Checklist - Marketing, Promotion & Publicity

Marketing Plan Should Answer These Questions
Is there demand for this meeting
How many similar events are held? Where?
Can you effectively compete in price, quality and delivery?
Marketing Plan Should Include
Target Market Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Goals and Objectives
Marketing Budget
Promotional Strategy
Measures of Success
Integrated Marketing May Include
Advertising (Print, Broadcast)
Promotions (Direct Mail Brochures, Flyers, Postcards; Contests, Giveaways)
Publications (Magazines, Newsletters, Newspapers, Directories)
Sales (Telemarketing, Direct Sales)
Sponsorships (Events, Organizations, Publications)
Market Research Should Reveal
What are the opportunities?
What are the threats?
Who are the past attendees and potential attendees?
Why will they want to attend your meeting? (networking, education, purchasing)
What are their demographics? (geographic distribution, job titles, purchasing power, etc.)
What other types of meetings do they attend? (when, where and what cost)
Is your meeting competitive with those events?
Where do they get their information?
To Prepare a Promotional Budget
Review amount spent on promotion of previous meeting.
Poll organizations with similar-size meetings for average promotional expenditures.
Estimate costs for each promotional tool based on estimates from suppliers.
Piano Technicians Guild, Inc.
4444 Forest Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66106-3750
Phone: 913-432-9975
Fax: 913-432-9986
Estimate promotion budgets of other successful meetings.
Decide of you want to match or exceed expenditures of other successful meetings.
Promotion Plan Should
Define key messages (selling points) for each target audience.
Identify promotional materials and activities that will deliver the message.
Map out timeline for producing and delivering materials.
Reinforce organization’s brand identity.
Press Release Mailings
Press Releases Tailored to each Media Outlet
Up-to-Date Media Mailing List
Press Kit Available Online
Follow-Up Mailings with Phone Call to Contacts
Printed Materials
Budget Sensibly
Include All Printed Material
Solicit Print Bids
Materials Distributed Before and During Meeting
Letters, Postcards, Flyers and Brochures
Pre-Registration and Housing Forms
On-Site Registration Forms
Invitations to VIPs, Private Receptions, etc.
Official Programs of the Meeting
Badge Holders and Paper Stock
Evaluation Forms
Session Handouts/Proceedings
Registration Lists
Using Web Sites Effectively
Work with a Pro
Weave Your Section in Seamlessly
Keep is Simple
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From The Convention Industry Council Manual, 7th Edition, © 2000, 2005 by the Convention Industry Council
Tie in to Promotional Material to Support or Corroborate Features and Benefits
Make Navigation Easy
Be Consistent in Details
Reward Visitors with Added Value
Update Information Regularly
Encourage Visitors to Register
Add Bells and Whistles for a Reason
Promote Future Meetings
Copyrights, Disclaimers and Disclosure
Online Advertising
Industry Publications
Trade Associations or Affiliated Organizations
Vertical Portals That Serve Industry
Convention and Visitors Bureau for Meeting Destination
Event Sites That List Meetings, Conventions and Exhibitions
LinkExchange Banner Network
Distribute Email Newsletter
Meeting Information
Show Daily News
Post-Show Reports
Industry News
Educational Articles
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From The Convention Industry Council Manual, 7th Edition, © 2000, 2005 by the Convention Industry Council