CM 06-18-09

Minutes of the Silverton City Council Meeting
Held Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Council of the City of Silverton met for a business meeting in Council
Chambers at 6860 Plainfield Road at 7:00 pm on Thursday, June 18, 2009.
Mayor John Smith called the meeting to order.
Mayor Smith led a moment of silent prayer, followed by the Pledge of
Elected Officials:
John Smith, Mayor
Willa Garner, Council
Joyce Glover, Council
Shirley Hackett, Council
Frank Sylvester, Council
Mark Quarry, Council
Dottie Williams, Council
Also present:
Mark Wendling, City Manager
Bryan Pacheco, City Solicitor
Meredith George, Clerk of Council
Tom Peterson, Finance Director
No changes needed.
Mayor Smith presented the minutes from the May 21, 2009 Council Meeting
and the June 4, 2009 Workshop for approval. Mrs. Garner motioned for
approval of the minutes with any necessary corrections and was seconded by
Mrs. Hackett. All present voted aye. Motion carried.
1. Mayor Smith asked Mr. Pacheco to clarify the information relayed to
Council regarding the letter from Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories
explaining their intent to provide video service in Silverton. Mr. Pacheco
explained that Cincinnati Bell notified Silverton that they intend to provide
video services in Silverton. The City responded by providing Cincinnati
Bell that we will charge them a 5% video services provider franchise fee.
If we would not have acted swiftly, we could have forfeited our rights to
collect the franchise fee.
Brian Mueller – 7034 East Avenue
Mr. Mueller thanked Council for approving the East Avenue street improvement
project and informed Council how excited he and his neighbors are about the
project. Mr. Mueller also thanked Mr. Wendling for the letter he sent informing
residents about the upcoming project. Mr. Mueller asked Council to please
consider installing a curb on the east side of the street. Mr. Wendling explained
that the curbing on the east side of the street will cost an additional $23,000.
The original estimate for the project was $156,000 and the bid came in at
$92,000, so there is room in the financing to add the curbing to the project. Mr.
Wendling explained that if the curbs are installed on the east side of the street,
the City will need temporary easements from all the residents on East Avenue,
as all the driveway aprons will need to be replaced and most of the front yards
will need to be re-graded. Mr. Sylvester added that a gutter drain would need
to be installed to promote water drainage. Mr. Wendling stated there is room
within the grant money to add the curbing to the project and it would make it a
better project.
Rusty Bingham – 7038 East Avenue
Mr. Bingham stated he would also like to see the curbing on the east side of
the street. Mr. Bingham said there is a telephone pole at the edge of his
property which is developing a large sink hole, due to snow and drainage. Mr.
Bingham added that the hole will only get worse due to the weather and traffic.
The absences of the curb, along with the narrowness of the street cause
people to drive in the front yards of the homes on East Avenue. The curbs
would prevent this from happening. Mr. Bingham asked Council to please
consider adding the curbing to the project.
Mary Wright – 6700 Stoll Lane
Mrs. Wright praised the Silverton Business Association for the Summer Concert,
featuring the Mistics. Mrs. Wright said it was wonderful to see the businesses
represented and complimented the City Staff and Council. Mrs. Wright added
that our service department is the best there is! Mr. Wendling reported the
event was put together by JoAnna Brown and Susan Welsh, and praised them
for their efforts. Mrs. Wright invited everyone to the Silverton Art and Wine Fest,
which will take place on Saturday, June 20 from noon to 6 p.m. at Meier’s
Idella Thompson – 6528 Elwynne Drive
Mrs. Thompson addressed Council to give them an update on the Welcome
Wagon Committee. Mrs. Thompson reported the Welcome Wagon has delivered
over 20 welcome packages to new residents so far in 2009. Mrs. Thompson
thanked the committee for their work in putting the packages together and
encouraged the local businesses to contact her if they would like to include info
on their business in the packets.
Mrs. Thompson also reported that cars are still parking in front of Italianette on
Plainfield Road, creating a dangerous situation. Mr. Wendling stated he will talk
to Rick Lehmkuhl about placing No Parking Signs in the area.
Mr. Quarry revisited the discussion about adding the curbing on the east side of
East Avenue. Mr. Quarry stated that cars and trucks drive in the yards causing
damage to the yards and the curbs would prevent this from happening. Mr.
Quarry added the curbing will help channel the water along the street. Mrs.
Glover stated that the money is available and cannot be used for anything else,
so she believes we should move forward and add the curbs to the project. A
brief discussion followed. Mr. Sylvester motioned to add the curbing to the east
side of East Avenue as part of the street improvement project. Mr. Quarry
seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. All members present voted
1. Tax Budget Hearing
Mr. Peterson stated the purpose of the hearing was the presentation of the
2010 Tax Budget.
Mr. Peterson explained that the tax budget serves as a mechanism for the
auditor’s office to ensure that municipalities have the money that they say
they have and so they do not end up in a fiscal crisis the following year.
Mr. Peterson gave an overview of the tax budget. Mr. Peterson emphasized
the importance of the earnings tax and how critical it is for residents to file
and pay their Silverton taxes.
Mrs. Glover motioned to close the public hearing and was seconded by Mrs.
Williams. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
2. City Manager’s Report
2.1. 2009 SCIP Program
Mr. Wendling reported the utility pole on Aldon will be moved soon. Duke
Energy has moved their lines and we are waiting for Cincinnati Bell and
Time Warner to move theirs. Mr. Casto, our engineer, recommends that the
other two cul-de-sacs that have the utility poles in the center be moved as
well, making future street projects easier to proceed with. Cincinnati Water
Works has installed new water lines on Hampton. Adleta Construction plans
to begin road construction in July. The project deadline is October 31, 2009.
Mr. Quarry reported gas pipes on East Avenue that are sticking out of the
ground about 9-12” as a result of the new gas lines that were just installed.
Mr. Wendling said he will look into it.
3. Clerk of Court Report
Mrs. George gave the May 2009 Clerk of Court Report. Mrs. Glover
motioned for approval and was seconded by Mrs. Hackett. All members
present voted aye. Motion carried.
4. Budget Report
Mr. Peterson gave the May 2009 Budget Report. Mrs. Hackett motioned for
approval and was seconded by Mr. Quarry. All members present voted aye.
Motion carried.
1. Councilwoman Glover
Mrs. Glover was pleased to report that the LSDMC has selected a new
principal for Silverton Paideia. Mrs. Glover is not able to make the
announcement yet, but the information will be forthcoming. The selection
process went well and there was a large pool of qualified candidates.
2. Councilwoman Hackett
Mrs. Hackett reported the UFB is planning an educational open house to
be held in October 2009. The UFB will be presenting a tree brochure to
Council in July. Mrs. Hackett reported that the UFB members were very
pleased with the SBA Concert and appreciated the opportunity to get
information out to the citizens about their organization.
3. Councilman Quarry
Mr. Quarry had no report for OKI.
Mr. Quarry reported that the HCSWD has a meeting scheduled for next
week. Mr. Quarry added a resolution for the Phase II regulations for the
HCSWD is on tonight’s agenda.
4. Councilman Sylvester
Mr. Sylvester reported the Technical Review Committee had their final
meeting to review the new proposed zoning code. The zoning code will
be presented to Council in July.
5. Councilwoman Williams
Mrs. Williams reported the Fire District Board met earlier this month.
Topics of discussion were:
Record retention
Capital Improvements – a new driveway and landscaping has been
Memorial Day Open House
New computer system
The hiring of a new full-time Firefighter/EMT
6. Councilwoman Garner
Mrs. Garner had no ICRC report, but added that digital conversion boxes
are still available for anyone that might need one. The information is on
our website.
Mrs. George gave the first reading of Ordinance 09-3293 An Ordinance
Adopting the Preliminary Budget for the City of Silverton for the Calendar Year
2010 and Declaring an Emergency.
Mrs. George gave the reading of Ordinance 09-3294 An Ordinance to Levy an
Additional Special Assessment on Property for the Total Cost of Demolishing a
Dangerous and Unsafe Structure Located at 6805 Montgomery Road and
Demolishing Said Structure Pursuant to RC 715.261 and Chapter 91 of the
Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency. Mrs. Glover
motioned for passage and was seconded by Mrs. Garner. A roll call vote was
taken. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Quarry motioned to
suspend the rules and was seconded by Mrs. Glover. A roll call vote was
taken. Motion carried.
Mrs. George gave the reading of Ordinance 09-3295 An Ordinance to Levy
Special Assessments on Property for the Total Cost of Mitigating Noxious
Weeds and High Grass Pursuant to Sections 91.70-.73 of the Municipal Code of
Ordinances and R.C. 715.261 and Declaring an Emergency. Mrs. Williams
motioned for passage and was seconded by Mr. Quarry. A roll call vote was
taken. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Glover motioned to
suspend the rules and was seconded by Mr. Sylvester. A roll call vote was
taken. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Mrs. George gave the reading of Resolution 09-564 A Resolution Awarding the
Contract for the Hampton Aldon East Improvement Project to Adleta
Construction. Mr. Quarry motioned for passage and was seconded by Mrs.
Williams. A roll call vote was taken. All members present voted aye. Motion
Mrs. George gave the reading of Resolution 09-566 A Resolution Authorizing
the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with the Cincinnati Public School
District, The Silverton School Local School Decision Making Committee and
Silverton Paideia School for the Purpose of Employing and Supplying a School
Resource Coordinator. Mrs. Garner motioned for passage and was seconded by
Mr. Sylvester. A roll call vote was taken. All members present voted aye.
Motion carried.
Mrs. George gave the reading of Resolution 09-567 A Resolution Authorizing
the City Manager to Enter into An Agreement to Become a Member of the
Center for Local Government Benefits Pool for the Purpose of Providing Medical
Benefits to City Employees. Mrs. Williams motioned for passage and was
seconded by Mr. Quarry. A roll call vote was taken. All members present voted
aye. Motion carried.
Mrs. George gave the reading of Resolution 09-568 A Resolution Adopting the
Rules and Regulations for the Hamilton County Storm Water District. Mr. Quarry
motioned for passage and was seconded by Mrs. Glover. A roll call vote was
taken. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Quarry motioned to retire to executive session to consider the appointment,
employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a
public employee and to discuss imminent or pending legislation per ORC
121.22(G). Mrs. Glover seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. All
members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Quarry motioned to reconvene the regular meeting and was seconded by
Mrs. Garner. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn was made by Mrs. Glover and seconded by Mr. Sylvester. All
present voted in favor. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Meredith L. George
Clerk of Council
John A. Smith
Mark T. Wendling
City Manager