Oregon State University, 10507 N McAlister Road, La Grande, OR

Extension Service Union County
Oregon State University, 10507 N McAlister Road, La Grande, OR 97850
T 541-963-1010 | F 541-963-1036 | http://extension.oregonstate.edu/union/
October 1,2009
Dear Prospective Master Gardeners:
Thank you for your interest in the Union County Master Gardener Program. Over the past
several years there have been over 250 people from Union, Wallowa and Umatilla counties
who have taken the Master Gardener Program classes in La Grande. Room and class size is
limited , early sign up and tuition payment is encouraged and it is the only way to guarantee a
seat in the 2010 program.
This year there will be 14 to 18 Master Gardener classes depending on instructor
availability. The classes will be held on Tuesday of each week beginning on January 5, 2010 at
4:30 PM along with several Saturday field trips and workshops.
Classes will last approximately three hours (with a ½ hour dinner break) and should have
everyone leaving for home around 8:00 PM. Classes are held in the conference room at the Ag
Service Center, 10507 N. McAlister Road, Island City. The classes will go through the dinner
hour and food for the first class will be provided and a potluck schedule will be set up for the
following week's classes.
Each participant taking the forty five-plus hours of training will be required to return an equal
number of hours of volunteer time to the community during the remainder of the year to
become a certified Master Gardener. Ten of these hours must be fulfilled by answering
questions from the public at the Extension Office. Training for this will be provided and the
Extension Staff is very supportive and it is a fun experience. The remaining volunteer
commitment can take the form of working on projects with local schools and agencies, giving
talks to area garden clubs or schools, or completing an approved project of your own design.
Various ideas for completing your hours will be presented throughout the upcoming classes.
The fee for the Master Gardener course is $125.00, with a $50 rebate if you have
completed your volunteer hours in the allotted time given. After the rebate, this comes to just
under $5.00 per class. The tuition goes to cover the cost of the Master Gardener Handbook
that each student receives and informational handouts that are distributed during each class.
Each student also receives a Master Gardener badge, has access to Extension Office
horticulture reference materials, and has an opportunity to network with other gardeners. After
you have paid back your volunteer time, you will also receive the official Master Gardener
Certificate of Completion. If you are already a Master Gardener and wish to take the classes,
the fee is $30.00. For Master Gardeners to remain certified they are required to attend at least
two classes of their choice this coming year and complete ten hours of community service.
To register, submit payment to the Union County Extension Office as soon as possible as
space is limited. Checks should be made payable to the Union County Extension Service.
Clint Hett
Master Gardener Program Coordinators, Union County 541-963-1010
Email Clint Hett at umgclint@yahoo.com
Agriculture, 4-H Youth, Family & Community Development, Forestry, and Extension Sea Grant Programs. Oregon State University, United States
Department of Agriculture, and Union County cooperating. The Extension Service offers its programs and materials equally to all people.