Session III: Mission and Objectives for Gen Ed / WAC Program Sample Objectives/Goals/Outcomes University of Arizona WAC Program The goals of The University of Arizona WAC program are To teach the writing process in first-year composition--context analysis, drafting, peer review, and revision--with a view to its applications across the curriculum. To incorporate writing in the general education courses in Tier One and Tier Two to build on and reinforce that writing process. To provide adequate faculty development through partnerships between Writing Program specialists, the Writing Center, the University Teaching Center, the major departments, and the Teaching Teams Program to help faculty use writing as a means of supporting students= learning to write and writing to learn. To develop common writing objectives for the lower division that elicit critical and creative thinking and articulate university-wide standards for student performance. To provide stability and reinforcement for lower division writing through the University-Wide General Education Committee. To provide adequate writing support for students and faculty through development of the Writing Center and college satellite writing centers, where students may get feedback on their writing and faculty may work with Writing Center consultants to help students perform their writing assignments. To identify students, through college-specific Mid-Career Writing Assessments (MCWA), who may be at writing risk before they enter their upper division majors and provide supplemental instruction and opportunities for them to improve their writing. To provide courses in the majors that teach the rhetorical contexts, processes, and conventions for writing in those fields. To support student writing in the majors through faculty development in teaching the writing/thinking process for individual disciplines. To provide professional writing courses that support students= writing process and help them transfer rhetorical skills learned in first-year composition to writing at the upper-division level in the careers they will enter. To support student writing in individual colleges through consultation services to administrators and faculty on department-specific writing interventions for students in the majors. To help faculty and administrators develop and assess curriculum that supports student writing development throughout their undergraduate experience. University of Pittsburgh WAC Goals and Outcomes We therefore recommend that faculty who teach W-courses at the University of Pittsburgh pursue the following goals: 1. Engage students in writing as a form of thinking, reflection, and inquiry, not merely as a performance or report. 2. Assist students in learning the forms of discourse practiced by a particular disciplinary or interdisciplinary community. 3. Offer response to student writing that not only identifies what is lacking but also articulates what would constitute improvement. 4. Provide opportunities for students to revise their work and thereby act upon response they have received by the teacher or their peers. 5. Require students to take responsibility for correcting their errors in syntax, punctuation, and spelling. (See our suggestions for correcting errors in usage.) 6. Help student to recognize the importance of advanced literacy in the life of an educated citizen. UNLV General Education Writing Across the Curriculum Retreat Session III: Mission and Objectives for Gen Ed / WAC Program Clemson Pearce Center Mission and Goals Supports Clemson University's commitment to undergraduate education by promoting communicationintensive instruction across the curriculum and by advocating communication-intensive activities as a means of improving teaching and enhancing students' learning Aims to ensure that all Clemson students are adequately prepared to communicate effectively in their major disciplines Promotes communication education in the public schools by supporting innovative efforts such as the Clemson National Writing Project Site Prepares students for their chosen professions by sponsoring initiatives that familiarize students with communication practices and technologies in the workplace. With support from the University and from corporate partners, the Pearce Center has established state of the art computer facilities that involve students in authentic communication projects and that enhance teaching with powerful multimedia technology LSU Communication Across the Curriculum CxC has three major goals: developing communication-intensive courses in disciplines and professional schools for all students at LSU; supporting students who apply for "High-Level Communicator" certification on their transcripts; and building collaborative groups of faculty members who emphasize communication in their courses and research through workshops, special events, and summer institutes. To further support these goals, CxC is building a comprehensive resource database for students and faculty on this website, testing three proposed delivery systems for digital portfolios for students, and developing a comprehensive assessment program for determining the effects of these initiatives. The directors have joined in proposing many new programs and grants with faculty and administrators in LSU's colleges. Together, they are working to add to the resources available for communication instruction at LSU. Sample Mission Statements Missouri-Columbia Campus Writing Program Mission Statement Writing Intensive courses help produce an educated, articulate citizenry capable of reasoning critically, solving complex problems, and communicating with clear and effective language. NC State Campus Writing and Speaking Program: Program Mission and Activities The CWSP is a direct response to NC State's commitment to improve its graduates' writing and speaking abilities and incorporating writing and speaking into the classroom as powerful tools for teaching and learning in all curricula. At the center of the Program's many goals and services is support for engaging students as active participants in learning their subject matter, the ways of thinking that define their discipline, and the conventions of discourse that will define them as professionals in their fields. University of Arizona WAC Program Mission Statement The mission of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) at the University of Arizona is to create a university culture that understands writing to be the principal means by which scholars conduct inquiry (writing to learn), display their knowledge (learning to write), and share their learning with others (writing to build knowledge collaboratively). Through faculty development and institutional structures to support student writing, the program is intended to teach that rhetorical analysis, review, and revision are the writing/thinking processes used by writers in different fields to construct written texts for sharing their thinking effectively in their rhetorical contexts. UNLV General Education Writing Across the Curriculum Retreat