Photosynthesis Takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells Organisms that can perform photosynthesis are called “autotrophs” – they produce their own food. Overall reaction: CO2 + H2O + Sunlight O2 + C6H12O6 Can be split into 2 parts Light Reaction Needs light energy and water to proceed Produces O2 Also produces temporary energy storage molecules – ATP and NADPH. These are used to provide energy for dark cycle Dark Reaction Does NOT need light energy to proceed Needs CO2 and water to proceed CO2 comes into leaves via pores in leaves call “stomata” Enzyme called “Rubisco” catalyzes the process Also called “Calvin Cycle” Produces long-term energy storage molecule - Glucose Passes ADP (product of stripping energy from ATP) and NADP+ (product of stripping energy from NADPH) back to Light Reaction PHOTOSYNTHESIS – Light and Dark Reactions Respiration Inputs are O2 and Glucose Produces CO2 and H2O Also produces lots of ATP (up to 40 molecules of ATP per molecule of Glucose) Respiration is done by both “heterotrophs” (organisms that cannot produce their own food, such as fungi and animals) and “autotrophs” (organisms that produce their own food). Overall reaction (for aerobic respiration): O2 + C6H12O6 CO2 + H2O + Energy Can be split into two parts Glycolysis Takes place in the cytoplasm of cells Each Glucose molecule is broken down into two “pyruvic acid” molecules Produces overall 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of NADH (ATP and NADH are temporary energy storage molecules) Does NOT require O2 and does NOT produce much energy. Aerobic Respiration Takes place in mitochondria Pyruvic acid is broken down into CO2 and H2O This process is called the “Krebs Cycle” Can produce up to 38 ATP Requires O2 and DOES produce lots of energy Fermentation Called “Anaerobic Respiration” because doesn’t require O2 Done by prokaryotes (since they don’t have mitochondria) Done by eukaryotes in the absence of O2 Consists of Glycolysis and then the regeneration of NAD+ from NADH Two types of fermentation – one type produces alcohol, one type produces lactic acid Alcohol Fermentation – how we make beer and wine Lactic acid build-up in muscles – results from anaerobic respiration during exercise – the “burn” in your muscles How are Photosynthesis and Respiration Related? Outputs of Photosynthesis are the Inputs of Respiration Outputs of Respiration are the Inputs of Photosynthesis Vocabulary – Define the following terms Photosynthesis – A process in which plants use energy from light to produce glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water Carbon Dioxide Gas – A colorless, odorless gas that is produced during respiration. Oxygen Gas – Chemical formula is CO2 A colorless, odorless gas that is used during aerobic respiration. Produced by photosynthesis. Chemical formula is O2 Glucose – a simple sugar that serves as the major energy source for all cellular processes. The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6. Electromagnetic EnergyVisible Light is a form of electromagnetic energy, with wavelengths between 400-700 nm. Light Reaction The reaction in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts that absorbs light energy and produces oxygen gas, NADPH and ATP Dark Reaction The reaction in the stroma of chloroplasts that takes in CO2 and produces glucose. Calvin Cycle Another name for “Dark Reaction” ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate. A temporary energy storage molecule that provides energy for cellular processes. ADP Adenosine Di-Phosphate. The energy depleted form of ATP. NADPH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase – A temporary energy storage molecule used in photosynthesis. NADP+ Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate – The energy depleted form of NADPH NADH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide – A temporary energy storage molecule which is used in cellular respiration NAD+ The energy depleted from of NADH Glycolysis The 1st step of cellular respiration – a process in the cytoplasm that converts [[glucose] C6H12O6, into pyruvate, Pyruvic Acid A 3 carbon organic acid produced during glycolysis. to fermentation and aerobic respiration Pyruvate For the purposes of this class, an alternate name for pyruvic acid. Krebs Cycle Input a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions, which is of central importance in all living cells that use oxygen as part of cellular respiration. Also known as the citric acid cycle. Produces up to 38 ATP Aerobic Respiration Same as Krebs cycle Anaerobic Respiration Glycolysis + Fermentation. require oxygen. Respiration that does not Produces 2 ATP Fermentation The process of anaerobic respiration. There are two types – alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. Questions: Compare and Contrast Photosynthesis and Respiration: Photosynthesis Respiration Inputs: CO2 , H2O and sunlight Inputs: O2 and glucose Steps: Steps: Glycolysis followed by Light reaction and Dark Reaction Outputs: O2 and Glucose Where does it happen?: In chloroplasts What kind of organism does it?: Autotrophs (plants and photosynthetic bacteria) fermentation or aerobic respiration Outputs: CO2 and H2O and energy Where does it happen? In cytoplasm and mitochondria What kind of organism does it? Autotrophs and heterotrophs Photosynthesis and Respiration – How are they Related? Photosynthesis stores energy. Respiration releases energy. The outputs of photosynthesis are the inputs of respiration and vice versa. When does fermentation take place? In low O2 or now O2 or in prokaryotes Which produces more energy, fermentation or aerobic respiration? Aerobic respiration What is the relationship between ATP and ADP? What is the relationship between NADPH and NADP+? What is the relationship between NADH and NAD+? They are all temporary energy storage molecules. ATP is the energy rich form. ADP is the energy poor form. NADPH is the energy rich form. NADP+ is the energy poor form. NADH is the energy rich form. NAD+ is the energy poor form In your opinion, could life as we know it exist without photosynthesis? Why or why not? If there were no photosynthesis, then the only kind of respiration that could be done would be anaerobic respiration. This form of respiration does not produce much energy in the form of ATP. It can support only very simple forms of life that do not have high energy needs, such as bacteria. If there were no photosynthesis, only very simple life would exist – not larger organisms that require lots of energy, such as animals and plants. What molecules do plants use for short-term energy storage? What molecules do plants use for longer-term energy storage? ATP, NADPH and NADH are short term energy storage molecules. Glucose and starch are longer-term energy storage molecules. What is an autotroph? Give an example. An autotroph is an organism that produces its own food, e.g. a plant What is a heterotroph? Give an example. A heterotroph is an organism that must ingest food to provide energy for its metabolic processes, e.g. an animal or a fungus Sketch the energy flow of the heterotrophs, the sun, and autotrophs. Sun autotrophs heterotrophs