MSU Professor Receives National Dissertation Award . Dittika Gupta said she hoped to start a nationaldialogue about early mathematics curriculum when she chose her dissertationtopic. Now that the dissertation has won a national award from the SchoolScience Mathematics Association (SSMA), let the dialogue begin. Gupta, a 2014 Ph.D. graduate from the Baylor Schoolof Education (SOE) in Curriculum & Instruction and now Assistant Professor ofCurriculum and Learning at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, did aqualitative analysis of data collected by Baylor researchers — including Guptaherself — over a seven-year longitudinal study on the teaching of fractions tostudents in grades K-3. Gupta received the Outstanding Dissertation Awardfor 2015 at the SSMA national convention Oct. 29-31 in Oklahoma City. Only oneaward is presented nationally. Gupta’s case-study analysis showed that studentslearned fractions better if they had early exposure to basic concepts with anincremental increase in complexity of the curriculum over several years beforethe introduction of formal, traditional fraction work. “Students are always scared of fractions,” Guptasaid. “Even my university students say they don’t like working with fractions,and they prefer to convert them to decimals.” Baylor collected K-3 student data from a local professionaldevelopment school campus every fall semester from 2007-2013. At the time thestudy began, Texas curriculum standards incorporated early fraction concepts inkindergarten curriculum, although the Baylor-developed curriculum was morein-depth. The earliest concepts include working with counting and division ofindividual items in a group, like cookies, versus splitting up one item, like apie, to learn about the fairness of sharing in those contexts. Now the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills),as well as the national Common Core standards, do not introduce fraction conceptsuntil third grade, except for the splitting of a whole into halves or thirds,introduced in second grade. “As a result of our study, we found that an earlierexposure is better because it gives the time and opportunity to developnecessary skills,” Gupta said. “This Generated on 11/24/2015 10:59:09 PM, by iNews Publisher, change in TEKS and Common Core is notwise,” she said. “We really do need to rethink the standards for fractions andthe timing for the introduction of fractions in the curriculum.” Gupta said the experience of working with this studyhas launched her on a crusade to change the national and state curriculumstandards. “I will publish as much as I can until they actually change thestandards,” she said. Gupta’s dissertation, titled “Early ElementaryStudents’ Fractional Understanding: Examination of Cases from a Multi-yearLongitudinal Study,” examined case studies of students who participated inBaylor’s fraction curriculum, taught in small groups, for at least three yearsand who had both a pre-test and a post-test for those years. She said the sub-group was small because of themobility of students at the school. The years the students were enrolled werenot always consecutive, and one student even repeated a grade. “There were manycombinations,” Gupta said. For those students who missed a year of thecurriculum, she said, a deficiency showed in their test results. “The level ofunderstanding was greater if they were in consecutive years rather thannon-consecutive years,” she said. Dr. Trena Wilkerson, professor and graduate programdirector in the Baylor SOE’s Department of Curriculum & Instruction, said,“Dittika is someone we will hear about in the future of mathematics education;she is looking at teaching and learning of mathematics from a nationalperspective. She is an amazing teacher and researcher, she is a delight to workwith, and she was an outstanding scholar as a graduate student here.” Gupta is a member of the competitive STaR FellowsProgram, which supports the development of early-career mathematics educatorswith a doctorate. Originally funded by the National Science Foundation, theprogram is now operated by the national Association of Mathematics TeacherEducators. As Wilkerson’s graduate assistant, Gupta wasinvolved in the fraction study for many years and was part of a summer graduateclass that designed the curriculum for the study. Gupta’s dissertation already has prompted articles,which have been published in the journal Curriculumand Teaching Dialogue, the scholarly journal of the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum; and the Journal of Research in Childhood Education.  Generated on 11/24/2015 10:59:09 PM, by iNews Publisher, Generated on 11/24/2015 10:59:09 PM, by iNews Publisher,