non-uniform dress regulations

Elementary School Thursday Mail
August 31, 2012
Looking ahead:
Monday, September 3
Tuesday, September 4
Primary Soccer Registration Forms due
Thursday, September 6
6:30 P.M., Prep (grades 5th-8th) Back-to-School Night, auditorium
Friday, September 7
8:00 A.M., Mass, gym, SSH (formal uniform)
Monday, September 10
8:00 A.M., Innisbrook Kick-Off, gym
September 11-14
SPIRIT WEEK (see article below)
Tuesday, September 11
8:00 A.M., Mass, chapel, BA & ASH Primary School (formal uniform)
Friday, September 14
8:00 A.M., Mass, chapel, ASH Prep School
Thursday, September 18
8:00 A.M., Mass, chapel, ASH Primary School (formal uniform)
Future Thursday Mail
Beginning Thursday, September 6, we will no longer e-mail Thursday Mail to parents. Instead,
Thursday Mail will be posted on our website. To access Thursday Mail go to On the
top navigation bar, choose SSH FAMILIES, then choose Student/Parent Login on the side navigation bar.
The password for logging into this area of our website is Student2012, then select Thursday Mail.
Mosquito Alert
This week we have seen an increase in the mosquito population on campus. We are suggesting
that you protect your child by applying/spraying insect repellant before she arrives on campus as a means
of preventing bites. Please do not send the repellant with your child as we/they cannot apply/reapply it.
Prep-Back-to-School Night (Grades 5 – 8)
Back-to-School is a parent event scheduled for Thursday, September 6, beginning at 6:30 P.M. in
the auditorium. This is an opportunity to meet your daughter’s teachers, find out more information about
her classes, and learn about the teachers’ expectations this year. It is not, however, a suitable time for
prolonged conversation about your daughter. Should you feel the need to communicate with your
daughter’s teachers, you are certainly encouraged to do so. Every teacher has e-mail and voice mail.
However, e-mail is the faster way to contact teachers.
Morning Drop-Off
Please have your daughter remain in the car until you drive up to the front gate or to the
Maintenance office by the CAR RIDERS sign. A teacher will be on duty to receive her from 7:30 A.M.
until 7:53 A.M. After this time, please park and escort your daughter to class. Thank you for helping us to
keep our children safe. Please make every effort to get your daughter to school on time, 7:55.
Car Line Safety at Dismissal
Remain in your car and the duty teachers will escort your daughter to your car.
After-Hours Teacher Assistance
The prep teachers have volunteered their time for extra assistance after school hours. Students
need to sign up in advance with the teachers whenever they need extra help and also make
whatever transportation arrangements they need in order to be able to stay. The extra assistance is
available from 3:15 – 3:45 P.M. unless noted otherwise. Students will be escorted to Late Leavers at the
end of their sessions and must be picked up there.
Mrs. Sarah Bolfer
Ms. Mary K. Clack
Mrs. Wynelle Jones
Mrs. Margaret Landry
Ms. Rachel Mallory
Dr. Laurie Servaes
Mrs. Jessica Clark
Mrs. Catherine Olivier
Mr. Colten Biro
Sra. Marilyn Stelly is available Tuesday – Friday from 3:15 – 4:00 in the Upper School Room #10.
Tutoring must be arranged in advance.
Late Leavers
Late Leavers for the PK-4th grade Academy girls is held in the Primary assembly room on
Monday through Friday. The hours are 3:15 P.M - 5:15 P.M. After 5:00 P.M. on Monday through
Thursday, all students will be waiting in the front of school. The late bus runs Monday through Thursday
only. On Fridays, all students will wait to be picked up in the Primary assembly room and not walk to the
front. Please note: all students who are picked up from Late Leavers must be signed out by
parents/designated person.
Late Leavers for I Prep – IV Prep will be located in the Dining Hall on Tuesdays through Fridays
from 3:15 – 5:15 and will be supervised by Mr. Colten Biro. The girls will continue to meet on Mondays in
the Primary Assembly Room.
Innisbrook Fundraiser
Once again, SSH will participate in a school fundraiser, in partnership with Innisbrook Wraps.
SSH earns a percentage of the total sales, and money raised is used for school-wide, student needs.
SSH will participate in Innisbrook’s EZ program. Sellers will collect orders on worksheets, but this
year, worksheets do not need to be returned to school. Sellers will simply go to and
enter orders online! Look for detailed instructions in the envelopes that will be distributed on Monday,
September 10. Remember, we strongly discourage students from selling door-to-door without adult
Spirit Week 2012: September 11-14
Spirit Week is a time for us to create and celebrate the spirit and community in our school. Each
day will begin with a special all-school assembly and will include special activities. More details regarding
time and place of activities will follow.
Spirit Week Dress:
o Tuesday, September 11th “Olympic Add-On Day”: Prep and Primary Students
wear their regular uniform with the addition of Olympic items such as medals,
hats, sports jackets, USA gear
o Wednesday, September 12th “Back in Time”: Prep and Primary Students wear
non-uniform attire inspired by clothing apparel of the late 1950’s and the early
60”s. Poodle skirts and twin sweater sets or shirtwaist dresses are examples of
appropriate dress. Jeans are also acceptable.
o Thursday, September 13th “Salad Dressing Day”: Prep and Primary Students
wear their regular uniform with the addition of choice of salad dressing
themes as suggested below
 Thousand Island – Hawaiian leis and/or flowers in their hair or as jewelry
 Ranch – Cowboy hats, bandanas, and/or vests
 French – dress as a chef, artist, cyclist, etc.
 House – ASH school colors of red and white
Friday, September 14th Class Color Day”: students will celebrate their class
community. They may wear jeans, slacks, or Capri pants and shirts in their class
colors, with tennis shoes. Parents and students are reminded to review the
regulations below concerning non-uniform dress days.
Class Colors
Pre-K 4
First Primary (1st)
Second Primary (2nd) green
Third Primary (3rd)
Fourth Primary (4th)
First Prep (5th)
Second Prep (6th)
Third Prep (7th)
Fourth Prep (8th)
Reminder – Printed class t-shirts are an eighth grade privilege.
Occasionally during the year students are allowed “non-uniform” days. “Non-uniform” means that
they do not have to wear the A.S.H. uniform, but they must dress neatly. Age-appropriate activities
should be matched by age-appropriate clothing. Fashion often dictates clothing that is not suitable for
young women in a Catholic school. Goal V, “Schools of the Sacred Heart educate to personal growth in
an atmosphere of wise freedom,” guides students to choose appropriate, modest dress for school
activities, including dances, Congé, concerts and plays, athletic awards, etc. The Dean of Students or
Elementary Division Head may ask a student in inappropriate attire to change attire or not to attend the
event. Some “non-uniform” days follow a particular theme, in which case other specific guidelines will
apply. Students will be informed as to what is acceptable for the occasion. They are required to follow
the regulations and abide by the given dress code. If a student is inappropriately dressed, the Dean of
Students will provide her with a uniform for that day. The administration is the final interpreter of the
dress regulations.
Primary School
Jeans, slacks, shorts, capris, skirts and dresses no shorter than the uniform skirt (i.e. No shorter
than two inches above the knees) are acceptable. Shirts/blouses must have sleeves and must be long
enough to prevent flesh for showing between shirt and waistband. Tank tops and spaghetti straps are
considered sleeveless and are not allowed. Shoes must be closed front and back; no form of sandals or
crocs is allowed.
Prep School
Jeans, slacks, and capris are acceptable. Shirts/blouses must have sleeves and must be long enough to
prevent flesh from showing between shirt and waistband. No shorts, leggings, or tank tops are allowed.
Tennis shoes, backless shoes, or sandals are permitted; no flip flops or crocs
The Sally Ride Science Festival
The Sally Ride Science Festival at LSU will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 11:00
A.M. to 4:15 P.M. Presented by ExxonMobil, the festival includes:
An inspiring talk by a featured speaker
Discovery Workshops for 5th-8th grade girls, given by local scientists and engineers
(examples include chemists, veterinarians, microbiologists, and others)
Workshops for parents and teachers on ways to support students' interests in science
and math
A Street Fair with booths, hands-on activities, food, and music
Advance registration is required and is $20 (includes the featured talk, workshops, lunch, and the
Street Fair).
Sign up now at or call 1-800-561-5161.
Back to School, Box Tops for Education
New to the Box Tops Program? Here are a few tips to get started earning cash for your school:
Clip the pink Box Tops coupon from hundreds of your favorite products
Shop online by starting at the Box Tops Marketplace on the Box Tops website.
Ask family and friends to sign up at to earn five
Bonus Box Tops for your school right away!
Office Depot Fundraising
Please remember to use the Academy of the Sacred Heart's ID number when making purchases
at Office Depot throughout the year. The school number is 70041825. If you forget the number, ask the
cashier to look it up. You must make the request before the cashier rings up the order or it cannot be
done. The school will receive 5% back from your purchase. Thanks for your support!