Table of Contents
ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK ............................................................................................................ 2
POSITION DESCRIPTION (PD) .................................................................................................... 2
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
COMPLETING THE PD ............................................................................................................................................... 3
APPROVALS ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
SECURITY-SENSITIVE POSITIONS ........................................................................................... 4
CLASSIFIED AND NON-CLASSIFIED POSITIONS .................................................................. 5
EEO CATEGORIES AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................................... 6
FLSA EXEMPT/NONEXEMPT DETERMINATION .................................................................. 7
ADJUNCT FACULTY EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................ 8
NON-BUDGETED HOURLY EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................ 8
NON-BUDGETED HOURLY EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURE ................................................................................. 9
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................................................... 10
GRADUATE STUDENT EMPLOYMENT .................................................................................. 14
The Comprehensive Pay Plan contains various title numbers, job titles, and rates of pay for each
position at Tarleton State University. The Department of Human Resources has been delegated the
responsibility for the development, implementation, and maintenance of this Pay Plan.
The Pay Plan is produced for your use in the preparation of personnel action forms, and in the
administration of the Tarleton compensation and classification program. It is recommended that
you retain it as a permanent reference throughout the year for the ready access of all persons
responsible for or concerned with personnel transactions.
It is the policy of Tarleton State University that all persons shall have equal opportunities afforded
them in all employment-related functions, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender,
age, disability, or status as a veteran. “Equal opportunities” include, but are not limited to: initial
employment; position classification and reclassification; promotion; transfer; demotion; recruitment
or recruitment advertising; reduction in force or other termination; rates of pay; benefits; rights of
appeal and due process; and selection for training. Tarleton State University, an Equal Opportunity
and Affirmative Action Employer and Educator, is committed to excellence through diversity.
Questions concerning information contained in Tarleton's Comprehensive Pay Plan may be
addressed to the Department of Human Resources at (254) 968-9128.
A Position Description (PD) is a standardized job description form used by Tarleton State University to
record the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications sought, and fiscal impact of classified and
nonclassified staff positions. This information is the basis for determining the title, salary rate, and Fair
Labor Standards Act exemption status for staff positions. To achieve these purposes, it is essential that
detailed and exact information pertaining to current duties, responsibilities, and qualifications be
accurately recorded on the form.
A PD must be completed for each budgeted position before a position can be created. PDs should be
updated any time the duties of a position change, during the annual performance evaluation, or when a
new employee is hired into the position.
New Position – A position that currently does not exist in the Comprehensive Pay Plan is considered a
new position to Tarleton. To establish this position it will require a concise justification, organizational
chart and an evaluation by Human Resources. Working with the department, Human Resources will set
up the title, title code and determine the salary range for the position.
Reclassification – When the job duties of a position are re-evaluated and the position is assigned to a
new classification. The reevaluation of job duties should be sufficient enough to warrant a study by
Human Resources and make a change to the essential function of the position from when it was
originally established. A position that is re-evaluated may be assigned a lower of higher salary range
and/or title.
Update – Over a period of time a position’s functions might need to be updated to reflect changes in
technology or various other changes. These changes should not be so severe as to effect the essential
functions of the position. An update of a position does not require an evaluation by Human Resources
and no change to the positions title or salary is made.
Certify – Employees must certify their position description at the time of hire and yearly at the time his
or her annual performance appraisal is conducted. If changes have occurred in the position's duties and
responsibilities, the supervisor is responsible for updating the position description through Tarleton
Connection. This will ensure that both supervisor and employee are in agreement regarding position
duties and responsibilities.
Information from the PD is used to:
Match a position to comparable positions to assign an appropriate job code, title and salary
Match a position to salary survey jobs for market pay information.
Reflect the current responsibilities of the position for use during annual performance
evaluations and new employee orientation.
Determine whether the position is exempt or nonexempt from the overtime provisions of the
Fair Labor Standards Act. See FLSA Exempt/Nonexempt Determination in this handbook.
Establish education, work experience, certification and physical requirements necessary for
performance of the essential job functions.
Designate security-sensitive positions.
When filling out a PD:
Focus on the position rather than on a particular employee's or prospective employee's skills
and abilities to ensure an objective description of position requirements.
Describe the position's current duties and responsibilities, not ideal duties and
Complete each field. Do not understate or overstate responsibilities.
Consider the typical job duties over the entire year, not obscure or unusual tasks that are
rarely performed. Be sure to list the percentage of time throughout the year spent on each
For instructions on creating a new position description, reclassifying an existing position or updating a
position description in Tarleton Connection go to: https://jobs.tarleton.edu/hr
PDs reclassifying existing positions must be approved by the employee's supervisor, department head
(if different from supervisor) and the department head's supervisor and finally the appropriate Vice
President/Executive Director. Some PDs may require the President’s signature. (The employee should
certify the PD after the department receives notification from Human Resources that the reclassification
is approved
PDs updating existing positions (including determination of FLSA exemption status) must approved
and forwarded for approval up through the appropriate Vice President/Executive Director. Once
approved by Human Resources, the employee will need to log into Tarleton Connection and certify their
position description.
A confidential background check must be conducted on all security-sensitive positions. Human
Resources is responsible for requesting a background check from the Criminal Records Division.
A position is considered security sensitive if the answer to any of the following questions about the
position is "Yes."
Do the duties of the position require dealing with currency?
Does the position require access to master keys?
Does the position require access to sensitive computer databases?
Does the position require working in an area of the institution that is designated as a security
sensitive area?
Does the position require working in an area of the institution that involves working with
children under the age of 18?
The general characteristics of a classified position are as follows:
Title codes numbered 0002-6999
Primarily included EEO categories Clerical and Secretarial (4), Technical and
Paraprofessional (5), Skilled Crafts (6), and Service/Maintenance (7).
Primarily non-degree requiring.
Usually have limited or no supervisory responsibility.
Paid according to defined pay grades, with minimum, maximum, and intermediate pay steps.
Not ORP eligible.
Typically multiple-use titles.
Duties are usually well defined and require less exercise of independent judgment.
Most classified positions are nonexempt, meaning they are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA), and therefore, are required to be compensated for any overtime hours. See FLSA
Exempt/Nonexempt Determination.
The general characteristics of a non-classified position are as follows:
Title codes numbered 7000-9999
Primarily EEO categories Executive/Administrative/Managerial (1), Faculty (2), and
Professional Non-Faculty (3).
Primarily degree requiring.
Supervisory or managerial responsibility is more typical.
Not paid according to a defined pay grade with identified steps.
May be ORP eligible.
Frequently customized for a single position.
Often carry authority to recommend hiring and dismissal; evaluate performance; and use
discretionary judgment.
Most non-classified positions are exempt, meaning they are not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA), and therefore, are not compensated for overtime. See FLSA Exempt/Nonexempt Determination.
Professional Non-Faculty
Clerical and Secretarial
Technical and Paraprofessional
Skilled Crafts
Executive/Administrative/Managerial (1) includes all persons:
(a) Whose assignments require primary (and major) responsibility for management of the
institution, or a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof;
(b) Whose assignments require the performance of work directly related to management policies or
general business operations of the institution, department, or subdivision;
(c) Whose assignment customarily and regularly require the exercise of discretion and independent
(d) Whose assignments customarily and regularly require the direction of the work of other
(e) Who are officers holding such titles as President, Vice President, Dean, Director, or the
equivalent, as well as officer; are subordinate to any of these administrators, with such titles as
Associate Dean, Assistant Dean, or Executive Officer of academic departments (chair, head, or
equivalent); and if their principal activity is administrative. If instruction is the principal
activity, they should be reported below in the “Faculty” category.
Faculty (2) includes all persons:
(a) Whose specific assignments customarily are made for the purpose of conducting instruction,
research, or public service as a principle activity (or activities);
(b) Who hold academic rank titles of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor,
lecturer, or the equivalent of any one of these academic ranks. (Student teaching or research
assistants are not to be included in this category).
Professional Non-Faculty (3) includes persons:
(a) Whose assignments would require either college graduation or experience of such kind and
amount as to provide a comparable background;
(b) Who are staff members with assignments requiring specialized professional training who should
not be reported under Category 1 or 2, and should not be classified under any of the four
“nonprofessional” categories (4,5,6,7)
Clerical and Secretarial (4) includes all persons:
(a) Whose assignments typically are associated with clerical activities or are specifically of a
clerical nature.
Technical and Paraprofessional (5) includes all persons:
(a) Whose assignments require specialized knowledge or skills which may be acquired through
experience or academic work such as is offered in many two-year technical institutes, junior
colleges, or associate degree programs, or through equivalent on-the-job training;
(b) Who perform some of the duties of a degreed professional or technician in a supportive role, a role
which usually requires less formal training and/or experience normally required for professional or
technical status.
Skilled Crafts (6) includes all persons:
(a) Whose assignments typically require special manual skills and a thorough, comprehensive
knowledge of the work processes involved, acquired through on-the-job training/experience or
through an apprenticeship or other training program.
Service/Maintenance (7) includes persons:
(a) Whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge and in
which workers perform duties which result in or contribute to the comfort, convenience, and
hygiene of personnel and the student body or which contribute to the upkeep and care of the
institution's buildings, facilities, or grounds.
Each employee’s overtime pay and minimum wage coverage under the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA) must be determined on an individual basis in accordance with the terms cited in section
31.01.02 of System regulations. The FLSA places positions into one of five categories that are either
exempt or nonexempt from overtime according to the duties and responsibilities of the position. The
Position Description (PD) contains an FLSA section that is used to determine whether a position is
exempt or nonexempt. The responses to that section and the FLSA status of the position are subject to
review by the Human Resources Office.
Overtime Eligible
Executive Exemption
Administrative Exemption
Professional Exemption
Partial Exemption (Agriculture Workers)
A position’s exempt/nonexempt status is determined by applying the “long test” or the “short test” for
executive, administrative or professional exemption. A position is classified as exempt based on
meeting all of the criteria for either the long or the short test for one of the exemption categories. The
Department of Human Resources determines exempt/nonexempt status for all positions.
Academic departments have the authority to recruit and hire adjunct faculty without posting and
advertising openings. Adjunct faculty are hired on an “as needed” basis per semester, or in some cases,
for an academic year. Adjunct faculty generally do not have full faculty responsibilities, committee
assignments, etc. and teaching assignments are based on fifteen percent FTE per class. Title code for
adjunct faculty is 7511. Compensation for adjunct faculty is as follows:
$1,700 per semester – lower level courses
$2,000 per semester – upper level courses
$2,500 per semester – graduate level courses
The following titles must be used for temporary jobs involving secretarial, clerical, technical, service or
maintenance type work assignments.
Clerical Assistant I
Clerical Assistant II
Food Service Worker
Non-clerical Assistant I
Non-clerical Assistant II
Technical Assistant I
Technical Assistant II
Temporary Construction Worker
Temporary Environmental Worker
University Parking Services Officer I
University Parking Services Officer II
University Security Officer
University Police Officer
Title Code
Hourly Rate
For temporary jobs requiring certain skills or certifications, budgeted non-classified titles may be used.
Hourly rates can be calculated using the published starting minimum for the position and dividing it by
2080. In some instances, a higher hourly rate may be used. Contact the Department of Human
Resources for help in determining an appropriate hourly rate for non-budgeted/non-classified positions.
The following non-budgeted/non-classified titles are available for use:
Game Administrator
Project Coordinator
Project Manager
Staff Technician
Title Code
Hourly Rate
Departments may give merit increases to non-budgeted workers for meritorious performance or
longevity if the following requirements are fulfilled:
A. Employee must be employed with the current department for at least one academic year, and,
B. Employee must have received a performance evaluation and received an overall rating of “Meets
Expectations” or above.
The performance evaluation must be submitted with the PAF requesting the increase in salary and must
be approved by the appropriate Vice President. Recommended salary increases should be at least $.10
per hour up to $.25 per hour. Should the amount exceed $.25 per hour, full justification will be stated in
the “Justification/Explanation” section on the PAF or addressed in a memorandum accompanying the
PAF. Salary increases may not be granted more than once in an academic year. Performance evaluation
forms may be obtained from the Human Resources Department’s web site at:
Temporary employees working 50% FTE or more can work up to four and one-half months without
benefits. After they have been employed four and one-half months at 50% FTE, benefits must be
offered. The following procedure will be followed to ensure temporary employees are not retained past
four and one-half months without the necessary approvals.
Temporary employee service time is tracked by a month-end report received by HR..
After two months of service, HR emails the supervisor. Supervisor must determine how much
longer the temporary employee will be needed.
After three months of service, HR sends a memo to the supervisor informing them the employee
has been in a temporary status for three months. The memo will address the available three
Option One is to reduce the number of hours the employee works below 20 per week.
Option Two is to request a new budgeted position. The department must send a request by
memorandum, through the appropriate Vice President or equivalent, to the President, requesting
approval to study a new position. This memo should explain in detail the necessity to
established a budgeted position and how the budgeted position will be funded. If the President
approves the request, the department will prepare a Job Classification Request Form, a Position
Description, and an organizational chart, forward to the appropriate Vice President or
equivalent, and return to Human Resources for evaluation.
Option three is to request up to a 90-day extension through the appropriate Vice President or
equivalent. At the end of the 90-days, the employee’s hours must be reduced below 20 per
After four months, if action has not been taken prior to this time, HR will again contact the
supervisor by memorandum. The supervisor must take action on one of the three options
available. If the non-budgeted hourly employee has reached the 4-1/2 months pending the
approval of a position, the department must reduce the number of hours worked below 20 per
week or request an extension per Option Three.
Upon full approval to establish a budgeted position, normal hiring and selection procedures will
apply. A non-budgeted employee may not be placed directly in the vacant position; they must
apply and be considered as an outside applicant.
A. Criteria for Undergraduate Student Employment
1. During a fall or spring semester, a student must be enrolled for at least six (6) semester
credit hours, or pre-registered for the next semester to be eligible for employment in a
student job. For work eligibility during a summer term, a student must be enrolled for at
least three semester hours during the term in which the work is to be done; be admitted
for the fall semester; and/or have been enrolled as a student the prior semester/term and
have a reasonable expectation of returning the next term or semester. A student who
graduates mid-month may continue to work as a Student Worker until the end of that
month. A usual work schedule for an undergraduate student employee should not exceed
twenty (20) hours per week.
2. An undergraduate student worker who holds a position for which student status is
required for employment is not eligible to participate in retirement or group insurance
programs, nor are such students eligible for fringe benefits or holidays.
B. Student Classification Descriptions
The following classification descriptions are intended to provide general information and to
be a guide for departments in selecting an appropriate student job title and pay range. These
descriptions are not intended to be exhaustive, or prescriptive. Rates of pay for student job
titles are listed in section C.
1. Student Worker I (Title 7561) – Student employees holding this job title typically have
little or no previous training or work experience and/or have limited skills. The job
duties to be performed usually require a minimal amount of training, and such duties are
normally routine in nature and involve little decision making. Depending upon the
campus department, job duties may require physical exertion and/or unpleasant working
conditions. Student employees holding this job title are generally well supervised. Types
of functions performed in this job title might be similar to the functions performed in
positions such as, Clerk I, Farm Worker, Environmental Worker I, Groundskeeper I,
Ticket Writer and Maintenance Helper.
2. Student Worker II (Title 7562) – Student employees holding this job title typically have
previous training, experience, or knowledge, sometimes including mechanical ability
and/or manual dexterity. Depending upon the job duties assigned, the exercise of limited
independent judgment may be required, also. In some departments, the work may
include responsibility for other’s safety, as well as property. Student employees holding
this job title may supervise one or more Student Worker I’s on an occasional basis.
Types of functions performed in this job title might be similar to the functions performed
in positions such as, Clerk III, Secretary, Receptionist, Environmental Worker II, Lab
Attendant, Computer Operator, Paper Grader, Groundskeeper II, Construction Worker
and Web Page Designer.
3. Student Technician I (Title 7565) – Student employees holding this job title typically
have technical skill or knowledge of the job through previous training and experience,
often extensive; need little day-to-day supervision; exercise some independent judgment
in defined areas of assignment; and may regularly involve the supervision of Student
Worker I’s and II’s. The job duties performed may also be an essential, perhaps critical,
component of the overall operation of the employment department. Since the
classifications of Student Worker I and II already require some prior level of skill and/or
ability, it is expected that the Student Technician classification be used sparingly. Types
of functions performed in this job title might be similar to the functions performed in
positions such as, Instructor Aide, Lab Attendant II, Research Assistant, Statistician or
other specialized field.
4. Student Technician II (7566) – Student employees holding this title must have technical
skills or knowledge of the job through previous training or experience, would need little,
if any supervision. This position may require supervision of other student employees and
may be an essential function of departmental operations. Types of functions performed in
this job title might be similar to the functions performed in positions such as Drafter II,
Illustrator II, Engineering Technician, Systems Analyst, and Scientific Instrument Maker.
It is expected that the Student Technician II title be used sparingly and as a level of
progression from Student Technician I.
5. State College Work-Study Student (Title 7559) – This title will be used for any student
who is on the State College Work-Study (CWS) Program and receives State CWS as part
of his/her financial aid package. The rate of pay for student employees on CWS will be
equivalent to the level of work being performed, I.E., equivalent to items 1,2, or 3 above.
6. Federal College Work-Study Student (Title 7560) – This title will be used for any
student who is on the Federal College Work-Study (CWS) Program and receives Federal
CWS as part of his/her financial aid package. The rate of pay for student employees on
CWS will be equivalent to the level of work being performed, I.E., equivalent to items
1,2, or 3 above.
7. Tutor (Title 7531) – This title should be used for students who carry tutoring
responsibilities in connection with an established Tarleton academic program.
8. Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader I (Title 7532) – This title should be used for
students who attend a specific course lecture, develop support materials, conduct help
sessions for students enrolled in the course for which academic support is being
provided, have less than one year of academic support experience and/or subject mastery
no higher than the sophomore level.
9. Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader II (Title 7533) – This title should be used for
students who attend a specific course lecture, develop support materials, conduct help
sessions for students enrolled in the course for which academic support is being
provided, have at least one year of experience as an SI Leader (with excellent
performance evaluations from the SI coordinator) and subject mastery no lower than the
junior level.
10. Tutor I (Title 7534) – This title should be used for students who carry tutoring
responsibilities with an established Tarleton academic support program, have less than
one year of academic support experience and/or subject mastery no higher than the
sophomore level.
11. Tutor II (Title 7535) – This title should be used for students who carry tutoring
responsibilities with an established Tarleton academic support program, have at least one
year of academic support experience (with excellent performance evaluations from the
Tutor coordinator) and/or subject mastery no lower than the junior level.
12. Student Intern – Coach (7541), Student Intern – Trainer (7542), Student Intern –
Manager (7543), Student Intern – Statistician (7544) – Student Intern – Research (7545)
These titles should only be used for students who perform tasks which are closely related
to their course of study, help fulfill certifications, give practical and applicable
experience for a career and do not easily correspond to a set or regular number of hours
per week. Students will sign a Memorandum of Agreement (“contract”) to be paid on a
task-rate basis, normally every two weeks throughout the semester.
13. Student Orientation Advisor (7470) – This title should be used for students who serve as
an advisor to individuals and groups of students during the orientation conference.
14. Student Agricultural Worker (7558) – This title should be used for students who work at
the Tarleton Agriculture Center. Students in this title are exempt from overtime.
15. Student Programmer Analyst I (7568) – Student employees holding this job title typically
have computer skills or knowledge through previous training and experience. Students in
this title would be expected to code, design and implement simple or single databases or
webpages. Students in this title should require some supervision.
16. Student Programmer Analyst II (7569) – Student employees holding this job title
typically have extensive computer skills or knowledge through previous training and
experience. Students in this title would be expected to code, design and implement
multiple databases or webpages. Students in this title should require minimal
C. A completed Student/Non-budgeted Personnel Action Form (PAF) must be completed in the
event a student is hired, reassigned, dismissed, or work status or funding source changes.
PAFs must be signed by the appropriate department head and then forwarded to the
Department of Human Resources. The Financial Aid office must verify and sign all PAFs
regarding Work Study students before being forwarded to the Department of Human
Resources. See Appendix A for an example of a Student/Non-budgeted Personnel Action
D. Pay Scales for Student Employment
Student employees will normally be hired at the stated hourly rate of pay for the appropriate job
classification. Although each title has a minimum wage scale associated with it, employers may hire a
student at a rate higher than the minimum. Employers should consider both experience, level of
responsibility and what comparable positions are paying within the University in determining a starting
rate of pay. A concise justification should be provided where starting pay is $.50 or more above the
minimum and forwarded through the appropriate Vice President for approval. Such approval should be
secured prior to the student beginning work. Employers needing to hire above the minimum should
contact the Department of Human Resources for guidance.
Student Orientation Advisor
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader I
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader II
Tutor I
Tutor II
Student Intern – Coach
Student Intern – Trainer
Student Intern – Manager
Student Intern – Statistician
Student Intern – Research
Student Agricultural Worker
State College Work-Study Student
Federal College Work-Study Student
Student Worker I
Student Worker II
Student Technician
Student Technician II
Student Programmer/Analyst I
Student Programmer/Analyst II
Title Code
Hourly Rate
Departments may give merit increases to student workers for meritorious performance or longevity if
the following requirements are fulfilled:
A. Students must be employed with the current department for at least one academic year, and,
B. Students must have received a performance evaluation and received an overall rating of “Meets
Expectations” or above.
The performance evaluation must be submitted with the PAF requesting the increase in salary and must
be approved by the appropriate Vice President. Recommended salary increases should be at least $.10
per hour up to $.25 per hour. Should the amount exceed $.25 per hour, full justification will be stated in
the “Justification/Explanation” section on the PAF or addressed in a memorandum accompanying the
PAF. Salary increases may not be granted more than once in a fiscal year. Performance evaluation
forms may be obtained from the Human Resources Department web site at:
A. Criteria for Graduate Student Employment
1. A graduate student must possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university;
have had a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on the last sixty (60)
2. semester hours of undergraduate study; be enrolled for a minimum of six (maximum twelve)
semester hours in a course of study leading to a recognized educational objective; and must meet
the general requirements for employment at Tarleton State University applicable to all
employees, as well as, the approval of the Graduate Studies Office.
3. Since Graduate Assistants – Teaching have as their primary responsibility to teach formally
organized University courses, additional qualifications are required. These are that the teaching
assistant must:
(a) agree to participate in systematic, in-service training and
(b) have earned at least eighteen (18) semester hours of graduate credits in the teaching field.
Teachers of physical education activity courses and developmental courses, however, are
exempted from this requirement.
4. A graduate student employee who holds a position for which student status is required for
employment is eligible to participate in group insurance programs but is ineligible for retirement
benefits or holiday pay.
B. Graduate Student Classification Descriptions
The following classification descriptions apply to graduate students only and, as the other description
outlined above, are intended to provide general information only and are not intended to be exhaustive,
or prescriptive. Rates of pay for graduate student job titles are listed in Section C.
Category: Graduate Assistant – Teaching
1. Graduate Assistant – Teaching I (Title 7550) – Students appointed to this category are those who
have primary classroom teaching responsibilities and teach less than six semester credit hours. They
serve as instructor of record of a formally organized course with the responsibility for assigning
final grades. (Appointment is for 9 months only.)
2. Graduate Assistant – Teaching II (Title 7553) – Students appointed to this category are those who
primary classroom teaching responsibilities and teach six semester credit hours or more. They serve
as the instructor of record of a formally organized course with the responsibility of assigning final
grades. (Appointment is for 9 months only. Summer session my be contracted with approval of
the VPAA.)
Category: Graduate Laboratory Assistant
These graduate students are employed primarily in a capacity as teachers. Their judgment and expertise
is necessary to meet the stated objectives of the classes they teach and their input influences the final
grades given to enrolled students.
3. Graduate Laboratory Assistant I (Title 7423) – (Applies to Science Labs.) Each laboratory taught
would equal 75% effort. The primary responsibility is teaching. Students assigned to this category
assume responsibility for delivering instruction to undergraduate students in a laboratory setting.
They have the responsibility for the management and operation, including instruction, of the
laboratories on campus. They are the teacher of record for each laboratory assignment. Any other
responsibilities assigned would be administrative and directly related to the teaching
responsibilities. The graduate assistant does not assign the final course grade, but would be
responsible for the grade for the laboratory component of the course. The final grade is usually
determined in collaboration with the faculty member supervising the laboratory assignment.
4. Graduate Laboratory Assistant II (Title 7424) – Student appointed to this category would teach
labs in laboratory classes other than science. Four labs would equal one three semester credit
hour assignment. The students assigned to this category assume responsibility for instruction to
undergraduate students in a laboratory setting. They may be listed as the teacher of record for
each laboratory taught. Planning for instruction is done collaboratively with the faculty or staff
responsible for the course and as specified in the laboratory objectives as listed in the master
syllabus. The primary responsibility is teaching as well as other academic administrative
Category: Graduate Assistant – Special/Non Teaching
5. Graduate Assistant – Special (Title 9179) – Students appointed to this category are those who are
assigned very special responsibilities under unusual circumstances. The rate of pay is
commensurate with the job assignment and needs approval from the appropriate Vice President.
6. Graduate Assistant – Non Teaching (Title 9180) – Students assigned to this category have the
responsibility for assisting professors and other University personnel in various program and/or
administrative assignments. This position is a non-exempt position, is paid on a bi-weekly basis, and
timesheets must be submitted to payroll for hours worked.
Category: Graduate Research Assistant
All students appointed to this category are those who are engaged in faculty-supervised research
project(s.) This research may be, in part, used to meet thesis requirements for the master’s degree.
However, increasingly, as students are encouraged to engage in research activities unrelated to an actual
final thesis, they may be in team research with other students, with their professor, or any other type of
research deemed appropriate by the employing department or office.
7. Graduate Assistant – Research I (Title 9221) – Half the position involves research for faculty; staff
or their own research for thesis, and the other half involves other duties as assigned.
8. Graduate Assistant – Research II (Title 9222) – All duties are research (defined as any laboratory,
computer or other scientific manipulation of materials or data to gain information for university
decision making, reporting, publication or discovery.) Additionally, they may be conducting their
own research associated with the completion of a thesis or dissertation.
Category: Graduate Assistant – Doctoral Fellow
9. Must be a Graduate Student who has been accepted into the Educational Leadership Doctoral
Program. Students assigned to this category assume responsibility for assisting with material collection
pertaining to literature reviews; accumulating; entering and manipulating data related to research
activities; assisting with the development of grants; preparing classroom instruction materials; and
organizing or coordinating various meeting, conferences, committee activities, comprehensive
examinations, and test preparation workshops.
Appointment of graduate assistants to one or more of the titles listed below shall be in accordance with
guidelines established by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Unlike
student workers, graduate assistants are appointed on a half time, and are eligible for certain benefits as
employees of The Texas A&M University System.
Pay Scales for Graduate Student Employment
Title Code
Graduate Laboratory Assistant I
Graduate Laboratory Assistant II
Graduate Assistant – Teaching I
Graduate Assistant – Teaching II
Graduate Assistant – Special
Graduate Assistant – Non-Teaching
Graduate Assistant – Research I
Graduate Assistant – Research II
Graduate Assistant – Doctoral Fellow
$999.99/mo @ half-time
$999.99/mo @ half-time
$1,111.11/mo.@ half-time
$1,222.22/mo. @ half-time
$11.53/ hour
$999.99/mo.@ half-time
$999.99/mo.@ half-time