Learning Goals/Outcomes PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE Program Objectives The goal of the psychology program is to promote lifelong personal and professional learning, which may include continuing graduate education and employment. The program combines theoretical, methodological, and applied topics enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills that enrich their personal lives and careers. The following program objectives were developed based on criteria recommended by the American Psychological Association with modifications consistent with the College mission and specific requirements of Fitchburg State College. 1. Knowledge Base Students will be familiar with the major psychological theories, concepts, and principles of the discipline. Students will have a basic understanding of human behavior that draws upon key areas of psychology. 2. Thinking Skills Students will be capable of using critical thinking and reasoning skills. They will be able to employ these skills to question and evaluate existing assumptions, explanations, and theories related to psychology. Students will have developed the ability to recognize their own long-held assumptions and biases, and be willing to re-examine them in the light of newly gained information. 3. Information Gathering and Synthesis Skills Students will know how to use library resources to obtain general information about the science and profession of psychology. Additionally, they will be able to access information pertinent to the discipline through appropriate reference resources (e.g., Psych Info, and references relevant to providers of psychological services). Students will be able to read, analyze and interpret the primary literature of the discipline (i.e. journal articles). 4. Computer Literacy Students will be able to use a computer for basic word processing and Internet research, and to perform statistical analyses and graphing using SPSS. Learning Goals/Outcomes 5. Research Methods and Statistics Students will be able to design and conduct empirical research, analyze the data, and report the results in accordance with the standard requirements of the profession (i.e., APA Publication Manual). 6. Interpersonal/Language Skills Students will be able to communicate effectively in both technical and nontechnical writing and speech. Students will be able to interact sensitively with other individuals. In addition, they will be able to present an oral argument coherently and persuasively in a group setting. Students will have developed an appreciation of gender, cultural, and ethnic diversity issues. Students will have an understanding of their limitations of their ability to directly aid others with psychological problems. Students will develop an awareness of appropriate referral options for people with psychological distress. 7. History of Psychology Students will be aware of the historical roots of psychology. Students will have an awareness of those social and cultural forces that influence the direction of psychology as a profession. 8. Ethics and Values Students will be able to apply ethical standards relevant to academic and scientific conduct in both personal and professional encounters with others. 9. Applied Experiences Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and ethical sensitivities that they have developed in a capstone experience. Appropriate capstone courses may take the form of a research practicum, an independent study, an internship with a community agency or business, or an advanced seminar in research.