Our Church Family… - Park Ridge Community Church

Park Ridge
Community Church News
July 14, 2008
From the Party Planning Committee
Let’s get together for a Potluck Lunch to help send the Cady’s off to
Princeton, N.J.
... with our blessings!
An entree and dessert will be provided. Just bring a side dish to share
... and maybe some great memories too.
Interested in helping to organize this event?
Please contact the church office at 847-823-3164
or email us at office@parkridgecommunitychurch.org.
CC News – Page 1
Excerpts from the “Blessing of the Animals” Service:
Animal Assisted Therapy
Tootsie is a Havanese, a breed originating in Cuba.
We are a team as part of Animal Assisted Therapy at
Northwest Community Hospital. This program
started last July when we went through three days of
training, to show us what we can and can’t do and
where we can and can’t go, while working our two
hour shift three to four times a month.
I’ve always been interested in the human/animal
relationship and what effect it can have on you wellbeing. Dogs have long been considered good therapy,
helping to rehabilitate heart attack or stroke patients.
They relieve stress, decrease anxiety and loneliness,
and distract patients from their illnesses. A general
feeling of well-being and improved social interaction
are other side effects of a dog visit.
When this opportunity came up last summer, I was
really looking forward to being a part of an endeavor
that promotes a healthy exchange between a patient
and my dog. In these last ten months Tootsie and I
have had some truly memorable visits with patients
of all ages, from the Oncology outpatient department,
to Pediatrics, and three additional medical floors.
Currently there are twenty-eight teams in the
program. In the fall there will be another training
session that will probably add fifteen more teams. At
that point, we will be visiting almost all of the floors
in the hospital.
Tootsie not only brings a lift to the patients, but also
visiting relatives and staff. She has a very favorite
doctor in Oncology that keeps treats in his office for
her. When we enter that department, she constantly
checks the hallways for a glimpse of him.
bed or sitting in the lap of those who are in chairs.
She endures constant petting, allowing patients of all
ages hug her.
Each time we visit, we leave a Patient Visit Survey; a
simple form that gives the hospital a feeling for the
overall acceptance of the program. They have been
thrilled with the responses. We also leave a calling
card with each patient that has been visited. This card
has a picture of the dog and includes information on
the breed and about the dog as well.
Why do we do this? The smiles on the patient’s faces
when we enter the room, the reactions of the staff, the
attention that Tootsie receives, and the many remarks
that she is the best thing that has happened to them all
day. It calms them for that brief part of the day and
they look forward to a visit the next day from another
therapy dog.
I asked Tootsie if she’d like to say a few words
today. Her response was that she is unaccustomed to
speaking in front of large crowds, but would
appreciate it if I would tell you how she feels. Where
else could she go and receive all this attention,
constantly being told how cure she is, how soft and
fluffy, and what a calm dog she it. All she does is
give someone a chance to smile, laugh, and forget
their problems for the moment. They can instead
react to the cute, little, fluffy, marshmallow-white
dog who just wants to bring happiness and cheer to
old and young alike. As she says, it’s a tough job, but
someone has to do it. She’s bathed, brushed, and
ready to go!
She even has status as a cover girl. She and Grayson,
a pediatric patient, were featured on the cover of the
NWCH Foundation annual report. Grayson’s parents
said Tootsie’s visit seemed to ease the little girl’s
transition to the hospital room. In the Arlington
Heights Herald, there was a letter and picture from a
reader who had first hand experience with Tootsie
visiting with her grandson. She said it brought a little
bit of “normal” life back into the day of a sick nineyear-old boy.
Because Tootsie is a small dog, she is allowed on the
CC News – Page 2
Barbara Scharringhausen
June 29, 2008
“Why do we do this? The
smiles on patient’s faces when
reactions of the staff, the
Excerpts from the “Blessing of the Animals” continued...
The View From Their Eyes
When Rev. Brett asked me to speak about animals
and our relationships with them, I was initially very
excited. Seeing as I consider myself an enormous
animal lover and animal advocate, I figured I would
have tons to say. I have worked in animal shelters for
years, fostered countless dogs (much to my
husband’s dismay), and own two wonderful dogs:
one of whom I rescued at the first sheltered I
However, the week prior to this Sunday, I
encountered the endless nuisance that is my dog
Heidi (she-devil as we should refer to her). In fact,
last week when I spoke with Brett, I asked him if he
could perform an exorcism instead of a blessing on
her. This past week was even more dramatic and
maddening than a usual week of her shenanigans.
After having our rugs cleaned, she ate a strawberry
out of the garbage and spit it out on the freshly
shampooed carpet, staining it. On a day when I had a
play date scheduled, she howled in the back of the
house begging to be released (I knew better
considering her reputation with children). Finally, to
top off this week, she ate grass and vomited on those
freshly cleaned carpets mere hours ago. Ah.
So, as I sat down to write what I wanted to articulate,
I couldn’t think of anything kind to say. As I stared at
the blank screen in our office, she jumped off the bed
in the other room and sat next to me. She stared at me
with her sweet eyes while everyone else slept; there
for me as she always has been. I remembered how I
found her five years ago, when I saw her vacant eyes
behind the cage in that lonely shelter. Although she
may drive me crazy more than any reasonable
standards, she has been entrusted to me. Much like
our pets and all animals on Earth; they are God’s
creation, entrusted in our care to be humane,
understanding, and loving. This reminded me of a
little poem written by Diane Morgan that shelter
workers often think of while working with the
unloved and uncared for:
“Note to adopters: Lassie and Cleo and Rin Tin Tin
and Toto don’t show up in rescue. We don’t get the
elegantly coiffed, classically beautiful, completely
trained, perfectly behaved dog. We get the leftovers.
Dogs that other people have incompetently bred,
inadequately socialized, ineffectively “trained”, and
badly treated. Most Rescue dogs have had it. They’ve
been pushed from one lousy situation to another.
They’ve never had proper veterinary care, kind and
consistent training, or sufficient company. They’ve
lived outside, in a crate, or in the basement. They’re
scared, depressed, and anxious. Some are angry.
Some are sick. Some have given up.
But WE are RESCUE and we don’t give up. We
never give up on a dog. We know that a dog is a
living being, with a spirit, and a heart, and feelings.
Our dogs are not commodities, things, or garbage.
They are part of sacred creation and they deserve as
much love and care and respect as the next
Westminster Champion. So please, please don’t come
to rescue in the hopes of getting a “bargain”, or
indeed of “getting” anything. Come to Rescue to
give, to love, to save a life – and to mend your own
spirit. For Rescue will reward you in ways you never
thought possible. I can promise you this: a rescue dog
will make you a better person.”
CC News – Page 3
Nic Kremer
June 29, 2008
“Much like our pets and all animals on
Earth; they are God’s creation, entrusted
in our care to be humane, understanding,
and loving… So please come to Rescue
to give, to love, to save a life – and to
mend your own spirit. For Rescue will
reward you in ways you never thought
Summer Worship Hours
8:30 AM in the Garden (weather permitting)
10:00 AM in the Sanctuary
July 27 –
Mission Trip Service
August 3 –
Holy Communion
Sermon: Fill Me Up
Text: Matthew 14:13-21
August 10 –
Cady Family Farwell
Sermon: The First Step
Text: Matthew 14:22-33
The Entire Church Family Worships Together at 10:00 AM
Potluck Picnic following
August 17 –
Annual Hymn Sing
Sermon: Sing to the Lord a New Song
Texts: Exodus 1:8-2:10
Romans 12:9-21
August 24 –
The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: On Holy Ground
Texts: Exodus 3:1-15
Romans 12: 9-21
August 31 –
Labor Sunday
Sermon: A Living Wage
Text: John 6:5-14, 26-27
September 7 –
Holy Communion Rally Sunday and Picnic
The Entire Church Family Worships Together at 10:00 AM
Sermon: One Fish, Two Fish...
Text: Matthew 4:17-23
Our Church Family…
At all times, the Lord is with us. We reach out with our prayers of celebration and prayers of hope. We know that prayer is
the most powerful action we can take. Please remember in your prayers these church members and their families and
 Prayers of thanks for the safe return of Ted Schmidt from Iraq.
 Prayers for increased mobility, decreased pain, and progress in therapy for Alice Keating.
 Prayers for Stephanie who had an emergency appendectomy.
 Prayers of hope for a dear friend who is struggling with infertillity.
 Prayers of thanks for the joy of son Keith, who turned ninteen.
 Prayers for strength to deal with a large life transition.
Prayer Ministry
We keep in our prayers: Barb Bereza, Linda Bear, Michael Bianchi, Marie Degaard, Jean Dennis, Dolores Durrbeck,
Florence Fertig, Brian Fogerty, Deborah Gallager, Janet Heally, Phyliss Holihan, Mark Huening, Eileen Kaczmarek,
Candace Kidston, Brian Babok Lamish, Elsie Matthys, Siri Nelson’s father, Pauline Numrych, The Sasser Family, John
Schaul, Holly Sindelar, Yoshiko Urasaki, Joan Watschke, and The Whitenack Family.
If you or a loved one is listed in our weekly prayer list, we hope you will find comfort in knowing that Stephen Ministers are praying for those listed.
CC News – Page 4
PRCC 101
If you are seeking more information about our church or about church membership, you are invited to attend our next
PRCC 101 class on August 17, 2008 after the 10:00 AM worship. Participants will then be invited to join the church the
following Sunday. These classes are held the third Sunday of every month.
From the Receipt’s Treasurer:
Welcome to summer – and its lazy, hazy vacation days! Please remember that PRCC expenses continue 24/7, 52 weeks a
year. It is important that everyone continues to fulfill their pledges and giving throughout the year (including the summer
New Birth
Joseph William Petersen was born on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 to Michelle and Eddie Petersen, son and daughter-in-law
of Marie and Lyle Clapper. The baby weighed in at 9 pounds and 14 ounces and was 22 inches long, and all are doing
August Birthdays
Marylynn Collentine
Mary Crowl
Christopher Disher
Linda Eatherton
Kevin Muscarello
Carly Cara
Eleni Johnson
Jackie Lau
Jay Crowley
Samuel Kunkel
Roberta Peak
Janet Timm
Anne Berndtson
Dorothy Mrugacz
Conner Schaul
Charles Vinopal
Dawn Ewald
Rachel Renz
Thomas Schaul
Kristin Clarke
Esther Ristoff
Alexander Zorn
Douglas Crawford
Terry Krahl
Brian Johnson
Paul Johnson
Barbara McDonald
John Fisher
Nichole Ziols
Rachel Parker
Elizabeth Swanson
Donna Hapeman
Pauline Numrych
A. Ross Gitter
Steven Eatherton
Zachary Nelson
Virginia Paige
Penny Turk
Alex Biardo
Marco Padula
Grace Taglia
Amanda Black
Robert Elliot
Wayne Ewald
Gerhardt Gitter
Charles Goetz
Matthew Peters
Eric Sivertsen
Audre Thompson
Owen Hayes II
Taylor Crowley
Kelly Mack
Carol Mraz
Carla Prado
Leah Barsanti
Michael Fuerst
Roger Ginger
Jordan Thorpe
Olivia Brunning
Robert Patterson
William Scharringhausen
Dwight Beery
Athena Bianchi
Richard Sivertsen
Janet Steiner
Colleen Hannon
Jaime Mackin
Michael McParland
Jeremiah Padula
Elizabeth Rehder
Jennifer Rujawitz
Alexandra Shotsberger
Leena Swanson
Dean Whitford
Dylan Arenda
Robert Mack
Rae Ann Van Pelt
Are you a member of PRCC and your name is not on this list? Please contact the church office at 847-823-3164 or
office@parkridgecommunitychurch.org to make sure that you are listed as a “member” and that we have your birth date .
All information is strictly confidential.
CC News – Page 5
Caring for our families…
Stephen Ministry Message by Anita Rifkind
Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice, in the
morning I lay my requests before you, and wait in expectation. Psalm 5: 2-3
After many, many years of financial and personal success,
It did not take long to run through their savings, the equity
life took one of those sudden, unpredictable, and uncontrollable turns
in the house, the kids’ college funds, everything. My friend became
for a friend of mine and her physician husband. His practice was
very despondent. One day when she called, she was more angry than
very profitable, and despite a late start, they had two beautiful
usual. After updating me on the latest series of horror stories
intelligent children whom they could afford to send to expensive,
surrounding the now 3-year struggle to resolve the mess, she said
private prep schools out east. She no longer needed to work, as she
accusatorially “You are a person of faith, aren’t you. You believe in
had before their marriage, and she devoted herself to charitable and
prayer, right?” “Yes, I am” I said cautiously, “and I do believe in
civic works for which she received approbation and great personal
prayer.” “Well,” she said dismissively, “You are wasting your time. I
satisfaction. Make no mistake, her husband worked hard and long
tried it, and it doesn’t work.”
hours. His interest was in developing new techniques to alleviate
People of faith know that prayer is not magic words that
suffering from some stubborn physical ailments, and he had become
mysteriously open a cave door so Ali Baba can get to the riches, or an
a leading expert in his field.
incantation that turns boiled toad livers into a love potion.
Then one day a prominent and wealthy patient, an elderly
Nevertheless, even we can sometimes get confused when despite our
man who had received an experimental procedure, died under his
faith and our prayers, the situation only seems to worsen. How alone
care. Such things happen in medicine, and as I said, he was an
we can then feel, as if God is not there. Deus absconditus - the
elderly man.
hidden God.
But as has become the habit of people who have
suffered a great loss, his family looked around to try to figure out
A Stephen Minister is available to pray with you or for you,
who was to blame for this tragedy. They sued the doctor, and of
and to listen to your feelings and your fears. Contact Pastor Brett
course the hospital, the medical school associated with the hospital,
(847-823-3164) or Ginny Feurer (847-299-1781) if you could use a
and anyone else they could find.
reminder that God indeed is with us, even in our darkest hours;
The hospital and the school in turn looked around for ways
especially in our darkest hours.
to separate themselves from the matter, and joined the action against
As for my friend, not to worry. The malpractice case, the
the doctor like piranhas circling a wounded animal struggling in the
Medicare lawsuit, and the inquiry regarding his medical license were
water. Medicare abuse charges were filed, and worst of all, an
ultimately dismissed. Both my friend and her husband are back to
attempt was made to revoke his license to practice. Malpractice
amassing luxury appointments for their Fifth Avenue condo,
insurance did not cover his private legal bills in these other matters,
spending summer weekends in the Hamptons, and traveling first class
nor did it cover his inability to continue to work after the hospital and
on vacation whenever they can get away. And she thinks prayer
school fired him.
doesn’t work?
CC News – Page 6
For Your Information…
Monthly Food Pantry Collection
Our Food Pantry Collection is the 1st Sunday of every month. All non-perishable food items are requested. Examples of
non-perishable items most needed are: corn flakes, macaroni & cheese mix, peanut butter, jelly, chili, and corned beef
hash. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Baskets for Communion in the Pews
On Communion Sunday you may be wondering what to do with your cup after you have finished the grape juice. The
pews no longer have cup holders but there are black woven baskets at the end of each pew for the collection of your cup.
Please place your cup in the basket and return the basket to the end of the pew. The Deacons and Deaconesses will collect
the baskets after the service.
Sign Up for the New Email List
With the launch of the new website, we have a brand new email list which will be managed through the new site. When
you have a moment, please go to the new church website and from the homepage, enter your email address and click
submit. From that menu you will be able to select the areas of the church from which you wish to receive correspondence.
Note: Even if you already receive church emails, you need to sign up again through the website. In order to cooperate with
SPAM laws and standards, we need you to sign yourself up for the new email list. Eventually we will stop using the old
list so that we can be completely compliant with all privacy standards.
Thank you for your help with this!
New Staff Email Addresses
As the new website rolls out, we also have new email addresses; be sure to note you address books with the new changes
and additions below:
Rev. Dr. Brett McCleneghan
Rev. Stephen Cady
Marie Clapper
Sasha Gerritson
Carol Longman
National Night Out – August 5, 2008 from 6:30 – 9:00 PM
The Park Ridge Police Department presents – National Night Out. Come and learn how to keep our neighborhoods safe
while enjoying free entertainment, raffles, face painting, an equipment and radio display, police department tours,
refreshments, and more in Hodges Park (across from City Hall).
Junior Choir Camp – August 6, 2008 – August 15, 2008
Be sure to sign up your child entering third grade through those entering seventh grade for Junior Choir Camp. The cost is
$100 and includes all materials needed, field trip expenses to Northwestern University, snacks, a T-shirt, a week of
instruction, dinner on concert day, and a music folder. There will also we a concert and dinner performed by the children.
Camp meets daily from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Contact Sasha Gerritson for more information at 312-560-1072 or through
email at sasha@parkridgecommunitychurch.org
CC News – Page 7
Health and Wellness Corner…
Kindred Spirits Café
12 Tips for Managing Chronic Pain
The Café is up and running! Each Tuesday during lunch, PRCC
Chronic pain (any pain which goes on for mare than three months)
Seniors have been getting together for conversation and mid-week
actually changes our brain paths and makes us more sensitive to
fun. Each person brings a brown bag lunch, and PRCC (and its
future pain. To weaken the grip of chronic pain, try these simple
Support Team members) brew coffee and offer a yummy dessert.
Come see the new Kindred Spirits Café décor – on the stage of
Jordan Hall.
See your physician, follow his or her advice, and take
your meds!
New Café hours: Noon to 1:30 on Tuesdays. All are welcome –
especially Seniors. (We work on the honor system, so no one will
be carded at the door.)
Try assistive devices. A cane, a shower transfer bench,
or doorknob extenders may help.
Learn about Summer Fruits and Veggies
Exercise! Natural pain relievers called endorphins are
released when you do.
Learn how to make the most of the season’s bounty of fresh produce.
Williams-Sonoma in Old Orchard will guide you through the
Eat a healthy diet. It helps in so many ways.
offerings of a summer vegetable and fruit garden. In this class, they
Reduce stress in your life. Depression, anxiety, and
explain the essentials of storing, handling, and preparing seasonal
anger increase sensitivity to pain.
fruits and vegetables, and demonstrate some exciting new ways to
Get a massage.
Meditation and deep breathing help your body relax
showcase them in delicious recipes on July 27, for one-hour. Class
sizes are limited, so phone in to reserve your space now: 847-933and ease pain. Prayer can, too.
Rainbow Hospice Help Wanted
Eliminate alcohol to have a better sleep.
Don’t smoke. It slows healing.
Join a pain support group. Sharing stories heals the
Rainbow Hospice is looking for people who have a caring and
compassionate presence and want to develop their skills to assist
families and patients who are facing loss at end of life. Volunteers
will be trained to meet the needs of the patients in their homes, long
Find interests to distract you from pain. You’ll have
fun and feel more in control of your life.
term care facilities, and our in-patient unit. Please contact Kathy
Huber or Sandy Rowe at 847-685-9900. The next training will be
later this month.
Schedule your life so that you are most active when
you have the most energy and the least pain.
A Moment’s Thought:
Today, like ever other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don’t
open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical
Healing God, keep me mindful that I am more than this pain that is
instrument. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are
my constant companion. Remind me that pain is only part of my life.
hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. It does not define me. Amen.
CC News – Page 8
Christian Education…
Vacation Bible School Update
Vacation Bible School is always loads of fun and this year was no exception. You can see pictures on the Park Place
bulletin board. Our Theme was Return to Narnia - Prince Caspian. Once again we partnered with St. Mary's Episcopal
Church and The First United Methodist Church. Many volunteers from all three churches contributed their time and
talents to VBS, but the quantity of outstanding volunteers from PRCC was significant and noticeable. Thank you
for helping make VBS a wonderful experience for the children in our community.
The Christian Education Committee
VBS 2008 Volunteers:
Terri McGovern
Ann Swindell
Jim & Jane Fizzell
Jean Lemke
Anna Lemke
Emma Lemke
Anne Longman
Siri Nelson
Terri Biedke
Carol Longman
Leah Donohue
Michael Harris
Kate Nelson
- registration leader
- costume leader
- registration/ice cream
- snack leader
- snack cook
- snack cook
- snack cook
- 1st grade leader
- 2 nd / 3td grade leader
- games leader
- games helper
- games helper
- 4th & 5th grade helper
Kyrie Nelson
Scott Nelson
Katie Wilcox
Alana Burke
Ellen Longman
Kelly Mack
Courtney Vinopal
Devon Williams
Brett McCleneghan
Stephen Cady
Sasha Gerritson
Taylor McCleneghan
- general help
- general help
- preschool Leader
- preschool helper
- preschool/snack cook
- nursery help
- nursery help
- nursery help
- Aslan
- Prince Caspian
- music
- photographer
Sunday School News
Our Sunday School classrooms from preschool through high school share a common curriculum, yet the teaching style
and talents of our dedicated Sunday school teachers are diverse. Our children learn about God and the way of life taught
by Jesus through Bible study, games, songs, drama, arts & crafts, service, fellowship, and even cooking! Each year our
children experience a different approach, but all are taught with love and respect.
The PRCC Sunday School year officially begins on September 14th. If you are interested in helping or have a talent that
you’d like to share with our Sunday School, please let me know. No prior experience is needed!
Thanks! Carol Longman
You can also visit www.PRCCYOUTH.org for the entire summer youth schedule.
CC News – Page 9
Christian Education continued…
Park Ridge Community Church
Rally Weekend
Friday, September 5, 8:00 pm
Movie on the Lawn: Finding Nemo
Gather the family, grab a blanket and come over to the Park Ridge Community Church to celebrate the beginning of our school season
with an outdoor movie. Finding Nemo will be shown at 8:00 pm outside on the lawn (next to the church parking lot). Popcorn and
refreshments will be sold. All proceeds will benefit the youth ministry fund. Movie admission is free. In case of inclement weather,
the movie will be moved inside the church.
Sunday, September 7, 9:00 am
Rally Sunday:
Check out our Sunday school. Families may register children for Sunday school, tour classrooms and meet Sunday school teachers
between 9:00 and 10:00 Sunday morning.. Everyone is invited to a 10:00 am worship service followed by a church picnic at 11:00
am, featuring lawn games, a moonwalk, hot dogs, ice cream and refreshments.
Sunday, September 14th, 9:00 am
First Day of Sunday school:
Sunday school begins September 14. Classes for adults, youth and children as well as Worship are offered during the 9:00 hour each
week. A second worship service is also offered at 10:30.
Join Us - All are Welcome!
For more information, go to www.parkridgecommunitychurch.org
CC News – Page 10
Park Ridge Community Church
10:00 AM: Women’s AA Meeting
– Parlor
10:30 AM: Senior Yoga –Great
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
8:30 AM: Worship in Garden
10:00 AM: Worship in
12:00-1:30 PM: Kindred Spirits
Café – Jordan Hall
8:00 PM: Basketball
Thirteenth Sunday after
10:00 AM: CC News deadline
10:00 AM: Worship in
One Service with Cady Family
Farewell Picnic to follow
10:30 AM: Senior Yoga –Great
7:00 AM: Men’s Breakfast
12:00 PM: Families Anonymous
7:00 PM: Yoga – Great Hall
1:30 PM: Staff Meeting
4:00-6:00 PM: Junior Choir
Camp begins
7:00 PM: Narcotics Anonymous
8:00 PM: Basketball – Great Hall
7:00 AM: Men’s Breakfast
12:00 PM: Families Anonymous
7:00 PM: Yoga – Great Hall
1:30 PM: Staff Meeting
12:00-1:30 PM: Kindred Spirits
Café – Jordan Hall
10:00 AM: Women’s AA Meeting
– Parlor
10:00 AM: Women’s AA Meeting
– Parlor
10:00 –11:30 AM: Sunday
School Teacher Meeting – Jordan
Junior Choir Camp ends
7:00 PM: Narcotics Anonymous
8:00 PM: Basketball – Great Hall
8:00 PM: Basketball
Fourteenth Sunday after
7:00 PM: Stephen Ministers
Support – Library
8:30 AM: Worship in Garden
10:00 AM Worship in Sanctuary
10:30 AM: Senior Yoga –Great
12:00 PM: Families Anonymous
7:00 PM: Yoga – Great Hall
1:30 PM: Staff Meeting
12:00-1:30 PM: Kindred Spirits
Café – Jordan Hall
8:30 AM: Worship in Garden
10:00 AM Worship in Sanctuary
10:00 AM: Women’s AA Meeting
– Parlor
7:00 PM: Narcotics Anonymous
8:00 PM: Basketball – Great Hall
8:00 PM: Basketball
Fifteenth Sunday after
7:00 AM: Men’s Breakfast
7:00 PM: Support Teams
Meeting – Library
10:30 AM: Senior Yoga –Great
7:00 AM: Men’s Breakfast
12:00 PM: Families Anonymous
7:00 PM: Yoga – Great Hall
1:30 PM: Staff Meeting
12:00-1:30 PM: Kindred Spirits
Café – Jordan Hall
10:00 AM: Women’s AA Meeting
– Parlor
7:00 PM: Narcotics Anonymous
8:00 PM: Basketball – Great Hall
8:00 PM: Basketball
Sixteenth Sunday after
8:30 AM: Worship in Garden
10:00 AM Worship in Sanctuary
8:00 PM: Basketball
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CC News – Page 12