Active Contour Models (Snakes) Amyn A. Poonawala EE-264 Instructor: Dr. Peyman Milanfar Section-1 (Traditional Snake Model) 1) Background: Active contour models also known as snakes are being extensively used to solve the problem of image segmentation. In this section we will try to understand why we need active contours to perform this task in spite of the existing methods. Image Segmentation: Segmentation means subdividing or partitioning an image into its constituent regions or objects. Segmentation of images is not an easy task because the nature of underlying objects we want to detect vary drastically. To add to the problem images themselves may vary qualitatively e.g. noise or sampling artifacts corrupt medical images severely affecting their quality. Segmentation is the first step in image analysis and hence is an important part of image recognition and understanding process. The accuracy of segmentation determines the accuracy of automated analysis procedures used in computer vision. Image segmentation methods can be categorized as follows: Edge-based approaches: They use edge detection operators such as Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel, and Laplacian. Resulting regions may not be connected, hence edges need to be joined. Region-based approaches: They are based on similarity of regional image data. Some of the more widely used approaches in this category are: - Thresholding, Clustering. - Region growing - Splitting and merging. Segmentation forms a link between low-level processes that use a bottom-up or datadriven approach (where there are no assumptions about the information in the image), and high-level processes that use a top-down approach (driven by models and hypotheses). Segmentation can use either or both of these approaches. The models used in top down approach can be obtained for example by exploring the information contained in large collections of images. Problem with common techniques for Image segmentation: Common techniques for segmentation for e.g. the edge based approaches cant split the image into its separate constituent objects because it does not use any kind of prior knowledge. They only highlight the edges in an image and hence they don’t solve the problem completely. Moreover presence of noise and sampling artifacts deteriorate the performance and cause these techniques to either fail completely or require some kind of post-processing step to remove invalid object boundaries in the segmentation results. The other problem is that most of the classical edge detection techniques work by convolving the image with horizontal and vertical filters and this leads to favoring detection of rectilinear objects. These problems have been overcome by other techniques such as generalized Hough transform and template matching. But template matching needs exact priori knowledge of the shape we want to detect in the image. This is a very strong assumption and not always possible. Even Hough transform requires us to know the nature of shape we are looking for in the image. We would like to weaken the condition further and look for any shape in the image that is smooth and forms a closed contour. Active contour models allow us to set up such general conditions and find image structures that satisfy this condition. 2) Active Contour Models (SNAKES): Introduction: Active contour models (also known as ‘Snakes’) were introduced first by Kass et al. (1987) as a solution to the task of finding salient contours like edges and lines in digitized images. In this section we will understand this original model known as traditional or classical snake model. An active contour model represents an object boundary or some other salient image feature (e.g. shape) as a parametric curve that is allowed to deform from some arbitrary initial shape towards the desired final shape. The problem of finding this final contour is cast as an energy minimization problem with the intention that the final contour yields a local minimum of an associated energy functional (E). The energy functional (E) of the contour is defined such that the energy of the contour attains a local minimum when the contour is spatially aligned with the shape or object boundary of interest in the image. The energy functional is thus based upon the spatial features of the images under inspection that we want to detect. Motivation: Snakes promise a segmentation technique that does not bias the final shape detection toward straight edges. They also perform the segmentation task without a known or predetermined shape and this property make them very useful in a variety of applications. Another motivation for the use of snakes is the ability of these models to fill in edges where weak image gradients are present. Thus snakes can also detect incomplete boundaries, something that was not possible with the previous approaches. To summarize, the main motivation for snake usage comes from its ability to capture non-rectilinear (curved) object boundaries and their robustness to weak and incomplete edges. Mechanism and Framework: The basic mechanism of snake consists of the user or a higher-level process initializing any arbitrary shaped contour close to the object boundary or salient features of the image to be detected. The algorithm proceeds and the snake starts deforming trying to minimize its energy functional at every step. In the process it “shrinks-wrap” around the object boundary or salient feature of the image and stops when it attains spatial local minima which is the point where the contour perfectly wraps around the object of interest. A program controlling a snake causes it to evolve so as to reduce its energy. One can interpret the snake framework that the snakes represent a top-down, rather than a bottom-up, approach to image segmentation problem. We have modeled the problem as a physical system trying to achieve minimum rest state. The prior can be interpreted in terms of the initialization of the contour close to the desired boundary, which is used as an input to start the algorithm. Besides that in many cases a “feedback” is provided at intermediate stages by the higher-level process or an interacting user to guide the contour to the desired final result. This is one more way to think of prior. 3) Modeling the contour: The contour is defined in the (x, y) plane of an image as a parametric curve, v(s)=(x(s), y(s)), where s is a parameter which increases as we around the contour and is related to arc length Energy functional (E): Having specified the contour as v(s), our model is defined as a sum of energy terms in the continuous spatial domain. The energy terms can be categorized as follows 1) Internal Energy: Internal energy is a function of the contour v(s) itself and it specifies the tension and smoothness of the curve. It therefore depends on the internal properties of the snake. 2) External energy: It is derived from the image under inspection and it possesses local minima at the edges or the object boundaries. 3) Constraint energy: Constraint energy acts on the contour only if we have some sort of interactive interpretation and feedback provided by a user, automatic attentional mechanism or a higher-level process. The mathematical model using above energy terms is Esnake Eint Eext Econ Building up the model: The internal energy of the contour is further said to be composed of 2 terms, Elastic energy and Bending energy. Elastic energy ( Eelastic ): The contour is treated as an elastic rubber band giving it an elastic potential energy. This energy consists of first order derivative of the contour and it discourages stretching by introducing tension in the contour. Eelastic where vs 1 ( s) | vs |2 ds 2s dv( s ) ds Adjusting the weight (s) allows us to control the elastic energy along different parts of the contour. However for most applications it is assumed to be a constant throughout the curve. The energy term is minimized and becomes zero when the first derivative of the contour becomes zero everywhere signifying that the contour of minimum elastic energy is one that has collapsed to a point. Therefore a contour trying to minimize elastic energy deforms by contracting itself (shrinking). We will study its action on the contour in more detail in the section of elastic forces. Bending Energy ( Ebending ): The snake is also considered to behave like a thin metal strip in addition to it being considered as an elastic band. This is one more physical property that we assign to our snake. We say that our contour should try to be a smooth curve or straight line and avoid sharp corners. Therefore the snake is considered to possess bending energy, which is given as the sum of squared curvatures of the snake. Ebending where vss 1 (s) | vss |2 ds 2s d 2 v( s ) ds 2 The second order derivative discourages bending. Sharp corners or points of high curvature are characterized as high frequencies and bending energy is more sensitive (very high) for contours having such sharp corners because the second order derivative will be very high for such contours. Setting (s) to 0 at a point means that we are relaxing our condition and allowing that point to develop a corner. Adjusting the weights (s) and (s) controls the relative importance of the elastic and bending energy terms and therefore the internal energy of the contours. We consider them to be simply constants and for our purpose which means they have the same value all around the contour. The first term of our energy model can now be written as 1 Eint Eelastic Ebending | vs |2 | vss |2 )ds 2 s External energy ( Eext ): External energy is derived from the image that contains our object of interest. We define a continuous function Eimage ( x, y ) so that it takes on its smaller values at the features of interest, such as boundaries. External image energy of the whole contour ( Eext ) is then defined as Eext Eimage (v( s))ds s Therefore the key is in defining a suitable Eimage . Suppose we want the snake to latch to bright structures in the image. Then Eimage can be defined simply as Eimage = –I(x,y) where I(x,y) refers to the gray level intensity values of the image. Reducing such an energy function (i.e. making it more negative) will move the snake towards brighter parts of the image. The other ways to define Eimage which push active contour towards edges are as follows: Eimage ( x, y) | x, y)|2 Eimage ( x, y) | (G ( x, y) * I ( x, y)) |2 If the object we are looking for is made up of black lines on an image having a white background, then the appropriate external energies include Eimage ( x, y ) I ( x, y ) Eimage ( x, y ) G ( x, y ) * I ( x, y ) x, y ) denotes the gradient of the image and G ( x, y ) is a two-dimensional Gaussian function with standard deviation . It can be seen that larger will increase the blurring of the edges thereby increasing the capture range of the active contour. Constraint energy (Econ): The constraint energy is determined by the additional constraints set by the user on the snake. The model given by Kass proposed that snakes be used as a power assisted tool for the user to detect objects in an image. In this case the user provides a feedback to the system that is incorporated in the form of constraint energy. One way of doing this is to allow the user to connect a spring between any point x1 in the spatial domain and a point x2 on the snake. A snake trying to reduce its constraint energy is pulled towards the point x1 defined by the user. Constraint energy can also be interpreted as a kind of prior for the system. With reference to my project I am not allowing the user to set any external constraints for the contour. 4) Euler equation for the model: With the energy terms defined for our proposed model we can now formulate our problem as that of finding a curve v*(s) so that the energy functional Esnake attains a minima where 1 Esnake (s) | vs |2 ( s) | vss |2 ) Eimage (v( s))ds 2 s Finding a curve for which E has a stationary value is a problem of variational calculus and we can apply the fundamental equation known as Euler-Lagrange Differential Equations to our system giving the following equation vss vssss Eimage 0 Solution of the above equation gives us our final contour minimizing Esnake . Let us try to interpret the terms of the above equation. One way to interpret this equation is to consider it to be a force balance equation of a system Fint Fext 0 where Fint vss vssss and Fext Eimage The internal forces discourage stretching and bending while the external force pulls the snake towards the desired image edges. Therefore when the original contour evolves and deforms into the final contour Fint = -Fext which means that for every point along the curve the internal and external forces are equal and act in opposite direction to each other giving a stable state. 5) Forces acting on the contour: Elastic force: Elastic force is generated due to elastic potential energy present in the contour. It is given as Felastic vss . The elastic force at any point in the curve is oriented in the direction of center of curvature at each point on the contour. This causes the contour at these points to expand until the concavity is eliminated. The other action of elastic forces is to shrink the curve and it is responsible to collapsing the contour to a single point in the absence of any opposing force. The figure below shows the action of elastic force on the curve. The initial contour was allowed to deform freely under the influence of only elastic force. Notice how the concavities are eliminated and the entire curve is shrinking. If we would allow the curve to move freely for few more iteration, it will eventually collapse to a point. The elastic forces also tend to evenly space the control points along the contour making it evenly sampled because a point at equal distance from its neighbors will experience least elastic force due to balancing of the opposite forces from its neighbors. In fact if the 3 points are collinear and equally spaced the force equals to 0. Bending Force: Bending force acts on the curve due to the bending energy of the contour and is given by Fbending vssss . Bending force is strong at corners i.e. points with very high curvature and it tries to eliminate these sharp corners thereby smoothing the contour. Initial curve Final curve The above figure helps understand the action of bending force. The initial curve was allowed to deform only under the influence of bending force giving the final curve. Notice how all the corners were smooth out thereby reducing the bending energy of the contour, and this is exactly what bending force should be doing. If we continue this for more iterations the bending force will eventually seek to make the curve into circle because a circle has lowest bending energy. External Force: The external force is generated due to the potential external energy which we have given to the system. The force seeks to minimize Eext It is given as Fext Eimage Image External force Zoomed in As seen from the above figure the external force acting on points near the boundary tries to pull the points towards the boundary. 6) Discretization and Implementation of Active Contour Model: The first step towards solving the problem of image segmentation using our model is to discretize the contour. In the discrete model, the contour v(s) is represented by a set of control points v0 , v1 ,....., vn1 which are said to be connected by straight lines giving a piecewise linear curve. Each control point has a position, given by (X, Y) co-ordinates in the image, and a snake is entirely specified by number and co-ordinates of control points. The adjustment of the snake (deformation) is obtained by moving the control points individually. The energy terms, forces etc are all converted to the discrete form with the derivatives substituted by finite differences and the integrals substituted by the summations. The forces acting along the contour are now calculated at each of these control points separately and the entire curve is declared to achieve a minima when each of these control points attains local minima. Finite difference equations for energy and forces: Elastic energy and force: The elastic energy causes the control points to be connected to each other by springs in tension. The springs are assumed to have 0 resting length and hence energy is proportional to the distance of separation between adjacent control points. The potential energy of a spring stretched by a distance d having spring constant is given by 1 x 2 . Therefore potential energy of our entire contour is given as 2 n (Distance between control points i and i+1) 2 = 12 | vs |2 ds 2 i1 s where control point i+1 is same as i because we assume the contour is closed. Eelastic Each control point experiences pull from its two nearest neighbors given by the Hookes law (F = -d) and the total force acting on each control point is sum of these. d 2 x( s ) Felastic _ x (i ) x(i 1) x(i 1) 2 x(i )) ds 2 d 2 y (s) Felastic _ y (i) y (i 1) y (i 1) 2 y(i)) ds 2 Bending energy and force: Similar finite differences can also be applied to bending energy and force equations to obtain the following n 1 Ebending (v(i 1) v(i 1) 2v(i)) 2 | vss |2 ds 2 i 1 2s And the terms involving bending forces use 4th order derivatives which can be approximated as d 4 x( s ) ( x(i 2) 4 x(i 1) 6 x(i ) 4 x(i 1) x(i 2)) ds 4 d 4 y(s) ( y (i 2) 4 y (i 1) 6 y (i ) 4 y (i 1) y (i 2)) dy 4 External energy and force: The gradient of an image I(x,y) is approximated as I(x,y)=|Gx|+|Gy| where Gx and G y can be obtained by convolving the image with Sobelx and Sobely or Prewitts filter. Also the force is given by using the central finite difference operation. Eimage _ x Eimage ( x(i ) 1, y (i)) Eimage ( x(i) 1, y (i)) Eimage _ y Eimage ( x(i ), y (i ) 1) Eimage ( x(i), y (i) 1) Numerical solution of Euler equation: The final contour is the one that satisfies the force equation given as vss vssss Eimage 0 We cannot solve the euler equation analytically because Eimage(x,y) changes with (x,y) and so does Fimage_x and Fimage_y. Hence we have to use a numeric iterative approach. Method 1: The first method employed to solve the Euler equation is very simple to multiply the external force by a constant to bring the order of forces comparable to internal forces. Alternatively we could normalize the external forces, but gives us more control on Fext . vss vssss Eimage 0 We use the formulas discussed in the previous section to calculate individual force terms for each control point of the contour. We then apply the Euler equation iteratively giving each control point a displacement (push) in the X and Y direction proportional to the sum of forces acting on it. In physical system this is equivalent to dissipating some energy of the system due to friction. After certain number of iterations we will converge to the final contour and convergence is guaranteed. But the problem with this method is that we should have a very small step size for each iteration and we don’t know how many iteration we need to converge to the result. It is a very simple method and works well. However since we don’t have any stopping condition it is not the smartest methods and user has to specify the number of iterations to run. Much of research is being done to find better methods to solve the equation and hence converge the snake faster. Method 2: Another way to find solution of the force equation is that the snake is made dynamic by treating v as a function time t as well as s. Hence the contour is now defined as v(s,t)=(x(s,t),y(s,t)) . Then the partial derivative of x with respect to time t is set equal to the right hand side of Euler equation. vss s, t vssss s, t ) Eimage vt ( s, t ) When v(s, t) stabilizes (i.e. reaches minima of E) the time derivative vanishes because the forces cancel each other out at this point causing zero displacement for the points on the contour. Hence we can declare that we have converged to the object boundary. Algorithm: 1) For a control point ( x(i ), y (i )) of the contour find the internal forces acting on it. 2) Assuming that this control point moves under the influence of only its internal force Fint , find the new position ( xnew, ynew) of the control point i. Obviously ( xnew, ynew) will have lower internal energy than ( x(i ), y (i )) . 3) Find the external energy Eimage(vnew) and Eimage(v(i)) and update v(i) to vnew only if Eimage(vnew) is lower than Eimage(v(i)). In other words we say that if the energy of control point at the estimated new position is higher than current one, then we should not update because we have reached a local minima. 4) Repeat the above steps for all control points until the time derivative on RHS vanishes. Consideration to overcome noise and false local minima: Snakes are very highly sensitive to local minima. In fact if we simply apply the above algorithm it miserably fails for noisy images and images having many weak and false local minima. Noise pixels characterize many false local minima, which leads to our snake getting stuck at these points. So we can do a simple tradeoff to improve performance. Consider an image corrupted by white Gaussian noise. We apply a low pass filter to this image to decrease the energy of noise pixels. In step 3 of the above algorithm, we calculate the difference in energy level (E) between the 2 positions obtained from step 2 and compare it to a threshold (K). If the difference is higher than the threshold, we declare we have found a minima of the control point because of an edge and stop updating this control point henceforth. If difference is below threshold then we conclude that the drop in energy is due to noise or a weak edge and so we continue searching for other minima. K is set proportional to the variance of the noise. The underlying assumption is that for pixel belonging to a true edge, E will be higher than compared to pixels coming from noise or weak edges. This setup requires that the object boundary of interest should be sharp. 7) Results: Results were obtained using above explanation. Eimage was calculated using Eimage ( x, y) | (G ( x, y) * I ( x, y)) |2 which was scaled to have values between 0 and 255. A) The parameters of the snake were set to the following =0.12; =0.01; =0.3; =0.1; Sampling distance between control points for the user input curve =50. Number of iterations performed to find final contour=400. B) The above image was corrupted by WGN with sigma=0.05. Using method 2 we are still able to overcome the false local minima due to noise and detect the object of interest (ellipse). The parameters for this snake were as follows. =0.1; =0.01; =2 (2-D Gaussian Low pass filter); Sampling distance between control points for the user input curve =22. K=30; 8) Applications of snakes (Kass model): Active contour models proposed by Kass find applications in variety of fields. Here I discuss a few of them. 1) Image segmentation: They have given a new way to solve the problem of image segmentation. Snakes have become very popular especially in the medical imaging community where the problem is more challenging due to poor quality images. 2) Motion tracking: Snakes are being extensively used to track objects in real time. The idea is very simple. The user initializes a contour in the first frame and we use our method to find the final contour thus detecting the object of interest in the first frame. The initialization of the contour for frame i+1 is done by using the final contour obtained from frame i by using motion prediction. Thus we can achieve fast real time object tracking using this method. 3) Stereo Matching: The problem is to detect the projections of a 3-D object in 2 stereo images to facilitate 3-D reconstruction of the object. The idea is to couple the two snakes operating on the two stereo images. This can be done by defining an additional energy functional which acts as a constraint energy of the system. 4) Shape recognition: Snakes can aid the process of object recognition, which is one of the important steps in image understanding. 9) Weakness and limitations of traditional snake model: The model proposed by Kass et al although gave a new approach to the process of image segmentation and seems very promising has many weaknesses. Extremely sensitive to parameters: As seen from the previous discussion we know that there are many different parameters that we have to decide on. These include the following: (Elastic force parameter) (Bending force parameter) (External force parameter) (Standard deviation of Gaussian filter) Distance between control points while discretizing The performance of our snake relies heavily on the proper assignment of these parameters by the user or a high level process. Unfortunately these parameters depend heavily on the underlying image and object of interest. The parameters have to be decided by the user or a high level process after some test trials. Small capture range: Image External force field of the image As seen from the above figures, the external force only acts in the immediate vicinity of the boundary. Since the gradient of image is very low and essentially 0 for smooth areas, the external force acting on a control point in this region is 0. Therefore snakes have a very small capture range and they should be initialized close to the object boundary we want to detect. This is a very demanding condition. Researchers proposed solution to this problem by applying a very high Gaussian low pass filter to smooth out the edges, but by doing this we will have less accurate results and loose out the concave regions completely. Fails to detect boundary concavities: The snake model we studied fails to detect boundary concavities as seen from the previous figure. The culprit once again is the external force. For example as seen from the diagram below the external force acting on a control point in the concave region simply pulls it in the horizontal direction. There is no force acting down pulling a point further into the concave region towards the inner edge. Traditional force field Zoomed into the marked region (Section-2) Gradient Vector Flow (A new external force for snakes) 1) Introduction and motivation: The traditional snake model given by Kass had many severe problems as discussed earlier which decreased their effectiveness. Much of the reason for this poor performance was attributed to the external force. Therefore in 1998, Chenyang Xu and Jerry Pince from John Hopkins University proposed a new snake known as GVF snake. The basic model for GVF snake was the same as traditional snake. However they defined a new external force field known as Gradient vector flow field and hence the name GVF snake. GVF field was much better than the external potential force field and overcame the deficiencies of the previous model. 2) Model of GVF snake: The GVF snake is defined as a contour v(s)=(x(s), y(s)) which satisfies the following Euler equation vss vssss V 0 Where V(x,y) = (u ( x, y ), v( x, y )) is the vector field which substitutes the external vector force field Fext of the traditional snake. The internal forces are defined similar to the original model consisting of elastic and bending forces. So lets see how is V(x,y) modeled. We first define an edge map f(x,y) of the image. A few ways to define edge map of an image are as follows, f ( x, y) | x, y)|2 f ( x, y ) | (G ( x, y ) * I ( x, y )) |2 V(x,y) is then defined to be a vector field which minimizes the following energy functional. E (u x2 u y2 vx2 v y2 ) | f |2 | V f |2 dxdy where u x , u y , vx , v y are the partial derivatives of u ( x, y ) and v ( x, y ) in the x and y directions. Consider the case when we are near the object boundary. We know that in this case f will be very high. Therefore if we want to minimize E we set V=f. That’s exactly what we want because we are happy with the effect f has on snake near the boundary. Now consider the case when we are away from the boundary in a smooth region. In this case f will be very small and the energy E can be minimized by minimizing the first term made up of the partial derivatives. It turns out that minimizing this term gives a slowly varying field in homogeneous region. The parameter is used to control the relative importance of the first and second term. 3) Euler equation for GVF field: Finding a vector field which minimizes E is a variational calculus problem and it can be solved by applying Euler-Lagrange differential equations. The equations obtained are u (u f x )( f x2 f y2 ) 0 v (v f y )( f x2 f y2 ) 0 Therefore our desired vector field V(x,y) is the one that satisfies the above Euler equations. Lets have a look into Euler equations. In areas which are smooth, fx and fy are zeros and so the vector field u(x,y) and v(x,y) is given by the first term. 2 is the Laplacian operator, therefore the resulting vector field is obtained by diffusing the boundary vectors into smooth areas using Laplacian equation. The greater the distance between a point and an edge the lesser is the force acting on it due to diffusion. The resulting force is the sum of these forces. This represents a competition between all the boundary vectors. 4) GVF force field: GVF force field Zoomed into concave region. In the above figure notice that there is force acting in the concave region pulling a point down towards the inner edge. This was not the case with traditional snake. Also note the large capture range. In fact a GVF snake can even pull a snake initialized at the image boundaries towards the object. 5) Implementation: The Euler equation given can be solved iteratively. We can make the RHS equal to the time derivative ut and vt. Therefore the Euler equations now become u ( x, y, t ) (u ( x, y, t ) f x ( x, y ))( f x ( x, y ) 2 f x ( x, y ) 2 ) ut ( x, y, t ) v( x, y, t ) (v( x, y, t ) f y ( x, y))( f x ( x, y) 2 f x ( x, y) 2 ) vt ( x, y, t ) The solution is found when the time derivatives become equal to 0. This acts like a stopping condition. Discretization: To find the GVF field: The u and v components of the GVF field were defined for each pixel of the image. Therefore u(x,y) and v(x,y) were represented by 2 matrices of size equal to the image. The above Euler equations were applied to each pixel in the image repeatedly. The parameter was taken from the user and was kept constant throughout the process. The Laplacian operation is performed by applying the following mask. The vector field finally obtained was normalized to have a unity magnitude. The second step is to use the GVF force field obtained using above procedure to solve the Euler equation for the snake. vss vssss V 0 The method used to solve this equation is exactly similar to the one used to solve traditional snakes. The solution to the above equation finds the contour that is our detected boundary. 6) Results: Here are a few results I obtained with my program. The GVF vector field obtained using the above explanation was normalized so that all vectors have a magnitude equal to unity. A) GVF force vector field components: Image u(x,y) v(x,y) u(x,y) gives the force acting on the points in the horizontal direction whereas v(x,y) gives the force acting on the point in the vertical direction. Notice that the direction of these orthogonal vector components is towards the edges in the concave region and even inside the object and far away from the object. B) GVF snake output: One of the important things to take note of while implementing active contour models is to reparametrize the curve dynamically to ensure that the distance between the control points is same. To implement his I clustered the control points so that points very close to each other are eliminated and then I resampled the control points at fixed equal distances. This method seems more promising and worked well for most cases. In the figure below, the snake was not able to detect the shape of the airplane completely because it was not dynamically reparametrized. The position of the contour at various iterations is also shown. It seems to have stuck up and does not go further inside. Also notice that the airplane in the center is detected perfectly using clustering and reparametrization to give us the final shape. Without reparametrizing With reparametrizing The parameters of the snake were set to the following =0.05; =0.00; =0.9; =0.2; =0.1; Number of iterations done to find GVF field=300. Number of iterations done to find final contour=300. Distance between control points while reparametrizing=8 C) GVF snake can also be initialized across the object boundary: The parameters of the snake were set to the following =0.05; =0.01; =0.5; =0.2; =1.5; Final conotur Distance between control points while reparametrizing=8. Number of iterations done to find GVF field=300. Number of iterations done to find final contour=400. D) GVF snakes also do a good job in detecting shapes in poor quality medical images: The above is a magnetic resonance image of the left ventrical of a human heart. The contour was initialized inside the object (small white circle) and it expanded under the influence of GVF force field giving us more details of the borders. Here I also used thresholding on the edge map of the image to kill values below 0.35 to 0. All values above 0.35 were left unaffected. This reduced the effect of sampling artifacts and gave better results. The parameters of the snake were set to the following =0.045; =0.00; =0.8; =0.2; =1.5; Distance between control points while reparametrizing=12. Number of iterations done to find GVF field=200. Number of iterations done to find final contour=500. 7) Drawbacks of GVF snakes: Although the GVF snake seems very promising to us it still suffers from the following drawbacks. Sensitive to parameters: We have not been able to overcome this problem for snakes. It persists for GVF snakes like it did for traditional snakes. Speed: Solving the Euler equations to find the GVF field components is computationally a very expensive process. Therefore it becomes almost impossible for us to implement GVF in real time applications. 8) Conclusion: Active contour models seem to be a promising and feasible approach to perform the task of detecting arbitrary shapes in an image with a minimum prior. Their performance for images corrupted by noise and poor sampling was also satisfying. Traditional models were very easy to use in real time applications but they did not detect boundary concavities. On the other hand GVF snakes were able to detect boundary concavities but too slow to implement in real time. References: [1] M. Kass, A. Witkin, and D. Terzopoulos, "Snakes: Active contour models,” International Journal of Computer Vision. v. 1, n. 4, pp. 321-331, 1987. [2] C. Xu and J.L. Prince, “Gradient Vector Flow: A New External Force for Snakes,” Proc. IEEE Conf. on Comp. Vis. Patt. Recog. (CVPR), Los Alamitos: Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 66-71, June 1997. [3] C. Xu and J.L. 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