Curriculum Vita - College of Education

Associate Professor – Exercise Physiology
Director – Performance & Physique Enhancement Laboratory
Exercise Science Program
University of South Florida
Doctor of Philosophy – August 2007
Exercise, Nutrition, and Preventive Health
Baylor University
Master of Science in Education – December 2004
Exercise Physiology
Baylor University
Bachelor of Science – May 1997
Messiah College
Associate Professor, Exercise Science
University of South Florida, August 2007 - present
Director, Exercise and Performance Nutrition Laboratory
University of South Florida, August 2007 - present
Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory Coordinator
Baylor University, September 2006 – August 2007
Coordinating clinical chemistry analyses including ELISA, HPLC, and automated hematological
Graduate Research Assistant
Baylor University, August 2002 – August 2007
Responsible for overseeing all aspects of data collection for all funded studies in the Exercise
and Sport Nutrition Laboratory.
Adjunct Instructor
Baylor University, June 2005 – May 2007
Instructor for Exercise Science Laboratory, Techniques of Strength and Conditioning, Human
Anatomy Laboratory, and Weight Training.
Previous Non-Academic Employment:
Professional Fitness Consultant
Woodmont Country Club, Rockville, MD. 2001-2002
Created and implemented training programs for clients, interviewed potential employees,
assumed responsibilities of Fitness Director in their absence.
Resident Director
Cumberland Wellness Hall, Frostburg State University, 1999-2001
Managed a residence hall of 230 residents and supervised a staff of six resident assistants.
Directed and staffed the student living centered weight room. Implemented wellness programs.
Territory Sales Manager
United Industries, Harrisburg, PA. 1997-1998
Sales and merchandising of chemical products. Team leader of military accounts. Responsible
for 86% increase in territory sales during 18-month tenure.
Graduate Courses
Neuromuscular Aspects of Exercise Physiology (PET 6339), University of South Florida
Topics in Strength and Conditioning (PET 6091), University of South Florida
Cardiovascular Aspects of Exercise Physiology (PET 6352), University of South Florida
Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (PET 6367), University of South Florida
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 7930 - Team Taught), University of South Florida College of
Undergraduate Courses
Strength and Conditioning (PET 4093), University of South Florida
Biomechanics (PET 3312), University of South Florida
Nutrition for Fitness and Sport (PET 3361), University of South Florida
Individualized Fitness/Wellness Programming (PET 4406), University of South Florida
Physical Activity Epidemiology (PET 3364) University of South Florida
Professional Development Seminar (PET 3314) University of South Florida
Exercise Physiology Laboratory (HP 2420), Baylor University, Spring 2007
Techniques of Strength and Conditioning (HP 4354), Baylor University, Fall 2006
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory (HP 1420), Baylor University, 2005-2006
Beginning Weight Training (HP 1194), Baylor University, Summer 2005
Invited University Lectures
University of South Florida
Individualized Fitness and Wellness Programming (PET 4406). The 6 Effective Steps to
Powerful Public Speaking. Fall 2013.
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 6452). Creatine Monohydrate. USF College of Medicine.
Spring (February) 2012.
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 6452). Protein for Athletes. USF College of Medicine. Spring
(February) 2012.
Health Promotion and Wellness (PHT7151). Protein for Athletes. School of Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, USF. Spring (February) 2012.
Health Promotion and Wellness (PHT7151). Nutrition for Obesity, Diet, and Disease
Management. School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, USF. Spring
(February) 2012.
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 6452). Creatine Monohydrate. USF College of Medicine.
Spring (May) 2011.
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 6452). Protein for Athletes. USF College of Medicine. Spring
(May) 2011.
Health Promotion and Wellness (PHT7151). Scientific Sports Supplementation. School
of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, USF. Spring (February) 2011.
Health Promotion and Wellness (PHT7151). Obesity, Diet, and Disease Management.
School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, USF. Spring (February) 2011.
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 6452). Sports Supplements with a Scientific Basis. USF College
of Medicine. Spring (February) 2011.
USF Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. Exercise Physiology 101. Spring (Apr) 2010.
Health Promotion and Wellness (PHT7151). Sports Supplements with a Scientific Basis.
School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, USF. Spring (March) 2010.
Health Promotion and Wellness (PHT7151). Obesity, Diet, and Disease Management.
School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, USF. Spring (March) 2010.
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 7930). Sports Supplements with a Scientific Basis. USF College
of Medicine. Spring (Feb.) 2010
Clinical Nutrition (GMS 7930). Sports Supplements with a Scientific Basis. USF College
of Medicine. Fall 2009
Principles and Issues of Coaching (PET 4304). Sports Nutrition. USF Summer 2009
Advanced Physical Activity Epidemiology. Skeletal Muscle Physiology. USF Fall 2007
Baylor University
Human Physiology Laboratory (HP 1421). Exercise Biomarkers in Plasma. Fall 2006
Psychology of Coaching (HP 4369). Eating Disorders in Sports. Spring 2006
Exercise Physiology Laboratory (HP 2429). Isokinetic Dynamometry. Spring 2005.
Beginning Wt. Training (HP 1194). Nutritional Aspects of Resistance Training. Fall 2004
Strength Training & Conditioning (HP 4353). Machines vs. Free Weights. Spring 2003
Fitness Theory and Practice (HP 1134). Flexibility. Spring 2003
Exercise physiology (HP 2429). Pulmonary Ventilation. Fall 2003
Frostburg State University
Introduction to Higher Education (ORIE 101). Frostburg State University, Fall 2000
Independent Studies with Graduate Students, Honors Students, & Biomedical Sciences
Periodization for Jump Rope Training. Kaylee Couvillion (Grad Student), Spring 2015
Employment in the S&C Profession. Kelly Auner (Graduate Student), Spring 2015
S&C Programming for Field Based Team Sports. Jeff Dolan (Grad Student), Spring 2015
Collegiate Strength & Conditioning. Chris Keenan (Graduate Student), Spring 2015
S&C for High School Female Athletes. Melisa Pedulla (Graduate Student), Spring 2015
Fitness Website Development & Branding. Danny Bove (Graduate Student), Spring 2015
Bench Press as Marker of Training Experience. Ryan Colquhoun (Grad Stud.), Fall 2014
Sports Nutrition Research. Gina Zito (Graduate Student), Fall 2014
Thermogenic Supplements. Laura Buchanan (Honors Student), Fall 2014
Pre-Workout Supplementation. Dominic Cochrane (Honors Student), Fall 2014
Resting Metabolic Rate Response to Squats. Danny Bove (Graduate Student), Fall 2014
Resistance Training and Metabolic Rate. Paul O’neid (Graduate Student), Fall 2013
Training Manual for High School Football. Shane O’Connor (Grad. Stud.), Spring 2013
The Body Weight Squat. John O’Halloran (Graduate Student), Spring 2013
Femur Length and Squat Potential. Nick Theilen (Graduate Student), Spring 2013
Exhaustion. David Finholt (Graduate Student), Spring 2013
Philosophy of Fitness Training. Michelle Richards (Graduate Student), Spring 2013
Strength and Conditioning for Soccer. Rob Le Guen (Graduate Student), Fall 2012
Energy Balance for Athletes. Brad Lankford. (Graduate Student), Summer 2012
Carbohydrates and Athletic Performance. Tony Kish (Graduate Student), Summer 2012
Weight Loss for Athletes. Sara Sullivan. (Graduate Student), Spring 2012
Energy Balance. Bill Christian (Graduate Student - Medical Sciences), Spring 2012
Sports Nutrition. Caitlin Allen (Graduate Student - Medical Sciences), Fall 2011
Nutrient Timing. Marcelle Issa (Biomedical Sciences), Fall 2011
Baseball vs. Softball Pitching Injuries. Dylan Mello (Graduate Student), Fall 2011
Human Performance Training. Stephen Siehan (Graduate Student), Summer 2011
Dietary Fat – Structure & Metabolism. Sam Greeley (Graduate Student), Summer 2011
Biomechanics: Posture Assessment. Jason Martuscello (Graduate Student), Spring 2011
Supplements for Resistance Exercise. Ashley Buillon (Graduate Student), Fall 2010
Dietary Analysis for Athletes. Breanne Myers (Graduate Student), Spring 2010
Biomechanics of Running. Jerry Cox (Graduate Student), Spring 2010
Caffeine & Exercise Performance. Jeremy Yesudas, (USF Honors Student) Fall 2009
Energy Drinks and Exercise Performance. Nadia Hunt (USF Honors Student) Fall 2009
Studies in Human Performance. Josh Manter (Graduate Student), Fall 2009
Digestive Enzymes. Katie Baldwin (Graduate Student), Summer 2009
Conditioning for Baseball Players. Corey Tremble (Graduate Student), Spring 2008
Concussions in Collegiate Intramural Sports & Athletic Training Students. Matthew
Smith (Graduate Student), Spring 2008
Professional Development Relative to Teaching Methodology
Center for 21st Century Teaching Excellence – The University of South Florida
Increments and Transformations – Using Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning,
Faculty Institute, July 2010
Developing Rubrics, October 2008
eduCasting: Developing Podcasts for Instruction, November 2007
Copyright Issues, October 2007
Getting Started with Blackboard, September 2007
Leading Effective Classroom Discussions (workshop for new faculty), August 2007
Active Teaching for Active Learning (workshop for new faculty), August 2007
Technology Workshops – University of South Florida
 Media Enhanced Classrooms with Crestron Control System, August 2008
Laptop Lounge – College of Education – The University of South Florida
 Converting PowerPoint Presentation Slides into Podcasts, March 2008
Teaching Assistant Preparation Program (TAPP) Seminars – Baylor University
 Core I - Seminars for Excellence in Teaching. Fall 2006
 Core II - Seminars for Excellence in Teaching. Fall 2006
 Preparing Effective Test Questions - Seminars for Excellence in Teaching. Fall 2006
 Engaging the Lecture Class - Seminars for Excellence in Teaching. Fall 2006
 Preparing to Teach Your Class - Seminars for Excellence in Teaching. Fall 2006
Research Interests
Effects of resistance training and nutritional interventions on metabolism and physique
enhancement (skeletal muscle hypertrophy and fat loss).
Books/Edited Books
Campbell, B (editor). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL. 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
Bill Campbell and Marie Spano (editors). NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition
(Science of Strength and Conditioning Series). Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, 2011.
ISBN: 978-0-7360-8349-2
Alejo B, Antonio J, Campbell B. Double Play – Training and Nutrition Advice from the World’s
Experts in Baseball. Basic Health Publications, Spring 2008. ISBN: 978-1-59120-180-9.
Book Chapters
1. Bill Campbell. Enhancing Body Composition: Gaining Muscle and Losing Fat. In:
Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
2. Bill Campbell. Energy Balance. In: Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic
Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
3. Bill Campbell. Nutrient Timing: Carbohydrate-Protein Combinations. In: Campbell
(2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
4. Bill Campbell. Dietary Protein Strategies for Performance Enhancement. In: Campbell
(2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
5. Bill Campbell. Protein Metabolism. In: Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing
Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
6. Bill Campbell. Dietary Carbohydrate Strategies for Performance Enhancement. In:
Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
7. Bill Campbell. Carbohydrate Metabolism. In: Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition:
Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
8. Mike Roberts, Joe Company, and Bill Campbell. Dietary Fat Intake Strategies to Enhance
Performance. In: Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
9. Sam Greeley and Bill Campbell. Fat Metabolism. In: Campbell (2014). Sports Nutrition:
Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1358-7.
10. Bill Campbell. Overview of Bioenergetics – Appendix. In: Campbell (2014). Sports
Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-14665-1358-7.
11. Bill Campbell and Marie Spano. Foods and Fluids for Training and Sport Performance. In:
Campbell B and Spano M (2011). NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Human
Kinetics, Champaign, IL. ISBN: 978-0-7360-8349-2.
12. Colin Wilborn and Bill Campbell. Strength and Power Supplements. In: Campbell B and
Spano M (2011). NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Human Kinetics,
Champaign, IL. ISBN: 978-0-7360-8349-2.
13. Bill Campbell and Marie Spano. Introduction. In: Campbell B and Spano M (2011).
NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
ISBN: 978-0-7360-8349-2.
14. Bill Campbell and Richard Kreider. Protein. In: Kreider RB, Leutholtz BC, Katch FI, Katch
VL (2009). Exercise & Sport Nutrition: Principles, Promises, Science & Recommendations.
Pgs. 145-172. Fitness Technologies Press, Santa Barbara, CA.
( ISBN 978-0-9742965-9-3.
15. Bill Campbell and Richard Kreider. Amino Acids. In: Kreider RB, Leutholtz BC, Katch FI,
Katch VL (2009). Exercise & Sport Nutrition: Principles, Promises, Science &
Recommendations. Pgs. 173-196. Fitness Technologies Press, Santa Barbara, CA.
( ISBN 978-0-9742965-9-3.
16. Bill Campbell and Richard Kreider. Lipids. In: Kreider RB, Leutholtz BC, Katch FI, Katch
VL (2009). Exercise & Sport Nutrition: Principles, Promises, Science & Recommendations.
Pgs. 215-228. Fitness Technologies Press, Santa Barbara, CA.
( ISBN 978-0-9742965-9-3.
17. Bill Campbell and Richard Kreider. Weight Gaining Strategies. In: Kreider RB, Leutholtz
BC, Katch FI, Katch VL (2009). Exercise & Sport Nutrition: Principles, Promises, Science
& Recommendations. Pgs. 423-456. Fitness Technologies Press, Santa Barbara, CA.
( ISBN 978-0-9742965-9-3.
18. Bill Campbell. Muscle Mass and Weight Gain Nutritional Supplements. In Greenwood M,
Kalman DS, Antonio J (2008). Nutritional Supplements in Sport and Exercise. Pgs. 189223. Humana Press. ISBN 978-1-58829-900-0.
Publications in Refereed Journals
1. Campbell, B and Otto, WH. Should Kettlebells Be Used in Strength & Conditioning?
Strength and Conditioning Journal 35(5): 27-29, October 2013.
2. Martuscello J, Ashley C, Campbell B, Nuzzo JL, Orriola J, Mayer JM. Systematic review of
core muscle activity during physical fitness exercises. Journal of Strength & Conditioning
Research 27(6):1684-98, June 2013.
3. Dugan K, Campbell B, Dufour F, Roman S, Woodall C, McAdams M, White A, Taylor L, and
Wilborn C. Acute Glycemic and Blood Lipid Response to the Ingestion of a Candy Bar-Like
Protein Supplement Compared to Its Candy Bar Counterpart. Applied Physiology,
Nutrition, and Metabolism 38(5):484-489, May 2013.
4. Greeley S, Martinez N, and Campbell B. The Impact of High-Intensity Interval Training on
Metabolic Syndrome. Strength and Conditioning Journal 35(2): 63-65, April 2013.
5. Wilborn C, Taylor L, Outlaw J, Williams L, Campbell B, Foster CA, Smith-Ryan A, Urbina
S, and Hayward S. The Effects of Pre- and Post-Exercise Whey vs. Casein Protein
Consumption on Body Composition and Performance Measures in Collegiate Female
Athletes. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 12:74-79, March 2013.
6. Wilson J, Fitschen P, Campbell B, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition Position
Stand: beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB). Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition 10:6, February 2013.
7. Campbell B, Wilborn C, La Bounty P, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition
Position Stand: Energy Drinks. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 10:1,
January 2013.
8. Petchonka A, Campbell B, and Bunn J. Reducing Muscle Soreness and Muscle Damage: A
Role for Branched-Chain Amino Acids. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies 2:5,
December 2012.
9. Campbell B, Wilborn C, La Bounty P, and Wilson J. Nutrient Timing for Resistance
Exercise. Strength and Conditioning Journal 34(4): 2-10, August 2012.
10. Wilson J, Wilson SMC, Loenneke JP, Wray M, Norton L, Campbell B, Lowery R, and Stout
JR. Effects of Amino Acids and their Metabolites on Aerobic and Anaerobic Sports.
Strength and Conditioning Journal 34(4): 33-48, August 2012.
11. Campbell B, La Bounty P, and Wilborn C. Dietary supplements used in combat sports.
Strength and Conditioning Journal 33(6): 50-59, December 2011.
12. Magrans-Courtney T, Wilborn C, Rasmussen C, Greenwood L, Campbell B, Kerksick C,
Dugan K, Nassar E, Li R, Ferreira M, Iosia M, Cooke M, Willoughby D, Soliha L, & Kreider
R. Effect of diet type and supplementation of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM on body
composition, functional status, and markers of health in women with knee osteoarthritis
initiating a resistance-based exercise and weight loss program. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition 8:8, June 2011.
13. Kreider R, Rasmussen C, Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Taylor L, Campbell B, et al. A
carbohydrate-restricted diet during resistance training promotes more favorable changes in
body composition and markers of health in obese women with and without insulin resistance.
The Physician and Sports Medicine. 39(2): May 2011.
14. La Bounty P, Campbell B, Wilson J, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition Position
Stand: Meal Frequency. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 8:4, March
15. La Bounty P, Campbell B, Galvan E, Cooke M, and Antonio J. Strength and conditioning
considerations for mixed martial arts. Strength and Conditioning Journal 33(1): 56-67,
February 2011.
16. Kerksick CM, Wismann-Bunn J, Fogt D, Thomas A, Taylor L, Campbell B, et al. Changes in
weight loss, body composition and cardiovascular disease risk after altering macronutrient
distributions during a regular exercise program in obese women. Nutrition Journal 9:59,
November 2010.
17. Poole C, Bushey B, Foster C, Campbell B, Willoughby D, Kreider R, Taylor L, and Wilborn
C. The Effects of a Commercially Available Botanical Supplement on Strength, Body
Composition, Power Output, and Hormonal Profiles in Resistance-Trained Males. Journal of
the International Society of Sports Nutrition 7:34, October 2010.
18. Campbell B, Wilborn C, and La Bounty P. Supplements for Strength-Power Athletes.
Strength and Conditioning Journal 32:1, February 2010.
19. Wildman R, Kerksick C, and Campbell B. Carbohydrates, Physical Training, and Sport
Performance. Strength and Conditioning Journal 32:1, February 2010.
20. Kreider RB, Wilborn CD, Taylor L, Campbell B, et al. ISSN Exercise & Sports Nutrition
Review: Research & Recommendations. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition 7:7, February 2010.
21. Goldstein ER, Ziegenfuss T, Kalman D, Kreider R, Campbell B, et al. International society
of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and exercise. Journal of the International Society
of Sports Nutrition 7:5, January 2010.
22. Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Campbell B, Harvey T, Marcello B, Parker A, Byers A, Greenwood
L, Almada A, Kreider R, Greenwood M. The effects of creatine monohydrate
supplementation with and without D-pinitol on resistance training adaptations. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research. 23(9): 2673-2682, December 2009.
23. Wilborn C, Taylor L, Poole C, Bushey B, Williams L, Foster C, and Campbell B. Effects of
ingesting a commercial thermogenic product on hemodynamic function and energy
expenditure at rest in males and females. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism
34(6): 1073-78, December 2009.
24. Kreider RB and Campbell B. Protein for Exercise and Recovery. The Physician and Sports
Medicine. 37(2): June 2009.
25. Kerksick C, Thomas A, Campbell B, et al. Effects of a popular weight loss and exercise
program on weight loss, body composition, energy expenditure and health in obese women.
Nutrition and Metabolism. 6:23, May 2009.
26. Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Campbell B, et al. Early-phase adaptations to a split-body, linear
periodization resistance training program in college-aged and middle-aged men. Journal of
Strength & Conditioning Research. 23(3): 962-71, May 2009.
27. Kerksick C, Harvey T, Stout J, Campbell B, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition
position stand: Nutrient timing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
5:17, October 2008.
28. Campbell B and Kreider RB. Conjugated Linoleic Acids. Current Sports Medicine Reports.
July-August, 7(4): 237-41, 2008.
29. Roberts MD, Iosia M, Kerksick CM, Taylor LW, Campbell B, et al. Effects of arachidonic
acid supplementation on training adaptations in resistance-trained males. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 4:21, November 2007.
30. Campbell B, Kreider RB, Ziegenfuss T, et al. International society of sports nutrition
position stand: protein and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
4:8, September 2007.
31. Buford TW, Kreider RB, Stout JR, Greenwood M, Campbell B, et al. International society
of sports nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 4:6, August 2007.
32. Willoughby DS, Wilborn C, Taylor L, Campbell B. Eight weeks of aromatase inhibition
using the nutritional supplement NovedexXT: Effects in young, eugonadal men. International
Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. February;17(1):92-108, 2007.
33. Campbell B, Roberts M, Kerksick C, Wilborn C, et al. Pharmacokinetics, safety, and effects
on exercise performance of L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate in trained adult men. Nutrition.
22(9):872-81, September 2006.
34. Wilborn C, Taylor L, Campbell B, Kerksick C, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R.
Effects of methoxyisoflavone, ecdysterone, and sulfo-polysaccharide supplementation on
training adaptations in resistance trained males. Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition. 3:19-27, December 2006.
35. Mamus RT, Santos MG, Campbell B, Kreider R. Biochemical effects of carbohydrate
supplementation in a simulated competition of short terrestrial duathlon. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3:6-11, December 2006.
36. Wilborn C, Beckham J, Campbell B, Harvey T, Galbreath M, La Bounty P, Nassar E,
Wismann J, Kreider RB. Obesity: prevalence, theories, medical consequences, management,
and research directions. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2:4-31,
December 2005.
37. Campbell B, La Bounty P, Roberts M. The ergogenic potential of arginine. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1:35-38, December 2004.
38. Wilborn CD, Kerksick C, Campbell B, Taylor L, Marcello B, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M,
Almada A, and Kreider R. Effects of zinc magnesium aspartate (ZMA) supplementation on
training adaptations and markers of anabolism and catabolism. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition. 1:12-20, December 2004.
39. Kalman DS & Campbell B. Sports Nutrition: What the future may bring. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1:61-66, May 2004.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed On-line Academic Societies
Campbell B. Protein Needs for Athletes. National Strength & Conditioning Association:
Hot Topics Series.
March 2010.
Campbell B. Glycemic Load vs. Glycemic Index. National Strength & Conditioning
Association: Hot Topics Series. January 2010.
Manuscripts Accepted For Publication
Li R, Ferreira MP, Cooke MB, La Bounty P, Campbell B, Greenwood M, Willoughby DS,
and Kreider RB. Co-Ingestion of Carbohydrate with Branched Chain Amino Acids or LLeucine Does Not Preferentially Increase Serum IGF-1 and Expression of MyogenicRelated Genes in Response to a Single Bout of Resistance Exercise. Amino Acids.
(Accepted January 2015).
Dawes J, Campbell B, Ocker LB, Temple DR, Carter JG, and Brooks KA. The effects of a
pre-workout energy drink on measures of physical performance. International Journal of
Physical Education, Fitness and Sports. (Accepted December 2014 for Publication in 2015).
Manuscripts Submitted For Publication
Campbell B, Carlson Phillips A, and Woolf K. Impact of a 14-week individualized fitness
and nutrition worksite wellness program: Effects on fitness, body composition, and lipid
markers. Submitted to American Journal of Preventive Medicine, October 2013).
Trade Publications (Non-Refereed)
1. Campbell, B. Does Lack of Sleep Lead to Weight Gain? A Battle of the Sexes. Research
Clinical Reviews (Spaeth et al). Real Solutions for Iron Warriors, 2014, Issue 132.
2. Campbell, B. When Should You Train to Gain? Research Clinical Reviews (Sedliak et al).
Real Solutions for Iron Warriors, 2014, Issue 132.
3. Campbell, B. Can Vitamin D Improve Muscle Strength and Performance? Research Clinical
Reviews (Von Hurst et al). Real Solutions for Iron Warriors, 2014, Issue 131.
4. Campbell, B. Sleep Deprivation and High-Intensity Exercise Performance. Research Clinical
Reviews (Souissi, et al). Real Solutions for Iron Warriors, 2014, Issue 131.
5. Campbell B. Limit Endurance Exercise to Build a Strong Foundation of Maximal Strength.
Research Clinical Reviews (Jones, et al). Real Solutions for Iron Warriors, 2014, Issue 129.
6. Campbell B. Protein as the Foundational Nutrient for the Preservation of Metabolic Rate and
Sparing Lean Muscle Mass During Weight Loss. Research Clinical Reviews (Soenen, et al).
Real Solutions for Iron Warriors, 2014, Issue 129.
7. Campbell B. The Definitive Guide to Whey Protein. Muscle & Fitness online. July 2014.
8. Campbell B. 4 Super Supplements for Super Results. Muscle & Fitness online. April 2014.
9. Campbell B. Muscle Recovery Cheat Sheet. Muscle & Fitness online. February 2014.
10. Campbell B. The Power of Goal Setting in Exercise and Nutrition. Clinical Reviews (Jang,
EM, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 120, 2013 Research Reviews.
11. Campbell B. Is Soy or Whey Protein Best for the Post-Workout Period? Clinical Reviews
(Kraemer, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 120, 2013 Research Reviews.
12. Campbell B. Exercising Before Breakfast or After Breakfast - Which is Better? Clinical
Reviews (Deighton, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 120, 2013 Research Reviews.
13. Campbell B. Superior Movement for Maximal Glute Development in Females. Clinical
Reviews (Jang, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 120, 2013 Research Reviews.
14. Campbell, B. Research - The Best of the 2013 International Society of Sports Nutrition
National Conference. Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 116, 2013 Research Reviews.
15. Campbell B. Want to Gain Mass, Not Fat? Clinical Reviews (Bray GA, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 114, 2013 Research Reviews.
16. Campbell B. Power Up Metabolism with Squats. Clinical Reviews (Burt DG, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 114, 2013 Research Reviews.
17. Campbell B. Aerobic or Strength Training First. Clinical Reviews (Taipale RS & Hakkinen
K). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 114, 2013 Research Reviews.
18. Campbell B. Crossfit - Real Deal or Just Hype for Building a Better Body? Clinical
Reviews (Smith MM, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 114, 2013 Research Reviews.
19. Campbell B. Greater Fat-Loss Results - from Aerobic or Resistance Exercise? Clinical
Reviews (Willis, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 111, 2013. Top Four Functional
Facts of the Week.
20. Campbell B. Turn Off the Tube for a Better Body. Clinical Reviews (Tucker, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 111, 2013. Top Four Functional Facts of the Week.
21. Campbell B. Fish Oil Supplementation Enhances the Effects of Strength Training. Clinical
Reviews (Rodacki, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 111, 2013. Top Four Functional
Facts of the Week.
22. Campbell B. Protein Timing and its Effects on Strength and Muscle Growth. Clinical
Reviews (Stark, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 111, 2013. Top Four Functional
Facts of the Week.
23. Campbell B. Eat Less with Fish or Beef Protein? Clinical Reviews (Borzoei S, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 108, 2012 Research Reviews.
24. Campbell B. Galactose (a simple sugar) Does Not Improve Cycling Performance.
Clinical Reviews (Macdermid PW, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 108, 2012
Research Reviews.
25. Campbell B. Walking vs. Running Debate. Clinical Reviews (Wilkin LD et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 108, 2012 Research Reviews.
26. Campbell B. Kettlebell Training vs. Traditional Weightlifting. Clinical Reviews
(Otto WH 3rd, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 108, 2012 Research Reviews.
27. Campbell B. Contraction Speed Increases Muscular Strength. Clinical Reviews.
(Padulo J, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 107, 2012 Research Reviews.
28. Campbell B. High Protein Diets and Weight Loss. Clinical Reviews. (Johnstone AM). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 107, 2012 Research Reviews.
29. Campbell B. Muscle Loss and Aging—Challenging Long-Held Beliefs. Clinical Reviews
(Wroblewski AP. et al). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 107, 2012 Research Reviews.
30. Campbell B. Cold Water Immersion - Does it Really Improve Recovery? Clinical Reviews
(Pointon M & Duffield R). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 107, 2012 Research Reviews.
31. Campbell B. The Science of Nutrition…..Sports Nutrition that Is! Clinical Reviews. Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 102, 2011 Research Reviews.
32. Campbell, B. Which Type of Exercise is Best for Belly Fat Loss? Clinical Reviews
(Soon-Mi Choi, et al). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 102, 2011 Research Reviews.
33. Campbell, B. Want Faster Fat Loss? Eat More Protein When Dieting. Clinical Reviews
(Tipton K). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 102, 2011 Research Reviews.
34. Campbell, B. When it Comes to Body Composition, How Fast Should You Drop Weight?
Clinical Reviews (Garthe I, et al). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 102, 2011 Research
35. Campbell, B. Calorie Counters – Can You Count on Them? Clinical Reviews (Graybosch
G, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 102, 2011 Research Reviews.
36. Campbell, B. Top Supplement Science Over the Last 10 Years. Clinical Reviews, Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 100, 2011 Research Reviews.
37. Campbell, B. Burn Fat with Kettlebell Training? Clinical Reviews (Farrar RE, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 99, 2011 Research Reviews.
38. Campbell, B. What Type of Protein Increases Metabolic Rate to the Greatest Extent?
Clinical Reviews (Acheson KJ, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 99, 2011 Research
39. Campbell, B. High-Intensity Interval Training vs. Traditional, Low-Intensity Bouts of
Exercise. Clinical Reviews (Macpherson RE, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 99,
2011 Research Reviews.
40. Campbell, B. Boost your weight loss with meal replacements. Clinical Reviews (König D,
et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 99, 2011 Research Reviews.
41. Campbell, B. Bodybuilding 101. MuscleMag No. 347, pg. 134-136. April 2011.
42. Campbell, B. Another Case for Whey Protein. Clinical Reviews (Hulmi, J, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 93, 2010 Research Reviews.
43. Campbell, B. The Best Abdominal Exercise….and the Winner is? Clinical Reviews (Lynn,
J, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 93, 2010 Research Reviews.
44. Campbell, B. A Simple Trick Maximizes the Anabolic Response after Weight Lifting.
Clinical Reviews (Chou, CC, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 93, 2010 Research
45. Campbell, B. Pyruvate Putters Out for Weight Loss. Clinical Reviews (Ostojic, S, et al.).
Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 93, 2010 Research Reviews.
46. Campbell, B. Smith Machine and Free Weight Bench Press—Which Is Better? Clinical
Reviews (Schick,et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 89, 2010 Research Reviews.
47. Campbell, B. ISSN Stands Up for Caffeine and Performance. Clinical Reviews
(Goldstein, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 89, 2010 Research Reviews.
48. Campbell, B. Nutrient Timing to Improve Calorie Burning. Clinical Reviews
(Hackney, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 89, 2010 Research Reviews.
49. Campbell, B. Increasing Protein Intake Preserves Muscle Mass in Dieting Athletes.
Clinical Reviews (Mettler, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 89, 2010 Research
50. Campbell, B. Scientific Muscle II. MuscleMag No. 332, pg. 164-167. January 2010.
51. Campbell, B. Scientific Muscle. MuscleMag No. 329, pgs. 212-216. October 2009.
52. Campbell, B. Understanding the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load. Real Solutions
Newsletter, Issue 83, 2009.
53. Campbell, B. Water Workouts to Improve Recovery? Clinical Reviews (Pantoja, et al.).
Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 82, 2009 Research Reviews.
54. Campbell, B. Meal Composition Affects the Hunger Hormone. Clinical Reviews (Tannous
dit El Khoury, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 82, 2009 Research Reviews.
55. Campbell, B. High-Protein Diets for Longevity? Clinical Reviews (Meng, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 82, 2009 Research Reviews.
56. Campbell, B. The Importance of Protein Quality. Clinical Reviews (Tang, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 81, 2009 Research Reviews.
57. Campbell, B. Resistance Exercise Ignites Fat Burning. Clinical Reviews (Ormsbee et al.).
Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 81, 2009 Research Reviews.
58. Campbell, B. Want to Live Long and Prosper? Don't Shun the Sun! Clinical Reviews
(Grant, et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 81, 2009 Research Reviews.
59. Campbell, B. How Much Protein Do You Need After Exercise? Clinical Reviews (Moore,
et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 80, 2009 Research Reviews.
60. Campbell, B. Calorie Restriction, Exercise, and Metabolism. Clinical Reviews (Redman et
al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 80, 2009 Research Reviews.
61. Campbell, B. Caffeine Ingestion Improves Weight Lifting and Power Performance. Clinical
Reviews (Woolf et al.). Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 79, 2009 Research Reviews.
62. Campbell, B. Loss of Muscle Mass in Outer Space. Clinical Reviews (Trappe, et al.). Real
Solutions Newsletter, Issue 79, 2009 Research Reviews.
63. Campbell, B. Resistance Training, Creatine, and IGF-1. Clinical Reviews (Burke et al.)
Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 79, 2009 Research Reviews.
64. Campbell, B. The Power of Protein. Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 77, 2009 Research.
65. Campbell, B. Low Carb or Low Fat Diets for Weight Loss? Clinical Reviews (Shai, et al.),
Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 76, 2009 Research Reviews.
66. Campbell, B. Caffeine Improves Resistance Exercise Performance. Clinical Reviews
(Hudson, et al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 76, 2009 Research Reviews.
67. Campbell, B. Caffeine Ingestion Improves Sprint Performance Too! Clinical Reviews
(Carr, et al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 76, 2009 Research Reviews.
68. Campbell, B. Core Stability and Its Relationship to Strength and Power. Clinical Reviews
(Nesser, et al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 76, 2009 Research Reviews.
69. Campbell, B. What happens in Vegas…Gets Reported Here – Six Key Findings from the
2008 NSCA Annual Conference. MuscleMag No. 319, pgs. 254-257. December 2008.
70. Campbell, B. and Gritzer, E. Collagen: Incomplete Protein or Vital Supplement Solution?
You Decide! Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 74, 2008 Research.
71. Campbell, B. Recovery from Training – New Insights. Clinical Reviews (Bishop PA, et
al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 73, 2008 Research Reviews.
72. Campbell, B. Prevent Fatigue with Baking Soda? Who knew?! Clinical Reviews
(McNaughton LR, et al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 73, 2008 Research Reviews.
73. Campbell, B. Surprise Finding - Creatine and Protein Work! Clinical Reviews (Candow
DG, et al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 72, 2008 Research Reviews.
74. Campbell, B. Ingestion of a Pre-Exercise Energy Supplement Enhances Exercise
Performance. Clinical Reviews (Hoffman JR , et al.), Real Solutions Newsletter, Issue 72,
2008 Research Reviews.
75. Campbell, B. Increasing Growth Hormone Through Exercise and Dietary Nutrients. Dairy
Professional – The INNOVA Database. October 2008.
76. Campbell, B. BCAA Supplementation and Exercise Performance and Muscle Hypertrophy.
Dairy Professional – The INNOVA Database. July 2008.
77. Campbell, B. CLA and its Effects on Body Composition and Exercise Performance. Dairy
Professional – The INNOVA Database. June 2008.
78. Campbell, B. Energy Drinks and Exercise Performance. Dairy Professional - The INNOVA
Database. April 2008.
79. Campbell, B. Podcast on 2007 USF Fit Program Highlights.
80. Campbell, B. Fish Oil Supplementation and Fat Oxidation. Article Review (Huffman, et al.)
Real Solutions Magazine. 2005 Research Reviews.
81. Campbell, B. Nutrient Timing. Article Review (Chromiak, et al.) Real Solutions Magazine.
Issue 38, 2005 Research Reviews.
82. Campbell, B. Sports Nutrition: Past, Present, and Future. International Society of Sports
Nutrition Newsletter. Sept/Oct 2004.
83. Campbell, B. Reflections on the First Annual ISSN Conference. International Society of
Sports Nutrition Newsletter. July/Aug 2004.
84. Campbell, B. Sports Nutrition Information Warehouses. International Society of Sports
Nutrition Newsletter. May/June 2004.
85. Campbell, B. Academics vs. Industry. International Society of Sports Nutrition Newsletter.
Mar/Apr 2004.
86. Campbell, B. Choosing a Graduate School in Sports Nutrition. International Society of
Sports Nutrition Newsletter. Jan/Feb 2004.
Published Abstracts & Presentations
1. Campbell B, O’Halloran J, Martinez N, Theilen N, and Wilson J, and Kilpatrick M. The
Effects of Practical Vascular Blood Flow Restriction Training on Maximal Muscular
Strength. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 28(12):S35, December 2014.
2. Zito G, Campbell B, Colquhoun R, Martinez N, Buchanan L, Lehn M, Johnson M, St Louis
C, Smith Y, Cloer B, Pingel A. The effects of a fat loss supplement on resting metabolic rate
and hemodynamic variables in healthy females: preliminary results. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11(Suppl 1):P1 (December 2014).
3. O’Halloran J, Campbell B, Martinez N, O’Connor S, Fuentes J, Theilen N, Wilson J, and
Kilpatrick M. The effects of practical vascular blood flow restriction training on skeletal
muscle hypertrophy. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11(Suppl
1):P18 (December 2014).
4. Campbell B, Zito G, Colquhoun R, Martinez N, St Louis C, Johnson M, Buchanan L, Lehn
M, Smith Y, Cloer B, Raines K. Inter and intra-day test-retest reliability of the Cosmed
FitMate ProTM indirect calorimeter for resting metabolic rate. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition, 11(Suppl 1):P46 (December 2014).
5. Colquhoun R, Campbell B, Zito G, Martinez N, Buchanan L, Lehn M, Johnson M, St Louis
C, Smith Y, Cloer B, Pingel A. The effects of a thermogenic supplement on resting metabolic
rate in healthy males: preliminary results. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition, 11(Suppl 1):P47 (December 2014).
6. La Bounty P, Galvan E, Reid J, Campbell B, McElroy J, Doyle E, Boucher T. Self-reported
weight loss practices in professional mixed martial artists. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition, 10(Suppl 1):P14 (6 December 2013).
7. Theilen NT, Campbell B, Zourdos MC, Oliver JM, Wilson J, O’Halloran J, and Asher N.
Perceived recovery in maximal effort strength training using powerlifts. Journal of
Strength & Conditioning Research. 27(S2):S30, October 2013.
8. Campbell B, Wilborn C, and La Bounty P. A commercially available energy drink does not
improve fatigue index on multiple 20-second Wingate tests. Presented at 2012 National
Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Conference, Providence, RI, July 2012.
9. Jones C, Hayward S, Urbina S, Foster C, Wells S, Wildman R, Campbell B, Taylor L, &
Wilborn C. Evaluation of ingesting Dyma-Burn Xtreme, a thermogenic dietary supplement,
on hemodynamic and ECG responses in healthy, young males and females. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9(Suppl 1):P12 (19 November 2012).
10. Urbina S, Jones C, Hayward S, Foster C, Wells S, Wildman R, Campbell B, Taylor LW, &
Wilborn C. Effects of ingesting dyma-burn xtreme a thermogenic dietary supplement on
metabolic rate and subjective measures of mood state. Journal of the International Society
of Sports Nutrition, 9(Suppl 1):P31 (19 November 2012).
11. Buckley A, Smith A, Scoggins C, Jones C, Holt J, Sillasen E, Cox B, Urbina S, Campbell B,
Foster C, Taylor LW, and Wilborn C. The effects of ß-alanine on body composition and
performance measures in collegiate females. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition, 9(Suppl 1):P2 (19 November 2012).
12. La Bounty P, Galvan E, Reid J, Campbell B, McElroy J, Doyle E, Boucher T. Self-reported
nutritional supplement usage among professional mixed martial artists – preliminary
findings. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9(Suppl 1):P18
(19 November 2012).
13. Lankford B and Campbell B. Self-reported energy intake of male and female bodybuilders
in the scientific literature. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition,
9(Suppl 1):P19 (19 November 2012).
14. Campbell B, Forsyth A, Myers B, Parker B, Gomez B, Elkins A, Wilborn C, La Bounty P,
Marcello B. The effects of fat-free vs. fat-containing chocolate milk ingestion on muscular
strength in female collegiate softball players. Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition, 9(Suppl 1):P3 (19 November 2012).
15. Campbell B, Raposo K, Bullion A, Petchonka A, Pannoni N, Cloer B, Deignan S, Vyas T,
and Kreider R. Pre-exercise carbohydrate supplementation does not suppress the rate of
fatigue during resistance exercise in trained females. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise. 44(5), S421 #2353, 2012.
16. Raposo K, Campbell B, Bullion A, Petchonka A, Pannoni N, Cloer B, Deignan S, & Vyas T.
The effects of pre-exercise carbohydrate supplementation on acute resistance training
performance in resistance-trained females. Presented at the Southeast American College of
Sports Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida. February 2012, 72: p119.
17. Campbell B, Myers B, Forsyth A, Parker B, Gomez B, Elkins A, Marcello B, Wilborn C, La
Bounty P, & Kreider R. The effects of fat-free vs. fat containing chocolate milk ingestion on
performance characteristics in collegiate softball players. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise. 43(5), 2011.
18. Campbell B, Forsyth A, Myers B, Elkins A, Parker B, Gomez B, Marcello B, La Bounty P,
Wilborn C. The effects of fat-free vs. fat-containing chocolate milk ingestion on body
composition in collegiate softball players. Presented at the 2011 National Strength and
Conditioning Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 7th, 2011.
19. Campbell B, Carlson-Phillips A, Woolf K. Core performance workplace wellness: positive
impact on body composition. FASEB J March 17, 2011 25:lb252.
20. Carlson-Phillips A, Campbell B, Woolf K. Core performance workplace wellness: positive
impact on cardiovascular disease risk and fitness. FASEB J March 17, 2011 25:lb460.
21. Campbell B, Parker B, Gomez B, Kilpatrick M, La Bounty P, Wilborn C, and Willey S. The
effects of a commercially available energy drink on vertical jump performance. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research. 25:3, March 2011. Presented at 2010 National
Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, July 16, 2010.
22. Campbell B, Kilpatrick M, Wilborn C, La Bounty P, Parker B, Gomez B, Elkins A,
Williams S, and dos Santos MG. A commercially available energy drink does not improve
peak power production on multiple 20-second Wingate tests. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(Suppl 1):P10 (15 September 2010).
23. Campbell B, Downing J, Kilpatrick M, La Bounty P, Elkins A, Williams S, dos Santos MG,
et al. The effects of a commercially available energy drink on resistance training
performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 42(5), S315 #1929, 2010.
24. La Bounty PM, Cooke M, Campbell B, et al. The effects of an acute lower-body resistance
exercise on skeletal muscle glycogen in humans. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise. 42(5), S355 #2088, 2010.
25. Wilborn CD, Taylor LW, Foster CA, Campbell B, et al. The effects of pre- and postexercise whey vs. casein protein consumption on body composition and performance
measures in collegiate female athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 42(5),
S545 #2855, 2010.
26. Campbell B, La Bounty P, Oetken A, Greenwood M, Kreider R, Willoughby D. Responses
of serum IGF-1 after an acute bout of lower-body resistance exercise. Journal of Strength
and Conditioning Research. 24:1, January 2010. Presented at the 2009 NSCA National
Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 11, 2009.
27. Kilpatrick MW, Powers JM, Ashley CA, Campbell B, and Dedrick RF. An examination of
biases and perceptions of contemporary strength and conditioning professionals at the
university level. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24:1, January 2010.
Presented at the 2009 NSCA National Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 11, 2009.
28. Fallon KM, Kuczynski AT, Kilpatrick MW, and Campbell B. The impact of wearable
weights on cardiovascular, metabolic, and perceptual responses to treadmill walking.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24:1, January 2010. Presented at the
2009 NSCA National Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 11, 2009.
29. Campbell B, La Bounty P, Oetken A, Greenwood M, Kreider R, and Willoughby D. The
anabolic hormone response to a lower-body resistance exercise bout in conjunction with oral
BCAA supplementation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition,
6(Suppl 1):P7 (31 July 2009).
30. La Bounty P, Cooke M, Campbell B, et al. The effects of a starch based carbohydrate alone
or in combination with whey protein on a subsequent bout of exercise performance –
preliminary findings. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 6(Suppl
1):P7 (31 July 2009).
31. Campbell B, La Bounty P, Oetken A, Kreider R, Greenwood M, Willoughby D. The effects
of branched chain amino acid supplementation on total lower body workout volume.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(5), S422 #2314, 2009.
32. La Bounty P, Campbell B, Oetken A. et al. The effect of leucine supplementation on total
lower-body workout volume. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(5), S424
#2320, 2009.
33. Kilpatrick MW, Powers JM, Ashley CA, Campbell B, et al. Perceptions of collegiate
strength and conditioning coaches regarding desirable characteristics. Medicine & Science
in Sports & Exercise. 41(5), S531 #2749, 2009.
34. Ferreira M, Li R, Cooke M, Campbell B, et al. IRS1, PkB, P70s6k, & ERK1/2
phosphorylation increased by acute resistance exercise but not BCAA/carbohydrate.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(5), S112 #634, 2009.
35. Li R, Ferreira MP, Cooke MB, La Bounty P, Campbell B, et al. Myostatin gene expression
in response to acute resistance exercise with amino acids and carbohydrate supplementation.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(5), S25 #634, 2009.
36. Taylor LW, Wilborn CD, Bushey B, Poole C, Foster CA, Campbell B, et al. Fenugreek
extract supplementation has no effect on the hormonal profile of resistance trained males.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(5), S365 #2085, 2009.
37. Culbertson J, Byrd M, Cooke M, Kerksick C, Campbell B, et al. Effects of the Curves®
fitness & weight loss program on body composition & resting energy expenditure. FASEB
J. 2009 23:LB459.
38. Moreillon J, Culbertson J, Byrd M, Wismann J, Galbreath M, Wilborn C, Taylor L,
Campbell B, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program on markers of
health & fitness. FASEB J. 2009 23:LB461.
39. Kerksick C, Beavers K, Chandran R, Jitomir J, Serra M, Shelmadine B, Wilborn C, Wismann
J, Nassar E, Dove J, Galbreath M, La Bounty P, Campbell B, et al. Relationship of uric acid
to body composition, heart disease risk factors and energy expenditure. FASEB J. 2009
40. Kerksick C, Beavers K, Chandran R, Jitomir J, Serra M, Shelmadine B, Wilborn C,
Wismann J, Nassar E, Dove J, Galbreath M, Harvey T, La Bounty P, Campbell B, et al.
Relationship of resting energy expenditure to body composition and clinical health markers.
FASEB J. 2009 23:LB482.
41. Campbell B, La Bounty P, Oetken A, Willoughby D. The effects of lower-body resistance
exercise on the activation status of the protein phosphatase SHP-2. Journal of Strength &
Conditioning Research. 22(6):60, November 2008.
42. La Bounty P, Campbell B, Oetken A, Willoughby, D. The effects of an acute lower-body
resistance exercise bout on IRS-1 and Akt activation in humans. Journal of Strength &
Conditioning Research. 22(6):36, November 2008.
43. Campbell B, La Bounty P, Oetken A, Willoughby D. The effects of BCAA and leucine
supplementation and lower-body resistance exercise on the ERK 1/2 MAPK pathway signal
transduction. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2008, 5(Suppl
1):P19 (17 September 2008).
44. Oetken A, Campbell B, La Bounty P, Willoughby D. The effect of BCAA supplementation
on serum insulin secretion before, during, and following a lower-body resistance exercise
bout. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2008, 5(Suppl 1):P20 (17
September 2008).
45. La Bounty P, Campbell B, Oetken A, Willoughby D. The effects of oral BCAAs and leucine
supplementation combined with an acute lower-body resistance exercise on mTOR and 4EBP1 activation in humans: preliminary findings. Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition 2008, 5(Suppl 1):P21 (17 September 2008).
46. Wilborn C, Bushey B, Poole C, Taylor L, Foster C, Campbell B, Willoughby D, Kreider R.
Effects of Torabolic supplementation on strength and body composition during an 8-week
resistance training program. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
2008, 5(Suppl 1):P11 (17 September 2008).
47. Bushey B, Wilborn C, Poole C, Taylor L, Foster C, Campbell B. The effects of Amped Up
on hemodynamic function and energy expenditure at rest. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition 2008, 5(Suppl 1):P10 (17 September 2008).
48. Campbell B, LaBounty P, Oetken A, Willoughby D. The effects of lower-body resistance
exercise on the ERK1/2 MAPK signal transduction pathway. Medicine & Science in Sports
& Exercise. 40(5): #1555, 2008.
49. Galbreath M, Chandran R, Wisman J, Beavers K, Hudson G, Serra M, Li R, Jitomer J,
Shelmadine B, Deike E, Nasser E, Parker A, Boulton C, Dove J, Buford T, Campbell B, et
al. Effects of the Curves® fitness and weight loss program in senior-aged women: body
composition. FASEB J. 2008 22:lb779.
50. Serra M, Wismann J, Galbreath M, Chandran R, Beavers K, Hudson G, Li R, Jitomir J,
Shelmadine B, Deike E, Nassar E, Parker A, Dove J, Buford T, Campbell B, et al. Effects of
the Curves® fitness and weight loss program in senior-aged women: resting energy
expenditure. FASEB J. 2008 22:lb782.
51. Parker A, Galbreath M, Deike E, Buford T, Nassar E, Shelmadine B, Boulton C, Dove J,
Chandran R, Beavers K, Wismann J, Hudson G, Serra M, Jitomir J, Li R, Campbell B, et al.
Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program in senior-aged women: training
adaptations. FASEB J. 2008 22:lb783.
52. Shelmadine B, Galbreath M, Chandran R, Beavers K, Hudson G, Serra M, Li R, Buford T,
Jitomir J, Nassar E, Wismann J, Parker A, Deike E, Boulton C, Dove J, Campbell B, et al.
Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program in senior-aged women: health markers.
FASEB J. 2008 22:lb785.
53. Beavers K, Chandran R, Jitomir J, Shelmadine B, Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Wismann J,
Nassar E, Dove J, Galbreath M, La Bounty P, Campbell B, et al. Relationship of uric acid to
markers of metabolic syndrome (MS) and medical status. FASEB J. 2008 22:lb786.
54. Hartman J, Galbreath M, Chandran R, Beavers K, Hudson G, Serra M, Li R, Jitomir J,
Shelmadine B, Nassar E, Wismann J, Parker A, Deike E, Boulton C, Dove J, Buford T,
Campbell B, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program in senior-aged
women: quality of life. FASEB J. 2008 22:lb787.
55. Jitomir J, Chandran R, Shelmadine B, Beavers K, Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Wismann J,
Nassar E, Dove J, Galbreath M, Harvey T, La Bounty P, Campbell B, et al. Medical profile
of sedentary women with and without metabolic syndrome (MS). FASEB J. 2008 22:lb788.
56. Deike E, Galbreath M, Hartman J, Serra M, Li R, Jitomir J, Shelmadine B, Buford T, Nassar
E, Wismann J, Chandran R, Beavers K, Hudson G, Parker A, Boulton C, Dove J, Campbell
B, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program in senior-aged women: body
image & self esteem. FASEB J. 2008 22:lb790.
57. Campbell B, LaBounty P, Oetken A, Willoughby D. The effect of leucine supplementation
on insulin secretion before, during, and following a lower-body resistance exercise bout.
2007 International Society of Sports Nutrition annual meeting.
58. Cooke M, Kerksick C, Campbell B, Wilborn C, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness &
weight loss program I: body composition. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb225.
59. Li R, Kerksick C, Campbell B, Wilborn C, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss
program II: resting energy expenditure. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb226.
60. Iosia M, Campbell B, Wilborn C, Wismann J, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight
loss program III: training adaptations. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb227.
61. Wismann J, Galbreath M, Wilborn C, Taylor L, Campbell B, et al. Effects of the Curves®
fitness & weight loss program IV: health markers. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb229.
62. Harvey T, Nassar E, Bowden R, Davis M, Long L, Opusunju J, Lanning B, Beckham-Dove
J, Wismann J, Galbreath M, Campbell B, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss
program VI: quality of life. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb231.
63. Davis M, Lanning B, Nassar E, Long L, Opusunju J, Bowden R, Beckham-Dove J, Wismann
J, Galbreath M, Campbell B, et al. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program VII:
body image & self esteem. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb233.
64. Sharp K, Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Campbell B, Wismann J. et al. Long-Term effects of the
Curves® fitness & weight loss program on weight and fat loss. FASEB J. 2007 21:lb234.
65. Campbell B, C. Kerksick, C Wilborn, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, R Kreider. Body
composition changes after following an 8-week split-body periodized resistance training
program in college-aged and middle-aged males. Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research. 20(4) 2006 e30.
66. Campbell B, C Wilborn, C Kerksick, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, R Kreider. Strength
changes after following an 8-week split-body periodized resistance training program in
college-aged and middle-aged males. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
20(4) 2006 e31.
67. Harvey T, L Greenwood, A Byars, B Campbell, P La Bounty, M Greenwood. Effects of
delayed onset muscle soreness on isokinetic bilateral leg performance. Journal of Strength
and Conditioning Research. 20(4) 2006 e33.
68. Greenwood M, L Greenwood, T Harvey, A Byars, B Campbell, P La Bounty. Effects of
delayed onset muscle soreness on balance with resistance trained college males. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(4) 2006 e35.
69. Kerksick C, B Campbell, D Willoughby. Changes in muscle damage markers, soreness, and
strength after a 14-day prophylactic period of antioxidant supplementation followed by
eccentric exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(4) 2006 e41.
70. Kerksick C, A Thomas, C Rasmussen, C Wilborn, B Campbell, T Harvey, P La Bounty, M
Galbreath, B Marcello, J Wismann, M Roberts, M Ferreira, R Li, A Parker, K Sharp, R
Kreider. Acute effects of ingesting a high carbohydrate and high protein hypocaloric diet on
body mass, body composition, and resting energy expenditure in obese females. 2006
Nutrition and Metabolism.
71. Kreider R, C Kerksick, A Thomas, C Rasmussen, C Wilborn, B Campbell, T Harvey, P La
Bounty, M Galbreath, B Marcello, J Wismann, M Roberts, M Ferreira, R Li, A Parker and K
Sharp. Effects of increased levels of energy intake after hypocaloric dieting on body mass,
body composition, and resting energy expenditure in obese females. 2006 Nutrition and
72. Campbell B, C Kerksick, C Wilborn, T Harvey, J Wismann, P La Bounty, M Galbreath, C
Rasmussen, R Wilson, R Kreider. Effects of increased levels of energy intake after
hypocaloric dieting on body mass, body composition, total body water, and resting energy
expenditure in obese females. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
3(1):S29, 2006.
73. Kerksick C, L Taylor, B Campbell, C Moulton, C Wilborn, T Harvey, J Wismann, P La
Bounty, M Galbreath, M Iosia, M Roberts, C Rasmussen, R Wilson, and R Kreider. Effects of
increased levels of energy intake after hypocaloric dieting on metabolic indicators of fuel
utilization in obese females. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
3(1):S13, 2006.
74. Taylor L, B Campbell, C Kerksick, C Rasmussen, and R Kreider. Changes in thyroid
hormones and REE after one week of hypocaloric dieting followed by varying levels of
dietary caloric intake. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3(1):S24,
75. Iosia M, M Roberts, C Kerksick, B Campbell, T Harvey, C Wilborn, R Wilson, M.
Greenwood, D Willoughby, and R Kreider. Performance and body composition changes
after 50 days of concomitant arachidonic acid supplementation and resistance training.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3(1):S12, 2006.
76. Roberts M, C Kerksick, L Taylor, M Iosia, B Campbell, C Wilborn, T Harvey, R Wilson, M
Greenwood, D Willoughby, and R Kreider. Hormonal and intramuscular adaptations over
50 days of concomitant arachidonic acid supplementation and resistance training. Journal
of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3(1):S19, 2006.
77. Wilborn C, M Roberts, C Kerksick, M Iosia, L Taylor, B Campbell, T Harvey, R Wilson, M
Greenwood, D Willoughby, and R Kreider. Changes in whole blood and clinical safety
markers over 50 days of concomitant arachidonic acid supplementation and resistance
training. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3(1):S25, 2006.
78. Greenwood M, C Kerksick, C Wilborn, T Harvey, B Marcello, B Campbell, L Greenwood,
A Byars. The effects of varying types of creatine formulations on isokinetic strength and
power. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3(1):S6, 2006.
79. Campbell B, C Moulton, C Kerksick, M Roberts, C Rasmussen, R Kreider. Changes in
clinical safety markers after one week of hypo-energetic dieting with different
macronutrients. FASEB J, LB 366, 2006.
80. Wilborn C, L Taylor, B Campbell, D Willoughby. Effects of 8 weeks of supplementation of
the alleged aromatase inhibitor Novedex XTTM on serum steroid hormone profiles, body
composition, and clinical safety markers in resistance-trained males. FASEB J, LB 375,
81. Rasmussen C, M Galbreath, B Campbell, B Marcello, J Beckham, R Kreider. Effects of
calcium supplementation in post-menopausal women participating in the Curves® fitness &
weight loss program 1: body composition & bone density. FASEB J, LB 416, 2006.
82. Harvey T, C Wilborn, J Wismann, M Galbreath, B Campbell, M Ferreira, P LaBounty, M
Roberts, S Ounpraseuth, J Crixell, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, R Wilson & R Kreider.
Effects of calcium supplementation in post-menopausal women participating in the Curves®
fitness & weight loss program III: Training adaptations. FASEB J, LB 418, 2006.
83. La Bounty P, C Wilborn, B Marcello, B Campbell, M Faries, J Shim, C Rasmussen & R
Kreider. Analysis of exercise intensities of women using the Curves® hydraulic training
equipment. FASEB J, LB 424, 2006.
84. Taylor L, B Campbell, C Kerksick, C Rasmussen, A Thomas, R Kreider. Effects of hypoenergetic dieting with different macronutrients on thyroid hormones. FASEB J, LB 426,
85. Moulton C, L Taylor, B Campbell, C Kerksick, M Roberts, C Rasmussen, R Kreider. Impact
of hypo-energetic dieting with different types of macronutrients on ketone and leptin levels.
FASEB J, LB 427, 2006.
86. Kerksick C, L Taylor, C Moulton, B Campbell, M Roberts, R Kreider. Effects of hypoenergetic dieting with different macronutrients on lipid panels, glucose, and insulin kinetics.
FASEB J, LB 429, 2006.
87. Campbell B, C Kerksick, C Wilborn, B Marcello, R Lutz, P La Bounty, T Harvey, L Taylor,
M Galbreath, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, and R Kreider. Assessment of a Learning Curve
for the Wingate Anaerobic Test. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19(4)
88. Greenwood M, C Kerksick, C Wilborn, T Harvey, J Baer, B Marcello, B Campbell, L
Taylor, T Vacanti, D Rohle, C Mulligan. Influence of varying creatine formulations on
safety issues regarding whole body creatine retention. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research 19(4) 2005.
89. Greenwood M, C Kerksick, C Wilborn, T Harvey, J Baer, B Marcello, B Campbell, L
Taylor, T Vacanti, D Rohle, C Mulligan, L Greenwood, A Byars. The effects of varying types
of creatine on strength measures and body composition. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research 19(4) 2005.
90. Kerksick C, M Greenwood, C Wilborn, T Harvey, J Baer, B Marcello, B Campbell, L
Taylor, T Vacanti, D Rohle, C Mulligan. The effects of creatine and creatine with D-pinitol
on markers of health. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19(4) 2005.
91. Campbell B. P LaBounty, A Thomas, E Nassar, J Wismann, T Harvey, C Kerksick, M
Wieckowski, J Beckham, M Roberts, M Galbreath, M Greenwood, D Willoughby, and R
Kreider. Dietary protein and carbohydrate intake of resistance trained males. Journal of
the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2(1):S6, 2005.
92. LaBounty P, B Campbell, J Wismann, E Nassar, A Thomas, J Beckham, M Wieckowski, M
Galbreath, T Harvey, M Greenwood, R Kreider. Blood markers of kidney function and
dietary protein intake of resistance trained males. Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition. 2(1):S5, 2005.
93. Harvey T, J Beckham, B Campbell, M Galbreath, C Kerksick, P LaBounty, C Rasmussen, D
Fogt, M Greenwood, D Willoughby, R Kreider. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss
program I: Body composition. Annual Experimental Biology Meeting, FASEB Journal
19: LB 251, 2005.
94. Campbell B, D Rohle, L Taylor, A Thomas, A Vacanti, C Wilborn, D Fogt, C Rasmussen,
M Greenwood, D Willoughby, R Kreider. Effects of the Curves fitness® & Weight Loss
Program III: Training Adaptations. Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB
Journal 19: LB 254, 2005.
95. Kerksick C, A Thomas, B Campbell, C Wilborn, M Roberts, P LaBounty, L Taylor, T
Magrans, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, D Willoughby, R Kreider. Prediction of Resting
Energy Expenditure in Sedentary, Moderately Overweight, Healthy Females. Annual
Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 19: LB 259, 2005.
96. Magrans T, C Wilborn, J Wismann, J Beckham, B Campbell, M Galbreath, C Kerksick, C
Rasmussen, M Greenwood, D Willoughby, R Kreider. Long-Term effects of the Curves®
fitness & weight loss program: Body composition and resting energy expenditure. Annual
Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 19: LB 260, 2005.
97. Wilborn C, T Harvey, P LaBounty, B Marcello, B Campbell, C Kerksick, T Magrans, C
Rasmussen, M Greenwood, D Willoughby, R Kreider. Long-Term effects of the Curves®
fitness & weight loss program: Training Adaptations. Annual Experimental Biology
Meeting. FASEB Journal 19: LB 261, 2005.
98. Long L, B Lanning, R Bowden, E Nassar, A Zimmerman, B Campbell, D. Fogt, C
Rasmussen, M Greenwood, D Willoughby, R Kreider. Effects of the Curves® fitness &
weight loss program VI: Body image. Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB
Journal 19: LB 269, 2005.
99. Campbell B, J Baer, M Roberts, T Vacanti, B Marcello, A Thomas, C Kerksick, C Wilborn,
D Rohle, L Taylor, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, R Wilson, R Kreider. Effects of Arginine
Alpha-Ketoglutarate Supplementation on Body Composition and Training Adaptations.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1(1):S10, 2004.
100. Vacanti T, B Campbell, J Baer, M Roberts, B Marcello, A Thomas, C Kerksick, C Wilborn,
D Rohle, L Taylor, C Rasmussen, M Greenwood, R Wilson, R Kreider. Effects of Arginine
Alpha- Ketoglutarate Supplementation on Markers of Catabolism and Health Status.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1(1):S10, 2004.
101. Kerksick C, B Campbell, L Taylor, C Wilborn, C Rasmussen, T Vacanti, M Greenwood, R
Bowden, R Wilson, R Kreider. Pharmacokinetic Profile of Time Released and Non Time
Released Oral Arginine. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1(1):S9,
102. Nassar E, R Bowden, B Campbell, T Vacanti, C Kerksick, J Baer, M Roberts, B Marcello,
A Thomas, L Taylor, C Wilborn, C Rasmussen, S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, M Greenwood, R
Wilson, R Kreider. Effects of Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Supplementation on Quality of
Life. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1(1):S12, 2004.
103. Wilborn C, J Baer, B Campbell , A Thomas, B Slonaker, T Vacanti, B Marcello, C
Kerksick, C Rasmussen, L Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, D Fogt, R Wilson, M Greenwood,
R Kreider. Effects of ZMA Supplementation on the Relationship of Zinc and Magnesium to
Body Composition, Strength, Sprint Performance, and Metabolic and Hormonal Profiles.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1(1):S13, 2004.
104. Taylor L, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, D Fogt, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans,
B Campbell, J Baer, B Slonaker, C Wilborn, A Thomas, B Marcello, E Pfau, M Grimstvedt,
J Opusunju, S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, M Greenwood, R Wilson, R Kreider. Analysis of the
Safety of the Curves® Fitness and Weight Loss Program High Protein Diets. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 1(1):S8, 2004.
105. Campbell B, J Baer, A Thomas, B Slonaker, T Vacanti, B Marcello, C Wilborn, C
Kerksick, C Rasmussen, S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, C Earnest, R
Kreider. Effects of Zinc Magnesium-Aspartate (ZMA) Supplementation During Training on
Body Composition and Training Adaptations. Annual Experimental Biology Meeting.
FASEB Journal 18: LB 441, 2004.
106. Wilborn C, B Campbell, A Thomas, B Slonaker, T Vacanti, B Marcello, J Baer, C
Kerksick, C Rasmussen, S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, C Earnest, R
Kreider. Effects of Methoxyisoflavone, Ecdysterone, and Sulfo-Polysaccharide (CSP3)
Supplementation During Training on Body Composition and Training Adaptations. Annual
Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 439, 2004.
107. Kerksick C, C Rasmussen, T Magrans, B Campbell, J Baer, B Slonaker, M Grimstvedt, E
Pfau, C Wilborn, A Thomas, B Marcello, L Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, S
Ounpraseuth, P Casey, M Greenwood, R Wilson, C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the
Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program I: Body Composition. Annual Experimental
Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 277, 2004.
108. Thomas A, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans, B Campbell, J Baer, B Slonaker, E Pfau,
M Grimstvedt, C Wilborn, B Marcello, L Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, S
Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, R Kreider, C Earnest. Effects of the
Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program II: Resting Energy Expenditure. Annual
Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 278, 2004.
109. Rasmussen C, C Kerksick, T Magrans, B Campbell, J Baer, A Thomas, B Slonaker, M
Grimstvedt, E Pfau, C Wilborn, B Marcello, L Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, S
Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the
Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program III: Training Adaptations. Annual Experimental
Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 279, 2004.
110. Slonaker B, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans, B Campbell, J Baer, A Thomas, E Pfau,
M Grimstvedt, C Wilborn, B Marcello, L Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, S
Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the
Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program IV: Health Markers. Annual Experimental
Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 280, 2004.
111. Vacanti T, L Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, D Fogt, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans,
B Campbell, J Baer, A Thomas, B Slonaker, M Grimstvedt, E Pfau, C Wilborn, B Marcello,
S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the
Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program V: Relationship of Leptin to Weight Loss. Annual
Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 281, 2004.
112. Mulligan C, D Fogt, L Taylor, D Rohle, T Vacanti, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans,
B Campbell, J Baer, A Thomas, B Slonaker, C Wilborn, B Marcello, E Pfau, M Grimstvedt,
S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood, C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the
Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program VI: Insulin Sensitivity. Annual Experimental
Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 282, 2004.
113. Bowden R, B Lanning, H Johnston, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans, B Campbell, J
Baer, A Thomas, R Slonaker, E Pfau, M Grimstvedt, C Wilborn, B Marcello, D Fogt, L
Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood,
C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program VII: Quality of
Life. Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 283, 2004.
114. Lanning B, R Bowden, H Johnston, C Rasmussen, C Kerksick, T Magrans, B Campbell, J
Baer, A Thomas, B Slonaker, E Pfau, M Grimstvedt, C Wilborn, B Marcello, D Fogt, L
Taylor, C Mulligan, D Rohle, T Vacanti, S Ounpraseuth, P Casey, R Wilson, M Greenwood,
C Earnest, R Kreider. Effects of the Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program VIII: Body
Image. Annual Experimental Biology Meeting. FASEB Journal 18: LB 284, 2004.
Thesis Committee Chairperson
Ryan Colquhoun – Comparison of powerlifting performance in trained males using
traditional and flexible daily undulating periodization. Thesis Committee Chairperson.
Fall 2014.
Nick Theilen - Comparisons of acute neuromuscular fatigue and recovery in maximal
effort strength training using power lifts. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Fall 2012.
John O’Halloran - Hypertrophic Effects of Practical Occlusion Training. Thesis
Committee Chairperson. Fall 2012.
Nina Pannoni – The effects of carbohydrate supplements on blood glucose response.
Thesis Committee Chairperson. Fall 2010.
Kelly Raposo – The effects of pre-exercise carbohydrate supplementation on resistance
training. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Fall 2010.
Josh Manter - The preference of protein powders among a college male population- a
protein powder taste study. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Spring 2010.
Ashley Forsythe – Effects of fat-free and fat-containing chocolate milk on resistance
exercise performance. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Spring 2010.
Breanna Myers – Effects of ingesting fat-free and fat-containing chocolate milk after
resistance exercise on athletic performance. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Spring 2010.
Jay Downing - The effects of energy drink consumption on anaerobic exercise
performance and cardiovascular responses. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Spring
Kristine Fallon - The Impact of Wearable Weights on Cardiovascular and Metabolic
Responses to Treadmill Walking. Thesis Committee Chairperson. Fall 2008.
Thesis Committee Member
Nicolas Martinez - The Impact of Low Volume, High Intensity Interval Training on
Perceptual Responses in Overweight and Inactive Individuals. Thesis Committee
Member. Fall 2012.
Lizzie Hubbard - The Effects of Exercise Modality on State Body Image. Thesis
Committee Member. Fall 2012.
Jason Martuscello - Systematic Review of Core Muscle Activity During Physical Fitness
Exercises. Thesis Committee Member. Spring 2012.
Sam Greeley - The Impact of Continuous and Discontinuous Cycle Exercise on Affect: An
Examination of the Dual-Mode Model. Thesis Committee Member. Fall 2011
Lisa Giblin – Unexpected Exercise Duration on Rate of Perceived Exertion. Thesis
Committee Member. Fall 2010.
Johnathan Fuentes – Relationship Between muscular Strength Testing to Dynamic
Muscular Performance in Division One American Football Players. Thesis Committee
Member. Summer 2010.
Ashley Kuczynski - The Impact of Wearable Weights on Perceptual Responses to
Treadmill Walking. Thesis Committee Member. Fall 2008.
Courtney Schaal - Energy Expenditure and Substrate Utilization in Underwater
Treadmill Running Versus Land Based Treadmill Running. Thesis Committee Member.
Fall 2008.
Jeremy Powers - A Survey of NCAA Division I Strength & Conditioning CoachesCharacteristics and Opinions. Thesis Committee Member. Spring 2008.
Manuscript Reviewer for the Following Peer Reviewed Journals or Institutions
Agrofood Industry Hi Tech Journal
Applied Physiology – Nutrition and Metabolism
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise
Physician and Sports Medicine
Strength and Conditioning Journal
United States Department of Agriculture
Research Experience - Served as Co-Investigator, Study Coordinator, or Research Assistant
1. Effects of Arginine - Alpha Ketoglutarate Supplementation on Plasma Arginine Levels and
Training Adaptations [Funded by Medical Research Institute ($106,000)]. R. Kreider
(PI). Co-Investigator.
2. Effects of Zinc, Magnesium-Aspartate (ZMA) on Body Composition and Strength During
Resistance Training. [Supported by Cytodyne Technologies, Inc. ($56,000)]. R. Kreider
(PI). Study Coordinator.
3. Effects of Ribose Supplementation Prior to and Following Exercise on Performance and
Recovery. [Supported by GNC and Numico-Research ($5,500)]. R. Kreider (PI). Graduate
Research Assistant.
4. Effects of Methoxyflavone, Ecdysterone, and Sulfo-Polysaccharide (Myostatin Inhibitor)
supplementation on Training Adaptations [Funded by Muscletech ($56,000)]. R. Kreider
(PI). Graduate Research Assistant.
5. Effects of the Curve for Women® Fitness and Weight Loss Program on Body Composition,
Metabolism, and Exercise Capacity in Sedentary Overweight Females: Phase I. [Funded by
Curves International ($1,000,000)]. R. Kreider (PI). Graduate Research Assistant.
6. Effects of the Curve for Women® Fitness and Weight Loss Program on Body Composition,
Metabolism, and Exercise Capacity in Sedentary Overweight Females: Phase II. [Funded by
Curves International ($1,000,000)]. R. Kreider (PI). Graduate Research Assistant.
7. Effects of Calcium Supplementation on Body Composition, Metabolism, and Exercise
Capacity in Post-Menopausal Women participating in the Curves for Women® Fitness and
Weight Loss Program [Funded by Curves International ($1,000,000)]. R. Kreider (PI).
Doctoral Research Assistant.
8. Acute Effects of Caloric Intake and Macronutrient Type on Body Weight, Body
Composition, Resting Energy Expenditure, and Total Metabolic Rate. [Funded by Curves
International ($1,000,000)]. R. Kreider (PI). Doctoral Research Assistant.
9. Effects of the Curves Fitness and Weight Loss Program in Diabetics, Hypertensives, and the
Elderly. [Funded by Curves International ($1,000,000)]. R. Kreider (PI). Doctoral
Research Assistant.
10. Effects of eight weeks of Novedex Extremetm supplementation on serum hormone profiles
and serum and urinary clinical safety markers in resistance-trained males. (Funded by
Gaspari Nutrition ($42,000) under direction of D. Willoughby in the EBNL). Doctoral
Research Assistant.
11. Effects of MetaCel™ Supplementation on Whole Body Creatine Retention and Training
Adaptations (Funded by iSatori Global Technologies ($36,000). M. Greenwood (PI).
Graduate Research Assistant.
12. Effects of Arachidonic Acid Supplementation on Training Adaptations in Resistance-Trained
Males. (Funded by Molecular Nutrition ($52,000). R. Kreider (PI). Co-Investigator.
Grant Applications/Proposal of Funding
MusclePharm Corporation. The Effects of MusclePharm Shred MatrixTM on Resting
Metabolic Rate. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator. Requested $2,000.00.
Submitted January 2015.
Bonnett, Fairbourn, Friedman & Balint PC. The Effect of an Amino Acid Containing
Dietary Supplement on Serum Growth Hormone Concentration. Campbell Role =
Principal Investigator. Requested $22,950.00. Submitted January 2015.
National Strength & Conditioning Association.
University of South Florida Women’s Health Collaborative Grant. Get Fit to Quit – A
Gender Specific Tobacco Cessation Program for College-Aged Females. Campbell Role
= Co-Principal Investigator [Principal Investigator - Rose Pignataro, USF Health].
Requested $12,150.00. Submitted February 2014 (not funded).
MusclePharm Corporation. The Effects of MusclePharm Arnold Iron CutsTM on Maximal
Strength, Body Composition, and Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy. Campbell Role =
Principal Investigator. Awarded $8,209.00. Project Period 5/13/14 – 08/31/15.
MusclePharm Corporation. The Impact of MusclePharm AssaultTM on Upper and Lower
Body Power. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator (Co-PI = Nicholas Martinez,
Graduate Student). Awarded $900.00. Project Period 4/01/14 – 12/31/14.
MusclePharm Corporation. The Acute Effects of Fit Miss BurnTM on Resting Metabolic
Rate. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator (Co-PI = Gina Zito, Graduate Student).
Awarded $675.00. Project Period 4/01/14 – 12/31/14.
MusclePharm Corporation. The Effects of Arnold Iron CutsTM on Resting Metabolic
Rate. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator (Co-PI = Ryan Colquhoun, Graduate
Student). Awarded $675.00. Project Period 4/01/14 – 12/31/14.
Fitness Industry Technology Council. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator.
Requested $3,900.00 per unit on a scalable scope of work. December 2012 (not funded).
The Effects of Stimulight® on Weight Loss in Moderately Overweight Participants.
Campbell Role = Principal Investigator. Requested $17,524.00. February 2011 (not
Battlefield –Related Injury Translational Research, Post-Traumatic Disease and
Disability- Veterans Reintegration Strategy (Subproject 3: Veteran Health Resilience
Program). Submitted to United States Department of Defense. Campbell Role = CoInvestigator (PI: Paul Sanberg). Requested $403,873.00 from 7-2011 to 6-2013.
November 2010 (not funded).
USF Dance Wellness Project. Submitted to Doris Duke Foundation. Campbell Role =
Co-Investigator (PI: Dr. Larry Mengelkoch). Requested $243,552.00. September 2010
(not funded).
Sports Nutrition for Athletes and Physically Active Individuals (Course Development
Grant). Campbell Role = Principal Investigator. Awarded $3,241.00. February 2010.
Funding Source: Center for 21st Century Teaching Excellence, University of South
Effects of Core Performance training and nutrition program on markers of cardiovascular
health, nutrition behaviors, quality of life, and presenteeism. Campbell Role = CoInvestigator (PI: Amanda Carlson-Phillips, Athletes Performance). Awarded
$345,000.00. January 2010. Funding Source: Intel Corporation.
Digestibility study with soy protein and Aminogen®. Campbell Role = Principal
Investigator. Awarded $41,240.00. December 2009. Funding Source: Triarco
Industries, Inc.
Creation of an Interdisciplinary Dance Wellness Program at USF. Campbell Role = CoInvestigator (PI: William S. Quillen), Interdisciplinary Researcher Development Grant.
Requested $36,331.00. January 2010 (not funded).
The effects of post-exercise ingestion of Vitargo® on exercise performance. Submitted
to Genr8, Inc. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator. Requested $22,285 (not funded).
Dose ranging and digestibility study with whey protein and Aminogen®. Submitted to
Triarco Industries, Inc. Campbell Role = Principle Investigator: Requested $288,000.00
(not funded). May 2008.
The impact of wearable weights on cardiovascular, metabolic, and perceptual responses
to treadmill walking. Submitted to Body TogsTM, June 2008. Campbell Role = CoPrincipal Investigator (other Co-PI: Marcus Kilpatrick, University of South Florida).
Awarded $17,745.00
The effects of Meltdown® supplementation on body composition and markers of clinical
health. Submitted to Vital Pharmaceuticals, Inc., May 2008. Campbell Role = Principal
Investigator. Requested $48,679.10 (not funded).
The effects of energy drink consumption on anaerobic exercise performance and
cardiovascular responses. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator. Submitted to USF
COEDU Mini-Grant Research Award, May 2008. Awarded $4,945.00
Amino Acid Supplementation and Growth Hormone Release in Physically Active
Females. Submitted to Texas Academy of Sciences, 2005. Campbell Role = Principal
Investigator. Requested $1,000.00 (not funded).
Effects of Leucine Supplementation on the Akt/mTOR pathway. Submitted to Gatorade
Sports Science Institute, 2006. Campbell Role = Principal Investigator. Requested
$3,500.00 (not funded).
The effects of Oral NADH Supplementation on Aerobic, Anaerobic, and Muscular
Endurance Performance. Submitted to Natrol, Inc. 2006. Campbell Role = CoInvestigator (PI = Richard Kreider). Requested $55,000.00 (not funded).
The Effects of Branched Chain Amino Acids and Leucine Alone on the ERK 1/2 MAP
Kinase Pathway in Conjunction with Lower Body Resistance Exercise. Submitted to the
Texas American College of Sports Medicine, 2006. Campbell Role = Principal
Investigator. Requested $1,000.00 (not funded).
Research Donations
Comparison of powerlifting performance in trained males using traditional and flexible
daily undulating periodization. Submitted to Dymatize Nutrition. Requested $450.00 in
product donation. Awarded $450.00 in product donation (whey protein). Fall 2014.
Hypertrophic Effects of Practical Occlusion Training. Submitted to Dymatize Nutrition.
Requested $700.00 in product donation. Awarded $700.00 in product donation (whey
protein). Fall 2013.
Comparisons of acute neuromuscular fatigue and recovery in maximal effort strength
training using power lifts. Submitted to Dymatize Nutrition. Requested $968.00 in
product donation. Awarded $968.00 in product donation (whey protein). Spring 2013.
The effects of resistance training on post-exercise metabolic rate. Requested $3,400 in
product donation. Awarded $2,400 in product donation (canopy hood for indirect
calorimeter). December 2012.
The effects of pre-exercise carbohydrate supplementation on resistance training.
Submitted to John Scott’s Nitro. Requested $113.97 in product donation. Principle
Investigator. Donation of $113.97 in product awarded. September 2010.
Effects of chocolate milk on muscular strength and training adaptations. Submitted to
Nesquik. Requested $343.00 in product donation. Principle Investigator. Donation of
$343.00 in product awarded. September 2009.
Technical Competencies
Ultrasound Muscle Cross-Sectional Area Assessment
Blood Collection (venipuncture)
Analyte Assessment (clinical chemistry automated analyzers, ELISA)
Skeletal Muscle Biopsy Extraction
Skeletal Muscle Homogenization and Protein, DNA, and RNA separation
Body Composition Assessment (DEXA, skinfolds, bioelectrical impedance)
Total Body Water Assessment (BIA)
Resting Energy Expenditure (indirect calorimetry)
Cardiopulmonary/ECG Exercise Testing
Strength Testing (isotonic, isokinetic)
Anaerobic Power Testing (vertical jump)
Anaerobic Capacity Testing (Wingate, 40-meter sprint)
Nutritional Analysis (ESHA Nutritional Software)
Data Entry/Basic Statistical Analyses (SPSS Software)
Professional Development Relative to Research Agenda
Why Should I Use Evernote? iTeach Lounge, University of South Florida. January 8, 2014
Media Insight - A Skills Seminar - March 30, 2012
Biosafety Principles & Practices, June 10, 2009.
Grant Oversight Workshop Sessions
- The Grant Closeout Process, April 2009.
- Overseeing your Grant: Human Resources Protocol; Monitoring the Grant Financials,
February 2009.
- Principle Investigator Oversight and the Importance of Grant Compliance;
Surviving an Audit, January. 2009.
- Institutional Review Board Training and Certification, November 2008.
- Research One: Educational Research for the Advancement of Community, Nov. 2008
- Research Summit: Enhancing the Research Culture, College of Education, March 2008
- Alerting Services Workshop, USF Library, USF Library, February 2008
- Research Consultation - Research Services & Collections (Susan Ariew), USF Library,
January 2008.
- Podcasting-related Technology at USF – College of Education, November 2007
- COE New Faculty Mentoring Program – College of Education, October 2007
National/Professional Involvement
 President – International Society of Sports Nutrition (2014-2017).
 Supplement Editor –Proceedings of the Eleventh International Society of Sports
Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo. Volume 11(Supplement 1). December 2014.
 Litigation Consulting & Expert Testimony - Dietary supplements consultant –
Arizona, USA based law firm, 2014.
 Associate Editor – Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2004–2011,
2013 - present.
 Litigation Consulting & Expert Testimony - Dietary supplements consultant – New
York, USF based law firm, 2013-2014.
 Abstract Review Committee Co-Chair. International Society of Sports Nutrition.
Spring 2012-2014.
 Session Moderator - Special Operations Medical Association National Conference Human Performance Symposium. Tampa, FL. December 2012.
 Elected Committee Member - NSCA Research & Education Committee. July 2012July 2015.
 Judge for Graduate Student Oral Presentations - National Strength & Conditioning
Association National Conference, July 2012
 Session Moderator - Practical Application Track. International Society of Sports
Nutrition National Conference, June 2012.
 Abstract Review Committee Co-Chair. International Society of Sports Nutrition.
Spring 2012.
 Chair - Nutrition, Metabolism, and Body Composition Special Interest Group.
National Strength and Conditioning Association. July 2011-July 2013.
 National Posture Institute Board of Advisors member. January 2012- present.
 Expert Consultant – iSatori Total Solutions (Fitness website). Aug. 2010 – present.
 National Strength & Conditioning Association Grant Proposal Reviewer – March
 National Strength & Conditioning Association Grant Proposal Reviewer – March
 Optimal SWAT Training Systems Advisory Board member. Feb. 2009 – present.
 Elected Secretary - International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2007-2009.
Elected Student Representative - Board of Directors for the International Society of
Sports Nutrition. 2005–2007.
Student Link Council Member - National Strength and Conditioning Association.
University Involvement
 Admissions Recruiter/Advisor Search Committee – Fall 2014
 Building Manager (USF PED Building). 2014 - present
 Ad Hoc Executive Committee Member - New USF College of Education Department
Administration. Spring 2014
 USF Commencement Ceremony Marshall – Spring 2013 – Spring 2014
 GPC (Graduate Program Council) Departmental Representative. Fall 2012 - Spring 2014
 Panel Member: Research Discussion Group - Successful Navigation of Tenure &
Promotion. March 2012.
 GPC (Graduate Program Council) Departmental Representative. Fall 2011
 Panel Member – Research in Tenure and Promotion, Tenure and Promotion Brown Bag
Series. January 2011.
 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award Committee Member. Fall 2010.
 Volunteer - USF College of Education Children’s Festival. March 2009 - Present.
 Volunteer Coordinator – Exercise and Sport Nutrition Laboratory. 2004–2006.
 In-Services Coordinator - Exercise and Sport Nutrition Laboratory. 2003–2004.
Community Involvement
 Weight Loss Program Lecturer – Sports and Field, Wesley Chapel, FL. 2008-2009.
 Educational Series Lecturer – Gold’s Gym, Waco TX. 2004–2005.
 Sports Nutrition for Athletic Trainers Seminar – Baylor University, Fall 2005.
 Health Fair – Texas State Technical College, Summer 2004.
 Special Olympics Volunteer – Frostburg State University, 2000
International Presentations
Protein Needs for Athletes. National Strength and Conditioning Association – Webinar
with attendees from four different countries representing three different continents.
August 18th, 2010.
National Presentations
Impact of Training & Food Selection for Optimizing Metabolism. 3rd Annual
Dymatize Nutrition Summit. Dallas, TX. January 16, 2015.
Meal Frequency to Optimize Metabolism and Resistance Training Adaptations.
National Strength & Conditioning Association’s 37th Annual National Conference. Las
Vegas, NV. July 12, 2014.
Meal Frequency. Layne Norton Bodybuilding and Figure VIP Camp. Tampa, FL. June
13, 2014.
Carbohydrates and Resistance Training Performance. National Strength &
Conditioning Association’s 36th Annual National Conference. Las Vegas, NV. July 12,
Principles of Fat Loss for Athletes. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Body Composition
Special Interest Group. National Strength & Conditioning Association’s 36th Annual
National Conference. Las Vegas, NV. July 2013.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Kettlebells in a Training Program. National
Strength & Conditioning Association – Personal Trainers Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
March 8, 2013.
Scientific Reports Regarding the Use of Kettlebells. Special Operations Medical
Association - National Conference. Tampa, FL. December 2012.
Kettlebells and Science - What do we Know? National Strength and Conditioning
Association National Conference. Providence, RI. July 2012.
Everything Athletes Need to Know about Protein. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Body
Composition Special Interest Group. National Strength & Conditioning Association. Las
Vegas, NV. July 2011.
Everything Athletes Need to Know about Protein. Raising the Bar Webinar Series Human Kinetics. March 10, 2011.
Performance Nutrition: Protein. Special Operations Medical Association - National
Conference. Tampa, FL. December 2011.
Energy Drinks & Resistance Exercise. 3rd Annual VPX Science Summit.
Weston, FL. Oct. 2011.
Sports Nutrition. National Strength & Conditioning Association – Personal Trainers
Conference. Las Vegas, NV. March 2009.
Sports Nutrition. National Strength & Conditioning Association – Sport-Specific
Training Conference. Nashville, TN. January 2009.
State Presentations
Research in Sports Nutrition. James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital - Dietetic Interns.
Tampa, FL. November 2011
Sports Supplements with a Scientific Basis. 2008 Sports Medicine Conference. 11th
Annual Florida Hospital Sports Medicine Conference. Orlando, FL. July 2008.
University of South Florida/Tampa Community Presentations
Fueling for Fitness. USF Campus Recreation Center’s Exercise is Medicine Lecture
Series. USF Campus, Tampa, FL. February 2012.
Everything Athletes Need to Know about Protein. USF Sports Clubs Program. USF
Campus, Tampa, FL. November 2011.
Collegiate Softball Training Table Seminar. St. Petersburg College, Clearwater, FL.
Aug. 2009
Importance of Exercise Intensity. Sports + Field Athletic Club, Wesley Chapel, FL.
Feb. 2009
Realistic Weight Loss Expectations. Sports + Field Athletic Club, Wesley Chapel, FL.
Jan. 2009
Exercise Intensity & Growth Hormone. Sports + Field Club, Wesley Chapel, FL.
Nov. 2008.
Weight Loss Expectations. Sports + Field Athletic Club, Wesley Chapel, FL. Oct. 2008.
Weight Loss Seminar. Sports + Field Athletic Club, Wesley Chapel, FL. Sept. 2008.
Professional Conferences Attended
 American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, 2008-2012
 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2004-2006, 2011
 International Society of Sports Nutrition National Conference, 2004-2014
 National Strength & Conditioning Association Nat’l Conference, 2005-2006, 2008 - 2014
 Special Operations Medical Association National Conference, Tampa, FL 2011, 2012
 International Society of Sports Nutrition Regional Conference, Waco, TX 2005
 Texas Human Nutrition Conference (Optimal Nutrition for Sports and Exercise
Performance), Texas A&M University, 2005
Current Memberships in Professional Societies
 International Society of Sports Nutrition
 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Recognized as ‘Fellow’ of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. June 2013.
Ironman Award Winner - International Society of Sports Nutrition. Colorado Springs, CO.
June 2013.
Distinguished Speaker, Special Operations Medical Conference. Tampa, FL. Dec. 2011
USF Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner. November 2009
Outstanding Doctoral Student in Exercise, Nutrition, & Preventive Health - Department
of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Baylor University, May 2007.
Outstanding Graduate Student – Graduate Student Association, Baylor University, 2007.
Challenge Scholarship Winner - $1,000. National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Travel Award Recipient - National Conference for the Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology (FASEB), 2006.
Outstanding Graduate Student – School of Education Faculty, 2006.
Challenge Scholarship Winner - $1,000. National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Travel Award Recipient - National Conference for the Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology (FASEB), 2005.
Travel Award Recipient - National Conference for the Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology (FASEB), 2004.
Campbell, B. Interview by Self Magazine. “What is better for building lean muscle mass in
females – kettlebells or dumbbells?” Interviewed September 2014 for print in January 2015.
Campbell, B. Interview by “Home-based fitness equipment – medicine ball
moves for beginners”. Interviewed September 30th 2014 for print in 2015.
Campbell, B. Interview by BioLayne ( Interviewed November 2014.
Campbell, B. Interview by IronRadio ( Interviewed September 25 2014.
Campbell, B. Interview by the Tampa Bay Times. “Kids finding fitness and more in CrossFit
craze”. April 30, 2014 (and also published in the Tampa Bay Times print version 5-9-2014).
Campbell, B. Interview by the Tampa Bay Times. “Max Q Fitness gets you a lean, muscular
body in short order”. April 25, 2014.
Campbell, B. NSCA Volunteer Spotlight.
National Strength & Conditioning Association, February 2014.
Campbell, B. Know your Own Strength. (Newspaper Interview). The Villages Daily Sun Lifestyles. August 2013.
Campbell, B. Fitness for All - Optimal Nutrient Absorption (Internet radio interview).
blogtalkradio. January 2013.