Spring 2015
Instructor: Keri Morrison, M.S.
TA: Fujun Wen
Office: 135 IM Sports Circle
Office Hours: Fridays 2pm-4pm
Office: IM Sports Circle, Room 3
(best method for reaching me)
Office Hours: Thursdays 1-2:30pm
or by appointment
Phone: (517) 355-4740
Fax: (517) 353-2944
Credits: You are required to earn a minimum of 3 internship credits for successful
completion of your undergraduate program in Exercise Science. You must register for a
minimum of 3 credits per semester, and can register for as many as 6 credits. The
number of credits must correspond to the appropriate amount of hours that you will be
working at the internship site (60 hours of work for every credit).
Internship Site: There is a comprehensive list of potential internship sites located on
the KIN 492 / 493 website. Other internship sites can be found at MySpartanCareer
at and If the student wishes to use
an internship site that has not been approved, the student must contact Keri Morrison
for approval of the site.
Is your internship out of state?
If you intend to complete your internship in a state other than Michigan, please refer to
the Provost’s website for out-of state approval information by clicking here. Certain
states require a letter of intent that MUST be submitted by the Department of
Kinesiology and approved by both the internship coordinator and the Provost’s office 60
days in advance of the internship. Please contact Keri Morrison for more info.
Application Process: It is the student's responsibility to secure an internship site,
obtain approval for the site from the internship coordinator via email, and to fill out the
appropriate paperwork in order for us to register you for KIN 492 / 493.
Prerequisites: Please find your cognate on the list below to determine whether or not
you are required to take KIN 411 prior to or concurrently with your internship (Note: KIN
310 is a prerequisite for KIN 411- please take that into consideration upon enrolling).
Note: Many internship sites require current CPR certification (BCLS). Some
coursework or experience in EKG interpretation is recommended for students desiring
to do an internship in cardiac rehabilitation. This can be obtained through a KIN 490
course (if offered), or through the ECG Interpretation and Treatment course offered
through the MSU Learning and Assessment Center. Please contact your advisor for
more information.
KIN 492 (No KIN 411)
Adapted Physical Activity
Growth & Motor Development
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Psychological Aspects
Health Promotion Specialization
KIN 493- Cognates that Require
KIN 411 Prior to 493
Cardiac Rehab
Exercise Physiology
KIN 493- Cognates that can take
KIN 411 concurrently with 493
Fitness Leadership (Personal Training)
Please note that you may complete an internship outside of your chosen cognate, but
you will be responsible for completing all pre and co-requisite courses for that
internship. For example, if you are in the Psychological Aspects cognate and want to
do a Personal Training type internship, you will need to take KIN 411 concurrently (or
IMPORTANT: There are no exceptions to the following. The add/drop dates for KIN
492 / 493 are the same as for any course at MSU. These are set by the university and
always described on the Registrar’s website. You are responsible for knowing these
dates. You cannot late add or late drop KIN 492 / 493. If you do not add/drop the
course by the official dates you will get no refund and/or you will receive a zero point,
Learning Objectives: The general objective is to give each student a practical
experience in the field of Kinesiology. Because of the various experiences and goals
that each student has, the specific learning objectives will be determined by each
student, the site supervisor, and Keri Morrison. The generation of these learning
objectives are part of the proposal assignment.
Your grade is a weighted average based on the following:
Internship Proposal (15 points)
Site Supervisor Mid-Term Evaluation (40 points)
Site Supervisor Final Evaluation (40 points)
Weekly Reports (Hours & Journals) (100 points)
Final Report (40 points)
Grades will be assigned according to accumulated weighted point value as follows:
93 – 100 Percent
85 - 92
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64 (the minimum you need to graduate)
< 60
Guidelines and grading rubrics for the following assignments are located on ANGEL.
ANGEL will open the first day of class
Affiliation Agreement
Due when you enroll for KIN 492 / 493.
Note: If your internship site is on the “Internship Sites” list provided on the KIN
492 / 493 website, you do NOT need to have your site supervisor fill out another
Affiliation Agreement.
Please use the Affiliation Agreement provided on the KIN 492 / 493 website
Have your site supervisor or the legal department at your internship site
sign this document, NOT you (the student)!!!!!
Please note: If I do not have a signed Affiliation Agreement for your
internship site, your internship is null and void and you may receive a 0.0
in KIN 492 / 493.
Student Information Form
Due when you enroll for KIN 492 / 493.
Please use the template provided on the KIN 492 / 493 website
In addition, please upload the completed form into the drop box on ANGEL in
.doc format.
Due to drop box on ANGEL- Friday, January 16th 2015 by Midnight.
Please note: If I do not have a current Student Information Form for you
uploaded to ANGEL, you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492 / 493.
Proposal Assignment
Due 2 weeks after the starting date for your internship.
Please read over the directions and the example proposal provided on ANGEL.
Upload your proposal into the drop box on ANGEL in .doc format.
Please note: If I do not have a Proposal for you uploaded to ANGEL by the
3rd week of your internship, your internship hours are no longer valid and
therefore, you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492 / 493.
Site Supervisor Mid-Term Evaluation
Due at the mid-point of your internship hours.
Please use the evaluation form provided on ANGEL or the KIN 492 / 493
website. All mid-term evaluations must be completed by your site
supervisor and not you the student! Your site supervisor should fax (517-3532944) or e-mail ( me your evaluation. The email should not come
from you (the student). The mid-term evaluation will not be valid without the
signature page signed by both you and your site supervisor.
If you have 2 internship sites, you must submit 2 mid-term evaluations (one from
each site).
Please Note: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the Site Supervisor MidTerm Evaluation to your site supervisor, have them fill it out, and get it
back to me on time! The mid-term evaluation is a requirement of this class.
If I do not have a mid-term evaluation from your site supervisor by the end
of the semester, you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492 / 493.
Site Supervisor Final Evaluation
Due Friday, May 1st 2015 by 2pm.
Please use the evaluation form provided on ANGEL or the KIN 492 / 493
website. All final evaluations must be completed by your site supervisor
and not you the student! Your site supervisor should fax (517-353-2944) or email ( me this form. The email / fax should not come from you
(the student). The final evaluation will not be valid without the signature page
signed by both you and your site supervisor.
If you have 2 internship sites, you must submit 2 final evaluations (one from each
Please Note: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the Site Supervisor Final
Evaluation to your site supervisor, have them fill it out, and get it back to
me on time! The final evaluation is a requirement of this class. If I do not
have a final evaluation from your site supervisor by the end of the
semester, you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492 / 493.
Weekly Hours Spreadsheet and Journal Assignment
Due Mondays by Midnight.
Please read over the instructions and the examples provided on ANGEL. In
addition, please be sure to use the template provided on
ANGEL. Upload your spreadsheet into the drop box on ANGEL in .xls format.
Once your weekly reports have been submitted to a drop box on ANGEL,
you may not go back and make changes! If you do go back and make
changes to previously submitted hours, this is considered cheating and
you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492 / 493. You need to update the hours and
comments each week in the appropriate tab and post the updated file each
Monday by Midnight.
***Please note that you are still required to turn in your Weekly Hours
Spreadsheet and Journal Assignments on Holidays!!!
***Your Last Weekly Hours Spreadsheet and Journal are dueDue Monday, May 4th 2015 by Midnight.
Please Note:
You may not log internship hours unless you are enrolled in KIN 492 / 493!
If you wait until the last week of the semester to hand in your Weekly Hours
Spreadsheets & Journals all at once, you may receive a 0 out of 100 points
possible on this assignment.
If you do not finish all of your internship hours by the end of SS15, you
may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492 / 493!
Grading of Weekly Hours Spreadsheet and Journal AssignmentEvery student in KIN 493 hands in a different amount of Weekly Hours
Spreadsheets / Journal Assignments due to the varied length of his / her
internship. For example, one student may hand in 4 Weekly Hours
Spreadsheets / Journal Assignments, while another student hands in 10.
To figure out your grade on the Weekly Hours Spreadsheets / Journal
Assignments at the end of the semester:
Take the # of Points Possible / Total # of Weekly Hours Spreadsheets / Journal
Assignments handed in = # points per Weekly Hours Spreadsheets / Journal
If you hand the Weekly Hours Spreadsheet / Journal Assignment into the drop
box on ANGEL in time, you will receive full credit given the assignment follows
appropriate format (see instructions and example on Angel). If the assignment is
not done properly, you will be marked down.
If you miss one drop box or have an error on your submission, we will not count it
against you the first time it happens. After that, you will be marked down on the
assignment. Assignments that are submitted on time but do not follow
instructions will not be considered as an ‘error’ submission.
If you accidentally miss a drop box or have an error, hand it into the next week’s
drop box and you will receive ½ credit per incidence only if your assignment
follows appropriate format (see instructions and example on Angel).
If you miss the next week’s drop box and hand it into a later drop box, you will
receive no credit for the assignment. However, if you get your site supervisor to
verify your hours for the missed assignment, you may still claim the hours worked
and you will not have to “redo” the hours at your internship site but you are still
required to submit properly structured assignment for that week. 0 points will be
given for submissions 2 weeks overdue or more.
Final Report
Due Tuesday, May 5th 2015 by 5pm.
Please read over the directions provided on ANGEL. Please download your final
report to the drop box on ANGEL.
Late Final Reports
I will NOT accept Final Reports after- Friday, May 8th 2015 by 5pm.
You will receive 5 points off per day late (24 hours)!!!!
Note: The final report is worth 35% of your total grade, by not handing in
your final report you could possibly fail this class
This course will be using the ANGEL website and MSU email for all course
information and communication. You can access the site by going to the
following site You will need your pilot ID and password to
login. Students are responsible for checking both ANGEL and their MSU email
at least every week to stay informed about class updates. Also, students can
check their grades and attendance records through ANGEL and are expected to
notify the instructor of any discrepancies within a week so corrections can be
CELL PHONE!!! You might not get all of the important attachments and
Treat your internship like you would a job! You are expected to arrive on time to
your internship and to remain for the duration of your work hours. You are also
expected to ask your site supervisor for permission to get time off for vacation,
doctor’s appointments, etc. Time off will be at the discretion of your site
If you are dismissed/fired during your internship from you internship site, you will
automatically receive a grade of 0.0.
Please ask your site supervisor for your site’s specific dress code policy and then
abide by it.
Some internships may include some form of stipend or wage. However, this is
not required by the Department of Kinesiology and is at the discretion of each
Plagiarism or any other form of cheating may result in a 0.0 grade for the course.
For information on plagiarism, view the academic integrity webpage from the
Office of Undergraduate Education at ( Additional information is available from the Office of the
Ombudsman at
All students at Michigan State University are expected to conduct themselves
with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Academic
dishonesty by a student will not be tolerated in any activity or academic area and
will be treated in accordance with the policy in the Academic Programs
Publication. Forms of academic dishonesty include falsifying attendance records
for oneself or another student, plagiarism, and falsifying the graded exam or
assignment material. All incidences of questionable academic integrity are
construed as a serious matter.
The Michigan State University policy on academic dishonesty is as follows and
can be found on page 81 of the Student Handbook and Resource Guide Section
1.00-1.06. Any student who commits any form of academic dishonesty will be
dealt with on an individual basis (from receiving a 0.0 on the assignment to
receiving a 0.0 for the class). Additionally any form of academic dishonesty will
be reported to the department and the college.
Please note the following:
All of your internship hours are to be done at your internship site! You
cannot perform any kind of research, reading, or practice exercises at home and
claim them as internship hours.
You cannot “research” graduate programs/requirements, job markets, and/or
salaries and claim it as internship hours.
You may not claim drive time to or from your internship as internship hours.
You cannot study for your GRE and claim it as part of your internship hours.
You may not claim your lunch hour as part of your internship hours unless it is
required of your “job description” by your site supervisor. For example, if you are
a camp counselor at a sports camp and are required to supervise the children
during their lunch hour then you may claim your lunch hour.
You cannot take a course at another university because it is a requirement for
graduate school and claim it as internship hours.
You cannot interview for jobs or work on your resume and claim it as internship
You cannot leave your internship site at 4:45pm and claim that you worked until
Last, but not least, you may NOT falsify or “pad” your internship hours by
claiming more hours than what you actually worked.