Name: _ Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DUE: _____ Create an atom project Your project for this unit is to create an atom that could be used as a Holiday ornament. (You may choose whatever Holiday you would like.) Your project should include: 1- Name of the atom 2- Element symbol (Atomic symbol) 3- Atomic number 4- Correct number of protons and protons are labeled 5- Correct number of electrons and electrons are labeled 6- Presence of neutrons and neutrons are labeled 7- Correct placement of protons, neutrons, and electrons. 8- Includes an item made from that type of atom (Example: if you choose to do a copper atom, you might include a penny somewhere on your atom.) 9- Creativity 10- Project rubric (this paper) is turned in with your project with the “Student” columns filled out. 11- Extra credit: correct number of neutrons / present your project to the class Your project will be graded as follows: Points possible Student: Does your project include: 1 Name of the atom? Yes/No 10 2 Element symbol (written 10 correctly)? Yes/No 3 Atomic number? Yes/No 10 4 Correct number of protons 10 with labels? Yes/No 5 Correct number of electrons 10 with labels? Yes/No 6 Neutrons with labels? 10 Yes/No 7 Correct placement of 15 protons, neutrons, and electrons? Yes/No 8 An item made from this type 10 of atom? Yes/No 9 Creativity/neatenss Yes/No 10 10 Project Rubric (this paper) 5 with “Student” columns filled out. Yes/No Correct number of neutrons? Extra credit 5 Presented to class? Yes/No Extra credit 5 100 (+10 possible) Total Have fun! Student: Points earned Teacher: Points earned Nitrogen Atom Things with nitrogen in them: - Air - Plants - DNA (in cells) Electron Proton Neutron Carbon atom Things with Carbon in them: - Graphite (pencil lead) - Plastic - Diamonds - All living things