Epicenter Mrs. Galyna GEREGA Bratyslavska Str. 11 Ukraine, 02139 Kyiv keine Emailadresse McDonald’s Deutschland Steffen Sander Drygalski-Allee 51 81477 München Tel.: 089 / 78 59 44 13 Fax: 089 / 78 59 44 79 steffen.sander@de.mcd.com presse@mcdonalds.de McDonald’s Österreich ursula.riegler@at.mcd.com Carlsberg Breweries Tatiyana Antonchik Communications Dir. Eastern Europe tatiana.antonchik@carlsberg.com Carlsberg Deutschland GmbH Holsten Straße 224 22765 Hamburg Telefax: (040) 38101 751 info@carlsberg.de presse@carlsberg.de Conti hannes.boekhoff@conti.de kristin.bartels@conti.de antje.lewe@conti.de vincent.charles@conti.de Adidas Deutschland Vorstandsvorsitzender Herbert Hainer Adi-Dassler-Str. 1 97014 Herzogenaurach Fax: 09132-842241 Deutsche Castrol Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH Redaktion Dorthe Pausch Max-Born-Str. 2 22761 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0) 40 / 3594-01 Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 3594-5420 press_de@service.adidas.com jan.runau@adidas-group.com katja.schreiber@adidas-group.com sara.sikora@adidas-group.com rank.thomas@adidas-group.com inken.schermann@adidas-group.com castrolwebform@sykes.com Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG Pressesprecher Geert Harzmann Friedrichstr. 68 10117 Berlin presse@coca-cola-gmbh.de Coca-Cola Services N.V. 1424 Chaussée de Mons 1070 Brüssel Belgien Tel: +49 (0)30 22 606 9069 Fax: +49 (0)30 22 606 9110 info@coca-cola.de Canon Deutschland Canon Österreich pressestelle@canon.de birgit.kemperling@canon.at pr@canon.at anja.herberth@accedogroup.com sabrina.rachor@accedogroup.com Dekra Deutschland stephan.heigl@dekra.com anja.preissinger-kaczmarek@dekra.com alexander.foell@dekra.com Deutsche Lufthansa konzernkommunikation@dlh.de Ferrero Deutschland Hyundai Motor Deutschland GmbH GF Werner H. Frey Gottfried-Leibnitz-Str. 5 74172 Neckarsulm Telefon: 0 71 32/4 87-0 Fax: 07132 487-270 KIA Sharp Electronics (Europe) GmbH GF Maximillian Huber Sonninstrasse 3 presse@ferrero.com info@hyundai.de silke.rosskothen@kia.de judith.richter@kia.de maria.ziron@kia.de sharpinfo.de@sharp.eu martin.beckmann@sharp.eu 20097 Hamburg Tel: +49 (0)40 / 23 76-0 Fax: +49 (0)40 / 23 76-25 10 stefanie.schuenhoff@sharp.eu Zweigniederlassung Österreich Handelskai 342 1020 Wien Austria Tel: +43 (0)1 / 727 19-0 Fax: +43 (0)1 / 727 19-109 Orange Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. Jacek Kunicki Director Investor Relations Department Ul. Twarda 18 00-105 Warsaw, Poland jacek.kunicki@telekomunikacja.pl Vincent Lobry Vice President in charge of Marketing and Strategy Orange Austria Telecommunication GmbH Brünner Straße 52 A-1210 Wien Tel.: + 43 (1) 27728 – 0 Fax: + 43 (0) 699 70770 info@orange.co.at presse@orange.co.at journalistenservice@orange.co.at tom.tesch@orange.co.at Block: steffen.sander@de.mcd.com, presse@mcdonalds.de, ursula.riegler@at.mcd.com, tatiana.antonchik@carlsberg.com, info@carlsberg.de, presse@carlsberg.de , hannes.boekhoff@conti.de, kristin.bartels@conti.de , antje.lewe@conti.de, vincent.charles@conti.de, press_de@service.adidas.com, jan.runau@adidas-group.com, katja.schreiber@adidas-group.com, sara.sikora@adidas-group.com, rank.thomas@adidasgroup.com, inken.schermann@adidas-group.com, castrolwebform@sykes.com, presse@coca-colagmbh.de, info@coca-cola.de, pressestelle@canon.de, birgit.kemperling@canon.at, pr@canon.at, anja.herberth@accedogroup.com, sabrina.rachor@accedogroup.com, stephan.heigl@dekra.com, anja.preissinger-kaczmarek@dekra.com, alexander.foell@dekra.com, konzernkommunikation@dlh.de, presse@ferrero.com, info@hyundai.de, silke.rosskothen@kia.de, judith.richter@kia.de, maria.ziron@kia.de, sharpinfo.de@sharp.eu, martin.beckmann@sharp.eu, stefanie.schuenhoff@sharp.eu, jacek.kunicki@telekomunikacja.pl, info@orange.co.at, presse@orange.co.at, journalistenservice@orange.co.at, tom.tesch@orange.co.at Copy and paste the following text (HTML must be selected as the email format for the pictures) in your email Program: Dear Sponsors of the European Championship, You could be asking, who’s interested in what’s happening to stray dogs in the Ukraine. I, dear Sponsor !!! Do you know who I am? I’m your customer and I cannot ignore the suffering the animals are going through right now – and what‘s more – I’m NOT prepared to look the other way. For this reason I’m giving you my word: I will go without new running shoes from ADIDAS. I refuse to drink COCA COLA and other beverages from this company. I will not eat French Fries from MCDONALD’S anymore and from now on there will be no CARLSBERG Beer on my table or ASTA, ELEPHANT, GATZ ALT, HANNEN ALT, HOSTEN PILSENER or LÜBZER for that matter. My tires (also for my bicycle) will not be from CONTINENTAL. I will fly with airlines other than LUFTHANSA; DEKRA will not receive a cent from me, neither will ORANGE. HYUNDAI, KIA, SHARP, FERRERO, CANON and CASTROL will also be brands that I consciously avoid. When animals are brutally tortured and killed for your „clean“ games, then WE do not find your products attractive. Your image will be given a new twist and we will keep this in mind when we shop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdxohuZWZ_w Please have the courage and compassion to show that you are against this killing. Please campaign for the implementation of humane alternative measures, which have already been worked out. Movie: PROTEST IN GERMANY More Information Petitions I want a European Championship with FAIR PLAY and not one at the expense of murdered animals. Name: Address: City: Country: