Part 1 - People

Part 1
a John McTiernan film
Chapter 1: Program Start
Chapter 2: Opening Credits
Chapter 3: Introduction
Time: 0:00 to 19:40
Part 1 starts at the beginning of the movie (skip all the save-the-rain forest
information), and ends with Crane walking off in the rain. Part 1 ends just as
Campbell gets his hat and go after her.
After watching Part 1 of this movie, you will write a one to two page
composition. Your essay will need to include information from the movie and
information from encyclopedias, newspapers, or magazines.
Make sure your composition has an introduction. Your introduction should
include what your composition is about and where you found information.
The body of your composition needs to include:
(1) a brief description of rain forests,
(2) a description of Campbell and his work,
(3) a description of Crane and her work, and
(4) how Campbell and Crane feel about each other.
In your conclusion, you should give some information about what is happening to
rain forests on the earth today.
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Medicine Man
Vocabulary: Part 1
aboriginals n(C) native peoples
acid derivative n(C) substance made
from acid
adamant adj stubborn; rigid; inflexible
analyzing v(I) examining; testing
appear v seem; look
basis n(U) reason; cause
botanist n(C) a person who studies
plant life
caddy n(C) someone who carries
golfing equipment from place to place
calibrate v(T) set up and adjust
chanting n(U) a type of singing
chatting v(I) talking
chromatograph n(C) equipment for
separating a mixture into its parts
compounds n(C) mixtures of two or
more elements
decimate adj kill off; slaughter;
deep-seated adj deep-felt; in one's
innermost feelings
extensively adv a lot; all-round
field research n(U) research done in
the real environment, not in a
foundation n(C) an organization that
money to others
gender n(U) one's physical sex
glucose solution n(U) sugar-water
grateful adj appreciative; thankful
hangover n(C) sick feeling after
drinking a lot of alcohol
hussy n(C) tramp; slut; a vulgar woman
identifiable adj known; able to be
imported adj brought in from outside
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indistinct adj unclear; not
intoxicated adj drunk
luggage n(U) suitcases; bags for
manual n(C) book of directions
mother nature's kitchen N(idiom)
made by nature, not by people
note n(U) importance; fame
P.A. System N public address system;
a microphone and loudspeaker
plant extract n(U) substance from a
pulling your funds V(T) + n(C) taking
away your support money
recipient n(C) receiver
reservations n(C) reasons for not
wanting something
resume n(C) description of one's
professional education and experience
risk v(T) chance; gamble on
run a baseline v(T) + n(C) testing a
known substance before adding an
unknown to it
secretive adj trickily secret
senile adj unable to think clearly
because of old age
submit v(T) send in
surgical mask n(C) a cover to prevent
germs from passing from one person
to another
synthesized v(T) combined two or
more elements
transport n(U) transportation; way of
vaccine n(U) a mixture to prevent
vast adj huge; giant
Planning the body of the composition
(Add details for each topic in the boxes)
Topic: a brief description of rain forests
Topic: a description of Campbell and his
Topic: a description of Crane and her work
Topic: how Campbell and Crane feel about
each other.
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