Grade 11 Biology (University) SBI3U EVOLUTION - 2012 Topic 1 2 3 4 5-6 Introduction to Evolution Activity: Timeline Why Does Evolution Matter Now (TB bacteria) Theory of Evolution Lecture: Microevolution and macroevolution H/O- 10.1 Diversity of Life (Answer #1-9 on p.339) Evidence for Evolution Lecture: Fossils, biogeography, anatomy, embryology, molecular biology Worksheets: Fossils, The Fossil Record, Other Evidence for Evolution, Vestigial Organs Developing the Theory of Evolution (Scientist’s Contributions) Lyell, Lamarck, Malthus, Darwin, Gould, Eldredge, Grant 11 Mechanisms of Microevolution Lecture: Mutations, genetic drift, gene flow, non-random mating, natural selection Worksheets: Natural Selection, Sexual Selection, The Founder Effect, Population Bottlenecks, Genetic Drift Microevolution Continued Demo with W/S Flashy Fish Worksheet: Adaptations and Fitness Dry Lab: Peppered Moths Activity – bird beaks Macroevolution: Speciation Lecture: Speciation, Gizmo Activity Worksheets: Species, sympatric speciation, allopatric speciation Adaptations Patterns of Evolution : Convergent, Divergent, Coevolution Lecture, Worksheets: Comparative Anatomy, Patterns of Evolution (Divergent Evolution), Convergent and coevolution Dry Lab: Predicting an Evolutionary Path (nails and screws) 11 Video: David Attenborough’s Darwin 12 Evolution Reading and Report Assignment 13 Trip to the ROM 14 Unit Test 7 8 9 10 Grade 11 Biology (University) Links Video on traits of Neanderthals Fossil evidence for bipedalism Becoming a fossil Are we still evolving? Comparative embryology Why Evolution Matters Now SBI3U