AMREF VIRTUAL NURSING SCHOOL MID MODULE THREE EXAMINATION MARCH 2013 KRCHN CLASS DATE: FRIDAY 13TH MAY 2014 TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS TIME: 9:00AM – 12:00PM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Read the questions carefully and answer only what is asked. 2. Enter YOUR ADMISSION NUMBER in all the answer sheets. The admission number should be written in figures not words. 3. All the questions are COMPULSORY. 4. FOR PART 1 (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) Write your answers in the spaces provided on the answer sheet. The answers should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS i.e. ‘A’ but not ‘a’. 5. Each M.C.Q is 1 mark. 6. For Part II (SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) Answers to these questions should follow each other on the provided sheet of paper. 7. For Part III (ESSAY/LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS) Answers to each question must be on a separate sheet of paper. 8. Omission of or wrong numbering of examination papers, questions or parts of the question will result in 10% deduction of the marks scored from the relevant part. 1 PART ONE: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (20 MARKS) 1. The infective stage of Taenia species is:a. Oncosphere b. Cystercerci c. Hexacanth d. Rhabditform 2. The organism associated with enteral infection in HIV/AIDS is: a. Giardia lambila b. Cryptosporidia c. Salmonella typhi d. Vibro cholerae 3. Roles of an occupational health nurse include; a. b. c. d. Managerial and educational Supervision and environmental Professional and supervision Educational and referral 4. Water- washed infections can be prevented through a. Improving the quality of water b. Reducing contact with contaminated water c. Improving the quantity of water d. Notification 5. Characteristics of Bacillus anthracis include:a. Gram-negative, often arranged in chains b. Non-flagellate, gram negative c. Often arranged in chains, gram positive d. Non-spore forming, gram positive 6. Trichuris tirchuria infestation is associated with:a. Rectal prolapse b. Neurological symptoms c. Ground itch d. Hypersensitivity reaction 2 7. The anti-tuberculosis drug that is known to damage vision is a. Streptomycin b. Rifampicin c. Isoniazd d. Ethambutol 8. According to DVI schedule of immunization, the correct dose for vitamin A at six months is; a. 50,000 i.u b. 100,000 i.u c. 200,000 i.u d. 500,000 i.u 9. Sustainable community development is ensured by: a. Encouraging community participation b. Managing projects for the community c. Alleviating suffering among the poor in the community d. Use of exotic technology in management of projects 10. The following group of people are classified as socially handicapped a. Internally displaced, street children, sexually abused b. Epileptic, psychiatric cases, widowed c. Drug addicts, elderly, mongolism d. Obese, blind, deaf 11. Community diagnosis results can be presented using a. Frequency polygon, table of random numbers, pie charts b. Histograms, frequency tables, pie charts c. Tally sheets, frequency polygon, table of random numbers d. Tally sheets, pie charts, histograms 12. Signs and symptoms of rabies include; a. History of a dog bite, dribbling of saliva, difficulty in swallowing b. Itching at the site of the wound, fever, irritation and skin rash c. Difficulty in swallowing , history of dog bite, slow pulse d. Severe pain at site of the wound, difficulty in swallowing, saliva dribbling 13. The test scores for an end of module examination were as follows: 85, 65,75,65,70. The median value is; a. b. c. d. 65 72 70 85 3 14. A sampling frame is best defined as; a. The desired sample size in research b. The total population from which a sample is drawn c. The number of study respondents that are randomly selected d. The method a researcher uses to select a random sample 15. In qualitative research; a. Structured instruments are used to collect data b. A large number of study subjects is targeted c. Data is analyzed for common themes and patterns d. Quantifiable data is collected 16. A personal bias in research influenced by one’s beliefs and judgment is referred to as; a. b. c. d. Objectivity Reliability Subjectivity Variability 17. The methodology section of a research proposal contains; a. Background, hypothesis, justification b. Inclusion criteria, objectives, hypothesis c. Sampling design, study design, sample size d. Work plan, budget, questionnaire 18. A hypothesis is; a. b. c. d. What the researcher aims to achieve in the study Measure of degree of relationships between the variables under study A statement of the predicted relationship between variables in a study A statement on the possible uses of the study findings 19. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or F ALSE a. Quasi experiments lack a control group b. Primary sources of literature include research report published by its author. 20. Methods of data collection include; a. b. c. d. Questionnaire, interview, case study Experiment, observation, written reports Records audit, observation, interview Questionnaire, case study, description 4 PART TWO: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (40 MARKS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outline the three (3) stages of a typical malarial attack fever (3 marks) State four (4) characteristics of a family ( 4 marks) Explain four (4) problems of the elderly (4 marks) Describe the lifecycle of Shistosomias mansoni (5 marks) State three (3) types of reports written after carrying out a community diagnosis. (3 marks) 6. State five (5) roles of the government in home based care (5 marks) 7. State three (3) advantages of literature review (3 marks) 8. Outline (4) ways of disseminating research findings (4 marks) 9. Explain five (5) methods of sampling (5 marks) 10. State four (4) ethical principles applied in research (4 marks) PART THREE: LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (40 MARKS) 1. The strategy for the implementation of PHC was adopted by the Kenyan government to provide health services to its population. a. Explain any six (6) pillars of primary health care (6 marks) b. Describe the role of the community as a key implementer of PHC (12marks) c. List four (4) elements of PHC (2 marks) 2. Leshmaniasis is endemic in the Eastern parts of Kenya along the Tana and Athi rivers. a. List the three(3) types of Leshmaniasis and for each give the causative agent (3 marks) b. Describe the life cycle of leshmaniasis in both the human and sand fly stage (7 marks) c. Describe the management, prevention and control of leshmaniasis (10 marks) 5