the Lion learn in this story?
What type of writing is this?
He shouldn’t be so humble.
He was not the king of beasts.
He should be more careful of hunters.
He should have more respect for small creatures.
What is an antonym for the word
a. Stop
b. Assist
c. Prove
d. Carry
Reading Passage 4 – Supporting Details, Main Idea, Context Clues
Dear Mom,
I'm writing you from the fabulous city of Santiago. It's amazing to see the Andes Mountains covered in
snow in June.
I am so happy to be staying with the Alero family. Their house is on the outskirts of town, and it has a large yard where we
can play outside on the days it isn't raining.
Outside my window I can see a beautiful persimmon tree. The persimmons look like orange balls hung all over the tree. I
tried to eat a persimmon for dessert one night, but it made my tongue go numb! I don't think I'll try it again, but it was fun
to taste something that I'd only read about in books. It's not too cold here yet, but we've had a lot of rain.
I can't wait to see you again when I get home. I hope your summer is warm and sunny!
With love from Chile,
Which phrase best matches Renata's
description of Santiago?
a. Warm and sunny
b. Rainy and snowy
c. Bright and wintry
d. Rainy and not too cold
What is Renata’s letter mainly about?
a. She is lonely and wants to come
b. She is telling her mom about her
visit in Santiago.
c. She wants her mom to come visit
the Alero family.
d. She is giving an opinion about
What is a synonym for outskirts as
used in this passage?
a. Outer edge
b. Center
c. Mountains
d. Playground
Name ______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Grade 4 Practice Passages C
Reading Passage 1 – Inference, Author’s Purpose, Antonyms
One of the hardest things I've ever had to learn is to ride a horse. It doesn't help that my
cousin Justin has been riding since before he was six. He and his pals have horses of
their own and they can ride whenever they want all year long.
When we go to visit my aunt and uncle, I always get invited to ride with Justin. But they
give me a slow horse that they call Molasses, and then they laugh at me when Molasses can't keep up.
Justin and his friends like to sprint out in the meadows and not stay on the trails. The only other time I've been riding has
been at a stable near our house where they only let you ride on trails and never do anything but walk. I'm always glad
when our week visiting my cousins comes to an end.
Based on the narrator's description,
where do you think he goes to ride
a. to a zoo
b. to the city
c. to a ranch
d. underground
What is the author’s purpose?
Which word is an antonym for the
word sprint as used in this passage?
to entertain with a story
to express his feelings
to give information about horses
to talk you into riding a horse
Reading Passage 2 – Plot, Inference, Figurative Language, Summary
Renae flopped down on the steps of the porch. Her history test drooped in her hand like a wilting
flower. Renae's teacher, Ms. Lin, handed back the paper hours ago; Renae held on to it all the way
home. Every once in awhile she unfolded it and stared miserably at the grade branded across the top
of the page.
"I meant to study for the test," Renae thought to herself as she dragged her feet along the sidewalk.
The days leading up to the test had raced by, and Renae kept putting off studying. The night before the test, scared of
what might happen the following day, Renae crammed so much information into her head, she felt as if her brain would
burst! This last-ditch effort certainly did not pay off. Renae was now very disappointed.
What is the problem or conflict in this
What can you infer about Renae from
this passage?
a. Renae does not like history class.
b. Renae is angry with Ms. Lin for
wrinkling her paper.
c. Renae is glad that she has found a
fast study method.
d. Renae is angry with herself for not
preparing for the test.
Write a brief summary of this passage:
She wants to do well in school.
She is lazy and careless.
She always gets high grades.
She didn’t know there was a test.
Find an example of figurative language
from this passage and tell what it
Reading Passage 3 – Inference, Plot, Setting
Jamal walked up the steps to the library, then stopped at the doors and sighed. The small red book seemed heavy in his
hand. He looked up at the sky, then took a deep breath, pushed the doors open, and went inside.
Jamal slowly walked to the circulation desk. Without looking at the librarian, he placed the book on the desk. "Jamal
Curtis?" she said, while he stared at his shoes. "You do realize," she said, "that this book isn't due for another week,
right?" Jamal looked up, his face spreading into his usual outgoing smile.
Jamal did not look at the librarian
because ________.
a. he was distracted
b. he is a shy person
c. he was embarrassed
d. he was sad
What was the conflict in this passage?
a. Jamal did not like his shoes.
b. He thought the librarian didn’t like
c. The red book was too heavy.
d. Jamal thought he was returning
the book late.
Which phrase from passage gives you
a clue about the mood?
a. walked up the steps to the library
b. stopped at the doors and sighed
c. pushed the doors open
d. placed the book on the desk
Reading Passage 4 – Headings, Author’s Purpose
Building a Birdhouse
Feeling like this summer vacation is for the birds? Welcome bluebirds, swallows, and chickadees to your backyard, fire
escape, front porch, or window sill with an easy-to-build birdhouse.
Selecting materials: A half-gallon milk carton makes a sturdy body for your bird house. You will also need a stapler, a roll
of masking tape, scissors, a pencil, a ruler, and a wire or a wire hanger. Finally, choose paint in a color that resembles the
colors of nature, such as green, tan, or brown.
Assembling the body: Make sure that your milk carton is thoroughly washed and dried before stapling the top shut.
Cover the carton with masking tape, overlapping one to two inch pieces of tape until the entire carton is covered.
Painting your birdhouse: Though bright colors might really spice up your birdhouse, you want the house to blend in with
the surroundings so that predators are not attracted to the house. Paint the entire house in a nature-friendly color and let
the paint dry.
Making room for the occupants: Cut a 1.5-inch hole in the birdhouse six inches above the floor. This will welcome your
birds to enter. Use your pencil to make several holes in the bottom and top of the carton. The floor holes will allow
moisture and rain to drain, while the ceiling holes will keep the birds cool.
Hanging your house: Create a hole through the top of the house near the staples. Weave a short piece of wire through
the hole to make a loop. Hang the birdhouse on a tree branch or railing.
Life with the birds: Fill your birdhouse with delicious birdseed and listen for the call of bird song and the flutter of wings.
What is the purpose of the headings in the
article about building a birdhouse?
a. The headings are in bold print.
b. The headings include steps for selecting
materials, painting your birdhouse, and
hanging your house.
c. The headings compare birdhouses.
d. The headings summarize all of the steps to
follow in the construction of the birdhouse.
Which heading would be the best
place for this sentence?
Spread newspaper on the floor
to protect your painting area.
Hanging your house
Painting your birdhouse
Assembling the body
Making room for the
What is the author’s purpose?
a. To give information about
b. To express the author’s
c. to explain how to make a
d. to share a personal story
Name ______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Grade 4 Practice Passages D
Reading Passage 1 – Figurative Language, Plot, Summary
Shane and Luis decided to take a shortcut home from school. There was a path that led
through the woods, right into Shane's backyard. Most of the boys (and all of the girls) in their
class were afraid to take the path. The trees at its entrance stood like soldiers guarding a
castle. And when the wind blew, it seemed that their arms could reach out and grab you!
But, they had no time to waste. If they were going to make it to Julie's party, they had to get home as fast as possible and
get all their homework done. So they mustered up some courage and headed into the woods. They ran as fast as cougars
and made it home in record time.
What are the trees compared
to in this passage?
a. cougars
b. arms
c. monsters
d. soldiers
Find another example of figurative
language from this passage.
What is the conflict in this passage?
The trees wanted to fight.
They had to do their homework.
They had to take a risky way home.
They did not want to go to Julie’s party.
What type of figurative language is
Write a brief summary of this passage:
Reading Passage 2 – Author’s Purpose, Figurative Language, Inference
Dear Bian,
I never got a chance to thank you for the video game you gave me for my birthday. It's so much fun. I've been playing it
for millions of hours,and it's one of my favorite gifts.
By the way, I'm moving! From now on, I'll be living on 223 Terrace Ave. near Third St., only about five minutes away from
my old house. I'm so excited to live in the new house. It's a big, new, green house, and I'll get my own room. If you want to
call me, my new number is 555-7294.
Thanks again,
Why did Lester write this letter?
a. To thank Bian for her gift
b. To give Bian directions to his new
c. To thank Bian for her gift and tell
her about his new house
d. To apologize to Bian
Which phrase from the passage is an
a. only five minutes from my old
b. been playing for millions of hours
c. one of my favorite gifts
d. it’s so much fun
What clue in the passage makes you
think Bian might call Lester?
a. Bian wants to play the video
b. Lester will have his own room.
c. Soon it will be Bian’s birthday.
d. Lester is only moving five minutes
Reading Passage 3 – Author’s Purpose, Text Organization, Context Clues
Do all artists paint in the same style? Do you have the skills to paint like other artists?
Some kinds of paintings are called landscapes, or pictures of the countryside.
Landscapes, and paintings of houses and people, were very popular kinds of painting
in the 1800s.
In the 1900s, painting began to change. People began to paint colors and shapes. This
kind of painting is often called abstract.
If you look at paintings by Piet Mondrian, you can see examples of abstract painting. In
his paintings, he uses bright colors and lines, rectangles and squares. But that wasn't always the case. When he was
young, he studied how to paint landscapes.
Maybe you'd like to try painting like Mondrian sometime. How would you start?
Why did the author write this text?
How is this text organized?
to tell a story about Piet Mondrian
to suggest ways to paint
to explain colors and shapes
to talk about artists she likes
problem and solution
cause and effect
listing or enumeration
question and answer
What does the word landscapes
a. pictures of the country
b. paintings of houses
c. paintings from the 1800s
d. paintings of people
Reading Passage 4 – Inference
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always loved going to movies. The first movies I ever saw were old black-and-white
movies. My favorite stars were Charlie Chaplin, the Marx Brothers, and Buster Keaton. Since then, I've seen hundreds of
movies. As much as I love reading books and going to see plays and concerts, there's something magical in a movie-something that will hopefully still be around for years to come.
The author probably thinks that
a. Going to the movie theater is a
great experience
b. Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin
are not very exciting
c. Old movies will not last
d. Books are more interesting than
What can you infer about Buster
a. He is the narrator’s friend.
b. He owns a movie theater.
c. He is a movie star.
d. He starred in black-and-white
What connections can you make with this passage?
How does the author feel about
A. They are booooooring.
B. They are not the same as going to
a movie.
C. They are also black and white.
D. They are better than plays and
Name ______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Grade 4 Practice Passages E
Reading Passage 1 – Inference, Main Idea
My friend Randolph plays in the school band with me and he is a lot of fun to have in class. He distracts me from playing
sometimes and makes our teacher, Mr. Antonio, get angry with us. But he makes me look forward to band rehearsal,
which is not an easy thing to do at all.
Randolph and Mr. Antonio don't get along very well because of Randolph's antics. Just yesterday, Tammy, the girl that
plays trumpet with me and Randolph, was being noisy in class. Instead of blaming Tammy for distracting the class, he
kept scolding my friend. I didn't think it was very fair, and neither did Randolph.
Who wrote this passage?
What would be a good title for this
a. Randolph the Wise
b. Band Rehearsal
c. Tammy and her Trumpet
d. My Friend Randolph
Randolph’s father
Mr. Antonio
Randolph’s friend
What can you infer about the author?
a. He thinks Randolph is funny.
b. He gets in trouble just like
c. He wishes he could be more like
d. He is mad at Tammy.
Reading Passage 2 – Figurative Language, Style, Inference
The following lines are from the poem "The Kind Moon" by Sara Teasdale
I think the moon is very kind
To take such trouble just for me.
He came along with me from home
To keep me company.
Which of the following words from the
selection rhymes with the word me?
a. kind
b. home
c. me
d. company
What do you notice about the style of
writing in this poem?
a. The author used complete
b. The author made each line rhyme.
c. The author used rhythm in this
d. Each line of the poem has the
same number of words.
Reading Passage 2 – Figurative Language, Style, Inference
Why does the author feel the moon is
a. it lights his way
b. it is his friend
c. it chased away the storm
d. it kept him out of trouble
The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen
"Quack! quack!" they said; and they all came quacking out as fast as they could, looking all around them under the green
leaves; and the mother let them look as much as they chose, for green is good for the eye.
"How wide the world is!" said all the young ones, for they certainly had much more room now than when they were in the
Which word from the selection imitates the sound that it describes?
A. wide
B. quack
C. young
D. eggs
A. What type of figurative language is this?
Reading Passage 3 – Figurative Language
The Wind
I saw you toss the kites on high
And blow the birds about the sky;
And all around I heard you pass,
Like ladies' skirts across the grass-O wind, a-blowing all day long,
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
I saw the different things you did,
But always you yourself you hid.
I felt you push, I heard you call,
I could not see yourself at all-O wind, a-blowing all day long,
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
O you that are so strong and cold,
O blower, are you young or old?
Are you a beast of field and tree,
Or just a stronger child than me?
O wind, a-blowing all day long,
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
Which lines from the poem create the sound of the wind?
What type of figurative language
occurs often in this poem?
Are you a beast of field and tree/Or just a stronger child than me?
I saw the different things you did,/But always you yourself you hid.
And all around I heard you pass./Like ladies’ skirts across the grass—
O you that are so strong and cold,/O blower are you young or old?
Reading Passage 4 – Fact/Opinion, Synonyms
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by air. She was also the first woman to fly across the
Atlantic alone. She was born in Atchison, Kansas, and developed an interest in flying while working as a nurse's aide
during World War I.
In 1937, Earhart tried to fly around the world. On the hardest leg of the trip, her plane vanished in the Pacific Ocean. No
trace of Earhart, her navigator, or her plane has ever been found. Some people believe she drowned because her plane
ran out of fuel. Others believe she was captured and killed. Even after all these years, there is no evidence to support
either belief.
Which sentence is a fact according to
the passage?
a. Earhart tried to fly around the
world in 1937.
b. Earhart was captured and killed.
c. Earhart was the first woman to fly
a plane.
d. Earhart is one of the most famous
pilots in the world.
Which sentence is an opinion?
a. She was the first woman to fly
across the Atlantic alone.
b. She was captured and killed.
c. She developed an interest in flying
while working as a nurse’s aide.
d. She was born in Atchison, Kansas.
Which word is a synonym for vanished
as used in this passage?
a. misplaced
b. found
c. used up
d. gone