Chemistry: A Molecular Science Fall 2012 CH 101 Section 001

Chemistry: A Molecular Science
CH 101 Section 001: MWF 9:10 am –10:00 am
Fall 2012
Instructor: Dr. Jaap Folmer
Office: Dab 822
Office Hours
DAB 222
Telephone: 513-7792
10:00-11:00 m
The prerequisites for CH 101 are one year of high school chemistry and eligibility for MA 107. You
are expected to know some chemistry coming into the course, such as moles and balanced equations.
These subjects will be reviewed during the first few weeks of lecture. However, the pace is quite rapid. I
will try to teach you how to better deal with the high pace usual in all university education. If you feel
uncomfortable with the pace, I recommend you review your study habits, and I am open to discuss them
with you. Otherwise consider switching to CH111 or audit/credit only, to salvage your GPA. Switching to
audit/credit only or dropping must occur by Monday, Oct 15.
Required Materials: the package deal
1. Online Textbook
2. Online Solutions
3. WebAssign
Access Code
4. Textbook
5. Polyhedral
(Cost of access included in WebAssign access fee. Browser must be logged in to
WebAssign for textbook link to function.)
(Cost of access included in WebAssign access fee. Browser must be logged in to
WebAssign for textbook link to function.)
See There is a price break for 3
or more courses with WebAssign, so wait to see how many other courses you
have with WebAssign before purchasing. There is a grace period during which
you can do your homework.
Wertz, D.W., Chemistry - A Molecular Science, 2008. Hayden-McNeil. ISBN
978-0-7380-2712-8. A pdf file is given: you need to get it printed or use a
Visit and order one set of die cast aluminum
mathematical models ($28.-) Apparently only colored items are still available. I
emailed to ask for the status. We need this for ch 8, so there is still some time
For WebAssign you need to login with your unity ID. We no longer provide/require a hard copy, but you
will be given a pdf-version to download. I urge you to have it printed out, e.g. at kinko’s.
Justification for the package deal
Chemistry at NCSU uses its own materials package allowing for better curricular and technological
innovation than a commercial textbook can give. The complete package is about the same price or about
half the price if you would also buy a solutions’ manual in hard copy
Required Cumulative Final Exam
The final exam is required for all students and covers material presented during the entire semester. The
final exam is worth 200 points or 30.8% of your semester grade. The university has scheduled your final
exam time as shown below. Students must take their final exam with the section they are registered for.
CH101-001: Wed Dec 5th FINAL EXAM 8:00 am-11:00 am in Dab 222.
Please bring and show your student ID
Semester Tests
There are three exams during the semester, also held in Dab 222. Each exam is worth 100 points. The exam
dates are shown below and on the attached calendars. If class lectures do not follow the proposed schedule, the
material covered on the exams will be altered as needed.
Please bring your NCSU student ID to every exam and the final exam.
Test 1
12 sep
Test 2
15 oct
Test 3
12 nov
Most material of the course (Chapters 1-11) will be covered in one of the three semester exams, but not
all. Chapter 12 and possibly 13 will be part of the final cumulative exam only. Chapter 14 will not be
covered in this this course
You may bring a copy of the periodic table into the test. Calculators and empty scrap paper are welcome.
All tests are done through scantron multiple choice There are typically 15 full questions with 5 options
plus ten True/False questions for semester tests
Missed Semester Test Policy
No matter what your reason is, there are no late tests in CH101. If you are absent due to a nonplanned event such as sickness or car trouble and have university-accepted documentation, your
grade will be calculated by replacing the single missed test score with the same percentage you receive
on the final exam. Please note that this will make your final exam worth 50% of your semester grade.
If you will be absent on an exam day due to a preplanned event such as court appearances, athletic
events or family/religious obligations, you have the option of taking the test in advance. Please notify me
at least one week prior to make arrangements.
Missed Final Exam Policy
None really….: You are expected to attend the final exam. Only in cases of circumstances beyond your
control that can be properly documented (e.g. a summons for a court appearance), you may request that
the final exam grade be replaced by the average over the three semester exams. Such requests are not
automatically granted and missing the final exam may well result in an insufficient semester grade.
Extra time for exams, different locations
These will only be granted with proper documentation from the disability office (DSO). Tests and exams
cannot be scheduled later than the date and time given for the class as a whole
Recitation/problem sessions
Once a week you are required to attend a problem session. This is a luxury we have not had for quite a
few years for financial reasons: it is expensive to man these sessions with instructors. It is imperative that
we use this resource well. Last two semester’s results were very encouraging. In these sessions there will
be a TA who will do a set number of problems with you. Your presence is mandatory and the TA will keep
an attendance record. The TA will also reward your active participation. There will be two short quizzes
over the material of previous recitations. The total number of points possible in a semester will be 50pts,
20pts based on the quizzes, which leaves 3pts per session to be given at the discretion of the TA for
attendance and active participation. The three worst scores will be omitted from the calculation to account
for absence due to sickness etc.
The lectures include homework assignments, although the concepts of two or more lectures may be
covered in one homework assignment. There are 40 lectures and 20 regular homework assignments.
There will also be 4 make-up homework assignments offered throughout the semester.
Homework assignments will be delivered and graded through WebAssign (
The due dates are clearly displayed in WebAssign. The syllabus gives planned dates that may be altered
(by postponement) if the need arises, e.g. when lectures were cancelled due to inclement weather etc. In
general, each assignment is composed of ~12 questions and if possible, a student will be given at least
one full day to absorb the lecture material before the assignment is due. Assignments will be due about
four days after they become visible, generally at 10:30 in the evening. Each homework assignment is
worth 5 points. The scores for your best 20 homework assignments will be added to give a total of 100
possible homework points. It’s important to get a good score on each individual homework assignment.
It’s even more important to build up your mental powers and ‘brain building’ requires exercise like any
body building!
However, this course is not ‘just’ about the homework assignments. The exams will also cover what you
have learned in class or from the problems at the end of each chapter or –of course- the material in the
chapters itself.
The course is not able to compensate for a lack of training in skills in basic stoichiometry or
concentrations in high school. As this depends strongly on individual background there is practice
material on line on the university’s own version of the Wikimedia software. See
Late Homework Policy
In case of serious documentable reasons (not: computer crashes, inexplicable sudden nausea’s etc.) why
a homework assignment could not be made in time, the instructor can grant an extension for homework,
but these extensions are seldom granted. Reason: a missed homework is not a disaster because four
make-up homework assignments (called Bonus/Replacement Homeworks) will be available during the
semester and the four worst scores are dropped from the calculation. If we all experience problems with
the computer system the instructor might drop more than 4 from the count to compensate you.
Attendance/In-Class Participation
Full participation in classes, […] examinations is expected of all students. This is a university policy.
See: Reason: those
who attend class have traditionally performed at a much higher level than their classmates who have not
attended regularly. I will ask my SI leader to pass attendance sheets on occasion. Bonus points may be
added or subtracted accordingly. The instructor reserves the right to drop students from the roll after five
unexcused absences. Students are expected to make every effort to attend all lectures throughout the
semester. Clarification questions during lecture are welcome. I will also call upon you to answer a few,
including by asking to come to the blackboard.
Last Minute Extra Credit So You Can Pass the C-wall of Your Major
Grading will not round off to fit your C-wall unless you have sufficient bonus points. E.g. 69.9 is a
regrettable D+. Period! No negotiations. If Chemistry is not your major, please remember that the people
in charge of your major had good reasons to send you here. They realize that a student unable to pass
this class well is unlikely to succeed in the major you elected. It is my job to prevent that from
happening, not to help it happen.
Good/bad attendance
Your presence/absence whenever attendance is taken may also result in bonus points (+ or -).
Visual aptitude test
Our department also has a research group in chemical education. One topic of interest for them is the
question how to address the problem better that many CH 101 face when confronted with structures in 3D
rather than the more familiar 2D diagrams. They are developing a test for this. If they need more guinea
pigs and you are willing to participate seriously that will be counted as homework 25 with full 5 points
credit and the five bottom homework grades will be dropped rather than 4 out of 24.
Late Drops
After October 14th modifications to your status in this class is determined by the PAMS Late Schedule
Revision Policy. A full description of this policy can be found at the following website.
CLASSES NOR DURING FINAL EXAMINATIONS. (let alone after..) At North Carolina State University, a
deadline is imposed on student schedule modifications at six weeks for fall/spring semesters. After this
deadline, the student is officially enrolled in the course and seeking a letter grade (or "credit only"). As
such, dropping specific courses (or changing to CR or AU) after this deadline is considered only for
unforeseen and unavoidable extenuating personal situations. Here are examples of reasons that are not
valid for dropping a course (or changing to CR or AU) after the deadline.
I am doing poorly in the course.
I do not like the way the course is being taught.
I have discovered the course is not needed for my degree.
I want to protect my GPA.
I didn't know I was registered for the course.
I was not prepared for the course.
Usually, if your reason is one of the above (or similar), then your request for a schedule modification will
not be granted. These decisions are taken by the Dean, not by your instructor, who has no say in the
For people that find the step from their previous school to academic learning to big, NCSU does offer a
distance ed course to remedy that. Alternatively we advise such students to explore institution like Wake
Tech to remedy the gap in their background. Although this is not strictly enforced we do depart from the
assumption that you have a good command of high school chemistry.
The contribution of each grade component is shown below.
Cumulative Final Exam
200 points
Three Semester Tests
300 points
Best 20 Homework Assignments
100 points
Best 8 recit./quizzes
50 points
650 points
If a student wishes the final exam to count for 100% that can be arranged, but only before that exam is taken.
Each exam is typically curved to remove teacher bias, but the final total grade is not. In a curve, the
median score of the class is adjusted by multiplication to about 70, but not if the multiplication factor
would exceed 1.2.
WebAssign and/or email will be used to post and track grades throughout the semester. The final grades
are calculated rounded to 0.1% precision. The final calculation will be done separately.
A+ ~ 97.0
A ~ 93.0
A- ~ 90.0
B+ ~ 87.0
B ~ 83.0
B- ~ 80.0
C+ ~ 77.0
C ~ 73.0
C- ~ 70.0
D+ ~ 67.0
D ~ 63.0
D- ~ 60.0
If you opt for Credit Only, the university wide policy applies that says that an S grade can only be given
from C- and up (>69.9%). Otherwise a U grade is given. If you audit the class, it is the instructor’s
discretion to judge your level of participation from the submitted homework, the recitation results etc. to
decide if an NR or an AU grade applies. An AU grade will only be given if there is clear evidence of
positive participation.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to abide by the principles outlined in NC State University’s “Code of student
Conduct:” See The
university has procedures in place for academic integrity violations. A RAIV form may be used to adjust
student grades. By the conclusion of
each examination, students will be required to sign the University Honor Pledge: “I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment.” Although no honor pledge appears on the
homework assignments, it is expected that students will complete assignments themselves with only a
reasonable amount of assistance from other students, TA’s, tutors or the instructor.
It is also expected that students are willing to treat fellow students, TA’s, tutors and the instructor with
proper respect. Disrespect like cursing, slurs of racial or other kind etc. may lead to expulsion from the
CH 102, the laboratory course accompanying CH 101, is a co-requisite for this course. Lab experiments
are scheduled weekly and usually start a week after classes start. Information concerning the laboratory
is available at Dr. Lori Petrovich ( is
the General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator. All questions regarding the laboratory should be referred
to your TA first, and Dr. Petrovich second if the TA does not respond in a timely manner. Dr. Folmer is
not involved in this part of the curriculum.
For those who already have credit for CH102: If you already have credit for CH102, you should not be
registered for CH102 in TRACS. Drop CH102 from TRACS ASAP, please!
Classroom Rules
The following are some general guidelines for DAB222.
1. Turn off or mute electronic equipment (cell phones, pagers, music, etc).
2. If you use a laptop during lecture, focus on CH101. Please do not IM, tweet, or play games. (You
may be asked to leave, or in exam: your devices confiscated).
3. Leave your seat and desk clean.
4. If you are late to class, enter from the second floor. It is very rude to disrupt the lecture for those
students who made it on time. Besides, the instructor may be in the middle of a demonstration
involving explosive reactions.
5. Conduct yourself in a manner that allows the other students around you to focus on lecture.
Persistent talkers may also be asked to leave.
6. Be ready to go to the blackboard when asked and work out a little problem or participate in a
Lecture Notes and Announcements
There is no CH101 web site, because all necessary material will either be posted on the announcement
panel of Webassign or disseminated by email.
Students will:
1. Read the relevant chapter of the book ahead of time (See time table blow)
2. Make notes in class,
3. Review their notes, work them out (collaboration encouraged!)
4. Compare them to the instructor’s slides later for review purposes.
Lecture notes in the form of powerpoint slides will only be made available after the lectures (unless DSO
says otherwise) by posting on webassign. The advance reading and the attendance of the student may
be checked in unannounced clicker tests in class. There is a special email address for this course. Please
use that account only.
Additional Help
There are many options at your disposal, but you need to find what works best for you. Please consider
that not all ‘help’ actually helps you. If you let someone else do the heavy lifting for you, your muscles (i.e.
brain) will not grow….
Chemistry Walk-In Tutorial Center (FOX 204) is open five days per week and manned by chemistry
graduate students and professors. Their job is to provide walk-in assistance with understanding
chemistry such that YOU can complete your homework and labs. Hours will be posted once the semester
gets underway. Computers are also available there for completing WebAssign homework and printing
homework or notes.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a program offered through the Undergraduate Studies Tutorial Center
(USTC). See for detailed information regarding the SI program and
others. These group sessions provide you the opportunity to discuss CH101 topics in small groups under
the guidance of an SI leader. The SI leader attends class and holds several one-hour sessions each
week. The name of your SI leader and the days, times and locations of the SI sessions will soon be
available. SI sessions do not begin until the second week of class.
The USTC can also provide one-on-one tutors for CH101 students who, through special circumstances,
are unable to attend the weekly group sessions.
WebAssign Communication Board is a function on WebAssign that allows students to post questions
regarding the homework. I will attempt to answer questions when possible. Remember that if you have a
question, it’s likely someone else has the same question. There are no dumb questions. Before you post
a question, please check to see if your question or a similar question is already posted and answered on
the message board. WebAssign randomizes many of the values/diagrams in questions, so you’ll need to
interpret board answers as they apply to your question/diagram.
The Alternate Resource Center is located in DAB 120 and is open from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday
through Friday. You may use the computers to access WebAssign as well as download the lecture notes
in the pdf format.
Students with disabilities who are currently registered with the DSO office should email me to schedule an
appointment to discuss academic accommodations. There is a form from DSO that you will need to fill
out and have me sign, prior to any DSO accommodations.
Instructor Office Hours are given on page one. I will be available to discuss chemistry during those
time periods. If you need to see me but your schedule does not permit you to meet me during any of my
office hours, please contact me via email for an appointment time that fits both our schedules.
Please email me only if you have exhausted all other options! Consider that there are many of you
and only one of me. Although some of you may still be slightly under 18, I do consider you adults. I will
not hesitate to make that point should your parents contact me.
Also keep in mind that there are a lot of different ways to relate the same information and it is often useful
to hear the story told in different ways, because some people pick up on one version better, others on the
other. (This course therefore tries to offer you a variety of ways to learn the same thing, hence the
materials package.) I may deviate from the book here or there. If so, I’ll tell you.
Private tutors This is a matter of your personal choice and not really your instructor’s business, but I
might happen to know someone, so do ask. Otherwise ask either Phil Brown or Brenda Burgess or look
around on the bill boards.
Last but not least: have some fun! The title of the book really should be:
Chemistry: a poem written in atoms.
The truth is that by all its seriousness and hard work chemistry is a beautiful science!
Semester schedule
Below is an approximate schedule for the lectures in this semester. Please keep in mind that I might have
to rearrange or change here or there. Hurricanes, ice storms, flu viruses and fire alarms take their toll at
times. And sometimes lectures take a little longer than planned. Even the test dates must occasionally be
changed, but the final exam date is fixed though!! Please make sure not to miss that one….