of the public in vietnam

The strong development of new forms of communication and a wide
shift in trend of receiving information have pushed the traditional press industry
over the global into extremely difficult circumstance, especially in the Americas
and Europe.
The development of Vietnamese press is not out of this trend. With a
high rate of internet penetration in Vietnam, reading online newspapers has
started affecting the reading habit of daily news of many people. There are more
changes in the receipt of press products of the public than before
The question raised is when “the golden age” of Asian traditional
press, including Vietnamese, will last? If 55% of American people predict that
traditional media will exist only about 10 years, what is that number in
Vietnam? And when will the printed newspapers, television and radio become
obsolete before the public’s need of receiving information? Who are the key
readers of each type of Vietnamese press nowadays? How to attract the public
to traditional types of press?
These issues show that it is important to know about the “Trend on
receipt of press products of the public in Vietnam” to meet the increasing
demand and ability of press receipt of the public nowadays.
Purpose of research
On the basis of grasping the situation of receiving press products, the
thesis refers to the Vietnamese public’s trend of receipt to four types of basic
press (including printed newspapers, television, radio and online newspapers)
and new media. Then, the thesis will provide the reliable forecast of the
development of the press in Vietnam in general and each type of press in
Duty of research: Building a theoretical and practical basis for
research issues; Surveying the situation to draw the definition of the public’s
trend of receipt; Forecasting the public’s trend of receipt and development of
types of press; Giving the factors of influence, recommendations, and solutions
to improve the quality and efficiency of public service of Vietnamese
Objects of the research
About the public: The thesis identifies the research object as the
Vietnamese public from 14-75 years old at the time of survey.
About press products: the thesis is researched mainly under the types of
press, including printed newspapers, radio, television, online newspapers and
new media- which are known as mobile media..
Space scope: to be divided into 6 regions over the countries with
representative provinces/cities: Phu Tho, Hanoi, Da Nang, Lam Dong, Ho Chi
Minh City, and An Giang.
Time scope: The process of research and documentary survey is
limited in the scope from the beginning of the 80 s decade of the twentieth
century to present. The investigation of sociology and real research was carried
out within 03 years from 2012-2014.
Analytical framework: Dependent variable is the research issue
Trend of receipt of press products of Vietnamese public. To forecast the trend,
it is necessary to clarify the status through intermediate variable. The status of
receipt of press products of Vietnamese public. The independent variable is
defined as the direct cause to dependent variable, hereinafter including two
factors as The characteristics of public and Activities of Vietnamese press
agencies. The interaction between dependent variable and independent variable
which are under the impact and influence of two groups of intervention
variables including Policies of the Party and State about press and The
development of technological technical science.
Research hypothesis
(1) In fact, there is a rapid movement of impact of different types of press to
the public. The strong development of technology, the new trend of world
press, and the characteristics of receipt including both general trends and
particular features of Vietnamese people will create the rapid and deeply wide
transformation of demands and conditions of receipt of press products in the
(2) These changes are affected by many factors, including the factor of
generation of high-medium-young, especially teenagers- young public, who
will decide the character of press receipt in the future.
(3) Types of traditional media such as printed newspapers, radio and
television are strongly affected, leading to the reduction in numbers of
audience and readers and even disappearance before the strong development
of online media as well as new media with personal electronic devices,
especially through mobile phone, tablet.
5.1. Methodology
* General methodology: The thesis uses the methodology of MarxismLeninism, The dialectical materialism and historical materialism; Ho Chi Minh
thoughts and viewpoints of the Party of the press - the media etc.
* Specific methodology:
Using theories: Mass media, sociological
theory, press psychological theory, theory of reception, theory of usage and
satisfaction in analytical orientation.
5.2. Research methods
* General research method: The thesis uses the synthesis of common
research methods of social science and humanities such as analysis- synthesis;
induction-deduction, comparison…
* Specific research method: Using the research methods of sociology,
including groups of qualitative research methods (document analysis, intensive
interview, groupp of discussion, observation- participation) and quantitative
research methods (Anket interview)
 Questionnaire interview (Anket): size of interview sample of 1.800
 Intensive interview (PVS): 06 intensive interview of journalists at 6
provinces/cities; 02 leaders of journalism management; 24 intensive
interview of the public.
Theoretical meaning:
The thesis is a relatively large work of
space to assess the general trend of the Vietnamese public’s receipt of press
types. Then, the work contributes to development of press theory from the
angle of research method of media and composition of factors affecting the
trend of the public’s receipt of information. In this thesis, some new concepts
are built to open new orientations of further research..
Real meaning: The thesis provides the scientific foundation to
improve the quality of public research, enhance the quality and method serving
for the public’s need of receipt; be a useful reference for research and
management of press.
Provide the survey data as well as assess the status of the public’s
reception over the wide scope of space of the nation, fully survey four types of
Add journalism on the mobile devices as new media. Then,
concept of journalism public also expands on the scope of journalism public on
mobile devices.
Provide the forecast about the trends of the public’s receipt of
press products; changes of the influencing factors, changes in the way of
receipt of future public, trend of development of press types.
Apart from introduction, conclusion, reference, abbreviations, table of
content, annex, the content of thesis consists of five chapters and 17 sections.
1.1. Research situation over the world
1.1.1. Research on the public of mass media: Research on the receipt
of communication products of the public group is one of basic research on
communication in the world, including both international and national scope.
1.1.2. Research the trend of international journalism
Association annually conducts the studies, statistics and reports on the status of
development as well as the trend of the public’s receipt of journalism on many
different scales, especially the countries with strongly developed press as
America, France, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Austria ... The well-known media
organizations like Nielsen, TNS, Kantar Media ... also provides a lot of data,
analysis and evaluation of press public in the world, continents, countries.
There are a number of trends: multimedia journalism, "citizen"
journalism, press globalization, press localization, consumer press, and mobile
press ... These trends objectively reflect the demands of the media market and
the tastes of the public worldwide, across the different continents, regions and
1.2. Research situation in Vietnam
1.2.1. Research on the public
Mass media has developed rapidly and strongly in Vietnam for recent
years. Especially, the research focus on the need of
listening- looking-
reading, attitude of receipt, behavior of approach and usage of mass media of
public group which appear in the fields of journalism, press sociology, or press
1.2.2. Research on the trend of press receipt
In Vietnam, there is a large number of studies with many different
views, methods and angles. The main trends are given as: Television remains
the most attractive to the public comparing with other types; Online
newspapers grows strongly and will be the most powerful forms of
communication in the future; Although not falling in serious crisis as in the
world, printed newspapers is also diminishing the strength and readers; Radio
has less and less public; Trend of new media forms has gradually come into the
Vietnamese public life, such as reading the newspaper on mobile devices;
trend of multimedia integration.
However, this study mainly focuses a particular relationship, or the
specific approach of the public toward one of the four types of popular
journalism as printed newspapers, television, radio or online newspapers,
which leads to the current situation that there is a shortage of the generalized
identifiable information about the trends of receipt of mass media types in
Vietnam. In particular, there are not many studies such as books, theses,
dissertations in Vietnam, but articles or research of communication companies,
which do research on new forms of media in the development trends of
journalism. Then, it is open for other works in the continuous exploitation;
especially the research with generalized forecast about the trend of receipt of
mass media.This is the direction of the thesis...
2.1. Basic concepts
2.1.1. Press products
Press products are the complete products of content and transferring form
such as printed newspapers, online newspapers, programs of television and
radio, newspapers on mobile devices
2.1.2. The public of press
The public of press are the subjects which journalism (including printed
newspapers, television, radio, online newspapers, newspapers on mobile
devices) orients to impact, entice and persuade into its influencing scope.
Then, the public also interact back and participate in the process of work
creation- disseminating information, monitoring and deciding the role and
social status of press-media.
2.1.3. Trend of reception: is the tendency toward one orientation of the
press, the public with objective, meaning and impact in long term, which has
impact on journalism system of one country, region and world. This reception
can be active or passive. It has a high interaction between press products- press
agencies- the public in modern journalism. .
2.2. The theoretical approach toward research problems.
2.2.1. Theory of communication: Theories of mass media are used in
most of ways of giving indicators, assessment, and comments on operation,
process, and effectiveness of the public’s receipt for each type of press,
methods as well as content and form of reception.
2.2.2. Sociological theory of mass media: Forecast is the most important
nature when applying sociological theories of mass media in our thesis to find
out the trend of the public’s reception of press, based on the indicators of the
stat, the law of reception, the movement trend of the past - present, present future.
2.2.3. Theoretical psychology of press-media: The thesis will examine
the key issues in this theory, then, showing the segment about the needs,
psychology, conditions, possibilities and modes of the public’s reception.
2.2.4. Theory of usage and satisfaction
Theory of usage and satisfaction provides a framework of knowledge
about when and how individuals using the media become more active or less
active and their consequences. The theory provides an important theoretical
basis for the analysis of the thesis, especially public categories proactively in
the relationship with the press.
2.3. Practical foundation of research problem
2.3.1. Typical character of Vietnamese journalism
- Current status of journalism development with printed newspapers,
radio-television, online newspapers, news agencies
Success and limitation in meeting the public’s need for current
Vietnamese journalism
2.3.2. Information about research areas: The natural and social
characteristics of 6 cities/provinces as Phu Tho, Hanoi, Da Nang, Lam Dong,
Ho Chi Minh city, An Giang.
2.3.3. Information about the research sample: some basic information:
the sex ratio is equal to 49.5% female, 50.5% male; the ability of receiving
media (reading / listening / looking) of the public is rather good; Age of 13-24
accounts for the largest percentage, 46.3%. This is the generation deciding the
press trends in the future; Thus, corresponding to the job structure, mainly
pupils - students and employees of the State; University and high school levels
account for a major proportion; Marital status with single is higher: not
married 50.7%, widowed / separated / divorced 2.2%.
3.1. Current status of receipt of media types
3.1.1. The number of public of television is the largest, but there is a
downward trend: the rate of watching television with daily regular frequency
accounts for 72.3% public, much higher than other types. However, from 2006
up to now, through survey of media companies, the rate of TV watchers all
over the country has declined significantly. It can be seen that this decline is a
quite interesting shift: there is a decrease in the overall number of public as
well as the daily view level, however, the public of channels, programs,
especially attractive programs increase dramatically, and strongly compete of
the channels, the central stations as well as the local..
3.1.2. The number of public of online newspapers is strongly
increasing: From 2008 to 2010, online newspapers and electronic news
website started a shift and come to the third position. By 2011, online press
ranked the second position in replacement of printed newspapers, only behind
television. The author’s survey shows that although about 17% of the public
does not using online newspapers due to not knowing about Internet, the
number of users with daily frequency is up to 67%.
3.1.3. The public of printed newspapers gradually decrease and
slowdown with low readers: There is 30,5% of respondents using the printed
press at “daily level”; 21,5% of respondents sometimes reading at frequency
“several times/week”; 9,3% is “several times/month” and frequency ““several
times/year” is 3,3%. Compared to the previous year, the decline in the public
of printed press is understandable. However, there are a certain percentage of
them loyal to this type because of its information quality and convenience
advantages of receipt such as easy transport, reading free from charge ...
Especially the number of public reading magazine still proportional to the
increasing number of magazines
3.1.4. The public of radio has declined but there are signs of recovery:
Since 2008, the public of radio always accounts for the least percentage
comparing with other types. The proportion of daily radio listeners in the
survey is the lowest with 23%, just by one third comparing with TV viewers.
However, considering about the relative development comparing with printed
press and television, radio has the better signal. The public of radio remains a
certain number in rural areas and has increasingly appeared on transporting
devices in urban area.
3.2. Status of reception mode of press products of the public
3.2.1. The public’s need of press products is increasingly high There is an increase in receiving press: The level of the
public’s receipt has increased in overall at four types. Although the rate of
television and printed newspapers deceases, that of reading online newspapers
keeps going up. If calculating the average number of hours that the public
views each types of press, the results of survey show that the proportion of
public using mass media is rather high: reading online newspapers in 137,25
minutes, television: 132,88 minutes, reading printed newspapers: 45,06
minutes, listening radio: 42,6 minutes. The timing of receipt of the public has
the following characteristics:
* Printed press – morning “appetizer”: the public accesses to printed
press decreasingly from morning to nigh. The printed newspapers is read most
within 7h30- 9h with 22.7%.
* Television – evening “main meal”: In contrast to the printed press,
television attracts strongly the public in the evening, at the time of evening
meal of most families. Frame of hours with the highest number of followers is
19h - 20h, accounting for 61.5%. Frame of second peak hours is from 20h-21h,
accounting for 41.3%.
* Radio and online electronic press - “a cup of coffee” for the whole
day: Both of press types attract the highest number of readers and readers in
the evening. Time of radio listener is mainly nearly midnight, 21h-22h,
accounting for 17.8%; next is the frame of hours from 22h- 24h, accounting for
14.9%. The frames of hours that the public read online newspapers are 20h21h and 21h-22h. However, there is a difference that readers of online
newspapers having a habit of using a frame of working hours are higher than
that of radio.
3.2.2. Personalize the press A strong increase in the number of media of personal ownership
With a large number of personally owned vehicles, the public feel easier
and more convenient to receive the press. Especially with the increasing
number of automobiles in Vietnam, this will be effective means for radio
public in urban areas. The space of reception at home is more than those at office and
public places:: With television, the position that the position to place TV for
watching is at living room, accounting for 48%, while bedroom is 5.8%, dining
room is 1.3% . With online media, the public using it at home accounts for
58.4% because it is more comfortable and quickly to use internet. At cafes and
offices, this rate is smaller, 5.2% and 0.3% respectively.
3.2.3. “High tech” public Demand for multi media integration: The results of survey show
that the need of using high-tech, especially the devices with multimedia
features, has skyrocketed. For example, the proportion of using internet
television is 18,3%, television through computer with internet connection is
26.6%. It also shows that whether the public receive the type of television
launched in the market popularly or not.
11 The need of using new media: The ratio the public use mobile
devices to access the internet measured at our mobile phone is 20.3%, tablets:
7% which shows that a significant part of public increasingly dominate the
integrated approach of modern technology..
3.2.4. Public initiative Proactively select the kind, media, channel and time of
information: With a lot of data and analysis in chapter 2, sections 3.1, 3.2, it is
essential that in the booming era of mass media, channels of television and
radio, printed newspapers and online newspapers, the public has more choices
to be proactive in reading/direct and indirect watching at various time and
space.. The need of interaction with the press: Interoperability with
television viewers is the highest, about 62.8%, next is online newspaper with
48.7%, the third position is printed newspapers with 29.1% and the last is
radio with 15.8%. The absence of interaction with the media is also due to a
variety of reasons: the reason with the highest proportion is "not knowing
way", about 24%, the next is "so afraid, lazy," about 21%, less than the first
reason about 3%. As for public objects acknowledging the interaction, their
main purposes of interaction with the press are the desire to be "shared and
empathized", accounting for 33.3% and the want to "condemn and criticize
negative phenomena", about 27.4%. Besides, the "expression of personal
views" to readers accounts for 16.9% of the interaction... Less affected by other factors: The rate which is not influenced,
accounts for the majority, much more than the number of the public affected
on affected subjects. Among those influenced by external factors, the rate is
encouraged, i.e. the positive effects dominate. Those who are negatively
affected with the impact “Causing disorders on monitoring content” account
for the highest ratio, 10.1%. Other negative factors is very little
3.3. Situation of the public’s press content
3.3.1. The purpose of the public to grasp news: Online newspapers is
more advantegous than other mass media in terms of “ serving for research,
study, information search and enhance knowlege “, accounting for 61,1%;
whereas, other types such as radio with 10,1%, printed newspapers with 21,5%
and television only with 9,8%. The results show that people have regarded
Internet as search engine of special information, in other words, it is an
effective mean of information transmission other than traditional types as
discussed above.
However, in return, the advantage of the remaining forms of
communication comparing with electronic newspapers is “news capture ".
While rate of watching television is 52.7%, listening to the radio of 40, 9% and
reading a newspaper of 60.2%, that of online newspaper only accounts for
The most favorite newspapers/mainstream channels,
political themes: For printed newpapers, the readers pay their most attention
to the topics of Security-law (38%) and culture-society (28.8%), followed by
information of current events, politics (21.1%). Besides the current events,
radio public also has other large demand as entertainment with youth music
program. A further highlight of the public tastes is the demand of traffic
information on VOV. Three channels of southern television stations which
attract most public are VTV1 (37,2%), VTV3 (18,7%) và VTV2 (7,9%). The
synthetic channels of southern television stations such as HTV7, HTV9 of
HCMC Television Station, or channel of
Vinh Long Television Station
attracted to a higher number of viewers than these of the central stations as
VCTV1, VTC1, TTXVN ... A large segment of the public like to track TV
channels of domestic and foreign films. This rate is higher than some people
tracking the channels of sports, music for entertainment. The online newspaper
and electronic information are selected most to access as dantri.com.vn and
24h.com.vn, respectively
3.3.3. Television is highly appreciated about the reliability and quality
of press content
Along with being used most by the public, television is also highly
appreciated with the highest content quality and reliability comparing with
other types. The main reason is because the content posted on television is
censored strictly with professional working team and image taken at the scene.
As for television, the public appreciates the content of program because
bởi “the topical issues” accounts for nearly 70% of the public option. The
level of “updating” news of 34.5% gives the satisfaction to the public about
the program. Besides, the “objectivity and reliability” of 33.1% is the reason
of the high assessment about program quality.
With radio newspapers,
because the radio press has launched “the most interesting issues for listeners”,
the number of good contents by public assessment is about 40.5%... With
printed press, the readers still highly appreciated the quality of news and
articles because they mention 48.8% of” the issue that readers are interested
most”. “Rich and diversified subjects” accounting for 39.3% is the second
option of readers, 9.8% less than the first reason.. With online press, it is
highly appreciated by the public about factor “Rich and diversified themes”
with 48.5% and “updated news” with 35.3%. Besides, news content which is
“managed by prestigious press agencies” accounts for 23.7%.
3.3.4. Access to the information of foreign press is mainly from online
newspapers and television
The survey results show that about 6% of the public over the country
monitor the channels of foreign radio stations. Approximately 30% of the
public pays attention to the news channels of foreign television such as BBC /
CNN, of which there is about 10% tracking quite often. Even the level of
monitoring Vietnamese electronic communications website from foreign origin
is up to 60%, among them 20% of regular monitoring. The most typical one is
Vietnamese BBC, with nearly 50% of audience. Other sites such as VOA,
SaiGonbao also achieve a rate of nearly 20%. The reasons for the public access
to foreign websites are inclined to verify the information and needs to grasp
information with the depth of the political situation in the country.
3.4. Situation of receiving press forms from the public
3.4.1. Television is highly appreciated about visual language
“"Reasonable and easy listening language and image" is the element of
high public appreciation, accounting for 52.3%. Images, and sound signal
transmitted by television has given the excitement and fun to the public. Next
factors are "good wave quality" (50.9%), "fair arrangement" (38.4%). "
Reasonable advertisement " accounts
for 10%
in good assessment of
transmission forms, meaning that the transmission forms are not doing well.
3.4.2. Radio is appreciated at tone of language
The audience assesses the best transmission forms at “ Easy listening
tone of language” with
42.8%. Next is "good coverage quality " 31.8%
helping the listener uninterrupted while listening to a particular program; " Fair
arrangement" to not cause boredom for the listener is a factor accounting for
the third proportion, 24.03%. Especially, on radio, number of “reasonable
advertisement” 18.8% helps the listeners not waiting too long for the program.
3.4.3. Printed newspapers are highly appreciated at the presenting
“Fair presentation and easy to monitor”, accounting for 46%, is the
factor giving the most readers in assessing the presenting form of printed
newspapers nowadays. “Impressive and attractive to viewers” is the second
options of viewers with 34.2% when the headings or the front page is designed
uniquely and attractively. “Moderate font size” and “good printing quality” are
two reasonable reasons for readers when reading newspapers, accounting for
22.6% and 22.1%, respectively.
3.4.4. Online newspapers are highly appreciated at its access speed.
Quick access speed of online newspapers is selected with 41.9%. Factors
of sound, attractive images and easy to read, and listen and visible account for
37.1%. However, two thirds of readers with 65.9% of respondents say that too
much advertisement has a negative influence on psychology. In particular, the
feeling of reducing the interest in press accounts for 32.9%.
Tốc độ truy cập nhanh của báo mạng được lựa chọn với 41,9%. Yếu tố
âm thanh, hình ảnh hấp dẫn và dễ đọc, dễ nghe dễ nhìn chiếm 37,1%. Tuy
nhiên, 2/3 độc giả với 65,9% số người trả lời cho rằng việc quảng cáo nhiều
ảnh hưởng không tốt tới tâm lý. Đặc biệt, cảm giác giảm sự quan tâm đến loại
báo chí chiếm tới 32,9%.
4.1. The demographic and social factors
4.1.1. Women – believers of information of “fastfood & buffet”
Proportion of men receiving press information is more than women at 3
types: television (56.4% versus 43.6%), printed newspapers (52.5 versus
47.5%) and radio (53.4% versus 46.6%). Women only read online newspapers
more than men (52.5% versus 47.5%).
Men often pay attention to the information of politics and current events
(76.9% versus 58.4%). Meanwhile, women are more interested in social issues
in general (25.5% versus 14.3%) and local information in particular (18.8%
versus 7.1%).
4.1.2. Higher age, lower demand of information
In detail, the group of 14-24 years old tends to daily approach mainly
with the online media, accounting for nearly 80%. From age 25 onwards, the
public is special favorite for television, especially the middle-aged group, from
40-60 years old with the rate of TV watching of 90.3%. However, the
overwhelming and absolute percentage of television viewing, comparing with
other forms of journalism is the elderly group from 61 – 75. Among the given
age groups, the growing age group from 25-39 is a public group with the most
diversified demand of newspaper forms.
The youth, with characteristics of inquisitiveness, curiosity and striving
spirit, is the most "greedy" group when being much interested in the subject
content of the media: political news, issues of society, sports, labor,
employment, science - technology, culture, art and sensational news, blowscandal. Aged group of 25-39 want to receive most with two topics as
domestic politics and economic - finance. With middle aged group of 40-60,
the information subject of interest is the social and political information.
4.1.3. State officials, pupils- students - "king" of the press
Two groups of state officials and pupils -students have the uniform rates
of journalism daily tracking. For television, there is up to 43% of state staff
and officials and 25% of pupils / students attending in the survey of daily
service using, much higher than others. For workers in the agricultural sector,
this is the group of the least access and press usage. Types of media with the
most attention are television and radio, but not exceeding 10% of daily
Group of officials and employees are always interested in aggregated
information updated daily as social issues, national politics, national security,
fiscal and economic issues and information of health and medicine. Similar to
structure of younger age of 14-24 years old in part 4.1.2, the professional
group with diversified needs about the content of the information received is
the group of pupils - students.
People at delta listen radio and read newspaper, people at
mountainous areas watch TV
For printed press: Readers at Northern mountainous region are less
interested in printed newspaper than those at other two regions. (Highest is the
Central Coast Region)
Among five remaining regions with the rate of
monitoring from 27,7% (Red River Delta) to 44,7% (Central Coast) , Northern
mountainous region reaches the very low rate of readers, only 4,2%.
For television: Audience at Northern mountainous region, Red River
Delta, Southern west regions still remain more priority of interest than other
areas, accounting from 79,7% to 89% about rate of watchers.
For online press: People at Northern mountainous region, have the
lowest rate of usage (4, 9%), the second is Southern west regions (35, 3%).
Other regions have the increasing rate of online press using, from 66, 7% to 84,
and 7%.
For radio: there is a shift in demand comparing with before. Previously,
the radio was used more in rural areas, but now, number of people using radio
in urban areas, especially in big cities such as Hanoi, Saigon is higher
4.1.5. Single people prefer online media, but the married like television.
59.1% daily television audience are the married. Meanwhile, the
proportion of single people regularly monitoring television is only 38.2%. In
contrast, the number of single people using electronic online daily newspapers
account for 59.9%
and only 38.6%
is the married. Another indicator
demonstrates the impact of marital status on the level of press using is that the
ratio of single people using newspapers in 300 minutes / day is always higher
than that of the married.
4.1.6. Education will decide the interoperability with the press
Those with low levels of education often focus on daily monitoring two
types of journalism as television and broadcasting. In contrast, the group of
education from high school graduation (grade 3) or more show the diversity
and flexibility in the daily press access..
Groups of newspapers audience with a low educational level, from
junior high school level (level 2) or less, often concern about social issues
associated with sensational information and scandal. Meanwhile, more highly
educated, the less people are interested in the form of "garbage information"
with sensational style and scandals which have appeared in many newspapers
The easiest interaction is to “send comments and, comment on an
article” or to call the hotline of a press agency which only happens at the
group of high school education or higher, with 45.1% people participating in
this activity. The more advanced and more complicated forms of interaction
such as Send pictures and documents; Post article on newspapers; Posting
comments on other articles only really take place at group of high school
education or higher and the most evident are groups of undergraduate and
4.1.7. Economic condition is proportional to the demand of
At the low living cost, the demand for using public media is not high. At
an electricity bill of 100 thousand VND or less, number of people using
television and radio are only 54.7% and 54.2%, respectively. Then, this rate
continues growing through the levels of higher living cost, and will achieve the
crowded number of audience when nearly 500 thousand VND / month for
electricity activities.
In particular, at the cost of 500 - 1000 thousand VND, the amount of
daily television viewers reaches 91.2% and that of using electronic newspapers
reachas 86.6%. More impressive is printed newspapers with the percentage of
daily users at 77.6%, higher than half the average rate of using daily printed
newspaper at 52.6%, which is considered as the type of declining press in the
age of digital communications. But radio journalism is not influenced by such
living cost.
84.8% people having cars watch TV daily while only 70.8% is the
proportion of people without cars. Especially, with the amenities and using
features of cars,
the rate of daily radio listening increases to 32%. The
percentage of people having cars using print and electronic online newspapers
is 1.5 times higher than those without cars
4.2. Journalism Environment in Vietnam
4.2.1. The subsidy mechanism of journalism creates press products
both redundant but lacking: It allows maintaining a large number of press
agencies to develop constantly, meaning that the public has more choices,
more opportunities to receive information. However, this mechanism leads to a
lack of competitive factors, no economic development of the press, which
means that the audience will not get the best response in terms of quality, the
attractiveness of information.
4.2.2. Scheme of access to free journalism provides a current
opportunity, but future barriers: The public has easy access to the
information, especially on television, radio and online media, including the
rich or the poor. However, Vietnamese people have become familiar with
methods of reading / watching/ listening for free. Until a time in the future, it is
definite that the kinds of journalism will collect fee, which will create
difficulties and psychological barriers as well as customer affordability to
purchase information.
4.2.3. Political orientation creates a safe journalism environment
within the scope of closely monitoring the public: the public is "purged"
offensive information, adversely affecting public opinion, and factors of
economics, culture, education and sense... of them. Basically, the public is
living in a healthy and safe media environment. In contrast, there are several
information unclear, incomplete and illusory to them; so, information does not
meet the public's tastes. This creates a barrier for the content of obtained public
information. There are some cases causing the restrain, public confusion, loss
of confidence and a positive reaction which is an opportunity for the enemy
forces and press "left side" to affect back to the public.
4.2.4. The ability of press agencies to attract and meet the demand of
the public: creating a vibrant media environment with rapid growth,
contributing to meet and develop many diversified needs of communication
from the public. Faster speed of news transmission, update and diversification
of media helps the public to receive information at any time. Actively seeking
and choosing press information are increasingly more clearly shaped by the
development of the Internet. However, the information and embarrassing
images in newspapers have a large impact on aesthetic values, ethics, character
of part of viewers, especially the young public, including children . The
appearance of too many news channels sometimes leads to noisy news,
disorienting and multi information.
Vietnamese culture of reading/listening/viewing
foundation of receipt of traditional
Vietnamese also retains some characteristics of receiving traditional
media: like reading the newspaper in the morning while sitting in cafes;
watching television at the time of family meals; listening to the radio before
bedtime ... In addition, the nature of job provides the easier time of reading
newspapers while working, especially state employees. Although the younger
generation will have many changes and evolution in the way of reception, but
these characteristics do not easily disappear, because they were rooted in the
Vietnamese culture.
4.2.6. The competition of different types of social media is the
opportunity as well as challenge for press- press public: The public, most
young people will have many capacities, conditions and initiative in reception,
propagation, and innovation of more information with better media
interactivity. At the same time, this trend also raises concerning issues in terms
of management, social opinion, network culture ... as well as affect the public's
perception if the information is not authentic and healthy.
4.3. Factors of engineering science and technology
Basically, more development is, more favorable environment for the
public is created by science and engineering technology. The modern media is
continuing to attract more and more users with responsive, comprehensive and
direct features of information provision. Without the development of modern
communication technology, the public will tend to fall into the erosion of
information, leading to the dizzy reduction in development of society.
There's a negative side of factors seemed to be the absolute strength, that
is creation for the increasing dependence much on technology. Like other
areas, the technology is not quite good. The reading culture in younger
generation is gradually fading. It is easier for interaction and discussion on
newspapers, but it also easily creates unhealthy factors as information
disorders, creating effects, social phenomena, public opinion.
4.4. Trend of globalization and development of world press
The public is the subject bearing indirect impacts from this trend.
Especially in the trend of journalism – media convergence, social media is
popular worldwide and gradually formed in our country. The impact of media
and world journalism can open up an environment of diversified information
multi-dimensional and convenient to the public; but it can also spread the toxic
information and way of recognization to politics, culture and society..
5.1. Forecast the variability of factors of productions
5.1.1. Increase in male gender, cultural background of reception of
Vietnamese: advantages of printed newspapers, television and radio continue
to grow
5.1.2. Young generation-mainly access to new media
5.1.3. Improvement in ability of the press agencies to meet the public, a
strong competition of network communication, the widely impact of the
development of world journalism, the development of economic conditions
will increase levels of urbanization: increase in the public likelihood of
5.1.4. Development of science and engineering technology, education
level, occupation structure will promote interoperability of press
5.1.5. Decline in mechanism for subsidizing newspapers and free
newspapers, bringing both opportunities and barriers in terms of public
5.2. Forecast of development orientation of the kind of press
5.2.1. Printed press: By the next years, there will be a decline of printed
newspapers in number of circulations, readers, many press agencies will
change into digital form and attract the readers to this form.
5.2.2. Television: Television tends to reduce the amount of the public.
However, a special thing to note is that this decline may just be a change in the
form of television media. That is, few people use the TV to watch television
programs but move to watch on the Internet.
5.2.3. Radio: Radio has returned to growth. Especially in urban areas,
demand for youth music and contacting information related to transportation
and movement is helping to attract an amount of public of interest.
5.2.4. Online electronic newspapers:
With strong advantages in
technology, online media will strongly grow with the large number of people
viewing and soon rank first in term of the rate of the public by about 2 years.
5.2.5. Form the types of “mobile press”: Form of newspapers on personal
mobile devices will become the most popular one in the coming years, creating
the fifth kind of journalism- mobile press
Forecast the ability of changes in public receipt of journalism
5.3.1. Increase in need of press receiving
5.3.2. The public is increasingly proactive in participation and creation
of press products
5.3.3. Personalization of media and communication content is increasing
5.3.4. Form public generation of communication convergence
5.3.5. Form “mobile public generation
5.3.6. Demand for information of politics and current events is the
5.3.7. Media public changes the trend from one-way reception to multi
dimensional interaction
5.4. Solution to meet the needs of press public
5.4.1. Enhance methods, conditions and tastes of receiving for the
5.4.2. Improve the quality of press products, strengthen reputation
and trust of the public
5.4.3. To meet the needs and improve the suitable form of interaction
5.4.4. For public: building the positive media culture
The results of the situational analysis and forecasting the trend of public
reception of the press leads to the following general conclusions, and this is
the lastest point of the thesis:
Firstly, television is still the most attention to the public, but tends to
decease. However, note that this decline may just a change in the form of
television media..
Secondly, newspapers are gradually converted into the digitized form,
meaning that the printed newspapers are presented on digital devices. One
point of note is that in contrast to the decline of daily newspapers, there is a
trend to increase in the specialized magazines in Vietnam.
Thirdly, after a period of sharp decline, the rate of decline has almost
reached saturation level, radio started showing signs of recovery..
Fourthly, online newspapers will have the strongest growth in number
of viewers and soon rank first in the rate of the public by about 2 years. This is
the forecast agreed by the public as well as journalists, along with the policy of
the State taking the online newspapers to become the major form of media in
the future.
Fifthly, the public of new media grows rapidly with the increase of
personal electronic devices, especially through mobile phones and tablets.
Sixthly, About the changes in methods of public reception, there are
many major changes formed in recent years. The public is increasing the level
of receiving information, the need to use the modern media, improving the
proactivity in receiving press and individualizing journalism. The public needs
on using high-tech devices, especially multimedia features, has skyrocketed.
Era of "citizen journalism" is expressed clearly than ever before.
Interoperability with public forms of journalism today is very good, compared
to the previous period..
Seventhly, when ranking the highest priority of the types of press
content that the public wants to receive, the information on the political and
social situation is the most preferred, including local or international news.
However, local news is not be concerned
Sixthly, the difference between personal factors has a significant effect
on trend of access and usage of the public press. Group of strongly-impacting
factors include: gender, age, occupation and place of residence. Group of
slightly- impacting factors include: marital status, education, and economic
Ninthly, The given forecasts include the following aspects as the
influencing factors, the type of media, methods and content of public
reception. In particular, the most general point is that there will be a
connection, interaction and mutual influence in all types of press and public in
the future.
From these conclusions, it can be seen that the assumptions given to the
topic is basic with some accurate points. The most important point is possible
to assert the difference between the assumption with real survey and forecast is
that printed newspapers will never “die”, radio not only stop declining but also
recover after a long time.
Above forecasts are relative based on the situation of public reception,
which can be inevitably the sensory evaluation of the author comparing with
many other studies, the forecast of the public - journalists – professionals.
Compared with other studies and opinions, there are some differences, even
contrast. Giving our tendency is our wishes to provide data and forecasts on a
scientific basis. In the next period, we will continue research to supplement
and clarify above points.
Some orientations of research can be done as follows:
1. Trend of development of media types, in which we can assess the
trend of traditional journalism and new media
2. The press on mobile devices, as well as the tendency of press
reception on mobile devices of the public
3. Factors affecting the public reception of the press, particularly
emphasizing on the factors of press environment in Vietnam in the
development trend of the world press, the conversion of information
reception of the public
4. The problems of digitalizing printed newspapers in particular and
forms of journalism in general; trend and experience in the world; the
situation in Vietnam; solutions and models for press agencies
5. Issue of citizen journalists: further studies on the relationship and role
of the public - media - journalists; the opportunities and challenges
facing journalism in this relationship; the ability of non-journalism as
well as new ways of enjoyment - creation – information transmission.