Week 16 final Exam - Leleua Loupe

United States History Survey – HST 180
California State University, Fullerton
Fall 2015
Dr. Leleua Loupe
Office: H 730K
Phone: 657-626-8729
Web Page: leleualoupe.com
Email: Leleualoupe@hotmail.com Hours: T/TH 2:30-3:30 PM
** I will only respond to e-mails from the above account. I will not respond to e-mails on the
campus e-mail.
180 Survey of American History/History of the United States
Course Description
This course is an overview of American history beginning with an introduction to pre-contact
America and ending in the Twenty first century. Social, political, economic developments will be
emphasized and students will confront subjects that deal with race, class and gender relations
throughout American history. We will also examine the historiography of major historical events
and issues, historical accuracy and myth making in American Popular history.
Goals and Objectives
1) Recognize the significance of cultural, intellectual, ethical, economic, and political struggles
that have shaped American society over time.
2) Understand critically the historical development of American institutions and values and their
impact on the individual and collective lives of Americans.
3) Recognize the significance of the interaction of ethnic and other social groups to the historical
development of American society, institutions, and values within contexts of accommodation
and resistance.
4) Understand critically how government under the Constitution of the United States has shaped
American society.
5) Critically situate changes in American society within the context of global events.
6) Analyze primary source materials, engage in critical and constructive discussions, and
communicate effectively in writing.
Required Texts
Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, Abridged Teaching Edition
o ISBN 978-1-56584-826-9 (paper back)
Loewen, James, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Text
Books Got Wrong ISBN 978-0-7432-9628-1(paper back)
Redeagle, Phillip, Red Earth: Journey of a Vietnam Warrior, Salt Publications
Recommended Reading:
Blackmon, Douglas. The Re-enslavement of African Americans from Civil War to WWII
Alexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow
Course Requirements
30% Midterm Exam
30% Participation & Attendance
30% Final Exam
10% Phil Red Eagle Assignment
I will use the +/- system for the final grade
Participation and Exam Preparation
I expect you to do the work necessary to master the content of the class of which includes knowledge
shared through reading assignments, lectures, discussion and films. I suggest you keep a journal in
which, at the very least, you answer the question prompts and identify the key words listed on each
power point. If you would like to earn an A in the class do include notes on the films and reading
assignments, of which I usually have study guides available that will indicate specific information on
which you may be tested. If you would like me to take a look at your note taking I can make
suggestions about how to improve your methods of mastering the material and therefore your
performance on the exams. Note that participation is a fourth of your grade. Take notes and be
prepared to discuss content for each class period. You may use five pages, front and back, of notes
for the exams.
Common Types of Disruptive Classroom Behavior that you may be penalized for:
• Grandstanding: Use the classroom for themselves by monopolizing class discussion, speaking
protractedly and bombastically on favorite subjects with no regard to relevancy to the discussion.
• Sleeping in Class: While passively disruptive, it sends a message to the other students about the
quality of the class or teaching. It is disrespectful to the instructor and the other students.
• Prolonged Chattering: Small cliques of 2-3 students who engage in private conversations or pass
notes to each other.
• Excessive Lateness: Students who not only come in late, but make an entrance speaking to friends,
walking in front of the professor, arranging their belongings.
• Noisy Electric Devices: Beepers and pagers going off in class or students talking on the telephone
during the class.
• Disputing the Instructor’s Authority or Expertise: Students may be disappointed or frustrated
over a grade and may debunk or devalue the instructor’s judgment, authority, and expertise. This
may take the form of comments in the class or memos to department chair or dean.
If you display any of the above behavior I may ask you to leave the class
What to expect in Lecture: A combination of lecture, video and discussion
Make-up Policy: Unless you have pre-arranged an alternative test with me NO MAKE UP
EXAMS will be allowed after exams have been taken by the class unless PRE-ARRANGED
with me. Do Not Ask.
Academic Integrity: All students are expected to do the work for this course with honesty and
integrity. To do otherwise is to break one’s implicit contract with the instructors or with one’s
fellow and sister students. Accordingly, anyone who cheats on an examination in any way or
who submits work that is not wholly his or her own work will fail this course in its entirety. I
(http://www.fullerton.edu/senate/PDF/300/UPS300-021.pdf );
Classroom Management: ELECTRONICS ARE PROHIBITED. If I find a student using any
kind of electronic device you will be asked to leave for the day, upon a third classroom removal I
will ask the Dean to intervene. Points will be deducted from your participation grade as I decide
is appropriate. If you are tardy or late to class I will also deduct participation points at my
WORK, YOU WILL NOT PASS. I will drop students from class for excessive absences.
Reading and Writing Assignments: I expect students to complete readings BEFORE the class
for which I list them. You are responsible for summarizing and analyzing the reading each week.
You do not turn it in, rather, you use them to study for the exams.
Grading Papers/Exams: I will respond to e-mails during office hours and grade papers once a
week, I require a 2 week turn around time to return papers back to you given my workload. I
may respond more frequently and get your papers back to you sooner but you can expect me to
be available and respond to your inquiries as explained above.
Students’ rights to accommodations for documented special needs:
Actions students should take in an emergency:
What material you can expect to be covered each week:
Week 1
Theme: Pre-contact America
Lecture: Peopling of America
Video: More Than Bows and Arrows
Discussion: Loewen, “The True Importance of Christopher Columbus” Study
Assignment: Vark.com quiz on learning style
Week 2
Theme: European Contact
Lecture: “Explorers, Conquistadors and Saviors” part I and Part II
Video: The Canary Effect
Video Worksheet: Take Notes
Discussion: Zinn, “Indians, Columbus and Human Progress” Study Guide
Week 3
Theme: European Contact
Lecture: “Explorers, Conquistadors and Saviors” part I and Part II
Video: The Canary Effect We Shall Remain Series - Episode 1 on PBS
Video Worksheet: The First Settlement/ After the Mayflower Worksheet
Discussion: Zinn, “Indians, Columbus and Human Progress” Study Guide
Week 4
Theme: Colonial American Expansion
Lecture: Colonial America and Racial Slavery
Video: Africans in the Americas V. 1 Terrible Transformation V. 1
Video Worksheet: Terrible Transformation Worksheet
Discussion: Zinn, “Drawing the Color Line” & “People of Mean and Vile
Condition,” Loewen, “The Truth About the First Thanksgiving” Study Guides
Week 5
Theme: Revolutionary America
Lecture: Towards Revolution
Video: Midwives Tale/Af. A Revolution Worksheet
Discussion: Zinn, “Tyranny is Tyranny” and “A Kind of Revolution”
Week 6
Theme: Post Revolution and Expansion
Lecture: The New Republic
Video: We Shall Remain Episode 2 on PBS.org
Video Worksheet: Tecumseh’s Vision Worksheet
Discussion: Zinn, “The Intimately Oppressed” & “As Long as the Grass Grows
and River Runs, Loewen, “Red Eyes”
Week 7
Theme: Industrial and Market Revolution
Lecture: The Market Revolution & Revolt and Reform 1820 - 1840
Video: One woman One Vote Part I/History of Sex/Trail of Tears
Discussion: Zinn, “Robber Barons and Rebels, Loewen, “Gone with the Wind:
The Invisibility of Racism in American History Textbooks”
Week 8
Theme: Antebellum South and Gold Rush California
Lecture: Slavery & The Old South/California Gold Rush
Video: Af. A. Brotherly Love/Chinese in the Americas
Discussion: Zinn, “We Take Nothing by Conquest Thank God,” Loewen, “The
Invisibility of Anti-racism in American History Textbooks”
Midterm Exam
Week 9
Theme: The Abandonment of Reconstruction
Lecture: Road to Secession/Reconstruction
Video: Birth of A Nation/ African in the Americas V. 4. Judgement Day
Video Worksheet: Africans in the Americas Judgment Day
Discussion: Zinn, “Slavery without Submission, Emancipation without Freedom”
Week 10
Theme: Post Reconstruction/ American Imperialism abroad
Lecture: Quest For Empire
Video: Savage Acts
Discussion: Zinn, “Empire and the People” & “The Socialist Challenge”
Week 11
Theme: Wilson and the Great War & Great Depression
Lecture: The Great War at Home and Abroad
Video: The Great War Clips, Armenian Genocide
Discussion: Zinn, “Self Help in Hard Times” & “War is the Health of the State”
Part I
Week 12
Theme: World War II & the “Cold War” and containment at Home
Lecture: WWII/Cold War
Video: Fidel The Untold Story/Crisis in America
Video Worksheet: Fidel
Discussion: Zinn, A Peoples War? Loewen,
“Handicapped by History: The Process of Hero Making” & “Land of
Week 13
Theme: Post WWII and the Rise of Civil Rights
Video/CD: Citizen King/ Bobby Seale and the Black Panther Party
Discussion: Zinn, “Or Does it Explode?” & Loewen, “Watching Big Brother”
Week 14
Theme: Vietnam
Lecture: Vietnam
Video: Winter soldier Vietnam I & II; Winter Solder Iraq & Afghanistan I & II
Discussion: Zinn, “The Impossible Victory, Vietnam” & “Surprises”,
Loewen Ch. 9, See No Evil: Choosing Not to Look at the War in Vietnam.
Week 15
Theme: The Conservative Revolution
Video: Terroism: Theirs and Ours
Discussion: Zinn, “Are the 70s Under Control,” “Carter-Reagan-Bush,”
Week 16
final Exam
You have read the syllabus and understand your responsibility as a student. You are
accountable for the information, for learning the information, for managing the class
material and for remembering to turn work in on time and be present for exams.
Name __________________________________________ Date__________________________