regular meeting of the board of education

EFA Community Room
933 Hoffman Street
Elmira, New York 14905
August 18, 2004
7:00 p.m.
Board President Michael Crimmins called the Regular Meeting
of the Board of Education to order at 7:05 p.m and opened with
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Michael J. Crimmins, Barton Graham, Daniel Hurley,
Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Susan J. Skidmore, Ethel Stroman,
Mary Beth Turner, Robert Woods
Others: Laura E. Sherwood, Donald M. Keddell, Robert S.
Gosden, Christine Mecke, Kevin O’Shea, Patricia Stayments,
Alex Shephard (EFA High School student representative), Kelly
McWhorter (SHS High School student representative).
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, to approve the
following changes to the agenda:
 pull J-12 “Approval of Rescinding Policies 5420, 5421,
and 5430.
 add K-Personnel Addendum.
 add a discussion and straw vote regarding the closeout of
the $88M capital construction project.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, to add
discussion item F-4 - Discussion of EFA Violence Forum to the
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mr. Graham asked to add another discussion item F-5 regarding
tenure polices and practices to the agenda.
Board President Michael Crimmins ruled Mr. Graham out of
order due to the fact that this issue had already been discussed
by the Board in executive session at the last meeting and a
process was put into place for dealing with the matter that the
entire Board had agreed upon.
Mr. Graham appealed the ruling by Mr. Crimmins. A straw vote
was taken by the Board. A no vote would uphold Mr.
Crimmins’ ruling that this issue was not a discussable item. A
yes vote would mean that the item would be placed on the
Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Stroman, Turner,
Crimmins, Skidmore
Mr. Graham clarified that he did not wish to discuss a particular
person. He wanted the following resolution to be approved by
the Board:
“The Board shall ask the firm of Hodgson Russ to review,
evaluate and advise on the policies and practices of the Board’s
process of granting or refusing tenure; and that Kevin O’Shea
and Barton Graham jointly frame the issues as each of them see
them, such joint effort to be completed no later than August 25,
2004. The purpose is to insure, in part, that the Board’s policies,
procedures and practices inspire confidence and trust in the
community, and avoid, to the extent possible, potential
Mr. Crimmins responded that he had already directed
Superintendent Sherwood to address this matter. He asked that
Mr. Graham withdraw his motion. Mr. Graham withdrew his
motion but reserved his right to come back to this matter if the
issues were not addressed to his liking. The Board will receive a
response from Hodgson Russ to discuss at the September 15th
Board meeting.
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, to accept the
amended agenda with changes as noted above.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Broadway Elementary Principal Pam Davis-Webb introduced
new Assistant Principal Stephen Boyce to the Board.
EFA Principal Robert Bailey introduced new Assistant
Principals Theresa Armstrong, Joe Covington and Scott
Williams to the Board.
SHS Principal Christopher Krantz introduced new Assistant
Principals Derek Almy, Tim Hassen and Maggie Thurber to the
Ms. Sherwood introduced Assistant Principal Carrie Hicks as
Mrs. Carrie Rollins.
Mr. Woods commented that he had met with Karen Lesky,
Principal at Washington Elementary, for a walkthrough of the
Board Members
Mr. Hurley noted that there were many upcoming social
activities planned for SHS. The first one of the year would be a
Battle of the Bands to be held on Friday, August 20th.
Mrs. Long attended the Small Cities Conference in Geneva.
Ms. Stroman reported that she visited two summer school sites,
where she spoke to summer employees and students enrolled and
was very impressed with our summer programs. She also met
with Principal Michael Lanning and Assistant Principal Thomas
Howe at Beecher and is looking forward to being a part of that
school community this year.
Mrs. Skidmore enjoyed the walk through at Hendy on Saturday,
July 31st. She also attended the Small Cities Conference in
Geneva and noted that Carl Hayden was the guest speaker.
Small Cities is pursuing litigation against the state. Further
information will be forthcoming.
Mr. Graham mentioned that he had read the Clemson Report and
was pleased with the amount of information he learned about the
Mr. Crimmins commented on the EFA Parent to Parent
Newsletter produced by Joyce Slaten. It is an excellent
publication and contains volumes of information for parents to
understand graduation requirements, etc. He commended our
parent partners as being “unsung heroes within our school
system.” He reminded the Board that Tuesday, August 24th at
6:00 pm at the Ernie Davis Community Center there would be a
celebration for EFA Freshman to meet their fellow classmates.
Mr. Crimmins also attended the tour of Hendy on July 31st along
with alumni from the Class of 1950. He also commended
Arline Ely, Supervisor of Secondary Education & Curriculum,
for her fine presentation at the Small Cities Conference in
Camille Sechrist, Elmira Teacher’s Association Secretary,
welcomed new teachers and spoke about the ETA’s participation
in the LAP (Local Action Project) program in order to improve
public relations between the ETA and the community.
Robert Bailey, incoming Elmira Schools Supervisory and
Administrative Council President, noted that all administrators
are preparing for the opening of school and working hard to
make sure their buildings are ready. The administrators
participated in two Common Planning Days and received a draft
of the Board Goals for the 2004-05 school year and are looking
forward to working with the Board to achieve their goals.
Alex Shephard, EFA student representative, welcomed the new
Assistant Principals at EFA and thanked Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Slaten
and Mrs. Milliken for implementing the new Freshman
Orientation Program.
Kelly McWhorter, SHS student representative, expressed her
excitement at the start of a new year and noted that fall sports
teams were already up and running.
Robert Bailey informed the Board about the initiatives being
undertaken for a smooth 9th grade transition at EFA.
Chalene Fleming, Broadway Middle School parent, distributed a
handout to the Board regarding posting of grades at Broadway
Middle School.
Susan Mason, Pine City parent, urged the Board to hire another
third grade teacher at Pine City in order to lower class sizes.
Capital Project Update
Russ Robinson from Welliver-McGuire provided the Board with
reports on change orders, pending change orders and the capital
construction budget. He also updated the Board on work at
Beecher, Broadway, Coburn, Davis, Diven, EFA, Fassett,
Hendy, Pine City, Riverside, Washington and districtwide
technology. A discussion ensued about the open ceilings at
Hendy Elementary School. The Board agreed to get pricing for
putting a drop ceiling in. They will look at it on August 27th
during the district construction tour.
Clerk of the Works Update
Clerk of the Works, Raylene Lewis, discussed projects at Pine
City, Broadway, Davis, Diven, EFA and the SHS pool.
Associate Superintendent of Management Services Robert
Gosden asked the Board to make a decision regarding the
remainder of the Capital Construction $88M Project money. A
discussion ensued regarding what work will be done at Beecher
Elementary School and Riverside Elementary School.
By straw vote the Board decided to defer Phase II at Beecher
Elementary school. This would enable the reallocation of
$1,930,000. A proposition for voter approval to undertake the
Phase II project at Beecher along with other needed capital
improvements would need to be scheduled sometime this school
Broadway Elementary Principal Pam Davis-Webb, Broadway
Middle Principal Rose Kramarik and Town of Southport Council
members, Etta Dewey and Kathy Szerszen, informed the Board
of the changes to be implemented for the 2004-05 school year in
regards to the dropping off and picking up of students at both
schools. The Town of Southport is planning on having “no
parking” signs in place in time for opening day. Ms. Kramarik
and Ms. Davis-Webb will update the Board at the October
meeting in regards to the implementation of this new system.
Mr. Gosden updated the Board on state aid figures and how they
would affect the district.
Mr. Graham reminded everyone that the EFA School Violence
Forum has not been forgotten and the Board has addressed the
issues raised at the forum in their 2004-05 goals.
Connect for Success Report
Karen Pettibone, Assistant Supervisor for Data Services, and
Yasamin Miller, Director of the Survey Research Institute for
Cornell University, reviewed the Connect for Success Report
with the Board. The survey was administered to staff, students
and parents.
The Board took a break at 10:13 pm. They reconvened at 10:23
Draft of Board Goals
The Board reviewed the draft copy of their 2004-05 goals.
Some changes were suggested. Ms. Sherwood will make the
changes and submit the final draft for Board approval at the
September 1, 2004 Special Meeting.
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
approve consent items as follows:
Minutes of the July 28, 2004 Regular Meeting, August 3, 2004
Special Meeting and the August 4, 2004 Work Session of the
Board of Education
Financial Report
Central Treasurers’ Reports for June 2004 as presented.
That the Board of Education accept the sole responsive,
responsible bid from Chemung County YMCA for items #1
through #18 for a total of $450.00, as per attached tabulation for
the Sale of Used Equipment. (Tabulation in Clerk’s
supplemental file for this meeting).
Sale of Used Equipment
Re-Bids for Additions and
Alterations at Parley Coburn
Elementary School
Whereas bids were duly authorized and advertised for the Re-bid
of Additions and Alterations for Parley Coburn Elementary
School, and said bids were opened on August 11, 2004 and
presented to the Board of Education on August 18, 2004;
therefore be resolved that the lowest responsive, responsible bids
meeting specifications be accepted and contracts awarded to
Christa Construction, Inc., for general construction work in the
amount of $4,464,000.00 [Base Bid, Alternates 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 8];
to Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for
HVAC work in the amount of $1,595,600.00 [Base Bid,
Alternate 1]; to Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent Plumbing & Heating,
Inc. for plumbing work in the amount of $375,800.00 [Base Bid,
Alternate 1]; to Joseph Flihan for Kitchen Equipment work in
the amount of $174,400.00 [Base Bid] for the Re-bid of
Additions and Alterations for Parley Coburn Elementary School
for an aggregate total of $6,609,800.00. (Tabulation in Clerk’s
supplemental file for this meeting).
That the Board of Education approve the contract with
Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. for the Elmira Head Start
Day Care Program for the 2004-05 school year. (Copy in
Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)
That the Board of Education accept the gift of $1,500.00 donated
to Ernie Davis Middle School by the Tommy Hilfiger Corporate
Foundation and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted
expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $1,500.00 at budget
code A2110-39-20-0500.
That the Board of Education accept the gift of $1,200.00 donated
to Elmira Free Academy High School by the Central Southern
Tier Tech Prep program and, furthermore, that the General Fund
budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $1,200.00 at
budget code A2020-40-56-0500.
That the Board of Education approve
reimbursements totaling $39.06 and that the
Fund expenditure code A2610-39-36-0525
$32.06, and that the 2004-05 General Fund
A2110-04-56-0500 be increased by $7.00.
the receipt of
2004-05 General
be increased by
expenditure code
Committee on Special
Education (CSE)
That the Board of Education approve the placement of students
classified by the District Committee on Special Education (CSE)
Motion Carried
Use of Surveillance Cameras
in the School District #5684
– Second Reading
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
of Education approve the second reading of the new policy
#5684 Use of Surveillance Cameras in the School District. This
policy will take effect immediately upon approval of the second
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
School Bus Monitors and
Attendants #6330 School Bus
Monitors and Attendants –
Second Reading
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board
of Education approve the second reading of the new policy
#6330 School Bus Monitors and Attendants. This policy will
take effect immediately upon approval of the second reading.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
2005-2006 Educational Plan
and Budget Calendar
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the
Board of Education approve the 2004-05 Educational Plan and
Budget Preparation Calendar. (Copy in clerk’s supplemental file
for this meeting.)
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Diven/Beecher Attendance
Area Change
Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board of
Education approve changing the Beecher Elementary School
attendance area to include all Pre-K to Grade 5 students who
reside in the area bounded by 0-800 Sullivan Street, Harper
Street between Oak Street, Sullivan Street, Jacob Rhode Drive
and German Street.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Turner, Woods
No: Stroman
Revision of Policy #6120
Equal Employment
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the
Board of Education approve the revision of policy #6120 –
Equal Employment Opportunity. This revision will take effect
immediately upon approval of this reading.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
New Policy #7315 Bullying:
Peer Abuse in the Schools –
First Reading
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board
approve the first reading of the new policy #7315 Bullying: Peer
Abuse in the Schools. For the second reading a reference to the
District’s Hazing Policy will be cited.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
New Policy #6217 Mentoring Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board
Programs for First-Year
approve the first reading of the new policy #6217 Mentoring
Teachers – First Reading
Programs for First-Year Teachers.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
New Policy #7214 Secondary Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, that the Board of
Students Grading – First
Education approve the first reading of the new policy #7214 –
Secondary Students Grading.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
New Policy #7670 Impartial
Hearings/Selection of
Impartial Hearing Officers –
First Reading
Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
of Education approve the first reading of the new policy #7670 –
Impartial Hearings/Selection of Impartial Hearing Officers.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Revision of Policy #7312 –
Student Dress Code
Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
of Education approve the revision of policy #7312 Student Dress
Code. This revision of policy will take effect immediately upon
approval of the Board of Education.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Revision of Policy #3430
Anti-Harassment in the
School District
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board
of Education approve the revision of policy #3430 AntiHarassment in the School. This policy will take effect
immediately upon approval of the Board of Education.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Revision of Policy #6121
Sexual Harassment
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board
of Education approve the revision of policy #6121 Sexual
Harassment (Personnel).
This policy will take effect
immediately upon approval of the Board of Education.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Revision of Policy #7531
Sexual Harassment
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
of Education approve the revision of policy #7531 Sexual
Harassment (Students). This policy will take effect immediately
upon approval of the Board of Education.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Participation in Cooperative
Bid by SCT BOCES Food
Service Management
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
approve the following resolution:
Whereas, it is the plan of a number of public school districts in
the SCT BOCES area in New York, to bid jointly Cafeteria
Supplies and Food Commodities including various meat,
grocery, paper, equipment, milk, ice cream, bread and chemical
Whereas, the Elmira City School District (“the School District”)
is desirous of participation in the joint bidding of the
Commodities, as authorized by General Municipal Law, Section
119-o; and
Whereas, the School District wishes to appoint a Committee
made up of representatives from participating school districts to
assume responsibility for drafting of specifications, advertising
for bids, tabulating bids, awarding bids to the lowest bidder who
meets the specifications and reporting the results to the schools;
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the School District
authorizes the Committee to represent it in all matters leading up
to the entering into a contract for the purchase of the above
described commodities, and,
Be it further resolved, that the Board of Education of the School
District agrees to assume its equitable share of the costs of
Cooperative Bidding; and that the Board of Education of the
School District hereby declares its intention to participate in the
SCT BOCES Cooperative Bid for Cafeteria Supplies and Food
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Donate K-9 Vehicle
Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board
of Education donate the District’s K-9 vehicle valued at
$7,500.00 to the Chemung County Sheriff’s Department.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board
approve personnel recommendations (including K-Addendum)
as follows:
Donald M. Keddell, Associate Superintendent of Instruction,
effective September 30, 2004
Amendment to 7/28/04
Personnel Packet
William P. Erickson, Custodial Laborer/Broadway Schools,
effective January 15, 2005
Ann M. Sincock, Assistant Principal/Elmira Free Academy,
effective August 13, 2004
Theresa M. Barrett, Special Education/Thomas K. Beecher
Elementary School, effective August 1, 2004
Maria J. Chedzoy, Spanish/Broadway Middle School, effective
August 1, 2004
Lisa M. Heasley, Science/Broadway Middle School, effective
August 11, 2004
Colleen Kane, Elementary/Washington Elementary School,
effective August 10, 2004
Mary Teresa Yorke, Teaching Assistant/Elmira Free Academy,
effective August 6, 2004
Ellen T. Friedrich, Food Service Helper/Parley Coburn
Elementary School, effective July 29, 2004
Jyl M. Getman, 25 Hour 1:1 Teacher Aide/Hendy @ Booth
Elementary School, effective August 6, 2004
Mary J. Nichols, Bus Driver/Bus Garage, effective August 4,
Leaves of Absence
Jason M. Johnston, Assistant Principal/Parley Coburn
Elementary School to accept Acting Elementary Principal
position at Parley Coburn Elementary School, effective October
1, 2004
Margaret T. Larrimore, Elementary Principal/Parley Coburn
Elementary School, to accept the position of Interim Associate
Superintendent of Instruction, effective October 1, 2004
Debra S. Butler, Special Education/Southside High School,
parental leave, effective September 1, 2004 through January 2,
Timothy T. Hassen, School Social Worker/Broadway Middle
School, to accept an Administrative Internship/Southside High
School, effective September 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004
Elizabeth B. Winsor, Elementary/Hendy @ Booth Elementary
School, Family Medical Leave/Parental Leave, effective
September 1, 2004 through November 5, 2004 and November 6,
2004 through January 2, 2005
Abolishment of Positions
English (.5), EFA, effective August 19, 2004
GED Preparatory Teacher, district wide, effective August 19,
Human Ecology Teacher, Broadway Middle School, effective
August 19, 2004
Establishment of Positions
Elementary Teacher, Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School,
effective September 1, 2004
Social Studies Teacher, Alternative High School, effective
August 19, 2004
Social Studies Teacher (.5), Elmira Free Academy, effective
August 19, 2004
Technology Teacher, Broadway Middle School, effective
August 19, 2004
Emergency Appointments
30-Hour Teacher Aide Pre-K, Thomas K. Beecher Elementary
School, effective September 1, 2004
Allison A. Berger, Reading/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a
drug screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification: Reading, Permanent; salary: $35,200, Step 5
Elizabeth A. Boylan, (.5) Science/Southside High School,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; certification: Chemistry/General
Science, Provisional; salary $15,534, Step 1 (B)
Kristine A. Butler, Reading/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a
drug screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification: Reading, Permanent; salary: $35,410, Step 4
Judith A. Dernbach, Earth Science/Southside High School,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2006;
certification: Earth Science 7-12, Permanent; salary: $51,204,
Step 14 (B+30+M)
Gerald A. Holleran, English/Broadway Middle School, effective
September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug screening and
obtaining final State Education Department fingerprinting
clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2007; certification; English
7-12, Provisional; salary, $41,326, Step 10 (B+60+M)
Katina D. Jones-Waples, Elementary/George M. Diven
Elementary School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent
upon passing a drug screening and obtaining final State
Education Department fingerprinting clearance and providing
the Elmira City School District with the appropriate NYS
certification; tenure date: September 1, 2007; certification:
Elementary, Provisional pending; salary: $34,304, Step 1
Angela Meisner, Special Education/Southside High School,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification: Special Education, Provisional pending; salary:
$31,668, Step 1 (B)
Tiffany J. Nichols, Elementary/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a
drug screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance and providing the Elmira City School
District with the appropriate NYS certification; tenure date:
September 1, 2007; salary: $31,668, Step 1 (B)
Louise O’Connor, Middle School/Alternative High School,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2006;
certification: Elementary, Permanent, salary: $51,484, Step 14
Julie M. Shelp, Reading/George M. Diven Elementary School,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2006;
certification: Reading, Permanent; salary: $36,602, Step 5
Brandon J. Sievers, Technology/Broadway Middle School,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance and providing the Elmira City School
District with the appropriate NYS certification; tenure date:
September 1, 2007; certification: Technology, Provisional
pending; salary: $31,668, Step 1 (B)
Elizabeth A. Stein, Teaching Assistant/Broadway Middle,
effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug
screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance and providing the Elmira City School
District with the appropriate NYS teaching certification; tenure
date: September 1, 2007; certification: Teaching Assistant,
continuing pending; salary: $17,417
Matthew A. Straub, Art/Ernie Davis Middle School, effective
September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug screening and
obtaining final State Education Department fingerprinting
clearance and providing the Elmira City School District with the
appropriate NYS certification; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification: Art, Provisional pending; salary: $32,815, Step 1
Sandi C. VanEverdingen, Special Education/Broadway Middle
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a
drug screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification: Special Education, Provisional; salary $35,403,
Step 3 (B+35+M)
Katherine A. Walker, Special Education/Thomas K. Beecher
Elementary School; effective September 1, 2004 contingent
upon passing a drug screening and obtaining final State
Education Department fingerprinting clearance and providing
the Elmira City School District with the appropriate NYS
certification; tenure date: September 1, 2007; certification:
Special Education, Provisional pending; salary: $33,504, Step 1
Lisa A. Wheeler, Science/Alternative High School, effective
September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a drug screening and
obtaining final State Education Department fingerprinting
clearance and providing the Elmira City School District with the
appropriate NYS certification; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification: Biology/Chemistry 7-12, Provisional pending;
salary: $31,955, Step 1 (B+5)
Charlene F. Halloway, 20-Hour Teacher Aide/Hendy @ Booth,
effective September 7, 2004, salary: $4,573, Step 1, prorated
Patricia A. Lynch, 20-Hour Teacher Aide/Hendy @ Booth,
effective September 7, 2004, salary: $4,573, Step 1, prorated
Jason M. Johnston, Acting Elementary Principal/Parley Coburn
Elementary School, effective October 1, 2004, certification:
SAS, Permanent; salary: $72,727 current salary plus $33.73 per
Margaret T. Larrimore, Interim Associate Superintendent of
Instruction, effective October 1, 2004; certification: SDA,
Permanent; salary: $110,000, prorated
Timothy T. Hassen, Administrative Internship/Southside High
School, effective August 19, 2004 through December 31, 2004;
certification: SDA/pending completion of internship; salary:
Jennifer L. Hammond, English/Southside High School, effective
September 1, 2004 contingent upon providing the Elmira City
School District with the appropriate NYS certification; tenure
date: September 1, 2007; certification: English, Provisional
pending; salary: $31,668, Step 1 (B)
Timothy R. Johnston, Elementary/George M. Diven Elementary
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon providing
the Elmira City School District with the appropriate NYS
certification; tenure date: September 1, 2007; certification:
Elementary, Conditional Provisional pending; salary: $31,668,
Step 1 (B)
Jaime L. Laskaris, Special Education/Thomas K. Beecher
Elementary School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent
upon providing the Elmira City School District with the
appropriate NYS certification; tenure date: September 1, 2007;
certification Special Education, Provisional pending; salary:
$34,591, Step 1 (B+35+M)
Jillian C. Williams, Elementary/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon providing
the Elmira City School District with the appropriate NYS
certification; tenure date: September 6, 2007; certification:
Elementary, Provisional pending; salary: $31,668, Step 1 (B)
Amendment to August 3, 2004 board packet (page C-2)
Jessica J. Plaut, Elementary/Parley Coburn Elementary School;
salary: $36,800, Step 5 (B+60+M)
Special Assignment
Brenda K. Baker, Instructional Support Teacher at Ernie Davis
Middle School, temporary one-year assignment effective
September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Shelley R. Bailey, Instructional Support Teacher/District-wide,
temporary one-year assignment effective September 1, 2004 to
June 30, 2005
Suzanne M. Comstock, Instructional Support Teacher at George
Washington Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment
effective September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Susan N. Coolican, Instructional Support Teacher at Broadway
Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment effective
September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Theresa M. Emerson, Instructional Support Teacher at Hendy @
Booth Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment
effective September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Cynthia S. Kennedy, Instructional Support Teacher at Thomas
K. Beecher Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment
effective September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Kathy L. Love, Instructional Support Teacher at George M.
Diven Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment
effective September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Douglas S. Martin, Instructional Support Teacher at Southside
High School, temporary one-year assignment effective
September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Kathryn D. Milliken, Instructional Support Teacher at Elmira
Free Academy, temporary one-year assignment effective
September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Maureen V. Nicolo, Instructional Support Teacher at Parley
Coburn Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment
effective September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Susan M. Pawlak, Instructional Support Teacher at Riverside
Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment effective
September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
M. Christine Thomas, Instructional Support Teacher at Pine City
Elementary School, temporary one-year assignment effective
September 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
Long-Term Substitute
Michele D. Kotch, School Social Worker/Broadway Middle
School, effective September 1, 2004 contingent upon passing a
drug screening and obtaining final State Education Department
fingerprinting clearance; certification: School Social Worker,
Provisional; salary: $35,702, Step 2 (B+40+M)
Competitive, Probationary
Donna M. Hazlett, Clerk Typist/Hendy @ Booth, effective
August 2, 2004, salary: $18,300, Step 5, prorated
Competitive, Provisional
Cecelia C. Yaniga, Clerk Typist/George M. Diven Elementary
School, effective August 5, 2004, salary: $18,300, Step 5,
Non-Competitive, Probationary
Claridge Williams, Bus Driver, effective September 8, 2004,
salary: $7,955, Step 1
Denise A. Wilson, 20-Hour Teacher Aide/Riverside Elementary
School, effective September 7, 2004; salary: $4,573, Step 1,
Tenure Recommendations
Suzanne K. Myers, Special Education, December 1, 2004
Lynn M. Zakeri, Special Education, December 3, 2004
Additions/Deletions to the
Substitute List
Substitute Teachers – Jenny R. Frisbie, Michele D. Kotch
Custodial Laborer – Douglas R. Ames, Ellen T. Friedrich,
Theodore J. Hobczuk, Mary J. Nichols
Bus Attendant – Bertha M. Geter
Amendment to July 28, 2004 board packet (page F-1)
Bus Driver – Melinda L. Miele
Substitute Teachers – Emily M. Bachman, Kara K. Crout,
Jennifer L. Hammond, Andrew J. Hughes, Aaron D. Lindgren,
Kimberly D. Loomis, Marianne M. Maloney, Jessica J. Plaut,
Laura J. Roberti, Cecilia C. Yaniga
Athletic Stipends
Senior High Fall Coaching Resignations
Gary Geiger, Varsity Cross Country Assistant Coach
Senior High Fall Coaching Appointments
Sally A. Deane, Varsity Cross-Country, $2,692, Step 1
Andrew J. Hughes, Varsity Cross-Country Assistant Coach,
$2,217, Step 1
Volunteer Coaches
Jessie W. Ferris, Varsity Football
Senior High Winter Coaching Appointment
Joshua D. Chase, Junior Varsity Boys Basketball, $3,377, Step 3
District Team
Ian M. Wolfe, Junior Varsity Wrestling, $2,692, Step 1
Non-Athletic Stipends
AM Supervision
Thomas J. Wilson, BMS, $827
Kimberly A. Knowles, DMS, $827
UN Club
Debra K. Parrish, EFA, $551
Peer Counseling Club
Madeline Mathews, EFA, $551
District-wide Speech Chairperson
Linda C. Hart, Districtwide, $4,410
School Psychologists
Susan B. Basal, $2,500
Michelle R. Bristol $2,500
Kevin S. Deery, $2,500
Hollace Z. Donner, $2,500
Gretchen A. Gower-Robbins, $2,500
Shari A. Simmons, $2,500
Amy E. Timofeeff, $2,500
Theresa A. Walsh, $2,500
AV-Text Coordinator Pre-K, K-5
Tracy A. Burge, Beecher, Year 3, $957.50 (one half)
Sharon Conrad, Beecher, Year 1 $712.50 (one half)
Susan N. Coolican, BES, Year 3, $975.50 (one half)
M. Jill Schiefen, BES, Year 3, $975.50 (one half)
Michael Brimmer, Coburn, Year 3, $1,951
Stephanie L. Boyle, Diven, Year 2, $1,667
Mary J. Eckel, Hendy/Booth, Year 3, $975.50 (one half)
Carolyn Tolbert, Hendy/Booth, Year 3, $712.50 (one half)
Janet M. Strebel, Pine City, Year 2, $1,667
Gail M. Shaw, Washington, Year 2, $833.50 (one half)
Nancy E. Marczyk, Washington, Year 1, $712.50 (one half)
Jazz Ensemble
Al Saginario, BMS, Year 3, $1,951
Benjamin Chaffee, DMS, Year 2, $833.50 (one half)
Jeanette Sheliga, DMS, Year 2, $833.50 (one half)
Middle School Dramatics
Paul S. Olyowski, BMS, Year 3, $1,951
Middle School Extra Classroom Treasurer
Leslie J. Kempf, BMS, Year 2, $1,667
Douglas C. Stadelmaier, DMS, Year 3, $1,951
Middle School Newspaper
Susan Elliot, BMS, Year 3, $1,951
Mary I. Lobus, DMS, Year 3, $1,951
Middle School Student Government
Wendy L. Brown, BMS, Year 1, $475 (one third)
Sean J. Farley, BMS, Year 3, $650 (one third)
Alise Hoffmann, BMS, Year 1, $475 (one third)
Megan J. Cramer, DMS, Year 3, $975.50 (one half)
Ginger A. Woolever, DMS, Year 3, $975.50 (one half)
Mock Trial
Edward D. Cleary, SHS, Year 3, $1,951
Grade 9 Advisor
Scott D. Kelley, EFA, Year 3, $3,057*
Charlie E. Wilson, SHS, Year 1, $1,425
Pep Band District-wide
Kimberly A. Henry, Year 3, $1,951
S.A.D.D. Advisor
Penny J. Burger, EFA, Year 3, $1,951
Maureen K. Barr, SHS, Year 2, $1,667
Select High School Instrumental Group
Scott D. Kelley, EFA, Year 3, $1,951
Nancy Conley-Wheeler, SHS, Year 3, $1,667
Select High School Vocal Group
Dennis R. Chapdelaine, EFA, Year 1, $1,425
Julie K. Hagen, SHS, Year 3, $1,951
Technical Assistance Club
Scott D. Kelley, EFA, Year 3, $3,057*
Timothy M. Decker, SHS, Year 3, $1,951
Grade 10 Advisor
Jennifer D. Gilbert, EFA, Year 2, $833.50 (one half)
Nicole K. VanHorn, EFA, Year 2, $833.50 (one half)
Kimberly D. Frazer, SHS, Year 2, $1,667
Varsity Club
Brenda S. Brown, EFA, Year 3, $1,951
James J. Palmer, SHS, Year 2, $1,667
Literacy Magazine
Felecia F. Tokarski, EFA, Year 3, $2,722
Debra L. VanDelinger, SHS, Year 2, $2,367
National Honor Society
M. Theresa Nicklaus, EFA, Year 3, $2,722
Barbara Wilber, SHS, Year 2, $2,367
Quiz Bowl
Felecia F. Tokarski, EFA, Year 3, $2,722
Thomas M. Milliken, SHS, Year 3, $2,722
Chem Bowl
Thomas M. Milliken, SHS, Year 3, $2,722
AV-Textbook Coordinator, 6-8
Alfred J. Saginario, BMS, Year 3, $2,881
Douglas C. Stadelmaier, DMS, Year 3, $2,881
Grade 11 Advisor
Jason L. Sanchez, EFA, Year 3, $2,881
Michael G. Supple, SHS, Year 3, $2,881
Middle School Yearbook
Paul S. Olyowski, BMS, Year 3, $2,881
Kelly H. Clement, DMS, Year 3, $2,881
Senior High Dramatics
Susan H. Tanner, EFA, Year 3, $2,527
Lisa M. Murdie, SHS, Year 2, $1,263.60 (one half)
Richard F. Pirozzolo, SHS, Year 3, $1,440.50 (one half)
Senior High Newspaper
Mary O. Hand, EFA, Year 3, $2,881
Michael K. Kessler, SHS, Year 3, $2,881
Senior High Student Government
Timothy J. Tobin, EFA, Year 3, $2,881
Lisa N. Hubbard, SHS, Year 2, $2,527
Grade 12 Advisor
Cheryl A. Sweeney, EFA, Year 3, $3,377
Michelle C. Jenkins, SHS, Year 3, $3,377
Senior High Extra Classroom Treasurer
Nancy M. Beebe, EFA, Year 1, $2,696
Charlie E. Wilson, SHS, Year 3, $3,377
Senior High Yearbook Advisor
Brian P. Fitzgerald, EFA Business, Year 3, $3,377
Brian P. Fitzgerald, EFA Literacy, Year 3, $3,377
Charlie E. Wilson, SHS Business, Year 3, $3,377
Nathan D. Smith, SHS, Literacy, Year 2, $3,015
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Administrative Memorandum Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board of
of Understanding
Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement
(copy in clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting) regarding the
appointment of Margaret T. Larrimore to the position of Interim
Associate Superintendent of Instruction effective October 1,
2004 through June 30, 2005, salary $110,000 prorated.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the
Board move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing
a particular person or persons, collective negotiations pursuant to
Article 14 of the Civil Service Law and a student appeal (11:32
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Linda Wida
Board Clerk
President Crimmins appointed Mrs. Long Clerk Pro Tem in the
absence of the Clerk.
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board
return to open session (1:05 a.m.).
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, that the Board
of Education affirms the Decision of the Superintendent which is
the subject of this appeal. The appeal is denied.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, to return to
executive session for the purpose of discussing a particular
person (1:10 am).
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board
return to open session (1:30 am).
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the
meeting be adjourned (1:31 a.m.).
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Robin Long
Clerk Pro Tem