12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 1 2 SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 17 20 4 3 23 Excavate for new construction, fill and backfill as required, prepare subgrades and place aggregate bases for slabs, walks, and pavements. Protect all adjoining properties and existing structures from damage. Perform Work in conjunction with Section 02100 and other related Sections. B. Implement the erosion and sediment control plan for use during construction activities such as excavation, grading, backfilling, etc. and modify as needed dependent on actual activities. The plan, prepared primarily for combating erosion and sedimentation caused by rainfall and surface run-off, shall include control measures commonly used for compliance with the requirements set by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for a basic Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Incorporate into the plan the erosion control measures indicated to be performed on the Contract Documents. C. Execution of this Work will contaminated soil or debris. conjunction with Section 02081. encounter Perform asbestos work in 23 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS 21 A. Building Demolition....................Section 02060 B. Asbestos Abatement.....................Section 02081 C. Site Preparation.......................Section 02100 D. Foundation and Other Change Adjustments....... ....................Section 02250 E. Pile Foundations.......................Section 02360 F. Landscaping............................Section 02900 1.03 SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENTS A. NYCSCA The Contractor shall implement practices and procedures to meet the Project’s sustainable requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements related to these goals, as defined in Specification Section S01352, Sustainability Requirements, and as specified in this Section, are implemented to the fullest extent. Substitutions or other changes to the work EARTHWORK 02200 - 1 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ shall not be proposed by the Contractor or their subcontractors if such changes compromise the stated Sustainable Design Performance Criteria. B. Sustainability requirements included in the Section are as follows: 1. Sediment and erosion control plan and narrative. 2. Documentation measures. 3. Documentation of Recycled concrete aggregates. 4. Documentation of Regional materials. of sediment and erosion control 1.04 REFERENCES References and industry standards listed in this Section are applicable to the Work. Unless more restrictive criteria or differing requirements are explicitly stated in the Specifications, or mandated by governing codes or regulations, the recommendations, suggestions, and requirements described in the referenced standards shall be deemed mandatory and applicable to the Work. A. American Society of Testing standards, latest editions. and Materials (ASTM) D422 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. D1556 Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. D1557 Standard Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg) Rammer and 18-in. (457mm) Drop. D2167 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil In-Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. D2922 Standard Test Methods for Soil-Aggregate in Place (Shallow Depth). B. Density of Soil and by Nuclear Methods New York State Department of Environmental Conservation STARS Memo #1 Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Guidance Policy entire part except Sections III and IV), last revised August 1992 CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance Policy, Issued 10/21/2010 (effective 12/3/2010 NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 2 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ DER-10 Technical Guidance for Site Investigation and Remediation, Issued 5/3/2010 (effective 6/18/2010) C. New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR): 6 NYCRR Part 360, Solid Waste Management Facilities 6 NYCRR Part 364, Waste Transporter Permits 6 NYCRR Part 370, Hazardous Waste Management System – General 6 NYCRR Part 371, Hazardous Wastes Identification and Listing of 6 NYCRR Part 372, Hazardous Waste Manifest System and Related Standards for Generators, Transporters and Facilities 6 NYCRR Part 373, Hazardous Waste Management Facilities 6 NYCRR Part 375, Environmental Remediation Programs D. United States Department of Transportation (USDOT): 49 CFR 172, Subpart C - Shipping Papers 49 CFR 172, Subpart D – Marking 49 CFR 172, Subpart E - Labeling 49 CFR 172, Subpart F - Placarding 49 CFR 172, Subpart G - Emergency Response Information 49 CFR 173, Packagings General Requirements for Shipments and 49 CFR 177, Carriage by Public Highway E. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA): 40 CFR Part 261, Hazardous Waste Identification and Listing of 40 CFR Part 262, Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR Part 263, Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR Part 264 , Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 3 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 40 CFR Part 265, Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities F. United States Department of Labor (USDOL), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards 28 G. All Applicable New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) Rules and Regulations H. All applicable New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), Department of Sanitation (NYCDOS), Department of Buildings (NYCDOB), and Transit Authority (NYCTA) Rules and Regulations 1.05 DEFINITIONS A. Excavation Excavation is considered unclassified and consists of removal of material encountered to contract level, stockpiling, testing, loading, handling, transporting and subsequent legal disposal of such. B. Improvements Man-produced items such as concrete, brick, asphalt, piping, etc. Those items not naturally occurring. C. Non-Hazardous Excavated Material Material that may include or contain mixtures of the following: soil (including, but not limited to, natural undisturbed material), debris, concrete and concrete products (including steel or fiberglass reinforcing rods that are embedded in the concrete), asphalt pavement, brick, glass, rock, municipal solid waste, refuse, and incidental ash. This material includes material defined in Title 6 New York Code of Rules and Regulations 360-7.1(b)(1)(i) and will exceed 6 NYCRR 375-6 Unrestricted Use and Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives and NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives. 19 All material excavated from the site is assumed to meet the definition of non-hazardous excavated material. D. Petroleum-Contaminated Material Material (soil, concrete, sediment, UST contents, fill, debris, etc.) that meets the NYSDEC STARS Memo #1 definition of petroleum-contaminated material from known source areas. Petroleum-contaminated material shall be evidenced by the following observations and be NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 4 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ from a known source area: producing higher than background responses on a portable vapor meter such as a photo ionization detector or flame ionization detector, petroleum-like odor, visual impacts (e.g., staining or discoloration), proximity to known releases from existing or historic petroleum storage tanks or systems, and exceed the soil cleanup levels for gasoline and/or fuel oil contaminated soil provided in the NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance. The determination as to whether the excavated material is petroleum-contaminated or is non-petroleum contaminated material will be made by analytical testing of representative material samples. All sampling shall be performed under the supervision of the Authority’s IEH Division or its representative. The Contractor shall provide the Authority’s IEH Division with qualitative and quantitative information, and the IEH Division shall make the final determination as to whether or not the material is petroleum-contaminated and the appropriate disposal. E. Hazardous Waste Material meeting the definition of a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act hazardous waste as defined in 40 CFR Part 261, New York State ECL Section 27-09 or 6 NYCRR Part 371. F. Environmentally Clean Fill and Backfill 1. 26 NYCSCA For fill and backfill proposed for use as cover material (landscaped areas of the site within 2 vertical feet of the final surface grade elevation), environmentally clean fill is defined as soil that has been tested utilizing methods which yield laboratory reporting limits that are below the regulatory comparison criteria and found to contain: a. No detectable concentrations organic compounds; of volatile b. No other organic compounds or inorganic analytes at concentrations above 6 NYCRR 375-6 Unrestricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives; and c. No other organic compounds or inorganic analytes at concentrations above the lower of the NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance Residential Use, Protection of Ecological Resources, and Protection of Groundwater Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives. d. For sites with no ecological resources (as described in CP-51, Section V.C.) the EARTHWORK 02200 - 5 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives for Ecological Resources shall not apply. The determination regarding whether ecological resources are present shall be made by the IEH Division of the Authority. 2. For fill and backfill proposed for use below cover material (as defined in the previous paragraph) and underneath areas with no potential for public contact (e.g., floor slabs and pavement), environmentally clean fill is defined as soil that has been tested utilizing methods which yield laboratory reporting limits that are below the regulatory comparison criteria and found to contain: a. No detectable concentrations organic compounds; of volatile b. No other organic compounds or inorganic analytes at concentrations above the lower of DER-10 Technical Guidance for Site Investigation and Remediation, Appendix 5, “Allowable Constituent Levels for Imported Fill or Soil” Restricted Residential Use and Ecological Resources Soil Cleanup Objectives; and c. No other organic compounds or inorganic analytes at concentrations above the lower of the NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance Residential Use, Protection of Ecological Resources, and Protection of Groundwater Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives. d. For sites with no ecological resources (as described in CP-51, Section V.C.) the Soil Cleanup Objectives for Ecological Resources shall not apply. The determination regarding whether ecological resources are present shall be made by the IEH Division of the Authority. 1.06 SUBMITTALS 10 14 A. NYCSCA Product Data 1. Provide manufacturer's information on the compaction equipment to be used on each type of material for review. 2. Filter fabric for silt fence EARTHWORK 02200 - 6 12/05/14 B. Shop Drawings 1. Submit shop drawings and associated calculations for sheeting, shoring, bracing and underpinning. Shop drawings and calculations shall be signed and sealed by a New York State licensed professional engineer. 2. Submit engineer’s report on dewatering scheme along with associated drawings and calculations. 3. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan along with a written narrative. Incorporate into the drawings and narrative erosion control measures indicated to be performed on the Contract Documents. 4. Silt Fence 27 5. A Community Air Monitoring Plan in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.02H. C. 22 Samples D. Quality Control Submittals 20 14 DESIGN No. _____ Provide a 15 pound bag of each material used for imported fill, backfill, aggregate base, gas permeable aggregate, crushed stone, broken stone ballast to the Authority's testing laboratory. 1. Design Data Provide the following information: 22 2. 31 NYCSCA a. Gradation analysis for fill materials. b. Gradation analysis for aggregate bases. c. Gradation analysis for crushed stone. d. Gradation analysis for broken stone ballast. e. Material composition concrete material. analysis f. Gradation aggregate. for analysis gas of recycled permeable Existing Conditions Survey Submit existing conditions survey and monitoring plan consisting of various data described in Article 3.02 of this Section. Monitoring Plan shall be prepared in accordance with Section BC 3309.16 of the 2014 NYC Building Code. EARTHWORK 02200 - 7 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Monitoring Plan for underpinning work shall prepared in accordance with Section BC 1814.3. 3. 4. be Certificates a. Provide certificate guaranteeing fill and backfill material used for construction conforms to the samples supplied and the requirements of this section. b. Provide certificate guaranteeing aggregate materials used for construction conforms to the gradation supplied and the requirements of this section. c. Provide facility permits, material acceptance requirements, and waste analytical requirements for each proposed off-site disposal facility that conform to the requirements of this section. d. Provide a certification, along with the testing results indicated below under “Testing”, to the IEH Division for review and approval from each proposed borrow area stating that the imported fill and aggregate are environmentally clean and each meet the requirements of this section of the specifications and the test data is representative of the source. The letter shall also provide for each borrow area site: street address; section, block and lot numbers; and, a description of the current and former uses of each borrow area site. e. Provide a certification at the time of delivery of each load of environmentally clean fill that the load was shipped to the site directly from the Authority approved source of environmentally clean fill. This certification shall show the name and address of the source of each load, the license plate number of the vehicle transporting the load, and the time of departure of the load from the source. Contractor Qualifications Provide proof of Contractor and Professional Engineer qualifications specified under “Quality Assurance”. 5. Testing a. NYCSCA Provide analytical testing of: EARTHWORK 02200 - 8 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 26 b. NYCSCA 1) Existing material to satisfy requirements facilities. be removed to of disposal 2) Borrow (imported fill) material to verify it is environmentally clean fill for use as cover material and for use below cover material or underneath areas with no potential for public contact. Samples shall be collected at a frequency of no less than one sample per 500 cubic yards and shall be analyzed for the full list of 6 NYCRR Part 375 and NYSDEC CP-51 Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives Parameters (as defined above) using acceptable laboratory reporting limits (below the regulatory comparison criteria) to demonstrate that the soil complies with the requirements for environmentally clean fill. 3) Existing material to be reused on-site to verify that the material meets the definition of environmentally clean fill for use as cover material and for use below cover material or underneath areas with no potential for public contact. Samples shall be collected at a frequency of no less than one sample per 500 cubic yards and shall be analyzed for 6 NYCRR Part 375 and NYSDEC CP-51 Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives Parameters (as defined above) using acceptable laboratory reporting limits (below the regulatory comparison criteria) to demonstrate that the soil complies with the requirements for environmentally clean fill. Analytical testing shall be performed by a New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) certified laboratory engaged by the Contractor. Laboratory reporting limits shall be acceptable to the Authority (i.e., below the regulatory comparison criteria). Utilize “Template 1A or “Template 1B” as directed by the Authority’s IEH Division provided at the end of this section. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the format and content guidance of the IEH Division template tables. EARTHWORK 02200 - 9 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 6. Documentation of Proper Disposal Documentation acceptable to the Authority that material removed from the site for disposal has been disposed of at a facility approved by the Authority. E. Excavated Material Disposal Plan Excavated Material Disposal Plan prepared in accordance with Article “Disposal of Excavated Material” of this Section and good engineering practices. Utilize “Template 2” provided at the end of this section. 21 F. Sustainability Submittals 1. Sediment and erosion control plan and written narrative, as provided in paragraph B.3 above. 2. Documentation of implementation sedimentation control measures: 3. erosion and a. Digital dated photos showing control measures at each location on the plan. b. Inspection logs by the Contractor’s Superintendent of the measures throughout the project and descriptions of corrective action. Submit Contractor’s Sustainable Materials Form with complete information on recycled content for materials provided under the work of this section in accordance with Section S01352, Sustainability Requirements. Include cost of materials and percentage, by weight, of materials that have post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled content. a. Recycled concrete aggregate 4. Submit documentation of recycled consisting of product data, mix information, or manufacturer’s statement: 5. Submit Contractor’s Sustainable Materials Form with complete information on regional content for the following item provided under the work of this section in accordance with Section S01352, Sustainability Requirements. Include cost of all materials and distance in miles to point of materials extraction and manufacture. a. 6. NYCSCA of content design Fill and backfill materials Submit documentation of regional materials, product data or material suppliers’ statement. EARTHWORK 02200 - 10 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications 1. Company specializing in performing the Work of this Section shall have a minimum of 3 years experience and shall have worked on 3 projects of similar size. 2. Preparation of details of sheeting, shoring, bracing and underpinning as well as monitoring plans shall be under the direct supervision of and bear the seal of a Licensed Professional Engineer of the State of New York experienced in the design of such work, who shall also be responsible for filing such documents and the construction supervision of such. 31 B. C. Regulatory Requirements 1. Work of this Section shall conform to all requirements of the NYC Building Code and all applicable regulations and guidelines of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, safety, health, and anti-pollution regulations. Where more stringent requirements than those contained in the Building Code or other applicable regulations are given in this Section, the requirements of this Section shall govern. 2. Work outside the street line shall conform to the requirements of the governmental authorities or utilities having jurisdiction (i.e. DOT, DEP, etc.). Where more stringent requirements than those provided by the applicable governmental authority are given in this Section, the requirements of this Section shall govern. 3. Conform to the requirements of "Safety and Health Standards, Subpart P - Excavations, Trenching and Shoring" - OSHA. 4. All fill and backfill must be environmental clean materials Regulatory Requirements 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. NYCSCA Imported fill and aggregate materials to be used for project are to be stockpiled separately at the producer's facility and shall be accessible to EARTHWORK 02200 - 11 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ inspection Authority. and quality control (QC) testing by the B. Stockpile material brought to the site prior to placing in order to allow for testing by the Authority’s testing laboratory. Stockpile material in such a manner as to prevent erosion and dust. Provide silt curbs if necessary. C. Testing and certification of all environmentally clean fill and aggregate responsibilities of the Contractor. imported are the 1.09 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions 1. NYCSCA Site Information a. Obtain all Building Department data available on the lot and those adjacent lots affected or being affected by the project construction. b. The Authority makes no predictions or representations regarding the character or extent of soil, rock, or other subsurface conditions to be encountered during the work. The Contractor shall make its own deductions of the subsurface conditions that may affect the methods or cost of construction of the work hereunder, and agrees that it will make no claims for damages or compensations, except as are provided under the agreement should the Contractor find conditions during the progress of the work substantially different from those indicated on the geotechnical borings provided with the documents. Additional borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by the Contractor, at the Contractor’s option and following the Authority’s approval. No change in the Contract Sum will be authorized for such additional exploration undertaken by the Contractor. c. The subsurface information (borings or other subsurface explorations) contained in the Contract Documents were obtained primarily for use in preparing the foundation design and is included in the Contract Documents for the convenience of the Contractor. d. Soil and/or groundwater data given on borings or other subsurface explorations supplied by EARTHWORK 02200 - 12 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ the Authority are not intended as warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil stratum. Contractor is responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom. Additionally, depth to water measurements in environmental investigation reports shall not be relied upon for bidding purposes. 2. Existing Utilities a. B. Locate existing underground utilities: 1) Provide adequate means of support and protection for utilities to remain during Work. 2) Demolish and remove underground utilities designated to be removed. Coordinate with utility companies for shut-off services if lines are active. b. Consult immediately with the utility owner for directions should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation. Cooperate with the utility owner, the Department of Education, and owners of lots serviced by the utilities in keeping their respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of the Utility Owner. c. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied and used by the Department of Education or others during occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by the Department of Education and the affected lot owners, and only after acceptable temporary utility service has been provided. Do not proceed with interruption of services without providing a minimum of 48 hours notice to the affected parties and receiving their written approval. d. Coordinate all Work Divisions 15 and 16. with the Work of Coordination Examine drawings to determine sequence of operations, and relation to work of other trades. Start of work will signify acceptance of field conditions and will acknowledge coordination with other trades. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 13 12/05/14 C. DESIGN No. _____ Foundations and Other Changes The Authority reserves the right to change the design of the foundation due to unforeseen soil conditions. If the foundation design is so changed, the contract price will be adjusted as set forth in Section 02250, "Foundation and Other Change Adjustments". 1.10 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Perform work in such a manner to ensure a minimum interference with roads, walks, adjacent properties, and facilities to remain open. Do not close or obstruct these items without obtaining permits from the agencies having jurisdiction or the permission of the adjacent owners. B. There shall be no petroleum-contaminated material and/or hazardous waste excavation and handling activities performed when the existing building is in use by the Department of Education or others during occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by the Authority. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 14 22 2.01 MATERIALS A. 26 B. Restricted Excavated Material Remove all debris not explicitly designated to be salvaged (to remain) from improvements and soil excavated during construction from premises and legally dispose of away from premises as part of the base bid. Any environmentally clean fill (as defined in paragraph 1.05F and tested to meet such requirement) meeting the gradation requirements of Paragraph B below may be reused on the site pending credit to the Authority. Fill and Backfill Only environmentally clean fill (as defined in paragraph 1.05F) shall be used as fill and backfill. All fill and backfill shall be material classified as controlled fill by the New York City Building Code. Composition shall consist of a mixture of angular sands and gravels. Flat structured material such as mica (the main component of “mole” rock) falling into the acceptable gradation or other material affecting the permeability and structural characteristics of the sand material shall be no more than .4% of the total material. Material shall not contain salts or foreign materials of any kind and the material shall show a percentage of wear by the Los Angeles wear test (ASTM C131) of not more than 35%. These fill materials shall NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 14 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ contain no particles exceeding 3" in the largest dimension. No more than 30% of the material by weight shall be retained on a 3/4” sieve. No more than 10% shall pass the No. 200 sieve by weight. The Contractor shall provide the Authority with laboratory data on material proposed for use as fill/backfill. Samples shall be collected from imported material and material proposed for reuse on-site. The Contractor shall collect and analyze one representative sample of each material for every 500 cubic yards of imported fill/backfill brought to the site or material proposed for reuse on-site for the complete list of 6 NYCRR Part 375 and NYSDEC CP-51 Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives Parameters as defined in paragraph 1.05F. C. Aggregate Base 1. Aggregate base course under pavements, driveways, and slabs shall be composed of crushed ledge rock (blue stone), roughly cubical or pyramidal in shape, and sand meeting the gradation and soundness requirements of New York State DOT, Item 3.04.02, Type 2. Material shall be uniform in quality and free of wood, loam, clay, dirt, roots, bark, and any other extraneous material. Material shall not contain salts or foreign materials of any kind. The aggregate shall be produced from material showing a percentage of wear by the Los Angeles wear test (ASTM C131) of not more than 35%. 2. Stone shall have the following gradation: 25 Sieve 2" 1/4” No. 40 No. 200 D. NYCSCA 100 25-60 5-40 0-10 Crushed Stone 1. 25 Percent Passing by Weight Crushed stone, to be used under interior slabs on grade and backfill at narrow excavations, shall be composed of crushed ledge rock (blue stone), roughly cubical or pyramidal in shape, with a gradation conforming to ASTM C33 No. 57 stone. Material shall be uniform in quality and free of wood, loam, clay, dirt, roots, bark, and any other extraneous material. Material shall not contain salts or foreign materials of any kind. The aggregate shall be produced from material showing a percentage of wear by the Los Angeles wear test (ASTM C131) of not more than 35%. EARTHWORK 02200 - 15 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 2. Stone shall have the following gradation: Sieve Percent Passing by Weight 11/2" 1" 1/2" No. 4 No. 8 E. 22 Gas Permeable Aggregate 1. Gas Permeable Aggregate, to be used under building floor slabs and as shown on the Drawings shall be composed of gravel, crushed gravel, and crushed stone, roughly cubical or pyramidal in shape. Gas permeable aggregate shall be uniform in quality and free of wood, loam, clay, mica, dirt, roots, bark, and any other extraneous material. Gas permeable aggregate shall not contain salts or foreign materials of any kind. Material selected for use as gas permeable aggregate shall be composed of particles which will not be reduced in size due to forces exerted on the material during placement and construction as by the Los Angeles wear test (ASTM C131). 2. Gas Permeable Aggregate shall be Tilcon “Straight 3/4-inch Stone”, New York Sand & Stone “School Construction Authority Gas Permeable Aggregate”, 110 Sand “3/4-inch gravel”, or Authority-approved equal meeting the following gradation requirements: Sieve Size 1” 3/4" 1/2” 7 F. Percent Passing by Weight 95-100 30-60 0-5 Broken Stone Ballast 1. NYCSCA 100 95-100 25-60 0-15 0-5 Broken stone ballast, to be used to stabilize poor soils, shall be composed of crushed ledge rock (blue stone), roughly cubical or pyramidal in shape, with a gradation conforming to ASTM C33 No. 3 stone. Material shall be uniform in quality and free of wood, loam, clay, dirt, roots, bark, and any other extraneous material. Material shall not contain salts or foreign materials of any kind. The aggregate shall be produced from material showing a percentage of wear by the Los Angeles wear test (ASTM C131) of not more than 35%. EARTHWORK 02200 - 16 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 2. Stone shall have the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 21/2" 2" 11/2" 1" 1/2” G. Recycled Concrete Aggregate 1. As an option, recycled concrete aggregate may be used instead of ledge rock for aggregate base, crushed stone, and broken stone ballast (meeting the indicated gradations for each), depending on the soundness of aggregates, which are at the Engineer of Record's option. The material must be clean, with no deleterious material visible (wood, brick, metal, or other friable material) and meet the following criteria: a. Material shall consist of at least 99% by weight of Portland cement concrete or ledge rock. b. Material making up the remaining 1% shall be as follows: c. H. 1) Wood - 0.1% maximum 2) Brick, mica schist, metal, or other friable stone material - 0.4% maximum 3) Asphaltic Concrete - 1% maximum Material shall be environmentally clean (as defined in Paragraph 1.05F. Silt Fence 1. Filter Cloth: a. Harris Silt Fence b. Stabilinka T140N 2. Woven Wire Fence: Minimum 15 gauge, maximum 6” mesh spacing 3. Fence Posts: a. NYCSCA 100 90-100 35-70 0-15 0-5 Steel either Hardwood “T“ or “U” type or 2”X4” EARTHWORK 02200 - 17 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Provide proper compaction equipment to properly compact subgrade, fill and backfill, gas permeable aggregate, aggregate base, crushed stone and broken stone base. Subgrade compaction requirements are indicated in those sections. Employ a Licensed Professional Engineer to determine soil type and which equipment will give the proper compaction. 2.03 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests The Authority's Testing Laboratory following laboratory tests: B. will perform the 1. Sieve Analysis: Performed in accordance with ASTM D422 on submitted fill samples to verify material meets gradation requirements. In addition, recycled concrete aggregate will be examined for materials conformance. 2. Moisture Density Curve: Optimum moisture content obtained from submitted fill samples, tested in accordance with ASTM D1557. Inspection 1. 2. Testing Laboratory a. The Authority will engage an approved Testing Laboratory or Special Inspection Agency to perform laboratory tests and field compaction testing on the fill/backfill materials and subgrade. b. The Laboratory will be responsible to and under the supervision of a Special Inspector. Special Inspection The Authority will assign, under the requirements as defined in Chapter 1 Title 28 of the NYC Administrative Code and Section BC 1704.7 of the 2014 NYC Building Code, a Special Inspector to supervise the testing of the controlled filling operations and approval of the subgrade bearing capacity, as well as and inspection of underpinning and shoring operations as per Sections BC 1704.20.3 and BC 1704.20.2. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 18 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 3. Contractor’s Responsibility Inspections and testing performed by the Authority’s agent(s) shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performing all other testing and inspection specified herein or otherwise necessary to meet the quality control and quality assurance requirements of this Section. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions Verify existing site conditions match those of the survey or pre-bid inspections. Notify the Authority in writing prior to commencement of Work of any discrepancies. B. Preparation 1. Before starting any excavation work for new construction, ascertain the exact locations of all existing underground drain lines, piping, and conduits. Consult with the Mechanical Trades. 2. At location where any of the above services interfere with the excavation work, notify the Authority and the Mechanical Trade under whose jurisdiction such work falls before continuing with any more excavation. 3.02 PREPARATION AND PROTECTION A. Condition Survey 1. General: The Contractor shall perform a condition survey of the adjoining properties and existing school building (if applicable) prior to beginning excavation. 2. Photographs: Take photographs of the building walls of the adjoining properties and existing school (if applicable) so that the surfaces may be examined during construction and compared with the pre-work condition. If any cracks or other stress signs are exhibited by the buildings, halt operations until corrective action has been provided and is acceptable to the Authority. 3. Monitoring a. NYCSCA Retain survey a Licensed of existing Surveyor to provide a conditions of adjoining EARTHWORK 02200 - 19 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ properties and existing school (if applicable). Engage a Licensed Professional Engineer to develop a monitoring plan, which is to be implemented by the Contractor, as required by Sections BC 3309.6 and BC 3309.4.4. Monitoring Plan shall be in accordance with Section BC 3309.16. Monitoring Plan for underpinning operations shall be in accordance with Section BC 1814.3. 31 30 NYCSCA b. Survey adjacent structures and improvements, establishing exact elevations at fixed points to act as benchmarks. c. Clearly identify benchmarks and record existing elevations. Locate datum level used to establish benchmark elevations sufficiently distant so as not to be affected by movement resulting from excavation operations. d. All work shall be laid out giving all points, lines, and levels from established points on the Drawings. Elevations shall be verified from existing benchmarks by the Surveyor. e. During excavation, resurvey benchmarks weekly, employing a Licensed Land Surveyor or Licensed Professional Engineer. Maintain accurate log of surveyed elevations for comparison with original elevations. f. Provide accelerometers on adjacent structures prior to commencing work. Monitor accelerometers regularly. During installation of sheet or soldier piles, monitor accelerometers continuously. g. Should benchmark readings indicate displacement or accelerometers exceed normally acceptable limits for particle velocity (depending on condition of adjacent structure and if the building is considered a historic structure by the city or state), halt operations until corrective action has been provided and is acceptable to the Authority. EARTHWORK 02200 - 20 12/05/14 B. DESIGN No. _____ Shoring, Sheeting, Bracing, and Underpinning 1. 29 NYCSCA General a. Inspect site, examine existing conditions and make all necessary preparations for the safe and proper sequence of work. b. Properly guard and protect excavations so as to prevent them from becoming dangerous to person or property. c. Properly slope sides of excavation or provide shoring, sheeting and bracing to prevent caving, erosion, or gullying of sides of excavations. The sides of all excavations that are 5 feet or greater in depth measured from adjacent ground surface to the deepest point, shall be protected to prevent the sides from caving in. Alternatively, excavation sides may be sloped not steeper than 45 degrees. d. Brace, shore, and protect existing structures when excavations are made adjacent to the existing structures or within a distance that they will be affected by the excavation. Underpin adjacent structures when excavations are carried to a depth that will require it by the NYC Building Code or when indicated on Drawings. e. Maintain sides and slope of excavation in safe condition until backfilling or other work is complete. Maintain shoring and bracing in place till completion of work. Ensure that after all rainstorms all sides or slopes of excavations are inspected as per BC 3304.5.1 and safe conditions restored. f. Provide materials serviceable order. g. All shoring, bracing, sheet piling, etc. is to be removed upon completion of the work where they are installed, including any portion thereof, outside of street and lot lines. Within the lot, remove all wood and cut steel elements at a minimum to 4 feet below grade. Where they interfere with new work and utilities, remove elements in their entirety. for work in good EARTHWORK 02200 - 21 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 2. Inspection and Code Requirements a. Sheet piling, sheeting, shoring, bracing, and underpinning for protection of excavations and protection of adjacent structures and the public is the responsibility of the Contractor and shall comply with the requirements of Section BC 3309, Protection of Adjoining Property. b. The most stringent requirements of the Building Code, Contract Drawings, Specifications, or any authorities having jurisdiction shall govern this Work. c. Coordinate Work of this Section with Work of all other Divisions so as to properly, and completely, install all Work as drawn or specified. d. The Contractor shall engage the services of a third party Registered Professional Engineer (not a direct employee) to prepare details of underpinning, cofferdams, caissons, bracing, sheeting, sheet piling, shoring, party wall stabilization, and other construction as well as preparation of the monitoring plan required for protection of excavations and support of adjacent properties or buildings as per Sections BC 1704.20.7, BC 3309.6 and BC 3309.4.4. These drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer of Record for general review, which does not relieve the Contractor's Engineer of responsibility for the adequacy of the design. e. The Contractor's Engineer shall file Form PW-1 with the Building Department, thereby becoming the Engineer of Record for such protection work and is responsible for stability of all slopes and bracing and underpinning and for preparation of all design and shop drawings and their approval by the Building Department. The SCA will engage a Special Inspection Agency to perform the Special Inspections described in Sections BC 1704.20.2, BC 1704.20.3, and BC 3304.4.1. f. As per Section BC 3304.3.1, no earthwork within the property line shall commence unless Contractor or permit holder notifies the Department of Building via phone or electronically within 24 to 48 hours prior to the commencement of such work. Refer to the Building Code for exceptions. The Contractor 31 NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 22 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ shall preserve and protect from damage any adjoining structures. g. When an excavation to a depth of 5 to 10 feet is to be made within 10 feet of an adjacent building or over 10 feet anywhere on the site, the Contractor shall provide written notice to the owner of the adjacent building not less than 10 days prior to the starting of excavation as per Section BC 3304.3.2. The written notice shall describe the work, timeframe and schedule and contact information of the contractor and of the department. No excavation shall commence until the Contractor has documented the existing conditions of all adjacent buildings in a pre-construction survey. 24 h. As per Section BC 3304.3.3, obtain approval and permit from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection prior to commencement of any drilling or excavation activity greater than 100 feet (including pile drilling) falling within 500 feet horizontal distance from the centerline of a water tunnel. Provide notification to the agency prior to commencement of actual activities. 24 i. As per Section BC 3304.3.4, obtain approval and permit from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation prior to commencement of any drilling or excavation activity greater than 500 feet. Provide notification to such the agency prior to commencement of actual activities. j. As per Section BC 3304.3.5, obtain approval and permit from the NYC Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transit Authority, or the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey prior to commencement of any excavation activity within 200 feet from any subway or tunnel structure. Provide notification to such agencies prior to commencement of actual activities. 24 C. Water Control - Dewatering 1. NYCSCA Provide for the pumping and removal of all water that is encountered on the Site at any location, at any and all times, during the course of construction of the project and until the acceptance of the building. Prevent surface water and subsurface or groundwater from flowing into EARTHWORK 02200 - 23 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ excavations and from flooding the project site and surrounding area in order to keep the site and foundation subgrades dry. 16 NYCSCA 2. No additional payment shall be made to the Contractor for pumping and removal of water required for installation of Work at the Contract level. This pumping and removal applies to all water from any source whatsoever, and includes subsurface or ground water, seepage, leakage, drainage, trapped water, rain or snow, overflows, etc., except for unforeseen water main breaks not caused by the Contractor’s operations. 3. Furnish and operate all pumping equipment necessary to protect against damage to all structural installations subjected to hydrostatic pressure. Consult geotechnical borings for water levels. The groundwater table shall be assumed to be at least 3 feet higher than the highest level indicated on the borings as ground water levels will fluctuate. 4. Do not use sump pumps furnished under Division 15 for dewatering purposes. 5. During excavation for and placing of pile caps, footings, slabs, etc., the Contractor, at own expense, shall maintain ground water to a depth below the bottoms of the caps, footings, slabs, etc. that will prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting of footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. 6. Provide and maintain pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away from the excavations, including all surface water. Continue ground water dewatering until the caps, footings, etc. are backfilled and till the discontinuation of pumping will not endanger any construction as determined by the Authority. The structure shall be of adequate dead weight to counterbalance the uplift force of the water before discontinuation of dewatering. Obtain written approval from the Authority before subjecting the structure to hydrostatic pressure. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for providing and maintaining the structural integrity of the structure. Remove all water from the building area. 7. Engage a Professional Engineer licensed in the state of New York knowledgeable in dewatering systems to design the dewatering system. The EARTHWORK 02200 - 24 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Engineer shall submit an Engineer's report to the Authority for record keeping. Include draw-down curves and other such information. Dewatering operation shall be performed with supervisory personnel who have had at least five years experience in dewatering work. Maintain adequate supervision and control to ensure that stability of excavated and constructed slopes and trenches are not adversely affected by water; erosion is controlled; flooding of excavations or trenches, or damage to structures does not occur. NYCSCA 8. Install and operate dewatering system or systems in such a manner as to avoid the movement of fines or loss of ground from below the bearing levels and so as not to influence the stability of surrounding areas. Whatever method employed by the Contractor shall include the facilities needed to eliminate loss of ground. 9. The Contractor shall utilize methods that minimize drawdown and pumping rates, and comply with dewatering permit. 10. The Contractor shall be responsible for all remedial action due to problems arising from improper/illegal dewatering. The Contractor shall obtain all permits from governing regulatory agencies, including but not limited to New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), for dewatering and the offsite disposal of water. 11. Dispose of water from site in such manner as will not cause injury to the public health, nor to public or private property, nor to the work completed or in progress, nor to the surface of the streets, nor cause any interference with the use of the same by the public. Contaminated water generated from dewatering activities shall not be disposed of on site. At a minimum, a fractionation tank, oil/water separator, and granular activated carbon adsorption system shall be provided for treatment of contaminated water. Prevent silting of storm sewers by using settling tanks or other devices approved by the DEP. Clean sewer lines that are to be used for disposal of water and waste during construction. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits for disposal of liquids generated during dewatering operations and for the pretreatment of all liquids as required for disposal in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations. EARTHWORK 02200 - 25 12/05/14 D. E. DESIGN No. _____ 12. Place all dewatering and discharge pipes and hoses that cross-traveled roadways in such a manner so as to eliminate any disruption of traffic flow. If so ordered by the Authority, place the pipe and hoses in shallow trenches that shall then be plated over. Firmly secure all plates so as to eliminate any possible shift or movement. 13. Dewatering by means of well points or deep wells will not be allowed in the Boroughs of Brooklyn or Queens where the rate of pumping exceeds 45 gallons per minute unless the appropriate permit has been secured from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. This shall be done by the Contractor at own expense. Frost Protection 1. Furnish all facilities and materials needed to prevent the earth and/or rock at bottom of excavation from becoming frozen or unsuitable to receive the footings and/or pile caps. 2. Do not carry excavation to Contract levels during freezing weather without providing complete protection against freezing of the subgrade as hereinafter specified. Provide complete protection against freezing if freezing weather sets in after completion of the excavation to Contract levels. This protection shall include adequate heating facilities and coverage of the area to maintain temperatures above freezing until footings and/or pile caps have been concreted and backfilled. Where backfilling results in less than four feet of cover for the bottom of the footing and/or pile cap, protect subgrade against freezing. 3. When excavations for footings, piers or pile caps have been brought to the bottom elevations indicated on the Drawings and the bottoms of these excavations become frozen or otherwise unsuitable in the opinion of the Special Inspector because of inadequate protection by the Contractor, these excavations shall be carried to lower depths sufficient to provide stable bearings as determined by the Special Inspector and subject to approval by the Engineer of Record and without additional cost to the Authority. Use of Explosives The use of explosives shall be in strict conformance with regulations governing such use by New York City Department of Buildings and other authorities having NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 26 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ jurisdiction, including the New York City Fire Department as per Section BC 3304.3.6. Explosives may not be used without the written approval of the Authority. 20 F. Erosion & Sediment Control Provide temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soilbearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. The Contractor shall formulate and carry out the Steps identified in a balanced erosion and sedimentation control plan when performing any land disturbance. Measures employed for limiting soil erosion and off-site pollution caused by sedimentation shall include, but not be limited to, vegetative cover and/or sediment control devices. 1. NYCSCA Vegetative Control Measure: Vegetation over an area slated for undergoing excavation, backfilling, or trenching is the best means for containing soil loss. Seeds or mulch shall be spread over a disturbed area that will remain open for a long period before the next construction activity begins. Criteria for selecting seed types for permanent vegetation shall be based upon plant adaptability to ground conditions, maintenance requirements or lack thereof. a. Quick stabilization of sloped and/or disturbed ground shall be performed to ensure the establishment of planted seeds. Grading and stabilization over a large construction site shall not be delayed, pending the completion of all activities for the project. If necessary, soil stabilization or grading efforts shall be phased according to a phasing plan. b. Existing trees, shrubs, and other ground cover is a buffer to soil erosion and they shall be protected. During construction, the Contractor shall exercise great care to preclude damages to existing vegetation that might be caused by construction equipment. Construct barriers made of wood or steel to surround trees and other vegetation. c. Workers at the construction site shall be cognizant of the erosion and sediment plan and shall be involved in guarding against damages to vegetated areas caused by humans. Use tape, signs and other methods listed in the New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control to highlight seeded areas. EARTHWORK 02200 - 27 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 2. Sediment Control Devices Displaced soil particles produced by rainfall or surface run-off can have a harmful effect on the environment and create clogging problems in the drainage system. If vegetative cover is not appropriate, a structural sediment control device shall be employed to guard off against damages caused by sedimentation. Commonly used sediment control devices that are also acceptable under the New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control include: a. Stabilized Construction Entrance At entrances and exit points to the construction site, provide a stabilized pad of aggregates for capturing mud or sediment that may be transported by vehicular traffic. Use 2” stone or reclaimed concrete equivalent that is well compacted over the sub-grade to maintain the dimensions (width, length and depth) of the site entrances and exits. Build stabilized construction entrances having at a minimum, 12” thick stone or layered recycled concrete material with 12” depth. Replace aggregates on an as-needed basis after rainfall events. b. Silt Fence Perimeter of disturbed area shall be fencedoff using a geotextile fabric (filter cloth) similar to Harris Silt Fence to minimize runoff velocity and limit damages caused by carried over sediment. Construction of silt fence shall conform to the following recommendations from the U.S Department of Agriculture: NYCSCA 1) Woven wire fence (14½-gauge and max. 6” mesh spacing) shall be fastened securely to supporting posts using wire ties or staples. Posts shall be 36” long and driven into the ground at least 18”. 2) Sedimentation filtering fabric similar to Harris Silt Fence (geotextile material) or an approved equal shall be fastened securely to woven wire fence with ties spaced every 24” at top and mid section. EARTHWORK 02200 - 28 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 3) c. When two (2) sections of the filtering fabric adjoin each other, they shall be overlapped by 6” and folded. Storm Drain Inlet Protection Keep silting of underground storm drainage piping from occurring and contain off-site pollution caused by sediment laden run-off using a permeable barrier around drain inlets. Typical drain inlets protection to be utilized include: (1) stone & block drop inlet protection and (2) fabric drop inlet protection 1) Stone & Block Drop Inlet Protection Build barrier made of blocks and stones that reach at least one (1) foot high in front of the storm drain inlet. The block protection shall be constructed in a manner that allows water to drain through a few block openings. Use clean stone or gravel 1/2" to 3/4" in diameter placed 2” below the top of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter as recommended by the U.S Department of Agriculture. 2) Fabric Drop Inlet Protection Another means for preventing clogging of the drainage system caused by deposited sediment is to build a protective barrier made of filter fabric. Top of the barrier shall be so arranged as to enable overflow to drain into the drainage structure. Supporting stakes for the filtering fabric are necessary; they shall measure 3 feet long and surround the drainage structure in all sides. Stakes materials shall be 2” x 4” wood or equivalent metal. Burlap material may be used temporarily as a filtering fabric. NYCSCA 3. Inspect, repair, and maintain erosion and sedimentation control measures during construction until permanent vegetation has been established. 4. Remove erosion and sedimentation controls and restore and stabilize areas disturbed during removal. 5. Document measures by digital photographs and logs of inspections. EARTHWORK 02200 - 29 12/05/14 G. 27 H. NYCSCA DESIGN No. _____ Workability of Excavation Subgrade 1. Take all steps necessary to prepare or improve existing conditions for proposed foundation work, including general excavation throughout the project site. 2. Properly grade site and perform operations to avoid disturbing the existing subgrade and any intermediate subgrade. 3. If subgrade conditions are disturbed that prevent earthwork operations or safe operation of foundation installation equipment, the Contractor shall take steps to improve subgrade conditions at own expense. Many types of soils are sensitive to disturbances such at water saturation or construction traffic and become unworkable. Community Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) shall be in effect during excavation work. 1. Comply with the requirements of the following: New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Generic CAMP, Appendix 1A of NYSDEC DER-10. 2. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Authority a Community Air Monitoring Plan. Approval of the CAMP shall be required prior to mobilizing to the site. 3. Odor or dust complaints from any owner of an adjacent or nearby property shall be managed by the Contractor in a manner equivalent to an exceedance of an action level in the CAMP. 4. Ambient air monitoring shall be conducted upwind and downwind of the excavation area at the property perimeters for fugitive dust emissions and organic vapors during periods of excavation, placement of excavated materials in storage piles, and loading of transporting vehicles. If readings above established threshold levels are detected, the Contractor shall institute measures to control dust and/or organic vapors at no additional cost to the Authority. The measures utilized shall be subject to the approval of the Authority. 5. Any exceedance of a CAMP threshold or action level shall be reported to the NYCSCA IEH Division immediately and additionally in writing within 2 hours of the time it is recorded. The report shall include the instrument readings, location of the monitoring station where the exceedance was recorded, readings at upwind locations, duration of elevated readings (i.e., number of 15 minute EARTHWORK 02200 - 30 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ time-weighted exceedances), activities being performed at the time of the exceedances, and descriptions of countermeasures implemented to control the exceedance and prevent future occurrences. 6. A qualified environmental monitor with “stop work authority” shall be responsible for the air monitoring and daily calibration and maintenance of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. The resume of the proposed qualified environmental monitor shall be included in the Contractor prepared CAMP for IEH review and approval. Copies of manufacturers’ owner’s manuals for instrumentation to be used shall be included in the CAMP. All instrumentation and equipment shall be maintained at all times in proper operating condition. 7. The qualified environmental monitor shall document in the dedicated project log book each calibration event, any equipment and instrument malfunctions, unusual conditions, air monitoring station locations, any exceedances of action levels and countermeasures implemented. Dates and times must be well documented. 8. The Contractor shall respond to exceedances of the CAMP action levels immediately. 3.03 EXCAVATION - GENERAL 13 A. Excavate all materials of every kind to the Contract elevations and dimensions required by the Drawings and Specifications and any additional material required for safe slope of excavation, regardless of the character of materials and obstructions encountered. Prior to excavation, perform GPR survey of area of excavation to determine location of any unknown buried utilities. B. No additional compensation will be allowed for excavation or foundation work carried below the levels shown on Drawings unless same has been authorized in writing by the Authority. Contractor is responsible for all remedial work due to unauthorized excavation. C. Level off and grade bottoms of excavations to receive footings, foundations, floors, etc. D. For footings and foundations, machine excavation is allowed to within one foot of final subgrade. Excavate balance by hand. Excavate to a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10' and extend a sufficient distance from the structures to permit placing and removal of formwork, installation of services, other construction, and for inspection. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 31 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ E. For pavements and slabs on grade, excavate to depths required for installation of aggregate base or pavement as specified herein or shown on Drawings. F. Excavation of pile caps is Work of this Section and is described in Section 02360. G. All excavations for foundations and footings must be completed and the underlying soil or rock material approved by the Special Inspector before concrete foundation work is started. The Contractor may, with the written approval of the Authority, proceed with concrete foundation work before the entire building excavation has been completed. In addition, excavation for foundations and footings shall conform to Section BC 3304 unless more severe requirements are given in this Section. H. Remove all excavated material from the site and legally dispose of away from the premises in accordance with the requirements specified in this section. Burning of material on the site is not permitted. I. Trenching for pipes and conduits is described under "Excavation of Trenches." J. Exposed Ground Surfaces/Landscaped Areas: 1. At seeded, sodded, or ground cover areas, excavate to 24" below finished grade. If rock occurs within 18" of finished grade, all rock shall be removed to a depth of 18". Where existing stone, concrete, brick, or other masonry occurs at these areas, such material shall be excavated and removed to a minimum depth of 24" from finished grade. 2. In garden areas or where shrubbery/trees are required, including tree pits, excavate to 24" below finished grade, but if rock occurs within 36" of finished grade, all rock to a depth of 36" shall be removed. Where existing stone, concrete, brick, or other masonry occurs at these areas, such material shall be excavated and removed to a minimum depth of 24" from finished grade. 3. For additional excavation requirements of tree pits below the general excavation levels called for under this article, refer to Section 02900. 3.04 EXCAVATION - ROCK A. NYCSCA Excavate rock where encountered by blasting or other means necessary. EARTHWORK 02200 - 32 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ B. Excavation by blasting shall be permitted only when specifically approved by the Authority and by all authorities having jurisdiction, including the Explosive Unit of the Bureau of Fire Prevention of the New York City Fire Department. All irregularities of surface on lines of walls, or under columns, piers or footings shall be carefully examined and all loose or shaken rock shall be removed down to a solid horizontal bearing surface. C. Blasting shall be done by persons skilled in such work. Exercise care in the handling and storing of dynamite and other explosives as he shall be held responsible for any injury to persons or damage to property which may occur as a result of premature explosions, overcharges of explosives, failure to provide proper coverings, or the omission of any precautions in connection with the performance of the work that is required by the NYC Building Code or other city bureaus having jurisdiction over this Work. D. Place monitoring devices on all buildings adjacent to the site and as directed by governing authorities to ensure damage to property does not occur. Halt operations if damage is noted or if blasting limits set by the Fire Department are exceeded. Perform all remedial work required due to blasting. 3.05 EXCAVATION OF TRENCHES A. NYCSCA General 1. Trenching for trench drains, pipes, and conduits shall be accomplished with an appropriate trenching machine, except hand trenching shall be used where machine may damage existing underground pipe, conduit, or other objects to remain. 2. Excavate trenches to elevations required install pipes and conduits at required inverts, required by governing regulatory agencies, shown on Drawings, as specified herein, and allow encasement in concrete when indicated Drawings. 3. Remove loose material and proofroll trench subgrade with a vibratory plate or jumping compactor (a minimum of 6 passes, 3 in each direction, if material is fill) in the presence of the Special Inspector. Remove any soft spots and replace with controlled fill, compacting material in 4" lifts to 92% (95% in vehicular areas) of maximum dry density by ASTM D1557 at optimum moisture content. to as as to on EARTHWORK 02200 - 33 12/05/14 B. C. NYCSCA DESIGN No. _____ 4. Prevent trench bottoms from freezing until items are placed and the trench backfilled. 5. Fill trench with concrete to a depth even with the bottom of footings when excavations pass within 18" of the footings at a depth below the footing. Continue concrete 2'-0" each side of the footing. 6. Work outside the street line is governed by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction for such. 7. Coordinate locations and excavation work of Divisions 15 and 16. depths with Sectional Trench Drains 1. Excavate trench to width and depth sufficient to provide for concrete cover as indicated on Drawings and to permit workmen to properly install the sectional trench drain. 2. Carefully construct and grade the bottom of the trench to approximate the slope of the bottom of the trench drain. The drain bottom shall have solid bearing along its entire length and be true to line and grade when completed. 3. Slope the edges of the excavations as required to provide a smooth transition to the slab or asphalt subgrade. 4. Make excavations about the centerline of all the proposed drainage runs. 5. Prepare deeper excavations for the catch basins. 6. Compact above. 7. Trenches shall be dry when trench bottom prepared and when bedding concrete is placed. subgrade as indicated in paragraph A is Piping (Drainage, water, oil, gas, etc.) 1. Excavate trenches to depths required and to width sufficient to permit workmen to properly install the pipe, but in no case shall there be less than 6" clearance on each side of the pipe. 2. Carefully grade and construct the bottom of the trenches so that the pipe between the joints shall have solid bearing along its entire length and be true to line and grade when in final position. EARTHWORK 02200 - 34 12/05/14 D. DESIGN No. _____ a. Where concrete encasement is required Drawings, provide sufficient depth accommodate concrete. b. Where trench bottom is rock, provide an additional 6" of depth to allow for sand cushion. subgrade as indicated in paragraph by to 3. Compact above. A 4. The bottom of the trenches, where required, shall be hollowed for each hub (bell holes) to provide full-length barrel support of the pipe and to prevent loading at the bells. 5. Keep trenches dry during pipe laying. At water pipe, line trenches with non-woven geotextile filter fabric immediately before pipe laying to prevent soil contamination in the pipe. Conduits 1. Excavate trenches to depths required and to width sufficient to permit workmen to properly install the conduit, but in no case shall there be less than 3" clearance on each side of the conduit. The depth shall not be less than that required to leave a space of not less than 20" between the highest point of the conduits and the finished grade. 2. Carefully grade and construct the bottom of trenches so that the conduits shall have solid bearing along their entire length and be true to line and grade when in final position. 3. Compact above. 4. Keep trenches dry during conduit laying. subgrade as indicated in paragraph A 3.06 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL A. Description of Work 1. NYCSCA Deliver material excavated from the site to an approved off-site disposal facility identified in the Excavated Material Disposal Plan. The Excavated Material Disposal Plan must be prepared in accordance with paragraph B of this article and must be and approved by the Authority’s Industrial and Environmental Hygiene Division (IEH) prior to the start of excavation. No claims of delay shall be permitted due to the Contractor’s failure to obtain approval of the Excavated Material Disposal EARTHWORK 02200 - 35 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Plan from the IEH Division. All required sampling and testing are part of the Work and are to be done by the Contractor as part of this project at no additional cost to the Authority. The resulting sampling data is to be submitted to the Authority as an addendum to the Excavated Material Disposal Plan. 19 B. 2. Non-Hazardous Excavated Material, as defined in Paragraph 1.05C, that has been excavated as part of the construction project, shall be transported to an off-site disposal facility meeting the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 360 or equivalent out-of-state facility approved by the appropriate regulatory agency of that State with a permit to receive non-hazardous excavated material. All petroleum-contaminated material, as defined in Paragraph 1.05D, if discovered, shall be transported to an off-site disposal facility permitted to receive petroleum-contaminated material from known source areas. All hazardous waste, as defined in Paragraph 1.05E, if discovered, shall be transported to an off-site disposal facility meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 265 and 6 NYCRR Part 373 or equivalent out-of-state facility approved by the appropriate regulatory agency of that State with a permit to receive hazardous waste. Excavated Material Disposal Plan An Excavated Material Disposal Plan shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by NYCSCA IEH for nonhazardous excavated material at a minimum of four weeks prior to the start of excavation. A separate Excavated Material Disposal Plan for any additional categories of material, as defined in Paragraphs 1.05D and E, encountered during the excavation, shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by NYCSCA IEH prior to removing the material off-site. The Excavated Material Disposal Plan shall be prepared and signed by a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager approved by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management in Rockville, Maryland, or Qualified Environmental Professional, approved by the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or similar board-certified professions. The Excavated Material Disposal Plan shall be prepared in accordance with the IEH Division template attached to this Section. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the format and content guidance of the IEH Division template. In the Excavated Material Disposal Plan, the Contractor shall, at a minimum: 1. NYCSCA Indicate how buried utilities (e.g. electric, gas, water, sewers, telephone, etc.) will be located EARTHWORK 02200 - 36 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ and provide copies of the resulting information to the Authority. NYCSCA 2. Confirm appropriate contact will be made with underground facilities protective organizations – in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 3. Provide a to-scale figure indicating the quantities of excavated material and proposed locations where discrete soil samples shall be collected and which discrete soil samples shall make up each composite sample. 4. Define the acceptance and waste characterization requirements of each proposed disposal facility and define the sampling rates (e.g., one composite sample / 500 cubic yards) along with the estimated quantity of material to be disposed for each proposed disposal facility. 5. Define the sampling methods (e.g. Geoprobe®, drill rig, etc.) to be used. 6. Define the analytical parameters methods for analyzing all samples. 7. Define how chain-of-custody will be maintained and recorded. 8. Define how the QA/QC of the Excavated Material Disposal Plan will be maintained and how it will be subject to audit by both the Authority and the Contractor. 9. Provide a listing, including company name, name of owner, and address of facility, of the off-site disposal facility(ies) meeting the requirements listed in Item A above, for the specific material to be disposed and a copy of each facility’s permit (NYSDEC and/or equivalent out of state) and a complete listing of the facility’s preacceptance testing and disposal requirements for the specific material. 10. Health and Safety Plan for handling the material to be excavated. 11. Provide a listing, including company name and address, of proposed waste haulers. Provide for each proposed waste hauler a copy of the valid 6 NYCRR 364 Waste Transporter Permit. Contractor shall furnish a list approved by the Authority that identifies the make, model, truck number and registration plate number of each of the trucks that shall transport the material to the and backhoe, analytical EARTHWORK 02200 - 37 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ designated facility(ies). All proposed destination facilities, listed as required by 9 above, shall be listed in the waste transporter permits provided. 12. If applicable, provide a completed waste profile form for the proposed facility(ies) along with a cover letter on Contractor letterhead certifying that the Contractor has provided the disposal facility with the analytical data. Contractor must verify in writing that full disclosure of soil characterization has been provided to the disposal facility. C. Material Suitability and Construction Methods: 18 1. All material excavated from the site shall be transported by the Contractor to an approved offsite designated facility. Environmentally clean material meeting controlled fill gradation may be reused pending credit to the Authority. When the Authority orders the Contractor to excavate during other than normal construction hours, the material shall be stockpiled on the site until the material can be delivered to the facility identified in the approved Excavated Material Disposal Plan. Stockpiled excavated soil shall be covered with heavy duty tarps, secured with sand bags. If there is no room on the site for stockpiling, provide containers for stockpiling or other means. 2. Provide all labor, equipment and material necessary to excavate, stockpile, load, handle, and transport excavated material from the site to the facility(ies) designated in the approved Excavated Material Disposal Plan, as described herein, and conditioned on the following: NYCSCA a. Comply with all rules and regulations of the body governing the facility(ies) listed in the approved Excavated Material Disposal Plan. b. Any sorting of the excavated material required by the designated facility(ies) is part of the Work and is the responsibility of the Contractor. c. Prior to commencing off-site disposal, the Contractor shall furnish a list approved by the Authority that identifies the make, model, truck number and registration plate number of each of the trucks that shall transport the material to the designated facility(ies) defined in the Excavated Material Disposal Plan. Any change of EARTHWORK 02200 - 38 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ trucks, or additional trucks, shall have prior approval at least 24 hours in advance. The Contractor shall also furnish a list, approved by the Authority, of the water-level volume of each truck, regardless of whether or not the truck possesses a DOT truck permit number indicating truck volume. D. d. The Contractor agrees and warrants that each load of such material has originated only from the Project Site described in this Project and has not been mixed with material from any other site. e. On a daily basis the Contractor shall provide originals of all dump tickets to the Authority. Excavated Material 1. The excavated material may consist of one or more of the following: non-hazardous excavated material, petroleum-contaminated material and/or hazardous wastes. For the purpose of the base bid, the Contractor shall assume that all material excavated from the site meets the definition of non-hazardous excavated material, and will exceed 6 NYCRR 375-6 Unrestricted Use and Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives and NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives. 2. All excavated material from the site shall disposed of in one of the following manners. 19 a. In accordance with the approved Excavated Material Disposal Plan developed for this specific material, the Contractor shall transport and dispose of all non-hazardous excavated material at an approved permitted off-site disposal facility meeting the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 360 or equivalent out-of-state requirements. If material is temporarily stockpiled on-site, the stockpile shall be covered and silt curbs shall be installed around the stockpile. b. If required and directed by the Authority, the Contractor shall stockpile or stage petroleum-contaminated material, as defined in 1.05D, at the site pending sample analysis and off-site disposal. The stockpile shall be covered and silt curbs shall be installed around the stockpile. The Contractor shall negotiate with an approved off-site disposal facility licensed to receive petroleum- 18 18 NYCSCA be EARTHWORK 02200 - 39 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ contaminated material. The Contractor shall provide the NYCSCA with a copy of the offsite disposal facility’s permit to receive petroleum-contaminated material as part of the separate Excavated Material Disposal Plan. Prior to disposal of this material, the Contractor shall obtain written authorization from the Authority. In addition the Contractor shall provide the Authority with original copies of all shipping papers including manifests, weigh tickets, and original invoices for the disposal of this material. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, management, loading, transportation, and disposal of petroleumcontaminated material. c. 18 3. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and material necessary to excavate, load, handle, and transport excavated material, as described herein, from the site to the designated facility(ies), and in accordance with the following: a. NYCSCA If required and directed by the Authority, the Contractor shall stockpile or stage hazardous waste, as defined in Paragraph 1.05E at the site pending sample analysis and off-site disposal. The stockpile shall be covered and silt curbs shall be installed around the stockpile. The Contractor shall provide the NYCSCA with a copy of the offsite disposal facility’s permit to receive hazardous waste as part of the separate Excavated Material Disposal Plan. Prior to disposal of this material, the Contractor shall obtain written authorization from the Authority. In addition the Contractor shall provide the Authority with original copies of all shipping papers including manifests, weigh tickets, and original invoices for the disposal of this material. The Contractor shall negotiate with an approved off-site disposal facility meeting the requirements of 40 CFR 265 and licensed to receive hazardous wastes. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, management, loading, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations pertaining to the disposal of EARTHWORK 02200 - 40 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ non-hazardous excavated material, and, if applicable, petroleum-contaminated material, and hazardous waste. NYCSCA b. The Contractor shall use and identify, in the Excavated Material Disposal Plan, only properly licensed and insured off-site disposal facilities that can accept nonhazardous excavated material, and, if applicable, petroleum-contaminated material and/or hazardous waste. c. Prior to commencing off-site disposal, the Contractor shall furnish to the Authority a list approved by the Authority that identifies the make, model, truck number and registration plate number of each of the trucks that will transport the material to the off-site facilities. Any change of trucks, or additional trucks, shall require prior approval at least 24 hours in advance. The Contractor shall also furnish to the Authority a list, approved by the Authority, of the water-level volume of each truck, regardless of whether the truck possesses a DOT truck permit number indicating truck volume. 4. The Contractor is responsible for implementing all appropriate dust and/or odor control measures, including, but not limited to, water suppression. 5. Prior to departure from the site, transport vehicles shipping excavated material shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary to prevent tracking material off-site. Contractor shall properly collect and properly dispose, at an Authority-approved facility, all waste generated from cleaning. 6. The Contractor shall provide all required notifications to federal, state and local agencies prior to transporting material off site. Copies of all notifications issued shall be transmitted to the Authority at the time of issuance. 7. The Contractor shall screen drivers of transport vehicles prior to engagement and prior to departure from the site. Vehicle drivers shall be fully-licensed and possess appropriate training. 8. Vehicles used to transport excavated material shall be designed, equipped, operated and maintained to prevent leakage, spillage and airborne emissions during transport. Only safe, suitable and well-maintained vehicles, which are EARTHWORK 02200 - 41 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ properly labeled/placarded, manned, permitted and registered to perform the required transportation services, shall be used. 19 10 E. Payment 1. All labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals to perform all work under this Section shall be included in the base bid. No separate payment will be made for any Work associated with the disposal of non-hazardous excavated material, as the cost of said work shall be deemed included in the Contract. 2. Reimbursement of payment for transport and disposal of any petroleum-contaminated material and hazardous waste encountered, and approved by the Authority, shall be reimbursed at negotiated unit rates, exclusive of quantities already provided for elsewhere in the documents that shall be included in the base bid. 3. Payment for the transportation and disposal of petroleum-contaminated material and hazardous waste encountered not part of the base bid shall be contingent upon the Authority’s receipt of original shipping documents (e.g., manifests), weigh tickets, and original invoices. No additional payment will be made for excavating/removing and loading and other requirements of this Section for these materials because it is covered under the base bid. 4. The Contractor shall credit the Authority for any quantities of excavated material that the Authority approves for reuse on-site. 3.07 FILLING AND GRADING A. NYCSCA General 1. Do not commence filling and backfilling operations until proposed fill and backfill have been approved by the IEH Division (in addition to gradation approvals), construction below finish grade has been approved, underground utilities and mechanical items inspected and tested, forms removed, waterproofing/membranes/coatings and other improvements installed, trash and debris removed, and temporary and permanent bracing installed. 2. Do not commence backfilling, filling and grading until existing subgrades have been compacted. EARTHWORK 02200 - 42 12/05/14 B. DESIGN No. _____ 3. Backfilling of trenches "Backfilling of Trenches". is described under 4. Fill all excavations, backfill against all walls, and do all filling and grading necessary to bring the surfaces to the level required. 5. Do not backfill against concrete elements until the concrete has obtained its specified compressive strength. 6. Perform backfilling around foundation walls when in the opinion of the Engineer of Record floor beams and/or concrete slabs form sufficient bracing to withstand the backfill pressure. All other fill, backfill, and rolling to approximately finished grades shall then be completed. 7. Take particular care when rolling over areas where trenches or other excavations have been made and backfilled. 8. Fill voids caused by the removal of below grade improvements. 9. Grade bottoms of pavements and area way bottoms toward sediment pits or catch basins to maintain uniform thickness of the slabs. 10. A minimum of twenty-four 24” of environmentally clean fill (as defined in paragraph 1.05F) that has been tested utilizing laboratory reporting limits which are acceptable to the Authority (i.e., below the regulatory comparison criteria) shall be used on all exposed ground surfaces, including landscaped areas (grass, sod, groundcover, shrub areas, tree areas, including tree pits, etc). Provide environmentally clean fill to bring soil to depth below the required amount of top soil required for each type of planting as described in Section 02900. Compaction of existing subgrade 1. Site preparation Existing subgrade shall be free from stumps, bushes, roots, sod, topsoil, rubbish, garbage, and any other material that may decay. 2. Grading a. NYCSCA Prior to placing fill or backfill in any area, grading is to be performed as required to provide for drainage. Ditching or filling around the area shall be performed to EARTHWORK 02200 - 43 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ intercept or divert all surface water. Within the area, the ground in which fill is to be placed shall be graded so as to provide for unobstructed drainage from every point to a sump or other disposal point. 6 3. b. On completion of grading as specified above, closely examine to determine whether excessive wetness, springs, or other seepage of water can be observed at any point. If such conditions exist, positive drainage in suitable form, such as french drains or tilling, must be provided before placement of fill is undertaken. c. When the fill area has been prepared as specified above, compact the natural ground surface by methods indicated in 3 below. Method of Compaction a. Natural undisturbed material shall be graded and compacted to attain a uniform surface. These areas shall be determined by the Special Inspector. b. Existing subgrade shall be proofrolled in the presence of the Special Inspector for the following conditions: c. 4. NYCSCA 1) Subgrade consists of uncontrolled fills. 2) Identification of shallow loose zones of material or identification of soft/spongy material at surface. Proofrolling shall be accomplished with a minimum of four passes using a compactor of minimum static weight of 19,000 lbs, a minimum dynamic force of 40,000 lbs, and a total applied force of not less than 7,500 per foot of drum width. In areas inaccessible to the heavy equipment, provide a minimum of six passes with a vibratory plate or jumping compactor. Fill shall not be placed until the subgrade is approved by the Special Inspector. Soft Areas During Compaction: If any areas show pumping, noticeable weaving, or which are otherwise unsatisfactory, undercut material within the limits and extent ordered by the Special Inspector. These areas shall be replaced with controlled fill, compacted to 92% (95% in vehicular areas) of maximum dry density by ASTM EARTHWORK 02200 - 44 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ D1557 at optimum moisture content, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer of Record. 11 C. Placement and Compaction of Fill and Backfill 1. 2. Placement a. General: Begin fill and backfilling in the lowest section of the area. Spread material evenly by mechanical equipment or by manual means above the approved compacted subgrade in lifts not exceeding 6" to 8" for material compacted by heavy machinery and 4" for material compacted by hand tamping. Build layers as horizontally as practical to prevent thickness of lift from exceeding that specified but provide with sufficient longitudinal and transverse slope to provide for runoff of surface water from every point. b. Moisture Control: The moisture-density curve for the fill use shall be supplied to the Contractor as a guide in controlling moisture to achieve the required degree of compaction. If, in the opinion of the Special Inspector, fill material becomes too wet for the required compaction, the fill shall be dried by a method approved by the Special Inspector prior to commencing or continuing compaction operations. Likewise, if, in the opinion of the Special Inspector, the fill material becomes too dry for the required compaction, the fill shall be moistened by a method approved by the Special Inspector prior to commencing or continuing compaction operations. Compaction: Compact each lift to the degree of compaction indicated below. The degree of compaction shall be checked by the Special Inspector and each successive lift shall not be placed or compacted until the previous lift is inspected and approved by the Special Inspector. Compact the fill and backfill to elevations and limits shown on Drawings and is subject to final inspection and approval by the Special Inspector. Extend the compacted fill beyond the berm lines on a slope downward at a maximum slope of two horizontal to one vertical to intersect the approved stripped subgrade. Maintain the fill slopes at all times. a. NYCSCA Areas to receive heavy vehicular traffic: 95% of the maximum dry laboratory density by D1557 at optimum moisture content. EARTHWORK 02200 - 45 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 5 22 D. All other areas: 92% of the laboratory density by D1557. maximum dry 3. Drainage During Fill Operation: At all times, maintain and operate proper and adequate surface and subsurface drainage to the satisfaction of the Special Inspector in order to keep the construction site dry and in such condition that placement and compaction of fill may proceed unhindered by saturation of the area. Submit method of dewatering to the Authority for prior approval. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to maintain the site dry during the compaction operation. See Article 3.02. 4. Frost: Do not place fill materials when either the fill materials or the previous lift (or subgrade) on which it is placed is frozen. In the event that any fill which has already been placed on the surface shall become frozen, it shall be scarified and recompacted, or removed, to the approval of the Special Inspector before the next lift is placed. Remove or recompact any soft spots resulting from frost to the satisfaction of the Special Inspector before new fill is placed. Placement and Compaction of Aggregate Bases, Gas Permeable Aggregate, Crushed Stone, and Broken Stone Ballast 1. Provide pavements Drawings stone/gas slabs. otherwise 2. Verify finished subgrade is at proper level. 3. Prior to placement of material, reroll subgrade with a two-ton roller or hand tamper. 4. Place aggregate base, crushed stone, and gas permeable aggregate in layers of uniform thickness, but not exceeding 6". Compact material to either 80% of relative density or 92% (95% for heavy vehicular traffic areas) of maximum dry density at optimum moisture in accordance with ASTM D1557. For gas permeable aggregate, provide proofrolling using multiple passes of the compactor to prevent shoving of the material. Maintain optimum moisture content for compacting the material. Place material in single layer for aggregate courses 6” or less. Alternate blading 25 NYCSCA b. aggregate base under all exterior and wherever else indicated on the or specified herein. Provide crushed permeable aggregate under all interior Provide 6" minimum unless specified elsewhere. EARTHWORK 02200 - 46 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ and rolling to obtain a uniformly compacted course. smooth, even, and 3.08 BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES A. General 1. Do not backfill trenches until tests and inspections have been made and the backfilling authorized by the Authority. Use care to avoid damage or displacement of pipe or conduit. 2. Backfill with controlled fill and compact each layer to 92% (95% for vehicular areas) of its maximum density as per ASTM D1557 using a vibratory plates, jumping compactors, or other approved means. 12 5 B. C. NYCSCA Piping 1. Backfill piping immediately after piping lines are tested and inspected and approved by representatives of the Department of Building, other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction, and the Authority. 2. For piping and trench drains encased in concrete, backfill immediately after concrete has attained its required strength and after inspection and approval by the Authority. 3. Backfill trenches by hand and place in uniform layers not exceeding 4" in depth up to a level of one foot over the crown of the pipe and/or sectional trench drain invert. Each layer shall be placed and then carefully and uniformly tamped, using a hand tamper in such a manner as to avoid injury and displacement of the pipe and/or sectional trench drain. 4. Backfill the remaining height of the trench as previously specified, except that the layers shall be uniformly compacted using a mechanical vibrator tamper. Limit the addition of water during backfilling to provide optimum moisture content for tamping procedures. Conduits 1. Backfill trenches immediately after conduit pipes are laid therein, inspected, and approved by the Authority. 2. Backfill trench by hand and place in uniform layers not exceeding 4" in depth to a level of one foot above the top of the conduits. Each layer EARTHWORK 02200 - 47 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ shall be placed and then carefully and uniformly tamped, using a hand tamper in such manner to avoid injury and displacement of the conduits. 3. Backfill the remaining height of the trench as previously specified, except that the layers shall be uniformly compacted using a mechanical vibrator tamper. Limit the addition of water during backfilling to provide optimum moisture content for tamping procedures. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. 15 Tests 1. Sieve Analysis: The Authority's Laboratory will perform sieve analysis in accordance with ASTM D422 on fill and aggregate materials at the site prior to placement in order to verify conformance with the submitted samples. The laboratory will take one sample at a minimum for every 100 CY placed (or portion thereof) each day. If material appears to vary from approved material, more frequent testing will be done and if results indicate material varies from that approved, costs of such testing will paid by the Contractor. 2. Field density tests: The Authority's Laboratory will perform in-place field density tests in accordance with either of the three following procedures; ASTM D1556, ASTM D2167, or ASTM D2922. 3. a. Existing subgrade. One field density test for each 2000 ft2, but in no case less than three tests. b. Fill areas - For each lift, one field density test for each 2000 ft2, but in no case less than three tests. c. Backfill areas - For each area, two field density tests per lift at locations determined by Special Inspector and one test per lift for every 50 linear feet of trench. Load Bearing Tests If required, the Authority's testing laboratory will perform load bearing tests to determine the soil bearing capacity where suspect. Provide access to site and cooperate with the Authority's testing laboratory in completing the load bearing tests. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 48 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 4. 5. Environmentally Clean Fill/Backfill Tests a. The Authority, as a quality assurance measure, may perform applicable analysis of fill/backfill material samples to verify that the material meets the environmentally clean fill requirements. b. The Contractor shall notify the IEH Division of the Authority a minimum of two business days prior to collection for environmental testing of each sample of environmentally clean fill, and, if requested by the Authority, shall arrange for a representative of the IEH Division to observe collection of each sample. c. The Authority will require that the Contractor provide the certifications required by this specification at the time of delivery of each and every load of environmentally clean fill showing that the load was shipped to the site directly from the approved source of environmentally clean fill. d. The Contractor shall be required when requested by the Authority to arrange for access for a representative of the Authority to observe the loading of trucks at the source of environmentally clean fill. Test Borings The Authority, at its discretion, may take additional test borings. The Contractor shall provide access to site and cooperate with the Authority's boring contractor in completing the borings. B. NYCSCA Inspection 1. Fill and Backfill Compaction: The Special Inspector will give approval for each lift in accordance with Sections BC 1704.7.2 and BC 1704.7.3. In the event that the compaction requirements are not satisfied, the lift shall be rerolled or removed and again tested until the required compaction is obtained. 2. Footing Subgrade: The Special Inspector is responsible for approval of bearing capacity for all footings in accordance with Section BC 1704.7.1. EARTHWORK 02200 - 49 12/05/14 C. DESIGN No. _____ 3. Underpinning: The Special Inspector is responsible for inspection of underpinning in accordance with Section BC 1704.20.3. Contractor’s licensed professional engineer is to file all design documents as specified in Article 3.02 of this Section. 4. Excavation - Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing: The Special Inspector is responsible for inspection of underpinning in accordance with Sections BC 1704.20.2 and BC 3304.4.1. Contractor’s licensed professional engineer is to file all design documents as specified in Article 3.02 of this Section. 5. Contractor's Responsibility: The Contractor shall notify the Authority at least 48 hours prior to filling operations, pouring of footings, and installation of underpinning and excavation support to allow for the Authority to have the appropriate personnel at the site. 6. Contractor’s Inspections: Inspections and testing performed by the Authority shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performing all other testing and inspection specified herein or otherwise necessary to meet the quality control and quality assurance requirements of this Section. Responsibility 1. All required testing and/or analysis not specifically defined as being provided by the Authority shall be provided by the Contractor as part of the included Work and costs of this Project. 2. No testing and/or analysis by the Authority shall relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of conforming to the requirements of these specifications. 3. Time for conducting the tests and/or inspections defined in these specifications shall be considered as part of the Work of this Project and neither extension of time nor additional costs shall be accepted as a result. 3.10 PROTECTION A. NYCSCA Protect graded and compacted areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. EARTHWORK 02200 - 50 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ B. When completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction or weather, scarify surface, re-shape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. C. Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during general project warranty period, remove surface (pavement, lawn or other finish), add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of surface or finish to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. D. A guardrail or solid enclosure at least 3’-6” high shall be provided along the open sides of excavations, except if the side slopes are one vertical to three horizontal or flatter. END OF SECTION Notes to Specifier (Delete from Specification) 1. Use Section 02200A if Project includes a 'Vertical Drain' athletic field. Use Section 02200B if Project includes a 'Float Drain' athletic field or if Project includes a grass athletic field and modify to suit. Decide for any field or playground how much soil needs to the excavated. It may be easier to use 02201 or 02200B if project is just a playground. 2. The IEH unit will provide appropriate modifications to this section if Asbestos containing, Petroleum containing, or hazardous waste material is found. 3. Delete Sections that don’t apply and add additional Sections provided by IEH for required remediation. 4. If Environmental Investigations have identified contamination, add relevant information in Article 1.01C and insert reference to Section 02010, as well as other related sections, in Article 1.02. If asbestos survey did not identify asbestos contaminated soil or debris, delete Article 1.01C. 5. Placing of footings on controlled fill shall be avoided and is to be reviewed by the SCA. If controlled fill is used under footings or heavy traffic areas, verify with geotechnical engineer any special provisions to the specification. If footings are to be placed on fill, compaction to 95% of laboratory density by ASTM D1557 as per Building Code shall be indicated in all locations of specifications where compaction requirements are listed. 6. Verify type of compaction required for different subgrade conditions. Heavy proofrolling is adequate for most fills NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 51 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ and sands, but sensitive material such as clays and silts require special procedures. 7. 'Broken Stone Ballast' is sometimes used under certain types of footings where bearing capacity is in question or to stabilize a wet subgrade. Verify with Engineer if it is needed or not. 8. Not used. 9. Not used. 10. Specify installation of geotextiles if required (Already specified in 02512 for 'Vertical Drain' fields). Add to list of product data and samples. 11. If drainage panel or exterior waterproofing is required, refer to those Sections for any special backfilling requirements. 12. Make sure sand cushion mentioned under trench excavation is accounted for. If poor soil is on the site, provide 6" of controlled fill under pipe or concrete encasement or cradle. Consult with Engineer. 13. Determine if more than stripping is required. of general excavation if required. 14. If wall drainage is required, provide either a drainage panel (use Section 02711) or 1'-0" of 3/8" stone surrounded with geotextile filter fabric (No. 4557 by Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Company). Add geotextile and stone to list of product data and samples. The stone shall have the following gradation, which may be altered if porous piping is not used, and shall be listed under Article 2.01: Sieve Size 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 35 Specify depth Percent Passing by Weight 100 90-100 15-30 0-15 0-5 0 15. If it is known that load bearing tests or additional borings will be required, indicate in Article 3.09 that the Contractor should allow for time to complete these items when scheduling the project (so as not to claim a delay). 16. Verify with geotechnical engineer that the 3’-0” fluctuation in water level indicated in paragraph 3.02 C.3 is appropriate for the specific project. 17. Add references to soil remediation sections as required for the project. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 52 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 18. If configuration of the site does not permit the stockpiling or staging of soil at the site, insert site-specific options for handling soil. Options may include, but are not limited to, analytical results from the Phase II Environmental Site Investigation, additional in-situ subsurface testing or staging soil in roll-offs or other containers that may be relocated from the work area to another on-site location. 19. Modify the paragraph to reflect the presence of petroleumcontaminated material or hazardous waste present at the site, if appropriate. If petroleum-contaminated material or hazardous waste is present at the site, add references to soil remediation sections as required for the project 20. The specified erosion control measures deal with Contractor’s responsibility to provide basic erosion control for any project, which shall be based on the erosion and sedimentation control plan required to be provided in the documents by the Designer of Record. For projects over 1 acre requiring a full SWPP application, include specific additional erosion and sediment control measures based on the Contracts Documents that implement the approved full SWPP plan filed with DEC. 21. Omit for projects where compliance with NYC Green Schools Rating System is not required (Typical of CIP projects). Verify for referenced project. 22. If a sub-slab depressurization system is not required, delete gas permeable aggregate. 23. Replace reference to Section 02081 with Scope Asbestos Survey if the project is a Design/Build. 24. Approval by the agencies indicated in the paragraphs is required for work within the categories listed and must be submitted to Building Department prior to plan approval. Delete paragraphs that are not applicable to the work of the project. 25. If sub-slab depressurization system is required, coordinate with design team to delete or modify references to interior slab(s) since gas permeable aggregate will be installed. 26. If existing soil on a site is known not to meet the requirements for Unrestricted Use at 6 NYCRR 375-6, modify to require import only of soil (no option for reuse) which meets Unrestricted Use criteria. 27. Coordinate with IEH Division on deletion or modification of this section. Also coordinate with the use of 02091 and/or 02115 if a CAMP is specified in those sections. Typical language in 02091 and 02115 includes a reference to the CAMP in 02200. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 53 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ 28. Article 1.05 is referred throughout this document by number. If article numbers and paragraphs within change for any reason, ensure that the article and reference numbers change accordingly throughout this specification. 29. If during the design it is determined that a temporary protection scheme that may involve tiebacks is required and thus will require items to permanently remain on adjoining property, discussions and agreements for such must be made with the adjoining owners during design, which must be arranged through the Construction Management division. 30. Discuss with geotechnical engineer during document preparation and for historic structures or other structures that may be in delicate condition indicate the appropriate allowable acceleration. 31. Monitoring plan is required if subsurface operations are conducted that may impose loads or movement on adjoining property or may be needed based on conditions or agreements with adjacent owners or agencies (most new building work). Refer to Sections BC 3309.6 and BC 3309.4.4. Delete requirement for monitoring plan if conditions that require such plan are not required by Sections BC 3309.6 and BC 3309.4.4 and project conditions. GR:IEH:gr NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 54 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ LIST OF SUBMITTALS SUBMITTAL DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPROVED Product Data: ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ 1. 2. Compaction equipment Filter fabric for silt fence Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. 27 4. 5. Underpinning/Shoring Engineer's report on dewatering Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and narrative Silt Fence Community Air Monitoring Plan Samples: 22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 22 22 7. 8. 9. _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ Project photographs Survey logs and bench marks Monitoring Plan Certificates: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ______________ Fill and backfill Aggregate base Crushed stone Gas Permeable Aggregate Broken stone ballast Recycled concrete material composition Existing Conditions Survey: 1. 2. 3. _____________ Fill and backfill Aggregate base Crushed stone Gas Permeable Aggregate Broken stone ballast Design Data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ______________ Fill and backfill Aggregate base Crushed Stone Broken stone ballast Gas Permeable Aggregate Recycled concrete material Composition Facility permits Environmentally clean fill Certificate for borrow site Environmentally clean fill Certificate for each load NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 55 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Qualifications 1. 2. _____________ Contractor Professional Engineer Testing: 1. 2. 3. ______________ _____________ Excavated material classification for disposal Existing material to remain environmentally clean Environmentally clean fill and backfill Documentation of Proper Disposal______________ _____________ Excavated Material Disposal Plan _____________ 1. 2. 3. ______________ Non-Hazardous Excavated Material Petroleum-contaminated material (if required) Hazardous waste (if required) Sustainability: 1. 2. 3. 4. ______________ _____________ Sediment and erosion control plan Documentation of Implementation of plan Contractor’s Sustainable Materials Form (see Section S01352) Mfr’s printed literature or statement on recycled and regional material content * * * NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 56 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Template 1A Specification Section 02200 Environmentally Clean Fill/Backfill Criteria Template for Summarizing Results of Analyses Sites with No Ecological Resources METALS Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Cover Material Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Non-Contact Material (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Arsenic 13 16 Barium 350 400 Beryllium 7.2 47 Cadm ium 2.5 4.3 Chrom ium , hexavalent 1 19 Chrom ium , trivalent 30 180 Cobalt 30 30 Copper 50 270 Cyanide (total) Iron Lead 27 27 2,000 2,000 63 400 Manganese 1,600 2,000 Mercury (total) 0.18 0.73 Nickel 30 130 Selenium 3.9 4 2 8.3 Silver Vanadium 100 100 Zinc 109 2,480 NYCSCA Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection Insert Laboratory ID No. Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. EARTHWORK 02200 - 57 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Insert Sam ple ID No. Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Cover Material Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Non-Contact Material Insert Date of Sam ple Collection (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. 2,4,5-T 1.9 1.9 2,4,5-TP Acid (SILVEX) 3.8 3.8 2,4-D (2,4-Dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid) 0.5 0.5 PESTICIDES 4,4'-DDD 0.0033 13 4,4'-DDE 0.0033 4,4'-DDT 0.0033 8.9 7.9 Aldrin 0.005 alpha-BHC 0.02 alpha-Chlordane 0.094 beta-BHC 0.036 2.9 0.09 delta-BHC 0.04 0.25 Dibenzofuran 6.2 59 0.005 0.1 Endosulfan I 1 2.4 24 Endosulfan II 1 2.4 24 Dieldrin Endosulfan sulfate 1 Endrin Insert Laboratory ID No. 0.097 0.02 2.4 24 0.014 0.06 gam m a-BHC (Lindane) 0.1 0.1 gam m a-Chlordane 0.54 0.54 Heptachlor 0.042 0.38 Heptachlor epoxide 0.02 0.02 Methoxychlor 100 100 Parathion 1.2 1.2 0.1 1 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBS) Aroclor-1016 Aroclor-1221 Aroclor-1232 Aroclor-1242 Aroclor-1248 Aroclor-1254 Aroclor-1260 Aroclor-1262 Aroclor-1268 1 The SCO is the sum of endosulfan I, endosulfan II and endosulfan sulfate. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 58 12/05/14 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DESIGN No. _____ Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Cover Material Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Non-Contact Material (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.1 0.1 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.40 0.40 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.2 0.2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.0 1.0 2-Chlorophenol 100 100 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.41 0.41 2-Nitroaniline 0.4 0.4 2-Nitrophenol 0.3 0.3 3-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.5 4-Chloroaniline 0.22 0.22 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.0 1.0 4-Nitrophenol 0.1 0.1 Acenaphthene 20 98 Acenaphthylene 100 100 Aniline 0.33 0.33 Anthracene 100 100 Benzo(a)anthracene 1 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 1 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 100 100 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.8 1.7 Benzoic Acid 2.7 2.7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 50 50 Butylbenzyl-phthalate 100 100 Chloroethane 1.9 1.9 Chrysene 1 1 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.33 0.33 Diethylphthalate 7.1 7.1 Dim ethylphthalate 27 27 Di-n-butylphthalate 8.1 8.1 Di-n-octylphthalate 100 100 Fluoranthene 100 100 Fluorene 30 100 Hexachlorobenzene 0.41 0.41 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.5 0.5 Isophorone 4.4 4.4 m -Cresol (3-Methylphenol) 0.33 0.33 Naphthalene 12 12 Nitrobenzene 0.17 0.17 o-Cresol (2-Methylphenol) 0.33 0.33 p-Cresol (4-Methylphenol) 0.33 0.33 Pentachlorophenol 0.8 0.8 Phenanthrene 100 100 Phenol 0.33 0.33 Pyrene 100 100 NYCSCA Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection Insert Laboratory ID No. Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. EARTHWORK 02200 - 59 12/05/14 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane DESIGN No. _____ Specification Section 02200 Maxim um Reporting Lim it Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection (mg/kg) Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. 0.68 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.6 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.27 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.33 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.34 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 3.4 1,2,4-Trim ethylbenzene 3.6 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.1 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.02 1,3,5-Trim ethylbenzene 8.4 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.8 1,4-Dioxane 0.1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.17 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1.0 Acetone 0.05 Benzene 0.06 Carbon Disulfide 2.7 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.76 Chlorobenzene 1.1 Chloroform 0.37 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.25 Ethylbenzene 1 Freon 113 (1,1,2-TFE) 6 Hexachlorobenzene 0.33 Isopropylbenzene 2.3 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) 0.12 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.93 Methylene chloride 0.05 n-Butylbenzene 12 n-Propylbenzene 3.9 p-Isopropyltoluene 10 sec-Butylbenzene 11 tert-Butylbenzene 5.9 Tetrachloroethene 1.3 Toluene 0.7 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.19 Trichloroethene 0.47 Vinyl Chloride 0.02 Xylene (m ixed) 0.26 NYCSCA Insert Laboratory ID No. EARTHWORK 02200 - 60 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Template 1B Specification Section 02200 Environmentally Clean Fill/Backfill Criteria Template for Summarizing Results of Analyses Sites with Ecological Resources Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Cover Material Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Non-Contact Material METALS (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Alum inum 10,000 10,000 Antim ony 12 12 Arsenic 13 13 Barium 350 400 Beryllium 7.2 10 Boron 0.5 0.5 Cadm ium Calcium 2.5 4 10,000 10,000 Chrom ium , hexavalent 1 1 Chrom ium , trivalent 30 41 Cobalt 20 20 Copper 50 50 Cyanide (total) 27 27 Iron 2,000 2,000 Lead 63 63 Lithium 2 2 Manganese 1,600 1,600 Mercury (total) 0.18 0.18 Molybdenum 2 2 Nickel 30 30 Selenium 3.9 3.9 Silver Technetium 2 2 0.2 0.2 Thallium 5 5 Tin 50 50 Uranium 5 5 Vanadium 39 39 Zinc 109 109 NYCSCA Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection Insert Laboratory ID No. Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. EARTHWORK 02200 - 61 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Cover Material Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Non-Contact Material Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.000001 0.000001 2,3,7,8-TCDF 0.000001 0.000001 2,4,5-T 1.9 1.9 2,4,5-TP Acid (SILVEX) 3.8 3.8 2,4-D (2,4-Dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid) 0.5 0.5 4,4'-DDD 0.0033 0.0033 4,4'-DDE 0.0033 0.0033 4,4'-DDT 0.0033 0.0033 Aldrin 0.005 alpha-BHC 0.02 0.097 0.02 alpha-Chlordane 0.094 beta-BHC 0.036 PESTICIDES Biphenyl 1.3 0.09 60 60 Chlordecone (Kepone) 0.06 0.06 delta-BHC 0.04 0.04 Dibenzofuran 6.2 59 0.005 0.006 Endosulfan I 1 2.4 24 Endosulfan II 1 2.4 24 Dieldrin Endosulfan sulfate 1 Insert Laboratory ID No. 2.4 24 Endrin 0.014 0.014 Furan 600 600 gam m a-BHC (Lindane) 0.1 0.1 gam m a-Chlordane 0.54 0.54 Heptachlor 0.042 0.14 Heptachlor epoxide 0.02 0.02 Methoxychlor 1.2 1.2 Parathion 1.2 1.2 0.1 1 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBS) Aroclor-1016 Aroclor-1221 Aroclor-1232 Aroclor-1242 Aroclor-1248 Aroclor-1254 Aroclor-1260 Aroclor-1262 Aroclor-1268 1 The SCO is the sum of endosulfan I, endosulfan II and endosulfan sulfate. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 62 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Cover Material Specification Section 02200 Criteria for Non-Contact Material SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 1,2,3,6,7,8-HCDF 0.00021 0.00021 2,3,4,5-Tetrachlorophenol 20 20 2,3,5,6-Tetrachloroaniline 20 20 2,4,5-Trichloroaniline 20 20 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.1 0.1 10 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.40 0.40 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.2 0.2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.0 1.0 2-Chlorophenol 0.8 0.8 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.41 0.41 2-Nitroaniline 0.4 0.4 2-Nitrophenol 0.3 0.3 3,4-Dichlorophenol 20 20 3-Chloroaniline 20 20 3-Chlorophenol 7 7 3-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.5 4-Chloroaniline 0.22 0.22 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.0 1.0 4-Nitrophenol 0.1 0.1 Acenaphthene 20 20 Acenaphthylene 100 100 Aniline 0.33 0.33 Anthracene 100 100 Benzo(a)anthracene 1 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 1 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 100 100 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.8 1.7 Benzoic Acid 2.7 2.7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 50 50 Butylbenzyl-phthalate 100 100 Chloroethane 1.9 1.9 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Chrysene 1 1 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.33 0.33 Diethylphthalate 7.1 7.1 Dim ethylphthalate 27 27 Di-n-butylphthalate 0.014 0.014 Di-n-hexyl-phthalate 0.91 0.91 Di-n-octylphthalate 100 100 Fluoranthene 100 100 Fluorene 30 100 Hexachlorobenzene 0.41 0.41 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.5 0.5 Isophorone 4.4 4.4 m -Cresol (3-Methylphenol) 0.33 0.33 Naphthalene 12 12 Nitrobenzene 0.17 0.17 o-Cresol (2-Methylphenol) 0.33 0.33 p-Cresol (4-Methylphenol) 0.33 0.33 Pentachloroaniline 100 100 Pentachlorophenol 0.8 0.8 Phenanthrene 100 100 Phenol 0.33 0.33 Pyrene 100 100 NYCSCA Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection Insert Laboratory ID No. Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. EARTHWORK 02200 - 63 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Insert Sam ple ID No. Insert Date of Sam ple Collection (mg/kg) Insert Laboratory Nam e and ELAP No. 0.6 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.27 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.33 10 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.34 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 3.4 1,2,4-Trim ethylbenzene 3.6 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.1 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.02 1,2-Dichloropropane 700 1,3,5-Trim ethylbenzene 8.4 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.8 1,4-Dioxane 0.1 2,4-Dichloroaniline 100 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.17 3,4-Dichloroaniline 20 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1.0 Acetone 0.05 Benzene 0.06 Carbon Disulfide 2.7 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.76 Chloroacetam ide 2 Chlorobenzene 1.1 Chloroform 0.37 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.25 Dibrom ochlorom ethane 10 Ethylacetate 48 Ethylbenzene 1 Freon 113 (1,1,2-TFE) 6 Hexachlorobenzene 0.33 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 10 Isopropylbenzene 2.3 Methanol 6.5 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) 0.12 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.93 Methylene chloride 0.05 n-Butylbenzene Insert Laboratory ID No. 0.68 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene NYCSCA Specification Section 02200 Maxim um Reporting Lim it 12 n-Nitrosodiphenylam ine 20 n-Propylbenzene 3.9 Pentachlorobenzene 20 Pentachloronitrobenzene 10 p-Isopropyltoluene 10 sec-Butylbenzene 11 Styrene 300 tert-Butylbenzene 5.9 Tetrachloroethene 1.3 Toluene 0.7 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.19 Trichloroethene 0.47 Vinyl Chloride 0.02 Xylene (m ixed) 0.26 EARTHWORK 02200 - 64 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Template 2 Excavated Materials Disposal Plan (EMDP) (Insert School/Site Name and Address) (Date) NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 65 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ General notes regarding this template: 1. The EMDP must be signed by a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager approved by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management in Rockville, Maryland, or Qualified Environmental Professional, approved by the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or similar board-certified profession. 2. Directions to EMDP preparers are provided within this template as bold and italicized text. In general, bold and italicized text indicates where information unique to the Site is to be inserted by the writer. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 66 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Table of Contents Title Page Introduction A. Pre-Excavation Utility Surveys B. Waste Characterization Sampling C. Management of Excavated Soil D. Disposal Facilities and Waste Transporters E. Quality Assurance/Quality Control F. Signature of Certified Preparer List of Figures Figure 1 – Site Plan Figure 2 – Waste Characterization Sampling Plan List of Appendices Appendix A – Health and Safety Plan Appendix B – Waste Transporter Permits Appendix C – Disposal Facility Permits and Supporting Documentation (including a copy of the NYSDEC Part 360 Permit or equivalent out of state regulatory agency permit) NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 67 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Introduction This Excavated Materials Disposal Plan (EMDP) describes the procedures to be followed for the characterization, excavation, management, transportation and disposal of material excavated at ____________________ (insert Site name and location) in accordance with SCA Specification Section 02200 (change to 02201, if applicable), (insert Design # and date). This work will be performed by ___________________ (insert name of excavation contractor) under contract with _________________________ (insert name of general contractor, if applicable). Project activities associated with this EMDP include the characterization, excavation, management, transportation, and disposal of approximately ______ (insert amount) cubic yards of non-hazardous excavated material (change to appropriate category if the EMDP is being prepared for non-hazardous industrial waste, petroleum contaminated material, and/or hazardous waste) for the construction of the _________________ (insert project type – new school, addition, flood elimination project, etc.). All material excavated from the Site is assumed to meet the definition of non-hazardous excavated material (change to appropriate category if the EMDP is being prepared for nonhazardous industrial waste, petroleum contaminated material and/or hazardous waste). According to Specification Section 02200, Section 1.04, the following definitions apply to this project: (conform below with the project specifications) Non-Hazardous Excavated Material Material that may include or contain mixtures of the following: soil (including, but not limited to, natural undisturbed material), debris, concrete and concrete products (including steel or fiberglass reinforcing rods that are embedded in the concrete), asphalt pavement, brick, glass, rock, municipal solid waste, refuse, and incidental ash. This material includes material defined in Title 6 New York Code of Rules and Regulations 360-7.1(b)(i) and will exceed 6 NYCRR 375-6 Unrestricted Use and Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives and NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance Supplemental Soil Cleanup Objectives. All material excavated from the site is assumed to meet the definition of non-hazardous excavated material. Petroleum-Contaminated Material Material (soil, concrete, sediment, UST contents, fill, debris, etc.) that meets the NYSDEC STARS Memo #1 definition of petroleum-contaminated material from known source areas. Petroleumcontaminated material shall be evidenced by the following observations and be from a known source area: producing higher than background responses on a portable vapor meter such as a photo ionization detector or flame ionization detector, petroleum-like odor, visual impacts (e.g., staining or discoloration), proximity to known releases from existing or historic petroleum storage tanks or systems, and exceed the soil cleanup levels for gasoline and/or fuel oil contaminated soil provided in the NYSDEC CP-51: Soil Cleanup Guidance. The determination as to whether the excavated material is petroleum-contaminated or is non-petroleum contaminated material will be made by analytical testing of representative material samples. All sampling shall be performed under the supervision of the Authority’s IEH Division or its representative. The Contractor shall provide the IEH Division with qualitative and quantitative information, and the IEH Division shall make the final determination as to whether or not the material is petroleum-contaminated and the appropriate disposal. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 68 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ Hazardous Waste Material meeting the definition of a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act hazardous waste as defined in 40 CFR Part 261, New York State ECL Section 27-09 or 6 NYCRR Part 371. Environmentally Clean Fill and Backfill Refer to Section 02200 for definition and requirements associated with fill and backfill. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 69 12/05/14 A. DESIGN No. _____ PRE-EXCAVATION UTILITY SURVEYS 1. Describe how buried utilities (e.g. electric, gas, water, sewers, telephone, etc.) will be located and marked out. 2. Describe how utility mark-out information will be provided to the Authority. 3. Confirm appropriate contact will be made with underground facilities protective organizations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 70 12/05/14 B. DESIGN No. _____ WASTE CHARACTERIZATION SAMPLING Waste characterization samples will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the proposed disposal facility(ies) requirements, outlined in Section D. (Describe the type of soil sampling – i.e., will the sampling be performed in-situ [with a Geoprobe] or will samples be collected from excavated stockpiles.) Describe the soil sampling frequency and analyte list. For example, use text such as… A total of ___(insert number) soil samples will be collected for analysis. This number of soil samples equates to one sample for every 500 cubic yards (change as required based on disposal facility requirements) of excavated material. Each sample will be analyzed for the following parameters: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by USEPA Method 8260 Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by USEPA Method 8270 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by USEPA Method 8082 Pesticides via USEPA Method 8081 Herbicides via USEPA Method 8151 RCRA Metals via USEPA Method 6010 Mercury via USEPA Method 7471 In addition, a total of ___(insert number) samples, one soil sample for every 5,000 cubic yards (change as required based on disposal facility requirements), will be collected and analyzed for the following parameters: RCRA Characteristics Full TCLP Introduce and provide a to-scale site plan (Figure 1). Figure 1 shall show the site, an outline of the proposed new construction, proposed excavation areas, and quantities of excavated materials. Introduce and provide a to-scale sampling plan (Figure 2). Figure 2 shall show the Site, the locations on the Site where soil samples shall be collected, and which discrete soil samples shall make up composite sample(s), as applicable. Note that the Figure should show sampling grids with estimated average depths of excavation in each grid. Discrete grab samples will be collected for VOCs. A five-point (change as required based on disposal facility requirements) composite sample will be collected for all other analytes listed above. Samples will be analyzed by _____________________________ (insert name and address of laboratory), a New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) -certified laboratory. After sample collection, the soil samples will be shipped to the NYSDOH ELAP certified NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 71 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ laboratory in chilled coolers, and accompanied by appropriate chain of custody records. Analytical results will be provided to the proposed disposal facilities for their review and approval. In addition, the results will be submitted to the NYCSCA’s IEH Division. A letter on ________(insert excavation contractor name) letterhead will be provided to the NYCSCA that states that all available analytical data has been provided to the disposal facility. The disposal facility(ies) will provide an original signed letter indicating that the soil meets the acceptance criteria for their facility(ies) and the excavated material is accepted for disposal. This letter will be forwarded to the NYCSCA upon receipt. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 72 12/05/14 C. DESIGN No. _____ MANAGEMENT OF EXCAVATED SOIL (Describe the procedures for excavation work – for instance, number and types of excavators? Is there any hand excavation work anticipated?) On-site personnel involved in excavation activities shall comply with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations, New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB) requirements, and the Health and Safety Plan (HASP) presented as Appendix A to this EMDP. Excavated soil, if not directly loaded into trucks for transportation and disposal, will be stockpiled on-site. Stockpiles will be placed on and covered with heavy duty tarps secured by sand bags. Dust suppression will be performed during work activities where the potential for elevated dust conditions exists. Water will be used to spray/mist excavation areas in these instances. There will be no visible dust emissions from the work areas. Other dust suppression techniques which may be utilized include speed limits for trucks in unpaved areas, maintenance of Site paving as long as practical, and minimization of excavation activities during periods of high winds. (Note – if a community air monitoring program [CAMP] is required by the specifications, briefly describe the CAMP requirements and implementation.) NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 73 12/05/14 D. DESIGN No. _____ DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND WASTE HAULERS Excavated material transportation will be performed by licensed transporters with valid NYSDEC 6 NYCRR 364 Waste Transporter Permits. All proposed disposal facilities shall be listed on the waste transporter permits. Loaded vehicles leaving the Site will be appropriately cleaned, lined, and covered in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The proposed licensed transporters with valid 6 NYCRR 364 Permits for this project are as follows: Transporter 1 Name and Address NYSDEC Part 364 Waste Transporter Permit # and Date of Expiration – Disposal Facilities permitted for transport to Transporter 2 Name and Address NYSDEC Part 364 Waste Transporter Permit # and Date of Expiration – Disposal Facilities permitted for transport to Transporter 3 Name and Address NYSDEC Part 364 Waste Transporter Permit # and Date of Expiration – Disposal Facilities permitted for transport to Add additional haulers as necessary Please refer to Appendix B for copies of the waste transporter permits. Non-hazardous excavated material shall be transported to an off-site disposal facility meeting the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 360 or equivalent out-of-state facility approved by the appropriate regulatory agency of that State with a permit to receive non-hazardous excavated material. (Note change to appropriate category if the EMDP is being prepared for non hazardous industrial waste, hazardous waste and/or petroleum contaminated material). The proposed disposal facilities meeting the criteria described above for this project are as follows: Disposal Facility 1 Name and Name of Owner Address and Phone Number Type of Permit (i.e., Part 360?, NJDEP?, etc.) Disposal Facility 2 Name and Name of Owner Address and Phone Number Type of Permit (i.e., Part 360?, NJDEP?, etc.) Disposal Facility 3 Name and Name of Owner Address and Phone Number Type of Permit (i.e., Part 360?, NJDEP?, etc.) Add additional disposal facilities as necessary Please refer to Appendix C for copies of the disposal facility permits and soil testing requirements, and acceptance criteria for each proposed disposal facility. Waste characterization data will be provided to the proposed disposal facilities for their review and approval. An original signed approval letter from each disposal facility will be submitted to NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 74 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ the NYCSCA IEH Division at least 48 hours prior to transportation and off-site disposal. If the excavated material is rejected by the above proposed disposal facilities for any reason, an alternate disposal facility (including required documentation) meeting the requirements of the Specification Section 02200 (note – change to 02201, as applicable) will be proposed for NYCSCA IEH Division’s consideration. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 75 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ E. QUALITY ASSURANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL A qualified person will coordinate and manage the sampling and analysis program, management, transportation, and disposal of excavated materials from the Site. _______________ (insert name of the qualified person and the excavation firm responsible for these activities) will direct these activities. Laboratories used will be NYSDOH ELAP certified laboratories. The laboratories will communicate directly with the samplers regarding the analytical results and reporting and will be responsible for providing all labels, sample containers, trip blanks, shipping coolers, and laboratory documentation. Periodic quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) audits of the EMDP will be performed by the Contractor, and may also be performed by the NYCSCA, or the NYCSCA’s auditors. Any items noted to be in non-compliance will be documented and audit findings will be presented to ____________________ (insert name of excavation firm) for resolution (with a copy to the NYCSCA IEH Division). Verification of resolution(s) will be determined through re-inspecting or re-auditing the non-compliant item. All records regarding the removal and disposal of excavated materials shall be maintained by ____________________ (insert name of excavation firm) at the project site. These records will be made available to the NYCSCA or their designated representatives at their request. Shipping manifests and/or bills of ladings for excavated material will be provided to the NYCSCA on a daily basis. NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 76 12/05/14 F. DESIGN No. _____ SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED PREPARER _________________(insert name, certification) has prepared this EMDP for the __________________________________ (insert site name, address, and type of work being performed) in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 02200 (change to 02201, if applicable). Additionally, _______________________ (insert name) hereby certifies that (he/she) is a currently licensed/certified _______________________ (insert correct certification - Certified Hazardous Materials Manager approved by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management in Rockville, Maryland, or Qualified Environmental Professional, approved by the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or similar board-certified profession). PREPARED BY: Name Certification and Certification Number NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 77 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ FIGURES NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 78 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ APPENDIX A HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 79 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ APPENDIX B WASTE TRANSPORTER PERMITS NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 80 12/05/14 DESIGN No. _____ APPENDIX C DISPOSAL FACILITY PERMITS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (including a copy of the NYSDEC Part 360 Permit or equivalent out of state regulatory agency permit) NYCSCA EARTHWORK 02200 - 81