Proposed Zoning Amendment

Frederick County Board of Commissioners
Winchester Hall
12 East Church Street
Frederick, MD
Charlie Abell
Former Manager, Frederick Municipal Airport
4955 Flossie Ave
Frederick, MD
AG and RC Zoning District Zoning Use Table/Definition Draft Text
To include in the Draft Text Amendment a Provision to Allow for a
“Private Use Commercial Aircraft Landing and Storage Area”
“Private Use Commercial Airfield to accommodate small general
aviation aircraft” in the agricultural zoning district
The following provisions shall apply to authorized aircraft and owners/operators in the
established and approved landing and storage areas in the agricultural district.
A. Land Area Minimum Size: 100 acres
B. Principal Users: Limited only to aircraft of owners/operators who are authorized
by the Land Owner, whose aircraft meet the minimum standards approved for the
landing operating area.
C. Intensity of Use: Storage and landing use not to exceed 100 aircraft
D. Aircraft Requirements: Aircraft limited to those that can take off and land at 95
degrees Fahrenheit within 1800 feet or less of runway length as recommended by
the specific aircraft manufacturer.
E. Clear Zone: The owner/operator of the landing area is required to maintain a
runway protection zone (RPZ) (or Clear Zone) at both ends of the runway in
accordance with the airport licensing rules and regulations of the State of
Maryland Aviation Administration. The RPZ must be located on land owned by
the airfield owner.
F. Aircraft Operating Area: No aircraft operation will be permitted within 100 feet of
a property boundary line or 1,000 feet of any public or private institution devoted
to education or human care. (“Operation” defined as take offs and landings)
G. Permitted Commercial Use: Rental of aircraft storage hangars (garage) and tiedown parking spots to not exceed 100 aircraft.
H. Use Limitations: The airfield will not be used for instruction or training or
aircraft touch-and-go operations.
I. Aircraft Sales: Commercial aircraft sales are not allowed at or permitted from the
airfield. The private owner is permitted to sell his own aircraft.
J. Airfield Rules and Regulations: The airfield owner will establish and maintain
written regulations to be followed by tenants of the aircraft based at the airfield.
Rules will include procedures such as No Touch-and-Go Landings, Take Off
Operation, No Flight School Operations, and include all items set forth in the
Frederick County AG-RC Zoning Regulation. The airfield owner will provide a
copy of the airfield regulations to each tenant and have them sign for their receipt
and agreement to abide by the regulations.