– No Negroes Allowed! – Security Tight The Nubian Times Vol. 16 Iss. 4 MAY CONTAIN EXPLICIT CONTENT JulAug2015 SAY WHAT / ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI / THE CLUB / CRACK HEAD NEWS GET THE SLAVERS OFF THE MONEY! Efforts are underway to remove the Confederate flag, but this commentary deals with something The staff of the Nubian Network reprint Loads of White people claim they didn’t participate in slavery, but this system of White privilege & supremacy still carries the faces of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and George Washington on the face of it’s currency. All three of these Presidential White men were slavers and are a slap in the face and insult to Black people. Get the faces of slavers off the currency and or coins and replace them with the faces of righteous people like Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells or Sojourner Truth. Perhaps Caucasians would like to have Malcolm X and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on their currency? Black people probably could get use to these magnificent images, but White people would die and kill before they let any Black person be on their main symbols of White Supremacy. What people see and use daily is a subtle form of programming and George, Andrew and Thomas are some faces Black people need not to be reminded of daily. There should not still be slavers on money unless that is what the United States still stands for, slavery! PERHAPS CAUCASIANS WOULD LIKE MALCOLM X AND THE HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD ON THEIR MONEY? a little more serious. The cash and coins are something that most adults and some children still use on a daily basis. To eat, drink, play or pursue whatever one calls happiness, one has to go into their pocket or purse and the odds are that they will pull out a slaveholder to have permission to enter or make a purchase. This happens on a daily basis whether you are in the North, South, East or West. Credit, forget it! Cash still reins supreme for right now. It was the slaves, once free human being of Afrika, who with their labor, allowed men such as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington the freedom to become statesmen. George Washington inherited ten slaves from his father and at the end of his life over 300 AfricanAmerican slaves lived at his plantation in Virginia, Mount Vernon. George Washington was also known to have traded one of his slaves for a keg of molasses. Thomas Jefferson had 187 slaves. We know that because he kept meticulous hand-written records, which are still available today. His plantations were called Poplar Forest in Bedford County, Virginia & Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia, the latter plantation still resides on coins in circulation up to this day as a symbol of slavery. Many people have heard the story that President Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence produced children from his slaves. There is now DNA evidence available to prove this too. On his plantation, the Hermitage in Tennessee, President Andrew Jackson had hundreds of slaves and a lot more on his plantation in Holmes County, Mississippi. These men are symbols of a time when Black people were enslaved and robbed of their wages for work and labor performed. A times when whips, guns, chains and shackles were daily reminders of the conditioners we were forced to only survive in. Their plantations were nothing more than prisons to our ancestors. The faces of Washington, Jefferson and Jackson are the most obvious symbols of 2 The Nubian Times slavery, racism and the horrific degradation of a people that are available to the general public on a daily basis. Regardless of how well President Jackson, President Washington and President Jefferson are said to have treated their slaves, don’t for a moment think that any Afrikan was happy to be a part of their slave holdings and property. Slavery was vile and wicked. No Afrikan wanted to be forced onto ships, have their identities wiped clean and be trapped on a plantation, surrounded by hostiles in every direction they looked. White people that claim they are not racist should demand that the faces of slavers, slave owners and slavery plantations be taken off the currency and or coins of the United States. Black people that want to live in a society with justice should demand that the faces of slavers, slave owners and slavery plantations be taken off all currency and or coins of the United States. There was nothing glamorous about slavery. Unlike a flag, these symbols of slavery are in everyone’s face every day. Put an end to Slavery Faces as a medium of exchange for goods, services, land and labor. START TODAY! AFRICANAMERICANS WHAT? Divine1on1 they will take back or things that will help control them. The Color-less people have managed to separate AfricanAmericans from the rest of their race-family. The Color-less ones have the African-Americans ego tripping as if they were the most intelligent people on the planet, except for them. Most of the African-Americans are either domestic workers in Colorless peoples institutions or prisoners in those institutions. In this century either AfricanAmericans will break free from their captors or the rest of the planet will continue to believe what rumor and innuendoes the Colorless people spread all across the planet about them. Afrikans in America are the Black people that are trying to return to the ways of their ancestors and the ancients. African-Americans are the Blacks in America that have pledged their allegiance to the Color-less people’s empire of death. There is a difference brothers and sisters of the Black race family must know. Please do not think that all Black people in America are drunk with the ways of the Color-less people! CRACK HEAD NEWS WHAT’S A CREDIBLE SOURCE? (U LIE EDITION) Parental Advisory May contain Explicit Content not meant for Negro Kids Black GrapeVine news- Black F. Y. I. Churches are in a position where they have to flip flop and start condoning anything they are told to do or propagate. Most of them are weak They lack leadership. No one Black is at the wheel. They are being driven by remote control. (FOR YOUR INFORMATION) One of the most dangerous places WORST EPIDEMICS OF ALL TIME TOP SIX BLACK DEATH – EUROPE ASIA in the world is the church or some of these religious centers. If you go and take your children, you better dam sure know what you are doing and getting yourself into. The No.1 group immigrating to the African-Americans are a tribe of INFLUENZA- WORLDWIDE U.S. is the Chinese. We suppose that’s suppose to be a secret! the Color-less people. They are 3/5’s of a person. They do not make their own laws in their own nation. They do not educate their own children. The Color-less people only give them things that AIDS- WORLDWIDE Now a days they have baby BUBONIC PLAGUE- INDIA showers and nobody knows who the father is. TYPHUS- EASTERN EUROPE PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN-EUROPE Conversion to Christianity did not qualify the slave for freedom! 3 If gay people make up a religion geared for their survival, would you join them? In the early Americas, white people made it illegal to sodomize each other, but Negros had no rights that white people were bound to obey. They could sodomize any Negro man, woman or child. Do you think colorless mankind will get rid of the Confederate flag? We don’t think so. Keep watching TV shows and movies for the next 100 years. Just like the word “Nigger”, the Confederate flag is not gone with the wind. That’s their heritage and that’s their history of FREEDOM! There are 1.5 million missing Black Men. Almost as many Black men are missing as there are in jail, the Prison Industrial Complex. At the rate that Black men go missing, are incarcerated and are killed, is it any wonder that Black women can’t find their own men. That ain’t the battle of the sexes! Why are the Negro Civil Rights All Stars so adamant about Gay rights and Hollywood when all they ever did for Negroes, AfricanAmericans or whatever is help back them into a corner as controllable consumers? White boyz would like it much if all CHICKEN HEADS were Naughty Girlz & freaks in public 24/7. Their philosophy is that they must have sex with a CHICKEN HEAD to become a man, as long as she stays in that under class stage, LIVIN’ GETO FAB. They want a White girl on the THRONE, but they want a freak up in the bed! By the way, where you comin’ from Yo? Who and what is a Chicken Head? This is Crack Head news fo’ sure. A cyber attack on the US government's personnel office compromised the data of up to 4 The Nubian Times million current and former federal employees. If there is another Civil War in the United States, it won’t be to free the Negro slaves. More likely some of their White slaves want to break free. Same thing happened with their first Civil War. This place was never set up for our pursuit of happiness. Black GrapeVine news- Some Black folks have put it out there that President Obama is the King of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lol! Socially acceptable racist- They tend to play the politically correct game in public, but behind closed doors, swing their racist views into gear. U are not a credible source, just like you can’t be a holy person, unless given permission by your captors. White females have no problem crawling up on Black females or Black males; Money doesn’t wear pants or a skirt to them. They have no qualms about survival and really have no culture worth mentioning. Here tell that Hispanics or Latinos comprise 30% of the prison population. Where is this at? A recent Gallup poll has just found that Americans have lost faith in Government, Politics and Religion. They say that newspapers were printed on a 5th grade level for the most part. That got us to wondering…what grade level is most hip hop generated for, coming out of the Music Industry. You can take that back to it’s inception. Who was it being made for? During slavery, the White woman was powerless against a lustful husband and blind to the harsh realities of slavery. The enraged wife often vented her jealous rage upon the one person whom she could control…the Black woman. There are more “PAY DAY LOAN” stores and companies out there than there are McDonald’s and Rent-A-Centers! Moor Black GrapeVine news- The majority of Black folks can’t say too much about Catlyn Jenner. They’ve been watching Tyler Perry as Madea for the past 10 years and loving it. Only advantage Catlyn got, is that she is a tranny, lesbian! If something ever happen to Tyler Perry, Black folks will yap about all the good things he has done for them. No one will say a word about how he has made them a tranny loving fanatic overnight! You Go Girl! Whatever! Wigga GrapeVine news- Watching TV in hi-definition, you can really notice how pale white people are and how much make-up is used to add color to their color-less faces. About 2004, Bill Cosby did his famous Pound Cake speech. When he comes out of hiding, he must do a Quaaludes and Molly speech to balance out his morality or hypocrisy. Whatever! We never want to kick a man when he’s down and his underwear are showing. White supremacist groups have street gang members in the U.S. military. In early America, White males and White females considered lynching the one and only death penalty for Blacks. They’d travel for hundreds of miles by foot or wagon, just to see a Black male or a Black female get their neck stretched. What’s up with Nas pushing Hennessey on the Black public. If he ruled the world, I guess we all would be drinking Hennessey to temporarily get rid of our anguish. Who knows? Gay people now have government teaching jobs, to teach your children all about lesbian and 4 The Nubian Times gayness. In some schools, their lessons take place as early as the 3rd grade. Anyone that objects, is name called a homophobic. In effect, they are teaching your children that you are a homophobic, if you are not down with their sex style, because…that ain’t no lifestyle for sure. How you like being bullied by gay and lesbian people? unless everybody in the U.S. is colorblind. Don’t go there! White Americans are War Masters. Beware Negroes that try to join in There is plenty of money involved money into Internet security companies than ever before. “How can they help the Black situation in America”. They want Black people to be as dysfunctional as White people. Considering we have no privilege or real rights, we are doing pretty dam good and still fighting. Not everyone will agree, but not everyone believes in themselves or their race-family. They are still waiting on White females or somebody White to save them. in selling body parts and plenty of people, businesses and corporations involved…legally and illegally. If you retire from your job, don’t expect them to give you another job. The quotas that got you the job you retired from are gone. Your children and grand children aren’t afforded quotas either. The U.S. is suppose to be post-racial, a level playing field. In the 90’s, Black people sure made a lot of good movies. Not to take away from the present, but so many were good, some amazingly funny, some action-packed and most well directed and produced. Spike Lee was a super pioneer for Black folks. Yeah, he can be criticized, but his efforts should not go un-noticed! North Korea is one of the richest countries in the world. Pairs survive better in the wild. Abortions are not safe. Many women have been damaged for life as a result of their legal abortion. Changing one’s name is no indication that your ancestors missed out on slavery. That is with their enemies or try to name themselves with the same name as the enemy. We’ve had plenty of back stabbers throughout the rein of the Europeans. Silicon Valley is pouring more Parents give their children the tools they need to succeed. At least they try. It’s another child that thinks having fun, toys and being amused is the key to success. If the parents don’t take themselves seriously, who expects to take their children seriously? No Black person thinks Jesus was an African-American. Most of them don’t even think he was Black, Colored or a Negro! In the early U.S. Colonial laws regarding statutory rape were not applied to Blacks and Indians. Indians and Blacks, as well as their children, were prohibited by law from defending themselves against abuse, sexual or otherwise, at the hands of Whites. A slave who defended herself against the attack of a White person was subject to cruel beatings by either the master or mistress. SANDRA BLAND LIVES, FRANK EMBREE LIVES, ELMER “GERONIMO” PRATT LIVES, MARQUES HAYNES LIVES, KATHERINE DUNHAM LIVES, REYNALDO REY LIVES, MARVA COLLINS LIVES, GLENN FORD LIVES, JESSICA CLEAVES LIVES and the SOUTH CAROLINA 9 LIVE! Beware White females that ask, Moor Wigga news- A major cyber security company was hacked. Attacks are happening to companies small and large every day, and they've even been able to break into US government computers. Women experience a loss of physical sexual sensation as a result of hysterectomy. Did you know that it takes a male and a female to produce a homosexual? Molly is a White girl. Don’t get the shyt twisted and don’t let Molly twist you up! U live in a PENAL COLONY Shawty! Death to all evil that exists in the world! Most jurors are afraid of the police. Changing one’s name from a European name to something more 5 conscious is suppose to build selfconfidence, not to be used to fake other people out or be used as a battering ram against others not so conscious of themselves. The Nubian Times woman, maybe we might have some decent marriages that last. Somebody came up with a study Most lawyers look to get around that says that children that are vaccinated are 85% more likely to inject heroin than those who have not been. Sound crazy? Do your own research. Take a look at Europeans first and foremost. They have access to more needle and use more needles than Black people can even think about Shawty! the law! We have got to stop killing each Your entire group of top Black other. We need to find a way to get rid of the White sheep in our race family! Data privacy is just a dream! Beware Quaaludes! That shyt really will knock you senseless or out. Oh, beware gold diggers too, be they female or male. actors and actresses had to play faggots, lesbians and or dykes to make it to the top. Only a Negro could call something too Black or too African. A hysterectomy is rarely performed for reasons of saving life. If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs. Most politicians are dam, good liars. Moor Wigga news- So when someone has different personalities or multiple personalities of someone who'd they'd rather be, or someone else living in their head, they're deemed "crazy" "bipolar" or "demented" or "possessed " , yet when people like Bruce deem himself "Caitlin" he is celebrated and even given an "Award of Courage". Ain’t that a bytch! You ever get the feeling that the government doesn’t give a shyt about you. When Black females start learning the difference between baby, child, boy, girl, male, female, woman and man, maybe we might have some decent marriages that last. When Black males start learning the difference between baby, child, boy, girl, male, female, man and organized group labor and mathematical sophistication. Who were these people? Hint: Find the Black Warrior River on a map in the Dirty South. Look in the mirror BLACK FACTS Hill Billies always doing some sick shyt. They better check his cellar and look for secret pathways. Might even find something half deer and half white boy! Something in white people's DNA makes them want to trap, cage, imprison, trophy and control everything on the planet. Then they talk that hypocritical shyt about PEACE and FREEDOM! Pyramids Along the Mississippi A ll along the Mississippi River (river of Isis) Valley there are pyramids. Built long before Columbus or Europeans came to the New World, these mounds are prolific. At this time there was no such term or people in this land known as Indians. At least 10,000 of these moundpyramids exist in the Eastern United States from New York to Louisiana; the largest being 14 to 16 acres wide, 6 stories high! Archeologists (grave diggers) have found that the people of these mounds & mound cities had beautiful crafts, continental trade, All knowledge is rooted in reality Afrikans that were kidnapped and brought to the Americas were counted as only three-fifths of a “free inhabitant” by the Constitution’s authors, who also allowed the importation of slaves to continue until 1808 and let the national government collect a tax on imported slaves. The first U.S. census in 1790 reported 757,000 Negro inhabitants--about 694,000 of them enslaved--out of a total population of nearly 4 million. There is no place where the Black man and the Black woman can live in honor and dignity without each other. The Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, founded in 1787 by Rev. Richard Allen, is the oldest parcel of land continuously owned by Africans in the United States. Black people commit about 50% of the solved murders in the United States. The majority of all solved murders in the U.S. go unsolved, especially in the suburbs. Afrikans have 12 melanin centers in the brain. Europeans have 2. The pineal gland connects us to every 6 star, every planet in the universe. A Black person’s pineal gland, when working properly, keeps us in tune with the universe and connects us to each other. Sakanouye Tamura Maro, a Black man, became the first Shogun of Japan. Without a national identity, Afrikans in America are made easy victims of White oppression. Afrikans never really had a The Nubian Times Slave rebellions occasionally Black people show their erupted in the Americas, occasionally resulting in deaths of whites, but they were always crushed, the slaves forced back into lives of unremitting and unrewarded toil. continental unity by wearing earrings, necklaces and ornaments of the Motherland continent. We are the only group on the planet that shows such continental unity without fear of retribution. When our ancestors were You are almost as Black as Indian kidnapped from the center of the world and brought to the shores of the Americas, those that survived never intended to call that place their home. Ink! religion, but a philosophy. The Nubians who are still under West Africa is comprised largely the spell of the Amorite, still believe that the Pale man excels him in most things, including physical beauty. of former French colonies. Afrikans never had a society that excluded women. Most Black women in the Americas are afraid to be African, a remnant of the brutal slave system they still endure. Black people commit about 60% of the robberies in the U.S. Before it was perverted, Christianity was an attempt to restore shattered Afrikan culture after the Roman invasion. When Panama was bombed by the United States, the areas that were bombed were the areas that Black people lived in. Before it was perverted, Judaism was an attempt to restore shattered Afrikan culture after the Hyksos invasion. Afrikans in America should stop calling our ancestors 'slaves' because they were kidnapped free people who were made slaves. Our children think we were brought to this country as slaves, that we were already slaves when we got here. But we weren't slaves in Africa and then just transferred to America. We were captured and then enslaved here. There is a real difference. EUROPEAN FACTS Arabs will join and work with Jews if it is against Black people. A Japanese proverb states that: “For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood.” African-Americans are the only people that teach other people’s history first. Every group of people that came (SUBURBAN MYTHS?) Believe it or not! From a European point of view, into Afrika declared war on Afrikan culture. God never said anything or had any communications of any kind with the original people. There were no Mestizos in the During Thomas Jefferson’s White Western Hemisphere until the Spanish and Portuguese Conquistadors came and began raping Indian women and using them for concubines. The Conquistadors tortured and slaughtered “Indians” and took over their countries. House years, Dolly Madison served as his First Lady because he was a widower. He still slept with Sally Hemings, but she was a slave and considered his property. Before it was perverted, Islam was It wasn’t until the end of the 19th an attempt to restore shattered Afrikan culture after the foreign invasion of Romans & Arabs. Psychopaths and sociopaths are part of the natural order in the United States. century that Caucasians started calling themselves hu-mans. The willful blindness to the abuse The English, French, Germans and of Blacks in America is a powerful, national trait. the Dutch are pre-literate. They have no script. They couldn’t read or write. What they have they got from the Romans, a Mediterranean people. The word passport is not in any Afrikan language. The first kingdom in Vietnam was the Black Kingdom of Lin-yi. Colorless people commit 70% of the rapes in the United States. 7 Hysterectomy (pronounced his ter-rek-ter-me) - a medical operation to remove part or a woman’s entire womb. It’s the European version of female mutilation. Europeans have two main ways to perform a hysterectomy. The most common way is to remove the uterus through a cut in the lower abdomen, the second, less common, way is to remove the uterus only through a cut in the top of the vagina, and the top of vagina is then stitched. Each operation lasts between one to two hours and is performed, in hospital, under a general anesthetic. America has been at war 222 out of 239 years since 1776. A Caucasian abortionist can make more money by doing abortions than a regular physician can through caring for a woman through a 9-month pregnancy. The U.S. is No. 1 in the world in total crimes, rape, CO2 emissions, divorce rate, teen birth rate, heart attack, plastic surgery, citizen prison and number of McDonald’s restaurants. The Constitution of the United States mandated that slaves be considered three-fifths of a person, giving a great deal of power to slaves owners and slave states. Thomas Jefferson won a presidential election on the strength of slave representation. Thomas Jefferson beat his opponent John Adams, even though he received fewer actual votes. His margin of victory was the 12 votes granted him by the three-fifths representation of slaves in congressional delegations and the Electoral College. The early Colonists of the Americas recognized that they themselves were slaves of the British Empire, but slave labor was a major factor helping them build The Nubian Times their Empire as the United States of America. White people commit about 67% of both the burglaries and motor thefts in the United States. More than one-fourth of U.S. women will have a hysterectomy by the time they are 60 years of age. Hysterectomy is the second most frequent major surgical procedure among reproductiveaged women. The white Mormons in Utah are trying to practice polygamy but forget NOT to marry their own daughters. White men do not like each other and will fight World Wars over territory & power. When the wars are over, they will make up and have sex with each other. Two thirds of U.S. public drinking other as far as material possession and destructive mannerisms. The Single Brother’s Bedtime Prayer Anonymous submission As I crawl into my sack, I pray for women who ain’t whack A sister who knows just how to act, Who won’t neglect, and WILL call back, water is fluoridated. Many municipalities still resist the practice, disbelieving the government’s assurances of safety. A girl who’s smart, and sweet and stacked, Colorless people commit 85% of Who won’t act ill and disrespect, the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) crimes in the U.S. White people commit 75% of the And who knows just when to shut her trap, Or run her mouth and sweat my check, arsons in the United States. Who will not ask me if she’s fat, Colorless people commit 72% of the sexual assaults in the U.S. In this red dress or these brown slacks, In European societies, the killing of I pray for one that is well-bred, unborn or unwanted children is called an abortion. Often times the fetus or child is ripped, many times in pieces, from the mother’s womb. I cannot deal with chicken-heads, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and their followers, the foremother’s of European women in the United States, were all vehemently opposed to abortions. They called it “child murder.” They didn’t feel the same way about African or Black women. The Caucasian man is a mirror image of the Caucasian woman. Neither one is complete without the I need a love of give and take, Not “What you drive?”, “How much you make?” When lunch and dinner bills approach, If you don’t reach…don’t ask for Coach, I want a dime with thighs and lips, Not nickel broads on ego trips, I want one who loves me for me, 8 The Nubian Times Not what her girls think I should be, To fill my life with joy non-stop, With no male friends to take my spot, place. We are Nubians. We reproduce the best of ourselves. ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE The Gospel According To I need one for cuddles, light kisses, and pecks, Booker T. Coleman But she’d know some times…I just wanna have sex, “At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence!” If I were to find her this very day, Then I would cease in my doggish ways, There’d be no more creeping, I’d sing songs like Joe’s, But until that day comes I have no love for…Hoes THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO AFRIKANS (OUR STORY) You have not lost your Afrikan mind or you would not have found your way to these words. This site and these words are here to help you weather the storm this month. You may not hear what you want to hear, but we are not sponsored by anyone trying to keep you in your WARRIORS The Gospel According To Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti "Warriors are the best of who we are as Ancestors working within this reality at this time. We are the culmination of the spirit of all the Warriors who came before us. We are their cumulative will, force and righteous indignation. We are here to do no less than set an exemplary standard for all those who are strong enough, wise enough and resilient enough to follow the path we continue. Courage is our most salient identifying characteristic. However, other qualities we possess are equally important. One of them is consideration for each other. It is a given that we should be respectful toward those in the community for whom we do this work. Everyone did not come with this specific, frontline, serviceoriented mission. This, in no way, alters the fact that those of us who did are obligated and duty bound to humbly serve and protect those who did not." GOOD TEACHERS The Gospel According To When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed!” THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THIS NATION The Gospel According To Charshee McIntyre “I place the practice of imprisoning African Americans, particularly the males, in the founding fathers’ structural design of this nation....From the beginnings of this nation, we, African Americans, have lived (and do live) with the fear that if we do not end up in prison or in some other form of institution, someone in our families will. I claim that our incarcerations occur not because of criminality or accidents of injustices but due to the structural design of this nation. Institutionalization became the ultimate solution in which Whites address the problem of having free Blacks in this country.” CORPORATE TERRORISM The Gospel According To Winona Laduke “Someone has to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you an activist, and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare doesn’t make a corporation a terrorist!” PEACE & FREEDOM The Gospel According To Malcolm X “You can’t separate peace from freedom, because no one can be at peace unless he has freedom!” Marva Collins NAACP ELECTIONS “Don’t try to fix the students, try to fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. The Gospel According To Malcolm X “The NAACP has been in existence for 54 years. And [they] 9 The Nubian Times elect a new national president every year and they have never elected a black man to sit in that capacity. Arthur Spingarn has been president of the NAACP for 24 years. And so in this sense, it means that either they’re [-practicing] the same discrimination that they accuse the white man of practicing, they’re practicing it themselves or else they’re not qualifying other Negroes in that organization for positions of leadership.” WORLD OF WOLVES The Gospel According To Marcus Garvey "In a world of wolves one must go armed, and the greatest weapon in the hands of Afrikans is the practice of Race First in all parts of the world!" LICENSE TO VICTIMIZE The Gospel According To Steve Biko "No average black man can ever at any moment be absolutely sure that he is not breaking the law. There are so many laws governing the lives and behavior of black people that sometimes one feels that the police only need to page at random through their statute book to be able to get a law under which to charge a victim." SOUTH AFRICANS The Gospel According To President Robert Mugabe “South Africans will kick down a statue of a dead white man but won’t even attempt to slap a live one. Yet they can stone to death a black man simply because he is a foreigner” ONE DROP YOU NEGRO The Gospel According To Langston Hughes “Negro blood sure is powerfulbecause one drop of black blood makes you a colored man. One drop- You are a negro! …Black is powerful!” WHAT MOVES The Gospel According To Toni Morrison “Black women have always considered themselves superior to white women. Not racially superior, just superior in terms of their ability to function healthily in the world. Black women have been able to envy white women (their looks, their easy life, the attention they seem to get from their men); they could fear them (for the economic control they have had over Black women’s lives); and even love them (as mammies and domestic workers can); but Black women have found it impossible to respect white women. I mean they never had what Black men have had for White men–a feeling of awe at their accomplishments. Black women have no abiding admiration of white women as competent, complete people. Whether vying with them for the few professional slots available to women in general, or moving their dirt from one place to another, they regarded them as willful children, pretty children, mean children, ugly children, but never as real adults capable of handling the real problems of the world.” KEEP WAITING The Gospel According To Toni Morrison “I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman.” OTHER PEOPLE’S INTEREST The Gospel According To Dr. Maulana Karenga “We believe that those who can grasp the world, can in fact handle the world. Those who cannot grasp the world will be terrorized by the world. And if you can’t define and defend and develop your own interests in the world, you’ll have other people’s interests imposed on you.” BLACK The Gospel According To Dr. Maulana Karenga “The fact that I am Black is my ultimate reality.” DESPICABLE BEHAVIOR The Gospel According To Colin Powell “When I see a former governor say that the President is “shuckin’ and “jivin’—that’s a racial era slave term. Let me just be candid: My party is full of racist, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as Commander-in-Chief and President and everything to do with the color of his skin and that’s despicable.” RELIGION vs. SPIRITUALITY The Gospel According To Haile Selassie I “We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans which were supposed to help people spiritually. Due to human imperfection, religion has become corrupt, political, divisive, and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simple a 10 The Nubian Times way of life, pure and original as given by the Most High. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the Universe and each other!” THE GROUP – AFRIKAN IN AMERICA GREAT WHITE HOPE “The way out is through mobilization of the group to struggle for the survival of the individual. The Constitution gives you individual rights, but you can only protect them as a group. To survive, the group must insure that each individual member is able to take care of himself or herself, reproduce himself or herself and take care of the progeny.” The Gospel According To Dr. Gloria L. Peace “The Great White Hope use to be a man. Now it’s a Black woman.” OUT OF OUR MINDS? The Gospel According To Dr. Gloria L. Peace The Gospel According To Dr. Barbara Sizemore Zora Neale Hurston “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it!” FINDING PEACE Marvin Gaye “If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else!” HOW A BLACK PRESIDENT IS TREATED Hank Aaron “Given their history, it is not likely that Europeans will ever deviate from the Europe-Aryan norm. They are not now, nor have they ever been out of their minds. And they have no intention of ever beings out of ours either.” “Sure this country has a Black President, but President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from the way he’s treated by Republicans. Back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.” “We must learn that the European is true to his way. It is we who have gone astray!” WHAT UP? BLACKS ARE ECONOMIC SLAVES The Gospel According to Chika Onyeani “There is nothing like State of Black Economy. It does not exist in Africa. Neither does it exist in any other part of the world. It is an illusion to think there is such a situation called State of Black Economy. Blacks are economic slaves. There is no group of people in this world who have abandoned any ambition of being economically independent from the grip of others as the Black race whether Africans from the continent, or Africans from the Diaspora - Black Americans, Caribbeans or migratory Africans. We are more slaves now than when the Caucasian conquered us and sold us into slavery.” The Gospel According To RACISM IS A DISEASE Sonia Sanchez Chris Rock “We cannot condemn the hip hop generation for doing on stage what the Black Arts Movement was doing behind closed doors.” “We treat racism in this country like it’s a style that America went through. Like flared legs and lava lamps! Oh, that crazy thing we did. We were hanging Black people. We treat it like a fad instead of a disease that eradicates millions of people.” I DO NOT CHOOSE WEAKNESS Zora Neale Hurston “I do not pray…I do not expect God to single me out and grant me advantages over my fellow men...Prayer seems to me a cry of weakness, and an attempt to avoid, by trickery, the rules of the game as laid down. I do not choose to admit weakness. I accept the challenge of responsibility.” THEY’LL KILL YOU THE SEPARATING GAME OF GEOGRAPHY The Gospel According To John H. Clarke “It’s time for Black people to stop playing the separating game of geography, of where the salve ship put us down. We must concentrate on where the slave ship picked us up!” BLACK WOMAN AS LEADERS The Gospel According To John H. Clarke “In Africa, the woman’s place was not only with her family; she often 11 ruled nations with unquestionable authority. Many African women were great militarists, and on occasion led their armies into battle. The Africans had produced a civilization where men were secure enough to let women advance as far as their talent. Royal lineage and prerogatives would take them. SILENCE OF OUR FRIENDS The Gospel According To Dr. Martin Luther King “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends!” BLACK NIGHT CLUBS W ho do you see in Black Nightclubs? Here’s the unofficial “Who’s Who” guide to black nightclubs. Starring… CAPTAIN WORKOUT This guy spends all week in the gym and needs little or no reason to take off his tight @$$ shirt revealing an even tighter top, so tight you can see his heart beating and parade’s around the club like Mr. Universe. SHAMALEKA SPANDEX You know her…300 lbs. Size 48, buys a size 6 red and yellow spandex outfit, her girlfriends tell her “Girl you look good in that” To the horror of others, she wears it to the club. JOHNNY ONEDRINK Takes three hours to finish one drink, then tries to fool everyone for another hour with a glass full of ice water & a straw. He has $3.50 in his pocket and a token. THE O.G.’S The Nubian Times Stands for “Old Guys”. These guys just can’t get over the fact that they are TOO OLD to be at the club. Their clubbing days are so far behind them, their kids can legally buy alcohol. They try to be down with the younger generation by wearing gold fronts and try to speak slang using phrases like “What’s up money!” and “That’s fresh! THE OOOH GIRL She’s that girl that’s basically doing the two step dance, until her song comes on and she screams to her girl friends “OOOH GIRL, THAT’S MY SONG!!!” From this point on it’s shake what your mamma gave ya and she will dance with whatever is in front of her, guy, girl, bar, wall, speakers, etc. WASTE OF TIME WILLY This is the one that buys a new outfit for the club; travels miles from home at night to the club; pays $15.00 to get in the club; and when he’s finally in the club…he just stands against the wall sipping on a cup of Pepsi frontin’ like it’s rum-n-coke. BILLBOARD BILLY Stepped out of the latest rap video, he feels the need to let everyone in the club know what name brand designer clothing he’s wearing, down to his socks because he must have that one pant’s leg up. It may be pitch black in the club, but he’s got $300.00 Versace sunglasses on. He’s also the one making a call from the noisy dance floor on his cell phone that ain’t been activated in 2 month’s, with a bottle of MOET (with the label facing outward so everyone can see) in his other hand… TAKIANNA & LAQUITA The female African American equivalent of Siskel & Ebert, but they don’t review movies. Their table is right near the door so they can “review” everyone who comes in the door. “That does NOT match, not even in the dark”. “Ut Oh, no she didn’t, she need to go back to the hair shop and finish gettin her hair did!”, his baby mamma must dress him”. They can’t get anyone to ask them to dance so they’re all talk. THE 1ST AND 15TH POSSE We only see them in the club around these dates….All dressed alike. Wearing payless shoes and Korean clothes. All the taxicabs and hacks are full with the “I’m All That” girls. TOUCHY FEELY TYRONE He’s the guy that loves to walk all over the club when it’s crowded squeezing through girls and getting his free feels. ROBIN LEECH Not the TV host. She has no money, but somehow gets some sucker to buy her drinks all night— usually BILLBOARD BILLY. She has a million questions, where do you work, what kind of car do you drive, how many children do you have, your place or mine? LOCK DOWN LEROY Has been in and out of jail so many times, he has no clue as to what is in or out of style. He shows up in a “Malcolm X” cap, gold fronts, an “Eight Ball” leather Jacket and a silk polka dot shirt…TAKIANNA & LAQUITA have a field day with him. SHAHINNA STROBLITE & CO. They look good in the club, but outside … AHHH DAMN!! And I bought you, a drink! SEE YA!