CIS111 - MCCC Faculty Page

Course Overview CIS 111 ONLN
CS1: Programming and Concepts (3 Credits)
Marie Hartlein
This course introduces students to fundamental techniques, concepts and vocabulary of
programming and computer science. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving and programming in
a high-level computer language such as Java or C++. This is the first course for computer majors.
This course meets General Education Core Goal 2: Analytic Skills; Core Goal 4: Computer Fluency;
Core Goal 5: Information Literacy and Core Goal 13: Ethical Reasoning. Last Updated: Fall 2015
MAT 100 or MAT 115 with a "C" or better or equivalent, or placing above (ABV) MAT100 on the
mathematics placement test.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Java programming language including basic
input/output (I/O), variables, decisions, loops, methods, parameter passing, arrays, and
strings. (Core Goal 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3)
2. Demonstrate effective problem-solving strategies and algorithms in the problem solving
process. (Core Goal 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4)
3. Produce well designed and documented programs that are organized in a logical and efficient
4. Apply the basic vocabulary and fundamental concepts of computer science (Core Goal 5.1,
5.2, 5.3 and 5.4) including:
a. History of computing and computers
b. Evolution of ideas and machines
c. Binary numbers and data representation
d. Social impact of computers and the Internet
e. Codes of ethics and responsible conduct in computing. (Core Goal 13.1 and 13.2)
f. Computer science professions and the roles of individuals in computer science (Core
Goal 4.1 and 4.4)
g. Computer Networking
h. Operating System and Application software (Core Goal 4.2)
Gaddis, Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects + My Programming Lab,
6th Edition, Pearson, 2015. ISBN: 9780134047904
(Note: Be sure to purchase the 6th edition with the access code to My Programming Lab)
I recommend purchasing the loose-leaf version to keep costs down. However, the book is also
available in a bound version If you prefer. This book will also be used in the next sequential
course, CIS111B. CS2: Object-Oriented Programming.)
Dale & Lewis, Computer Science Illuminated, 6th Edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2016.
MCCC ISBN: 9781284099591
Amazon ISBN: 978-1284055917
(Note: The 3rd, 4th and 5th editions of this concepts book are less up-to-date but similar. Feel
free to purchase one of these earlier editions to save money.)
Second floor of the Advanced Technology Center – ATC 209
215-641-6315 or
Office Location:
Office Hours:
9:15 a.m. – 12:15 a.m. (ATC 209)
Other times and days by appointment. Discussion group and e-mail are available 24 hours per
day. I normally check e-mail at least one time per day Monday through Friday. I am teaching
several online courses so please specify your course/section when asking a question via e-mail. If
you want to speak with me in person, it is best to call my office during a time listed above. E-mail
request received at 5 pm, will be answered the next business day. Therefore, questions sent on
the night of the project due date will not be answered until the next morning. Do not wait until the
due date to start your work!
This is an asynchronous class which will allow you flexibility within the weekly framework to study
at times convenient for you. Weekly Course Materials and Assignments will be posted each
Tuesday morning. Weekly assignments will be due the following Tuesday evening by 11:59 PM.
(If you have not finished all of the assignment, you should submit the work completed by the
deadline in order to earn partial credit.) Assignments must be submitted by the due date to
receive credit! Students with less than 100 lab points at the end of Week 2 will be reported as
a ‘No Show’ for the course.
The Discussion Board will be available to you 24/7 for the purpose of interacting with the class
and the instructor (posting questions, answers, helpful hints, insights, etc.). Private communication
will be available through e-mail, phone, and/or office visits. The only on-campus requirement will
be the final exam which can be scheduled at your convenience in the testing center on the Central
or West Campus. Blackboard can be access through the link on the MCCC Portal page or directly
at Your MCCC user id and password will be required.
Grading Category
% of Total Grade
Online Quizzes
Final Exam
Weekly Assignments – Projects, Programs & Discussions
MCCC utilizes a plus/minus grading system. Your final grade will be reported as follows:
Quality Points
93 – 100
A90 – 92
87 – 89
83 – 86
B80 – 82
77 – 79
70 - 76
60 – 69
< 60
By attending MCCC, students accept our Academic Code of Ethics and agree as follows:
Students must do all of their own work.
Students must not cheat.
Students will not re-use work from a previous course without permission.
Students must not help others to cheat (if you share your work, you are equally guilty)
If you submit work which is not your own or give your work to someone else to submit, you will
receive a 0 for the assignment. If the offense occurs more than one time, you will receive an XF
for the course and could receive additional sanctions by the College. More details on this policy
and all College Policies and Support Services can be found at the end of this document.
MCCC also offers a wealth of other Student Services including assistance with resume writing, job
placement, transfer guidance and counseling. There is also an inter-campus shuttle, a Learning
Resource Center, Childcare facilities and open computer labs. This is just a short list of what is
available. Be sure to explore the MCCC web site for a more complete list and more details. We
also have several sports teams and a wide variety of Student Clubs. I strongly encourage you to
get involved in campus life!
Plan to spend a lot of time at a computer working on your assignments. It is a fact of life:
Assignments are due when computers break down. Plan accordingly! Don't wait until the last
minute to get your work done.
Withdrawal is allowed up until 11/2/15 (without my signature) and up until 11/19/15 (with my
I will only consider a withdrawal with signature for active class participants with a
strong justification for exceeding the deadline.
After 11/19/2015, an Excused Withdrawal (“WEX”) due to medical, catastrophic or other
circumstances beyond the student’s control must be requested through the STEM
Division Dean with supporting documentation. A review of documentation for an Excused
Withdrawal will occur by the Division Dean and a recommendation will be provided to the
Provost’s Office.
2015/FA Start and End Dates (including finals – 15 week session)
Last day for Complete Refund
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Add/Drop (Late Fee Applies)
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Labor Day – No On Campus Classes or Services
Last day for 100% Tuition Refund Less Fees
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Last day for 50% Tuition Refund Less Fees
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Last day for 25% Tuition Refund Less Fees
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Last Day to Drop – No grade on transcript
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Withdraw Begins
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Thanksgiving Break – No On Campus Classes – Services will be
modified. Check in advance if needed. Workload for online class
will be reduced.
Withdraw Without Faculty Signature Ends
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Withdraw With Faculty Signature Begins (60%)
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Withdraw With Faculty Signature Ends (75%)
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Excused Withdrawal Only (WEX) Begins
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Last Day of Fall Semester Classes
Final Exams Begin
Grades Due by Faculty – 11:59 p.m.
15 week session (start date 9/2/15)
Link to full registration calendar:
CIS111 ONLN - Course Outline (subject to change)
Each week will have a corresponding Assignments checklist which is posted in the
‘Course Materials’ section of Blackboard. The syllabus will give you an overview of the
topic and textbook reading, but you need to check the corresponding ‘Assignments’
posting each week for additional detail on the assignments, specific requirement and
due dates.
Week (Dates)
1 (9/2 – 9/7 – Short week)
2 (9/8 – 9/14)
3 (9/15 – 9/21)
4 (9/22 – 9/28)
5 (9/29 – 10/5)
6 (10/6 – 10/12)
7 (10/13 – 10/19)
8 (10/20 – 10/26)
10/27 – 11/2/2015
9 (11/3 – 11/9)
10 (11/10 – 11/16)
11 (11/17 – 11/23)
12 (11/24 – 11/30)
Thanksgiving holiday
13 (12/1 – 12/7)
14 (12/8 – 12/14)
Course Overview
C1. The Big Picture
C2. Binary Values and Number Systems
P1. Introduction to Computers and Java
C3. Data Representation
P2. Java Fundamentals
P3. Decision Structures
P3. Decision Structures (cont.)
C4. Gates and Circuits
C5. Computing Components
P4. Loops and Files
P4. Loops and Files (cont.)
C16. The World Wide Web
P5. Methods
P5. Methods (cont.)
Computing Careers
P6. A First Look at Classes
P6. A First Look at Classes (cont.)
P7. Arrays and the ArrayList Class
P7. Arrays and the ArrayList Class (cont.)
C15. Networks
C9. Object-Oriented Design and High-Level Programming
12/14 – 12/19
Final Exam – Scheduled in advance with the Testing Center
Key: C denotes Concepts book, P denotes Programming book
Useful Links:
Our class Blackboard site-- or at
Java Documentation--
MCCC Tutorial Services--
General reference (recommended by a student) --
Additional Info on HTML (recommended by a student) --
College Policies and Support:
Academic Support/Tutorial Services: Free subject-area tutoring, academic workshops, and study
skills specialists are available at Central Campus in College Hall 180, across from the Cafeteria and
at West Campus inside the Library at South Hall 159. Tutorial Services helps students develop
learning strategies based on their unique learning styles with the goal of creating successful students
and independent learners. Contact us at: 215-641-6452 (Central Campus), 610-718-1945 (West
Campus) or log into the portal and find us online at:
Disabilities Statement: Students with disabilities may be eligible for reasonable accommodations in
this course. Please contact the Disability Services Center in College Hall 225 at 215-641-6575 to
make an appointment to learn about eligibility and documentation guidelines. At the West Campus,
contact the Coordinator of Disability Services in South Hall 147 (Student Success Center) at 610-7181853.
Early Alert Initiative Statement: As part of our commitment to promote the academic success of all of
our students, the College utilizes an Early Alert system. Faculty may alert Academic Advisors about
issues related to student absence and /or academic difficulty, if they are not resolved through
discussion between the faculty and student. Please respond promptly to any Early Alert notification
you receive through email, phone or mail, as your Academic Advisor hopes to offer you assistance in
resolving these issues.
Student Academic Code of Ethics: The College provides an environment that fosters critical thinking
and judgment. Students adhere to an Academic Code of Ethics by refraining from participation in acts
of academic dishonesty
Student Code of Conduct: The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to guide students to
understand their responsibilities in regard to appropriate behavior and respect for others in the
college community. The policy addresses classroom disruptions and removal from the classroom for
behavioral issues. It also provides the standards for ensuring the College provides due process to
students through the judicial process. The policy and procedure is found
Social Media: All students are expected to comply with the Social Media Procedures and Related
College Polices described in the College’s Social Media Handbook located on the College website at
Student Support and Referral Team (SSRT): The Student Support and Referral Team is aware that
students face many challenges in and out of the classroom. SSRT is a free, confidential referral
service available to all students. It involves a support team of counselors, faculty and staff who assist
students dealing with issues such as emotional distress, stress, anxiety, eating disorders, abuse,
depression, grief, potential violence and substance abuse. SSRT works to connect students with
College and community resources and caring professionals. If students recognize they have
concerns, they may contact SSRT directly for assistance, either by sending an email to a secure,
confidential address,, or by visiting the Student Success Center located in
College Hall at the Blue Bell Campus or South Hall at the Pottstown Campus.
Grade Appeal: In the interest of due process, the College provides an appeal process for a student
who believes that a recorded final grade does not accurately reflect his/her academic performance in
a course due to issuance of an arbitrary grade, inconsistent grading practice, or mechanical error.
The policy and procedure is found at
Veterans Statement: Student veterans may be eligible for benefits and services related to military
service At Central Campus, contact
George Pannebaker, the Military and Veterans Affairs Advisor, in College Hall Room 259, call 215619-7307 or e-mail to learn about education benefits and healthcare entitlements.
Students at the West Campus call 215-619-7307 or e-mail for further information
or to arrange a meeting with the advisor.
Emergency Closing/Class Cancellations: Notices posted on MCCC homepage . Text messaging service/notification is also available at
Anti-Discrimination Statement: The College is committed to equal access for all in this and every
other course offered, regardless of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national
origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status, marital status, or
disability . Additionally, students experiencing gender discrimination, or sexual misconduct of any
kind, should know that the College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn and
will protect your access to educational opportunities on campus. Confidential resources and several
policies and procedures are available to assist you if you are experiencing any form of discrimination
based on gender. These are all posted on our web page on sexual misconduct.
Comprehensive Grading Policy: Students are expected to review, understand, and follow the
College’s Comprehensive Grading Policy and associated procedures which include the Grading
System, Attendance, Administrative Deregistration, Academic Progression, Course Repetition,
Course Withdrawal, Incomplete Grades, Audit, and Academic Dishonesty.
 Students are encouraged to consult with their instructor and/or an academic advisor when
initiating a Course Withdrawal. The instructor’s permission must be requested and received if
requesting a withdrawal after 60% and before 75% of the course is completed. After 75% of the
course is completed, students may apply for an Excused Withdrawal due to medical, catastrophic,
or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Specific dates of deadlines for this semester
can be found at
 The policy, including the full Course Withdrawal procedure, is found at
Credit Hour: The purpose of this policy is to provide documentation regarding the College’s procedure
for determining credit hours awarded for seated, online, hybrid and other formats pertaining to its
programs and coursework as outlined by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The
College defines one semester unit of credit as equal to a minimum of three hours of work per week
for a semester. A credit hour equals 1 hour (55 minutes) of classroom or direct faculty instruction and
a minimum of 2 hours of out-of-class work each week. This policy is found at
Transfer Credit: The College evaluates and awards academic credit for appropriate prior learning that
is equivalent to its courses and learning outcomes in order to assist students in the achievement of
their educational goals. Credit may be received from transfer credit, nationally recognized
examination, prior learning experiences, industry certifications, and reverse transfer. Academic
transcripts are evaluated based upon the procedures established in this policy and through the
guidance provided by the academic disciplines. This policy is found at
Welcome to the course!