
Assignment Cover Sheet – External
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Full name:
Ong chi lun
No 304 block b menara d’sara
If you are submitting the assignment on paper, please staple this sheet to the front of each assignment. If you are submitting the
assignment online, please ensure this cover sheet is included at the start of your document. (This is preferable to a separate attachment.)
Student ID
Course code and title: Public Relations 2 Comm 2037
School: taylors univerity
Program code: OBCM
Course Coordinator:
Tutor: Ms. Manickam Govindaraju
Assignment number: 1
Due date: 25 March 2013
Assignment topic as stated in Course Information Booklet: Media Writing
Further Information: (e.g. state if extension was granted and attach evidence of approval, Revised Submission Date)
I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made.
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I understand that I can obtain further information on this matter at
Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority as a
signed statement.
Date received from student:
Date:25 March 2013
Assessed by:
Dispatched (if applicable):
Sports and Recreational Department
Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus
No 1 Jalan Taylor’s
47500 Subang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
: Mr Ong Chi Lun
: 03-62804911
For Immediate Release
SUBANG JAYA, 21 March, 2013 – Taylor’s University Lakeside assigns Carmen Ng as the new
Head Coach of Women’s Basketball team.
Carmen Ng has solid experience with women’s basketball team at the community of university level.
Carmen Ng was formerly an assistant basketball coach at College of the Hills.
College of the Hills athletic director, Michael Bay says, “I am very proud of her, she is a very good
basketball coach as she has the same goals and aims as the players. She is very serious in basketball
and she puts a lot of effort in her job. I am very happy for her.”
“Carmen Ng has the ability to lead the team and we’ve chosen a very good basketball coach for the
team,” says Ronnie Ong, Sports and Recreational Department Head of Taylor’s University Lakeside.
“She has the experience in coaching women’s basketball for university level. She understands sports
and I think she has the ability in communicating with the team, it makes it easier to reach what we are
trying to accomplish in the future.”
Before coaching, Carmen Ng plays basketball at Joplin, MO. She plays as a center, ranking as the best
center of the year for women’s basketball at the community of high school level. She also plays for the
Women’s All-Star Hoopsters touring team for two years and earns team most valuable player.
Carmen Ng earns her degree in University of Loyola, Chicago in Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
and then a Master Degree in Sports Management in College of the Hills.
The chairman of the Taylor’s search committee, Benjamin Tan receives and screens a total of 115
applications, interviewing five applicants and picking Carmen Ng as the Head Coach, he strongly
believes that Carmen Ng is the chosen one and he states, “We feel fortunate to be able to secure a
person who is so highly qualified to lead our outstand girls’ basketball team. We expect great things
from Carmen Ng, and we know she’ll deliver the goods.”
For the past 10 years, Taylor’s University Division II women’s basketball team has achieved
nationally ranked and participated in many tournaments, winning the title last year. The team will
continue to grow and win more tournaments with Carmen Ng’s lead.
For more information, please log on to
Sony Malaysia
322-324 Level 3
Ramlee Mall, Suria KLCC
Kuala Lumpur, 50088
Wilayah Persekutuan
: Mr Ong Chi Lun
: 03-5629 4320
For Immediate Release
KUALA LUMPUR, 22 MARCH 2013 – Sony Malaysia, the nationwide provider of electronics
products launches the new member of the Sony’s VAIO Ultrabook with a new look and better features.
The new VAIO touchscreen hybrid ultrabook will be released in Malaysia market next week in KLCC
at 11am.
Sony Malaysia’s Managing director, Kikuo Okura presents the new member of the Sony’s VAIO
Ultrabook and speaks about the new technology. “I am very honored to present u this new technology
laptop. This new Sony’s VAIO Ultrabook gives you a different personal computing experience and it
was created in response of consumers’ needs for a laptop that can effortless switch from keyboard
mode to touchscreen mode. This is an enhanced version of VAIO’s touchscreen hybrid ultrabook.”
says Kikuo Okura in his opening speech.
Sir Howard Stringer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sony Corporation says, “ Since the
demand of laptop technology increases by day, Sony has been creating new technologies for laptop.
With only one touch, this technology enables fast switch from keyboard mode to touchscreen mode.
This feature not only will be available on laptops but there will be more on smartphones, portable
speakers and TVs in the near future and this technology will definitely be a cutting-edge product from
Sony. I am really proud that Malaysia now has access to this technology.”
The latest edition of VAIO touchscreen hybrid ultrabook is a 15-inch, touch-enabled notebook. It
features lightweight aluminum body case and it runs the latest third-generation Intel Core processors.
Comparing with the previous edition, the touch support is more sensitive and the display offers more
resolution and graphics in full 1080p HD. The main feature that VAIO touchscreen hybrid ultrabook
provides is a super lightweight notebook with easy and fast switch from a notebook to a tablet.
“If you are looking for something beyond the standard notebook with cool features and convenient to
take it anywhere, VAIO touchscreen hybrid ultrabook is definitely your choice.” says Kenny Choo,
Malaysia’s popular tech blogger.
Jason Khoo, a user of sony says, “I have been using Sony’s product for my entire life, by far Sony
seems to have good quality products and this notebook looks like a really great tablet and laptop
hybrid. I have a huge expectation on a compact and powerful display with smooth touchscreen
Sony Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. starts operating on 31 October 1973 and has expanded largely in the nation’s
market. Sony Malaysia demands high quality products with innovation and creativity and has
expanded into different sector of industries.
For more information, please visit
Mead Johnson Malaysia
Menara Lien Hoe
G.1 Persiaran Tropicana
Lien How Tower Sdn. Bhd.
Petaling Jaya, 47410
: Mr Ong Chi Lun
: 03-7804 7995
For Immediate Release
PETALING JAYA, 22 March 2013 – Mead Johnson investigates EnfaMama A+ milk powder, which
believes to cause diarrhea to three babies last week.
“The problem has been brought into question and we are investigating EnfaMama A+ milk powder
manufacture. We are truly sorry for what happened to the three babies and we hope to find what causes
the babies to have diarrhea. The three babies are now in stable condition and we are willing to help and
support the three babies no matter what. “ says Stephen Golsby, CEO of Mead Johnson.
A senior manager medical specialist of Mead Johnson, David Mores inspects the dairy farms, milk
processing plants, wash station, milk powder plants and everything seems to be fine. He then states,
“Few days ago, my team and I have been investigating the milk powder manufacture of EnfaMama A+
and everything seems to be in perfect state. The press are welcome to visit the milk powder
manufacture, as there is nothing to hide. However, we will have an in depth investigation whether the
milk powder is contaminated. “
Heath Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tong Lai says the specialists have brought EnfaMama A+ back to the
lab and they will investigate the formula of the milk powder. “We are afraid that the milk powder is
contaminated with melamine which is an industrial chemical used or maybe it contains unsuitable
formula that will upset the babies’ digestive system.”
Mrs. Judy, one of EnfaMama A+ customer says, “I have been feeding my babies with EnfaMama A+
for a very long time, so far nothing seems to be affecting my babies’ health. EnfaMama A+ is a high
quality and trustable brand.”
Stephen Golsby adds, “Whether the three babies are affected by our products or not, we are willing to
help them. In fact, we are paying for their hospital bills and we are asking the hospital to conduct a full
body check-up for the three babies. As for EnfaMama A+ milk powder, the production will be
stopped for the moment until all investigation report is clear that EnfaMama A+ milk powder is not
Mead Johnson Nutrition is a company that develops, manufactures, produces and distributes many
nutritional products since 1967. The company aims to nourish the world’s children with their
nutritional products.
For more information, please visit