PROGRAMME GUIDE 2008&10 Bachelor of Education (Distance Education) B.Ed.(GE-DE) Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University 6 Message from the Vice Chancellor It gives me great feeling mentioning that Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University has shown a remarkable growth since its inception. The university has achieved a global maga University status with enrolment of approximately 3 lakhs students. My experiences of Educational administration, Govt. policies, mission and vision has ever flicked in me the penchant for ameliorating the condition of higher education in M.P. particularly to make it available for those who are deprived owing to various social and geographical reasons. Open and Distance education has become a very strong alternative of conventional education system world wide. Rigid conventional systems of education are not able to cater to the need of masses. The University uses various flexible means suited to the Open and Distance Education mode using emerging Information and Communication Technology. MPBOU offers a large number of innovative, quality programmes and many need based programmes. The University revises disseminates knowledge and quality education to different target group of the learners irrespective of their age, gender, region, status and employment. The University communicates through a chain system from head quarter to regional centres and study centres. A new dimension has been added to this communication system via education through satellite by installing EDUSAT. The teacher, as an agent of change, has to develop role perception required to meet the challenge of the social, political, and economic and environmental implication emerging from rapid scientific and technological changes. Every teacher needs to be well equipped to participate in the progress of our country as said “The destiny of India is now being shaped in its classrooms.” The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme through distance mode offered by the university has been launched since 2002 after getting approval from NCTE for 500 seats which is now extended to 1000.The basic object of this programme is to open a channel of admission for the in-service untrained teachers. The Programme provides appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills to develop a role perception and to enable the recipients of training for playing the role of teacher. Besides B.Ed. Programme steps are taken to launch other teacher education courses in distance mode like M.Ed. M.A (Education) and D.Ed. My best wishes to the Ttainees of B.Ed. joining this course in the current session. ( Dr Kalakar singh) 7 B.Ed. (Distance Education) PROGRAMME GUIDE 2008&10 Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University Raja Bhoj Marg (Kolar Road),Chuna Bhatti Bhopal 462016 (M.P.) University Website 8 Objective by Act Extention and expansion of Higher Education by reaching the unreached through various flexible means suited to the open and distance education mode using emerging Information and Communication Technology. To promote National Integration and the Intregated Development of Human Personality for the well being of the community. To determine/maitain standards and to promote distance education. Mission and Vission Seamless, effective and substainable interventions to develop upgrade and recycle human resources for areas critical to National development including the well being of the community. Cost effective, extention and promotion of quality education to reach the urreached. Determination of standard and maitainance of quility education. Interventions for the well being of the community. Omnipresent and omnipotent education using emerging information and communication technologies. Success through Access. Recognition Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University (MPBOU) was established under an Act of State Assembly in 1991. It is recognized by theUniversityGrantCommission (UGC) of India. (hhtt:// and distance Council of India (DEC) and Distance Education Council (DEC) Government of India ( recognized also by the state Government of Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.The University has an important existence in the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).MPBOU's Degree/Deploma/Certificates are recognized by the AIU and are at par with Degree/Deplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities. The B.Ed. programme through distance mode is recognized by NCTE vide order No /WRC/5-6/39/2002/04804/Dated 28/08/2002.The NCTE has increased the intake of B.Ed. progamme from 500 to 1000 seats vide order no WRC/ 5-6/101st/2008c 28458 Dated 04/02/08 9 CONTENTS No Page About the University 1 2 About Bachelor of Education Through Distance Mode 3 Department of Multimedia Education 4 B.Ed.(GE-DE) Programme Admission 5 B.Ed.(GE-DE) Programme Structure 6 B.Ed.(GE-DE) Scheme of Evaluation 7 Other Instructions of the B.Ed.(GE-DE) Programme 1 TABLES B.Ed.(GE-DE) Programme in First and Second Year 2 Structure and Evaluation Scheme 3 Frame-Work of Contact Programme 1 ANNEXURES List of Regional Centres and Study Centres 2 List of Entrance Test Examination Centres 3 Code List 3 Entrance Test Examination Sample Question Paper 4 Important Contact numbers of the University 5 List of Other Acedemic Programmes of the University 6 Schedule of B.Ed.(GE-DE) VII Batch 10 Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University 1 About the University 1.1 The University Background The National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986, emphasized that distance education is an important medium for the development and promotion of higher education. In this context, for the expansion and promotion of distance education the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), Government of India took an important decision that in the VIIIth year plan every state should establish a state open university following the distance education pattern. On this basis Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University (MPBOU) was established under an Act of State Assembly in 1991 with the following Objectives by Act: Extension and Expansion of Higher Education by reaching the un-reached through various flexible means suited to the open and distance education mode using emerging information and communication technology. To promote national integration and the intergrated development of human personality for the well being of the community.To determine/maintain standards and promote Distance Education. 1.2 Special Features: Providing education to the doorsteps of the learner for easy accessibility. Flexibility in the system for wider coverage. Providing equitable access of quality education for different target group of learners irrespective of their age or status of employment. Freedom to the learners to study at his/her own pace and convenience. Opportunity to learner to study from his/her own chosen location. Omnipresent Education, using emerging communication technologies. Sustainable intervention to develop, upgrade and recycle human resource for areas critical to National development including the well being of the community. Determination of standard and maintenance of quality in Distance Education in accordance with DEC norms. The University mainly delivers training and education through distance mode in the form of flexible and open learning. In general, the system consists of a main campus activity in the form of curriculum development, generation of self instructional material, preparation of assignments and extending student support services. The main office of the University which manages and operates the Distance Education Programmes is situated in Bhopal. The student will report for the following activities at the programme delivery points or Study Centers. (1) Matters pertaining to admission (2) Receiving of Self Instructional Material (3) Receiving assignments for continuous assessment (4) Contact classes (5) Submission of completed assignments (6) Practical Training and Term/Session-end Examinations. A list of Regional/Study Centers activated for B.Ed. (GE-DE) Programme is given in Annexure 1. 11 2.0 DEPARTMENT OF MULTIMEDIA EDUCATION (DME) The main functions of the DME are to undertake academic activities pertaining to three major areas: The various aspects of the practice of education as a profession; The various branches of education as an academic discipline' Development of multimedia support for education and training programmes The DME comprises of the following disciplines: Teacher Education Programme Researech and Curricular Development in Education/Teacher Education The academic programmes being offered by the DME are: Bachelor of Education through Distance Mode [B.Ed.(GE-DE)], Provision for Ph-D level research in Education. Future Plans: The DME plans to conduct: Masters Degree in Education through Distance Mode. M.Ed. (DE) Master in Education Through Distance Mode. MA (Education) Diploma in Education, Elementary Teachers Training Programme (D.Ed.) Inter-disciplinary Research and Training Programmes for Promoting research and development in Education. 3. Bachelor of Education through Distance Mode B.Ed. (GE-DE) 12 3.1 Perspective, Policy and Need The teacher education programme has to be relevant to the current as well as the emerging needs of the Indian society in the new millennium. As an agent of change, the teacher has to develop the role perception required to meet the challenges of the social, political, economic and environmental implications emerging from rapid scientific and technological changes. It is particularly essential in the age of information revolution and globalized market economy to maintain economic viability and freedom, cultural heritage and values as well as National Sovereignty. The International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century has visualized that “much will be expected and much demanded of teachers. Teachers have crucial role to play in preparing young people not only to face the future with confidence but also to build it with purpose and responsibility… The importance of the teacher as an agent of change, promoting undrstanding and tolerance, has never been more obvious than today. It is more likely to become more crucial in the twenty first Century… The need for change… places enormous responsibility on teachers who participate in the moulding of the characters and mind of the new generation.” In order to implement the four pillars of education viz. learning to learn, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be, the teachers need new perspectives. Education Commission (1964-66) made national development as the chief concern of education, which has further been emphasized in NPE 1986. According to the NPE 1986, “The status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of a society-no people can rise above the level of its teachers. Teachers should have the freedom to develop appropriate methods of communication and activities relevant to the needs and capabilities of and the concern of the community… Teachers will continue to play a crucial role in the formulation and implementation of educational programme”. Every teacher needs to be well-equipped to realize the goal of work education which has been recommended by educationists and Education Commissions. From 'Mahatma Gandhi' in the late thirties to Ramamurthy Committee in early nineties work education has been recommended to form as an integral component of the entire range of school education. Ateacher has to work in freedom for truth and universal well-being for which he has to create a calm and peaceful, harmonious and non-violent educational environment, both external and internal, physical and mental, to justify the promise of the opening sentence of the Education Commission Report,”The destiny of India is now being shaped in its classrooms.” The Programme of Action (POA) of the NPE 1986 stressed the role of distance education in teacher education. The NCTE was concerned with the issue of standards of teacher education especially offered by various institutions through distance mode. A committee appointed by the NCTE (1990) suggested that the teacher's education if organized properly, could emerge as a trend-setter in quality. The extent of untrained teachars in the total school system in 1995-96 at the all India level was 4.62 lakhs. Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of untrained teachers viz. 1.10 lakhs. Nearly one-fourth of the untrained teachers of the country (23.74%) are in Madhya Pradesh alone. If this situation persists, the backlog of untrained teachers would mount further in the coming years. This provides sufficient justification for starting B.Ed. (Distance Education) Programme by Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University. 3.2 Objectives The B.Ed. Distance Education Programme aims to provide required appropriate knowledge, understanding 13 skills and develop a 'role-perception' .This enables the recipients of training for playing the role of a teacher effectively and efficiently as an agent of change in the coming 21st century. The basic objective of the programme is to open a channel of admission to the in-service untrained teachers in the State. The programme aims to achieve the following specific objectives : To develop and strengthen the professional competency of the in-service teachers; To impart knowledge and understanding of various methods and practices needed for organizing learning experiences to in-service teachers: To develop skills involved in selecting, developing and organizing instructional and evaluation techniques; To provide knowledge and understanding about school management. To develop competencies for organizing various co-curricular and other support activities needed in educational institutions. To develop the role perception of a teacher in the emerging socio-cultural, political and environmental context in general and the educational system in particular, thereby, inculcating personality traits, appreciation and understanding among the trainees as an agent of change. 4. B.Ed.(GE-DE) PROGRAMME ADMISSION 4.1 Eligibility 14 Full-time regular in-service teachers with Bachelors Degree from any recognized Universities and at least two years of teaching experience after graduation at the time of commencement of the programme (i.e. 31.12.08) will be the eligibility for the admission. Note: The course is open only for those school teachers who are serving in the states of Madhya Pradesh. 4.2 Admission Procedure Regular teachers working in the school system with minimum two year's of teaching experience after graduation will be considered for admission to the course. Criteria for selection will be: (i) The performance in written test (based on Mental Ability, Gen.Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude) 70 Marks (ii) Academic qualifications, 14 Marks (iii) The length of teaching experience after graduation.16 Marks The reservation for SC/ST/OBC etc. will be as per the rules of the State Government. 4.3. OBTAINING THE APPLICATION FORM Programme guide along with application form is available at all the university head quarter at Bhopal, Regional and Study Centers (as per Annexure 1) on submitting a demand draft of Rs. 500/- by hand or Rs. 550/- (if required by post) in favour of Registrar, MPBOU payables at Bhopal. The candidate should write following information on the back of the demand draft. (a) B.Ed. (GE-DE) Programme 2008-10 (b) Application form no. (c) Name of Regional/Study centre. (d) Name & Address of the candidate with PIN, phone numbers, mobile no etc. It is also available on the website of the University 4.4 SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION FORM Select a Entrance Test Examination Centre of your choice from Annexure 2. Please use block capital letters while filling in the form. You must also complete the declaration section. Your application will not be processed unless you sign the declaration. Deposit the completed form along with the photo copies (not original) of the documents at the selected Entrance Test Examination Centre which they have opted for Entrance Test. (Annexure 2.) Checking Before Submitting/Mailing Application Form with Enclosures Check before submitting/mailing the Application Form with Enclosures for admission into the B.Ed. (GE-DE) Programme to concerned Entrance Test Examination Centre of MP Bhoj (Open) University. Application Form in duplicate duly filled properly with recent and same photographs affixed in both the forms. Attested Photocopies of the certificates and mark-sheets with both the forms: Mark sheet of High School Exam. Mark sheet of Graduation Mark sheet of Post Graduation (if any) Experience Certificate duly signed by Present Head of institution and/ DEO/BEO. 15 Category certificate, if you are a SC/ST/OBC/MP/PH/FF etc. (Note : No candidate will be considred in category without these certificates) Declaration form signed by you. Two self addressed envelops without any postal stamp should be sent with the form. Admit card and attendance sheet duly filled properly with both photographs attested and signed by you as instructed. (Do not write roll number and center of entrance examination) Submit the completed application form (in duplicate) along with Entrance Examination sheet and Admit card in person to Regional/Study Center (and not to university at Bhopal). The Entrance Test Examination Centre will recieve the completed application from and will provide admit card giving Roll Number and Entrance Examination Center at the time a submission. The completed application form can also be submitted by post to the regional/study centers, there admit card will be sent by post to their address. 4.5 Admission List The merit list will be Prepared on the basis of marks obtained in entrance test, their academic qualification and length of teaching experience after graduation. The Candidate will be informed by post for admission.Please write your full and correct address with mobile number.The admission list will also be available on the University web site.The candidate should get them registered at the alloted study centre before the given date otherwise his/her admission will autometically be cancelled for this year. After a candidate takes admission at a particular study center it will not be changed. In case the prescribed minimum number of candidates for the programme in a Study Center of the candidate’s first preference is not available, then they will be required to take admission at their second or third preference center. The second & third preference are being taken as seats may not be available at your first preference center due to your merit.There will be maximum 100 students in a study centre.If more than 100 students has applied for a perticular study centre they will be alloted other centres.If there are less than 30 candidates in a study centre the centre will be closed for that year and the students will be shifted to nearby centres.No change will be allowed after the centre allotment. 4.6 Incomplete and Late Applications Incomplete and late application forms/re-registration forms, furnishing false information, will be summarily rejected without any intimation to the candidate concerned. Candidates are, therefore, advised to fill up the relevant columns carefully and enclose all the attested copies of the necessary certificates asked for and submit the form to the Coordinator of Study/Regional Center concerned on or before the due date. In this connection no correspondence will be entertained. 4.7 Programme Fee The fee is limited to cover the operational cost of running the programme of acceptable quality. The programme fee is inclusive of examination fee and is to be paid by all the admitted candidates as per the following schedule: 16 Year Amount When and Where to Pay First Year 11500/- At the time of Registration for Admission at the allotetd Study centre Second Year 11500/- At the time of Induction Programme of II Year at the allotetd Study centre Study centers may charge the caution money - for library/laboratory facilities. This is refundable after the completion of the programme by the study center itself. The programme fee should be paid only by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, MPBOU, payable at Bhopal. Please write on the back of the Demand Draft in capital letters: (a) B.Ed.(GE-DE) Programme; (b) Form No.(mentioned on the Application Form), (c) Code Number and Name of the study Center where you want to take admission (d) Your Name to ensure proper credit of your fee to the relevant account. After the candidate is selected for admission No Fee is refundable. If the candidate's application is rejected for admission, in that case the DD for the first installment of programme fee received along with the application for the admission will be returned back. Students who do not pay the Second Installment of Programme Fee by the due date will not be allowed to appear in the Term-end Examination of that year. However, they could be permitted to complete the remaining part of the programme on payment of second installment in the subsequent year. The intention to skip the Programme and application seeking permission to appear in the subsequent examination should be submitted to the University within one month of the expiry of the last date for payment of the second installment of fee. The fee structure given here is applicable for this session only. The University reserves the right to change the fee structure given above, if required. 5. Programme Structure:5.1 The Programme of B.Ed. General Education Distance Education [B.Ed.(GE-DE)] will consist of 15 Courses, 8 Theory and 7 Practical, organized under 6 Groups as detailed below: Group A : Core Pedagogy Courses : There will be 5 Pedagogy Courses : Each course will consist of one Theory Paper. All 5 Papers are compulsory. Group B : Content-based General Methodology Courses : There will be provision of 6 Courses out of which any two will be selected by the candidate. Group C : Special Course : There will be a provision of 4 special courses. The candidate will opt for any one course. Group D : Assignment Courses : There will be 2 Papers, one based on Group A Theory Paper, other on schoolbased co-curricular and extra curricular activities. Both Papers are compulsory. Group E : Practical Courses : There will be 3 papers. All papers are compulsory. Group F : Teaching Practice Courses : There will be two papers. One on pre-internship and another on internship. Both are compulsory Group A, B and C comprise of Theory Courses and Groups D, E and F of Practical Courses. 5.2 Group A : Core Pedagogy Courses:- This Group will comprise of the following 5 Courses which are compulsory for all : GECP-01 : Education in Emerging Indian Society 17 GECP-02 : Educational Psychology GECP-03 : Educational Planning and Management, Curriculum Designing and Research GECP-04 : Secondary Education in India. GECP-05 : Environment and Development, Education for Sustainable Development and Role of Teachers. 5.3 Group B : Content-Cum Methodology Courses: Any two school subjects, one from Group B-1 and another from Group B-2, will be opted from the list of courses given below: Group B-1 GECM-01: Teaching of English GECM-02: Teaching of Hindi GECM-03: teaching of Urdu/Sanskrit (Presently not available) Group B-2 GECM-04: Teaching of Sciences GECM-05: Teaching of Mathematics GECM-06: Teaching of Social Sciences 5.4 Group C: Special Courses: This group will comprises of four subjects out of which any one course will be selected by a trainee. GESC-01: Educational Technology GESC-02: Computers Application and Information Technology GESC-03: Guidance and Counseling GESC-04: Vocational Education GESC-05: Action Research (Presently not available) 5.5 Group D: Assignments and Activities This group will also comprise of two components: GEPA-01: Application-oriented Assignments (for Group A Theory Papers). GEPS-02: School-Based Assignments/Activities (Co-Curricular and Extra-curricular) 5.6 Group E: Practical Work Practical Work comprises of three Courses: GEPW-01: Content related Practicals GEPW-02: Psychology Practicals GEPW-03: Work Experience 5.7 Group F: Practice Teaching Practice Teaching consists of two Courses: GEPT-01: Pre-Internship: Training in Core Teaching Skills GEPT-02: Internship: Teaching of Specified Lessons under Supervision of Qualified Faculty. The B.Ed (GE-DE) Programme will be spread over a two years period of study as detailed in Table 01 TABLE 01:B.Ed.(GE-DE) Programme in First and Second Year 18 First Year Courses Group A Group B Papers Max Marks Total Instructional Time (Periods) GECP-01 GECP-02 GECP-04 (Any One) GECM-01 GECM-02 GECM-03 (Any One) GECM-04 GECM-05 GECM-06 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 GECP-03 GECP-05 Group C Group D Group E Group F Total GEPW-01 GEPW-02 GEPT-01 GEPT-02 5Theory Papers 3 Practical Papers TOTAL Second Year Papers Max Marks Any ( One) GESC-01 GESC-02 GESC-03 GESC-04 GEPA-01 GEPA-02 GEPW-03 100 100 50 200 200 100 750 150 750 250 500 1000 1400 150 150 Total Instrctiona l Time (Periods) 150 150 150 150 75 75 100 150 150 200 GEPT-02 300 450* 3 Theory Papers 4Practical Papers 450 450 550 950* 1000 1400 .One period = 50 minutes * The candidate will devote a minimum of 150 periods during First Year and maximum 450 periods during the Second Year for Practice Teaching. 19 6 Scheme of Evaluation 6.1 The Scheme of Evaluation will consist of two components Sessional (internal) and Final (external) as in Table 2 6.2 The ratio of marks between internal and external evaluation for different Groups of Papers will be as follows: Theory Papers (Group A, B & C) : 1:2 Assignment Papers (Group D) : 1:2 Practical Papers (Group E) : 1:1 Practice Teaching (Group F) Pre internship : 1:0 Internship : 2:1 The criteria of evaluation will be as follows : The internal assessment in Theory Papers (Group A, B, C) will be based on assignments and tests during the contact session. (25 marks). The external assessment will be through Term End examination. The internal evaluation of Group D Assignment Papers will be based on the assessments of assignments submitted by the candidate. The external assessment will be based on Viva voce and assignment record. The internal assessment in Practical Paper (Group E) will be based on Practical records, Contact Session assessment of performance tests and/or supervision. External assessment will be based on practical records and performance tests in final examination. Pre-internship evaluation will be fully internal based upon assessment of performance tests during contact session. Internal evaluation of internship will be based on assessment of lesson plans and supervised lessons. External evaluation will be based on assessment of lesson plans, Practical Records, Teaching Learning material and Viva Voce. 6.3. Term End Examination Dates After the completion of the Programme requirements the University will declare the dates of term end examinations. 6.4 Award of Division to Successful Candidate (a)There shall be no division assigned to the successful candidates of B.Ed. (GE-DE) Part-I (First Year) i) ii) iii) Examination. (b) Successful candidates of the B.Ed. (GE-DE) Part-II (Second Year) shall be placed in the division in accordance with the following scale on the bases of aggregate marks obtained in all the subject in Part-I and Part-II taken together: 40% or above but less than 50% marks Third Division 50% or above but less than 60% marks Second Division 60% or above marks First Division (c) A Successful candidate who has secured 75% or more marks in the aggregate in both Theory and Practical may be declared to have earned distinction in the subject. 20 TABLE-02 Evaluation Scheme Course Structure Papers Evaluation Scheme Weightage M.M. First Year Maximum Marks % Second Year Min Pass Marks Maximum Marks Ses T.EE Total Ses T.E.E. Total Min Pass Marks Ses T.EE Total Sess T.E.E Total. 50 100 150 20 40 60 100 150 20 40 60 Group A: Core Pedagogy Courses 1.GECP-01 150 7.5 50 100 150 20 40 60 2. GECP-02 150 7.5 50 100 150 20 40 60 3.GECP-03 4.GECP-04 150 7.5 150 7.5 150 7.5 150 7.5 50 100 150 20 150 7.5 50 100 150 20 150 7.5 50 100 150 20 40 60 75 3.75 25 50 75 10 20 30 75 3.75 25 50 75 10 20 30 11.GEPW-01 100 5 50 50 100 50 50 12.GEPW-02 100 5 50 50 100 50 50 13.GEPW-03 100 5 14.GEPT-01 50 2.5 15.GEPT-02 300 15 Total 2000 100 50 100 150 20 40 60 5.GECP-05 50 Group B: Content-cumMethodology Course 6.GECM-01/02/03: SS1 7.GECM-04/05/06:SS2 Group C: Special Course (Any one of the Following) 40 60 40 60 8.1 GESC-01 8.2 GESC-02 8.3 GESC-03 8.4 GESC-04 Group D: Assignment and Activities 9 GEPA-01 10. GEPS-01 Group E: Practical Work Group F 50 50 10 25 258 50 Practice Teaching 50 50 25 25 200 400 600 1000 425 *T.E.E. =Term End Examination Ses.= Sessional 21 450 100 550 300 1000 100 50 150 440 6.5 Assignments Assignments will be given by study centre during induction programme. The assignments are to be submitted at the Study Centre after completion and within the date prescribed. Late submission of assignment will lead to no credit being given to the assignment. 6.6 Eligibility for Examination Every student registered for B.Ed (GE-DE) degree shall be eligible to appear in the term-end examination subject to the following conditions. The Student has paid all dues including the prescribed fee etc. The student has fulfilled all the requirements of the programme including assignments, participation in contact sessions, practical training and teaching of prescribed number of lessons in two optional school subjects and an optional specialization area. Student has not caused any act of indiscipline at the Regional/Study Centre. 75% of attendance in the contact programme The University will be able to consider a student for granting permission to appear in the term-end examination, subject to the condition that an Eligibility Condition Certificate will be given by the Coordinator cum Principal of Study Centre to the effect that the student fulfills all the conditions mentioned above and those which may be prescribed by the University from time to time. Admit Cards will be issued by the University through the Co-ordinator/Principal of the concerned Study Centre. It will be the responsibility of the students to collect these from there. The Study Centre will send the internal assessment marks upon required atleast 75% of attendance in the contact programme The co-ordinator of study center will be responsibility for sending correct information regarding: Name of the candidate, name of father/Husband, Subject code etc. to the university in capital letters in English. 6.7. Provision for Unsuccessful Candidates a) Candidates who fail to secure minimum pass marks in any theory or practical paper(s) (in either or both of the internal assessment and external examination) shall be permitted to appear in the concerned Theory of Practical paper(s) only (in either or both of the internal assessment and external examination as the requirement may be) at subsequent examination(s). b) Candidates eligible under the Provision of 13 (a) to appear in the subsequent external examination in any theory practical paper(s) shall have to submit application on prescribed form together with a copy of statement of marks obtained at the preceding examination so as to reach the Registrar by the date notified by him for subsequent examinations). c) Candidates eligible under the provision of (a) appear for internal assessment in any theory/practical paper(s) shall have to submit application to the Principal/Co-ordinator of the Study Centre, who on such seeking shall communicate and hold internal examination in concerned subject according to the convenience of the Study Center. d) A candidate will have to clear all papers both theory and practical within a minimum of 2 years and maximum of 5 years. 22 6.8 Allocation of Marks and Total Instructional Time The B.Ed. Distance Education Programme is allocated a total of 2000 marks which include 1200 marks for Theory and 800 marks for the Practicals. (See Table 01) Each period of instruction will consist of 50 minutes. During the two years of B.Ed. (GE-DE) Programme the Total Instructional Time (TIT) of the B.Ed. (GE-DE) Programme includes 72 days for Face-to-Face instruction during contact programme within two academic sessions. 7. Other Instructions of the Programme 7.1 Face-to-Face Contact Programme The Face-to-Face Contact Programme is allocated 18% of the Total Instructional Time, i.e., 72 days or 432 hours spread over two years. (See Table 3.) 75% attendance is compulsory in contact programmes The University reserves the right to alter the timing/schedule of the contact programmes Table-3 Frame work of contact Programme Year Month Duration Programme st First Year January 1 6 Days Admission/Registration Weak Distribution of SIM Discussion on assignments/Sessional work nd May 2 to 24 days Discussion and clarification on theory th 4 Weak papers Pre-internship Core Training Core Teaching Skill Model lesson by Teachers Video lessons in teaching skills Micro Lessons in Simulated conditions Integration of skills Mini Lessons Lesson Planning Model lesson by Faculty Test Second February 6 Days Admission/Registration st Year 1 Distribution of SIM Weak Discussion on assignments/Sessional work nd June 2 to 24 days Discussion and clarification on theory th 4 papers Weak Pre-internship Core Training Core Teaching Skill Model lesson by Teachers 23 Video lessons in teaching skills Micro Lessons in Simulated conditions Integration of skills Mini Lessons Lesson Planning Model lesson by Faculty Discussion and clarification on Group D papers Test 7.2. Self Instructional Print Material Self instructional print material in the form of blocks and Manuals covering the course contents in theory and practicals respectively will be provided to the students by the University through study centres. 7.3 Audio and Video Programmes The Audio and Video programmes are supplementary, meant for clarification and enhancement of understanding. These will be used when ever necessary during contact sessions. 7.4 Duration B.Ed. (Distance Education) Programme is of 2 years duration. In any case the course will have to be completed by a trainee within a maximum period of 5 years, after enrolment. 7.5 Medium of Instruction/Examination The medium of instruction that will be followed in the instructional and practical work will be both English and Hindi. . 7.6 Contact the Regional Center for the following To obtain Programme Guide along with Application Forms : Queries about the entrance test. Queries about the admission. 7.7 Contact The Study Center for following : To obtained programme guide with application form To Submit filled Application form. Queries about the entrance test. Queries about the admission. Registration for Admission in to B.Ed. (GE-DE) Programme (of the selected candidates) with the verification of documents and for Submission of First Installment of Programme Fee. Student's Identity Card and issue of library card : For issue of library books for which the study center may charge Rs. 500/- as caution money and return the same directly to the candidate after (or during) completion of the course. Submission of Second installment of Programme fee at the time of Registration for the Second Year Schedules for Induction and Contact Sessions. Collection of Assignments and their submission after completion within the stipulated dates. 24 Queries regarding examinations and date-sheet. Admit Card for appearing in the Term End Examination. All notifications issued by the University from time to time. 7.8 Refund of Fee Any fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. 7.9 Revaluation A candidate can apply for revaluation maximum in any two courses of a programmed on a prescribed form within 15 days after the declaration of the result. 7.10 Legal Jurisdiction All matters of any dispute shall be limited to Bhopal Court only. The place of jurisdiction for filing of a suit, if necessary, will be Bhopal, only. The MPBOU reserve the right to change configuration, course materials, contents, fees, structure, scheme of evaluation, time schedule of contract programme and Examination as per need. The university shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss a latter. Note : Submission of application by eligible candidates will not automatically ensure admission. There will be screening of applications at the University. NOTE : Always quote your Application Form Number, Code Number and Name of your Study/Regional Centre, your name and full Address with PIN Code in all your correspondence with MPBOU 25 ch- ,M_nwjorhZ f'k{kk) dk;Zdze funsZf'kdk _fgUnh lkjka'k) 2008&10 eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; jktk Hkkst ekxZ _dksykj jksM+)] pwuk HkV~Vh] Hkksiky&462016 _e-iz-) 26 eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; dh LFkkiuk eè;izns'k fo/kulHkk ds ,d ,DV }kjk lu~ 1991 esa dh x;h A ;w-th-lh] ch-bZ-lh],-vkbZ-;w] ,u-lh-VhbZ- vkSj vkj-lh-vkbZ- ls ekU;rk izkIr bl fo'ofo|ky; dk yksdkiZ.k rRdkyhu jk"Vªifr egkefge MkW- 'kadjn;ky 'kekZ us ,d vDVwcj 1992 dks fd;k A bl fo'ofo|ky; ds Lo;a ds uofufeZr Hkou dk yksdkiZ.k Hkkjr ds orZeku jk"Vªifr egkefge Jherh izfrHkk nsoh flag ikfVy }kjk fnukad 29 twu 2008 dks fd;k x;k A vc fo'ofo|ky; vius uohu Hkou] tks jktk Hkkst ekxZ _dksykj jksM+) pwuk HkV~Vh Hkksiky esa fLFkr gS] LFkkukarfjr gks pqdk gSA bl fo'ofo|ky; dk eq[; mn~ns'; jkT; ds 'kS{kf.kd <+kaps esa eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk i¼fr dk lapkj izkS|ksfxdh] ,tqlsV vkfn ds ekè;e ls vkfnoklh] xzkeh.k nwjkpay o vfodflr {ks=kksa ds lHkh oxksZ rd xq.koRrk ;qDr Kku dh vfHko`f¼ djuk gS A fo'ofo|ky; dk {ks=kkf/dkj lEiw.kZ eè;izns'k gS A fo'ofo|ky; ds dqN ikB~;dze eè;izns'k ds lkFk&lkFk lEiw.kZ Hkkjr esa lapkfyr gSA bl fo'ofo|ky; esa vk;q dk dksbZ ca/u ugha gksrk vkSj ekbZxzs'ku] LFkkukUrj.k izek.k&i=k _Vhlh) vkfn dh vko';drk ugha iM+rh A fo'ofo|ky; }kjk jkstxkj vkSj x`gLFk thou ls tqMs+ yksxksa ds fy, ?kj cSBs] nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ekè;e ls f'k{kk eqgS;k djkbZ tkrh gS rFkk lEidZ d{kkvksa ds ekè;e ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh leL;kvksa dks fo"k; fo'ks"kKksa }kjk nwj fd;k tkrk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa Lovf/xe ds izfr fo'ks"k :fp iSnk dh tkrh gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks fo'ks"k lqfo/k ;g gS fd os bl fo'ofo|ky; ds vykok nwljs fo'ofo|ky; esa Hkh fu;fer vè;;u dj ldrs gSa A fo'ofo|ky; dh dk;Z iz.kkyh dks ns[krs gq, vUrjk"Vªh; Lrj ij bls Xykscy esxk ;wfuoflZVh dk ntkZ fey pqdk gSA ;g ,d LFkkfir rF; gS fd f'k{kdksa esa O;olkf;d n{krk ykus ij gh f'k{k.k esa xq.koRrk yk;h tk ldrh gSA eè; izns'k dh ekU;rk izkIr 'kkykvksa esa dk;Zjr vizf'kf{kr lsokdkyhu f'k{kdksa dks ch- ,M- izf'k{k.k dh lqfo/k nsus ds mn~ns'; ls nwjorhZ f'k{kk ds ekè;e ls ch- ,M- _th-bZ&Mh-bZ) f}o"khZ; dk;Zdze fo'ofo|ky; }kjk o"kZ 2002 ls izkjaHk fd;k x;k gSA 27 vfHk;ksX;rk %& ;g dk;Zdze mu iw.kZ dkfyd lsokdkyhu f'k{kdksa ds fy, gS ftUgksus Hkkjr ds fdlh Hkh ekU;rk izkIr fo'ofo|ky; lss Lukrd mikf/ izkIr dh gks rFkk Lukrd mikf/ izkIr djus ds i'pkr~ _ fnukad 31 fnlEcj 2008 dh fLFkfr esa) e-iz- jkT; esa fLFkr fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; esa nks o"kZ dk 'kS{kf.kd vuqHko gksA uksV%&;g dk;Zdze dsoy e-iz- jkT; esa fLFkr fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; esa dk;Zjr f'k{kdksa ds fy, gh gSA izos'k izfdz;k %& eè;izns'k dh ekU;rk izkIr 'kkykvksa esa _'kkldh; ;k v'kkldh;) 28 dk;Zjr f'k{kd ftUgsa Lukrd gksus ds i'pkr~ nks o"kZ dk 'kS{kf.kd vuqHko gS os bl dk;Zdze gsrq vkosnu dj ldrs gSA izos'k gsrq p;u fuEu fyf[kr 100 vadksa esa cukbZ esfjV lwph ds vk/kj ij gksxk A 1- fyf[kr ijh{kk % 70 iz'u o 70 vadksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gksxhA ;g ekufld ;ksX;rk] lkekU; Kku o f'k{k.k vfHko`fRr ij vk/kfjr oLrqfu"B iz'uksa ij gksxhA _ifjf'k"V 04 esa uewuk iz'u fn;s x;s gSa) ;g izos'k ijh{kk fnukad 02*11*2008 dks izkr% 11-00 cts ls 1-00 cts rd _nks ?k.Vs) dk;Zdze&funsZf'kdk ds ifjf'k"V 2 dh lwph ds vuqlkj vè;;u dsUnzks ij lEiUu gksxhA 2- 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk 14 vad 3- 'kS{kf.kd vuqHko 16 vad uksV%&eè;izns'k 'kklu ds fu;ekuqlkj vuqlwfpr tkfr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr] vU; fiNM+k oxZ vkfn dk vkj{k.k miyC/ jgsxkA ch-,M-_th-bZ-Mh-bZ) dk;Zdze ds vkosnu iQkeZ izkIr djuk %& ikB~;dze funsZf'kdk vkosnu&i=k lfgr eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; ds eq[;ky; ds Lokxr d{k] lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnz ,oa vè;;u dsUnzksa _lwph ifjf'k"V 1) ij miyC/ gSaA ikB~;dze funsZf'kdk :i;s 500*& dk cSad MªkiQ~V tks ¶dqylfpo¸ eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; Hkksiky ds uke ns; gks] izLrqr djus ij izkIr dj ldrs gSa vkosnu iQkeZ Mkd ls Hkh izkIr fd;s tk ldrs gSa blds fy, vH;kFkhZ dks :i;s 550*& dk cSad MªkiQ~V Hkstuk gksxkA vkosnu iQkeZ o dk;Zdze funsZf'kdk Mkd }kjk vkids fn;s x;s irs ij LihM iksLV ls Hkst fn;s tk,axs A MªkiQ~V ds ihNs ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ) 2008-10 vkosnu&i=k d-z] {ks=kh; dsUnz*vè;;u dsUnz dk dksM uEcj] viuk uke] irk o iQksu ua- vo'; fy[ksa A uksV %&Mkd ls gqbZ nsjh ds fy, bl fo'ofo|ky; dk dksbZ mRrjnkf;Ro ugha gksxkA vkosnu&i=k fo'ofo|ky; dh csclkbM ij Hkh miyC/ gSA vko';d tkudkjh nsdj vkosnu&i=k dh izfr izkIr dh tk ldrh gSA vkosnu iQkeZ tek djuk %& dk;Zdze&funsZf'kdk ds ifjf'k"V dz0 2 dh lwph ds vuqlkj dksbZ ,d 29 {ks=kh;*vè;;u dsUnz pqusaA vkosnu iQkeZ vaxzsth ds dsihVy v{kjksa esa Hkjsa A dksbZ dkye*LFkku [kkyh u NksMs+ A ?kks"k.kk i=k lfgr gLrk{kj djus ds lHkh LFkkuksa ij vius gLrk{kj vo'; djsa A gLrk{kj ds vHkko esa vkosnu&izi=k fujLr gksxk A lHkh izek.k&i=kksa dh dsoy Nk;kizfr;kW layXu djsa _ewy izfr;kW ugha)Aiw.kZ fd;k x;k vkosnu&i=k lwph ds vuqlkj pqus x;s {ks=kh;*vè;;u dsUnz esa tek dj izos'k ijh{kk dk vuqdzekad lfgr izos'k i=k izkIr djsa A vkosnu&i=k tek djus ds iwoZ tkap djuk %& ch-,M-_th-bZ-Mh-bZ) dk;Zdze ds vkosnu iQkeZ {ks=kh;*vè;;u dsUnz ij tek djus ds iwoZ vPNh rjg fuEukuqlkj tkap dj ys %& dk;Zdze&funsZf'kdk esa layXu vkosnu&i=k nksuks izfr;ksa esa ,d xqykch rFkk ,d ihyk tek djsa A fu/kZfjr lHkh LFkkuksa ij uohure ,d leku iQksVks fpidk,a _dqy pkj iQksVks) A fuEukuqlkj o vadlwph dh Nk;kizfr;kW nksuks vkosnu i=k ds lkFk vyx&vyx layXu djsa A gkbZ Ldwy ijh{kk dh vadlwph A mPprj ekè;fed ijh{kk dh vadlwph A Lukrd ijh{kk dh vadlwph A LukrdksRrj ijh{kk dh vadlwph (;fn gks rks) A vuqHko izek.k&i=k tks orZeku 'kkyk ds izkpk;Z }kjk gLrk{kfjr gks vksj ch- bZ- vks-*Mh- bZ- vks- }kjk fd;k x;k gks A tkfr izek.k&i=k _vkj{k.k lqfo/k ds ykHk gsrq) A Lo;a dk irk fy[ks gq, fyiQkiQs 'kkyk esa dk;Z djus dk izek.khdj.k vius orZeku izèkkukè;kid*izkpk;Z ls djkosa rFkk vkosnu&iQkeZ esa fodkl[kaM f'k{kk vf/dkjh*ftyk f'k{kk vf/dkjh ds gLrk{kj vo'; gksuk pkfg;sA _iQkeZ esa layXu gS) dsUnzh; fo|ky;* lh- ch- ,l- lh-*vkbZ- ,l- lh- bZ- esa dk;Zjr f'k{kd dsoy vius izkpk;Z ls gh gLrk+{kj djkdj vkosnu iQkeZ izLrqr djsa A ;fn vki vkj{k.k esa vkosnu dj jgs gS rks vkj{k.k dk izek.k i=k vo'; yxk nsaA blds vHkko esa vkidks lkekU; esa ekuk tkosxk A 30 ?kks"k.kk i=k ij vo'; gLrk{kj djasa A Lo;a ds irk fy[ksa fyiQkiQs izR;sd vkosnu iQkeZ ds lkFk yxkosa ftlesa fiudksM vo'; fy[kk gks A izos'k ijh{kk gsrq layXu izos'k i=k o mifLFkfr i=kd nksuksa ij Hkh viuk iQksVks vkSj fu/kZfjr LFkku ij gLrk{kj djsa] jksy uEcj o ijh{kk dsUnz vki u fy[ksa A ;g {ks=kh;*vè;;u dsUnz }kjk fy[kk tkosxk A lHkh rjg ls iw.kZ vkosnu&i=k pqus x;s {ks=kh;* vè;;u dsUnz ij tek djk nsa rFkk izos'k ijh{kk ds mlh le; izos'k i=k izkIr djsaA vkosnu&iQkeZ vki Mkd ls laca/fr {ks=kh;* vè;;u dsUnz dks Hkh Hkst ldrs gSA bl izdkj Hksts x;s vkosnu i=kksa ds ijh{kk izos'k i=k Mkd }kjk gh vkids fn;s x, irs ij Hksts tkosaxsA Mkd ls vkosnu&i=k vkuss ;k izos'k i=k Hkstus*feyus esa nsjh ls gqbZ gkfu ds fy, fo'ofo|ky;*vè;;u dsUnz mRrjnk;h ugha gksxkA v/wjs vkSj nsjh ls Hksts x;s vkosnu i=k fujLr fd;s tkoasxs vr% vkidkss lykg nh tkrh gS fd vki vkosnu frfFk ds iwoZ gh tek djsa vkosnu&iQkeZ è;ku ls iw.kZ djsa A izos'k lwph ijh{kk esa izkIr vadksa]vkidh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk rFkk vuqHkoksa ds vk/kj ij izos'k gsrq esfjV lwph tkjh dh tkosxh rFkk izos'k gsrq ik=k lHkh vH;FkhZ dks Mkd ls Hkh lwfpr fd;k tkosxkA d`i;k izos'k lwph gsrq vius vè;;u dsUnz ds lEidZ esa jgsA izos'k lwph fo'ofo|ky; dh csolkbM ij Hkh miyC/ gksxhA p;fur ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk iath;u izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dks vkoafVr vè;;u dsUnz ij fu/kZfjr frfFk rd iath;u djkuk vfuok;Z gS vU;Fkk gks tk;sxk A fdlh Hkh vè;;u dsUnz ij vf/dre 100 Nk=kksa dks esfjV vuqlkj izos'k fn;k tk ldsxk blls vf/d izf'k{k.kkFkhZ gksus ij mUgsa vU; vè;;u dsUnz vkoafVr gksxk A fdlh Hkh vè;;u dsUnz ij ;fn 30 ls de izf'k{k.kkFkhZ izos'k ysrs gSa rks mls ml o"kZ ds fy, can izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dks fudV ds fdlh vU; vè;;u dsUnz esa LFkkukarj.k fd;k tk;sxk A izf'k{k.kkFkhZ }kjk ,d ckj vè;;u dsUnz ysus ds ckn mls cnyk ugha tk;sxk A fo'ofo|ky; ;k vè;;u dsUnz ls i=k O;ogkj ds fy, vki viuk iQkeZ 31 vo'; fy[ksa A dk;Zdze iQhl)%& dk;Zdze iQhl dqy :i;s 23000*- gS blesa ijh{kk ,oa vU; lHkh lkexzh dh iQhl 'kkfey gS tks izos'k gsrq p;u ds i'pkr~ fuEukuqlkj ns; gksxk & o"kZ jkf'k dc o dgkW tek djuk gS izFke 11500* vkoafVr vè;;u dsUnz ij izos'k ds iath;u ds o"kZ & le; f}rh; 11500* vè;;u dsUnz ij f}rh; o"kZ ds bUMD'ku o"kZ & dk;Zdze ds le; dk;Zdze 'kqYd dsoy fMekaM MªkiQ~V tks ¶dqylfpo¸ e-izHkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; Hkksiky ds i{k esa ns; gks }kjk gh tek dh tk ldrh gS A fMekaM MªkiQ~V ds ihNs fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dsihVy v{kjksa esa vo'; fy[sak A ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ) dk;Zdze 2008-10 izFke o"kZ*f}rh; o"kZ A vkosnu iQkeZ dz &&& A vè;;u dsUnz dk uke ,oa dksM uEcj tgkW izos'k ys jgs gSa A vkidk uke] irk o iQksu ua-&&&& A dk;Zdze iQhl ds vfrfjDr izos'k ds fy, izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dks vU; dksbZ Hkh 'kqYd ugha nsuk gS A vè;;u dsUnz iqLrdky; rFkk iz;ksx'kkyk gsrq :i;s 500*& _ikap lkS :i;s) dk'ku euh ys ldrs gSa vkSj ;g dk'kueuh dk;Zdze dh lekfIr ij vè;;u dsUnz ls gh okil izkIr dh tk ldsxh A ,d ckj izos'k ysuss ds ckn nh xbZ dk;Zdze iQhl fdlh Hkh gkyr esa okil ugha gksxh A ;fn fo'ofo|ky; }kjk izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dk izos'k fujLr fd;k tkrk gS rks gh mlds }kjk tek dh x;h dk;Zdze iQhl okil dh tk ldrh gSA f}rh; o"kZ dh iQhl bUMD'ku dk;Zdze ds le; tek djus ds mijkar gh izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dk iath;u f}rh; o"kZ esa gksxkA mijksDr iQhl lajpuk dsoy bl o"kZ ds fy, gSA fo'ofo|ky; dks ;g vf/dkj gS fd og iQhl lajpuk cny ldrh gSA dk;Zdze lajpuk vkSj laidZ dk;Zdze %& 32 ch- ,M- _lkekU; f'k{kk&nwjLFk&f'k{kk) ds bl dk;Zdze esa 15 dkslZ gSa ftlesa 08 lS¼kafrd rFkk 07 O;ogkfjd gSa ftUgsa 6 lewg esa fuEukuqlkj ckaVk x;k gS %& lewg , %& dksj isMkxkWth dkslZ& blesa ikap isMkxkWth dkslZ gS A izR;sd dk ,d&,d lS¼kafrd isij gS A lHkh 5 isij vfuok;Z gSa A lewg ch%& fo"k; oLrq vk/kfjr f'k{k.kfof/ ds dkslZ A blds vUrxZr 6 dkslZ gSa ftlesa lss vH;FkhZ dks 2 isij ysuk vfuok;Z gSA lewg lh %& fo'ks"k dkslZ%& blds vUrxZr pkj fo'ks"k dkslZ gSa blesa ls vH;FkhZ dks ,d isij ysuk vfuok;Z gSA lewg Mh %& fufnZ"B dk;Z dkslZ%& blesa nks izdkj ds fufnZ"V dk;Z iw.kZ djus gksaxs ,d lewg , ds lS¼kafrd iz'u i=k ij vk/kfjr rFkk nwljk 'kkys; fo"k;ksa ds vUrxZr ikB~; lgxkeh vkSj ikB~;srj fdz;kvksa ij vk/kfjr gksxsaA nksuksa vfuok;Z gSa lewg bZ %& O;ogkfjd _izsfDVdy) dkslZ%& blesa 3 isij gSa vkSj rhuksa vfuok;Z gSaA lewg ,iQ %& vH;kl f'k{k.k dkslZ%&blesa nks iz'u i=k gksaxs ,d fizbaVuZf'ki rFkk nwljk baVuZf'ki ij vk/kfjr A lewg ,] ch rFkk lh fyf[kr _F;ksjh) dkslZ gSa tcfd lewg Mh, bZ, ,iQ O;ogkfjd _izsfDVdy) dkslZ gSa A nksukas vfuok;Z gSa A lewg ,- dksj isMkxkth dkslZ%&blesa fuEukuqlkj 5 iz'ui=k gSaA thbZlhih 01 Hkkjrh; lekt esa f'k{kk thbZlhih 02 'kSf{kd euksfoKku thbZlhih 03 'kSf{kd ;kstuk o izca/u]ikB~;dze lajpuk rFkk vuqla/ku thbZlhih 04 Hkkjr esa ekè;fed f'k{kk thbZlhih 05 i;kZoj.k ,oa fodkl] lrr~ fodkl gsrq f'k{kk rFkk f'k{kd dh Hkwfedk _;s ikapksa iz'ui=k lHkh ds fy, vfuok;Z gSA) lewg ch fo"k;oLrq ij vk/kfjr f'k{k.k fof/;ksa ds dkslZ& lewg ch -1 fuEu esa ls dksbZ ,d 'kkys; fo"k; ysuk gS A thbZlh,e 01 vaxzsth f'k{k.k thbZlh,e 02 fgUnh f'k{k.k thbZlh,e 03 laLdwr ;k mnwZ f'k{k.k vHkh miyC/ ugha gS) lewg ch -2 fuEu esa ls dksbZ ,d 'kkys; fo"k; ysuk gS A 33 thbZlh,e 04 foKku f'k{k.k thbZlh,e 05 f'k{k.k thbZlh,e 06 lkekftd foKku f'k{k.k ,oa fo"k; oLrq lewg lh- fo'ks"k dkslZ bl lewg esa dqy pkj fo"k; gSa ftleasa Nk=kkè;kid }kjk fdlh ,d iz'ui=k dk p;u fd;k tkuk gS thbZ,llh 01 'kSf{kd rduhdh thbZ,llh 02 dEI;wVj ,Iyhds'ku rFkk bUiQkjes'ku VsDukykth thbZ,llh 03 funsZ'ku o lan'kZu thbZ,llh 04 O;olkf;d f'k{kk thbZ,llh 05 fdz;kRed vuqla/ku _vHkh miyC/ ugha gS) lewg Mh fufnZ"V dk;Z o dk;Z dyki bl lewg esa fuEufyf[kr vo;o gksaxs A thbZih, 01 fyf[kr ijh{kk ij vk/kkfjr O;ogkfjd fufnZ"V dk;Z _lewg , ds F;ksjh isij ij vk/kfjr) thbZih,l 02 ikB~;dze lgxkeh o ikB;sRrj fdz;k dyki vk/kfjr fufnZ"V dk;Z tks 'kkyk ls lacaf/r gks lewg bZ- O;ogkfjd dk;Z%& blds vUrxZr fuEu rhu dkslZ gSaA thbZihMCY;w 01 fo"k; oLrq lacaf/r izk;ksfxd dk;Z thbZihMCY;w 02 euksfoKku iz;ksx thbZihMCY;w 03 dk;Z vuqHko 34 lewg ,iQ f'k{k.k vH;kl%& blesa 2 dkslZ gSaA th- bZ- ih- Vh- -01 iwoZ baVuZf'ki _dksj) f'k{k.k&dkS'ky esa izf'k{k.k th- bZ- ih- Vh -02 baVuZf'ki izf'k{k.k ;ksX; o vuqHkoh iQsdYVh dh ns[k&js[k esa fn;s x;s ikBks dk f'k{k.k laidZ dk;Zdze%& laidZ dk;Zdze dk ,d dky[kaM 50 fefuV dk gksxk A ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) dk;Zdze ds nkSjku nks o"kZ esa dqy 72 fnol dk d{kk f'k{k.k] vkeus&lkeus laidZ dk;Zdze gksxk A_ izksxzke xkbM dh Vsfcy 03 ns[ksa)laidZ dk;Zdze esa izfro"kZ 75 izfr'kr mifLFkfr vfuok;Z gS vU;Fkk fo'ofo|ky; dh ckg~; l=kkar ijh{kk esa izfo"V ugha gks ldsxs A ewY;kadu %& ch- ,M- _lkekU; f'k{kk&nwjLFk&f'k{kk) ikB~;dze nks o"kZ dk gS iz'ui=k vkfn ds vad foHkktu dk foLr`r fooj.k dza- 01 esa fn;k x;k gS ewY;kadu ;kstuk%& ewY;kadu ;kstuk ds fy, izksxzke xkbM dh dza- 02 ns[ksaA ewY;kadu nks Hkkx esa gksxsa okg~; ijh{kk&_la=kkr ijh{kk) rFkk vkarfjd ijh{kk fofHkUu lewgksa ds iz'ui=k esa vkarfjd o ckg~; ewY;kadu dk vuqikr fuEukuqlkj gksxkA fyf[kr ijh{kk _lewg , oh lh) 1%2 fufnZ"V dk;Z _lewg Mh) 1%2 O;ogkfjd isij _lewg bZ) 1%1 vH;kl f'k{k.k _lewg ,iQ) iwoZ baVuZf'ki izf'k{k.k 1%0 baVuZf'ki izf'k{k.k 2%1 ewY;kadu dk vk/kj%& bl dk;Zdze esa dqy 2000 vad gSa ftlesa 1200 vad fyf[kr ckg~; ijh{kk vkSj 800 vad izk;ksfxd dk;Z o vkrafjd ij vk/kfjr gS_izksxzke xkbM dh Vsfcy 01 ns[ksa) fyf[kr iz'ui=k _lewg , oh lh) ds vkarfjd ewY;kadu fn;s x;s fufnZ"B dk;Z vkSj laidZ dk;Zdze ds le; yh xbZ VsLV ijh{kk ds vadksa ij vk/kfjr gksxkA_25vad) ckg~; ewY;kadu] l=kkar ijh{kk ds :i esa gksxh tks izfro"kZ fnlEcj ekg esa yh tkosxh A lewg Mh ds fufnZ"V dk;Z ds isij dk vkarfjd ewY;kadu tek fd;s fufnZ"V dk;Z ds vadksa ds vk/kj ij gksxk A blesa ckg~; ewY;kadu ekSf[kd ijh{kk rFkk fufnZ"V dk;Z ds fjdkMZ ds vadksa ds vk/kj ij gksxk A vH;kl iz'ui=k _lewg bZ) dk vk arfjd ewY;kadu vH;kl*iz;ksx dk;Z ds fjdkMZ o laidZ dk;Zdze ds le; izkIr miyfC/ rFkk lqijohtu ds vk/kj ij gksxk A bldk ckg~; ewY;kadu izk;ksfxd dk;Z vkSj vafre VsLV ijh{kk esa miyfC/ ds vk/kj ij gksxk A 35 iwoZ bUVuZf'ki ewY;kadu iw.kZr% vkarfjd gksxk tks laidZ dk;Zdze ds le; fd;s x;s VsLV ijh{kk dh miyfC/ ds vk/kj ij gksxk A bUVuZf'ki dk vkarfjd ewY;kadu ikB ;kstuk rFkk muds voyksfdr ikBksa ds vk/kj ij gksxkA bldk ckg~; ewY;kadu ikB ;kstuk] izk;ksfxd fjdkMZ] f'k{k.k vf/xe lkexzh rFkk ekSf[kd ijh{kk ij vk/kfjr gksxkA fufnZ"V dk;Z%&izR;sd Nk=kkè;kidksa dks vè;;u dsUnz }kjk lkSis x;s fufnZ"V dk;Z nh xbZ le; lhek esa tek djuk gksxk A nsj ls tek fufnZ"V dk;Z dk ewY;kadu ugha gksxk vkSj u gh vad feysaxs A la=kkr ijh{kk esa izfo"B gksus dh ;ksX;rk%& os gh Nk=kkè;kid ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) ijh{kk esa cSB ldsxsa tks fuEukuqlkj 'krsZ iwjh djrs gSA mUgksusa vè;;u dsUnz ij dk;Zdze iQhl o vU; jkf'k tek dj nh gks rFkk vc mu ij dksbZ cdk;k u gks A Nk=kkè;kid us dk;Zdze dh lHkh vko';d lkexzh tSls fufnZ"V dk;Z] l=kxr dk;Z] vkfn tek dj fn, gksa A laidZ dk;Zdze esa 75 izfr'kr ls de mifLFkfr u gks] O;ogkfjd izf'k{k.k] nks fo"k;ksa esa fu/kZfjr la[;k esa ikB ;kstuk cukdj f'k{k.k dk;Z iwjs dj fy;s gSA Nk=kkè;kid us {ks=kh; dsUnzkè;{k*vè;;u dsUnz ij dksbZ vuq'kklughurk u dh gks A fdlh Hkh Nk=kkè;kid dks la=kkr ijh{kk esa izfo"B gksus dh vuqefr mlh le; feysxh tc vè;;u dsUnz ds leUo;d lg izkpk;Z }kjk lacaf/r dk vfHk;ksX;rk izek.k i=k _ftlesa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh xbZ leLr 'krsZ iwjh djus dk mYys[k gks) iznku fd;k tkosxk A l=kkar ijh{kk ds izos'k&i=k fo'ofo|ky; }kjk vè;;u dsUnz ds leUo;d*izkpk;Z ds ekè;e ls iznk; fd;s tkosaxs A Nk=kkè;kid dk mRrjnkf;Ro gksxk fd os vè;;u dsUnz ls izos'k i=k izkIr djsa A vè;;u dsUnz ls leUo;d*izkpk;Z }kjk Nk=kkè;kid dh laidZ dk;Zdze esa 75 izfr'kr mifLFkfr dk izek.k i=k rFkk vkarfjd ewY;kadu le;kof/ esa Hkstus ij gh la=kkr ijh{kk dk izos'k i=k Hkstk tkosxkAvè;;u dsUnz ds leUo;d*izkpk;Z dk mRrjnkf;Ro gksxk fd ijh{kk iwoZ Nk=kkè;kid ds laca/ esa lgh lwpuk,a _tSls&Nk=kkè;kid dk uke] firk*ifr dk uke] fo"k; dksM vkfn) fo'ofo|ky; dks le; ij miyC/ djkosa _vaxzsth ds dsihVy v{kjksa esa) l=kkar ijh{kk frfFk;kW%&;g dk;Zdze tuojh ls izkjaHk gksdj fnlEcj esa lekIr gksxkA la=kkr ijh{kk lkekU;r% fnlEcj ekg esa gksxh A ijh{kk dh okLrfod frfFk;ksa dh ?kks"k.kk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk mfpr le; ij dh tkosxhA liQy Nk=kkè;kid dks iznku djuk%& izFke o"kZ ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) esa mRrhZ.kZ Nk=kkè;kidksa dks dksbZ _fMohtu) iznku ugha fd;k tkosxk A ch- ,M-_th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) f}rh; o"kZ esa Nk=kkè;kidksa dks ftUgksausa izFke o f}rh; o"kZ ds lHkh fo"k; mRrh.kZ dj fy;s gksa fuEukuqlkj iznku dh tkosxh A 40 izfr'kr o vf/d] ij 50 izfr'kr ls de&r`rh; 36 50 izfr'kr o vf/d] ij 60 izfr'kr ls de&f}rh; 60 izfr'kr o vf/d] ij izFke mRrh.kZ Nk=kkè;kid ftlus fdlh fo"k; dh fyf[kr ckg~; o vkarfjd izk;ksfxd vad feykdj dqy 75 izfr'kr ;k vf/d vad izkIr fd;s gS mUgsa izFke esa fo'ks"k ;ksX;rk ds lkFk j[kk tk;sxk A vliQy Nk=kkè;kidksa gsrq volj%& os Nk=kkè;kid tks fyf[kr vFkok izk;ksfxd_ckg~; rFkk vkarfjd) esa vyx&vyx U;wure vad izkIr ugha dj lds gSa mUgsa vkxs ds o"kksZ esa dsoy mUgha fo"k;ksa esa ftlesa U;wure izkIrkad izkIr ugha fd;s gSa ijh{kk nsus dh vuqefr gksxh Aos Nk=kkè;kid tks ckg~; ijh{kk esa mRrh.kZ ugha gks ik,a gSa os vkxs gksus okyh ijh{kk dh frfFk ls fu/kZfjr le; ls iwoZ vadlwph dh Nk;kizfr ds lkFk¶dqylfpo eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; Hkksiky¸ dks vius vè;;u dsUnz ds leUo;d*izkpk;Z ds ekè;e ls vkosnu djsaA os Nk=kkè;kid tks lS¼kafrd*izk;ksfxd iz'ui=k ds fufnZ"V dk;Z ds vkarfjd ewY;kadu esa mRrh.kZ ugha gks ik;s gSa mUgsa vè;;u dsUnz ds leUo;d*izkpk;Z dks vkosnu djuk pkfg, A mudk vkarfjd ewY;kadu lacaf/r leUo;d*izkpk;Z }kjk nh xbZ frfFk esas gksxk A izR;sd Nk=kkè;kid dks U;wure nks o"kZ esa rFkk vf/dre ik¡p o"kksZ esa lHkh iz'ui=k mRrh.kZ dj ysuk pkfg;s A dk uke] fo"k; dksM vkfn) fo'ofo|ky; dks le; ij miyC/ djkosa _vaxzsth ds dsihVy v{kjksa esa) ,- Vh- ds- Vh- dk izko/ku%& ;g dk;Zdze 02 o"kksZ ds fy, gS ysfdu bls 05 o"kksZ esa iwjk fd;k tk ldrk gSA ;fn dksbZ izf'k{k.kkFkhZ izFke o"kZ esa izos'k iath;u ds i'pkr~ dk;Zdze dk iw.kZ vFkok vkaf'kd Hkkx iwjk ugha djrk rks og vxys o"kksZ esa f}rh; o"kZ ds lkFk gh izFke o"kZ dk viw.kZ dk;Zdze iwjk dj ldrk gSA mlh izdkj izFke o"kZ esa iathd`r izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dks vxys o"kZ Lor% gh f}rh; o"kZ esa izos'k fey tkosxk A lacaf/r izf'k{k.kkFkhZ dk vafre o"kZ dk ijh{kkiQy ml le; rd ?kksf"kr ugh gksxk tc rd dh og izFke ,oa f}rh; o"kZ ds lHkh iz'ui=kksa esa mRrhZ.k ugha gks tkrs ;fn dksbZ izf'k{k.kkFkhZ fdlh iz'ui=k esa vuqifLFkr jgrk gS ;k vuqRrhZ.kZ gks tkrk gS rks mls vuqRrhZ.k ?kksf"kr ugha fd;k tkrk cfYd mls nq~okjk vxyh ijh{kk ds le; cSBus dh ik=krk Lor% gh izkIr gks tkrh gSA og Hkh vxyh ijh{kk esa izfo"V gks ldrk gS ysfdu mls 05 o"kZ dh le;kof/ esa viw.kZ jgs dkslZ dks iwjk djuk vfuok;Z gSA vè;;u dsUnz ds leUo;d*izkpk;Z dk mRrjnkf;Ro gksxk fd ijh{kk iwoZ Nk=kkè;kid ds laca/ esa lgh lwpuk,a _tSls&Nk=kkè;kid dk uke] firk*ifr dk;Zdze dh le;kof/%& ;g dk;Zdze 02 o"kksZ dk gS ysfdu izf'k{k.kkFkhZ bl dk;Zdze dks 05 o"kZ esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA 37 ijh{kk o dk;Zdze dk ekè;e%& fgUnh o vaxzsth nkssauks esa ls dksbZ ,d ekè;e fy;k tk ldrk gSa A Lovf/xe lkexzh%& laiw.kZ dk;Zdze esa Nk=kkè;kid dks Lovf/xe djuk gSA Lovf/xe gsrq dkslZ lkexzh tks Cykd o ekWM;wy ds :i esa gksxh fo'ofo|ky; }kjk fu%'kqYd iznku dh tkosxh A Nk=kkè;kidksa dks Lovf/xe gsrq fo"k;ksa dh lanHkZ lkexzh ls vè;;u djuk fo"k; dks le>us esa mi;ksxh gksxh A vkfM;ks o ohfM;ksa lkexzh bl dk;Zdze gsrq iwjd lkexzh gksxh tks fo"k; dks le>us esa lgk;d gksldsxh l=kkar ijh{kk frfFk;kW%&;g dk;Zdze tuojh ls izkjaHk gksdj fnlEcj esa lekIr gksxkA la=kkr ijh{kk lkekU;r% fnlEcj ekg esa gksxh A ijh{kk dh okLrfod frfFk;ksa dh ?kks"k.kk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk mfpr le; ij dh tkosxhA {ks=kh; dsUnzkè;{k ls fuEu gsrq lEidZ djs %& dk;Zdze funsZf'kdk ,oa vkosnu iQkeZ izkIr djus gsrq A izos'k ijh{kk laca/h tkudkjh gsrq A izos'k laca/h tkudkjh gsrq A la=kkr ijh{kk dh tkudkjh gsrq A vè;;u dsUnz fuEu gsrq laidZ djs %& dk;Zdze funsZf'kdk ,oa vkosnu&i=k izkIr djus gsrq A vkosnu& iQkeZ tek djus gsrq A izos'k ijh{kk laca/h tkudkjh gsrq A izos'k laca/h tkudkjh gsrq A p;fur mEehnokj izos'k ds iath;u rFkk iQhl tek djus gsrq % Nk=kkè;kid iQhl tekdj jlhn vo'; izkIr djsa iqLrdky; dkMZ o igpku i=k izkIr djus gsrq f}rh; o"kZ ds bUMD'ku ds le; dk;Zdze dh f}rh; o"kZ dh fd'r dk cSad MªkiQ~V tek djus gsrqA bUMD'ku o lEidZ d{kkvksa ds vk;kstu ds laca/ esa A Lovf/xe lkexzh izkIr djus gsrq A fufnZ"V dk;Z] l=kh; dk;Z o izk;ksfxd dk;Z dks iwjk djuk o tek djus gsrq A ijh{kk frfFk ds laca/ gsrq A l=kkar ijh{kk ds izos'k i=k izkIr djus gsrq A fo'ofo|ky; ls le;&le; ij tkjh fd;s x;s lwpukvksa vkfn dh tkudkjh gsrq iquZewY;kadu ,oa iquZx.kuk ds vkosnu nsus gsrq A lHkh izdkj ds vkosnu vè;;u dsUnz ds ekè;e ls izkIr gksaxsA lh/s fo'ofo|ky; esa dksbZ vkosnu ugha fy;k tkosxk A 38 uksV%& dsoy vkosnu i=k tek djuk o izos'k ijh{kk esa cSBus dk vFkZ ;g ugha gS fd lacaf/r dks izos'k ns fn;k tkosxkA fo'ofo|ky; Lrj ij lHkh vkosnu i=kksa dh tkap gksxh A ANNEXURE 1 LIST OF REGIONAL CENTRES AND AFFILITED STUDY CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTORS STUDY CENTRES 1 01.Dr Sudhanshu Dwivedi,RD MPBOU 1 101.Principal Raja Bhoj Marg (Kolar Road), Govt college of Education, PGBT, Chuna Bhatti,Damkeda (IASE) Bhopal-462016 Barasia Road Bhopal-462038 Ph 07552735228 2 02 Dr Dinesh Varshney, RD MPBOU 2 203.Principal DAV Campus, Khandwa Road Govt college of Education, PGBT, Indore 452001 (MP) Khandwa 450001 Ph and Fax 0731-2465689,9826076903 Ph 0733-2248101 3 03. Dr APS Chouhan, RD MPBOU 3 301.Principal Jiwaji University Campus, Govt college of Education,PGBT,) Gwalior (MP) Tansen Road Birla Nagar Ph and Fax 0751-2345559,9425109007 Gwalior-474004 Ph 075124231914 04 Dr K K Tiwari, RD MPBOU 4 401.Principal 39 PSM, Campus, Jabalpur (MP) Ph 0751-2628113, Fax 2628330,2316976 5 05. Dr S S Parihar, RD MPBOU Old TRS College Campus, Civil Lines REWA 486001 (MP) Ph 07662-250410, Fax 251691,250410 9825124312 6 06. Dr R K Kasana, RD MPBOU Deptt of Computer Sc, Dr HSGour University, Sagar- 470003 (MP) Ph 07582265572,265399,264130.264903 7 Dr Nagesh Shende, RD MPBOU School of Studies of continuing Edn. Old Adm Building Vikram University Campus Ujjain 456010 (MP) Ph0734-2514273,5112161,2556968R 9425380493 Fax -254276 Dr Rajeev Tiwari, RD MPBOU Old Collectrate Civil Lines, Satna485001(MP) P07672-400541 5 Govt college of Education, (IASE) PSM Campus, Near High Court Jabalpur-480007 Ph 07612624883 501.Principal Govt college of Education, PGBT Rewa 486002 Ph 07662-258860 6 502.Principal Govt college of Education, Chhatarpur-471001 MP Ph 7682-241650 7 504.Co ordinator/H.O.D. Deptt. of Education Dr HSG University Sagar- 470003 (MP) 8 Govt college of Education, (PGBT) Dashahra Maidan Ujjain-456010 Ph 7342519873 9 202.Principal Govt college of Education, AB Road Dewas-455001 Ph 07272-220655 10 503. .Co ordinator/H.O.D. Deptt. of Education Kamla Nehru Mahila Mahavidyalay Prem Nagar Satna 485001 M.P. ANNEXURE 2 NAME AND ADDRESS OF ENTRANCE TEST EXAMINATION CENTRES 40 S.No. Code Name of Centre 1 02 RD MPBOU DAV Campus, Khandwa Road Indore 452001 (MP) Ph and Fax 0731-2465689,9826076903 2 503. Co ordinator/H.O.D. Deptt. of Education Kamla Nehru Mahila Mahavidyalay Prem Nagar Satna 485001 M.P. 3 504 Co ordinator/H.O.D. Deptt. of Education Dr HSG University Sagar- 470003 (MP 4 101 Principal Govt college of Education, PGBT, (IASE) Barasia RoadBhopal-462038 Ph 0755-2735228 5 201. Principal Govt college of Education,PGBT, Khandwa 450001 Ph 0733-2248101 6 301 PrincipalGovt college of Education,(PGBT) Tansen Road Birla NagarGwalior-474004 Ph 0751-24231917 401. Principal, Govt college of Education, (IASE) PSM Campus,Near High Court Jabalpur-480007Ph 0761-2624883 8 501. Principal Govt college of Education, PGBT Rewa 486002 Ph 07662-258860 9 502. Principal Govt college of Education, Chhatarpur-471001 MPPh 7682-241650 10 201. Principal Govt college of Education, (PGBT) Dashahra Maidan Ujjain-456010 Ph 7342519873 11 202. Principal Govt college of Education, (PGBT) AB RoadDewas-455001Ph 07272-220655. 41 ANNEXURE 4 CODE LIST Category Code SC 01 ST 02 OBC 03 PH 04 General 05 Others 06 Gender Code School Subject Code Group B Male 01 SS 1 Female 02 Teaching of English 01 Teaching of Hindi 02 Medium Code SS 2 Hindi OH Teaching of Science 04 English OE Teaching of Methematics 05 Teaching of Social Science 06 Special Course (GESE) Code Educational Technology GESE 01 Computer in Education and Educational Technology GESE 02 Guidance and counseling GESE 03 Vocational Education GESE 04 ANNEXURE 4 B.Ed. ENTRANCE TEST Time 2 Hours No. of Questions 70 Maximum Marks 70 Roll No. Name of the Candidate 42 Instructions to Candidates 1. Calculators, pagers, cellular phones etc are not allowed in the examination hall. 2. Use only ball pen (blue or black ink) on the answer sheet. 3. Each question has four options for answering. Only one is correct. The candidate has to mark in the correct box as X (cross) in the answer sheet only. Any other marks will not be valid. X 4.Each X Xcandidate must return the question booklet and answer sheet to the invigilator. 5.Do all the rough work on the page provided ‘For rough w X 1. (A) (B) (C) (D) Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so they form a group. Which one the following does not belong to that group \ Sleeping Walking Jumping Running fuEufyf[kr pkj esa ls rhu fdlh izdkj leku gS vr% mudk ,d lewg curk gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls og dkSu lk gS tks bl lewg esa ugha vkrk gS\ (A) lksuk (B) pyuk (C) dwnuk (D) nkSM+uk 2 A test which was to take place two days earlier has been postponed for seven days. If yesterday was Thursday, when will the test be held \ (A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Thursday (D) Saturday ,d ijh{kk tks nks fnu iwoZ gksuh Fkh] vc lkr fnu ds fy, LFkfxr dj nh xbZ gSA ;fn dy xq:okj Fkk rks vc ijh{kk dc vk;ksftr gksxh \ (A) lkseokj (B) eaxyokj (C) xq:okj (D) 'kfuokj 3. (A) (B) (C) (D) Which one of these is incongruent \ August September October November vlaxr dks NkWfV, % (A) vxLr (B) flrEcj 43 vDVwcj uoEcj (C) (D) 4. You want to become a teacher because: (A) (B) (C) (D) it is difficult to get other job it involves less responsibility you are interested in it it is a peaceful job vki f'k{kd cuuk pkgrs gSa \ (A) vU; ukSdjh izkIr djuk dfBu gS (B) blesa ftEesnkjh de gS (C) mlesa vkidh :fp gS (D) ;g ,d 'kkar ukSdjh gS 5. (A) (B) (C) (D) School is a of Education Passive non-formal formal informal fo|ky; f'k{kk dk ,d &&&&&&vfHkdj.k gSA (A) fuf"dz; (B) vkSipkfjdsrj (C) vkSipkfjd (D) vukSipkfjd 6. The remains of an ancient University in India were found in: (A) Nalanda (B) Ujjain (C) Varanasi (D) Vikramshila iqjkru Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; ds vo'ks"k dgkW ik;s x;s\ (A) ukyUnk (B) mTtSu (C) okjk.klh (D) fodzef'kyk 7. The National song of India has been composed by: (A) Bankim Chandra Chatterji (B) Rabindra Nath Tagore (C) Nirad C. Chaudhri (D) Pandit Jasraj Hkkjr ds jk"Vªh; xhr ds jpf;rk gSa% (A) cafdepUnz pVthZ (B) jfoUnzukFk VSxksj (C) uhjn lh- pkS/jh (D) iafM+r tljkt 44 ANNEXURE 6 IMPORTANT UNIVERSITY CONTACTS 1- Hon. Vice Chancellor 2345- 2424660, 2492090 Registrar 2492093 Director (Admission & Examination) 2424670 Director Printing & Distribution 2429094 Director (Students’ Support) 2492106 67- D.M.E. (B.Ed. Deptt) Reception & PBX fax-0755-2424640 2807381 2493373 2492091 2492092 Email of Department Location Map of new campus of university 45 ANNEXURE 6 Academic Programme at a Glance MANAGEMENT & COMMERCE PROGRAMMES Name Master of Business Administration MBA Material Management Master of International Business Master of Business Economics Master of Commerce (Account) Master of Commerce (Management) Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Commerce PG Diploma in Management PG Diploma in Tourism and Hotel Management PG Diploma in Heritage Management PG Diploma in Company Secretaryship Diploma in Business Administration Diploma in Management Diploma in Air Fare & Ticketing Code MBA MBA(MM) MIB MBE M.Com.(Acct) M.Com.(Mgt) BBA B.Com PGDIM PGDTHM PGDHM PGDCS DBA DIM DAFT Duration 3Years 3Years 2Years 2Years 2Years 2Years 3Years 3Years 1Years 1Years 1Years 1Years 1Years 1Years 1Years Eligibility Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Com Graduate Com 10 + 2 10 + 2 Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate 10 + 2 Fee 11500 11500 11500 8050 4600 4600 6900 1380 8050 6900 7475 3450 6900 6900 5750 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAMMES Name Master of Computer Application MCA (Llateral Entry) Master of Science (Computer Science) Master of Science (IT) PG Diploma in Computer Application Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Computer Application Diploma in Computer Application Diploma in Wab & Multimedia Technology Diploma in Linux Essentials Diploma in Education Technology Code MCA MCA M.Sc.(CS) M.Sc.(IT) PGDCA B.Sc.(IT) BCA DCA DWMT DLE DET Duration 3Years 2Years 2Years 2Years 1Years 3Years 3Years 1Years 1Years 1Years 1Years 46 Eligibility Graduate Maths PGDCA Graduate # Graduate# Graduate 10+ 2 maths 10 +2 maths 10 + 2 10 +2 10 +2 10 +2 Fee 13800 13800 9200 9200 13800 6900 6900 5750 5750 5750 5750 Certificate in Computer Application # Graduate in maths/physics/electronics/computer Sc CCA 1Years 10 +2 3450 Code M.Sc.(Zoo) M.Sc.(Bot) M.Sc.(Maths) M.Sc.(Chem) M.Sc.(Phy) B.Sc.(Maths) B.Sc.(Bio) PGDBI PGDCI Duration 2Years 2Years 2Years 2Years 2Years 3Years 3Years 1Years 1Years Eligibility Graduate Bio Graduate Bio Graduate Maths Graduate Chem Graduate Phy 10+2 maths 10 +2 Bio Graduate Bio/Maths Graduate Bio Fee 6900 6900 6900 6900 6900 1495 1495 9200 9200 BASIC SCIENCE PROGRAMMES Name Master of Science (Zoology) Master of Science (Botany) Master of Science (Maths) Master of Science (Chemistry) Master of Science (Physics) Bachelor of Science (Maths) Bachelor of Science (Biology) PG Diploma in Bio-Infomatics PG Diploma in Chemo-Informatics HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAMMES Name Master of Arts History,Cult&Arch. Master of Arts Sanskrit Code M.A.(AIH,C&A) M.A (San) Duration 2Years 2Years Eligibility Graduate Graduate Fee 6900 4600 Master of Arts English Master of Arts Economics Master of Arts Political Science Master of Arts Sociology Master of Arts History Master of Arts Hindi Master of Social work Bachelor of Arts M.A.(Eng) M.A.(Eco) M.A.(Pol Sc) M.A.(Soc) M.A.(Hist) M.A.(Hindi) MSW B.A. 2Years 2Years 2Years 3Years 2Years 2Years 2Years 3 Years Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate 10+2 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 8050 1265 Code PGDDTN PGDHHN PGDPN DNHE Duration 1Years 1Years 1Years 1Years Eligibility Graduate Bio/Hsc Graduate Graduate 10+2 With Bio Fee 11500 17250 13800 3450 Code MLIS B.LIS B.SC. (DFT) M.Sc.GET Duration 1Years 1Years 3 Years 1Years Eligibility B.LIS Graduate 10+2 Graduate # Fee 9200 6900 11500 11500 Name Code Duration Eligibility Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) B.Ed.(GEDE) 2Years GraduateInservice teachers with 2Yrs Exp Fee P/A 11500 Duration 2Years 9Months 3 Months Eligibility Graduate + 2 Years Gap B.Ed Inservice Teacher HEALTH SCIENCE PROGRAMMES Name PG Diploma in Dietetics and Therapeutics Nutrition PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Management PG Diploma in Physiotherapy and Nutrition PG Diploma in and Nutrition and Health Education NEED BASED PROGRAMMES Name Master of Library Science & Information Sc. Bachelor of Library Science.& Information Sc. Bachelor of Science (Design & Fashion Tech) Certificate in ScienceDesigning and fashion Technology. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Name Bachelor of Special Education (B.Ed.SEDE) PG Professional Diploma in Special Education Foundation Course in Special Education # One Time Code (B.Ed.SEDE) PGPD-SEDE FC-SEDE Fee 15000# 5000 1500 ANNEXURE 7 cgqvk;keh f'k{kk foHkkx_Mh- ,e- bZ-) ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) dk;Zdze 2008-10 1dk;Zdze funsZfs'kdk ,oa vkosnu iQkeZ {ks=kh; dk;kZy; fnukad 03 flracj 2008 ,oa vè;;u dsUnz ds ekè;e ls fodz; 2dk;Zdze funsZfs'kdk ,oa vkosnu iQkeZ {ks=kh; dk;kZy; ,oa vè;;u dsUnz ds ekè;e ls fodz; vafre frfFk fnukad 05vDVwcj 2008 3ch- ,M- _th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) gsrq iw.kZ vkosnu iQkeZ tek djus dh vafre frfFk fnukad 05 vDVwcj 2008 4foyEc 'kqYd :i;s 200*& ds lkFk vkosnu iQkeZ izkIr djus o fnukad 15 vDVwcj 2008 tek djus dh vafre frfFk 5izos'k ijh{kk dh frfFk 02 uoEcj 2008 _nksi-11-00 cts) 47 6- izos'k ijh{kk dk ifj.kke] dkmUlfyax rFkk izos'k gsrq iath;u fnlacj 2008 izFke o"kZ 2009 1bUMD'ku dk;Zdze tuojh 2009 dk izFke lIrkg _06 fnol) 2 laidZ dk;Zdze ebZ 2009 _24 fnol) 3 l=kkar ijh{kk 20 ls 31 fnlacj 2009 f}rh; o"kZ 2010 1bUMD'ku dk;Zdze iQjojh 2010 dk izFke lIrkg _06 fnol) 2laidZ dk;Zdze twu 2010 _24 fnol) 3l=kkar ijh{kk 20 ls 31 fnlacj 2010 vH;kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, izos'k ijh{kk dh lwpuk izR;sd vH;kfFkZ;ksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd os ch-,M-_th-bZ-Mh-bZ-) izos'k ijh{kk gsrq vius {ks=kh; dsUnz*vè;;u dsUnz esa fnukad 02 uoEcj 2008 dks Bhd 10-00 ctdj 3000 feuV ij vFkkZr ijh{kk izkjaHk gksus ds vkèkk ?kaVk iwoZ vo'; igqap tkosa A eè;izns'k Hkkst _eqDr) fo'ofo|ky; jktk Hkkst ekxZ _dksykj jksM+)] pwuk HkV~Vh] Hkksiky&462016 _e-iz-) 48