Sandel SN3308 HSI

Sandel SN3308 HSI
Part 1 - Taxiing
The SN3308 ColorMap HSI has generated a lot of excitement. And a lot of
questions. Was it designed for a fixed-gear single or a cabin-class twin? Is it
compatible with my airplane? Why did it win Aviation Consumer's Gear Of The
Year award? Whatever your question, whether you're already an owner and
you're looking for tips to become a power user or if you're just wondering what all
the fuss is about, we've decided to run a multi-part series on how to use it, and
let you decide if the SN3308 is right for you.
We begin by talking about the first phase of flight, the taxi. It may seem like
overkill to use an EFIS to taxi and we're certainly not recommending that you taxi
while staring at the panel. But airport environments can be complicated, runway
incursions are on the rise, and a pre-taxi or post-landing glance at an unfamiliar
airport environment can really help by answering the basic question: Where am
Here's a display of Long Beach, California, which has many complex intersecting
runways. Notice how easy it is to visualize the taxi direction to any runway. And
remember, unlike multi-function displays, the entire SN3308 airport diagram turns
in real time along with the compass card, presenting the correct view no matter
which direction you turn.
RANGE: 1 Mile
VUE: 360
RANGE: 1 Mile
For these situations we want to display the airport on a one mile scale and for
taxi we don't want to display our flight plan course line or our two bearing pointers.
So here's how we set it up.
The MAP key is used to step through screen views until airports are shown and
the GPS courseline and waypoint data are off, since we're not ready to show our
flight plan just yet - we just want to see the airport diagram. The VUE button is
set to show the 360 degree compass rose or ARC view. The DOWN ARROW
zooms in to the 1 mile range.
Even when the runway and taxiway layout isn't that complex, taxiing to a distant
FBO can complicate the journey. Add a little rain or blowing snow and it can start
to get interesting. Shown at left is the 3308 set to 1 mile scale at Du Page, Illinois.
Once again we've set MAP to display the airport without our course line. This
time the VUE button is set to display the 90-degree arc mode for more screen
area and resolution ahead.
And what about the SYNC, SHFT and A-B? We don't need these advanced
feature buttons yet until we're ready for takeoff. So now that you've had a
glimpse of the SN3308 capabilities on the ground, in part-II we'll get airborne and
set up for an IFR departure, and preset the display using the A-B function for an
emergency ILS back to the field.
Part 2 - Departure Scenarios
Welcome to Part II of our multi-part series on the SN3308 ColorMap HSI. In our
last installment, we talked about using the SN3308 during taxi. This time we’ll
look at two typical departure scenarios. As you will see, the SN3308 can show a
lot more than the compass heading and course deviation of a mechanical HSI.
For an IFR departure we'd set up the MAP to show flight plan waypoints, nearby
navaids and nearby airports. Bearing Pointer 1 (the blue arrow) would be set to
GPS1 so it always points straight ahead to the next GPS waypoint, and Bearing
Pointer 2 (the green arrow) might be set to a nearby navaid. In this case we’ve
set it to the VOR at our departure airport, KTEB, Teterboro, NJ. The Bearing
Pointers are helpful in routine navigation but in an emergency after takeoff we
can really put them to work, as you will see.
Take a look at the actual screen shot at right. We’ve departed KTEB to the west
and shortly after departure we have an emergency which demands an immediate
landing. On the GPS we’ve selected the nearest airport with an ILS, in this case
the ILS 23 to KMMU, Morristown, NJ. The SN3308 then displays a courseline
from the present position to the IAF (MOREE), the courseline to the airport and
even the missed-approach to CAT NDB. Which way to turn? Turn on to the
courseline to MOREE intersection, the IAF. When Bearing Pointer 1 is directly on
the lubber line you will be heading "direct-to" MOREE. And Bearing Pointer 2 is
still pointing to KTEB as a secondary option.
VFR Flight/San Antonio direct Austin
RANGE: 75nm
IFR Departure/Emergency ILS to KMMU Rwy 23
VUE: 360
RANGE: 15nm
Let’s look at another flight scenario. This time we've just departed VFR from
runway 30R at KSAT, San Antonio, TX, on a GPS flight plan direct to KAUS,
Austin, TX. We've set the MAP to ARC view to give us a forward display of the
flight plan waypoints and airspace boundaries. Again we have set Bearing
Pointer 1 to GPS1 to assist in turning on-course after departure regardless of the
departure runway.
Also notice the airspace depiction colors on the map. The dotted green lines are
the Class C airspace, yellow are the Alert areas, and purple are the MOAs. As
we get closer to KAUS the level of detail of the airspace will automatically
increase as we zoom in the map range. Below 15nm range the destination airport
icon will change from a circle to the actual runways, including the runway
numbers. And one important difference between the SN3308 map and the map
on the GPS receiver is the instantaneous response to movements in the aircraft
heading – it turns as fast as the airplane with no redraw time.
Now that you’ve had a glimpse of the SN3308 capabilities in the departure phase,
in Part III we’ll explore a couple of enroute scenarios.
Part 3 - En Route Scenarios
Welcome to Part III of our multi-part series on the SN3308 ColorMap HSI. In
previous installments, we talked about using the SN3308 during taxi and
departure. Now let’s take a look at a typical enroute scenario and show how to
take advantage of the SN3308’s powerful A-B feature, which allows you to toggle
instantly between two pre-selected screens. It’s almost like having two
In this scenario, we’re northbound on V3 approaching the Palm Beach VOR. Our
GPS is set on a flight plan from KFEX, Fort Lauderdale, FL to KVRB, Vero Beach,
FL. We’re taking advantage of the A-B function by presetting the ‘A’ display in
ARC view at 100nm range to show the flightplan route ahead overlaid with
Stormscope data. In the "B" display we’ve selected a shorter range in 360degree view, including the surrounding airspace and airports.
In the screen shot at right you can see the ARC vue with a range of 100nm. Note
the ‘A’ label next to the compass heading. Also notice that next to the MAP key
the waypoint symbol icon is displayed, indicating that the flight plan waypoints
are selected on the map display. All changes that you make to this display are
stored in the ‘A’ memory automatically.
The map shows our flight plan with the cyan bearing pointer for GPS1 set to the
active waypiont, PBI. The active flight plan leg is shown in magenta with other
legs shown in white. The green symbols in the display are strikes detected by a
WX-500 Stormscopeâ . Thunderstorm activity is showing to the northeast.
IFR Enroute / 360 Mode V3 from KFEX to KVRB
VUE: 360
RANGE: 30nm
IFR Enroute / ARC Mode V3 from KFEX to KVRB
RANGE: 100nm
Pressing the A-B button now recalls the ‘B’ display, showing a close-in 360degree view. Notice that ‘B’ is now displayed to the right of the compass heading.
The MAP icons show waypoints, airspace and airports enabled, giving a clear
picture of our current position and a 360° view of weather. Either the ‘A’ or ‘B’
display can be selected instantly, or changed in any way, without affecting the
The flexibility of the SN3308 allows the A-B function to be used in a number of
ways. For example, you can use A-B to immediately declutter the moving map
and bring up a traditional HSI display with a center deviation bar. The A-B button
makes this a quick operation by toggling between the two displays with each
press. And because there is no re-draw time, this feature gives the effect of
having two instruments.
So there you have it. Switching between two virtual instrument memories is
literally as easy as "A-B". Once you start flying with the SN3308 you’ll be amazed
at how much easier it can make your instrument flight.
Now that you’ve had a glimpse of the SN3308 A-B capability, in part IV we’ll
explore details of the SN3308 Map.
Part 4 - Autoslew and SYNC
Welcome to Part-IV of our monthly series on the SN3308 ColorMap HSI. This
time we’ll look at the auto-slew and sync features and show how they can reduce
your workload during flight, giving you more time to size up the big picture and
stay ahead of the aircraft. The SN3308 brings these advanced features into the
cockpit of GA aircraft for the first time.
The auto-slew feature will automatically rotate the course pointer to the desired
course being sent from your GPS while it is in normal LEG or SEQ mode. This
eliminates the need to manually rotate the course pointer knob at each waypoint
on your GPS flight plan - also eliminating the MSG annunciation telling you to do
so. With your autopilot in NAV mode, the SN3308 will fly your flight plan ‘handsoff’, freeing you to concentrate on other duties during flight.
In the screen shot at right we’re leaving the Portland, Oregon Class C airspace
northbound on V 23 approaching the Battle Ground VOR (BTG). Distinct colors
are used for easy interpretation of the data. Notice that the active flight plan leg is
shown in magenta, the upcoming leg in white and the course pointer in cyan. The
green dashed lines depict Class C airspace. To stay on the airway after BTG the
display shows a twenty-degree left turn at the station, and the GPS "WPT"
annunciator flashes on the screen, giving a clear indication of the approaching
waypoint. With auto-slew enabled, the course pointer will then turn automatically
causing the autopilot to fly the new course. Try that with a mechanical HSI!
IFR Enroute on V 23 near UBG VOR after pressing SHFT>SYNC
VUE: 360
RANGE: 30nm
IFR Enroute on V 23 north of Portland, approaching the BTG VOR
RANGE: 5nm
Let’s consider another example which uses the SYNC button to perform a very
useful function: centering the CDI needle and navigating direct-to a VOR.
In the screen shot at left we’re approaching Portland from the south on V 23.
We’re told to proceed direct to the Newburg VOR (UBG), a 60-degree left turn,
as a temporary vector for traffic. By pressing the NAV button on the SN3308, we
can change the NAV source from GPS to our NAV1 radio. Notice that the course
pointer and NAV information are now in green. The magenta line indicates the
original flight plan along V 23. The SN3308’s course-sync function makes
navigation to the off-course VOR a snap: after tuning UBG on the NAV receiver,
press SHFT and then SYNC to automatically center the CDI needle and rotate
the course pointer until it is pointing at the VOR as shown. Keep the needle
centered and we’re tracking directly to the VOR until ATC allows us to return to
our original course.
Did you know that no EFIS system – at any price – has the features of the
SN3308? Our solution now allows you to install EFIS capability into your aircraft
at a fraction of the cost of obsolete CRT technology.
Now that you’ve had a glimpse of the SN3308 capabilities in the enroute phase,
in part-V we’ll explore approach scenarios.
Part 5 - The ILS Approach
Welcome to Part-V of our series on the SN3308 ColorMap HSI. In previous
installments we’ve shown that you can customize your map and airspace settings
to meet your needs during the departure and enroute phases of your flight. This
time we’ll examine a typical ILS scenario to show how valuable the SN3308 can
be during an approach.
In this scenario we’re inbound on the ILS 35R approach to Centennial Airport
(KAPA) in Denver, CO. From the northeast, the approach begins with a transition
from the Falcon VOR to CASSE LOM, which is also the IAF. From CASSE the
route takes us through the procedure turn. Once you’ve selected and activated
the approach on your GPS, the SN3308 immediately draws that approach in full
color. The SN3308 can also use additional information from the newest
generation of GPS receivers (such as the Garmin GNS 430™ ) to display holding
patterns, procedure turns and DME arcs. Your entire navigation situation is now
right in your scan. By combining the functions of a moving map and HSI on one
display, the SN3308 hugely simplifies complex approaches.
In the screen shot at right we’ve already completed the procedure turn and are
now on final for runway 35R. The active leg of the approach is shown in magenta
with the other legs shown in white. We’ve also activated the two bearing pointers
of the SN3308 to provide additional navigation information. Bearing Pointer 1
(cyan) is set to the GPS receiver and is pointing to the active waypoint, RW35R.
Bearing Pointer 2 (magenta) is coupled to the ADF receiver tuned to CASSE,
which we have just passed and is now behind us.
ILS Rwy 35R approach to KAPA,
Denver Centennial Airport
VUE: 360
ILS Rwy 35R approach to KAPA,
Denver Centennial Airport
VUE: 360
RANGE: 10nm
In the screen shot at left we’re on final, 1.8 miles from KAPA. The SN3308 has
automatically switched to ILS mode as we’ve tuned in the ILS frequency and are
receiving a valid glideslope signal. We’ve turned off the map, but of course you
can choose to leave the map information on the display if you like. We’re a halfdot high on the ILS and lined up with the runway. Bearing Pointer 1 points
straight ahead, pointing to the ILS. Bearing Pointer 2 is still pointing to CASSE
which is behind us. On this approach, CASSE is also the first fix on the Missed
Approach Procedure, so if we miss, the bearing pointer is already set to take us
Notice that the course pointer and deviation bars have switched from cyan to
green as the primary nav source for the SN3308 has switched from the GPS to
the ILS. This color-coding makes the information easy to interpret no matter how
complex a display you choose to show.
The SN3308 is a true EFIS for general aviation. It’s a direct replacement for your current
HSI, but offers much more information than standard mechanical instruments. In this
series we’ve tried to demonstrate that whether you’re flying a cabin class twin in the
flight levels or a single in severe clear, the big leap in capabilities of the SN3308 will
reduce your workload and make your flight safer and more enjoyable.
What is the Sandel SN3088 ColorMap HSI?
It's a full-function, three-inch EFIS combining an HSI, RMI and color moving map
display, priced to be affordable for any general aviation aircraft owner. Sandel's
breakthrough technology employs an innovative miniature LCD projector to
display information from a wide variety of instruments and remote data sources,
selected with a set of easily accessed buttons surrounding the display. It fits
conveniently into the main panel of almost any aircraft, and can be used to
legally replace a required DG or HSI. The ColorMap HSI gets its heading data
from a flux gate or DG, and nav data from a VOR, GPS, Loran, ADF, RMI, DME
or marker beacon. It can also display data from a remote Stormscope.
I've always wanted a product like this, why haven't I seen this before?
Until the invention of the SN3308 only instruments in four-inch cases have been
able to produce three-inch screen images. This has ruled them out for use in the
majority of GA airplanes because of space. Although all the major avionics
manufacturers have at one time considered a product like the SN3308, it has
always been considered an impossibility to build a practical display inside a
three-inch case.
How does it work?
Sandel invented an innovative LCD-based “rear-screen” color projector which
uses the projection screen surface as the front panel of the SN3308 – the design
is patent pending. It can put image pixels right to the edge of the sheet metal
bezel, providing a nine square inch display image in a three-inch square
case. This design is what makes a large image area possible.
Is the display readable in direct sunlight?
What feeds the SN3308 display?
Display information is fed from a wide variety of instruments and remote data
sources, selected with a set of easily accessed buttons surrounding the
display. The SN3308 gets its heading data from a flux gate or DG, and nav data
from a VOR, GPS, Loran, ADF, DME or marker beacon. It can also display data
from a remote Stormscope (WX-500 only).
Is the SN3308 a GPS?
No. The SN3308 receives data from a panel-mounted Loran or GPS.
Is it a complete "compass system"?
No. The SN3308 requires an external fluxgate compass and remote gyro, just
like most mechanical HSI’s. The combination of these devices with the SN3308
forms a slaved compass system.
Was the SN3308 designed as an HSI or a moving map display?
The SN3308 is designed as a multi-purpose navigation display. An HSI
presentation has proven to be an excellent way to visualize course intercepts,
and a moving map is ideal for overall situational awareness. Combining them into
a single display provides the best of both worlds.
Why does the SN3308 show the Marker Beacon and GPS annunciators?
Bringing key pieces of navigation information to one place was a major design
goal of the SN3308. It improves the pilot’s visual scan and improves safety.
Bearing Pointers
What are the SN3308 Bearing Pointers (RMI)?
A bearing pointer sits on the outside of the compass rose and can be selected to
any navigation radio in the aircraft, including the GPS. The Bearing Pointer
always points directly to the navigation source and gives a pictorial view of where
the station/waypoint is located no matter what your heading.
Are the SN3308 bearing pointers different from my free-standing RMI?
The SN3308 provides two independent bearing pointers which can be connected
to VOR, ADF, or long-range nav (GPS or Loran) inputs. Most external RMI’s are
restricted to VOR or ADF only. The SN3308 pointers are much more functional
than an external RMI because the pointers are superimposed on the primary
display, showing pictorial station location and passage at all times.
Why is this feature important?
A superimposed bearing pointer is one of the most useful tools in the
cockpit. For instance, if you are flying an ILS, a bearing pointer can be selected
to point to the LOM tuned by the ADF receiver. It will stay lined up with the
course pointer when you are on course and rotate 180 degrees at station
passage. Or, the GPS can be selected on the pointer which will sequence the
pointer to each point in the approach including the destination airport.
What other information is available from the BRG POINTER feature?
The SN3308 displays the digital bearing TO each selected bearing source and
distance in nautical miles.
Glideslope and DME
Does the SN3308 have a Glideslope display?
Yes. When an ILS is tuned on the NAV receiver, the Glideslope Pointer is added
to the display. This appears on the right side of the display and also as a crosspointer in the display center when the 360° view is selected.
What are the DME capabilities?
The SN3308 shows distance-to for NAV sources from the DME or GPS sources
from the GPS serial data. This information shows in the primary (upper left) area
if the selected receiver is the primary navigation source, and/or in the bearingpointer areas at the lower left or right.
What DME's are compatible?
The SN3308 will display DME data from KN63, KN62/64, DME-451 and other
DME’s. With software version 1.33, support has been added to accept ARINC568 data from DME’s such as the Collins DME-40. The Narco DME receivers
are not compatible.
I have a King KN63 DME. Must I keep my KDI572 indicator?
Yes. The KDI572 is more than an indicator – it performs the master channeling
and timing functions for the DME system and must be retained.
Can I connect a DME with dual Garmin GNS430s?
Note that the SN3308 uses the same ports for both ARINC 429 and King serial
digital DME data. With a single GNS430 connected, one input port remains
available on the SN3308 for a DME input. With dual GNS430s both connected
as primary nav sources, a digital DME such as the KN62 or KN63 cannot be
interfaced. An older analog-style DME may still be interfaced in this situation,
Moving Map
What does the MAP function do?
The SN3308 map displays waypoints supplied from your GPS receiver flight plan
data. The SN3308 will also display airports, runway diagrams, VORs, NDBs,
intersections and special-use airspace from its own internal Jeppesen
database. In addition, the SN3308 will overlay BFG WX-500 Stormscope data
on the map data.
What happens in VOR Mode?
When turned on, the map data is overlaid on the display regardless of which nav
source is selected. As long as position data is being received from an LNAV
(GPS or Loran) receiver, the map can be displayed.
Does the SN3308 have an internal database?
An internal database has been available since mid-November 1999. This is a
Jeppesen database, and allows the display of nearby airports, navaids, and
intersections regardless of the type of LNAV receiver used. The map also
displays special-use airspace (Class B & C, MOAs, Restricted, Prohibited, and
All units shipped prior to this release are eligible for a free upgrade to this new
map/database software. The only requirement is that the SN3308 be at
hardware status "MOD 1" or "MOD 2". Units shipped from the factory after midMarch 1999 are at this hardware level. Older units will be modified at no cost,
but must be returned to the factory. Turn-around time is generally 3-4
days. Please contact the factory at 760-727-4900 before sending in the unit to
ensure a quick turn-around.
If your SN3308 is at MOD 1 or MOD 2 hardware level, the map/database is a
software-only upgrade which can be downloaded from this website. Owners of
older, pre-MOD 1 units should return their SN3308s to the factory for the
complete hardware/software upgrade at no cost.
Does the SN3308 show highways and rivers?
No. The GPS waypoint data shows only flight plan waypoints. The internal
Jeppesen database only includes standard navigation data such as airports,
navaids, and airspace features. It does not include ground-mapping data.
Is an International Database available?
Yes. There are currently two database variants: ALL_AMERICAS which covers
North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, and EUR_ASIA which
covers the entire world EXCEPT for North and South America.
How is the database installed?
The database is uploaded from a PC through one of the SN3308 serial ports
through a jack located on your aircraft panel.
How often are updates required for the Internal Database?
There is no requirement for updates, since the map display is not used for
primary navigation. They are available on the normal Jeppesen 28-day cycle
through our Web site. Note that flight plan waypoints displayed from your IFR
certified GPS receiver are downloaded from the receiver and are always current.
Is the Garmin GNS 430 compatible?
Yes. Sandel and Garmin have worked together to create an extremely simple
interconnect scheme using the ARINC 429 digital data bus. A single GNS 430
interfaces to an SN3308 with a total of only four wires! (A dual GNS 430
configuration may require a small relay, but is still an extremely simple
interface.) All VOR, ILS, GPS and map data, as well as annunciators, flags and
switching commands are handled via the ARINC 429 bus.
Both the GNS 430 and the SN3308 require updated versions of software to
support this interconnect. The SN3308 must be at hardware revision MOD 1 or
later and software revision V1.30 or later. All SN3308s delivered after mid-March
1999 are at these revision levels. Older units will be upgraded free of charge but
must be returned to the factory for the MOD1 upgrade. Contact Sandel at 760727-4900 for details.
With the ARINC 429 interface, nav source selection can be made from either the
SN3308 or the GNS 430. Pressing the NAV button on the SN3308 will command
the GNS 430 to switch between VOR/LOC and GPS. Likewise, pressing the CDI
button on the GNS 430 will change the nav display on the SN3308.
The map presentation on the SN3308 will include waypoints sent from the GNS
430. It will NOT include topographic features such as roads, water or railroads.
A complete description of the SN3308 / GNS430 interface is also available.
Note that the SN3308 uses the same ports for both ARINC 429 and King serial
digital DME data. With a single GNS430 connected, one input port remains
available on the SN3308 for a DME input. With dual GNS430s both connected
as primary nav sources, a digital DME such as the KN62 or KN63 cannot be
interfaced. An older analog-style DME may still be interfaced in this situation,
Does the SN3308 work better with any one GPS System (ie. KLN 89, II
Morrow, or Garmin 155)?
The SN3308 works well with all of these units. When using an ARINC 429capable receiver such as the Garmin 155 or KLN-90B, these units send out data
on nearby waypoints in addition to flight-plan waypoints.
Will it work with the Apollo GX60?
Yes. The entire Apollo GX-series line is compatible.
Does it work with the Northstar M-3?
Yes. Northstar support was added in Version 1.12 of the software, released
1/2/99. The latest version of software is always available for downloading from
this site.
Is the Garmin 195 with RS 232 output compatible?
No. At the present time, the SN3308 does not accept NMEA data from any
handheld GPS receivers.
Does it serve as remote annunciator panel for a GPS receiver?
Yes, the SN3308 displays all the required annunciators for most models of GPS
receivers. It also provides the remote switch inputs required for some models of
IFR GPS, such as APPR ARM and OBS/LEG.
Can the SN3308 replace the GPS annunciator?
Yes, the SN3308 can replace the annunciator/switch panel used in GPS
installations. It can also control the nav source selection relays commonly used in
these setups.
Will the GPS automatically drive the course pointer?
Yes, this feature is called "auto-slew". When enabled, it causes the HSI course
pointer to automatically rotate to the current desired track being sent by the
GPS. This eliminates the messages from the GPS saying "turn course pointer to
xxx" at each new wayoint. The auto-slew feature is available from any longrange nav receiver (loran or GPS) currently supported by the SN3308.
Gyros and Autopilots
Will it work with a KCS-55 compass system?
Yes. The SN3308 works with the KMT112 fluxgate and the KG102 gyro. It can
replace the KI-525a indicator, or the KI-525 indicator can be retained and the
SN3308 can be slaved to it.
What kind of remote DG's can be used with the SN3308?
The SN3308 has been successfully interfaced with Collins, King, Bendix,
Honeywell, S-TEC, Mid-Continent and Aeronetics remote DG’s. Also, the
SN3308 can accept magnetic heading information in ARINC 429 low-speed
Can a panel-mount DG be used to drive the SN3308?
A self-slaved panel-mount DG can be used as a source as long as it has a
bootstrap output to drive the SN3308. A non-slaved panel mount DG (such as
Sigma-Tek) with a bootstrap can be used but only as an unslaved system, where
a flux gate will not be used.
Can the gyro be vacuum-driven?
Yes. A slaved vacuum DG or remote gyro with a bootstrap output can be used.
Is it compatible with STEC Autopilot 55 or 65?
Yes. It is compatible with most known autopilots.
What autopilots are compatible?
Any autopilot which can interface with a KI-525 indicator or Synchro type
indicator such as a Collins PN101, Bendix IN831, etc. should be
compatible. This includes King, STEC and Century autopilots.
Does it work with a Century 3 autopilot?
Yes, with the addition of several small isolation transformers installed between
the 1C388 radio coupler and the SN3308. These transformers are available from
electronics supply houses for a total cost of about $10. Please see the
installation documentation for details.
Does it work with a Century-IV autopilot?
Yes, with either the DC or 5KHZ AC version.
How does autopilot take information from the SN3308?
The SN3308 provides course and heading datum signals to the HSI. The OBS
knob and HDG knob work with the autopilot in the same way as with a
conventional HSI.
Nav Radios
Can it interface with the Collins Proline or the King Gold Crown?
Yes, both the Collins VIR-30A and the ARINC 568 DME used in the Gold Crown
line are supported as of software version 1.33, which was released on 5/19/99.
Will the KNS 80 show waypoints or VOR only?
Will the KNS 80 work in RNAV mode?
Will the VOR drive input from a KNS 80?
The SN3308 will receive standard VOR signals from a KNS80. However, the
KNS80 does not provide data on RNAV waypoints when it is used in RNAV
mode. Also, the KNS80 does not provide DME data in either VOR or RNAV
mode so DME data will not be displayed.
Does the SN3308 need a Nav converter between it and the NAV receiver?
The SN3308 uses composite nav signals only for the RMI bearing pointers. A
nav converter such as a King KN72, Century 1C707, or a nav receiver with a
built-in converter such as the KX-165 is needed to generate the left-right
deviation signal for the VOR and Localizer.
Will it work with a Stormscope?
The SN3308 displays lightning data from the WX-500 Stormscope remote sensor
ONLY. It does not interface to a WX-1000, 1000+ or 950. It also does not
interface to earlier Stormscopes like the WX-8 or WX-10.
Will it work with a Strikefinder?
No. The Insight Strikefinder contains its own display and does not provide a
serial data output.
Does the SN3308 work with Radar?
No, there are no radar interfaces available.
Installation & Service
Does my installation require a Nav switching relay?
Yes, this relay is used to switch the L-R and Flag signals to both the SN3308
display and the autopilot. If no autopilot is used a switching relay may not be
My GPS requires a resolver, does this require a switching relay?
If your GPS receiver uses ARINC-429, then you will not have to switch the
resolver signals – the course data is transmitted digitally. Check with your
The KI-525 is a non-standard cutout size. How does the SN3308 install in
this hole?
Sandel can supply a KI-525 Bezel Adapter which is used when the SN3308 is
replacing an existing KI-525. The KI-525 is slightly larger than the standard
ARINC cutout and has mounting screws which do not line up with the standard
hole pattern. The Bezel Adapter covers the excess area and provides a neat,
finished appearance.
How often is the projection lamp replaced?
The projection lamp must be changed annually or after 225 hours of use. The
lamp can be replaced by any avionics technician.
Replacing Existing Instruments
Can I replace my existing HSI with the SN 3308?
Yes. Your installer can adapt the existing HSI wiring to the SN3308 and add
additional wiring for the unique functions of the SN3308 such as GPS interface,
marker beacons, ADF, or Stormscope.
Can the SN3308 be used as a replacement for the King KCS 55?
Yes. It works with the KMT112 fluxgate and the KG102 gyro. It can replace the
KI-525 indicator.
Is the SN3308 electric?
The SN3308 is electric. The remote gyro connected to it may be vacuum,
pressure, or electric.
I do not have an HSI. What do I need to have to install a SN3308?
You would need to install a remote DG and fluxgate.
Can we replace an existing KPI 553 or other four-inch instrument?
Yes. Physically, the KPI-553 is four inches and the SN3308 is three inches. The
SN3308 can be mounted using an installer-fabricated cosmetic mounting plate.
FAA Approvals and Certifications
Is the SN3308 TSO'd?
Yes. It is certified to TSO-C113, “Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays” and
is approved as a PRIMARY display.
What STC's are available?
Sandel Avionics has received an FAA supplemental type certificate (STC)
approval for the SN3308 installed in a Beech F33A Bonanza. This STC is the
certification basis not only for Bonanzas but also for follow-on installations in
other aircraft. The FAA Flight Standards Office has issued a memorandum which
specifically states that the SN3308 is eligible for field approval without the need
for an airframe-specific STC.
What environmental standards does the SN3308 meet?
The SN3308 meets or exceeds all applicable RTCA/DO-160C requirements for
such environmental factors as temperature, shock, humidity, vibration, lightning
and RF fields.
Are demonstrations available? How can I see one?
Demonstrations are given at many major aviation shows and events.
Demonstrator units are available to all U.S. avionics dealers. Please contact the
Sandel Sales Department to be advised of demonstrations that will be conducted
in your area.
Price, Availability and Warranty
What's the cost? Where can I buy one?
Unit price is $9,495 plus installation, and it is available now from most U.S.
avionics shops. Installation costs vary, depending on your aircraft. Contact your
favorite avionics dealer for details or take a look at our dealer locator for the
name of a dealer near you. If you do not already have an HSI with a remote DG
there may be additional costs for the remote DG and flux gate.
What is the warranty?
One year parts and labor.
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