Graduate Council New, Modified or Deleted Course Form This form has many drop-down menus. To activate the menu, click on the “Choose an item.” and click the arrow to the right. 1. Please complete this form and save the file as the subject and course number without spaces (ex: PSYC648). 2. Send it as an email attachment to Jennifer Bazaz (; remember to add any related documents (for new courses, please include the catalog description with catalog credit format, e.g. 3:2:1 and the course syllabus). 3. Bring the signed original of this form to the Graduate Council meeting for our files. We will forward it on to the Registrar’s Office for implementation. -FOR COURSE CHANGES, PLEASE ONLY LIST THE MODIFICATIONS BEING MADE____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Request for a: New Course Unit: CHHS Department: Health Administration and Policy Subject and Course Number (if applicable, include cross listing): HAP 652 Course Title: Essentials of Health Insurance and Managed Care Effective Term: (new/modified courses only): fall 2009 Credit Hours: (Fixed) 3 OR (Var.) to Final Term (deleted courses only): For Labs or RCT: or Grade Type: Regular Graduate Repeat Status: NR * Only use RD or RT when the course can be repeated for credit. Total number of hours allowable for this course to be taken (must complete for RD or RT courses): Schedule Type Code(s): First code: LEC Second code (only for courses w/LAB or RCT component): Choose an item. Prerequisite or Corequisite: None Please Note: For modified courses - review prerequisite or corequisite for necessary changes. For deleted courses review other courses to correct prerequisites that list the deleted course. Description of Modification (if applicable- please be specific!): Special Instructions (major/college/class code restrictions, if applicable): Submitted by/Contact Person: PJ Maddox _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signatures: Department/Unit Approval: ____ ___________Date: 4-3-09 Grad Council Member: _____________________________________________________________Date: Provost Office: _____________________________________________________________Grad Council Approval Date: Please type into the chart those units outside of your own that may be impacted by this: - Each of these units must approve this change prior to it being submitted to the Grad Council for approval. UNIT APPROVER’S UNIT APPROVER’S NAME SIGNATURE UNIT NAME DATE GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY College of Health and Human Services Department of Health Administration and Policy Course Number: HAP 652 3:3:0 Course Title: Essentials of Health Insurance and Managed Care Course Placement: Graduate Elective Faculty: Dr. Peter Kongsvedt Course Description: Survey course in US health insurance and managed care. Provides an overview of the different types of health insurers and managed care organizations, with content on sales and marketing, provider network management and reimbursement, medical and quality management, claims processing, member services, IT and operational finance. Policy, laws and regulations affecting the industry will also be addressed. Course objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Understand the historical roots of health care cost inflation and health insurance and managed care, including market sectors and their characteristics; 2. Differentiate the different types of managed care health plans and provider arrangements (including Medicare and Medicaid managed care) 3. Analyze managed care contracting arrangements, physician reimbursement and hospital/facility contracting models 4. Articulate different methodologies and approaches for conducting managed medical care service utilization and cost analysis; 5. Selectively employ strategies to ensure health plan quality and compliance with regulatory oversight (including accreditation); 6. Articulate essential operations and challenges in the management of health plans including plan sales and marketing, legal and regulatory standards, billing and enrollment, claims processing and member services); 7. Discuss the requirement for essential IT infrastructure for mandated standards, electronic data interchange and IT support of the enterprise Required textbook(s): Kongstvedt, Peter R., Essentials of Managed Health Care, Fifth Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007. Course Requirements: Students are required to attend class on time and participate fully. Prior to class students will complete all assigned class readings and journal articles. Course assignments including writing two short issue papers and prepare and prepare a final issues paper (meeting instructor format guidelines) and will and presentation in class. Course Evaluation: Student grades will be derived based upon the following class expectations and deliverables: 1. Short paper #1 (5 pages): 15% 2. Short paper #2 (5 pages): 15% 3. Final paper and presentation: 50% o Paper (15-20 pages in length) 30% o Presentation 20% 4. Class participation: 20% 5. Instructor Grading Scale: 6. 93-100%= A 90- 92 %= A88- 89 %= B+ 83- 87 %= B 80- 82 %= B78- 79 %= C+ 73- 77 %= C 70- 72 %= C68- 69 %= D+ 63- 67 %= D 60- 62 %= D59% ... = F A: Excellent performance; sharp insight; articulate; superior writing ability; able to relate material to previous experience and learning; an example for others to follow. B: Good performance; active listener and participant; articulates thoughts clearly; accomplishes more than minimum requirements; solid performance. C: Satisfactory performance; accomplishes minimum requirements; communicates at generally acceptable level; satisfactory understanding of concepts at basic level. F: Quality and quantity of work and participation is below average and unacceptable. Teaching methods/strategies: Lectures, class discussion and student presentations. Student Attendance and Participation Class attendance is expected; if you are unable to be at class, it is your responsibility to inform the course instructor and to identify a strategy to meet the learning objectives for that day. Please complete all required reading and written assignments by the specified date. Assignment guidelines specify the date the work is due; if you are unable to meet the deadlines, it is your responsibility to negotiate another date well in advance of the deadline. Failure to submit work on the due (or negotiated) date will result in a 5-point penalty for each day late. Written Assignments All written assignments will be graded using the following criteria: 70% ON CONTENT. Content will be judged by relevance (critical issues are identified by student); level of analysis (strong, demonstrates depth and critical approach); manifests original thoughts; factual information demonstrates accuracy. 30% ON MECHANICS. Mechanics will be judged according to the following: grammar and style; organization and flow; presentation (important for construction of papers and bibliographic documentation). Papers should use font no larger than 12 point, and margins should be 1" on top and bottom; left and right margins should be 1.5". All papers should be double-spaced. American Psychological Association (APA) style for bibliographic references, style, etc should be followed. The APA writing guidelines may be found at: On-time electronic mail submission via Word format is required for all written assignments, unless approved otherwise by the instructor. Students are expected to use standard English in all course communications. Course/topical outline: Class 1: Understand the historical roots of health insurance and managed care Class 2: Understand the different market sectors and their characteristics (including Medicare and Medicaid managed care) Class 3: Understand the different types of health plans and their key differences Class 4: Understand common myths and realities in health insurance and managed care Class 5: Understand physician contracting, network operations issues and different forms of physician reimbursement under managed care Class 6: Understand hospital and facility contracting, network issues and different forms of hospital and facility reimbursement under managed care Course 7: Understand the causes of health care cost inflation and emerging policy solutions Class 8: Understand how utilization and medical costs are measured and performed Class 9: Understand quality measurement and management, including health plan measurement and accreditation Class 10: Understand health plan sales & marketing, including legal and regulatory issues Class 11: Understand how health plans perform basic operations, including billing & enrollment, claims processing and member services Class 12: Understand the basic IT issues, including mandated standards, electronic data interchange, informatics and analysis, and IT support of the enterprise as well as federal policy and regulations. Class 13: Student Presentations Honor code: “To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among all members of the George Mason University community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we, the student members of the university community, have set forth this honor code: Student members of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to academic work” (George Mason University Catalo). Individuals with disabilities: George Mason University is committed to complying with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 by providing reasonable accommodations for disabled applicants for admission, students, applicants for employment, employees, and visitors. Applicants for admission and students requiring specific accommodations for a disability should contact the Disability Resource Center at 703-993-2474, or the Equity Office at 703-993-8730. Applicants for employment and employees should contact Human Resources at 703-993-2600 or the Equity Office. Students and employees are responsible for providing appropriate documentation and requesting reasonable accommodation in a timely manner (George Mason University Catalog).