MH OF UKRAINE DANYLO HALYTSKY LVIV NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY AND SEXOLOGY MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY SKILLS BUILDING SESSION GUIDELINE FOR MEDICAL FACULTY STUDENTS. LVIV – 2012. Guideline made by DSc, associate professor Bilobrivka R.I. PhD, associate professor Panas A.R. PhD, associate professor Kulyk B.V. PhD, associate professor Rakhman L.V. assistant Tsona A.R. assistant Zakal K.Y. assistant Souvalo N.I. assistant Shpylyovyi Y.V. assistant Zavada T.Y. Medical psychology skills building session guideline for medical fourth-year students is made in accordance with valid curriculum (2008) Reviewer: head of a chair of Neurology Department professor DSc Pshik S.S. Responsible for release The first vice-chancellor for science and education of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University DSc, professor M.R. Gzhegotsky The guideline is approved by profile methodological committee of therapeutic disciplines of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (report № 15 13.09.2012) Introduction The program of medical psychology for institutions of higher education of Ukraine is prepared for following specialties: “Faculty of medicine” 7.110101, “Pediatrics” 7.110104, “Preventive medicine” 7.110105, direction of 110 training “Medicine” in accordance with educational qualification characteristic (EQC) and educational professional program (OPP) of human resource development, approved by the order of MH of Ukraine №239 from 16.04.03 and curriculum elaborated in accordance with The European credit transfer system (ECTS) principles and approved by the order of MH of Ukraine №221 from 18.06.2002. Final goals of the discipline are identical and common medical psychology program for mentioned specialties is composed. In accordance with curriculum the medical psychology study executes within the third year of learning. The program is structured to modules, semantic modules, themes according to “guidelines of development of educational programs of academic disciplines” (The order of MH of Ukraine №492 from 12.10.2004) The academic discipline “Medical psychology”: a) is based on examination of general psychology, anthropotomy, human physiology, pathomorphology and pathophysiology, medical deontology and integrates with these disciplines; b) lays the foundations of learning of psychiatry, narcology and other medical disciplines, means an integration of teaching with these disciplines; c) supports formation of skills of using knowledge of medical psychology in further learning process and in professional activity; d) lays the foundations of doctor’s exploration of patient’s psychology, formation of healthy life-style and prevention of disturbances of mental functions in life activity process or caused by different diseases. The organization of teaching process is implemented according to credit-module system of the Bologna Process. The volume of the academic load is described in ECTS criteria - credits that set off if student learns the material of relevant module (credit) successfully. The program of “Medical psychology” consists of 1 module that in turn divides into 2 semantic modules. Table 1 MODULE 1 THEMES’ ESTIMATION. Conversion scale. Traditional marks Conversion points ”5” 20 ”4” 16 ”3” 12 ”2” 0 of marks into Table 2 ALIGNED STRUCTURE OF MODULE 1 TEST: Medical psychology. Practicum IWS 2 2 1 Semantic module 1. General questions of medical psychology. 1.The subject, tasks and methods of testing of psychological state of Individual IWS Lectures Theme patient 2.The personality and the disease . The inward picture of the disease 2 2 2 3.The state of mental function and the disease - 2 2 health - 2 1 5.Psychology of medical diagnostic process 2 2 - 6. Psychosomatic disorders - 2 2 7. Psychological characteristics of patients with different diseases 2 2 1 8. Psychology of family, work, sexual life. Psychohygiene, its categories, psychoprophylaxis - 2 2 9. Psychological aspects of dependent, suicidal behavior, thanatology and euthanasia 2 2 2 10. Basis of psychotherapy - 2 2 The entire hours-45/ ECTS credits1,5 10 20 15 Semantic module 2. Practicalities of medical psychology 4. Psychology professionals of List of lecture topics of medical psychology discipline. № Topic 1 Medical psychology, subject, tasks, 2 development of medical psychology in the world and in Ukraine. The role of medical psychology in understanding of unity of somatic and mental. Psychosomatic interaction, basic theoretical concepts. Mental health testing, WHO criteria. 2. Psychology of personality, modern theories, 2 age specifics. Personality and disease. Inward picture of the disease, types of attitude to the disease and their impact on progress of the disease and treatment. 3. Psychology of diagnostic process. Role of 2 doctor and nurse. Medical deontology. 4. Mental specifics of patients with different 2 diseases, ill children, elderly age people, pregnant women. 5. Principles of psychoprophylaxis, 2 psychohygiene, rehabilitation and psychotherapy in work of general practice doctor. Modern methods of psychotherapy and rehabilitation. Entire Number hours 10 of List of seminars of medical psychology discipline № Topic 1. Methods of psychological research. 2 Experimental psychological methods and their role in psychological diagnostic of patients. Principles of complex psychological research construction. 2. Emphasized specifics: detection, typology. 2 Diagnostic of basic types of attitude to the disease. The impact of basic types of attitude to the disease on progress of the disease and prognosis. Aggravation, simulation, dissimulation, hospitalism. Principles of psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to the disease. 3. Clinicopsychological aspects of cognitive 2 activity and emotionally-volitional sphere. Consciousness, self-consciousness, their rates and states of consciousness of the patient 4. General requirements of personality of 2 health professional. Psychological types of health professionals. Professiogram. Professional deformation, burnout syndrome. Communication in medical Number hours of surroundings 5. Psychological specifics of diagnostic 2 process states. Informing the patient about diagnosis. Paternalism and its role in diagnostic process. the importance of mental set of patient. Conflicts, their progress and prevention. 6. Psychosomatics. The impact of 2 psychological factors on the process of psychosomatic disorders. Conception of adaptation and deadaptation. Classification of psychosomatic disorders. Psychosomatic relationship theories. Psychological defense mechanisms. Psychosomatic disorders prophylaxis. 7. Psychological specifics of tuberculosis 2 patients, patients with AIDS, oncopatology, endocrine, nervous and mental disorders. Psychology of patients in stomatology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, traumatology. The impact of inborn and acquired physical handicap on psyche. 8. Psychology of family, work, developmental 2 psychology, sexual life psychology. Psychohygiene, psychoprophylaxis 9. Psychological aspects of dependent 2 behavior. Suicidal behavior, prevention and early detection of suicidal inclination. Psychology of dying and death. Euthanasia 10. Psychotherapeutic methods in work of 2 general practice doctor. Indications and contra-indications for psychotherapy. Indirect psychotherapy, placebo. Psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to the disease. Psychological support in time of crisis. Entire 20 List of independent works (IWS) of discipline and its control № Topic Number of hours Type control of 3 Line control at practicum Semantic module 1. General questions of medical psychology. 1. Preparation for the practicum – theoretical preparation and practical skills training Semantic module 2. Practicalities of medical psychology 1. Preparation for the practicum theoretical preparation and practical skills training 6 Line control at practicum 2. Individual IWS: creation of the scheme of correspondence of types of attitude to the disease with accentuation of personality 6 Line control at practicum Entire IWS 15 The object of study of the academic discipline The object of study of the academic discipline - final aims are based on EOP of doctor training according to the block of its semantic module (natural-scientific training) and is the basis for creating the content of academic discipline. The description of aims consists of skills. On the basis of final aims special aims for each module or semantic module are formulated in the form of defined skills (actions), missions which secure achievement of final aim of discipline study. Final aims of discipline: - to demonstrate the mastery of medical deontology, to prevent iatrogenia and to correct the aftermath of iatrogenic impact - to use techniques of psychohygiene, psychoprophylaxis and basic methods of psychotherapy in medical practice - - to identify psychosomatic and somatopsychic twoway influence of patients to determine the mental condition and the rate of socio-psychological adaptation of patients with the help of methods of psychological research to demonstrate the ability to communicate with colleagues, patients and their relatives with a glance to their psychological specifics, to promote the creation of healthy psychological climate in medical surroundings Practicum 1. TOPIC. Methods of psychological research. Experimental psychological methods, their role in psychological diagnostics of patients. Principles of complex research structure. AIM: Subject and tasks of medical psychology. Medical psychology as psychological and medical science simultaneously. Theoretical and methodological basics of medical psychology. The role of medical psychology in forming of modern views of unity of somatic and mental. The role of medical psychologist in diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitational process. The development of medical psychology in the world and in Ukraine. The contribution of works of O.R. Luria, L.S. Vygotsky, M.O. Bronstein, P.K. Anokhin, K.K. Platonov, B.V. Zeigarnik, L.F. Burlachuk, V.M. Bleiher to the development of world and national medical psychology. The prospect of medical psychology development. Methods of psychological research: observation, introspection, purposeful psychological interview. Experimental psychological methods, their role in psychological diagnostics of patients. The principles of complex psychological research construction with a glance on age and cultural features of patients. WHO health criteria. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Opening address of the lecturer. 2. Oral test and check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 3. Acquaintance with organization of psychological help in Ukraine and abroad. 4. Acquaintance with questioning techniques, questionnaire poll, observation, experimental psychological methods. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. The definition, subject and tasks of medical psychology. 2. The stages of medical psychology development. 3. The connection of medical psychology with other sciences. 4. Methods of psychological research. 5. Methods of observation and introspection. 6. Experiments (laboratory and natural) and their characteristics. 7. Principles of construction of purposeful psychological interview. 8. Determination of mental health and rates of psychological adaptation of person. 9. WHO health criteria. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY 1. Basic trends of foreign medical psychology. 2. Basic trends of development of modern national medical psychology. 3. The contribution of works of O.R. Luria, L.S. Vygotsky, M.O. Bronstein, P.K. Anokhin, K.K. Platonov, B.V. Zeigarnik, L.F. Burlachuk, V.M. Bleiher to the development of world and national medical psychology. The prospect of medical psychology development. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What is the subject of medical psychology study? 2. What main tasks does modern medical psychology have? 3. What are the basic trends of development of modern medical psychology? 4. The main requirements to medical psychology methods. 5. What is the specific of medical psychology research methods? 6. What is the essence of experiment method? 7. What are the distinctive specifics of natural and laboratory experiments? 8. What is the essence of the method of observation? 9. What kinds of tests exist? What is their essence? 10. Give the general characteristic of methods of psychodiagnosis. 11. What are advantages and disadvantages of each method of research that are used in medical psychology? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 6. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 7. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 8. Konechny R., Bowhal M. Psychologu in medicine. - Prague: «Avicenum». 1983. – 405 Practicum 2 TOPIC. Accented personalities, definition, typology. Diagnosis of basic types of attitude to the disease. The impact of attitude to the disease on further progress of the disease and prognosis. Aggravation, simulation, dissimulation, hospitalism. Principles of psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to the disease, doctor’s tactic concerning patients with pathologic types of reaction on the disease. Additional methods of psychodiagnostics, interpretation of research results. Frustration, deprivation, small psychotherapy. Pharmacophilia, pharmacophobia, placebo. AIM: Psychic structure of personality: temperament, character, intellect, abilities. Classification of temperaments, their role in formation of character. The impact of age specifics and chronic diseases on personality. The definition of accentuation of personality. Accentuation typology, classifications of accentuations of personality by K. Leonhard, M. E. Lichko. Tactic of doctor’s behavior with patients that have accented features of personality. Inward picture of the disease - subjective perception of the disease by patient. Main spheres of inward picture of the disease: sensory, emotional, volitional, rationally- informative. The role of specifics of clinical implications of the disease, heaviness of progress and prognosis. Living circumstances of patient by which the disease progresses. Premorbid specifics of personality (age, sex, character, temperament, accentuation of character, the stress susceptibility degree, social class, orientation of the individual). Types of patients. Classification of main types of attitude to the disease (harmonious, anosognostic, hypochondriac, depressive, neglectful, nosophobiac, nosophiliac, utilitarian, paranoiac, anxiously- phobic etc.), specifics of behavior of patients with such types of reaction on the disease. Diagnosis of basic types of attitude to disease. Additional psychodiagnostic methods, interpretation of research results. The impact of the attitude to disease on further progress of disease and prognosis. Aggravation, simulation, dissimulation, hospitalism. Principles of psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to the disease, doctor’s tactic concerning patients with pathologic types of reaction on the disease. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Opening address of the lecturer. 2. Oral test and check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 3. Demonstrative clinical analysis of patients in borderline state with an assessment of premorbid specifics of individual, determination of types of reaction and their comparison with conclusions made on basis of results of experimentallypsychological research. 4. Acquaintance with experimentally-psychological methods of research of individual. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Psychological definition of term personality. 2. The idea of personality structure. 3. Classification of temperaments, their role in formation of personality. 4. The impact of age specifics and chronic diseases on personality. 5. The definition and typology of accentuations of personality, doctor’s tactic concerning patients with accented features of character. 6. Main spheres of inward picture of the disease (sensory, emotional, volitional, rationallyinformative) and their characteristic. 7. Definitions and classification of the main types of attitude to disease, specifics of behavior of patients with such types of reacting on disease. 8. Diagnosis of main types of attitude to disease. 9. Principles of psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to disease. 10. Definitions of terms aggravation, simulation, dissimulation, hospitalism. 11. Frustration, deprivation. 12. Pharmacophilia, pharmacophobia, placebo. 13. Small psychotherapy. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY 1. Types of higher nervous activity and personality. 2. Psychoanalytical model of personality. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What are the main signs of personality in psychology? 2. What elements of personality are conditioned by its biological nature? 3. What elements does the personality structure consist of? 4. Main requirements to methods of medical psychology. 5. What is the specific of methods of research in medical psychology? 6. What is the essence of method of experiment? 7. What are the specifics of natural and laboratory experiments? 8. What is the essence of method of observation? 9. What kinds of tests do you know? What is their essence? 10. Give general characteristic of psychodiagnosis methods. 11. What are advantages and disadvantages of each method of research that are used in medical psychology? SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 3. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 4. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 5. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 6. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 7. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. Practicum 3 TOPIC: Clinical-and-psychological aspects of cognitive activity and emotionally-volitional sphere. Consciousness, self-consciousness, their rates and states of consciousness of patient. AIM: Clinical-and-psychological aspects of cognitive activity. The impact of a disease on cognitive processes of patient: specifics of sensation and perception of somatic ill people, changes of focus. The impact of intellect specifics on treatment process: infantilism, oligophrenia, dementia. The impact of speech disturbance on treatment process: dysarthria, stammering, autism. Clinical-and-psychological aspects of emotionally-volitional sphere. The impact of disease on emotionally-volitional sphere of patient. The problem of unedited emotions and autorelaxation. The impact of disease on emotional state. Nosogenesises. Morbid changes of emotions: anxiety, depression, emotional lability. Volitional features of personality: self-control, resolution, persistence, initiative, organization and their role in treatment process. Changes of will, inclinations and behavior during disease (hypobulia, hyperbulia, parabulia, abulia, aesthenia). Consciousness, self-consciousness, their rates. Theory of the unconscious. Psychodynamic method in medicine. Criteria of undisturbed consciousness. States of consciousness of patients: during tiredness, sleepiness, affective narrowed state. Specific states of consciousness. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Debate of lecturer and students and testing of theoretical skills. 2. Acquaintance with experimentally-psychological methods of research of sensation and perception, memory and attention. 3. Acquaintance with experimentally-psychological methods of research of emotions and will. 4. Acquaintance with experimentally-psychological methods of research of thinking and intellect. 5. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. The impact of a disease on cognitive processes of patient. 2. The impact of intellect specifics of patient on treatment process. 3. The impact of disease on emotionally-volitional sphere of patient. 4. The impact of disease on emotional state, nosogenesises. 5. The role of volitional features of patient in process of treatment. 6. Changes of will, inclinations and behavior during disease. 7. Consciousness, self-consciousness, their rates. 8. Psychodynamic method in medicine. 9. Criteria of clear consciousness (including criticism, control). 10. Specific states of patient’s consciousness. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. Neurophysiological mechanisms of cognitive activity. 2. The impact of intellect specifics of patient on treatment process: infantilism, oligophrenia, dementia. 3. The theory of the unconscious. 4. Experimentally-psychological methods of research of thinking and intellect, emotions and will. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What mental processes does basis of cognitive activity consist of? 2. What are the specifics of cognitive processes of somatic patients? 3. What is the impact of intellect specifics on treatment process? 4. What is the impact of speech disturbance on treatment process? 5. What is the impact of disease on emotionally-volitional sphere of patient? 6. What does term nosogenesis mean? 7. What morbid changes of emotions do you know? 8. What is the essence of harm of unedited emotions? 9. What are the main volitional features of personality? 10. What is the role of volitional features of patient in process of treatment? 11. Rates of consciousness, their characteristics, fields of consciousness, states of consciousness. 12. How the psychodynamic method explains psychosomatic and somatopsychic interactions? 13. Will training. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 3. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 4. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 5. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 6. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 7. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 8. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 9. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 10. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 11. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 12. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. Practicum 4 TOPIC: Main requirements to personality of health professionals. Psychological types of practitioners of medicine. Professiogram of doctor of general practice. Professional deformation term. Specifics of professions that lead to professional deformation. Signs of professional deformation, «burnout syndrome», ways of its prevention. Communication in medical surroundings, conditions of healthy psychological climate building. Specifics of communication of practitioners of medicine, doctor – nurse. AIM: Main cause of choice of medicine as profession. Main requirements to personality of practitioners of medicine. Meaning of professional orientation in choice of medicine as profession. Important professional features of doctor. Definitions of «doctor’s duty» and «medical secrecy». Medical errors: causes and types. Psychological types of doctors. Professiogram of general practice doctor (knowledge and abilities, professional practical skills) and requirements to personality. Professional deformation. Specifics of professions that lead to professional deformation. Signs of professional deformation, «burnout syndrome». Ways of its prevention. Basics of communications with colleagues, conditions of healthy psychological climate building in medical surroundings. The observance of deontology and subordination. The observance of mental and ethical norms. Ability to empathy and style of communication. Emotional pleasure of contacts between members of a collective. Creating of conditions for self-actualization of personality. Types of communication in medical surroundings: interpersonal, individual and group, collective and individual, group. Specifics of communication of doctors, doctor – nurse. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Debate of lecturer and students and testing of theoretical skills. 2. Acquaintance with routine of professional activity of medical staff of common medical network. 3. Acquaintance with standard clause about spheres of action of a doctor. 4. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Requirements to personality of practitioners of medicine. 2. «Doctor’s duty» and «medical secrecy» terms. 3. Medical errors: causes and types. 4. Psychological types of doctors. 5. Professiogram of general practice doctor (knowledge and abilities, professional practical skills). 6. Professional deformation, «burnout syndrome» and ways of its prevention. 7. Rules of deontology and subordination. 8. Types and specifics of communication in medical surroundings: interpersonal, individual and group, collective and individual, group. 9. Specifics of communication of doctors, doctor – nurse. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. Specifics of professions that lead to professional deformation. 2. Basics of communications with colleagues, conditions of healthy psychological climate building in medical surroundings. 3. Empathy and empathic communication. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What are the main causes to choose medicine as profession? 2. What personal characteristics a practitioner of medicine must have, «perfect doctor»? 3. What professional features must doctor have? 4. How do you understand terms «doctor’s duty» and «medical secrecy»? 5. What can be causes of medical errors? 6. The definition of professional deformation. 7. Ways of prevention of burnout syndrome. 8. What conditions must be to create healthy psychological climate in medical surroundings? 9. What is the role of observance of rules of deontology and subordination in professional activity of practitioners of medicine. 10. Under what circumstances maximum selfactualization of personality of doctor is possible? 11. What kinds of communication in medical surroundings you know? 12. What are the main specifics of communication between doctors? SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. 14. Golovakhina E.I., Panin N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – K.: «Pub. Polit. Literature of Ukraine». – 1989. – 187p. Practicum 5 TOPIC: Psychological specifics of states of diagnosis process. Informing of patient about the diagnosis. The role of psychological aim of patient. Conflicts in medical surroundings, their types. Methods of solution and prevention of conflicts. AIM: Psychological basics of communication in medical process. Communicative competence and its role in effective conflict-free interaction. Functions of communication: informative-and communicative, regulatory-and-communicative, affective-andcommunicative. The role of psychological specifics of doctor and nurse, «ideal doctor» and « ideal nurse». Psychological specifics of stages of diagnosis process. Medical deontology. Informing of patient about the diagnosis. Interaction and communication of doctor with patients and their relatives. Paternalism and its role in diagnosis process. The role of psychological aim of patient. Conflicts in medical surroundings, their types. The scheme of progress of conflict. Conflicts in doctor’s professional activity. Specifics of conflicts between people that act in medioprophylactic process. Methods of solution and prevention of conflicts. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Debate of lecturer and students and testing of theoretical skills. 2. Discussion of new socionics methods of collective work organization. 3. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Types and specifics of communication in medical surroundings. 2. Functions of communication, their characteristics. 3. Communicative competence. 4. The role of psychological specifics of doctor and nurse in progress of medioprophylactic process. 5. Psychological specifics of stages of diagnosis process. 6. Basic principles of medical deontology. 7. Informing of patient about the diagnosis. 8. Paternalism and its role in diagnosis process. 9. The role of psychological aim of patient. 10. Conflicts in medical surroundings, their types and methods of solution and prevention. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. «Ideal doctor» and « ideal nurse» terms. 2. The scheme of progress of conflict. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. Psychological basics of communication in medical process. 2. What is the condition of effective conflict-free interaction? 3. The functions of communication. 4. Your understanding of the impact of psychological specifics of doctor in progress of treatment process. 5. What are main psychological specifics of stages of diagnosis process? 6. What is the essence of medical deontology? 7. Ethical and juridical aspects of informing of patient about diagnosis. 8. Specifics of communication of doctor with patients and their relatives. 9. What is the impact of psychological aim of patient on progress of treatment process? 10. What leading to conflict situation are the most common for medical surroundings? 11. What kinds of conflicts in medical surroundings do you know? 12. What kinds of conflicts are the most common for doctor’s activity? 13. What are the most effective methods of solution and prevention of conflicts in medical surroundings? SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. 14. Golovakhina E.I., Panin N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – K.: «Pub. Polit. Literature of Ukraine». – 1989. – 187p. Practicum 6 TOPIC: Psychosomatic interconnections. The impact of psychological factors on progress of somatic disorders. Adaptation and deadaptation. Classification of psychosomatic disorders. The theory of psychosomatic interrelations. Mechanisms of psychological defense of personality. Principles of prophylaxis of psychosomatic disorders. AIM: Psychosomatic approach in medical psychology and medicine. Psychosomatic approach as the principle of medical activity. Biopsychosocial conception of disease. Emotional stress as factor of aetiopathogenesis of psychosomatic disorders. Psychosomatic interconnections. The impact of psychological factors on progress of somatic disorders. Theories of psychosomatic interrelations: psychoanalytical, neurohumoral, physiological, corticovisceral. Mechanisms of psychological defense of personality. Adaptation and deadaptation. The disorder of adaptation, distress. Classification of psychosomatic disorders. Nonpathological psychosomatic reactions: motor, visceral, sensorial etc. «Big» psychosomatic diseases. Principles of prophylaxis of psychosomatic disorders. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Debate of lecturer and students and testing of theoretical skills. 2. Examination of patients with psychosomatic pathology. 3. Discussion of questions of psychosomatic disorders prophylaxis in terms of specific medical cases. 4. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Psychosomatic approach as the principle of medical activity. 2. Emotional stress as factor of aetiopathogenesis of psychosomatic disorders. 3. The impact of psychological factors on progress of somatic disorders. 4. Theories of psychosomatic interrelations. 5. Mechanisms of psychological defense of personality. 6. Adaptation and deadaptation, distress. 7. Classification of psychosomatic disorders. 8. Nonpathological psychosomatic reactions. 9. Principles of prophylaxis of psychosomatic disorders. 10. Frustration, deprivation. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. Psychoanalytical (psychodynamic) theory of psychosomatic interconnections. 2. Corticovisceral theory of psychosomatic interconnections. 3. Biopsychosocial conception of disease. 4. Adaptive and deadaptive mechanisms of psychological defense of personality. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What is the essence of psychosomatic approach to understanding of somatic pathology? 2. The role of emotional stress in pathogenesis of psychosomatic disorders. 3. How do psychological factors influence the progress of somatic disorders? 4. Your understanding of biopsychosocial conception of disease. 5. Characteristics of psychosomatic interconnections. 6. Tell the theories of psychosomatic interconnections you know. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. 14. Golovakhina E.I., Panin N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – K.: «Pub. Polit. Literature of Ukraine». – 1989. – 187p. Practicum 7. TOPIC: Psychological specifics of tuberculosis patients, patients with AIDS, oncopathology, endocrine, nervous and mental disorders. Psychological specifics of patients in stomatology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, traumatology. The impact of inborn and acquired physical defects on psyche of people. AIM: Psychological specifics of tuberculosis patients, patients with AIDS, oncopathology, endocrine, nervous and mental disorders. Psychological specifics of patients in stomatology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, traumatology. The impact of inborn and acquired physical defects on psyche of people. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Opening address of the lecturer. 2. Oral test and check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 3. Demonstrative experimentally-psychological examination of patients with mental pathology. 4. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Psychological changes of patients with tuberculosis. 2. Psychological changes of patients with AIDS. 3. Psychological changes of patients with oncopathology. 4. Psychological changes of patients with endocrine disorders. 5. Psychological changes of patients with nervous disorder. 6. Psychological changes of patients with mental disorders. 7. Psychological changes of patients in surgical hospital during preoperational and postoperational period, in orthopaedics, traumatology. 8. Psychological changes of patients in dentistry, ophthalmology, otolaryngology. 9. The impact of inborn and acquired physical defects on psyche of people. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. Differentiation of terms «neurosis» and «psychosis» as possible variants of manifestation of disordered mental activity. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What is the most common attitude to disease of patients with tuberculosis, AIDS? 2. What psychological changes happen to people with infectious diseases, tuberculosis, AIDS? 3. What is the difference between neurotic and psychotic rates of disordered mental activity in psychological vision of problem? 4. What is the dominating type of attitude to disease of psychotic patients? 5. What are the psychological specifics of patients in stomatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, orthopaedics and traumatology? 6. What is the impact of inborn and acquired physical defects on personality development? SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. 14. Golovakhina E.I., Panin N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – K.: «Pub. Polit. Literature of Ukraine». – 1989. – 187p. Practicum 8. TOPIC: Psychology of family, work, developmental psychology, sexual life psychology. Psychohygiene, its sections. Psychoprophylaxis. Rehabilitation AIM: Psychology of family, work, developmental psychology, sexual life psychology. Psychohygiene, its sections. Psychoprophylaxis. Rehabilitation. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Opening address of the lecturer. 2. Oral test and check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 3. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Family psychology. Work psychology. Sexual life psychology. Developmental psychology. Definition of psychohygiene term and its sections. Psychoprophylaxis its types. Rehabilitation, principles of rehabilitation. Main rehabilitational measures. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. Psychoanalytic theory of sexuality. 2. Psychohygiene in the light of psychoanalytic theory. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. 14. Golovakhina E.I., Panin N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – K.: «Pub. Polit. Literature of Ukraine». – 1989. – 187p. Practicum 9. TOPIC: Psychological aspects of dependent behavior. Suicidal behavior, prevention and early detection of suicidal inclination. Psychology of dying and death. Euthanasia. AIM: Suicidal behavior, prevention and early detection of suicidal inclination. Suicidal aims and motives. Varieties of suicidal behavior: protest, «appeal», «self-punishment», «refusal». Timely detection of suicidal thoughts and inclinations. The role of special services, crisis hotline service. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Opening address of the lecturer. 2. Oral test and check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 3. Clinical analysis of patients with suicidal inclinations. 4. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Psychological aspects of dependence on psychoactive substances, overvalued drags (gambling, internet-addiction). 2. Eating behavior addiction. 3. Types of suicidal behavior. 4. Suicidal aims and motives. 5. Family and social relations of addicted person, co-dependency. 6. Specifics of suicidal behavior of somatic patients. 7. Psychological specifics of suicidal behavior of addicted people. 8. Psychological aspects of dying and death. 9. Euthanasia. 10. Death as phenomenon, psychological specifics of infirms and dying people. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. 2. 3. 4. Variants of dependent behavior. Juridical and ethical aspects of euthanasia. Suicidal behavior of people with mental diseases. Parasuicide. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What are psychological specifics of patients with psychoactive substances addiction? 2. What are psychological preconditions of overvalued drags forming? What kinds of overvalued drags you know? 3. What are the specifics of addiction of eating behavior? 4. What are specifics of family and social relations of dependent people? Your understanding of term «codependency» 5. Principles of prophylaxis and early detection of suicidal inclinations. 6. Motives of suicidal behavior. 7. What are the specifics of suicidal behavior of somatic patients: AIDS, oncology, inborn and acquired physical defects? 8. How are different types of dependency and suicidal behavior connected? 9. Psychological specifics of dying and death. 10. Conception of euthanasia in modern medical practice in Ukraine. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. Practicum 10 TOPIC: Psychotherapeutic methods in work of general practice doctor. Indications and contra-indications for realization of basic methods of psychotherapy. Indirect psychotherapy and placebo. Psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to disease. Psychological help in time of crisis. AIM: Psychotherapy as branch of medical psychology and medicine. Basic modern methods of psychotherapy. Principles of psychotherapy. Indirect psychotherapy, placebo. Methods and techniques of realization of rational conviction, suggestion in state of vivacity, autorelaxation. Indications and contra-indications for realization of hypnosuggestion, individual or group rational psychotherapy, methods of psychoanalytical and psychodynamic psychotherapy, autopsychotherapy (autotraining and meditative techniques), gestalt psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, art-therapy. Psychotherapy in practice of a doctor of general practice. Psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to disease. Psychological help in time of crisis, specifics of delivery of health care in emergency situation. THE PLAN OF LECTURE: 1. Debate of lecturer and students and testing of theoretical skills. 2. Discussion of questions of psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene in terms of specific medical cases. 3. Creating of plan of rehabilitation of patients with mental pathology. 4. Lecturer’s summary. BASIC THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: 1. «Psychohygiene» and «psychoprophylaxis» terms. 2. Psychohygiene of work of practitioner of medicine. 3. Principles of psychoprophylaxis of work, everyday life, family and sexual relations. 4. Ways of preservation and strengthening of mental health. 5. Basic sections of psychohygiene. 6. The role of general practice doctor in prophylaxis of nososomatic disorders. 7. Social and professional rehabilitation, its basic sections. 8. Basic modern methods of psychotherapy. Principles of psychotherapy. 9. Indications and contra-indications for realization of some types of psychotherapy. 10. Psychological help in time of crisis. 11. Psychological specifics of delivery of health care in emergency situation. TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY: 1. Psychoanalytic (psychodynamic) psychotherapy, basic theoretical and technical principles. 2. Autopsychotherapy (autotraining and meditative techniques). 3. Psychotherapeutic correction of attitude to disease. 4. Principles of biopsychosocial rehabilitation. TEST AND SELF-TEST QUESTIONS: 1. What stages of psychoprophylaxis do you know? 2. What basic sections of psychohygiene do you know? 3. What does psychohygiene of work and everyday life include? 4. What is the role of general practice doctor in prophylaxis of nososomatic disorders? 5. What are the basic sections and principles of social and professional rehabilitation? 6. What’s the difference between adaptation and compensation terms? 7. What modern methods of psychotherapy do you know? 8. What are the basic principles of psychotherapy? 9. What are the indications for psychotherapy? 10. Do the contra-indications for psychotherapy exist? 11. What is the role of psychotherapy in practice of general practice doctor? 12. How the psychotherapeutical correction of attitude to disease is realized? 13. What are the specifics of delivery of health care in emergency situation? SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 1. Vitenko I.S. General and medical psychology. – The textbook for medical students. – K.: «Health». – 1994. – 294p. 2. Vitenko I.S. Psychological basics of medioprophylactic activity and general practice doctor training. – K.: «Basis». – 2002. – 388p. 3. Gavenko V.L., Vitenko I.S., Samardakova G.O. Medical psychology practicum. – Kharkiv: «Region-inform». – 2002. – 248p. 4. General and medical psychology (practicum) edited by I.D. Spirina, I.S. Vitenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Art-press». – 2002. – 175p. 5. Medical psychology (practicum)/Spirina I.D., Lisitsa G.I., Vitenko I.S. – Dnepropetrovsk: «Poligraphist». – 1997. – 54p. 6. Mendelevich V.D. Clinical and medical psychology. - Practice guidelines. – M.: «MEDpress». – 1998. – 587p. 7. Basics of general and medical psychology/edited by Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S. Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2003. – 344p. 8. Polyshuk I.A., Vydrenko A.E. Atlas for experimental research of human mental declination. – K.: «Health». 1984. – 191p. 9. Volkov V.G., Strelis A.K., Karavaeva E.V., Tyetyenyev F.F. The personality of patient and the disease. – Tomsk: «Medicine». – 1995. – 328p. 10. Vitenko I.S., Chaban O.S., Buslo O.O. Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients. – Ternopil: «Ukrmedbook». – 2002. – 187p. 11. Luria R.A. The inward picture of disease and iatrogenic diseases. (pub.4). – M.: «Medicine». – 1977. – 12p. 12. Tashlikov V.A. The psychology of treatment process. – M.: «Medicine». – 1984. – 191p. 13. Topolyansky V.D., Strukovskaya M.V. Psychosomatic disorders. – M.: «Medicine». – 1985. – 380p. 14. Golovakhina E.I., Panin N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – K.: «Pub. Polit. Literature of Ukraine». – 1989. – 187p. LIST OF PRACTICAL WORKS AND TASKS. 1. To have purposeful psychological talk to patients, to make up psychological anamnesis of disease and life, to estimate psychological state of patient. 2. To analyze data got from experimentallypsychological research, to make a conclusion based on analyses of results of research. 3. To be able to define accentuations of character. 4. To determine the type of inward picture of disease and types of patient’s attitude to disease. 5. To form adequate attitude of patient to disease and to maintain it during all diagnostic and treatment process. 6. To differentiate psychological specifics of patients with different somatic diseases, to define necessity of psychological correction with a glance to individual specifics of patient. 7. To give psychological advices to somatic patient. 8. To make tactics of communication with patients and their relatives in accordance to principles of medical ethics and deontology. 9. To estimate and realize the correction of relations of patient and medical staff. 10. To analyze professionally important features. 11. To be able to detect suicidal inclinations.