The Skull -

The Skull
Where does the frontal bone meet the parietal
Where do the 2 parietal bones meet
Where do the parietal bones meet the occipital
What does the optic canal (optic foramen)
What is the most important structure
transmitted by the inferior orbital fissure
What fossa does the superior orbital fissure
communicate with
What does the superior orbital fissure transmit
What does the foramen ovale transmit
What is the relation of the foramen spinosum to
the foramen ovale
What does the foramen spinosum transmit
What does the foramen rotundum conduct
What does the foramen lacerum transmit
What does the foramen magnum transmit
What does the jugular foramen transmit
What does the hypoglossal canal transmit
What does the internal acoustic meatus
What does the facial canal transmit
What does the stylomastoid foramen transmit
What is the main foramina in the anterior
cranial fossa
What are the foramina in the middle cranial
fossa that communicate with the orbit
What is lateral to the foramen rotundum
What is posterior to the foramen ovale
What opens into the side wall of the foramen
What bone is the internal acoustic meatus in
What nerves enter the internal acoustic meatus
Where are the intra-cranial venous sinuses
Where does the middle meningeal artery enter
the skull
What sinuses pass laterally from the internal
occipital protuberance
What is the sella turcica
At the coronal suture
At the sagittal suture
At the lamboid suture
Optic nerve
Ophthalmic artery
Maxillary nerve – CNV2, continues as the infra-orbital nerve
Middle cranial fossa
Oculomotor nerve - CNIII
Trochlear nerve – CNIV
Abducent nerve – CNVI
Terminal branches of ophthalmic nerve
Ophthalmic veins
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
Foramen spinosum is posterior and slightly lateral to foramen
Middle menigeal artery to middle cranial fossa
Maxillary nerve into pterygopalatine fossa
Internal carotid artery
Vertebral arteries
Medulla oblongata as it becomes continuous with spinal cord
Sigmoid sinus which is continuous below with IJV
Accessory nerve – CNXI
Vagus nerve – CNX
Glossopharyngeal nerve – CNIX
Hypoglossal nerve - CNXII
Vestibulocochlear nerve - CNVIII
Motor & sensory roots of facial nerve
Labyrinthine vessels
Facial nerve through petrous temporal bone to stylomastoid
Facial nerve
Stylomastoid artery
Cribriform plate
Superior orbital fissure
Optic canal
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Carotid canal – the pathway for the internal carotid artery
Petrous part of the temporal bone
Vestibulocochlear nerve
Facial nerve
Between the layers of dura
Foramen spinosum
Transverse sinuses
A deep depression in the body of the sphenoid bone that
Where is the jugular foramen on the base of
the skull in relation to the occipital condyles
What is anterior to the jugular foramen
What is lateral to the jugular foramen, lying
between the styloid and mastoid process
What muscle does the external occipital
protuberance give rise to
What else does the external occipital
protuberance give rise to
What muscles attach to the mastoid process
How do bones of the skull grow
How do flat bones of the vault of the cranium &
facial skeleton develop
How do bones of the base of the skull and
auditory ossicals develop
What forms the zygomatic arch
What are fibrous joints united by
What is a syndesmosis
Where are the 2 synovial joints of the skull
What bones make up the cranium
Which bones contain sinuses
Where are the air sacs in the skull
What type of joint is the atlanto-occipital joint
What movements can occur at the atlantooccipital joint
What movement occurs at the joint between
the axis and atlas
What forms the median ligament of the neck on
the posterior aspect
What is the ligamentum nuchae attached to on
the skull
Where do the dermatomes in the face arise
What innervates the skin posterior to the
external ear
Which cervical nerves innervate the skin of the
Which nerves contribute to the brachial plexus
What supplies the skin at the back of the neck
& scalp
Where do the muscles of facial expression lie
contains the pituitary gland
Jugular foramen is lateral to occipital condyles
The carotid canal
The stylomastoid foramen through which the facial nerve
enters the face
Ligamentum nuchae
Splenius capitus
Longissimus capitus
Intramembranous of endochondral ossification
Intramembranous ossification
Endochondral ossification
Union of temporal process of zygomatic bone with the
zygomatic process of the temporal bone
Fibrous tissue
Type of fibrous joint where the bones are united with a sheet
of fibrous tissue, this type of joint is particularly movable
Between mandible & temporal bone
Between the 3 ear ossicals within the middle ear
Parietal (2)
Temporal (2)
Mastoid processes
Synovial ellipsoid joint
Lateral flexion
Supraspinous ligament incorporated into ligamenum nuchae
Ecternla occipital protruberance
Each of the 3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve
Cervical nerves C2-C3
Anterior primary rami of C5-T1
Branches of dorsal rami C2-C5
Within the superficial fascia of the face
Which muscle of facial expression surrounds
the orbit
Which muscle of facial expression surrounds
the mouth
What does Buccinator form
What is the important role of Buccinator
What is the effect of platysma on facial
Which cranial nerve divides in the parotid gland
What are the 5 layers of the scalp
What is the action of contraction of the frontal
belly of occipitofrontalis
What are all bellies of the occipitofrontalis
supplied by
What is the main provider of sensory
innervation to the anterior part of the scalp
How does autonomic (sympathetic) innervation
reach the scalp
What forms the arterial blood supply for the
What generally supplies the lateral & posterior
aspect of the scalp
What supplies the forehead area
What supplies the periosteum of skull bones
deep to the scalp
What happens to the veins that drain the
Where do veins draining the lateral side of the
scalp drain to
Where do veins from the posterior scalp drain
What is the diploe of the skul
What are emissary veins of the skull
What are the 3 paired salivary glands
What does the parotid gland produce
Where does the parotid duct open in the mouth
What is the nerve supply to the parotid gland
What is the arterial supply of the parotid gland
What is the venous drainage of the parotid
What is the lymphatic drainage of the parotid
What are the 3 structures that pass through the
parotid gland
Orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oris
The cheek
Compresing cheeks & lips against teeth during mastication
Pulls down the lower lip and the edge of the mouth
Facial nerve
Skin – mostly with hair
Subcutaneous connective tissue which contains numerous
arterial branches
The epicranial aponeurosis – a thin tendinous sheath that
connects the parts of the occipitofrontalis muscle
Layer of loose fatty connective tissue
Pericranium or periosteum covering outer surface of bones
Raising the eyebrows
Facial nerve
Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve
In the blood vessels
Branches from external and internal carotid arteries form an
anastomotic network
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery via the ophthalmic artery
Arterial branches on inside of skull – including middle
meningeal artery
Come together at medial side of orbit to form facial vein – to
External jugular vein in neck
Vertebral veins located around the spinal cord in the spinal
Spongy bone layer between inner and outer compact bone
layers of skull
Veins with no valves that are continuous with blood sinuses in
the diploe and inside the skull and with veins of the scalp
Parotid glands
Sublingual glands
Submandibular glands
Enzyme rich secretions
Opposite upper 2nd molar tooth
Parasympathetic secretomotor fibres from glossopharyngeal
Directly from external carotid artery
To the retromandibular vein which drains to the external
jugular vein
To parotid lymph nodes within the gland which then drain to
deep cervical lymph nodes
Facial nerve
Retromandibular vein
External carotid artery
What forms the retromandibular vein
What happens to the external carotid artery
within the parotid gland
Describe the secretion for the sublingual gland
Oral cavity
What lines the oral cavity and tongue
What are the cheeks lined with
What forms the cheek
What are the gums (gingivae) composed of
What provides the sensory innervation for the
gums of the upper jaw
What provides the sensory innervation for the
gums of the lower jaw
How do the teeth receive sensory innervation
What muscle protrudes the tongue
What muscle depresses the tongue
What muscles pulls the tongue backwards
What connects the tongue to the floor of the
What are the 3 types of papillae
Where are the taste buds
What provides general sensation to the anterior
2/3rds of the tongue
What provides taste sensation to the anterior
2/3rds of the tongue
What provides general and special sensory
innervation to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Where does the tongue receive blood from
Where does venous blood from the tongue
drain to
What joint do the muscles of mastication act on
What are the muscles of mastication
What are the muscular contents of the
infratemporal fossa
What artery passes through the infratemporal
fossa, what happens as it passes
How does the mandibular division of the
trigeminal nerve enter the infratemporal fossa
What forms the hard palate
What forms the floor of the nasal cavity
What are the nerve roots of the cervical nerve
Superficial temporal vein and maxillary vein which enter
parotid gland superiorly
Divides to give superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery
Serous and mucous
Stratified squamous non-keritinising epithelium
Stratified squamous non-keritinising epithelium
Buccinator muscle
Dense connective tissue covered with mucous membrane
Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve for teeth of upper jaw,
mandibular division of trigeminal nerve for teeth of lower jaw
Both genioglossus acting together
Styloglossus and platoglossus
Filiform papillae – across superior surface of anterior 2/3 of
Fungiform papillae – across lateral margins and tip of tongue
Vallate papillae – large structures located in a row anterior to
sulcus terminalis
Within the walls of the gutters surrounding vallate papillae
Lingual nerve – a branch of the mandibular division of the
trigeminal nerve
Facial nerve (chorda tympani branch)
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Branches of external carotid artery (lingual, facial, ascending
Internal jugular vein
Temperomandibular joint
Lateral ptyergoid
Medial pterygoid
Temporalis muscle
Lateral & medial pterygoid muscle
The maxillary artery passes through and gives rise to the
middle meningeal artery
Through the foramen ovale
Palatine process of maxilla
Flat palates of palatine bone
Hard palate
Ventral rami of C1-C4
Describe the dermatome of C2
Describe the dermatome of C3
What supplies the skin over the anterior part of
the neck down to the sternal angle
Behind ear to midline below chin
Anterolateral part of midneck
Supraclavicular nerves (C3, C4)
What is the anterior cerebral artery a branch of
What is the middle cerebral artery a branch of
What is the posterior cerebral artery a branch
Where does the thalamus receive blood from
What does the hypothalamus receive blood
Where does the midbrain receive its arterial
supply from
What supplies blood to the medulla
What supplies blood to the pons and
Where does the dura receive blood from
Internal carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Basilar artery
What is the middle meningeal artery a branch
What does the ophthalmic artery arise form
Where is the choroids plexus located
Where is the carotid sinus
What is the carotid sinus
What do sensory nerves from the carotid sinus
run in
Where is the carotid body
What is the carotid body
What is the main role of the pia mater
What are the principle dural folds, what do they
What makes the veins of the brain very thin
What is a feature of the veins of the brain
What forms the great cerebral vein
What does the great vein drain into
Where is the superior sagittal sinus
Where is the inferior sagittal sinus
What forms the straight sinus
What sinus enters the jugular foramen
Where are the cavernous sinuses
What structures are present in the (wall of the)
carotid sinus
Posterior cerebral (and others)
Posterior and anterior cerebral
Posterior cerebral artery
Direct branches from vertebral arteries
Branches from the basilar arteries
Meningeal branches of internal carotid artery (front of brain)
and vertebral arteries (back of brain)
Maxillary artery
Direct branch of internal carotid
3rd and 4th ventricles
Swelling on terminal part of common carotid artery
Pressure receptor which monitors blood flow to the head
Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
Posterior wall of terminal part of common carotid artery
A chemoreceptor – sensitive to low oxygen levels
Carry branches of main blood vessels as they are distributed
over the brain
Tentorium cerebelli – cerebellum from cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebri – 2 cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebelli – 2 halves of cerebellum
They have no tunica media in their walls
They have no valves
Internal cerebral vein of each cerebral hemisphere
Straight sinus
In the superior margin of the falx cerebri
In the inferior margin of the falx cerebri
The joining of the inferior sagittal sinus and the great vein
Sigmoid sinus
On either side of the body of the sphenoid bone
Internal carotid artery
Occulomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves
Ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of trigeminal nerve