SPELLING CONTRACT The Spelling Contract is spelling homework designed to help you study and prepare for your test on Friday. Do not wait until Thursday night to do all of the activities. Waiting will not benefit you in any way. You must do 3 different activities. Each activity is worth 10 points for a total of 30 points. Students will be given time each day to work on these activities in class however they may not be able to complete them in class. Activities are to be completed on a separate page and stapled together. Assignment Categories (choose 3): 1. Write words 3 times each. 2. Complete rainbow spelling with at least three colors. In rainbow spelling, the student will write their words one time and then trace them using two more colors. 3. Complete a word pyramid with each list word. An example of a word pyramid is listed below. C CA CAT 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Make a set of flash cards for studying your words. Write all words and underline the vowels. Write all words and circle the consonants. Write a letter to your teacher using at least 5 spelling words. Create a poster (on regular sized typing paper) with pictures of at least five words. You must write the word underneath the picture. 9. Using a dictionary, look up at least 10 of your words and write the word and definition on your paper. 10. Make a word scramble and solve it using at least 10 spelling words. (ATC= CAT)