Honors English 9
Summer 2015 Reading Assignment
Honors English 9 demands working hard, thinking critically, and analyzing a variety of texts. It requires independence of thought, maturity, and dedication. Your summer reading and assignment must be completed and submitted on the first day
of class. The books and assignment will serve as the basis for discussion and writing in the first weeks of class. To prepare, you must find, mark with a sticky note, type, and annotate a minimum of ten (10) quotes for each text related to the theme. An annotation includes at least 4-6 sentences of explanation about the significance of the quote chosen – please do not just paraphrase what the quote says but analyze the text, the importance of what is being said, how it is being said, and your reaction to the quote’s meaning. Bring for the first class, a typed copy of your quotes and annotations with page numbers, this assignment/rubric sheet and the novels.
Example of annotated quotes: Type the quote, the page number and the annotation.
Quotation from the book and page number:
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife” (1).
Annotation (response):
This is the first sentence of the book. When I first read it I thought the writer was serious-it seemed like something people might have believed when it was written. Soon I realized she was making fun of that attitude. The quote made me feel angry when I first started reading, like I was going to have to read a book about how women were only able to fulfill certain roles in society and I don’t think like that. I mean, what about what the wife wants? The words universal and truth make me think that the writer wants me to just accept it as truth and not think for myself.
Summer reading texts: Night by Elie Weisel and House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
You may wish to purchase your own copies of these novels (hit the used bookstores!) in order to highlight passages and make notes that will help you with the assignments. If purchasing these is not a possibility, get copies from the local library.
Night (Find 10 quotes)
Elie struggles to define himself as the Nazis dehumanize him and the other Jewish people, and as he struggles to maintain his faith and relationship with God. As you find 10 quotes for night, focus either on the dehumanization or the struggle with his faith, not both.
House on Mango Street (Find 10 quotes)
Esperanza struggles with her identity as she grows up on Mango Street.
CCSS: Reading 1: I can cite strong textual evidence, determine theme, analyze author’s choices, and identify the deeper inferred meaning of a text.
Exceeds the standard…
Elaboration is specific to my annotated quote and my insight is deep into the meaning of the quote’s words and even literary devises. I pull sections of the quote out to further explain my thinking and to make additional meaning of what is said.
Meets the standard…My elaboration is mostly specific and enhances the meaning of the quote. Insight is beginning and sometimes sections may be pulled out and further explained.
I have attempted to meet standard but tends to be list-like and the theme may not be mentioned. I mainly just restate what is already in the quote.
I have little or no elaboration, which makes my paper and ideas confusing.
My elaboration is insufficient.
Please note: Students who have not completed the summer reading and/or the assignment by the first day of school
will be unprepared to write the essays or participate in the discussions and will receive a 0 grade for the assignment.
We look forward to the challenge of the coming year.