Arthropoda & Echinodermata Review Worksheet

Biology 11
Read pages 607-644 in Miller & Levine and your notes to answer the following questions.
What are the 4 subphyla of the Arthropod phylum? What animals are included in each?
Trilobites –trilobites (only found as fossils)
Chelicerates – spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions, horseshoe crabs
Crustaceans – lobsters, crayfish, crabs & shrimp
Uniramians- insects, millipedes & centipedes
2. What are 3 important Arthropod features?
jointed appendages
Segmented body
3. LIst the three basic respiratory systems found in Arthropods and the animals that have
these respiratory systems.
Gills -crustaceans
Book gills or lungs-horseshoe crabs, spiders
Tracheal tubes- insects & some spiders
4. Describe the circulatory system in Arthropods.
A heart that pumps blood through an open circulatory system
5. What are the types of excretory systems found in arthropods?
Malpighian tubules
Green glands
6. What is the most well developed sense in Arthropods?
7. Describe Arthropods reproduction.
Separate males and females. Fertilization in internal
8. What is a) molting? When arthropods shed their skeletons because they have grown out of
them. They are then vulnerable during the time it takes for the new skeleton to harden
b) metamorphosis? A dramatic change in from found in butterflies.
9. How do you recognize a chelicerate? They have a two part body and chelicerate mouth parts
Biology 11
10. What are arachnids and which animals are included in this grouping?
Animals with 8 legs. They include spiders, ticks, scorpions & mites
11. How do you recognize a crustacean?
They have a hard exoskeleton, two pairs of antennae and mouthparts called mandibles
12. How do you recognize a Uniramian?
They have one pair of antennae and their appendages don’t branch.
13. What are the main features of animals belonging to the insects?
They have a three part body; head, thorax and abdomen and they have 3 pairs of legs.
14. What are the characteristic features of members of Phylum Echinodermata?
Spiny skin
Five part radial symmetry
Internal skeleton
Water vascular system
Tube feet
15. What is the water vascular system?
A system of tubes that helps the animal move around using its tube feet
16. Describe how a sea urchin moves using its tube feet.
It has flexible spines that help it move along with its tube feet.
I’m telling you,
starfish are
17. Describe how a sea star eats a clam. It pries the bivalve shell open, and inserts its stomach
into the shell. The stomach releases enzymes that digest the bivalve alive. The stomach
then absorbs the nutrients and the sea star pulls it back into its body.
18. Where does respiration take place in Echinoderms?
Skin gills – special thin tissues for gas exchange
Tube feet
19. What do Echinoderms have instead of a brain? A nerve ring
20. What fascinating reproductive ability do starfish have? They can regenerate body parts.
21. How did bivalve fishermen unknowingly increase the population of starfish they were trying
to kill? They caught sea stars and cut them in half. Instead of killing them, they made twice
as many.
Biology 11
22. Write their class name next to the echinoderms below:
a) star fish/brittle stars Asteroidea
b) sea urchins/sand dollars Echinoidea
c) sea cucumbers Ophiuroidea
d) sea lilies/ feather stars Chrinoidea
23. Have you ever eaten sea urchin or sea cucumber? NO!