MODELING GENE TRANSFER WITH A PLASMID Introduction 1. Define the following: Plasmid – Name ____________________________________ DUE ___________ Per ____ Mrs. Naclerio Restriction enzyme – Recombinant DNA – Sticky ends – Gene splicing – The first step in genetic engineering is to incorporate a desired gene into a plasmid. The plasmid and gene must be prepared so they can be joined together to form a new recombinant plasmid. One way to do this is to cut both the gene and the plasmid with restriction enzymes that leave overhanging or so called sticky ends. If the sticky ends of the plasmid and the gene are complementary, they will form hydrogen bonds. The sticky ends can then be joined permanently by ligase enzymes to make a new plasmid containing recombinant DNA. In this activity you will make a model recombinant DNA plasmid by piecing together a paper gene and a paper plasmid that have been cut with restriction enzymes. Objectives Explain the function of a restriction enzyme Model the process of making a recombinant DAN plasmid from a desired gene and the plasmid Materials (per group) pUC19 Plasmid Sequence Lux Gene Sequence Scissors Colored pencils/crayons Tape 1 Safety Be careful when using the scissors Procedure 1. Using the pUC19 Plasmid Sequence strip, write out the complementary DNA sequence under the first strand. REMEMBER THE BASE-PAIRING RULE!!! pUC19 Plasmid Sequence …ATGACCATGATTACGCCGCATGCCTGCAGGTCGACTCTAGAGGATCCCCGGGTACCGAGCTCGAATTCACTGGCC… 2. Color this pUC19 Plasmid Sequence blue. Cut out around black line. 3. Tape the two ends together to make a complete circle that represents the pUC19 plasmid, as shown in Figure 2. Note: Make sure that the DNA sequence of the plasmid is facing outward. Label this circle plasmid. 4. The actual lux gene makes a chemical that causes an organism to glow in the dark. On the Lux Gene Sequence (neon orange strip), write the sequence for the complementary DNA strand directly under the sequence for the first strand, near the bottom edge. Lux Gene Sequence: CACGGATCCAGCTTAGAGTACCTAGATAAGGCATGGATCCAGCTACGCAA 5. After you write the lux Gene Sequence, label this strip of paper Lux gene. 2 6. Identify the recognition site for the following restriction enzyme on the pUC19 plasmid DNA. The solid lines indicate where the restriction enzyme has made a cut within the recognition sequence. Draw lines on the blue strip of paper labeled plasmid to show where the plasmid should be cut by the t restriction enzyme listed below. 7. Identify the recognition sites (2) for the same restriction enzyme above on the lux gene DNA. Draw lines on the neon orange strip of paper labeled gene to show where the gene should be cut by the restriction enzyme (2) listed below. 8. Use the scissors to cut the blue strip of paper that represents the plasmid and the neon orange strip of paper that represents the gene according to your cut site markings. Be careful to leave the overhang, or sticky ends, intact. 9. Match the complementary sticky ends from the pUC19 plasmid and the lux gene to form a new plasmid. Tape the blue and neon orange pieces together to represent the bonds that will form between the complementary strands. The result should be a circle of neon orange and blue paper. In a real plasmid, the sticky ends are first held together by hydrogen bonds and then permanent covalent bonds are formed by the ligase enzyme. 10. Tape the neon orange and blue strip of paper and the extra pieces of neon orange to your laboratory record sheet. Then, answer the questions. Observations Complete the plasmid model Be sure to label the plasmid section and the lux gene section of the recombinant DNA Be sure to put your name on the model 3 Analysis and Conclusions 1. Use the data table below. Relate the steps of producing recombinant DNA to the activities of the modeling procedure by explaining how the terms relate to the model. TERM LAB MODEL GENE SPLICING PLASMID RESTRICTION ENZYME STICKY ENDS RECOMBINANT DNA 2. How does the paper model of a plasmid resemble a bacterial plasmid? 4 3. How is cutting with the scissors different from cleaving with a restriction enzyme? What is specific about this enzyme? 4. Enzymes that modify DNA, such as restriction enzymes, have been discovered and isolated from living cells. What functions do you think they have in living cells? 5. Does the model accurately represent the process of producing recombinant DNA? 5 pUC19 Plasmid Sequence ATGACCATGATTACGCCGCATGCCTGCAGGTCGACTCTAGAGGATCCCCGGGTACCGAGCTCGAATTCACTGGCC pUC19 Plasmid Sequence ATGACCATGATTACGCCGCATGCCTGCAGGTCGACTCTAGAGGATCCCCGGGTACCGAGCTCGAATTCACTGGCC pUC19 Plasmid Sequence ATGACCATGATTACGCCGCATGCCTGCAGGTCGACTCTAGAGGATCCCCGGGTACCGAGCTCGAATTCACTGGCC pUC19 Plasmid Sequence ATGACCATGATTACGCCGCATGCCTGCAGGTCGACTCTAGAGGATCCCCGGGTACCGAGCTCGAATTCACTGGCC 6 Lux Gene Sequence: CACGGATCCAGCTTAGAGTACCTAGATAAGGCATGGATCCAGCTACGCAA Lux Gene Sequence: CACGGATCCAGCTTAGAGTACCTAGATAAGGCATGGATCCAGCTACGCAA Lux Gene Sequence: CACGGATCCAGCTTAGAGTACCTAGATAAGGCATGGATCCAGCTACGCAA Lux Gene Sequence: CACAAGCTTAGCTTAGAGTACCTAGATAAGGCATGGATCCAGCTACGCAA Lux Gene Sequence: CACGGATCCAGCTTAGAGTACCTAGATAAGGCATGGATCCAGCTACGCAA 7