KERRY P. WELCH University of Central Florida Student Union 208 P.O. Box 163245 Orlando, FL 32816-3245 407-823-5820/Office Residence: 905 N. Lake Claire Circle Oviedo, FL 32765 407-359-8790/Home 407-341-8511/Cell EDUCATION Ed.D. M.A. B.A. (2004) Urban Educational Leadership, University of Cincinnati (1989) Counselor Education, University of Cincinnati (1981) Psychology, University of Cincinnati WORK EXPERIENCE Higher Education 2004 - Present University of Central Florida Director Office of Student Involvement Responsible for direction and leadership of Office of Student Involvement team including thirteen full time professional staff and numerous graduate assistants and student staff; OSI areas of service include Student Government Association, student organization registration and management, Multicultural Student Center, Campus Activities Board; university student volunteer program, as well as Fraternity and Sorority Life; responsible for supervision and evaluation of professional and paraprofessional staff; responsible for Institutional Effectiveness plans and Department Performance Reviews; responsible for coordinating student involvement on UCF regional campuses; responsible for direct budget ($1.2 mil.) and allocation of Activity and Service Fee ($ 10.5 mil.). Set vision and strategic planning for office and participate in various roles within Student Development and Enrollment Services unit. Adjunct Professor College of Education Responsible for teaching three sections of core requirements for Master of Arts degree students in Student Personnel Administration. Responsible for developing curriculum, determining textbooks, and facilitating classroom discussion and evaluation for History & Philosophy of Higher Education, Finance in Higher Education, and Capstone Seminar. 1995 - 2004 University of Cincinnati Assistant Director Student Activities & Leadership Development Responsible for assessment in office of Student Activities and Leadership Development; responsible for developing and managing budgets for Club Sports Board ($ 140,000), Racial Awareness Program ($ 80,000), Greek Life ($ 3,000), SERVUS ($ 2,000); strategize, plan, and facilitate budget request presentations before SACUB (Student Advisory Council on University Budgets); manage budget ($ 140,000). Initiated development of Diversity Education Program Coordinator position in Student Activities Office; strategic planning for diversity education; Search Committee Chair/member for hiring professional staff of Racial Awareness Program, Diversity Education, Greek Life, Residence Life (i.e. Area Coordinators, Assistant Director), Programming, Ethnic Programs and Services; responsible for marketing and recruitment strategic planning; experience with development of position descriptions and advertisements. Advised Student Government (SG) senate and executive branches. 1991 - 1995 University of Cincinnati Program Coordinator Racial Awareness Program Responsible for oversight and leadership of Racial Awareness Program (RAPP); education of students, faculty, and community members on the impact of racism; responsible for planning, implementation, and evaluation of RAPP group including supervision of group facilitators, establishing goals, and preparing structured exercises for learning. Also includes supervision of paraprofessional staff, preparing and monitoring budget ($ 80,000); coordinating outreach programs. Community Counseling 1990 - 1991 Hamilton County Mental Health Board Community Support Program Specialist Responsible for coordination of day programming in the county. Tasks included program development and evaluation; budget review; facilitation of planning groups. Also supervision of graduate assistant; organize and facilitate workshops and in-service training; advocating for day services regarding county-wide allocation of funds. 1985 - 1990 William A. Mitchell Center Program Development Coordinator Responsible for program development and evaluation of day program for people with mental and emotional disabilities. Performed marketing presentations and community education programs; supervision of staff; direct service includes assessment; individual and group treatment. 1983 - 1985 Mental Health Services, Northwest Human Service Worker Marlowe House Performing group facilitation of pre-vocational unit in day treatment center assisting psychiatric clients in development of interpersonal and employment skills. Additional responsibilities included intake evaluation and assessment; supervision of part-time employment placements and supervision of construction and maintenance of community supported greenhouse. 1981 - 1983 Mental Health Services, Northwest Residential Rehabilitation Worker Worked with psychiatric clients in developing interpersonal and independent living skills as well as crisis intervention. Responsible for research and planning as well as leadership of skills training groups and participation with residents in decision making groups. ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS Welch, K. (2004). Remodeling attitudes with design changes. The Bulletin, 72 (3): 20-24 Allen, D., Bolden-Haraway, C., Brydon-Miller, M. Cook, A., Eby, B., Foster, W., Mack, G., Obarski, K. Ostendorf. W., Thurman, S., and Welch, K. (2003). Action research and the challenges of urban education. International Journal of Learning, 10; 989-998 UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH Welch, K., MacDonald, W., Raphael, A., and Posner, K. (2006). Reflections on the Mid-Manager’s Institute. (Manuscript in progress) Welch, K. and Hall, T. (2006). “Alcohol education programming: Keeping the low risk drinkers low risk”. (Manuscript in progress) Raphael, A. and Welch, K. (2006). “Correlating parent involvement and GPAs: How much is too much?” (Research in progress) Welch, K. and Koschoreck, J. (2004). “Diversity attitudes among rural high school students”, (Manuscript submitted) Welch, K. (2004). “Effects of Racial Awareness Program (RAPP) on participant attitudes and behaviors”, (Dissertation) TEACHING EXPERIENCE EDH-6935, Student Personnel Administration, Capstone Seminar, University of Central Florida, 2006 EDH-6065, Student Personnel Administration, History of Higher Education, University of Central Florida, 2004 - 2006 EDH-6505, Student Personnel Administration, Finance in Higher Education, University of Central Florida, 2005 - 2006 18-CNSL-302, Special Topics in Education, “Diversity Education: Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia”, University of Cincinnati, 1993 - 2001 15-MLTI-100, Learning Community Cohort, “Student Involvement Seminar”, University of Cincinnati, 2003 – 2004 (Multiple sessions) 15-MLTI-123, College Success Skills, “Getting Involved: Benefits of CoCurricular Activities”, University of Cincinnati, 2003 – 2004 (Multiple sessions) PRESENTATIONS 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2004 2003 2003 2002 2002 2001 1995 1993 1991 Leadership Week, University of Central Florida; “Do as I do, Not as I say: Ethics in Leadership” North Star Summit “Leading in the Grey Area: Ethics and RSOs” UCF Philosophy Department Conference: Heresy, Blasphemy, and the Freedom of Expression Panelist, Free Speech Association of College Unions-International, Region 6 Conference, “Ethics in Student Affairs” (Keynote Speaker) Southern Association of College Student Affairs “Structured Diversity Education: Is it necessary for developing cultural competency?” National Association of Student Personnel Administrators/ Florida State Drive-in Conference “Reading the numbers: Financial Literacy in Higher Education” National Association of Multicultural Education “Beyond Tolerance” (Program planning only) National Association of Multicultural Education “The Racial Awareness Program” National Conference on Race and Ethnicity “Creating a Safe Space: The Racial Awareness Pilot Project Evolves” National Conference on Student Services “Can Men Plan Programs for Women? ”Addressing Diversity: Strategies for Advisors” NACA, National Conference “Keeping It Real: Advisor Approaches for Diverse Organizations” NASPA, Region IV “When Advocates Become Targets” Great Oaks Institute of Technology and Career Development New Student Orientation/Diversity Training (1995 - 2001) New School Teacher Diversity Training Presenter, National Conference on Race and Ethnicity “Racial Awareness Pilot Project (RAPP)” SPECIALIZED TRAINING 2007 2007 Aspiring Senior Student Affairs Officers, NASPA QPR Suicide Prevention Training 2006 2003 2002 1986 Mid-Manager’s Institute, NASPA Assessment in Student Affairs, Dr. John Schuh, Facilitator Conflict Management, State of Ohio Public Schools Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Ohio (1986-1992) PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Member, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Member, Southern Association of College Student Affairs Member, Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) Member, National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE NASPA SACSA NASPA-FL AFA ACPA/NASPA Joint Meeting, Local Arrangements Committee, 2007 Annual Conference Programming Committee, 2006-2007 Chair, New Professionals and Graduate Students Knowledge Community, 2006-2007 Member, Cultural Diversity Knowledge Community, 2000-2002 COLLEGE SERVICE University of Central Florida Fraternity and Sorority Life Healthy Lifestyle Work Group Sophomore Program Task Force Diversity Training Planning Committee Good Sport Program Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee Financial Literacy Advisory Group Gambling Task Force Tailgating Task Force University of Cincinnati Project Connection, 2001-2004 Commission on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Education, 1998 - 2004 Use of Facilities Committee, 2001- 2004 Dance Policy Committee, 1999 - 2004 President’s Dialogue on Race Relations Committee, 1999-2001 Greek Peer Advocacy Program, 1999-2003 Just Community Award Nominee, 1999 Quality Service Initiative, 1994-1997 Alternative Spring Break, Advisor/Trip Coordinator, 1996 Ethnic Programs and Services, Award of Excellence, 1995 COMMUNITY SERVICE Mentor, Orange County Public Schools, 2005 - present Homeowners Association (Secretary/Treasurer), 2005 - present Habitat for Humanity, 2003 - 2004 Cincinnati Chemical Abuse Treatment Center, 2002 - 2004 Project Connections, 2001 - 2004 Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, 1996-1997 Co-Chair, Good Neighbor Forum, 1997-1998 FAMILY Jennifer (wife); Summer (daughter) & Nick (son-in-law); Sadie (daughter); Pace (son); Gabriella (daughter)