Imperialism 2x

Paulash, Jack, Rohan, Tejas
Spanish American War - Main topic
1. Yellow Journalism- Spark to the war
● Joseph Pulitzer, W.R. Hearst
● sinking of Maine
2. War
● Rough Riders (under Teddy Roosevelt)
● Buffalo Soldiers (African American Soldiers)
3. Platt Amendment
Yellow Journalism
Jack (as Joseph): The U.S.S Maine was sunk on February 15, 1898 by the Spanish, killing 266
sailors. Assistant Secretary Roosevelt is convinced the explosion of the warship is not an
accident. The president and congress have began to make movements towards declaring war.
Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain.
Hearst: How many spanish men does it take to turn on a light bulb? Juan. Who destroyed the
Maine? Was is it Juan? Juanito? Which Juan of these did it? The Cubans have been forced to
rebel due to the harsh actions of the Spanish. Are we next? We are offering a $50,000 reward to
anyone who knows who sunk the ship.
Explanation: Pulitzer and Hearst are the two most popular yellow journalists who wrote about
the USS Maine. The USS Maine, a battleship which had been in Havana's harbor to protect
American interest, sank after an explosion on February 15th, 1898, killing 266 sailors. The
sinking fueled yellow journalism and lead many americans to support the war. The yellow
journalists were also the reason behind the increased public sympathy for the cuban rebels.
Additional Info. Yellow journalism was basically sensationalism and was subjunctive.
Q. In what ways did the Yellow Journalism antagonize the Spaniards?
A. They blamed them for events such as the destruction of the U.S.S. Maine, and exaggerated
truths so to make Spaniards look bad and racism.
Q. What role did Yellow Journalism play in the U.S. entering the Spanish American War?
A. They created sympathy among Americans for the plight of Cuban rebels who wanted to rid
themselves of the Spaniards, urging the U.S. to enter a war with Spain.
Teddy Roosevelt and Rough Riders
Characters: Theodore Roosevelt, Group of Rough Riders, President McKinley
Colonel Roosevelt: Alright men, though our horses are still in America, we shall fight on foot.
Our spirit has not left us, nor will it when we go to battle. The San Juan Hills are nearly upon us.
Let us show the Spaniards the might of America!
(end scene)
(battle scene): Video
(next scene)
President McKinley: Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, I, President William McKinley, hereby
present you and five of the men whom you fought with, with the Medal Of Honor, for your
heroic actions during the Battle of San Juan Hill.
Colonel Roosevelt: (salutes) It was an honor sir. Thank you for this prestigious award.
(end scene)
Explanation: Before the war started, the Teller Amendment was passed in Congress. Basically,
the Teller Amendment kept America from annexing Cuba. As the war went on, there was
tremendous success due to the effort of the Rough Riders. The rough riders were a group of
misfits led by Theodore Roosevelt. African Americans that fought with the Rough Riders were
known as Buffalo Soldiers. Buffalo Soldiers because they went in head first. The most well
known battle was the Battle of San Juan Hill. John Hay called it a “splendid little war”. A result
of the Spanish-American War Cuba was finally free from the Spaniards and America received
the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico. Even though we didn’t annex Cuba, we had control over it
due to the Platt Amendment.
Additional Info.: Date war ended: August 12, 1898, U.S. signed a cease-fire with Spain
Q. What 3 places did the United States annex after the Spanish American War?
A. Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
Q. Why did John Hay call it the “Splendid Little War”
A. The Americans faced little casualties.
B. We received a lot of territory from the Spanish
C. The Filipino people were happy we saved them from the Spanish
D. Both A and B
E. None of the above.
A. D. Both A and B
Platt Amendment
Setting - Congres
Senator Orville H. Platt
Platt: Dear fellow congressmen, I would like to bring an amendment to the stage. The
amendment will dictate the terms of U.S. and Cuban relations. In this amendment I propose a
change to the Cuban constitution. We should demand a naval base in Guantanamo Bay.
Congressman: A naval base? Changes in their constitution? What about the Teller Amendment?
Platt: This amendment will replace the Teller Amendment and it we will not annex Cuba. We
will make it a protectorate. This new amendment will also let us intervene in things like trade
relations of Cuba and other countries. Therefore, we can keep a look out for our protectorate.
Congressman 2: I think this is a great idea, this will help us imperialize easily. We will grow in
power in the eyes of the world.
Additional Info.: In addition to the naval bases and changes in the constitution, the platt
amendment also gave the United States power to intervene in anything including treaties and
trade relations.
Q.What 2 things did the Platt Amendment demand?
A. We can intervene/regulate their trade, a naval base in Guantanamo Bay
Q.Which amendment did the Platt Amendment replace?
A.Teller Amendment
Q. The anti-imperial league was a group of people who did not believe in expanding America’s
influence who of the following could have been in that organization.
A. Senator Platt
B. Joseph Pulitzer
C. Theodore Roosevelt
D. None of the above
A. D. None of the above