NAME______________ BIOLOGY 2402 DATE______________ GENERAL SENSORY RECEPTORS SPRING 2005 1. Using any example to describe sensory adaptation. 2. Receptors that adapt slowly are known as phasic/tonic receptors. The lobe of the cerebrum that responds to general sensation is the __________________ lobe. 3. Label the below receptors as tonic or phasic. Write T or P. a. Meissner’s Corpuscle b. muscle spindle c. Ruffini’s Organ – d. Pacinian Corpuscle e. Hair root plexus – 4. Match the receptor type with the appropriate receptor. Mechanoreceptor ____ a. Ruffini’s Organ Proprioceptor _____ b. Free nerve endings Nociceptor _____ c. Free nerve endings Thermoreceptor _____ d. Muscle spindle Chemoreceptor e. carotid body 5. What are the functions of the below receptor types? a. exteroceptor – b. interoceptor – c. proprioceptor – 6. Why is pain tonic? What substances stimulate the free nerve endings to initiate the pain pathway? 7. The main neurotransmitter exciting pain pathways is _________________ while ________________ is a neurotransmitter that inhibits pain. Throbbing pain such as a bad tooth is called ______________ pain. Pain is tonic/phasic. 8. List four proprioceptors. Some special senses may be used. 9. Match the receptor with the appropriate function. Some may be used more than once.(20 pts) A. Free Nerve Endings B. End Bulb of Krause C. Pacinian Corpuscle D. Hair Root Plexus E. End Organ of Ruffini f. Muscle Spindle G. Merkel’s Disc H. Golgi Tendon Organ I. Meissner’s Corpuscle _____This receptor is involved in pain sensations. _____This tonic receptor is involved in fine touch. _____This receptor responds to touch sensations in mucous membranes. _____This tonic receptor responds to stretching of the skin. _____This proprioceptor is the receptor in stretch reflexes. _____This receptor responds to the bending of hair shafts. _____This receptor was involved in the temperature experiments in lab. _____This receptor was involved in the two point test. _____,_____ these receptors are proprioceptors. _____This receptor responds to pressure and vibration. 10. What are chemoreceptors? Give two examples of this receptor type. 11. What are baroreceptors? Give two examples of this receptor type. 12. Define the below terms. a. modality – b. projection – c. referred pain – d. sensation – e. transduction – BONUS. How do the below analgesics work? a. aspirin – b. novocaine – c. morphine –