Minutes of the Last ABSW AGM

Date and time: Thu 27 March 19:00 onwards
Venue: The Science Museum's Dana Centre, 165 Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London, SW7 5HD
In Attendance:, Martin Ince (Chair), Harriet Bailey, Jeremy Webb, Wendy Grossman, Connie St Louis, Mun Keat
Looi, Alison Cooper, Peter Cooper, Pete Wrobel, Nigel Hey, Richard Scrase, Nik Sultana, Victoria Parsons, Bob
Ward, Beki Hill, Dianne Stilwell (Associate member), Sallie Robins (Associate member)
NB: Only full and life members and the Honorary President may vote. Quorum for the meeting is 10 voting
Apologies for Absence:
Katharine Sanderson, Helen Pearson, Mico Tataolovic, Philippa Pigache
Minutes of the Last ABSW AGM held on 18 March 2013
The minutes were approved after noting that they should always include an attendance list
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising
President’s Report
Presented by Martin Ince
Martin Ince took over as President in January 2014 due to the resignation of Connie St Louis who
needed to focus on completing her PhD. Connie was thanked for the energy, thought and imagination
that she brought to leading the ABSW and for the great shape in which she had left the Association.
Martin Ince noted the excellent grasp the ABSW now had of its procedures and administration due to
Julia Durbin the outgoing Secretary of the ABSW and Sallie Robins who now undertook the
membership and book keeping for the ABSW. The ABSW finances were also in a good position.
Martin Ince thanked the events team led by Beki Hill for an outstanding year of events and a good
forthcoming programme, including the UK Conference of Science Journalists which will take place on
Wednesday 18 June at the Royal Society in London.
The ABSW continues to work with Janssen the main sponsor of the ABSW Awards which have reestablished themselves as a significant national event.
A new initiative of the ABSW is the Investigative Journalism Fellowship to support a journalist who
wishes to carry out an investigation. The Fellowship is now open for entries through the ABSW
website. The ABSW is working with SciDevNet to launch a similar scheme for the Global South.
Connie St Louis will continue to represent the ABSW to the European Union of Science Journalists and
is standing for the post of EUSJA honorary secretary. Martin Ince reported that he is still on the finance
committee of the World Federation of Science Journalists.
A high point in the year’s events was the coming into force of the Defamation Act 2013. Thanks in part
to the ABSW it specifically allows privilege against defamation claims against any peer-reviewed
statement in a scientific or academic journal, an important measure for members of the ABSW as it
also protects against summaries, extracts or assessments of such peer reviewed work.
Martin Ince thanked the ABSW’s Honorary President Professor Colin Blakemore, the ABSW Board, the
auditors Pete Wrobel, Sunny Bains and Mike Kenward, Sallie Robins (administrator), Max Bingham
(webmaster) and many others unnamed who had made the ABSW a success in the past year.
Martin Ince asked the AGM to remember former Board member Dr David Dickson who died last year.
David was an authoritative presence and a quiet voice for higher standards in science journalism. He
had a brilliant career in Europe and in the US that culminated in his becoming the founder of
Martin Ince noted that the job of the ABSW is ‘never finished’ and quoted from the newly-published
Public Awareness of Science survey: 72 per cent of those surveyed thought it important to be aware
of science but only 45 per cent felt well-informed about scientific developments. Only 28 per cent
thought journalists checked the reliability of scientific research findings before they wrote about them,
and only 16 per cent thought that journalists who write about science have qualifications, like a science
degree. Martin Ince commented that the idea that they might even have a qualification in science
journalism rather than in science was a step too far for the pollsters, although he may suggest this for
future years.
Treasurer’s Report
Harriet Bailey
Harriet Bailey presented the ABSW’s annual accounts and the budget for 2014. The ABSW was in a
strong financial position with net assets of over £100,000 at the end of 2013. Harriet Bailey was
currently investigating a higher interest account in which to deposit the ABSW’s reserves. There were
a few points in the accounts that Harriet Bailey expanded upon.
General Administration Costs:
These were costs for Max Bingham primarily for the maintenance and development of the ABSW
website and membership systems which had formerly been mainly accounted for under software and
website maintenance but also for payments to Sallie Robins for general administration as well as her
role in membership/book keeping (see under legal and professional costs – wages).
Costs to Attend Conferences
Previously these costs had been under travel and subsistence
AGM Costs
This was a new budget heading and AGM costs had previously not been separately identified
Deficit/Trade Creditors
Although the ABSW accounts showed a deficit for the year this was primarily due to ‘rebalancing’ that
needed to be made to the accounts. Various amounts of sponsorship money had been received by the
ABSW for ABSW Awards over previous years but it had never been indicated in the accounts that this
money was to be spent over a number of years and had instead been accounted for in its entirety in
the year of receipt (e.g.: Stephen White NUJ Award paid into the ABSW £5,000 in 2012 but was to be
paid out in £500 amounts over 10 years). This left the ABSW as showing larger profits than it should
have in previous years and not able to show enough ‘awards’ income in subsequent years. The
accountants had now taken account of this and used the heading of Trade Creditors to show where
money had been received but was already allocated (i.e.: not available to spend elsewhere), this
‘rebalancing’ was the primary reason for the ABSW showing a deficit for 2013.
Payments to Board Members/Directors
As had been recommended by the Auditors a clear statement of all monies paid to Directors or Board
Members had been kept and was presented as part of the annual accounts.
Pete Wrobel suggested that it would be preferable for members to have sight of the accounts as
presented in advance of the meeting and also in writing (i.e. printed copies available at the AGM)
Auditor’s Report
Pete Wrobel/Michael Kenward
The report was presented by Pete Wrobel. Key points:
Sunny Bains had been appointed as auditor along with Pete Wrobel at the 2013 AGM, Sunny Bains had
resigned in March 2014 and Mike Kenward stepped in to assist Pete Wrobel.
The accounts were now in a far clearer state with the ability to compare more directly year on year
costs and the auditors felt that the ABSW was spending its money on appropriate activities for its
The auditors were not given enough time to examine the ABSW accounts, as these were presented to
them only seven days prior to the AGM.
There had not been the promised communication between the ABSW and the auditors throughout the
year. However, the auditors had been assured this would now be addressed.
The auditors were not happy with the handling of their request for a change in the standing orders to
reflect the true role of the auditors. With the ABSW now a limited company the standing orders
needed to make clear that the auditors were ‘watchdogs for the members’ rather than accountants.
The auditors also needed to see a copy of the budget (not part of the annual accounts) that the
Treasurer prepared, in advance of the AGM
The Board would work with the auditors to draft an amendment to the standing orders to clarify the
role of the auditors as watchdogs rather than accountants. It was suggested they be called ‘honorary
auditors’ to ensure there was no confusion over the legal responsibilities and liabilities now that the
ABSW was a limited company. The Board and auditors would work together under this draft
understanding until it could be incorporated into the Standing Orders at the next AGM
The President and Treasurer would ensure they made regular contact with the auditors after each
Board meeting to keep them updated on Board activities/expenditure.
The President and Treasurer to ensure more time was built into the annual schedule for the Auditors
to receive and analyze the annual accounts.
Election of Executive Board
Martin Ince
All posts on the Executive Board are elected annually at the AGM. This is the first year in which the
Board has run its election process on line. In accordance with the Standing Orders nominations opened
on 27 January 2014 and closed on 17 February 2014. The following individuals stood for election:
Martin Ince – President
Connie St Louis – European Representative
Harriet Bailey – Treasurer
Beki Hill/Mico Tatalovic/Wendy Grossman/Katherine Sanderson – general post on the Board (7
maximum available)
There are therefore no contested posts and no candidates for Vice President or Secretary. There is no
specific guidance in the Standing Orders on procedure where posts are not contested or no
nominations received. The Executive Board agreed the following procedure and this was approved by
the appointed election tellers (Andy Coughlan/John Bonner)
Action Taken/Required:
Details of the nominations were placed on the ABSW website earlier this month and the AGM is now
asked to ratify these individuals to comprise the new Executive Board. At the first meeting of the new
Executive Board after this AGM the Board will consider co-opting individuals to cover vacant posts
The ABSW would like to express its thanks to those who have now left the Executive Board: Julia
Durbin (Secretary), Jeremy Webb (Vice President), Mun Keat Looi, Helen Pearson, Matt Ravenhall
The AGM ratified the new and continuing Board members nominations, and these individuals would
meet as the new Executive Board in April to co-opt the necessary individuals to fill vacant posts. The
AGM agreed to co-opt Bob Ward (Associate ABSW member) to continue as a Board member in 2014.
Appointment of Auditors
Martin Ince
The AGM are asked to approve the appointment of the auditors for the financial year 2014.
(NB: Auditors for 2013 were Pete Wrobel and Sunny Bains. Sunny Bains resigned in March 2014 and
Michael Kenward agreed to act as auditor)
Pete Wrobel and Mike Kenward were appointed as Auditors for 2014
Appointment of Honorary President
Martin Ince
The AGM are asked to approve the re-appointment of Professor Colin Blakemore as Honorary
President of the ABSW for a further term of three years.
Professor Colin Blakemore was re-appointed as Honorary President to run 2014/2015/2016. This
appointment would need to be considered again at the 2017 AGM
Appointment of Life Members
Martin Ince
The AGM are asked to approve the following individuals for Life Membership:
Connie St Louis (Former Treasurer & President)
Natasha Loder (Former President)
Peter Cooper (Secretary from 1980 to 1984; Auditor from 1989 to 2013)
Peter Briggs (Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor over a period of 25 years from 1986 until 2011)
The life memberships were approved.
Any Other Business
Dianne Stilwell requested that the ABSW investigate calling the SciDevNet Investigative Journalism
Award the David Dickson Award in memory of David.
Connie St Louis said that if anyone present wished to be involved with ABSW activities they should
speak to Martin Ince.
Date of Next AGM – to be decided at a later date
The meeting closed at 19:45