WebQuest - kflerlage

Stepping Up
Planet Earth…
A WebQuest for Sixth Grade Book Clubs/Science
Designed by
Kathleen Flerlage
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits
Becoming a Global Crusader…
The time has come to Stand up for the Earth! Author, and global crusader, Carl
Hiaasen has just asked you to help get the word out there for other readers your age
to learn the importance of being “earth aware.” Learn more about your part in
helping the Earth, while educating others, and delving back into our favorite Carl Hiaasen
environmental titles!
The Task
This WebQuest will allow you to research facts about the earth and its needs with the
intention of presenting the information through technology. You will have the opportunity
to apply what you have learned from the Carl Hiaasen text you have read in class. The
detective in you will appreciate the research you’ll do on one of four major topics affecting
the earth. The communications expert in you will love the use of Voicethread to create your
first public service announcement, while your inner artist will appreciate the deck of
character trading cards you’ll be required to create and present. We have learned a great
deal in our Book Clubs this year about environmental issues, now is your chance to “SHOW”
and “SHARE” what you know!
The Process
1. EARTH RESEARCH: Your job is to choose one of the topics from the list below. Use the
links to help to find and record your information on the EARTH RESEARCH project sheet.
This sheet will be a great resource as you begin to create your public service
announcement that will help other students become “earth aware.”
a. Earth Day – What is it? When is it? Why is this important information for
students to know?
i. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yu2tloQ8xw
ii. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/kids/earthday.htm
iii. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day
b. Global Warming – What is it? Why is it important to understand? What can we
do to help?
i. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJAbATJCugs
ii. http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/global_warming.htm
iii. http://www.greatestplanet.org/global-warming-explained.html
c. Pollution – The types of pollution? What can we do to help?
i. http://hubpages.com/hub/pollutedcity
ii. http://tiki.oneworld.net/front.html
iii. http://www.ead.ae/shaheensworld/en/pollution/default.aspx
d. Going Green – What does “going green” mean? Is it something everyone can do?
Does it cost a lot of money? Why is it important for the environment?
i. http://www.suite101.com/reference/green_tips_for_kids
ii. http://greenliving.lovetoknow.com/Going_Green_for_Kids
iii. http://www.green-living-made-easy.com/green-kids.html
2. VOICETHREAD: After choosing a topic from above, finding the facts, and completing the
EARTH RESEARCH sheet, it is now your job to make other students aware of the issues
troubling the Earth. You will do this by creating a Voicethread public service
announcement. A public service announcement is usually made with the intent to
teach/inform others about an important topic or issue. In this case, it will be the
environment. Your Voicethreads will need the following items:
a. Name your Voicethread.
b. Upload 3 photos dealing with your “Earth” topic.
c. Each photo will need to have one spoken comment. Comments will include the
important information you collected on your EARTH RESEARCH sheet, including
your slogan. Choose the message you’d like to send others in our school and
community, about the earth, and the environmental issues facing it today.
d. When complete, send your Voicethread to myself and one other person in the
class for our personal comments. We can’t wait to see and hear what you have
e. Go to www.voicethread.com to sign-in and begin.
3. CHARACTER CARDS: Carl Hiaasen has provided us with three wonderful reading titles
this school year: Hoot, Flush, and Scat. These three books all had similar themes; saving
and helping the Earth and those who live there. Hiaasen has a unique way of bringing
characters to life, whether they are represented as the good guy or the bad guy. It is
your job to delve back into your favorite Carl Hiaasen book and pull out the most
important characters. Once you’ve compiled the list of characters, you will be creating
character trading cards. These cards will be used to learn more about the characters
within his story, and to evaluate if they were Earth’s friend or foe!!
Character Card Steps:
1. Choose your favorite Carl Hiaasen book.
2. Create a list of the characters within the book (at least 10).
3. Use what you know about the characters, along with details from
the book to create a character trading card for each. Your cards
will need to have the following information.
a. Character name and picture on the front.
b. On the back: Label whether this character is an “earth
friend” or an “earth foe” back up your decision with at
least three details from the book.
c. If the character is an “earth foe,” give a brief description
on how you might change this characters attitude toward
the earth to become an “earth friend.”
Your performance on this WebQuest will be evaluated using a rubric. You will receive a
separate score for the Earth Research sheet, the Voicethread, the Character Trading Cards, and
on the neatness, organization, and grammar usage. See the below rubric to identify how the
categories have been broken down.
Earth Research Sheet
Public Service Announcement
The Earth Research
sheet is not complete
and shows that the
student has below
basic knowledge of the
topic at hand.
The Earth Research
The Earth Research
sheet is almost
sheet is complete and
complete and shows
shows that the
that the student has student has developed
developed a common
a common
understanding of the understanding of the
topic at hand.
topic at hand.
The Earth Research
sheet is complete and
shows that the
student has developed
a superior knowledge
of the topic at hand.
The Voicethread
The Voicethread
The Voicethread
The Voicethread
contains few of the
contains some
contains almost all
contains all required
required pieces. The required pieces. The required pieces. The pieces. The student’s
student’s Voicethread student’s Voicethread student’s Voicethread Voicethread is creative
lacks creativity and is
an example of below
basic quality.
Character Trading Cards
Friend vs. Foe
Turned in on time
Grammar, Spelling, Usage
lacks creativity and is
an example of
common quality
is creative and is an
example of master
and is an example of
superior quality.
Students created a
Students created a
trading card for at
trading card for at
least 8 -9 important
least 7 important
Students did not
characters. The cards
complete the
characters or the cards
show creativity and
requirements for the show little creativity
contain most of the
trading cards and what and contain some of
required pieces. The
was complete lacked the required pieces.
students work shows a
focus and creativity.
The students work
lacks a complete
understanding of the
text read.
Students created a
trading card for at
least 10 important
characters. The cards
show creativity and
contain all required
pieces. The students
work shows a superior
understanding of the
text read.
assignments were not
turned in on time.
assignments were
turned in on-time.
The written text is
riddled with error and There are 3-4 errors in There are 1-2 errors in Work is free from any
is difficult to read and grammar and spelling. grammar and spelling.
Well done Global Crusaders! Not only have you enriched yourselves with the
knowledge of how to help the earth, you have taken that knowledge one step further and
begun the education of others. Just imagine, the next time Carl Hiaasen publishes an
environmentally themed book, you could be the inspiration for his main character. Please take
your newly developed knowledge of the earth’s needs, and put it into daily practice
Credits & References
Hiaasen, Carl. Flush. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005
Hiaasen, Carl. Hoot. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002
Hiaasen, Carl. Scat. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009
Last updated on November 29, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page